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G.R. No. 81958 June 30, 1988 It is admitted that Department Order No. 1 is in the nature of a private interests at the expense of the citizenry, there is a clear
police power measure. The only question is whether or not it is misuse of the power. 12
valid under the Constitution.
INC., petitioner,  In the light of the foregoing, the petition must be dismissed.
vs. The concept of police power is well-established in this jurisdiction.
HON. FRANKLIN M. DRILON as Secretary of Labor and It has been defined as the "state authority to enact legislation that
As a general rule, official acts enjoy a presumed vahdity. 13 In the
Employment, and TOMAS D. ACHACOSO, as Administrator of the may interfere with personal liberty or property in order to
absence of clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, the
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, respondents. promote the general welfare." 5 As defined, it consists of (1) an
presumption logically stands.
imposition of restraint upon liberty or property, (2) in order to
foster the common good. It is not capable of an exact definition
Gutierrez & Alo Law Offices for petitioner.
but has been, purposely, veiled in general terms to underscore its The petitioner has shown no satisfactory reason why the
all-comprehensive embrace. contested measure should be nullified. There is no question that
  Department Order No. 1 applies only to "female contract
workers," 14 but it does not thereby make an undue discrimination
"Its scope, ever-expanding to meet the exigencies of the times,
between the sexes. It is well-settled that "equality before the law"
SARMIENTO, J.: even to anticipate the future where it could be done, provides
under the Constitution 15 does not import a perfect Identity of
enough room for an efficient and flexible response to conditions
rights among all men and women. It admits of classifications,
The petitioner, Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. and circumstances thus assuring the greatest benefits." 6
provided that (1) such classifications rest on substantial
(PASEI, for short), a firm "engaged principally in the recruitment of distinctions; (2) they are germane to the purposes of the law; (3)
Filipino workers, male and female, for overseas It finds no specific Constitutional grant for the plain reason that it they are not confined to existing conditions; and (4) they apply
placement," 1 challenges the Constitutional validity of Department does not owe its origin to the Charter. Along with the taxing equally to all members of the same class. 16
Order No. 1, Series of 1988, of the Department of Labor and power and eminent domain, it is inborn in the very fact of
Employment, in the character of "GUIDELINES GOVERNING THE statehood and sovereignty. It is a fundamental attribute of
The Court is satisfied that the classification made-the preference
TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF DEPLOYMENT OF FILIPINO government that has enabled it to perform the most vital
for female workers — rests on substantial distinctions.
DOMESTIC AND HOUSEHOLD WORKERS," in this petition for functions of governance. Marshall, to whom the expression has
certiorari and prohibition. Specifically, the measure is assailed for been credited, 7 refers to it succinctly as the plenary power of the
"discrimination against males or females;" 2 that it "does not apply State "to govern its citizens." 8 As a matter of judicial notice, the Court is well aware of the
to all Filipino workers but only to domestic helpers and females unhappy plight that has befallen our female labor force abroad,
with similar skills;" 3 and that it is violative of the right to travel. It especially domestic servants, amid exploitative working conditions
"The police power of the State ... is a power coextensive with self-
is held likewise to be an invalid exercise of the lawmaking power, marked by, in not a few cases, physical and personal abuse. The
protection, and it is not inaptly termed the "law of overwhelming
police power being legislative, and not executive, in character. sordid tales of maltreatment suffered by migrant Filipina workers,
necessity." It may be said to be that inherent and plenary power
even rape and various forms of torture, confirmed by testimonies
in the State which enables it to prohibit all things hurtful to the
of returning workers, are compelling motives for urgent
In its supplement to the petition, PASEI invokes Section 3, of comfort, safety, and welfare of society." 9
Government action. As precisely the caretaker of Constitutional
Article XIII, of the Constitution, providing for worker participation
rights, the Court is called upon to protect victims of exploitation.
"in policy and decision-making processes affecting their rights and
It constitutes an implied limitation on the Bill of Rights. According In fulfilling that duty, the Court sustains the Government's efforts.
benefits as may be provided by law." 4 Department Order No. 1, it
to Fernando, it is "rooted in the conception that men in organizing
is contended, was passed in the absence of prior consultations. It
the state and imposing upon its government limitations to
is claimed, finally, to be in violation of the Charter's non- The same, however, cannot be said of our male workers. In the
safeguard constitutional rights did not intend thereby to enable
impairment clause, in addition to the "great and irreparable first place, there is no evidence that, except perhaps for isolated
an individual citizen or a group of citizens to obstruct
injury" that PASEI members face should the Order be further instances, our men abroad have been afflicted with an Identical
unreasonably the enactment of such salutary measures calculated
enforced. predicament. The petitioner has proffered no argument that the
to ensure communal peace, safety, good order, and
Government should act similarly with respect to male workers.
welfare." 10 Significantly, the Bill of Rights itself does not purport
The Court, of course, is not impressing some male chauvinistic
On May 25, 1988, the Solicitor General, on behalf of the to be an absolute guaranty of individual rights and liberties "Even
notion that men are superior to women. What the Court is saying
respondents Secretary of Labor and Administrator of the liberty itself, the greatest of all rights, is not unrestricted license
is that it was largely a matter of evidence (that women domestic
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, filed a Comment to act according to one's will." 11 It is subject to the far more
workers are being ill-treated abroad in massive instances) and not
informing the Court that on March 8, 1988, the respondent Labor overriding demands and requirements of the greater number.
upon some fanciful or arbitrary yardstick that the Government
Secretary lifted the deployment ban in the states of Iraq, Jordan,
acted in this case. It is evidence capable indeed of unquestionable
Qatar, Canada, Hongkong, United States, Italy, Norway, Austria,
Notwithstanding its extensive sweep, police power is not without demonstration and evidence this Court accepts. The Court cannot,
and Switzerland. * In submitting the validity of the challenged
its own limitations. For all its awesome consequences, it may not however, say the same thing as far as men are concerned. There
"guidelines," the Solicitor General invokes the police power of the
be exercised arbitrarily or unreasonably. Otherwise, and in that is simply no evidence to justify such an inference. Suffice it to
Philippine State.
event, it defeats the purpose for which it is exercised, that is, to state, then, that insofar as classifications are concerned, this Court
advance the public good. Thus, when the power is used to further


is content that distinctions are borne by the evidence. The Court finds, finally, the impugned guidelines to be applicable 5.3 Hirings by senior
Discrimination in this case is justified. to all female domestic overseas workers. That it does not apply to officials of the
"all Filipina workers" 20 is not an argument for unconstitutionality. diplomatic corps and
Had the ban been given universal applicability, then it would have duly accredited
As we have furthermore indicated, executive determinations are
been unreasonable and arbitrary. For obvious reasons, not all of international
generally final on the Court. Under a republican regime, it is the
them are similarly circumstanced. What the Constitution prohibits organizations.
executive branch that enforces policy. For their part, the courts
is the singling out of a select person or group of persons within an
decide, in the proper cases, whether that policy, or the manner by
existing class, to the prejudice of such a person or group or
which it is implemented, agrees with the Constitution or the laws, 5.4 Hirings by
resulting in an unfair advantage to another person or group of
but it is not for them to question its wisdom. As a co-equal body, employers in
persons. To apply the ban, say exclusively to workers deployed by
the judiciary has great respect for determinations of the Chief countries with whom
A, but not to those recruited by B, would obviously clash with the
Executive or his subalterns, especially when the legislature itself the Philippines have
equal protection clause of the Charter. It would be a classic case
has specifically given them enough room on how the law should [sic] bilateral labor
of what Chase refers to as a law that "takes property from A and
be effectively enforced. In the case at bar, there is no gainsaying agreements or
gives it to B." 21 It would be an unlawful invasion of property rights
the fact, and the Court will deal with this at greater length shortly, understanding.
and freedom of contract and needless to state, an invalid
that Department Order No. 1 implements the rule-making powers
act. 22 (Fernando says: "Where the classification is based on such
granted by the Labor Code. But what should be noted is the fact
distinctions that make a real difference as infancy, sex, and stage xxx xxx xxx
that in spite of such a fiction of finality, the Court is on its own
of civilization of minority groups, the better rule, it would seem, is
persuaded that prevailing conditions indeed call for a deployment
to recognize its validity only if the young, the women, and the 7. VACATIONING DOMESTIC HELPERS AND
cultural minorities are singled out for favorable treatment. There WORKERS OF SIMILAR SKILLS--Vacationing
would be an element of unreasonableness if on the contrary their domestic helpers and/or workers of similar
There is likewise no doubt that such a classification is germane to status that calls for the law ministering to their needs is made the skills shall be allowed to process with the
the purpose behind the measure. Unquestionably, it is the basis of discriminatory legislation against them. If such be the POEA and leave for worksite only if they are
avowed objective of Department Order No. 1 to "enhance the case, it would be difficult to refute the assertion of denial of equal returning to the same employer to finish an
protection for Filipino female overseas workers" 17 this Court has protection." 23 In the case at bar, the assailed Order clearly existing or partially served employment
no quarrel that in the midst of the terrible mistreatment Filipina accords protection to certain women workers, and not the contract. Those workers returning to
workers have suffered abroad, a ban on deployment will be for contrary.) worksite to serve a new employer shall be
their own good and welfare.
covered by the suspension and the
It is incorrect to say that Department Order No. 1 prescribes a provision of these guidelines.
The Order does not narrowly apply to existing conditions. Rather, total ban on overseas deployment. From scattered provisions of
it is intended to apply indefinitely so long as those conditions the Order, it is evident that such a total ban has hot been xxx xxx xxx
exist. This is clear from the Order itself ("Pending review of the contemplated. We quote:
administrative and legal measures, in the Philippines and in the
host countries . . ." 18), meaning to say that should the authorities 9. LIFTING OF SUSPENSION-The Secretary of
5. AUTHORIZED DEPLOYMENT-The Labor and Employment (DOLE) may, upon
arrive at a means impressed with a greater degree of
deployment of domestic helpers and recommendation of the Philippine Overseas
permanency, the ban shall be lifted. As a stop-gap measure, it is
workers of similar skills defined herein to Employment Administration (POEA), lift the
possessed of a necessary malleability, depending on the
the following [sic] are authorized under suspension in countries where there are:
circumstances of each case. Accordingly, it provides:
these guidelines and are exempted from
the suspension.
9. LIFTING OF SUSPENSION. — The 1. Bilateral
Secretary of Labor and Employment (DOLE) agreements or
5.1 Hirings by understanding with
may, upon recommendation of the
immediate members the Philippines,
Philippine Overseas Employment
of the family of Heads and/or,
Administration (POEA), lift the suspension in
of State and
countries where there are:
2. Existing
1. Bilateral agreements or understanding mechanisms
5.2 Hirings by providing for
with the Philippines, and/or,
Minister, Deputy sufficient safeguards
Minister and the to ensure the welfare
2. Existing mechanisms providing for other senior and protection of
sufficient safeguards to ensure the welfare government officials; Filipino workers. 24
and protection of Filipino workers. 19 and


xxx xxx xxx it has in fact removed the prohibition with respect to certain This Court has before it the delicate task of passing upon the
countries as manifested by the Solicitor General. validity and constitutionality of a legislative enactment,
fundamental and far-reaching in significance. The enactment
The consequence the deployment ban has on the right to travel
poses questions of due process, police power and equal
does not impair the right. The right to travel is subject, among The non-impairment clause of the Constitution, invoked by the
protection of the laws. It also poses an important issue of fact,
other things, to the requirements of "public safety," "as may be petitioner, must yield to the loftier purposes targetted by the
that is whether the conditions which the disputed law purports to
provided by law." 25 Department Order No. 1 is a valid Government. 31 Freedom of contract and enterprise, like all other
remedy really or actually exist. Admittedly springing from a deep,
implementation of the Labor Code, in particular, its basic policy to freedoms, is not free from restrictions, more so in this jurisdiction,
militant, and positive nationalistic impulse, the law purports to
"afford protection to labor," 26pursuant to the respondent where laissez faire has never been fully accepted as a controlling
protect citizen and country from the alien retailer. Through it, and
Department of Labor's rule-making authority vested in it by the economic way of life.
within the field of economy it regulates, Congress attempts to
Labor Code. 27 The petitioner assumes that it is unreasonable
translate national aspirations for economic independence and
simply because of its impact on the right to travel, but as we have
This Court understands the grave implications the questioned national security, rooted in the drive and urge for national survival
stated, the right itself is not absolute. The disputed Order is a
Order has on the business of recruitment. The concern of the and welfare, into a concrete and tangible measures designed to
valid qualification thereto.
Government, however, is not necessarily to maintain profits of free the national retailer from the competing dominance of the
business firms. In the ordinary sequence of events, it is profits alien, so that the country and the nation may be free from a
Neither is there merit in the contention that Department Order that suffer as a result of Government regulation. The interest of supposed economic dependence and bondage. Do the facts and
No. 1 constitutes an invalid exercise of legislative power. It is true the State is to provide a decent living to its citizens. The circumstances justify the enactment?
that police power is the domain of the legislature, but it does not Government has convinced the Court in this case that this is its
mean that such an authority may not be lawfully delegated. As we intent. We do not find the impugned Order to be tainted with a
II. Pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 1180
have mentioned, the Labor Code itself vests the Department of grave abuse of discretion to warrant the extraordinary relief
Labor and Employment with rulemaking powers in the prayed for.
enforcement whereof. 28 Republic Act No. 1180 is entitled "An Act to Regulate the Retail
Business." In effect it nationalizes the retail trade business. The
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. No costs.
main provisions of the Act are: (1) a prohibition against persons,
The petitioners's reliance on the Constitutional guaranty of
not citizens of the Philippines, and against associations,
worker participation "in policy and decision-making processes
SO ORDERED. partnerships, or corporations the capital of which are not wholly
affecting their rights and benefits" 29 is not well-taken. The right
owned by citizens of the Philippines, from engaging directly or
granted by this provision, again, must submit to the demands and
indirectly in the retail trade; (2) an exception from the above
necessities of the State's power of regulation.
prohibition in favor of aliens actually engaged in said business on
May 15, 1954, who are allowed to continue to engaged therein,
The Constitution declares that: G.R. No. L-7995             May 31, 1957 unless their licenses are forfeited in accordance with the law, until
their death or voluntary retirement in case of natural persons,
Sec. 3. The State shall afford full protection LAO H. ICHONG, in his own behalf and in behalf of other alien and for ten years after the approval of the Act or until the
to labor, local and overseas, organized and residents, corporations and partnerships adversely affected. by expiration of term in case of juridical persons; (3) an exception
unorganized, and promote full employment Republic Act No. 1180, petitioner,  therefrom in favor of citizens and juridical entities of the United
and equality of employment opportunities vs. States; (4) a provision for the forfeiture of licenses (to engage in
for all. 30 JAIME HERNANDEZ, Secretary of Finance, and MARCELINO the retail business) for violation of the laws on nationalization,
SARMIENTO, City Treasurer of Manila,respondents. control weights and measures and labor and other laws relating to
trade, commerce and industry; (5) a prohibition against the
"Protection to labor" does not signify the promotion of establishment or opening by aliens actually engaged in the retail
employment alone. What concerns the Constitution more Ozaeta, Lichauco and Picazo and Sycip, Quisumbing, Salazar and business of additional stores or branches of retail business, (6) a
paramountly is that such an employment be above all, decent, Associates for petitioner. provision requiring aliens actually engaged in the retail business
just, and humane. It is bad enough that the country has to send its Office of the Solicitor General Ambrosio Padilla and Solicitor to present for registration with the proper authorities a verified
sons and daughters to strange lands because it cannot satisfy Pacifico P. de Castro for respondent Secretary of Finance. statement concerning their businesses, giving, among other
their employment needs at home. Under these circumstances, the City Fiscal Eugenio Angeles and Assistant City Fiscal Eulogio S. matters, the nature of the business, their assets and liabilities and
Government is duty-bound to insure that our toiling expatriates Serrano for respondent City Treasurer. their offices and principal offices of judicial entities; and (7) a
have adequate protection, personally and economically, while Dionisio Reyes as Amicus Curiae. provision allowing the heirs of aliens now engaged in the retail
away from home. In this case, the Government has evidence, an Marcial G. Mendiola as Amicus Curiae. business who die, to continue such business for a period of six
evidence the petitioner cannot seriously dispute, of the lack or Emiliano R. Navarro as Amicus Curiae. months for purposes of liquidation.
inadequacy of such protection, and as part of its duty, it has
precisely ordered an indefinite ban on deployment.
LABRADOR, J.: III. Grounds upon which petition is based-Answer thereto

