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      Digoxin (Lanoxin)
D- dig level 2ng/ml or greater is toxic 
I- inhibits sodium potassium ATPase 
G-GI or CNS signs indicate adverse effects (N/A for adult toxicity, stomach upset in
older child 
O-output, intake, and weight should be monitored 
X- dont give if pulse is less than 60 bpm 
I- indicated for CHF- a-fib 
N- note K+, ECG, and renal function tests
2.      Epinephrine
N- nervousness (undesirable effect) 
A- angina, arrhythmia (undesirable) 
S- sugar is increased 
C- cardiac arrest 
A- allergic reaction 
R-respiratory bronchodilator
3.      Norepinephrine (levophed)
S- stim alpha and beta adrenergic receptors 
H- hypovolemia- should be corrected before using drug 
O- output of urine should increase 
C- constriction of blood vessels 
K- keep monitoring vital signs every 5-15 min
4.      Nitroglycerin
A- avoid alcohol 
N- note BP and apical pulse before admin 
G- given to relax the vascular smooth system 
I- indicated for angina pectoris 
N-note for postural hypotension; rise slowly 
A- advice client to see medical assistance if pain is unrelieved after 3 doses with 5 min
5.      ACE inhibitors
S- suppresses renin angiotensin aldosterone system 
W- warn clinet with renal or thyroid diseases 
E- ends with pril- captopril (capoten) enalapril (vasotec) 
R- rise slowly to reduce orthostatic hypotension 
T- treatment of htn 
E- evaluate BP
6.      Beta- adrenergic blockers
end in lol- atenolol (Tenormin) 
B- bradycardia 
B- blood pressure too low 
B- bronchial constriction 
B- blood sugar is masked when low
7.      Calcium channel blocker
amlodipine (norvasc), diltiazem (cardizem), nifedipine (procardia) 
B- blocks calcium access to cells 
I- indicated for htn 
L- let client take drug with milk or meal 
L- light and moisture- protect
8.      Diuretics
D- diet; increase K+ for all except aldactone 
I- intake, output, daily weight monitoring 
U- undesirable effects- F&E imbalance 
R- review HR, BP, and electrolytes 
E- elderly careful, evening dose not recommended 
T- take with or after meals and in AM 
I- incrase risk of orthostatic hypotension, move slowly 
C- cancel alcohol and cigs

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