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The Meaning Of Home For Me

Home is not a place…it's a feeling.” “What I love most about my home is who I share it with.”
“There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home.” “Home is a place you grow
up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.” Home is where I was raised. Where I
played, laughed, cried, and learned. It is where I grew. Where I became me, a strong, intelligent
woman, confident in myself, in my future and in my past.

I believe that a home is more than four walls and a roof over head. Home is an environment. It
is the feeling that greets me when I walk through the door. It is the people who wait for me to
get home. My home is my rock-solid foundation, and I will take it with me when I leave. I believe
that home is where individuals become themselves, not primarily physically but mentally. It
becomes a mold that forms who they are.

Home for me is made of experiences, moments of my life that helped to change me and to
teach me. For that reason, my home is also people and when home takes on a human form, it is

called family. I believe that family is a relative term, nothing to do with blood, defined by

relationships. No matter where I go in the future, my foundation will always sit firmly in this

environment and with these people who have formed me as a person and taught me how to
live. I know that I can always come home. After all, home is where the heart is.

No matter where I go in the future, my foundation will always sit firmly in this environment and

with these people who have formed me as a person and taught me how to live. I know that I can

always come home. After all, home is where the heart is. By definition - A house is a building
built for habitation where as a home is an abode built for one's family. But a home is something

more special than that. A home is a place, where you feel comfortable. A house is just shelter. A
home is a place that one loves to live in, but a house one just lives in. A home is built with a
family, but a house has no intentions of family life. "A house belongs to you, but you belong to a

When you go through the newspaper, you find many houses for sale. Sometimes at street
corners, you find signs saying that there is a house available for rent. A house is a place in
which people live. It offers shelter. There may be thousands of houses in the city in which you
live, but there is only one, which you call your home. The house which your family choose to live
in becomes your home. The builder only constructed a house. When you moved in, it became
your home. Home is the place where your family is. It provides emotional warmth and security.
A house, on the other hand, provides shelter. Usually people buy a home and sell a house.
People who are away from their home often complain about being homesick, not housesick.

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What they lack is not a roof over their head, but the emotional warmth and security. Nowadays,
every city has a home for the aged. They are not called house for the aged because these
places provide not only shelter but also emotional comfort for the old people. Other common
expressions in English are: There's no place like home, Home, sweet home, and Home is where
the heart is. Nobody ever substitutes the word house in any of these expressions.

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