The Court finds furthermore that the Government has not

I. The case and issue, in general
indiscriminately made use of its authority. It is not contested that

Petitioner, for and in his own behalf and on behalf of other alien existence from the very existence of the State itself, it does not d. The due process clause. —
residents corporations and partnerships adversely affected by the need to be expressed or defined in its scope; it is said to be co-
provisions of Republic Act. No. 1180, brought this action to obtain extensive with self-protection and survival, and as such it is the
The due process clause has to do with the reasonableness of
a judicial declaration that said Act is unconstitutional, and to most positive and active of all governmental processes, the most
legislation enacted in pursuance of the police power. Is there
enjoin the Secretary of Finance and all other persons acting under essential, insistent and illimitable. Especially is it so under a
public interest, a public purpose; is public welfare involved? Is the
him, particularly city and municipal treasurers, from enforcing its modern democratic framework where the demands of society and
Act reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of the
provisions. Petitioner attacks the constitutionality of the Act, of nations have multiplied to almost unimaginable proportions;
legislature's purpose; is it not unreasonable, arbitrary or
contending that: (1) it denies to alien residents the equal the field and scope of police power has become almost boundless,
oppressive? Is there sufficient foundation or reason in connection
protection of the laws and deprives of their liberty and property just as the fields of public interest and public welfare have
with the matter involved; or has there not been a capricious use
without due process of law ; (2) the subject of the Act is not become almost all-embracing and have transcended human
of the legislative power? Can the aims conceived be achieved by
expressed or comprehended in the title thereof; (3) the Act foresight. Otherwise stated, as we cannot foresee the needs and
the means used, or is it not merely an unjustified interference
violates international and treaty obligations of the Republic of the demands of public interest and welfare in this constantly changing
with private interest? These are the questions that we ask when
Philippines; (4) the provisions of the Act against the transmission and progressive world, so we cannot delimit beforehand the
the due process test is applied.
by aliens of their retail business thru hereditary succession, and extent or scope of police power by which and through which the
those requiring 100% Filipino capitalization for a corporation or State seeks to attain or achieve interest or welfare. So it is that
entity to entitle it to engage in the retail business, violate the Constitutions do not define the scope or extent of the police The conflict, therefore, between police power and the guarantees
spirit of Sections 1 and 5, Article XIII and Section 8 of Article XIV of power of the State; what they do is to set forth the limitations of due process and equal protection of the laws is more apparent
the Constitution. thereof. The most important of these are the due process clause than real. Properly related, the power and the guarantees are
and the equal protection clause. supposed to coexist. The balancing is the essence or, shall it be
said, the indispensable means for the attainment of legitimate
In answer, the Solicitor-General and the Fiscal of the City of
aspirations of any democratic society. There can be no absolute
Manila contend that: (1) the Act was passed in the valid exercise b. Limitations on police power. —
power, whoever exercise it, for that would be tyranny. Yet there
of the police power of the State, which exercise is authorized in
can neither be absolute liberty, for that would mean license and
the Constitution in the interest of national economic survival; (2)
The basic limitations of due process and equal protection are anarchy. So the State can deprive persons of life, liberty and
the Act has only one subject embraced in the title; (3) no treaty or
found in the following provisions of our Constitution: property, provided there is due process of law; and persons may
international obligations are infringed; (4) as regards hereditary
be classified into classes and groups, provided everyone is given
succession, only the form is affected but the value of the property
the equal protection of the law. The test or standard, as always, is
is not impaired, and the institution of inheritance is only of SECTION 1.(1) No person shall be deprived of life,
reason. The police power legislation must be firmly grounded on
statutory origin. liberty or property without due process of law, nor any
public interest and welfare, and a reasonable relation must exist
person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
between purposes and means. And if distinction and classification
(Article III, Phil. Constitution)
IV. Preliminary consideration of legal principles involved has been made, there must be a reasonable basis for said
These constitutional guarantees which embody the essence of
a. The police power. —
individual liberty and freedom in democracies, are not limited to
e. Legislative discretion not subject to judicial review. —
citizens alone but are admittedly universal in their application,
There is no question that the Act was approved in the exercise of without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of
the police power, but petitioner claims that its exercise in this nationality. (Yick Wo vs. Hopkins, 30, L. ed. 220, 226.) Now, in this matter of equitable balancing, what is the proper
instance is attended by a violation of the constitutional place and role of the courts? It must not be overlooked, in the
requirements of due process and equal protection of the laws. But first place, that the legislature, which is the constitutional
c. The, equal protection clause. —
before proceeding to the consideration and resolution of the repository of police power and exercises the prerogative of
ultimate issue involved, it would be well to bear in mind certain determining the policy of the State, is by force of circumstances
basic and fundamental, albeit preliminary, considerations in the The equal protection of the law clause is against undue favor and primarily the judge of necessity, adequacy or reasonableness and
determination of the ever recurrent conflict between police individual or class privilege, as well as hostile discrimination or the wisdom, of any law promulgated in the exercise of the police
power and the guarantees of due process and equal protection of oppression of inequality. It is not intended to prohibit legislation, power, or of the measures adopted to implement the public
the laws. What is the scope of police power, and how are the due which is limited either in the object to which it is directed or by policy or to achieve public interest. On the other hand, courts,
process and equal protection clauses related to it? What is the territory within which is to operate. It does not demand absolute although zealous guardians of individual liberty and right, have
province and power of the legislature, and what is the function equality among residents; it merely requires that all persons shall nevertheless evinced a reluctance to interfere with the exercise of
and duty of the courts? These consideration must be clearly and be treated alike, under like circumstances and conditions both as the legislative prerogative. They have done so early where there
correctly understood that their application to the facts of the case to privileges conferred and liabilities enforced. The equal has been a clear, patent or palpable arbitrary and unreasonable
may be brought forth with clarity and the issue accordingly protection clause is not infringed by legislation which applies only abuse of the legislative prerogative. Moreover, courts are not
resolved. to those persons falling within a specified class, if it applies alike supposed to override legitimate policy, and courts never inquire
to all persons within such class, and reasonable grounds exists for into the wisdom of the law.
making a distinction between those who fall within such class and
It has been said the police power is so far - reaching in scope, that
those who do not. (2 Cooley, Constitutional Limitations, 824-825.)
it has become almost impossible to limit its sweep. As it derives its V. Economic problems sought to be remedied

With the above considerations in mind, we will now proceed to retailer. He has shown in this trade, industry without limit, and Chinese ........... 15,356 118,348,692
delve directly into the issue involved. If the disputed legislation the patience and forbearance of a slave.
were merely a regulation, as its title indicates, there would be no Others ............ 1,646 40,187,090
question that it falls within the legitimate scope of legislative 1947:
Derogatory epithets are hurled at him, but he laughs these off
power. But it goes further and prohibits a group of residents, the
without murmur; insults of ill-bred and insolent neighbors and Filipino .......... 111,107 208,658,946
aliens, from engaging therein. The problem becomes more
customers are made in his face, but he heeds them not, and he
complex because its subject is a common, trade or occupation, as Chinese ........... 13,774 106,156,218
forgets and forgives. The community takes note of him, as he
old as society itself, which from the immemorial has always been
appears to be harmless and extremely useful. Others ........... 354 8,761,260
open to residents, irrespective of race, color or citizenship.
1948: (Census)
c. Alleged alien control and dominance. —
a. Importance of retail trade in the economy of the nation. — Filipino .......... 113,631 213,342,264

There is a general feeling on the part of the public, which appears Chinese .......... 12,087 93,155,459
In a primitive economy where families produce all that they
to be true to fact, about the controlling and dominant position Others .......... 422 10,514,675
consume and consume all that they produce, the dealer, of
that the alien retailer holds in the nation's economy. Food and
course, is unknown. But as group life develops and families begin 1949:
other essentials, clothing, almost all articles of daily life reach the
to live in communities producing more than what they consume
residents mostly through him. In big cities and centers of Filipino .......... 113,659 213,451,602
and needing an infinite number of things they do not produce, the
population he has acquired not only predominance, but apparent
dealer comes into existence. As villages develop into big Chinese .......... 16,248 125,223,336
control over distribution of almost all kinds of goods, such as
communities and specialization in production begins, the dealer's Others .......... 486 12,056,365
lumber, hardware, textiles, groceries, drugs, sugar, flour, garlic,
importance is enhanced. Under modern conditions and standards
and scores of other goods and articles. And were it not for some 1951:
of living, in which man's needs have multiplied and diversified to
national corporations like the Naric, the Namarco, the Facomas
unlimited extents and proportions, the retailer comes as essential Filipino ......... 119,352 224,053,620
and the Acefa, his control over principal foods and products
as the producer, because thru him the infinite variety of articles,
would easily become full and complete. Chinese .......... 17,429 134,325,303
goods and needed for daily life are placed within the easy reach of
consumers. Retail dealers perform the functions of capillaries in Others .......... 347 8,614,025
the human body, thru which all the needed food and supplies are Petitioner denies that there is alien predominance and control in
ministered to members of the communities comprising the the retail trade. In one breath it is said that the fear is unfounded
nation. and the threat is imagined; in another, it is charged that the law is
merely the result of radicalism and pure and unabashed
nationalism. Alienage, it is said, is not an element of control; also
There cannot be any question about the importance of the
so many unmanageable factors in the retail business make control AVERAGE 
retailer in the life of the community. He ministers to the resident's
virtually impossible. The first argument which brings up an issue ASSETS AND GROSS SALES PER ESTABLISHMENT
daily needs, food in all its increasing forms, and the various little
of fact merits serious consideration. The others are matters of
gadgets and things needed for home and daily life. He provides his
opinion within the exclusive competence of the legislature and
customers around his store with the rice or corn, the fish, the salt, Year and Retailer's 
beyond our prerogative to pass upon and decide.
the vinegar, the spices needed for the daily cooking. He has cloths Nationality
to sell, even the needle and the thread to sew them or darn the
clothes that wear out. The retailer, therefore, from the lowly The best evidence are the statistics on the retail trade, which put
down the figures in black and white. Between the constitutional 1941:
peddler, the owner of a small sari-sari store, to the operator of a
department store or, a supermarket is so much a part of day-to- convention year (1935), when the fear of alien domination and
day existence. control of the retail trade already filled the minds of our leaders Filipino .............................................
with fears and misgivings, and the year of the enactment of the
nationalization of the retail trade act (1954), official statistics Chinese ..............................................
b. The alien retailer's trait. —
unmistakably point out to the ever-increasing dominance and
control by the alien of the retail trade, as witness the following Others ...............................................
The alien retailer must have started plying his trades in this tables:
country in the bigger centers of population (Time there was when 1947:
he was unknown in provincial towns and villages). Slowly but
gradually be invaded towns and villages; now he predominates in Assets Filipino .............................................
the cities and big centers of population. He even pioneers, in far Year and Retailers No.-
away nooks where the beginnings of community life appear, Pesos
Nationality Establishments Chinese ...........................................
ministering to the daily needs of the residents and purchasing
their agricultural produce for sale in the towns. It is an undeniable Others ..............................................
fact that in many communities the alien has replaced the native Filipino .......... 106,671 200,323,138

d. Alien control and threat, subject of apprehension in the street also believes, and fears, alien predominance and
1948: (Census)
Constitutional convention. — control; so our newspapers, which have editorially pointed out
not only to control but to alien stranglehold. We, therefore, find
Filipino ............................................. alien domination and control to be a fact, a reality proved by
It is this domination and control, which we believe has been
official statistics, and felt by all the sections and groups that
Chinese ............................................. sufficiently shown to exist, that is the legislature's target in the
compose the Filipino community.
enactment of the disputed nationalization would never have been
Others .............................................. adopted. The framers of our Constitution also believed in the
existence of this alien dominance and control when they e. Dangers of alien control and dominance in retail. —
approved a resolution categorically declaring among other things,
that "it is the sense of the Convention that the public interest
But the dangers arising from alien participation in the retail trade
requires the nationalization of the retail trade; . . . ." (II Aruego,
Filipino ............................................. does not seem to lie in the predominance alone; there is a
The Framing of the Philippine Constitution, 662-663, quoted on
prevailing feeling that such predominance may truly endanger the
page 67 of Petitioner.) That was twenty-two years ago; and the
Chinese .............................................. national interest. With ample capital, unity of purpose and action
events since then have not been either pleasant or comforting.
and thorough organization, alien retailers and merchants can act
Dean Sinco of the University of the Philippines College of Law,
Others .............................................. in such complete unison and concert on such vital matters as the
commenting on the patrimony clause of the Preamble opines that
fixing of prices, the determination of the amount of goods or
the fathers of our Constitution were merely translating the
1951: articles to be made available in the market, and even the choice
general preoccupation of Filipinos "of the dangers from alien
of the goods or articles they would or would not patronize or
interests that had already brought under their control the
Filipino ............................................. distribute, that fears of dislocation of the national economy and
commercial and other economic activities of the country" (Sinco,
of the complete subservience of national economy and of the
Phil. Political Law, 10th ed., p. 114); and analyzing the concern of
consuming public are not entirely unfounded. Nationals,
Chinese ............................................. the members of the constitutional convention for the economic
producers and consumers alike can be placed completely at their
life of the citizens, in connection with the nationalistic provisions
mercy. This is easily illustrated. Suppose an article of daily use is
Others ............................................... of the Constitution, he says:
desired to be prescribed by the aliens, because the producer or
importer does not offer them sufficient profits, or because a new
But there has been a general feeling that alien competing article offers bigger profits for its introduction. All that
(Estimated Assets and Gross Sales of Retail
dominance over the economic life of the country is not aliens would do is to agree to refuse to sell the first article,
Establishments, By Year and Nationality of Owners,
desirable and that if such a situation should remain, eliminating it from their stocks, offering the new one as a
Benchmark: 1948 Census, issued by the Bureau of
political independence alone is no guarantee to substitute. Hence, the producers or importers of the prescribed
Census and Statistics, Department of Commerce and
national stability and strength. Filipino private capital is article, or its consumers, find the article suddenly out of the
Industry; pp. 18-19 of Answer.)
not big enough to wrest from alien hands the control prescribed article, or its consumers, find the article suddenly out
of the national economy. Moreover, it is but of recent of circulation. Freedom of trade is thus curtailed and free
The above statistics do not include corporations and partnerships, formation and hence, largely inexperienced, timid and enterprise correspondingly suppressed.
while the figures on Filipino establishments already include mere hesitant. Under such conditions, the government as
market vendors, whose capital is necessarily small.. the instrumentality of the national will, has to step in
We can even go farther than theoretical illustrations to show the
and assume the initiative, if not the leadership, in the
pernicious influences of alien domination. Grave abuses have
The above figures reveal that in percentage distribution of assests struggle for the economic freedom of the nation in
characterized the exercise of the retail trade by aliens. It is a fact
and gross sales, alien participation has steadily increased during somewhat the same way that it did in the crusade for
within judicial notice, which courts of justice may not properly
the years. It is true, of course, that Filipinos have the edge in the political freedom. Thus . . . it (the Constitution)
overlook or ignore in the interests of truth and justice, that there
number of retailers, but aliens more than make up for the envisages an organized movement for the protection
exists a general feeling on the part of the public that alien
numerical gap through their assests and gross sales which average of the nation not only against the possibilities of armed
participation in the retail trade has been attended by a pernicious
between six and seven times those of the very many Filipino invasion but also against its economic subjugation by
and intolerable practices, the mention of a few of which would
retailers. Numbers in retailers, here, do not imply superiority; the alien interests in the economic field. (Phil. Political Law
suffice for our purposes; that at some time or other they have
alien invests more capital, buys and sells six to seven times more, by Sinco, 10th ed., p. 476.)
cornered the market of essential commodities, like corn and rice,
and gains much more. The same official report, pointing out to the creating artificial scarcities to justify and enhance profits to
known predominance of foreign elements in the retail trade, Belief in the existence of alien control and predominance is felt in unreasonable proportions; that they have hoarded essential foods
remarks that the Filipino retailers were largely engaged in minor other quarters. Filipino businessmen, manufacturers and to the inconvenience and prejudice of the consuming public, so
retailer enterprises. As observed by respondents, the native producers believe so; they fear the dangers coming from alien much so that the Government has had to establish the National
investment is thinly spread, and the Filipino retailer is practically control, and they express sentiments of economic independence. Rice and Corn Corporation to save the public from their
helpless in matters of capital, credit, price and supply. Witness thereto is Resolution No. 1, approved on July 18, 1953, of continuous hoarding practices and tendencies; that they have
the Fifth National convention of Filipino Businessmen, and a violated price control laws, especially on foods and essential
similar resolution, approved on March 20, 1954, of the Second commodities, such that the legislature had to enact a law (Sec. 9,
National Convention of Manufacturers and Producers. The man in Republic Act No. 1168), authorizing their immediate and

automatic deportation for price control convictions; that they alienage is the root and cause of the distinction between the alien classification is patently unreasonable and unfounded, it is in duty
have secret combinations among themselves to control prices, and the national as a trader. The alien resident owes allegiance to bound to declare that the legislature acted within its legitimate
cheating the operation of the law of supply and demand; that the country of his birth or his adopted country; his stay here is for prerogative and it can not declare that the act transcends the limit
they have connived to boycott honest merchants and traders who personal convenience; he is attracted by the lure of gain and of equal protection established by the Constitution.
would not cater or yield to their demands, in unlawful restraint of profit. His aim or purpose of stay, we admit, is neither illegitimate
freedom of trade and enterprise. They are believed by the public nor immoral, but he is naturally lacking in that spirit of loyalty and
Broadly speaking, the power of the legislature to make
to have evaded tax laws, smuggled goods and money into and out enthusiasm for this country where he temporarily stays and
distinctions and classifications among persons is not curtailed or
of the land, violated import and export prohibitions, control laws makes his living, or of that spirit of regard, sympathy and
denied by the equal protection of the laws clause. The legislative
and the like, in derision and contempt of lawful authority. It is also consideration for his Filipino customers as would prevent him
power admits of a wide scope of discretion, and a law can be
believed that they have engaged in corrupting public officials with from taking advantage of their weakness and exploiting them. The
violative of the constitutional limitation only when the
fabulous bribes, indirectly causing the prevalence of graft and faster he makes his pile, the earlier can the alien go back to his
classification is without reasonable basis. In addition to the
corruption in the Government. As a matter of fact appeals to beloved country and his beloved kin and countrymen. The
authorities we have earlier cited, we can also refer to the case
unscrupulous aliens have been made both by the Government experience of the country is that the alien retailer has shown such
of Linsey vs. Natural Carbonic Fas Co. (1911), 55 L. ed., 369, which
and by their own lawful diplomatic representatives, action which utter disregard for his customers and the people on whom he
clearly and succinctly defined the application of equal protection
impliedly admits a prevailing feeling about the existence of many makes his profit, that it has been found necessary to adopt the
clause to a law sought to be voided as contrary thereto:
of the above practices. legislation, radical as it may seem.

