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Ninja Warrior Training Reflection: Week 12

The FITT Principle
Directions: The purpose of this assignment is get a better understanding of your thoughts after completing
your workouts. Be sure to answer questions fully.

1. What did you do for your first Beginners ab and core

2. What did you do for your second Everyday feel good yoga
3. What did you do for your third Intermediate Pilates
4. Did you do any additional workouts this No not really
week? If yes, how many?

Based on your workouts this week, answer the following questions on you applied the FITT Principle:

5. What was the Frequency of your I did it a couple times a week

workouts for the week?
6. Using the 5 levels of Intensity, which 2 or 3 the were workouts are easy
intensity level do you feel you spent
the most time in during your workouts
this week?
7. What was the average Time for your 30 minutes to an hour
workouts this week?

8. What Types of exercise did you do this Flexibility, cardio, ab, and core workouts
9. Which workouts do you think was the Cardio was
most beneficial?
10. What impacts do you think the They made me feel better after I did them
workouts have had on you?

Reflection Rubric
1 = Not yet! 2 = Tell me more! 3 = Good Thinking! 4 = Strong Thinking!
I do not know anything more I was confused after reading After reading your responses, Your responses show you are
about you after reading your your responses. Some sections I have a clear understanding of a highly reflective student.
responses. You listed activities made sense, but some were your experiences. You Each section described what
and used feeling words, but too brief for me to see you. described what you did and you did and how it made you
it’s hard for me to see you. how it made you feel. feel, and you added extra
information to help me see
you better.

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