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RA 8981 – PRC Modernization Act of 2000.

- promote and establish ethical awareness and competency among Filipino professionals
to make them accountable to their public liability
RA 7160-Local Government Code
-Local health boards (LHBs) were created at the municipal, city and provincial levels.
The LHB (a nurse usually sits in the Board as DOH representative.)
The local chief executives have the power over budgets for health, implementation of
programs and appointment of personnel.
Civil Service Law (PD 807) provides for the recruitment and selections of employees in government
service; qualification standards; personnel evaluation system; and personnel discipline). Also
provides that no employee of the Civil Service can be suspended except for cause as provided
for by and after due process.
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (RA 7877). Protects employees against sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is committed by any person who exercises authority, influence or moral
ascendancy over another…by demanding, requesting or requiring sexual favor regardless of
whether or not…is accepted by the object the object of sexual solicitation
RA 8344 (An Act Penalizing the Refusal of Hospitals and Medical Clinics to Administer Appropriate
Initial Medical Treatment and Support in Emergency Cases ) In emergency cases, it is unlawful for
any (including the nurse) in a hospital or medical clinic to request, solicit, demand or accept
any deposit or any other form of advance payment as a prerequisite for confinement or
medical treatment of a patient or to refuse to administer medical treatment and support as
dictated by good practice of medicine.
Magna Carta of Public Health workers (RA 7305) has provisions on the benefits (financial and non-
financial), rights and responsibilities of public health workers. Public health workers include
everybody who works in government health institutions such as hospitals and laboratories.
RA 6425- Dangerous Drugs Act- sales, administration, delivery, distribution and transportation, of
prohibited drugs are punishable by law.
RA 5801- Nurses working in an agencies with 100 bed capacity and/or above and are working in
an area of one million population are supposed to work only 40 hours per week
PD 442- Labor Code of the Philippines
PD 651- registration of birth of a child within 30 days with the Civil registrar
RA 6675- Generics Act
RA 7600- Rooming in and Breastfeeding Act
RA 7432- Senior Citizen Act
Act No. 3573- All communicable diseases shall be reported to the nearest health station and that
any person may be inoculated, administered or injected with prophylactic preparations.
PD 996- compulsory immunization for all children below 8 years of age against communicable
PD 825- provides penalty for improper disposal of garbage and other forms of uncleanliness.
PD 965- requires couples intending to get married must first undergo family planning and
responsible parenthood instruction prior to the issuance of marriage license.
PD 69- limits the number of children to four for tax exemption purposes.
PD 856- Code of Sanitation
RA 1082- creation of rural health units



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