. . . . "1. The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth

The circumstances above set forth create well founded fears that Another objection to the alien retailer in this country is that he
Amendment does not take from the state the power to
worse things may come in the future. The present dominance of never really makes a genuine contribution to national income and
classify in the adoption of police laws, but admits of
the alien retailer, especially in the big centers of population, wealth. He undoubtedly contributes to general distribution, but
the exercise of the wide scope of discretion in that
therefore, becomes a potential source of danger on occasions of the gains and profits he makes are not invested in industries that
regard, and avoids what is done only when it is without
war or other calamity. We do not have here in this country would help the country's economy and increase national wealth.
any reasonable basis, and therefore is purely arbitrary.
isolated groups of harmless aliens retailing goods among The alien's interest in this country being merely transient and
2. A classification having some reasonable basis does
nationals; what we have are well organized and powerful groups temporary, it would indeed be ill-advised to continue entrusting
not offend against that clause merely because it is not
that dominate the distribution of goods and commodities in the the very important function of retail distribution to his hands.
made with mathematical nicety, or because in practice
communities and big centers of population. They owe no
it results in some inequality. 3. When the classification
allegiance or loyalty to the State, and the State cannot rely upon
The practices resorted to by aliens in the control of distribution, in such a law is called in question, if any state of facts
them in times of crisis or emergency. While the national holds his
as already pointed out above, their secret manipulations of stocks reasonably can be conceived that would sustain it, the
life, his person and his property subject to the needs of his
of commodities and prices, their utter disregard of the welfare of existence of that state of facts at the time the law was
country, the alien may even become the potential enemy of the
their customers and of the ultimate happiness of the people of enacted must be assumed. 4. One who assails the
the nation of which they are mere guests, which practices, classification in such a law must carry the burden of
manipulations and disregard do not attend the exercise of the showing that it does not rest upon any reasonable
f. Law enacted in interest of national economic survival and trade by the nationals, show the existence of real and actual, basis but is essentially arbitrary."
security. — positive and fundamental differences between an alien and a
national which fully justify the legislative classification adopted in
c. Authorities recognizing citizenship as basis for classification. —
the retail trade measure. These differences are certainly a valid
We are fully satisfied upon a consideration of all the facts and
reason for the State to prefer the national over the alien in the
circumstances that the disputed law is not the product of racial
retail trade. We would be doing violence to fact and reality were The question as to whether or not citizenship is a legal and valid
hostility, prejudice or discrimination, but the expression of the
we to hold that no reason or ground for a legitimate distinction ground for classification has already been affirmatively decided in
legitimate desire and determination of the people, thru their
can be found between one and the other. this jurisdiction as well as in various courts in the United States. In
authorized representatives, to free the nation from the economic
the case of Smith Bell & Co. vs. Natividad, 40 Phil. 136, where the
situation that has unfortunately been saddled upon it rightly or
validity of Act No. 2761 of the Philippine Legislature was in issue,
wrongly, to its disadvantage. The law is clearly in the interest of b. Difference in alien aims and purposes sufficient basis for
because of a condition therein limiting the ownership of vessels
the public, nay of the national security itself, and indisputably falls distinction. —
engaged in coastwise trade to corporations formed by citizens of
within the scope of police power, thru which and by which the
the Philippine Islands or the United States, thus denying the right
State insures its existence and security and the supreme welfare
The above objectionable characteristics of the exercise of the to aliens, it was held that the Philippine Legislature did not violate
of its citizens.
retail trade by the aliens, which are actual and real, furnish the equal protection clause of the Philippine Bill of Rights. The
sufficient grounds for legislative classification of retail traders into legislature in enacting the law had as ultimate purpose the
VI. The Equal Protection Limitation nationals and aliens. Some may disagree with the wisdom of the encouragement of Philippine shipbuilding and the safety for these
legislature's classification. To this we answer, that this is the Islands from foreign interlopers. We held that this was a valid
prerogative of the law-making power. Since the Court finds that exercise of the police power, and all presumptions are in favor of
a. Objections to alien participation in retail trade. — The next
the classification is actual, real and reasonable, and all persons of its constitutionality. In substance, we held that the limitation of
question that now poses solution is, Does the law deny the equal
one class are treated alike, and as it cannot be said that the domestic ownership of vessels engaged in coastwise trade to
protection of the laws? As pointed out above, the mere fact of

citizens of the Philippines does not violate the equal protection of hatred, or in hospitality, or a deliberate purpose to discriminate, It is true that some decisions of the Federal court and of the State
the law and due process or law clauses of the Philippine Bill of but was based on the belief that an alien cannot be sufficiently courts in the United States hold that the distinction between
Rights. In rendering said decision we quoted with approval the acquainted with "our institutions and our life as to enable him to aliens and citizens is not a valid ground for classification. But in
concurring opinion of Justice Johnson in the case of Gibbons vs. appreciate the relation of this particular business to our entire this decision the laws declared invalid were found to be either
Ogden, 9 Wheat., I, as follows: social fabric", and was not, therefore, invalid. In Ohio ex arbitrary, unreasonable or capricious, or were the result or
rel. Clarke vs. Deckebach, 274 U. S. 392, 71 L. ed. 115 (1926), the product of racial antagonism and hostility, and there was no
U.S. Supreme Court had under consideration an ordinance of the question of public interest involved or pursued. In Yu Cong Eng vs.
"Licensing acts, in fact, in legislation, are universally
city of Cincinnati prohibiting the issuance of licenses (pools and Trinidad, 70 L. ed. 1059 (1925), the United States Supreme Court
restraining acts; as, for example, acts licensing gaming
billiard rooms) to aliens. It held that plainly irrational declared invalid a Philippine law making unlawful the keeping of
houses, retailers of spirituous liquors, etc. The act, in
discrimination against aliens is prohibited, but it does not follow books of account in any language other than English, Spanish or
this instance, is distinctly of that character, and forms
that alien race and allegiance may not bear in some instances any other local dialect, but the main reasons for the decisions are:
part of an extensive system, the object of which is to
such a relation to a legitimate object of legislation as to be made (1) that if Chinese were driven out of business there would be no
encourage American shipping, and place them on an
the basis of permitted classification, and that it could not state other system of distribution, and (2) that the Chinese would fall
equal footing with the shipping of other nations.
that the legislation is clearly wrong; and that latitude must be prey to all kinds of fraud, because they would be deprived of their
Almost every commercial nation reserves to its own
allowed for the legislative appraisement of local conditions and right to be advised of their business and to direct its conduct. The
subjects a monopoly of its coasting trade; and a
for the legislative choice of methods for controlling an real reason for the decision, therefore, is the court's belief that no
countervailing privilege in favor of American shipping is
apprehended evil. The case of State vs. Carrol, 124 N. E. 129 public benefit would be derived from the operations of the law
contemplated, in the whole legislation of the United
(Ohio, 1919) is a parallel case to the one at bar. In Asakura vs. City and on the other hand it would deprive Chinese of something
States on this subject. It is not to give the vessel an
of Seattle, 210 P. 30 (Washington, 1922), the business of pawn indispensable for carrying on their business. In Yick Wo vs.
American character, that the license is granted; that
brooking was considered as having tendencies injuring public Hopkins, 30 L. ed 220 (1885) an ordinance conferring powers on
effect has been correctly attributed to the act of her
interest, and limiting it to citizens is within the scope of police officials to withhold consent in the operation of laundries both as
enrollment. But it is to confer on her American
power. A similar statute denying aliens the right to engage in to persons and place, was declared invalid, but the court said that
privileges, as contra distinguished from foreign; and to
auctioneering was also sustained in Wright vs. May, L.R.A., 1915 the power granted was arbitrary, that there was no reason for the
preserve the Government from fraud by foreigners; in
P. 151 (Minnesota, 1914). So also in Anton vs. Van Winkle, 297 F. discrimination which attended the administration and
surreptitiously intruding themselves into the American
340 (Oregon, 1924), the court said that aliens are judicially known implementation of the law, and that the motive thereof was mere
commercial marine, as well as frauds upon the revenue
to have different interests, knowledge, attitude, psychology and racial hostility. In State vs. Montgomery, 47 A. 165 (Maine, 1900),
in the trade coastwise, that this whole system is
loyalty, hence the prohibitions of issuance of licenses to them for a law prohibiting aliens to engage as hawkers and peddlers was
the business of pawnbroker, pool, billiard, card room, dance hall, declared void, because the discrimination bore no reasonable and
is not an infringement of constitutional rights. In Templar vs. just relation to the act in respect to which the classification was
The rule in general is as follows: Michigan State Board of Examiners, 90 N.W. 1058 (Michigan, proposed.
1902), a law prohibiting the licensing of aliens as barbers was held
Aliens are under no special constitutional protection void, but the reason for the decision was the court's findings that
The case at bar is radically different, and the facts make them so.
which forbids a classification otherwise justified simply the exercise of the business by the aliens does not in any way
As we already have said, aliens do not naturally possess the
because the limitation of the class falls along the lines affect the morals, the health, or even the convenience of the
sympathetic consideration and regard for the customers with
of nationality. That would be requiring a higher degree community. In Takahashi vs. Fish and Game Commission, 92 L. ed.
whom they come in daily contact, nor the patriotic desire to help
of protection for aliens as a class than for similar 1479 (1947), a California statute banning the issuance of
bolster the nation's economy, except in so far as it enhances their
classes than for similar classes of American citizens. commercial fishing licenses to person ineligible to citizenship was
profit, nor the loyalty and allegiance which the national owes to
Broadly speaking, the difference in status between held void, because the law conflicts with Federal power over
the land. These limitations on the qualifications of the aliens have
citizens and aliens constitutes a basis for reasonable immigration, and because there is no public interest in the mere
been shown on many occasions and instances, especially in times
classification in the exercise of police power. (2 Am., claim of ownership of the waters and the fish in them, so there
of crisis and emergency. We can do no better than borrow the
Jur. 468-469.) was no adequate justification for the discrimination. It further
language of Anton vs. Van Winkle, 297 F. 340, 342, to drive home
added that the law was the outgrowth of antagonism toward the
the reality and significance of the distinction between the alien
persons of Japanese ancestry. However, two Justices dissented on
In Commonwealth vs. Hana, 81 N. E. 149 (Massachusetts, 1907), a and the national, thus:
the theory that fishing rights have been treated traditionally as
statute on the licensing of hawkers and peddlers, which provided natural resources. In Fraser vs. McConway & Tarley Co., 82 Fed.
that no one can obtain a license unless he is, or has declared his 257 (Pennsylvania, 1897), a state law which imposed a tax on . . . . It may be judicially known, however, that alien
intention, to become a citizen of the United States, was held valid, every employer of foreign-born unnaturalized male persons over coming into this country are without the intimate
for the following reason: It may seem wise to the legislature to 21 years of age, was declared void because the court found that knowledge of our laws, customs, and usages that our
limit the business of those who are supposed to have regard for there was no reason for the classification and the tax was an own people have. So it is likewise known that certain
the welfare, good order and happiness of the community, and the arbitrary deduction from the daily wage of an employee. classes of aliens are of different psychology from our
court cannot question this judgment and conclusion. fellow countrymen. Furthermore, it is natural and
In Bloomfield vs. State, 99 N. E. 309 (Ohio, 1912), a statute which reasonable to suppose that the foreign born, whose
prevented certain persons, among them aliens, from engaging in d. Authorities contra explained. —
allegiance is first to their own country, and whose
the traffic of liquors, was found not to be the result of race ideals of governmental environment and control have

been engendered and formed under entirely different restriction it imposes on rights secured to individuals been so grossly abused by the alien, thru the illegitimate use of
regimes and political systems, have not the same by the Bill of Rights are unreasonable, and not whether pernicious designs and practices, that he now enjoys a
inspiration for the public weal, nor are they as well it imposes any restrictions on such rights. . . . monopolistic control of the occupation and threatens a deadly
disposed toward the United States, as those who by stranglehold on the nation's economy endangering the national
citizenship, are a part of the government itself. Further security in times of crisis and emergency.
xxx     xxx     xxx
enlargement, is unnecessary. I have said enough so
that obviously it cannot be affirmed with absolute
The real question at issue, therefore, is not that posed by
confidence that the Legislature was without plausible . . . . A statute to be within this power must also be
petitioner, which overlooks and ignores the facts and
reason for making the classification, and therefore reasonable in its operation upon the persons whom it
circumstances, but this, Is the exclusion in the future of aliens
appropriate discriminations against aliens as it relates affects, must not be for the annoyance of a particular
from the retail trade unreasonable. Arbitrary capricious, taking
to the subject of legislation. . . . . class, and must not be unduly oppressive. (11 Am. Jur.
into account the illegitimate and pernicious form and manner in
Sec. 302., 1:1)- 1074-1075.)
which the aliens have heretofore engaged therein? As thus
VII. The Due Process of Law Limitation. correctly stated the answer is clear. The law in question is deemed
In the case of Lawton vs. Steele, 38 L. ed. 385, 388. it was also absolutely necessary to bring about the desired legislative
held: objective, i.e., to free national economy from alien control and
a. Reasonability, the test of the limitation; determination by
dominance. It is not necessarily unreasonable because it affects
legislature decisive. —
. . . . To justify the state in thus interposing its authority private rights and privileges (11 Am. Jur. pp. 1080-1081.) The test
in behalf of the public, it must appear, first, that the of reasonableness of a law is the appropriateness or adequacy
We now come to due process as a limitation on the exercise of under all circumstances of the means adopted to carry out its
interests of the public generally, as distinguished from
the police power. It has been stated by the highest authority in purpose into effect (Id.) Judged by this test, disputed legislation,
those of a particular class, require such interference;
the United States that: which is not merely reasonable but actually necessary, must be
and second, that the means are reasonably necessary
for the accomplishment of the purpose, and not considered not to have infringed the constitutional limitation of
. . . . And the guaranty of due process, as has often unduly oppressive upon individuals. . . . reasonableness.
been held, demands only that the law shall not be
unreasonable, arbitrary or capricious, and that the The necessity of the law in question is explained in the
Prata Undertaking Co. vs. State Board of Embalming, 104 ALR,
means selected shall have a real and substantial explanatory note that accompanied the bill, which later was
389, 395, fixes this test of constitutionality:
relation to the subject sought to be attained. . . . . enacted into law:

In determining whether a given act of the Legislature,

xxx     xxx     xxx This bill proposes to regulate the retail business. Its
passed in the exercise of the police power to regulate
the operation of a business, is or is not constitutional, purpose is to prevent persons who are not citizens of
So far as the requirement of due process is concerned one of the first questions to be considered by the court the Philippines from having a strangle hold upon our
and in the absence of other constitutional restriction a is whether the power as exercised has a sufficient economic life. If the persons who control this vital
state is free to adopt whatever economic policy may foundation in reason in connection with the matter artery of our economic life are the ones who owe no
reasonably be deemed to promote public welfare, and involved, or is an arbitrary, oppressive, and capricious allegiance to this Republic, who have no profound
to enforce that policy by legislation adapted to its use of that power, without substantial relation to the devotion to our free institutions, and who have no
purpose. The courts are without authority either to health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of permanent stake in our people's welfare, we are not
declare such policy, or, when it is declared by the the public. really the masters of our destiny. All aspects of our life,
legislature, to override it. If the laws passed are seen to even our national security, will be at the mercy of
have a reasonable relation to a proper legislative other people.
b. Petitioner's argument considered. —
purpose, and are neither arbitrary nor discriminatory,
the requirements of due process are satisfied, and In seeking to accomplish the foregoing purpose, we do
judicial determination to that effect renders a Petitioner's main argument is that retail is a common, ordinary not propose to deprive persons who are not citizens of
court functus officio. . . . (Nebbia vs. New York, 78 L. occupation, one of those privileges long ago recognized as the Philippines of their means of livelihood. While this
ed. 940, 950, 957.) essential to the orderly pursuant of happiness by free men; that it bill seeks to take away from the hands of persons who
is a gainful and honest occupation and therefore beyond the are not citizens of the Philippines a power that can be
power of the legislature to prohibit and penalized. This arguments wielded to paralyze all aspects of our national life and
Another authority states the principle thus:
overlooks fact and reality and rests on an incorrect assumption endanger our national security it respects existing
and premise, i.e., that in this country where the occupation is rights.
. . . . Too much significance cannot be given to the engaged in by petitioner, it has been so engaged by him, by the
word "reasonable" in considering the scope of the alien in an honest creditable and unimpeachable manner, without
police power in a constitutional sense, for the test harm or injury to the citizens and without ultimate danger to their The approval of this bill is necessary for our national
used to determine the constitutionality of the means economic peace, tranquility and welfare. But the Legislature has survival.
employed by the legislature is to inquire whether the found, as we have also found and indicated, that the privilege has

