Access EQL

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Accessing EQL/BPP Learning Media

Students in previous years have found EQL a very useful resource. However, on occasion,
EQL will treat items in a different manner from the lecture classes. I believe that it is useful
for you to gain an appreciation of a variety of methods as introductory accounting students. If
there is something you do not understand, please post a query on the LUVLE site for your
course or consult your course lecturer.

Please note: EQL is accessible from campus labs and also from the student residences (and
via VPN connection to Lancaster network). If there are any problems with accessing or
running the package, please report the details to the ISS Service Desk (In your message you
will need to include details of the package you are accessing, the message on screen/type of
problem, date and time, place of machine that you are using to access EQL. You should
include ‘BPP Learning Media’ in the subject line of your message). You may also post
comments/feedback about EQL on this LUVLE site

You need to have your library card number with you to complete the registration
process for the package.

Registering as a new user

(a) From Internet Explorer, go to Alternatively, there may be
a short-cut on the machine to 'BPP Learning Media' which will take you to the same
(b) A menu of EQL choices should appear on the next screen. Click ‘launch package’ on
the appropriate package from the list (Understand Accounts, Understand Auditing,
Interactive Bookkeeping Tutor, Understand International Financial Reporting or
Understand Management Accounting) Note: do not click on the “admin reporter” as
you do not have permission to access this part of EQL.
(c) Click on ‘Register’
Take care in the following steps because the system will ask you for exactly the same
information each time you log on to EQL in the future – YOU NEED TO MAKE A

(d) When the new screen appears, enter your details:

• Username [suggest use your Lancaster login ]
• password [suggest use your Lancaster password]
• confirm password [i.e. enter the exact same password again]
• First name
• Last name

• Course ID (e.g. ACF100)
• Library card number
• Click ‘Register’ when you are done.
Use the mouse to click on the relevant lesson for your studies. There are arrow buttons to
progress through the lesson (usually placed at the bottom right corner of the screen). There
is also the ability to print from EQL (from the print icon which is usually at the bottom left
corner of the screen), but please be aware that this is at your own expense.
The package is meant to be self-explanatory. If you are having problems, please use the
LUVLE discussion space for your course to ask any questions you have or seek advice from
the course lecturer. Tutors are not expected to support EQL packages, so the LUVLE route is
the one you are expected to use.

Logging on as an Existing User

Follow steps (a) to (b) above

(c) Enter your login and password details as previously and click ‘login’

Please Note: You should use package as directed by course lecturer/tutor. The package is
meant to be self explanatory. If you are having problems please use the LUVLE discussion
space for your course to ask any questions you have. Tutors are not expected to support
EQL packages and so the LUVLE route is the one you are expected to use if there is
something you are uncertain about.
If there are any problems with accessing or running the package, please report the details to
the ISS Service Desk (In your message you will need to include details of the package you
are accessing, the message on screen/type of problem, date and time, place of machine that
you are using to access EQL). You should include ‘BPP Learning Media’ in the subject line of
your message.
If you have any feedback about EQL, please post this on
11/ac.f/eqlcomments.nsf .

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