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CLT Lesson Plan for Grade 7

Peña, Gabriel G.
BSEd-English 3C

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:
 Identify kinds of sentences in various context
 Develop communicative skills
 Compose 4 basic kinds of sentences and use them to communicate

Notion: At the Park
Grammar: Kinds of Sentences
Everyday Language Four Book
PowerPoint Presentations, Laptop, Projector, Answer sheets, Pictures

1. Lead-in
The teacher greets the students, asks them how their day went and randomly calls them to
answer. After which, the teacher shows pictures of the three common punctuation marks, the
period, the question mark and the exclamation point.

2. Elicitation
The teacher asks the student to give sample sentences based on the punctuation marks
that she tells and she introduced the different kinds of sentences, namely, declarative,
interrogative, imperative and exclamatory.
3. Presentation
At the Park

4. Concept Discussion
Based on the picture above, the students will compose sentences based on their choice in a part
of the picture. Each student is required to write one sentence per kind of sentence. The teacher
discusses the different kinds of sentences, how they are formed and their uses in effective

5. Explanation
Based from students’ answers on the concept discussion, the sentences will be used for the
explanation part.
These are the possible sentences:
 Two men are playing basketball.
 What are the things the ladies sitting in the benches talk about?
 Ah! It’s so hard to perform the sit and reach exercise!
 Pass me the ball.
What Are the Four Types of Sentences?
 Declarative sentence
 Imperative sentence
 Interrogative sentence
 Exclamatory sentence
And there are only three punctuation marks with which to end a sentence:
 Period
 Question mark
 Exclamation point
Using different types of sentences and punctuation, students can vary the tone of their
writing assignments and express a variety of thoughts and emotions.
What is a declarative sentence?
A declarative sentence simply makes a statement or expresses an opinion. In other words, it
makes a declaration. This kind of sentence ends with a period.
Examples of this sentence type:
“I want to be a good writer.”  (makes a statement)
“My friend is a really good writer.” (expresses an opinion)
What is an imperative sentence?
An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. It usually ends with a period but
can, under certain circumstances, end with an exclamation point.
Examples of this sentence type:
“Please sit down.”
“I need you to sit down now!”
What is an interrogative sentence?
An interrogative sentence asks a question. This type of sentence often begins with who, what,
where, when, why, how, or do, and it ends with a question mark.
Examples of this sentence type:
“When are you going to turn in your writing assignment?”
“Do you know what the weather will be tomorrow?”
What is an exclamatory sentence?
An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses great emotion such as excitement,
surprise, happiness and anger, and ends with an exclamation point.
Examples of this sentence type:
“It is too dangerous to climb that mountain!”
“I got an A on my book report!

6. Accurate Reproduction
The class are divided in groups of 5 after which, they will create 5 sentences based on the picture
given and its corresponding type of sentence to use.

Declarative Exclamatory Imperative

Interrogative Exclamatory

7. Immediate Creativity
Complete the story below by filling out the blanks with the possible sentences it may have.
Four men were traveling on a train in Europe. One was from Italy. One was from
China. The other two were from the Philippines. Three of them were
entrepreneurs. The remaining Filipino was a lawyer. They started to talk. The
Italian pulled out boxes of spaghetti. They all ate four boxes. The Italian then
threw the rest of the boxes out of the window.
The Filipino lawyer asked him a question.
___________________ The Italian entrepreneur replied,” Oh, we have so much
spaghetti in Italy!” The Chinese too out cups of noodles. They all partook four
cups. ____________________________________________________________
__________________________ The Filipino entrepreneur asked, “ Why did you
those cups of noodles out of the window?” The Chinese answered him.
_______________________________________________ The Filipino, not to
be outdone, thought for a moment. He looked at his fellow Filipino, who was a
lawyer. _______________________________________________. The Italian
entrepreneur asked why he did it. The Filipino entrepreneur answered him.

8. Guided Practice
Identify the following sentences. Shade the box of your answer. D stands for declarative, In
for interrogative, Im for imperative, and E for exclamatory.
1. It’s easy to identify people who are good in Math.
2. They are in front of you in the supermarket express lane!
3. What is the purpose of that thing?
4. He can tell when he is in trouble.
5. Why should you take it seriously?
6. It can be difficult to walk back when you are tired.
7. Give him the key.
8. A lock is better!
9. Everywhere is in walking distance if you have time.
10. Can you please pass the pitcher?

9. Communication
A. Share with me!!
Each student will choose a partner for this activity. Each one must take turns in telling their
unforgettable memory all throughout their life. While one student tells his/her story, the other
one takes down sentences that can be labeled as DECLARATIVE, INTERROGATIVE,

B. Lights! Camera! Action!

Students are group into five. They are going to role-play different scenarios that are assigned to
them. Each group must present for 2 to 3 minutes. Their presentation must have the 4 kinds of
Group 1 – Inviting grade seven students to join the English club.
Group 2 – Campaigning against Illegal Logging.
Group 3 – Ordering coffee in a coffee shop.
Group 4 – In an airport asking for directions.
Group 5 – Guiding tourists to a beautiful hometown.

10. Evaluation
Students are assigned to answer the following activities below.

A. Arrange the words to form declarative sentences

1. feel bad since gone so I you’ve
2. so left You suddenly
3. your You clothes left dirty

B. Complete the following sentences with interrogative pronouns and a question mark.
1. __________ don’t sheep shrink when it rains __
2. __________ come planes have floatation devices instead of parachutes __
3. __________ makes apartments stick together __

C. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. Write your answers on the answer
Staple Sing Investigate
1. ____________ the crime committed by the government officials.
2. ____________ the sheets of test papers.
3. ____________ along at the opera.

D. Here are funny definitions of some words. Explain why they are so daffy!
1. Artery is the study of paintings!
2. Tumor comes after one more!
3. Urine is the opposite of “you’re out!”

……………………………………………. END …………………………………………….

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