If political independence is a legitimate aspiration of a people, many of the provisions of the Constitution is unreasonable, invalid A subordinate ground or reason for the alleged invalidity of the
then economic independence is none the less legitimate. and unconstitutional? law is the claim that the title thereof is misleading or deceptive, as
Freedom and liberty are not real and positive if the people are it conceals the real purpose of the bill which is to nationalize the
subject to the economic control and domination of others, retail business and prohibit aliens from engaging therein. The
The seriousness of the Legislature's concern for the plight of the
especially if not of their own race or country. The removal and constitutional provision which is claimed to be violated in Section
nationals as manifested in the approval of the radical measures is,
eradication of the shackles of foreign economic control and 21 (1) of Article VI, which reads:
therefore, fully justified. It would have been recreant to its duties
domination, is one of the noblest motives that a national
towards the country and its people would it view the sorry plight
legislature may pursue. It is impossible to conceive that legislation
of the nationals with the complacency and refuse or neglect to No bill which may be enacted in the law shall embrace
that seeks to bring it about can infringe the constitutional
adopt a remedy commensurate with the demands of public more than one subject which shall be expressed in the
limitation of due process. The attainment of a legitimate
interest and national survival. As the repository of the sovereign title of the bill.
aspiration of a people can never be beyond the limits of legislative
power of legislation, the Legislature was in duty bound to face the
problem and meet, through adequate measures, the danger and
What the above provision prohibits is duplicity, that is, if its title
threat that alien domination of retail trade poses to national
completely fails to appraise the legislators or the public of the
c. Law expressly held by Constitutional Convention to be within economy.
nature, scope and consequences of the law or its operation (I
the sphere of legislative action. —
Sutherland, Statutory Construction, Sec. 1707, p. 297.) A cursory
d. Provisions of law not unreasonable. — consideration of the title and the provisions of the bill fails to
The framers of the Constitution could not have intended to show the presence of duplicity. It is true that the term "regulate"
impose the constitutional restrictions of due process on the does not and may not readily and at first glance convey the idea
A cursory study of the provisions of the law immediately reveals
attainment of such a noble motive as freedom from economic of "nationalization" and "prohibition", which terms express the
how tolerant, how reasonable the Legislature has been. The law is
control and domination, thru the exercise of the police power. two main purposes and objectives of the law. But "regulate" is a
made prospective and recognizes the right and privilege of those
The fathers of the Constitution must have given to the legislature broader term than either prohibition or nationalization. Both of
already engaged in the occupation to continue therein during the
full authority and power to enact legislation that would promote these have always been included within the term regulation.
rest of their lives; and similar recognition of the right to continue
the supreme happiness of the people, their freedom and liberty.
is accorded associations of aliens. The right or privilege is denied
On the precise issue now before us, they expressly made their
to those only upon conviction of certain offenses. In the Under the title of an act to "regulate", the sale of
voice clear; they adopted a resolution expressing their belief that
deliberations of the Court on this case, attention was called to the intoxicating liquors, the Legislature may prohibit the
the legislation in question is within the scope of the legislative
fact that the privilege should not have been denied to children sale of intoxicating liquors. (Sweet vs. City of Wabash,
power. Thus they declared the their Resolution:
and heirs of aliens now engaged in the retail trade. Such provision 41 Ind., 7; quoted in page 41 of Answer.)
would defeat the law itself, its aims and purposes. Beside, the
That it is the sense of the Convention that the public exercise of legislative discretion is not subject to judicial review. It
Within the meaning of the Constitution requiring that
interest requires the nationalization of retail trade; but is well settled that the Court will not inquire into the motives of
the subject of every act of the Legislature shall be
it abstain from approving the amendment introduced the Legislature, nor pass upon general matters of legislative
stated in the tale, the title to regulate the sale of
by the Delegate for Manila, Mr. Araneta, and others on judgment. The Legislature is primarily the judge of the necessity
intoxicating liquors, etc." sufficiently expresses the
this matter because it is convinced that the National of an enactment or of any of its provisions, and every
subject of an act prohibiting the sale of such liquors to
Assembly is authorized to promulgate a law which presumption is in favor of its validity, and though the Court may
minors and to persons in the habit of getting
limits to Filipino and American citizens the privilege to hold views inconsistent with the wisdom of the law, it may not
intoxicated; such matters being properly included
engage in the retail trade. (11 Aruego, The Framing of annul the legislation if not palpably in excess of the legislative
within the subject of regulating the sale. (Williams vs.
the Philippine Constitution, quoted on pages 66 and 67 power. Furthermore, the test of the validity of a law attacked as a
State, 48 Ind. 306, 308, quoted in p. 42 of Answer.)
of the Memorandum for the Petitioner.) violation of due process, is not its reasonableness, but its
unreasonableness, and we find the provisions are not
unreasonable. These principles also answer various other The word "regulate" is of broad import, and
It would do well to refer to the nationalistic tendency manifested
arguments raised against the law, some of which are: that the law necessarily implies some degree of restraint and
in various provisions of the Constitution. Thus in the preamble, a
does not promote general welfare; that thousands of aliens would prohibition of acts usually done in connection with the
principle objective is the conservation of the patrimony of the
be thrown out of employment; that prices will increase because of thing to be regulated. While word regulate does not
nation and as corollary the provision limiting to citizens of the
the elimination of competition; that there is no need for the ordinarily convey meaning of prohibit, there is no
Philippines the exploitation, development and utilization of its
legislation; that adequate replacement is problematical; that absolute reason why it should not have such meaning
natural resources. And in Section 8 of Article XIV, it is provided
there may be general breakdown; that there would be when used in delegating police power in connection
that "no franchise, certificate, or any other form of authorization
repercussions from foreigners; etc. Many of these arguments are with a thing the best or only efficacious regulation of
for the operation of the public utility shall be granted except to
directed against the supposed wisdom of the law which lies solely which involves suppression. (State vs. Morton, 162 So.
citizens of the Philippines." The nationalization of the retail trade
within the legislative prerogative; they do not import invalidity. 718, 182 La. 887, quoted in p. 42 of Answer.)
is only a continuance of the nationalistic protective policy laid
down as a primary objective of the Constitution. Can it be said
that a law imbued with the same purpose and spirit underlying VIII. Alleged defect in the title of the law The general rule is for the use of general terms in the title of a bill;
it has also been said that the title need not be an index to the


entire contents of the law (I Sutherland, Statutory Construction, countries, except those of the United States, who are granted Paras, C.J., Bengzon, Reyes, A., Bautista Angelo, Concepcion,
See. 4803, p. 345.) The above rule was followed the title of the special rights by the Constitution, are all prohibited from engaging Reyes, J.B.L., Endencia and Felix, JJ., concur.
Act in question adopted the more general term "regulate" instead in the retail trade. But even supposing that the law infringes upon
of "nationalize" or "prohibit". Furthermore, the law also contains the said treaty, the treaty is always subject to qualification or
other rules for the regulation of the retail trade which may not be amendment by a subsequent law (U. S. vs. Thompson, 258, Fed.
included in the terms "nationalization" or "prohibition"; so were 257, 260), and the same may never curtail or restrict the scope of
the title changed from "regulate" to "nationalize" or "prohibit", the police power of the State (plaston vs. Pennsylvania, 58 L. ed.
there would have been many provisions not falling within the 539.) Separate Opinions
scope of the title which would have made the Act invalid. The use
of the term "regulate", therefore, is in accord with the principle
X. Conclusion PADILLA, J., concurring and dissenting:
governing the drafting of statutes, under which a simple or
general term should be adopted in the title, which would include
all other provisions found in the body of the Act. Resuming what we have set forth above we hold that the I agree to the proposition, principle or rule that courts may not
disputed law was enacted to remedy a real actual threat and inquire into the wisdom of an the Act passed by the Congress and
danger to national economy posed by alien dominance and duly approved by the President of the Republic. But the rule does
One purpose of the constitutional directive that the subject of a
control of the retail business and free citizens and country from not preclude courts from inquiring and determining whether the
bill should be embraced in its title is to apprise the legislators of
dominance and control; that the enactment clearly falls within the Act offends against a provision or provisions of the Constitution. I
the purposes, the nature and scope of its provisions, and prevent
scope of the police power of the State, thru which and by which it am satisfied that the Act assailed as violative of the due process of
the enactment into law of matters which have received the
protects its own personality and insures its security and future; law and the equal protection of the laws clauses of the
notice, action and study of the legislators or of the public. In the
that the law does not violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution does not infringe upon them, insofar as it affects
case at bar it cannot be claimed that the legislators have been
Constitution because sufficient grounds exist for the distinction associations, partnership or corporations, the capital of which is
appraised of the nature of the law, especially the nationalization
between alien and citizen in the exercise of the occupation not wholly owned by the citizens of the Philippines, and aliens,
and the prohibition provisions. The legislators took active interest
regulated, nor the due process of law clause, because the law is who are not and have not been engaged in the retail business. I
in the discussion of the law, and a great many of the persons
prospective in operation and recognizes the privilege of aliens am, however, unable to persuade myself that it does not violate
affected by the prohibitions in the law conducted a campaign
already engaged in the occupation and reasonably protects their said clauses insofar as the Act applies to associations and
against its approval. It cannot be claimed, therefore, that the
privilege; that the wisdom and efficacy of the law to carry out its partnerships referred to in the Act and to aliens, who are and
reasons for declaring the law invalid ever existed. The objection
objectives appear to us to be plainly evident — as a matter of fact have heretofore been engaged in said business. When they did
must therefore, be overruled.
it seems not only appropriate but actually necessary — and that in engage in the retail business there was no prohibition on or
any case such matter falls within the prerogative of the against them to engage in it. They assumed and believed in good
IX. Alleged violation of international treaties and obligations Legislature, with whose power and discretion the Judicial faith they were entitled to engaged in the business. The Act allows
department of the Government may not interfere; that the aliens to continue in business until their death or voluntary
provisions of the law are clearly embraced in the title, and this retirement from the business or forfeiture of their license; and
Another subordinate argument against the validity of the law is
suffers from no duplicity and has not misled the legislators or the corporations, associations or partnership, the capital of which is
the supposed violation thereby of the Charter of the United
segment of the population affected; and that it cannot be said to not wholly owned by the citizens of the Philippines to continue in
Nations and of the Declaration of the Human Rights adopted by
be void for supposed conflict with treaty obligations because no the business for a period of ten years from the date of the
the United Nations General Assembly. We find no merit in the
treaty has actually been entered into on the subject and the approval of the Act (19 June 1954) or until the expiry of term of
Nations Charter imposes no strict or legal obligations regarding
police power may not be curtailed or surrendered by any treaty or the existence of the association or partnership or corporation,
the rights and freedom of their subjects (Hans Kelsen, The Law of
any other conventional agreement. whichever event comes first. The prohibition on corporations, the
the United Nations, 1951 ed. pp. 29-32), and the Declaration of
Human Rights contains nothing more than a mere capital of which is not wholly owned by citizens of the Philippines,
recommendation or a common standard of achievement for all Some members of the Court are of the opinion that the radical to engage in the retail business for a period of more than ten
peoples and all nations (Id. p. 39.) That such is the import of the effects of the law could have been made less harsh in its impact years from the date of the approval of the Act or beyond the term
United Nations Charter aid of the Declaration of Human Rights on the aliens. Thus it is stated that the more time should have of their corporate existence, whichever event comes first, is valid
can be inferred the fact that members of the United Nations been given in the law for the liquidation of existing businesses and lawful, because the continuance of the existence of such
Organizations, such as Norway and Denmark, prohibit foreigners when the time comes for them to close. Our legal duty, however, corporations is subject to whatever the Congress may impose
from engaging in retail trade, and in most nations of the world is merely to determine if the law falls within the scope of reasonably upon them by subsequent legislation.1 But the
laws against foreigners engaged in domestic trade are adopted. legislative authority and does not transcend the limitations of due prohibition to engage in the retail business by associations and
process and equal protection guaranteed in the Constitution. partnerships, the capital of which is not wholly owned by citizen
Remedies against the harshness of the law should be addressed to of the Philippines, after ten years from the date of the approval of
The Treaty of Amity between the Republic of the Philippines and the Act, even before the end of the term of their existence as
the Legislature; they are beyond our power and jurisdiction.
the Republic of China of April 18, 1947 is also claimed to be agreed upon by the associates and partners, and by alien heirs to
violated by the law in question. All that the treaty guarantees is whom the retail business is transmitted by the death of an alien
equality of treatment to the Chinese nationals "upon the same The petition is hereby denied, with costs against petitioner. engaged in the business, or by his executor or administrator,
terms as the nationals of any other country." But the nationals of amounts to a deprivation of their property without due process of
China are not discriminating against because nationals of all other law. To my mind, the ten-year period from the date of the

approval of the Act or until the expiration of the term of the Ernesto J. Gonzaga for appellant. continued existence notwithstanding the loss of that
existence of the association and partnership, whichever event Office of the Solicitor General Ambrosio Padilla, First Assistant market and the consequent necessity of meeting
comes first, and the six-month period granted to alien heirs of a Solicitor General Guillermo E. Torres and Solicitor Felicisimo R. competition in the free markets of the world;
deceased alien, his executor or administrator, to liquidate the Rosete for appellee.
business, do not cure the defect of the law, because the effect of
Second, to readjust the benefits derived from the
the prohibition is to compel them to sell or dispose of their
  sugar industry by all of the component elements
business. The price obtainable at such forced sale of the business
thereof — the mill, the landowner, the planter of the
would be inadequate to reimburse and compensate the
sugar cane, and the laborers in the factory and in the
associates or partners of the associations or partnership, and the REYES, J.B L., J.:
field — so that all might continue profitably to engage
alien heirs of a deceased alien, engaged in the retail business for
the capital invested in it. The stock of merchandise bought and This case was initiated in the Court of First Instance of Negros
sold at retail does not alone constitute the business. The goodwill Occidental to test the legality of the taxes imposed by
that the association, partnership and the alien had built up during Third, to limit the production of sugar to areas more
Commonwealth Act No. 567, otherwise known as the Sugar
a long period of effort, patience and perseverance forms part of economically suited to the production thereof; and
Adjustment Act.
such business. The constitutional provisions that no person shall
be deprived of his property without due process of law2 and that Fourth, to afford labor employed in the industry a
no person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws3 would Promulgated in 1940, the law in question opens (section 1) with a
living wage and to improve their living and working
have no meaning as applied to associations or partnership and declaration of emergency, due to the threat to our industry by the
conditions: Provided, That the President of the
alien heirs of an alien engaged in the retail business if they were imminent imposition of export taxes upon sugar as provided in
Philippines may, until the adjourment of the next
to be compelled to sell or dispose of their business within ten the Tydings-McDuffe Act, and the "eventual loss of its preferential
regular session of the National Assembly, make the
years from the date of the approval of the Act and before the end position in the United States market"; wherefore, the national
necessary disbursements from the fund herein created
of the term of the existence of the associations and partnership as policy was expressed "to obtain a readjustment of the benefits
(1) for the establishment and operation of sugar
agreed upon by the associations and partners and within six derived from the sugar industry by the component elements
experiment station or stations and the undertaking of
months after the death of their predecessor-in-interest. thereof" and "to stabilize the sugar industry so as to prepare it for
researchers (a) to increase the recoveries of the
the eventuality of the loss of its preferential position in the United
centrifugal sugar factories with the view of reducing
States market and the imposition of the export taxes."
The authors of the Constitution were vigilant, careful and zealous manufacturing costs, (b) to produce and propagate
in the safeguard of the ownership of private agricultural lands higher yielding varieties of sugar cane more adaptable
which together with the lands of the public domain constitute the In section 2, Commonwealth Act 567 provides for an increase of to different district conditions in the Philippines, (c) to
priceless patrimony and mainstay of the nation; yet, they did not the existing tax on the manufacture of sugar, on a graduated lower the costs of raising sugar cane, (d) to improve
deem it wise and prudent to deprive aliens and their heirs of such basis, on each picul of sugar manufactured; while section 3 levies the buying quality of denatured alcohol from molasses
lands.4 on owners or persons in control of lands devoted to the for motor fuel, (e) to determine the possibility of
cultivation of sugar cane and ceded to others for a consideration, utilizing the other by-products of the industry, (f) to
on lease or otherwise — determine what crop or crops are suitable for rotation
For these reasons, I am of the opinion that section 1 of the Act,
and for the utilization of excess cane lands, and (g) on
insofar as it compels associations and partnership referred to
a tax equivalent to the difference between the money other problems the solution of which would help
therein to wind up their retail business within ten years from the
value of the rental or consideration collected and the rehabilitate and stabilize the industry, and (2) for the
date of the approval of the Act even before the expiry of the term
amount representing 12 per centum of the assessed improvement of living and working conditions in sugar
of their existence as agreed upon by the associates and partners
value of such land. mills and sugar plantations, authorizing him to
and section 3 of the Act, insofar as it compels the aliens engaged
organize the necessary agency or agencies to take
in the retail business in his lifetime his executor or administrator,
charge of the expenditure and allocation of said funds
to liquidate the business, are invalid, for they violate the due According to section 6 of the law — to carry out the purpose hereinbefore enumerated,
process of law and the equal protection of the laws clauses of the
and, likewise, authorizing the disbursement from the
SEC. 6. All collections made under this Act shall accrue fund herein created of the necessary amount or
to a special fund in the Philippine Treasury, to be amounts needed for salaries, wages, travelling
known as the 'Sugar Adjustment and Stabilization expenses, equipment, and other sundry expenses of
Fund,' and shall be paid out only for any or all of the said agency or agencies.
following purposes or to attain any or all of the
G.R. No. L-7859        December 22, 1955
following objectives, as may be provided by law. Plaintiff, Walter Lutz, in his capacity as Judicial Administrator of
the Intestate Estate of Antonio Jayme Ledesma, seeks to recover
WALTER LUTZ, as Judicial Administrator of the Intestate Estate
First, to place the sugar industry in a position to from the Collector of Internal Revenue the sum of P14,666.40
of the deceased Antonio Jayme Ledesma, plaintiff-appellant, 
maintain itself, despite the gradual loss of the paid by the estate as taxes, under section 3 of the Act, for the
preferntial position of the Philippine sugar in the crop years 1948-1949 and 1949-1950; alleging that such tax is
J. ANTONIO ARANETA, as the Collector of Internal
United States market, and ultimately to insure its unconstitutional and void, being levied for the aid and support of
Revenue, defendant-appellee.

