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How to enter your doodle

We’re excited to see the amazing doodles for the 2021

Doodle for Google theme, “I am strong because…”
Follow these helpful instructions to make sure your
doodle makes it into the contest.

Step 1: Print and fill out the form

Print out and complete each field on the form. To be accepted, all
entries need your school info, a title and description, and most
importantly, a signature from your parent/guardian.

Step 2: Add your doodle

Create your doodle. You can create directly on the form or on a
separate sheet of paper, using any materials you want. Keep in mind
that you will later need to attach it to the form with glue or clear tape.

If you are creating your doodle with other materials, you will need to
take a high-res photo of your art, print it, and attach it . Be sure your doodle art or photo fits exactly
in the space outlined on the form.

Step 3: Submit the form

Now get your masterpiece to us! The contest is open for entries until
February 26, 2021 11:59 pm Pacific Time (PT).

Online (Recommended): Scan/photograph your completed form and

enter it at If you’re submitting via
photo, take a high res photo in good lighting. Note that the file format
must be .png or .jpeg. Be sure all 4 square markers are showing
and your scan/photo is clear.

By Mail: Scan and print out your completed form. Send your entry to:
Google LLC, Doodle for Google
1 Market St, Spear Tower, Ste 400
San Francisco, CA 94105

For more info, visit our FAQ at

By signing below, I acknowledge that I am a parent/legal guardian of the entrant
Student full name Parent/Guardian full name and give my permission to enter the contest. I understand that the organisation
that I enter on the content form is the organization that would receive the
technology award if deemed a national winner. The organization will be subject
to Google’s Giving Policy. I have read and accepted the o!cial Doodle for
Parent/Guardian email Google contest rules at and acknowledge
School grade level
K-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-12 address that Google’s Privacy Policy located applies. I con"rm
that the entrant is eligible according to the contest rules.

School or Non-Profit name Parent/Guardian address

Parent/Guardian signature
City, state, ZIP code
School or Non-Profit address , ,
Parent/Guardian phone
City, state, ZIP code
, , number

School or Non-Profit phone

number All fields are required.

Title of Doodle
(10 words max)

Description of Doodle
(Tell us what you drew and
how it represents “I am
strong because…”)

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