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Plan and prepare for maintenance and repair

Learning Competencies

This module deals with the knowledge, skills, and application towards maintaining computer
At the end of this module you will be able to:
1. Plan maintenance and/ or diagnosis of faults in line with job requirements
2. Prepare maintenance and/ or diagnosis of faults in line with job requirement
3. Obtain tools, equipment, and testing devices needed for correct operation and safety
4. Check tools, equipment, and testing devices needed for correct operation and safety
5. Obtain materials necessary to complete the work in accordance with established
procedures and check against job requirements
6. Follow OHS policies and procedures in line with job requirements
7. Check computer systems and networks for maintenance against job/ service order or
instructions and specifications

• Overview on Reservation
• Product Information and Features
• Determining Occupancy & Availability


1. Availability of the reservation is determined and advised to the customer.

2. Alternatives, including waitlist options, are offered if requested booking is not available.
3. Inquiries regarding rates and other product features are responded to according to established

CONDITIONS: The student/trainee must be provided with the following:

• Equipment: computer, telephone
• Materials: pen, paper
• Front Office forms (in MS Excel or hard copy)

• Written Test
• Oral Questioning/Interview
• Demonstration/Role Play

Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 1
Computer Hardware Servicing NC II

Plan and Prepare Maintenance Procedures


Planning and preparing systematic maintenance procedure will save time, money and frustration.
It is a good idea and opportunity to learn the proper care and maintenance of your computer.

PC maintenance is an important topic for anyone who owns a PC. Looking after your PC
properly ensures you of trouble-free use. Regular PC maintenance also keeps the machine’s
performance optimal.

A. Plan Maintenance Procedures for Computer System and Networking.

1. Design a systematic maintenance plan for hardware.

• Monitoring, evaluating and updating plan.
• Place your computer in a well-ventilated area.
• Schedule use of computers for its longer life.
• Move computers only when it is turned off and unplugged.
• Treat your computer properly.
• Maintain your hard disk
2. Design a systematic maintenance plan for your software.
• Backup your files
• Install or secure passwords
• Delete temporary files
• Update antivirus and spy ware

(1) Hardware maintenance is the testing and cleaning of equipment.

(2) Information system maintenance is the routine updating of master files, such as adding and
deleting employees and customers and changing credit limits and product prices.

(3) Software or program maintenance is the updating of application programs in order to meet
changing information requirements, such as adding new functions and changing data
formats. It also includes fixing bugs and adapting the software to new hardware devices.

(4) Disk or file maintenance is the periodic reorganizing of disk files that have become
fragmented due to continuous updating.

Work place procedures

• Identify hazards and assess risk.

• Execution of OHS policies are carried out along with the task.

Following certain procedure is very important to perform a given operation or evolution or in

reaction to a given event. The table below shows different elements and their corresponding
performance criteria to be able to identify occupational health and safety hazards, and assess risk,
as well as follow instructions and procedure in the workplace with minimal supervision. The
students will also be capable of participating and contributing to OHS management issues.
Materials, Tools, Equipment’s and Testing Devices.
(1) A program used for software development or system maintenance. Virtually any program or
utility that helps programmers or users develop applications or maintain their computers can be
called a tool. Examples of programming tools are compilers, interpreters, assemblers, 4GLs,
editors, debuggers and application generators.
(2) A program that helps the user analyses or search for data. For example, query and report
programs are often called query tools and report tools.
(3) An on-screen function in a graphics program; for example, a line draw, circle draw or brush
tool. (4) A software control panel for setting user preferences.
(5) Sometimes, people will call any software a "tool." For example, the phrase, "there aren't any
tools to do that job" means that no application is available to perform the required processing.
Materials Tools & Instruments Supplies & Materials
Protective eye wear Wire Floppy disk
Equipment/Facilities stripper with cutter Compact Disk
Server Computer peripherals Pliers(Assorted) Screw drivers Adaptors
Desktop computers (Assorted) Soldering iron/gun Bus wires and cables
OHS guidelines Phil. De-soldering tool Flashlight Appropriate software
Environmental protection Tweezers Computer storage media
standards Monitors Mirrors Antistatic wrist wrap
Motherboard LAN Tester
Power supply Crimping tool
Network device and cablings Software installer
Hubs Switches L Work bench
AN Cards Printers and Magnifying glass
Scanners Routers Multi-tester
USB Flash Drives Diagnostic software
Server Appropriate software
Computer peripherals Assorted pliers
Desktop computers Assorted crew drivers
Glasses Soldering gun
Mask Allen key
Anti-static wrist strap
USB Flash Drive
Plan and Prepare Maintenance Procedure
1. Prepare/Design a daily maintenance plan for your hardware, given the time allotment of 1

2. Design a systematic daily plan for your software, given the time allotment of 1 week.

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