the sugar industry exclusively, which in plaintiff's opinion is not a objective and methods are alike constitutionally valid, no reason is GUICO, JR., BERNARDO M. ALMONTE, CANUTO RAMIR B.
public purpose for which a tax may be constitutioally levied. The seen why the state may not levy taxes to raise funds for their CABRITO, ISIDRO T. GUICO, FELISA I. LLAMIDO, FAUSTO J. SALVA,
action having been dismissed by the Court of First Instance, the prosecution and attainment. Taxation may be made the REYNALDO G. ESTRADA, FELISA C. BAUTISTA, ESMENIA J. CABE,
plaintifs appealed the case directly to this Court (Judiciary Act, implement of the state's police power (Great Atl. & Pac. Tea Co. TEODORO B. MADRIAGA, AUREA J. PRESTOSA, EMERENCIANA J.
section 17). vs. Grosjean, 301 U. S. 412, 81 L. Ed. 1193; U. S. vs. Butler, 297 U. ISLA, FELICISIMA C. ARRESTO, CONSUELO M. MORALES,
S. 1, 80 L. Ed. 477; M'Culloch vs. Maryland, 4 Wheat. 316, 4 L. Ed. BENJAMIN R. SEGISMUNDO, CIRILA A. JOSE & NAPOLEON S.
579). FERRER, petitioners, 
The basic defect in the plaintiff's position is his assumption that
the tax provided for in Commonwealth Act No. 567 is a pure
exercise of the taxing power. Analysis of the Act, and particularly That the tax to be levied should burden the sugar producers
of section 6 (heretofore quoted in full), will show that the tax is themselves can hardly be a ground of complaint; indeed, it
levied with a regulatory purpose, to provide means for the appears rational that the tax be obtained precisely from those G.R. No. 79310 July 14, 1989
rehabilitation and stabilization of the threatened sugar industry. who are to be benefited from the expenditure of the funds
In other words, the act is primarily an exercise of the police derived from it. At any rate, it is inherent in the power to tax that
power. a state be free to select the subjects of taxation, and it has been
repeatedly held that "inequalities which result from a singling out
of one particular class for taxation, or exemption infringe no
This Court can take judicial notice of the fact that sugar District, Victorias, Negros Occidental, petitioners, 
constitutional limitation" (Carmichael vs. Southern Coal & Coke
production is one of the great industries of our nation, sugar vs.
Co., 301 U. S. 495, 81 L. Ed. 1245, citing numerous authorities, at
occupying a leading position among its export products; that it JOKER ARROYO, PHILIP E. JUICO and PRESIDENTIAL AGRARIAN
p. 1251).
gives employment to thousands of laborers in fields and factories; REFORM COUNCIL, respondents.
that it is a great source of the state's wealth, is one of the
important sources of foreign exchange needed by our From the point of view we have taken it appears of no moment
G.R. No. 79744 July 14, 1989
government, and is thus pivotal in the plans of a regime that the funds raised under the Sugar Stabilization Act, now in
committed to a policy of currency stability. Its promotion, question, should be exclusively spent in aid of the sugar industry,
protection and advancement, therefore redounds greatly to the since it is that very enterprise that is being protected. It may be INOCENTES PABICO, petitioner, 
general welfare. Hence it was competent for the legislature to that other industries are also in need of similar protection; that vs.
find that the general welfare demanded that the sugar industry the legislature is not required by the Constitution to adhere to a HON. PHILIP E. JUICO, SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF
should be stabilized in turn; and in the wide field of its police policy of "all or none." As ruled in Minnesota ex rel. Pearson vs. AGRARIAN REFORM, HON. JOKER ARROYO, EXECUTIVE
power, the lawmaking body could provide that the distribution of Probate Court, 309 U. S. 270, 84 L. Ed. 744, "if the law presumably SECRETARY OF THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, and Messrs.
benefits therefrom be readjusted among its components to hits the evil where it is most felt, it is not to be overthrown SALVADOR TALENTO, JAIME ABOGADO, CONRADO AVANCENA
enable it to resist the added strain of the increase in taxes that it because there are other instances to which it might have been and ROBERTO TAAY, respondents.
had to sustain (Sligh vs. Kirkwood, 237 U. S. 52, 59 L. Ed. 835; applied;" and that "the legislative authority, exerted within its
Johnson vs. State ex rel. Marey, 99 Fla. 1311, 128 So. 853; Maxcy proper field, need not embrace all the evils within its reach" (N. L. G.R. No. 79777 July 14, 1989
Inc. vs. Mayo, 103 Fla. 552, 139 So. 121). R. B. vs. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. 301 U. S. 1, 81 L. Ed. 893).


As stated in Johnson vs. State ex rel. Marey, with reference to the Even from the standpoint that the Act is a pure tax measure, it vs.
citrus industry in Florida — cannot be said that the devotion of tax money to experimental HON. PHILIP ELLA JUICO, as Secretary of Agrarian Reform, and
stations to seek increase of efficiency in sugar production, LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES,respondents.
utilization of by-products and solution of allied problems, as well
The protection of a large industry constituting one of
as to the improvements of living and working conditions in sugar
the great sources of the state's wealth and therefore  
mills or plantations, without any part of such money being
directly or indirectly affecting the welfare of so great a
channeled directly to private persons, constitutes expenditure of
portion of the population of the State is affected to
tax money for private purposes, (compare Everson vs. Board of CRUZ, J.:
such an extent by public interests as to be within the
Education, 91 L. Ed. 472, 168 ALR 1392, 1400).
police power of the sovereign. (128 Sp. 857).
In ancient mythology, Antaeus was a terrible giant who blocked
The decision appealed from is affirmed, with costs against and challenged Hercules for his life on his way to Mycenae after
Once it is conceded, as it must, that the protection and promotion
appellant. So ordered. performing his eleventh labor. The two wrestled mightily and
of the sugar industry is a matter of public concern, it follows that
the Legislature may determine within reasonable bounds what is Hercules flung his adversary to the ground thinking him dead, but
necessary for its protection and expedient for its promotion. Here, G.R. No. 78742 July 14, 1989 Antaeus rose even stronger to resume their struggle. This
the legislative discretion must be allowed fully play, subject only happened several times to Hercules' increasing amazement.
to the test of reasonableness; and it is not contended that the Finally, as they continued grappling, it dawned on Hercules that
ASSOCIATION OF SMALL LANDOWNERS IN THE PHILIPPINES, Antaeus was the son of Gaea and could never die as long as any
means provided in section 6 of the law (above quoted) bear no
INC., JUANITO D. GOMEZ, GERARDO B. ALARCIO, FELIPE A. part of his body was touching his Mother Earth. Thus forewarned,
relation to the objective pursued or are oppressive in character. If

Hercules then held Antaeus up in the air, beyond the reach of the compensation. In determining retention by petitioner Augustin Hermano, Jr. The tenants were declared
sustaining soil, and crushed him to death. limits, the State shall respect the right of full owners of these lands by E.O. No. 228 as qualified farmers
small landowners. The State shall further under P.D. No. 27.
provide incentives for voluntary land-
Mother Earth. The sustaining soil. The giver of life, without whose
invigorating touch even the powerful Antaeus weakened and The petitioners are questioning P.D. No. 27 and E.O. Nos. 228 and
died. 229 on grounds inter alia of separation of powers, due process,
Earlier, in fact, R.A. No. 3844, otherwise known as the Agricultural equal protection and the constitutional limitation that no private
Land Reform Code, had already been enacted by the Congress of property shall be taken for public use without just compensation.
The cases before us are not as fanciful as the foregoing tale. But
the Philippines on August 8, 1963, in line with the above-stated
they also tell of the elemental forces of life and death, of men and
principles. This was substantially superseded almost a decade
women who, like Antaeus need the sustaining strength of the They contend that President Aquino usurped legislative power
later by P.D. No. 27, which was promulgated on October 21, 1972,
precious earth to stay alive. when she promulgated E.O. No. 228. The said measure is invalid
along with martial law, to provide for the compulsory acquisition
also for violation of Article XIII, Section 4, of the Constitution, for
of private lands for distribution among tenant-farmers and to
failure to provide for retention limits for small landowners.
"Land for the Landless" is a slogan that underscores the acute specify maximum retention limits for landowners.
Moreover, it does not conform to Article VI, Section 25(4) and the
imbalance in the distribution of this precious resource among our
other requisites of a valid appropriation.
people. But it is more than a slogan. Through the brooding
The people power revolution of 1986 did not change and indeed
centuries, it has become a battle-cry dramatizing the increasingly
even energized the thrust for agrarian reform. Thus, on July 17,
urgent demand of the dispossessed among us for a plot of earth In connection with the determination of just compensation, the
1987, President Corazon C. Aquino issued E.O. No. 228, declaring
as their place in the sun. petitioners argue that the same may be made only by a court of
full land ownership in favor of the beneficiaries of P.D. No. 27 and
justice and not by the President of the Philippines. They invoke
providing for the valuation of still unvalued lands covered by the
the recent cases of EPZA v. Dulay  5and Manotok v. National Food
Recognizing this need, the Constitution in 1935 mandated the decree as well as the manner of their payment. This was followed
Authority. 6 Moreover, the just compensation contemplated by
policy of social justice to "insure the well-being and economic on July 22, 1987 by Presidential Proclamation No. 131, instituting
the Bill of Rights is payable in money or in cash and not in the
security of all the people," 1 especially the less privileged. In 1973, a comprehensive agrarian reform program (CARP), and E.O. No.
form of bonds or other things of value.
the new Constitution affirmed this goal adding specifically that 229, providing the mechanics for its implementation.
"the State shall regulate the acquisition, ownership, use,
enjoyment and disposition of private property and equitably In considering the rentals as advance payment on the land, the
Subsequently, with its formal organization, the revived Congress
diffuse property ownership and profits." 2 Significantly, there was executive order also deprives the petitioners of their property
of the Philippines took over legislative power from the President
also the specific injunction to "formulate and implement an rights as protected by due process. The equal protection clause is
and started its own deliberations, including extensive public
agrarian reform program aimed at emancipating the tenant from also violated because the order places the burden of solving the
hearings, on the improvement of the interests of farmers. The
the bondage of the soil." 3 agrarian problems on the owners only of agricultural lands. No
result, after almost a year of spirited debate, was the enactment
similar obligation is imposed on the owners of other properties.
of R.A. No. 6657, otherwise known as the Comprehensive
The Constitution of 1987 was not to be outdone. Besides echoing Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, which President Aquino signed on
these sentiments, it also adopted one whole and separate Article June 10, 1988. This law, while considerably changing the earlier The petitioners also maintain that in declaring the beneficiaries
XIII on Social Justice and Human Rights, containing grandiose but mentioned enactments, nevertheless gives them suppletory effect under P.D. No. 27 to be the owners of the lands occupied by
undoubtedly sincere provisions for the uplift of the common insofar as they are not inconsistent with its provisions. 4 them, E.O. No. 228 ignored judicial prerogatives and so violated
people. These include a call in the following words for the due process. Worse, the measure would not solve the agrarian
adoption by the State of an agrarian reform program: problem because even the small farmers are deprived of their
The above-captioned cases have been consolidated because they
lands and the retention rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
involve common legal questions, including serious challenges to
SEC. 4. The State shall, by law, undertake an the constitutionality of the several measures mentioned above.
agrarian reform program founded on the They will be the subject of one common discussion and resolution, In his Comment, the Solicitor General stresses that P.D. No. 27 has
right of farmers and regular farmworkers, The different antecedents of each case will require separate already been upheld in the earlier cases ofChavez v.
who are landless, to own directly or treatment, however, and will first be explained hereunder. Zobel,  7 Gonzales v. Estrella,  8 and Association of Rice and Corn
collectively the lands they till or, in the case Producers of the Philippines, Inc. v. The National Land Reform
of other farmworkers, to receive a just Council.  9 The determination of just compensation by the
G.R. No. 79777
share of the fruits thereof. To this end, the executive authorities conformably to the formula prescribed
State shall encourage and undertake the under the questioned order is at best initial or preliminary only. It
just distribution of all agricultural lands, Squarely raised in this petition is the constitutionality of P.D. No. does not foreclose judicial intervention whenever sought or
subject to such priorities and reasonable 27, E.O. Nos. 228 and 229, and R.A. No. 6657. warranted. At any rate, the challenge to the order is premature
retention limits as the Congress may because no valuation of their property has as yet been made by
prescribe, taking into account ecological, the Department of Agrarian Reform. The petitioners are also not
The subjects of this petition are a 9-hectare riceland worked by
developmental, or equity considerations proper parties because the lands owned by them do not exceed
four tenants and owned by petitioner Nicolas Manaay and his
and subject to the payment of just the maximum retention limit of 7 hectares.
wife and a 5-hectare riceland worked by four tenants and owned

Replying, the petitioners insist they are proper parties because BILLION PESOS (P50,000,000,000.00) to cover the estimated cost authorized amount. This is not allowed. Furthermore, the stated
P.D. No. 27 does not provide for retention limits on tenanted of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program from 1987 to initial amount has not been certified to by the National Treasurer
lands and that in any event their petition is a class suit brought in 1992 which shall be sourced from the receipts of the sale of the as actually available.
behalf of landowners with landholdings below 24 hectares. They assets of the Asset Privatization Trust and Receipts of sale of ill-
maintain that the determination of just compensation by the gotten wealth received through the Presidential Commission on
Two additional arguments are made by Barcelona, to wit, the
administrative authorities is a final ascertainment. As for the cases Good Government and such other sources as government may
failure to establish by clear and convincing evidence the necessity
invoked by the public respondent, the constitutionality of P.D. No. deem appropriate. The amounts collected and accruing to this
for the exercise of the powers of eminent domain, and the
27 was merely assumed in Chavez, while what was decided special fund shall be considered automatically appropriated for
violation of the fundamental right to own property.
in Gonzales was the validity of the imposition of martial law. the purpose authorized in this Proclamation the amount
appropriated is in futuro, not in esse. The money needed to cover
the cost of the contemplated expropriation has yet to be raised The petitioners also decry the penalty for non-registration of the
In the amended petition dated November 22, 1588, it is
and cannot be appropriated at this time. lands, which is the expropriation of the said land for an amount
contended that P.D. No. 27, E.O. Nos. 228 and 229 (except
equal to the government assessor's valuation of the land for tax
Sections 20 and 21) have been impliedly repealed by R.A. No.
purposes. On the other hand, if the landowner declares his own
6657. Nevertheless, this statute should itself also be declared Furthermore, they contend that taking must be simultaneous with
valuation he is unjustly required to immediately pay the
unconstitutional because it suffers from substantially the same payment of just compensation as it is traditionally understood,
corresponding taxes on the land, in violation of the uniformity
infirmities as the earlier measures. i.e., with money and in full, but no such payment is contemplated
in Section 5 of the E.O. No. 229. On the contrary, Section 6,
thereof provides that the Land Bank of the Philippines "shall
A petition for intervention was filed with leave of court on June 1,
compensate the landowner in an amount to be established by the In his consolidated Comment, the Solicitor General first invokes
1988 by Vicente Cruz, owner of a 1. 83- hectare land, who
government, which shall be based on the owner's declaration of the presumption of constitutionality in favor of Proc. No. 131 and
complained that the DAR was insisting on the implementation of
current fair market value as provided in Section 4 hereof, but E.O. No. 229. He also justifies the necessity for the expropriation
P.D. No. 27 and E.O. No. 228 despite a compromise agreement he
subject to certain controls to be defined and promulgated by the as explained in the "whereas" clauses of the Proclamation and
had reached with his tenant on the payment of rentals. In a
Presidential Agrarian Reform Council." This compensation may submits that, contrary to the petitioner's contention, a pilot
subsequent motion dated April 10, 1989, he adopted the
not be paid fully in money but in any of several modes that may project to determine the feasibility of CARP and a general survey
allegations in the basic amended petition that the above-
consist of part cash and part bond, with interest, maturing on the people's opinion thereon are not indispensable
mentioned enactments have been impliedly repealed by R.A. No.
periodically, or direct payment in cash or bond as may be prerequisites to its promulgation.
mutually agreed upon by the beneficiary and the landowner or as
may be prescribed or approved by the PARC. On the alleged violation of the equal protection clause, the sugar
G.R. No. 79310
planters have failed to show that they belong to a different class
The petitioners also argue that in the issuance of the two and should be differently treated. The Comment also suggests the
The petitioners herein are landowners and sugar planters in the measures, no effort was made to make a careful study of the possibility of Congress first distributing public agricultural lands
Victorias Mill District, Victorias, Negros Occidental. Co-petitioner sugar planters' situation. There is no tenancy problem in the sugar and scheduling the expropriation of private agricultural lands
Planters' Committee, Inc. is an organization composed of 1,400 areas that can justify the application of the CARP to them. To the later. From this viewpoint, the petition for prohibition would be
planter-members. This petition seeks to prohibit the extent that the sugar planters have been lumped in the same premature.
implementation of Proc. No. 131 and E.O. No. 229. legislation with other farmers, although they are a separate group
with problems exclusively their own, their right to equal The public respondent also points out that the constitutional
The petitioners claim that the power to provide for a protection has been violated. prohibition is against the payment of public money without the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program as decreed by the corresponding appropriation. There is no rule that only money
Constitution belongs to Congress and not the President. Although A motion for intervention was filed on August 27,1987 by the already in existence can be the subject of an appropriation law.
they agree that the President could exercise legislative power National Federation of Sugarcane Planters (NASP) which claims a Finally, the earmarking of fifty billion pesos as Agrarian Reform
until the Congress was convened, she could do so only to enact membership of at least 20,000 individual sugar planters all over Fund, although denominated as an initial amount, is actually the
emergency measures during the transition period. At that, even the country. On September 10, 1987, another motion for maximum sum appropriated. The word "initial" simply means that
assuming that the interim legislative power of the President was intervention was filed, this time by Manuel Barcelona, et al., additional amounts may be appropriated later when necessary.
properly exercised, Proc. No. 131 and E.O. No. 229 would still representing coconut and riceland owners. Both motions were
have to be annulled for violating the constitutional provisions on granted by the Court. On April 11, 1988, Prudencio Serrano, a coconut planter, filed a
just compensation, due process, and equal protection.
petition on his own behalf, assailing the constitutionality of E.O.
NASP alleges that President Aquino had no authority to fund the No. 229. In addition to the arguments already raised, Serrano
They also argue that under Section 2 of Proc. No. 131 which Agrarian Reform Program and that, in any event, the contends that the measure is unconstitutional because:
provides: appropriation is invalid because of uncertainty in the amount
appropriated. Section 2 of Proc. No. 131 and Sections 20 and 21 of (1) Only public lands should be included in
Agrarian Reform Fund.-There is hereby created a special fund, to E.O. No. 229 provide for an initial appropriation of fifty billion the CARP;
be known as the Agrarian Reform Fund, an initial amount of FIFTY pesos and thus specifies the minimum rather than the maximum


(2) E.O. No. 229 embraces more than one Provisions refers only to emergency measures that may be According to P.D. No. 316, which was promulgated in
subject which is not expressed in the title; promulgated in the proper exercise of the police power. implementation of P.D. No. 27:

(3) The power of the President to legislate The petitioner also invokes his rights not to be deprived of his No tenant-farmer in agricultural lands
was terminated on July 2, 1987; and property without due process of law and to the retention of his primarily devoted to rice and corn shall be
small parcels of riceholding as guaranteed under Article XIII, ejected or removed from his farmholding
Section 4 of the Constitution. He likewise argues that, besides until such time as the respective rights of
(4) The appropriation of a P50 billion special
denying him just compensation for his land, the provisions of E.O. the tenant- farmers and the landowner
fund from the National Treasury did not
No. 228 declaring that: shall have been determined in accordance
originate from the House of
with the rules and regulations
implementing P.D. No. 27.
Lease rentals paid to the landowner by the
farmer-beneficiary after October 21, 1972
G.R. No. 79744
shall be considered as advance payment for The petitioners claim they cannot eject their tenants and so are
the land. unable to enjoy their right of retention because the Department
The petitioner alleges that the then Secretary of Department of of Agrarian Reform has so far not issued the implementing rules
Agrarian Reform, in violation of due process and the requirement required under the above-quoted decree. They therefore ask the
is an unconstitutional taking of a vested property right. It is also
for just compensation, placed his landholding under the coverage Court for a writ of mandamus to compel the respondent to issue
his contention that the inclusion of even small landowners in the
of Operation Land Transfer. Certificates of Land Transfer were the said rules.
program along with other landowners with lands consisting of
subsequently issued to the private respondents, who then refused
seven hectares or more is undemocratic.
payment of lease rentals to him.
In his Comment, the public respondent argues that P.D. No. 27
has been amended by LOI 474 removing any right of retention
In his Comment, the Solicitor General submits that the petition is
On September 3, 1986, the petitioner protested the erroneous from persons who own other agricultural lands of more than 7
premature because the motion for reconsideration filed with the
inclusion of his small landholding under Operation Land transfer hectares in aggregate area or lands used for residential,
Minister of Agrarian Reform is still unresolved. As for the validity
and asked for the recall and cancellation of the Certificates of commercial, industrial or other purposes from which they derive
of the issuance of E.O. Nos. 228 and 229, he argues that they were
Land Transfer in the name of the private respondents. He claims adequate income for their family. And even assuming that the
enacted pursuant to Section 6, Article XVIII of the Transitory
that on December 24, 1986, his petition was denied without petitioners do not fall under its terms, the regulations
Provisions of the 1987 Constitution which reads:
hearing. On February 17, 1987, he filed a motion for implementing P.D. No. 27 have already been issued, to wit, the
reconsideration, which had not been acted upon when E.O. Nos. Memorandum dated July 10, 1975 (Interim Guidelines on
228 and 229 were issued. These orders rendered his motion moot The incumbent president shall continue to exercise legislative Retention by Small Landowners, with an accompanying Retention
and academic because they directly effected the transfer of his powers until the first Congress is convened. Guide Table), Memorandum Circular No. 11 dated April 21, 1978,
land to the private respondents. (Implementation Guidelines of LOI No. 474), Memorandum
On the issue of just compensation, his position is that when P.D. Circular No. 18-81 dated December 29,1981 (Clarificatory
The petitioner now argues that: No. 27 was promulgated on October 21. 1972, the tenant-farmer Guidelines on Coverage of P.D. No. 27 and Retention by Small
of agricultural land was deemed the owner of the land he was Landowners), and DAR Administrative Order No. 1, series of 1985
tilling. The leasehold rentals paid after that date should therefore (Providing for a Cut-off Date for Landowners to Apply for
(1) E.O. Nos. 228 and 229 were invalidly Retention and/or to Protest the Coverage of their Landholdings
be considered amortization payments.
issued by the President of the Philippines. under Operation Land Transfer pursuant to P.D. No. 27). For
failure to file the corresponding applications for retention under
In his Reply to the public respondents, the petitioner maintains these measures, the petitioners are now barred from invoking this
(2) The said executive orders are violative of
that the motion he filed was resolved on December 14, 1987. An right.
the constitutional provision that no private
appeal to the Office of the President would be useless with the
property shall be taken without due process
promulgation of E.O. Nos. 228 and 229, which in effect sanctioned
or just compensation. The public respondent also stresses that the petitioners have
the validity of the public respondent's acts.
prematurely initiated this case notwithstanding the pendency of
(3) The petitioner is denied the right of their appeal to the President of the Philippines. Moreover, the
G.R. No. 78742 issuance of the implementing rules, assuming this has not yet
maximum retention provided for under the
1987 Constitution. been done, involves the exercise of discretion which cannot be
The petitioners in this case invoke the right of retention granted controlled through the writ of mandamus. This is especially true if
by P.D. No. 27 to owners of rice and corn lands not exceeding this function is entrusted, as in this case, to a separate
The petitioner contends that the issuance of E.0. Nos. 228 and 229 department of the government.
seven hectares as long as they are cultivating or intend to
shortly before Congress convened is anomalous and arbitrary,
cultivate the same. Their respective lands do not exceed the
besides violating the doctrine of separation of powers. The
statutory limit but are occupied by tenants who are actually In their Reply, the petitioners insist that the above-cited measures
legislative power granted to the President under the Transitory
cultivating such lands. are not applicable to them because they do not own more than

seven hectares of agricultural land. Moreover, assuming arguendo several executive orders issued by President Quirino although We proceed first to the examination of the preliminary issues
that the rules were intended to cover them also, the said they were invoking only an indirect and general interest shared in before resolving the more serious challenges to the
measures are nevertheless not in force because they have not common with the public. The Court dismissed the objection that constitutionality of the several measures involved in these
been published as required by law and the ruling of this Court they were not proper parties and ruled that "the transcendental petitions.
in Tanada v. Tuvera. 10 As for LOI 474, the same is ineffective for importance to the public of these cases demands that they be
the additional reason that a mere letter of instruction could not settled promptly and definitely, brushing aside, if we must,
The promulgation of P.D. No. 27 by President Marcos in the
have repealed the presidential decree. technicalities of procedure." We have since then applied this
exercise of his powers under martial law has already been
exception in many other cases. 15
sustained in Gonzales v. Estrella and we find no reason to modify
I or reverse it on that issue. As for the power of President Aquino
The other above-mentioned requisites have also been met in the to promulgate Proc. No. 131 and E.O. Nos. 228 and 229, the same
present petitions. was authorized under Section 6 of the Transitory Provisions of the
Although holding neither purse nor sword and so regarded as the
1987 Constitution, quoted above.
weakest of the three departments of the government, the
judiciary is nonetheless vested with the power to annul the acts of In must be stressed that despite the inhibitions pressing upon the
either the legislative or the executive or of both when not Court when confronted with constitutional issues like the ones The said measures were issued by President Aquino before July
conformable to the fundamental law. This is the reason for what now before it, it will not hesitate to declare a law or act invalid 27, 1987, when the Congress of the Philippines was formally
some quarters call the doctrine of judicial supremacy. Even so, when it is convinced that this must be done. In arriving at this convened and took over legislative power from her. They are not
this power is not lightly assumed or readily exercised. The conclusion, its only criterion will be the Constitution as God and "midnight" enactments intended to pre-empt the legislature
doctrine of separation of powers imposes upon the courts a its conscience give it the light to probe its meaning and discover because E.O. No. 228 was issued on July 17, 1987, and the other
proper restraint, born of the nature of their functions and of their its purpose. Personal motives and political considerations are measures, i.e., Proc. No. 131 and E.O. No. 229, were both issued
respect for the other departments, in striking down the acts of the irrelevancies that cannot influence its decision. Blandishment is as on July 22, 1987. Neither is it correct to say that these measures
legislative and the executive as unconstitutional. The policy, ineffectual as intimidation. ceased to be valid when she lost her legislative power for, like any
indeed, is a blend of courtesy and caution. To doubt is to sustain. statute, they continue to be in force unless modified or repealed
The theory is that before the act was done or the law was by subsequent law or declared invalid by the courts. A statute
For all the awesome power of the Congress and the Executive, the
enacted, earnest studies were made by Congress or the President, does not ipso facto become inoperative simply because of the
Court will not hesitate to "make the hammer fall, and heavily," to
or both, to insure that the Constitution would not be breached. dissolution of the legislature that enacted it. By the same token,
use Justice Laurel's pithy language, where the acts of these
President Aquino's loss of legislative power did not have the effect
departments, or of any public official, betray the people's will as
of invalidating all the measures enacted by her when and as long
In addition, the Constitution itself lays down stringent conditions expressed in the Constitution.
as she possessed it.
for a declaration of unconstitutionality, requiring therefor the
concurrence of a majority of the members of the Supreme Court
It need only be added, to borrow again the words of Justice
who took part in the deliberations and voted on the issue during Significantly, the Congress she is alleged to have undercut has not
Laurel, that —
their session en banc. 11 And as established by judge made rejected but in fact substantially affirmed the challenged
doctrine, the Court will assume jurisdiction over a constitutional measures and has specifically provided that they shall be
question only if it is shown that the essential requisites of a ... when the judiciary mediates to allocate suppletory to R.A. No. 6657 whenever not inconsistent with its
judicial inquiry into such a question are first satisfied. Thus, there constitutional boundaries, it does not assert provisions. 17 Indeed, some portions of the said measures, like the
must be an actual case or controversy involving a conflict of legal any superiority over the other departments; creation of the P50 billion fund in Section 2 of Proc. No. 131, and
rights susceptible of judicial determination, the constitutional it does not in reality nullify or invalidate an Sections 20 and 21 of E.O. No. 229, have been incorporated by
question must have been opportunely raised by the proper party, act of the Legislature, but only asserts the reference in the CARP Law.18
and the resolution of the question is unavoidably necessary to the solemn and sacred obligation assigned to it
decision of the case itself. 12 by the Constitution to determine conflicting
That fund, as earlier noted, is itself being questioned on the
claims of authority under the Constitution
ground that it does not conform to the requirements of a valid
and to establish for the parties in an actual
With particular regard to the requirement of proper party as appropriation as specified in the Constitution. Clearly, however,
controversy the rights which that
applied in the cases before us, we hold that the same is satisfied Proc. No. 131 is not an appropriation measure even if it does
instrument secures and guarantees to
by the petitioners and intervenors because each of them has provide for the creation of said fund, for that is not its principal
them. This is in truth all that is involved in
sustained or is in danger of sustaining an immediate injury as a purpose. An appropriation law is one the primary and specific
what is termed "judicial supremacy" which
result of the acts or measures complained of. 13 And even if, purpose of which is to authorize the release of public funds from
properly is the power of judicial review
strictly speaking, they are not covered by the definition, it is still the treasury.19 The creation of the fund is only incidental to the
under the Constitution. 16
within the wide discretion of the Court to waive the requirement main objective of the proclamation, which is agrarian reform.
and so remove the impediment to its addressing and resolving the
serious constitutional questions raised. The cases before us categorically raise constitutional questions
It should follow that the specific constitutional provisions invoked,
that this Court must categorically resolve. And so we shall.
to wit, Section 24 and Section 25(4) of Article VI, are not
In the first Emergency Powers Cases, 14 ordinary citizens and applicable. With particular reference to Section 24, this obviously
taxpayers were allowed to question the constitutionality of II could not have been complied with for the simple reason that the

House of Representatives, which now has the exclusive power to repealed P.D. No. 27 because the former was only a letter of There are traditional distinctions between the police power and
initiate appropriation measures, had not yet been convened when instruction. The important thing is that it was issued by President the power of eminent domain that logically preclude the
the proclamation was issued. The legislative power was then Marcos, whose word was law during that time. application of both powers at the same time on the same subject.
solely vested in the President of the Philippines, who embodied, In the case of City of Baguio v. NAWASA, 24 for example, where a
as it were, both houses of Congress. law required the transfer of all municipal waterworks systems to
But for all their peremptoriness, these issuances from the
the NAWASA in exchange for its assets of equivalent value, the
President Marcos still had to comply with the requirement for
Court held that the power being exercised was eminent domain
The argument of some of the petitioners that Proc. No. 131 and publication as this Court held in Tanada v. Tuvera. 21 Hence, unless
because the property involved was wholesome and intended for a
E.O. No. 229 should be invalidated because they do not provide published in the Official Gazette in accordance with Article 2 of
public use. Property condemned under the police power is
for retention limits as required by Article XIII, Section 4 of the the Civil Code, they could not have any force and effect if they
noxious or intended for a noxious purpose, such as a building on
Constitution is no longer tenable. R.A. No. 6657 does provide for were among those enactments successfully challenged in that
the verge of collapse, which should be demolished for the public
such limits now in Section 6 of the law, which in fact is one of its case. LOI 474 was published, though, in the Official Gazette dated
safety, or obscene materials, which should be destroyed in the
most controversial provisions. This section declares: November 29,1976.)
interest of public morals. The confiscation of such property is not
compensable, unlike the taking of property under the power of
Retention Limits. — Except as otherwise Finally, there is the contention of the public respondent in G.R. expropriation, which requires the payment of just compensation
provided in this Act, no person may own or No. 78742 that the writ of mandamus cannot issue to compel the to the owner.
retain, directly or indirectly, any public or performance of a discretionary act, especially by a specific
private agricultural land, the size of which department of the government. That is true as a general
In the case of Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon, 25 Justice Holmes
shall vary according to factors governing a proposition but is subject to one important qualification. Correctly
laid down the limits of the police power in a famous aphorism:
viable family-sized farm, such as commodity and categorically stated, the rule is that mandamus will lie to
"The general rule at least is that while property may be regulated
produced, terrain, infrastructure, and soil compel the discharge of the discretionary duty itself but not to
to a certain extent, if regulation goes too far it will be recognized
fertility as determined by the Presidential control the discretion to be exercised. In other words, mandamus
as a taking." The regulation that went "too far" was a law
Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) created can issue to require action only but not specific action.
prohibiting mining which might cause the subsidence of structures
hereunder, but in no case shall retention by
for human habitation constructed on the land surface. This was
the landowner exceed five (5) hectares.
Whenever a duty is imposed upon a public resisted by a coal company which had earlier granted a deed to
Three (3) hectares may be awarded to each
official and an unnecessary and the land over its mine but reserved all mining rights thereunder,
child of the landowner, subject to the
unreasonable delay in the exercise of such with the grantee assuming all risks and waiving any damage claim.
following qualifications: (1) that he is at
duty occurs, if it is a clear duty imposed by The Court held the law could not be sustained without
least fifteen (15) years of age; and (2) that
law, the courts will intervene by the compensating the grantor. Justice Brandeis filed a lone dissent in
he is actually tilling the land or directly
extraordinary legal remedy of mandamus to which he argued that there was a valid exercise of the police
managing the farm; Provided, That
compel action. If the duty is purely power. He said:
landowners whose lands have been covered
ministerial, the courts will require specific
by Presidential Decree No. 27 shall be
action. If the duty is purely discretionary,
allowed to keep the area originally retained Every restriction upon the use of property
the courts by mandamus will require action
by them thereunder, further, That original imposed in the exercise of the police power
only. For example, if an inferior court,
homestead grantees or direct compulsory deprives the owner of some right
public official, or board should, for an
heirs who still own the original homestead theretofore enjoyed, and is, in that sense,
unreasonable length of time, fail to decide a
at the time of the approval of this Act shall an abridgment by the State of rights in
particular question to the great detriment
retain the same areas as long as they property without making compensation.
of all parties concerned, or a court should
continue to cultivate said homestead. But restriction imposed to protect the
refuse to take jurisdiction of a cause when
public health, safety or morals from dangers
the law clearly gave it jurisdiction
threatened is not a taking. The restriction
The argument that E.O. No. 229 violates the constitutional mandamus will issue, in the first case to
here in question is merely the prohibition of
requirement that a bill shall have only one subject, to be require a decision, and in the second to
a noxious use. The property so restricted
expressed in its title, deserves only short attention. It is settled require that jurisdiction be taken of the
remains in the possession of its owner. The
that the title of the bill does not have to be a catalogue of its cause. 22
state does not appropriate it or make any
contents and will suffice if the matters embodied in the text are
use of it. The state merely prevents the
relevant to each other and may be inferred from the title. 20
And while it is true that as a rule the writ will not be proper as owner from making a use which interferes
long as there is still a plain, speedy and adequate remedy with paramount rights of the public.
The Court wryly observes that during the past dictatorship, every available from the administrative authorities, resort to the courts Whenever the use prohibited ceases to be
presidential issuance, by whatever name it was called, had the may still be permitted if the issue raised is a question of law. 23 noxious — as it may because of further
force and effect of law because it came from President Marcos. changes in local or social conditions — the
Such are the ways of despots. Hence, it is futile to argue, as the restriction will have to be removed and the
petitioners do in G.R. No. 79744, that LOI 474 could not have


owner will again be free to enjoy his beautiful as well as sanitary, there is excess and all beneficial rights accruing to the owner in favor of
property as heretofore. nothing in the Fifth Amendment that stands the farmer-beneficiary. This is definitely an exercise not of the
in the way. police power but of the power of eminent domain.
Recent trends, however, would indicate not a polarization but a
mingling of the police power and the power of eminent domain, Once the object is within the authority of Whether as an exercise of the police power or of the power of
with the latter being used as an implement of the former like the Congress, the right to realize it through the eminent domain, the several measures before us are challenged
power of taxation. The employment of the taxing power to exercise of eminent domain is clear. as violative of the due process and equal protection clauses.
achieve a police purpose has long been accepted. 26 As for the
power of expropriation, Prof. John J. Costonis of the University of
For the power of eminent domain is merely The challenge to Proc. No. 131 and E.O. Nos. 228 and 299 on the
Illinois College of Law (referring to the earlier case of Euclid v.
the means to the end. 28 ground that no retention limits are prescribed has already been
Ambler Realty Co., 272 US 365, which sustained a zoning law
discussed and dismissed. It is noted that although they excited
under the police power) makes the following significant remarks:
many bitter exchanges during the deliberation of the CARP Law in
In Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City,  29 decided by
Congress, the retention limits finally agreed upon are, curiously
a 6-3 vote in 1978, the U.S Supreme Court sustained the
Euclid, moreover, was decided in an era enough, not being questioned in these petitions. We therefore do
respondent's Landmarks Preservation Law under which the
when judges located the Police and not discuss them here. The Court will come to the other claimed
owners of the Grand Central Terminal had not been allowed to
eminent domain powers on different violations of due process in connection with our examination of
construct a multi-story office building over the Terminal, which
planets. Generally speaking, they viewed the adequacy of just compensation as required under the power
had been designated a historic landmark. Preservation of the
eminent domain as encompassing public of expropriation.
landmark was held to be a valid objective of the police power. The
acquisition of private property for
problem, however, was that the owners of the Terminal would be
improvements that would be available for
deprived of the right to use the airspace above it although other The argument of the small farmers that they have been denied
public use," literally construed. To the
landowners in the area could do so over their respective equal protection because of the absence of retention limits has
police power, on the other hand, they
properties. While insisting that there was here no taking, the also become academic under Section 6 of R.A. No. 6657.
assigned the less intrusive task of
Court nonetheless recognized certain compensatory rights Significantly, they too have not questioned the area of such limits.
preventing harmful externalities a point
accruing to Grand Central Terminal which it said would There is also the complaint that they should not be made to share
reflected in the Euclid opinion's reliance on
"undoubtedly mitigate" the loss caused by the regulation. This the burden of agrarian reform, an objection also made by the
an analogy to nuisance law to bolster its
"fair compensation," as he called it, was explained by Prof. sugar planters on the ground that they belong to a particular class
support of zoning. So long as suppression of
Costonis in this wise: with particular interests of their own. However, no evidence has
a privately authored harm bore a plausible
been submitted to the Court that the requisites of a valid
relation to some legitimate "public
classification have been violated.
purpose," the pertinent measure need have In return for retaining the Terminal site in its pristine landmark
afforded no compensation whatever. With status, Penn Central was authorized to transfer to neighboring
the progressive growth of government's properties the authorized but unused rights accruing to the site Classification has been defined as the grouping of persons or
involvement in land use, the distance prior to the Terminal's designation as a landmark — the rights things similar to each other in certain particulars and different
between the two powers has contracted which would have been exhausted by the 59-story building that from each other in these same particulars. 31 To be valid, it must
considerably. Today government often the city refused to countenance atop the Terminal. Prevailing bulk conform to the following requirements: (1) it must be based on
employs eminent domain interchangeably restrictions on neighboring sites were proportionately relaxed, substantial distinctions; (2) it must be germane to the purposes of
with or as a useful complement to the theoretically enabling Penn Central to recoup its losses at the the law; (3) it must not be limited to existing conditions only; and
police power-- a trend expressly approved Terminal site by constructing or selling to others the right to (4) it must apply equally to all the members of the class. 32 The
in the Supreme Court's 1954 decision in construct larger, hence more profitable buildings on the Court finds that all these requisites have been met by the
Berman v. Parker, which broadened the transferee sites. 30 measures here challenged as arbitrary and discriminatory.
reach of eminent domain's "public use" test
to match that of the police power's The cases before us present no knotty complication insofar as the Equal protection simply means that all persons or things similarly
standard of "public purpose." 27 question of compensable taking is concerned. To the extent that situated must be treated alike both as to the rights conferred and
the measures under challenge merely prescribe retention limits the liabilities imposed. 33 The petitioners have not shown that they
The Berman case sustained a redevelopment project and the for landowners, there is an exercise of the police power for the belong to a different class and entitled to a different treatment.
improvement of blighted areas in the District of Columbia as a regulation of private property in accordance with the The argument that not only landowners but also owners of other
proper exercise of the police power. On the role of eminent Constitution. But where, to carry out such regulation, it becomes properties must be made to share the burden of implementing
domain in the attainment of this purpose, Justice Douglas necessary to deprive such owners of whatever lands they may land reform must be rejected. There is a substantial distinction
declared: own in excess of the maximum area allowed, there is definitely a between these two classes of owners that is clearly visible except
taking under the power of eminent domain for which payment of to those who will not see. There is no need to elaborate on this
just compensation is imperative. The taking contemplated is not a matter. In any event, the Congress is allowed a wide leeway in
If those who govern the District of Columbia
mere limitation of the use of the land. What is required is the providing for a valid classification. Its decision is accorded
decide that the Nation's Capital should be
surrender of the title to and the physical possession of the said

recognition and respect by the courts of justice except only where that the power of eminent domain will includes the authority of the courts "to determine whether or not
its discretion is abused to the detriment of the Bill of Rights. come into play to assert the paramount there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
authority of the State over the interests of excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality
the property owner. Private rights must of the Government." 37 Even so, this should not be construed as a
It is worth remarking at this juncture that a statute may be
then yield to the irresistible demands of the license for us to reverse the other departments simply because
sustained under the police power only if there is a concurrence of
public interest on the time-honored their views may not coincide with ours.
the lawful subject and the lawful method. Put otherwise, the
justification, as in the case of the police
interests of the public generally as distinguished from those of a
power, that the welfare of the people is the
particular class require the interference of the State and, no less The legislature and the executive have been seen fit, in their
supreme law.
important, the means employed are reasonably necessary for the wisdom, to include in the CARP the redistribution of private
attainment of the purpose sought to be achieved and not unduly landholdings (even as the distribution of public agricultural lands
oppressive upon individuals. 34 As the subject and purpose of But for all its primacy and urgency, the power of expropriation is is first provided for, while also continuing apace under the Public
agrarian reform have been laid down by the Constitution itself, we by no means absolute (as indeed no power is absolute). The Land Act and other cognate laws). The Court sees no justification
may say that the first requirement has been satisfied. What limitation is found in the constitutional injunction that "private to interpose its authority, which we may assert only if we believe
remains to be examined is the validity of the method employed to property shall not be taken for public use without just that the political decision is not unwise, but illegal. We do not find
achieve the constitutional goal. compensation" and in the abundant jurisprudence that has it to be so.
evolved from the interpretation of this principle. Basically, the
requirements for a proper exercise of the power are: (1) public
One of the basic principles of the democratic system is that where In U.S. v. Chandler-Dunbar Water Power Company, 38 it was held:
use and (2) just compensation.
the rights of the individual are concerned, the end does not justify
the means. It is not enough that there be a valid objective; it is
Congress having determined, as it did by
also necessary that the means employed to pursue it be in Let us dispose first of the argument raised by the petitioners in
the Act of March 3,1909 that the entire St.
keeping with the Constitution. Mere expediency will not excuse G.R. No. 79310 that the State should first distribute public
Mary's river between the American bank
constitutional shortcuts. There is no question that not even the agricultural lands in the pursuit of agrarian reform instead of
and the international line, as well as all of
strongest moral conviction or the most urgent public need, immediately disturbing property rights by forcibly acquiring
the upland north of the present ship canal,
subject only to a few notable exceptions, will excuse the private agricultural lands. Parenthetically, it is not correct to say
throughout its entire length, was "necessary
bypassing of an individual's rights. It is no exaggeration to say that that only public agricultural lands may be covered by the CARP as
for the purpose of navigation of said
a, person invoking a right guaranteed under Article III of the the Constitution calls for "the just distribution of all agricultural
waters, and the waters connected
Constitution is a majority of one even as against the rest of the lands." In any event, the decision to redistribute private
therewith," that determination is conclusive
nation who would deny him that right. agricultural lands in the manner prescribed by the CARP was
in condemnation proceedings instituted by
made by the legislative and executive departments in the exercise
the United States under that Act, and there
of their discretion. We are not justified in reviewing that
That right covers the person's life, his liberty and his property is no room for judicial review of the
discretion in the absence of a clear showing that it has been
under Section 1 of Article III of the Constitution. With regard to his judgment of Congress ... .
property, the owner enjoys the added protection of Section 9,
which reaffirms the familiar rule that private property shall not be
As earlier observed, the requirement for public use has already
taken for public use without just compensation. A becoming courtesy admonishes us to respect the decisions of
been settled for us by the Constitution itself No less than the 1987
the political departments when they decide what is known as the
Charter calls for agrarian reform, which is the reason why private
political question. As explained by Chief Justice Concepcion in the
This brings us now to the power of eminent domain. agricultural lands are to be taken from their owners, subject to
case of Tañada v. Cuenco: 36
the prescribed maximum retention limits. The purposes specified
in P.D. No. 27, Proc. No. 131 and R.A. No. 6657 are only an
The term "political question" connotes what elaboration of the constitutional injunction that the State adopt
it means in ordinary parlance, namely, a the necessary measures "to encourage and undertake the just
Eminent domain is an inherent power of the question of policy. It refers to "those distribution of all agricultural lands to enable farmers who are
State that enables it to forcibly acquire questions which, under the Constitution, landless to own directly or collectively the lands they till." That
private lands intended for public use upon are to be decided by the people in their public use, as pronounced by the fundamental law itself, must be
payment of just compensation to the sovereign capacity; or in regard to which binding on us.
owner. Obviously, there is no need to full discretionary authority has been
expropriate where the owner is willing to delegated to the legislative or executive
The second requirement, i.e., the payment of just compensation,
sell under terms also acceptable to the branch of the government." It is concerned
needs a longer and more thoughtful examination.
purchaser, in which case an ordinary deed with issues dependent upon the wisdom,
of sale may be agreed upon by the not legality, of a particular measure.
parties. 35 It is only where the owner is Just compensation is defined as the full and fair equivalent of the
unwilling to sell, or cannot accept the price property taken from its owner by the expropriator. 39 It has been
It is true that the concept of the political question has been
or other conditions offered by the vendee, repeatedly stressed by this Court that the measure is not the
constricted with the enlargement of judicial power, which now

taker's gain but the owner's loss.40 The word "just" is used to ... the DAR shall conduct summary choice is always limited to the lower of the
intensify the meaning of the word "compensation" to convey the administrative proceedings to determine two. The court cannot exercise its discretion
idea that the equivalent to be rendered for the property to be the compensation for the land by requiring or independence in determining what is just
taken shall be real, substantial, full, ample. 41 the landowner, the LBP and other or fair. Even a grade school pupil could
interested parties to submit evidence as to substitute for the judge insofar as the
the just compensation for the land, within determination of constitutional just
It bears repeating that the measures challenged in these petitions
fifteen (15) days from the receipt of the compensation is concerned.
contemplate more than a mere regulation of the use of private
notice. After the expiration of the above
lands under the police power. We deal here with an actual taking
period, the matter is deemed submitted for
of private agricultural lands that has dispossessed the owners of xxx
decision. The DAR shall decide the case
their property and deprived them of all its beneficial use and
within thirty (30) days after it is submitted
enjoyment, to entitle them to the just compensation mandated by
for decision. In the present petition, we are once again
the Constitution.
confronted with the same question of
whether the courts under P.D. No. 1533,
To be sure, the determination of just compensation is a function
As held in Republic of the Philippines v. Castellvi, 42 there is which contains the same provision on just
addressed to the courts of justice and may not be usurped by any
compensable taking when the following conditions concur: (1) the compensation as its predecessor decrees,
other branch or official of the government. EPZA v.
expropriator must enter a private property; (2) the entry must be still have the power and authority to
Dulay 44 resolved a challenge to several decrees promulgated by
for more than a momentary period; (3) the entry must be under determine just compensation, independent
President Marcos providing that the just compensation for
warrant or color of legal authority; (4) the property must be of what is stated by the decree and to this
property under expropriation should be either the assessment of
devoted to public use or otherwise informally appropriated or effect, to appoint commissioners for such
the property by the government or the sworn valuation thereof
injuriously affected; and (5) the utilization of the property for purpose.
by the owner, whichever was lower. In declaring these decrees
public use must be in such a way as to oust the owner and deprive
unconstitutional, the Court held through Mr. Justice Hugo E.
him of beneficial enjoyment of the property. All these requisites
Gutierrez, Jr.: This time, we answer in the affirmative.
are envisioned in the measures before us.

The method of ascertaining just xxx

Where the State itself is the expropriator, it is not necessary for it
compensation under the aforecited decrees
to make a deposit upon its taking possession of the condemned
constitutes impermissible encroachment on It is violative of due process to deny the
property, as "the compensation is a public charge, the good faith
judicial prerogatives. It tends to render this owner the opportunity to prove that the
of the public is pledged for its payment, and all the resources of
Court inutile in a matter which under this valuation in the tax documents is unfair or
taxation may be employed in raising the amount." 43 Nevertheless,
Constitution is reserved to it for final wrong. And it is repulsive to the basic
Section 16(e) of the CARP Law provides that:
determination. concepts of justice and fairness to allow the
haphazard work of a minor bureaucrat or
Upon receipt by the landowner of the
Thus, although in an expropriation clerk to absolutely prevail over the
corresponding payment or, in case of
proceeding the court technically would still judgment of a court promulgated only after
rejection or no response from the
have the power to determine the just expert commissioners have actually viewed
landowner, upon the deposit with an
compensation for the property, following the property, after evidence and arguments
accessible bank designated by the DAR of
the applicable decrees, its task would be pro and con have been presented, and after
the compensation in cash or in LBP bonds in
relegated to simply stating the lower value all factors and considerations essential to a
accordance with this Act, the DAR shall take
of the property as declared either by the fair and just determination have been
immediate possession of the land and shall
owner or the assessor. As a necessary judiciously evaluated.
request the proper Register of Deeds to
consequence, it would be useless for the
issue a Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) in
court to appoint commissioners under Rule A reading of the aforecited Section 16(d) will readily show that it
the name of the Republic of the Philippines.
67 of the Rules of Court. Moreover, the does not suffer from the arbitrariness that rendered the
The DAR shall thereafter proceed with the
need to satisfy the due process clause in the challenged decrees constitutionally objectionable. Although the
redistribution of the land to the qualified
taking of private property is seemingly proceedings are described as summary, the landowner and other
fulfilled since it cannot be said that a interested parties are nevertheless allowed an opportunity to
judicial proceeding was not had before the submit evidence on the real value of the property. But more
Objection is raised, however, to the manner of fixing the just actual taking. However, the strict importantly, the determination of the just compensation by the
compensation, which it is claimed is entrusted to the application of the decrees during the DAR is not by any means final and conclusive upon the landowner
administrative authorities in violation of judicial prerogatives. proceedings would be nothing short of a or any other interested party, for Section 16(f) clearly provides:
Specific reference is made to Section 16(d), which provides that in mere formality or charade as the court has
case of the rejection or disregard by the owner of the offer of the only to choose between the valuation of the
government to buy his land- owner and that of the assessor, and its

Any party who disagrees with the decision b a

may bring the matter to the court of proper o r
jurisdiction for final determination of just v a
compensation. e g
The determination made by the DAR is only preliminary unless f
accepted by all parties concerned. Otherwise, the courts of justice i i
will still have the right to review with finality the said f s
determination in the exercise of what is admittedly a judicial t
function. y c
The second and more serious objection to the provisions on just ( n
compensation is not as easily resolved. 5 c
0 e
) r
This refers to Section 18 of the CARP Law providing in full as
SEC. 18. Valuation and Mode of
Compensation. — The LBP shall
t —
compensate the landowner in such amount
as may be agreed upon by the landowner
and the DAR and the LBP, in accordance T
with the criteria provided for in Sections 16 w
and 17, and other pertinent provisions e
hereof, or as may be finally determined by n
the court, as the just compensation for the t
land. y
s -
The compensation shall be paid in one of f i
the following modes, at the option of the a
landowner: r e

(1) Cash payment, under the following a

terms and conditions: s e
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n controlled corporations, LBP preferred
p m shares, physical assets or other qualified
e e investments in accordance with guidelines
r n set by the PARC;
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(3) Tax credits which can be used against
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(4) LBP bonds, which shall have the
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a m sustained, which is the measure of the

l indemnity, not whatever gain would accrue
s to the expropriating entity. The market
; value of the land taken is the just
a compensation to which the owner of
n condemned property is entitled, the market
d value being that sum of money which a
person desirous, but not compelled to buy,
t and an owner, willing, but not compelled to
( o sell, would agree on as a price to be given
and received for such property. (Emphasis
t supplied.)
i i
) m In the United States, where much of our jurisprudence on the
e subject has been derived, the weight of authority is also to the
effect that just compensation for property expropriated is payable
a only in money and not otherwise. Thus —
c l
h l The medium of payment of compensation is
o ready money or cash. The condemnor
w cannot compel the owner to accept
o .
t anything but money, nor can the owner
h compel or require the condemnor to pay
e The contention of the petitioners in G.R. No. 79777 is that the him on any other basis than the value of the
r above provision is unconstitutional insofar as it requires the property in money at the time and in the
owners of the expropriated properties to accept just manner prescribed by the Constitution and
compensation therefor in less than money, which is the only the statutes. When the power of eminent
u domain is resorted to, there must be a
medium of payment allowed. In support of this contention, they
s standard medium of payment, binding upon
cite jurisprudence holding that:
e both parties, and the law has fixed that
s standard as money in cash. 47 (Emphasis
The fundamental rule in expropriation supplied.)
matters is that the owner of the property
expropriated is entitled to a just
s Part cash and deferred payments are not
compensation, which should be neither
more nor less, whenever it is possible to and cannot, in the nature of things, be
t make the assessment, than the money regarded as a reliable and constant
h equivalent of said property. Just standard of compensation. 48
e compensation has always been understood
to be the just and complete equivalent of "Just compensation" for property taken by
P the loss which the owner of the thing condemnation means a fair equivalent in
A expropriated has to suffer by reason of the money, which must be paid at least within a
R expropriation . 45 (Emphasis supplied.) reasonable time after the taking, and it is
C not within the power of the Legislature to
In J.M. Tuazon Co. v. Land Tenure Administration, 46 this Court substitute for such payment future
held: obligations, bonds, or other valuable
m advantage. 49 (Emphasis supplied.)
y It is well-settled that just compensation
means the equivalent for the value of the It cannot be denied from these cases that the traditional medium
property at the time of its taking. Anything for the payment of just compensation is money and no other. And
beyond that is more, and anything short of so, conformably, has just compensation been paid in the past
that is less, than just compensation. It solely in that medium. However, we do not deal here with the
means a fair and full equivalent for the loss traditional excercise of the power of eminent domain. This is not

an ordinary expropriation where only a specific property of force at the time they deliberated on the new Charter and with which are likewise available to the landowner at his option, are
relatively limited area is sought to be taken by the State from its which they presumably agreed in principle. also not unreasonable because payment is made in shares of
owner for a specific and perhaps local purpose. stock, LBP bonds, other properties or assets, tax credits, and other
things of value equivalent to the amount of just compensation.
The Court has not found in the records of the Constitutional
What we deal with here is a revolutionary kind of expropriation. Commission any categorical agreement among the members
regarding the meaning to be given the concept of just Admittedly, the compensation contemplated in the law will cause
compensation as applied to the comprehensive agrarian reform the landowners, big and small, not a little inconvenience. As
The expropriation before us affects all private agricultural lands
program being contemplated. There was the suggestion to "fine already remarked, this cannot be avoided. Nevertheless, it is
whenever found and of whatever kind as long as they are in
tune" the requirement to suit the demands of the project even as devoutly hoped that these countrymen of ours, conscious as we
excess of the maximum retention limits allowed their owners. This
it was also felt that they should "leave it to Congress" to know they are of the need for their forebearance and even
kind of expropriation is intended for the benefit not only of a
determine how payment should be made to the landowner and sacrifice, will not begrudge us their indispensable share in the
particular community or of a small segment of the population but
reimbursement required from the farmer-beneficiaries. Such attainment of the ideal of agrarian reform. Otherwise, our pursuit
of the entire Filipino nation, from all levels of our society, from
innovations as "progressive compensation" and "State-subsidized of this elusive goal will be like the quest for the Holy Grail.
the impoverished farmer to the land-glutted owner. Its purpose
compensation" were also proposed. In the end, however, no
does not cover only the whole territory of this country but goes
special definition of the just compensation for the lands to be
beyond in time to the foreseeable future, which it hopes to secure The complaint against the effects of non-registration of the land
expropriated was reached by the Commission. 50
and edify with the vision and the sacrifice of the present under E.O. No. 229 does not seem to be viable any more as it
generation of Filipinos. Generations yet to come are as involved in appears that Section 4 of the said Order has been superseded by
this program as we are today, although hopefully only as On the other hand, there is nothing in the records either that Section 14 of the CARP Law. This repeats the requisites of
beneficiaries of a richer and more fulfilling life we will guarantee militates against the assumptions we are making of the general registration as embodied in the earlier measure but does not
to them tomorrow through our thoughtfulness today. And, finally, sentiments and intention of the members on the content and provide, as the latter did, that in case of failure or refusal to
let it not be forgotten that it is no less than the Constitution itself manner of the payment to be made to the landowner in the light register the land, the valuation thereof shall be that given by the
that has ordained this revolution in the farms, calling for "a just of the magnitude of the expenditure and the limitations of the provincial or city assessor for tax purposes. On the contrary, the
distribution" among the farmers of lands that have heretofore expropriator. CARP Law says that the just compensation shall be ascertained on
been the prison of their dreams but can now become the key at the basis of the factors mentioned in its Section 17 and in the
least to their deliverance. manner provided for in Section 16.
With these assumptions, the Court hereby declares that the
content and manner of the just compensation provided for in the
Such a program will involve not mere millions of pesos. The cost afore- quoted Section 18 of the CARP Law is not violative of the The last major challenge to CARP is that the landowner is divested
will be tremendous. Considering the vast areas of land subject to Constitution. We do not mind admitting that a certain degree of of his property even before actual payment to him in full of just
expropriation under the laws before us, we estimate that pragmatism has influenced our decision on this issue, but after all compensation, in contravention of a well- accepted principle of
hundreds of billions of pesos will be needed, far more indeed than this Court is not a cloistered institution removed from the realities eminent domain.
the amount of P50 billion initially appropriated, which is already and demands of society or oblivious to the need for its
staggering as it is by our present standards. Such amount is in fact enhancement. The Court is as acutely anxious as the rest of our
The recognized rule, indeed, is that title to the property
not even fully available at this time. people to see the goal of agrarian reform achieved at last after
expropriated shall pass from the owner to the expropriator only
the frustrations and deprivations of our peasant masses during all
upon full payment of the just compensation. Jurisprudence on this
these disappointing decades. We are aware that invalidation of
We assume that the framers of the Constitution were aware of settled principle is consistent both here and in other democratic
the said section will result in the nullification of the entire
this difficulty when they called for agrarian reform as a top jurisdictions. Thus:
program, killing the farmer's hopes even as they approach
priority project of the government. It is a part of this assumption
realization and resurrecting the spectre of discontent and dissent
that when they envisioned the expropriation that would be
in the restless countryside. That is not in our view the intention of Title to property which is the subject of condemnation
needed, they also intended that the just compensation would
the Constitution, and that is not what we shall decree today. proceedings does not vest the condemnor until the judgment
have to be paid not in the orthodox way but a less conventional if
fixing just compensation is entered and paid, but the condemnor's
more practical method. There can be no doubt that they were
title relates back to the date on which the petition under the
aware of the financial limitations of the government and had no Accepting the theory that payment of the just compensation is
Eminent Domain Act, or the commissioner's report under the
illusions that there would be enough money to pay in cash and in not always required to be made fully in money, we find further
Local Improvement Act, is filed. 51
full for the lands they wanted to be distributed among the that the proportion of cash payment to the other things of value
farmers. We may therefore assume that their intention was to constituting the total payment, as determined on the basis of the
allow such manner of payment as is now provided for by the CARP areas of the lands expropriated, is not unduly oppressive upon the ... although the right to appropriate and use land taken for a canal
Law, particularly the payment of the balance (if the owner cannot landowner. It is noted that the smaller the land, the bigger the is complete at the time of entry, title to the property taken
be paid fully with money), or indeed of the entire amount of the payment in money, primarily because the small landowner will be remains in the owner until payment is actually made. 52 (Emphasis
just compensation, with other things of value. We may also needing it more than the big landowners, who can afford a bigger supplied.)
suppose that what they had in mind was a similar scheme of balance in bonds and other things of value. No less importantly,
payment as that prescribed in P.D. No. 27, which was the law in the government financial instruments making up the balance of In Kennedy v. Indianapolis, 53 the US Supreme Court cited several
the payment are "negotiable at any time." The other modes, cases holding that title to property does not pass to the

condemnor until just compensation had actually been made. In Hence, it was also perfectly proper for the Order to also provide in scrapped entirely. To be sure, these enactments are less than
fact, the decisions appear to be uniformly to this effect. As early its Section 2 that the "lease rentals paid to the landowner by the perfect; indeed, they should be continuously re-examined and
as 1838, in Rubottom v. McLure, 54 it was held that "actual farmer- beneficiary after October 21, 1972 (pending transfer of rehoned, that they may be sharper instruments for the better
payment to the owner of the condemned property was a ownership after full payment of just compensation), shall be protection of the farmer's rights. But we have to start
condition precedent to the investment of the title to the property considered as advance payment for the land." somewhere. In the pursuit of agrarian reform, we do not tread on
in the State" albeit "not to the appropriation of it to public use." familiar ground but grope on terrain fraught with pitfalls and
In Rexford v. Knight, 55 the Court of Appeals of New York said that expected difficulties. This is inevitable. The CARP Law is not a tried
The CARP Law, for its part, conditions the transfer of possession
the construction upon the statutes was that the fee did not vest in and tested project. On the contrary, to use Justice Holmes's
and ownership of the land to the government on receipt by the
the State until the payment of the compensation although the words, "it is an experiment, as all life is an experiment," and so we
landowner of the corresponding payment or the deposit by the
authority to enter upon and appropriate the land was complete learn as we venture forward, and, if necessary, by our own
DAR of the compensation in cash or LBP bonds with an accessible
prior to the payment. Kennedy further said that "both on principle mistakes. We cannot expect perfection although we should strive
bank. Until then, title also remains with the landowner. 57 No
and authority the rule is ... that the right to enter on and use the for it by all means. Meantime, we struggle as best we can in
outright change of ownership is contemplated either.
property is complete, as soon as the property is actually freeing the farmer from the iron shackles that have
appropriated under the authority of law for a public use, but that unconscionably, and for so long, fettered his soul to the soil.
the title does not pass from the owner without his consent, until Hence, the argument that the assailed measures violate due
just compensation has been made to him." process by arbitrarily transferring title before the land is fully paid
By the decision we reach today, all major legal obstacles to the
for must also be rejected.
comprehensive agrarian reform program are removed, to clear
Our own Supreme Court has held in Visayan Refining Co. v. Camus the way for the true freedom of the farmer. We may now glimpse
and Paredes,  56 that: It is worth stressing at this point that all rights acquired by the the day he will be released not only from want but also from the
tenant-farmer under P.D. No. 27, as recognized under E.O. No. exploitation and disdain of the past and from his own feelings of
228, are retained by him even now under R.A. No. 6657. This inadequacy and helplessness. At last his servitude will be ended
If the laws which we have exhibited or cited
should counter-balance the express provision in Section 6 of the forever. At last the farm on which he toils will be his farm. It will
in the preceding discussion are attentively
said law that "the landowners whose lands have been covered by be his portion of the Mother Earth that will give him not only the
examined it will be apparent that the
Presidential Decree No. 27 shall be allowed to keep the area staff of life but also the joy of living. And where once it bred for
method of expropriation adopted in this
originally retained by them thereunder, further, That original him only deep despair, now can he see in it the fruition of his
jurisdiction is such as to afford absolute
homestead grantees or direct compulsory heirs who still own the hopes for a more fulfilling future. Now at last can he banish from
reassurance that no piece of land can be
original homestead at the time of the approval of this Act shall his small plot of earth his insecurities and dark resentments and
finally and irrevocably taken from an
retain the same areas as long as they continue to cultivate said "rebuild in it the music and the dream."
unwilling owner until compensation is
paid ... . (Emphasis supplied.)
WHEREFORE, the Court holds as follows:
In connection with these retained rights, it does not appear in
It is true that P.D. No. 27 expressly ordered the emancipation of
G.R. No. 78742 that the appeal filed by the petitioners with the
tenant-farmer as October 21, 1972 and declared that he shall "be 1. R.A. No. 6657, P.D. No. 27, Proc. No. 131,
Office of the President has already been resolved. Although we
deemed the owner" of a portion of land consisting of a family- and E.O. Nos. 228 and 229 are SUSTAINED
have said that the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
sized farm except that "no title to the land owned by him was to against all the constitutional objections
remedies need not preclude immediate resort to judicial action,
be actually issued to him unless and until he had become a full- raised in the herein petitions.
there are factual issues that have yet to be examined on the
fledged member of a duly recognized farmers' cooperative." It
administrative level, especially the claim that the petitioners are
was understood, however, that full payment of the just
not covered by LOI 474 because they do not own other 2. Title to all expropriated properties shall
compensation also had to be made first, conformably to the
agricultural lands than the subjects of their petition. be transferred to the State only upon full
constitutional requirement.
payment of compensation to their
respective owners.
Obviously, the Court cannot resolve these issues. In any event,
When E.O. No. 228, categorically stated in its Section 1 that:
assuming that the petitioners have not yet exercised their
retention rights, if any, under P.D. No. 27, the Court holds that 3. All rights previously acquired by the
All qualified farmer-beneficiaries are now they are entitled to the new retention rights provided for by R.A. tenant- farmers under P.D. No. 27 are
deemed full owners as of October 21, 1972 No. 6657, which in fact are on the whole more liberal than those retained and recognized.
of the land they acquired by virtue of granted by the decree.
Presidential Decree No. 27. (Emphasis
4. Landowners who were unable to exercise
V their rights of retention under P.D. No. 27
shall enjoy the retention rights granted by
it was obviously referring to lands already validly acquired under R.A. No. 6657 under the conditions therein
The CARP Law and the other enactments also involved in these
the said decree, after proof of full-fledged membership in the prescribed.
cases have been the subject of bitter attack from those who point
farmers' cooperatives and full payment of just compensation.
to the shortcomings of these measures and ask that they be

5. Subject to the above-mentioned rulings Region, Branch 139, Makati and FEDERICO L. MELOCOTTON JR., YAP, J.:
all the petitions are DISMISSED, without in his capacity as Trial Fiscal Regional Trial Court, Branch 139,
pronouncement as to costs. Makati, respondents.
The constitutionality of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 (BP 22 for
short), popularly known as the Bouncing Check Law, which was
SO ORDERED G.R No. 75812-13 December 18, 1986 approved on April 3, 1979, is the sole issue presented by these
petitions for decision. The question is definitely one of first
impression in our jurisdiction.
spouses, petitioners, 
vs. These petitions arose from cases involving prosecution of offenses
G.R. No. L-63419 December 18, 1986
HONORABLE PRESIDING JUDGE OF BRANCH 154, now vacant but under the statute. The defendants in those cases moved
temporarily presided by HONORABLE ASAALI S. ISNANI Branch seasonably to quash the informations on the ground that the acts
FLORENTINA A. LOZANO, petitioner,  153, Court of First Instance of Pasig, Metro Manila, respondent. charged did not constitute an offense, the statute being
vs. unconstitutional. The motions were denied by the respondent
THE HONORABLE ANTONIO M. MARTINEZ, in his capacity as trial courts, except in one case, which is the subject of G. R. No.
G.R No. 75765-67 December 18, 1986
Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court, National Capital Judicial 75789, wherein the trial court declared the law unconstitutional
Region, Branch XX, Manila, and the HONORABLE JOSE B. and dismissed the case. The parties adversely affected have come
FLAMINIANO, in his capacity as City Fiscal of LUIS M. HOJAS, petitioner,  to us for relief.
Manila, respondents. vs.
HON. JUDGE SENEN PENARANDA, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial
As a threshold issue the former Solicitor General in his comment
Court of Cagayan de Oro City, Branch XX, HONORABLE JUDGE
G.R. No. L-66839-42 December 18, 1986 on the petitions, maintained the posture that it was premature for
ALFREDO LAGAMON, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court of
the accused to elevate to this Court the orders denying their
LUZVIMINDA F. LOBATON petitioner,  motions to quash, these orders being interlocutory. While this is
T. CATHI, City Fiscal of Cagayan de Oro City,respondents.
vs. correct as a general rule, we have in justifiable cases intervened
HONORABLE GLICERIO L. CRUZ, in his capacity as Presiding to review the lower court's denial of a motion to quash. 1 In view
G.R. No. 75789 December 18, 1986 of the importance of the issue involved here, there is no doubt in
Executive Judge, Branch V, Region IV, Regional Trial Court, sitting
at Lemery, Batangas, THE PROVINCIAL FISCAL OF BATANGAS, our mind that the instant petitions should be entertained and the
and MARIA LUISA TORDECILLA, respondents. THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner,  constitutional challenge to BP 22 resolved promptly, one way or
vs. the other, in order to put to rest the doubts and uncertainty that
HON. DAVID G. NITAFAN, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court, exist in legal and judicial circles and the general public which have
G.R No. 71654 December 18, 1986 unnecessarily caused a delay in the disposition of cases involving
National Capital Judicial Region, Branch 52, Manila and THELMA
SARMIENTO, respondents. the enforcement of the statute.
vs. For the purpose of resolving the constitutional issue presented
R.R. Nogales Law Office for petitioner in G.R. No. 63419, G.R. Nos.
HONORABLE JUDGE ERNANI C. PANO, Regional Trial Court, here, we do not find it necessary to delve into the specifics of the
74524-25, G.R. Nos. 75812-13, G.R. Nos. 75765-67 and counsel for
Quezon City, Branch LXXXVIII, HONORABLE ClTY FISCAL OF informations involved in the cases which are the subject of the
respondent in G.R. No. 75789.
QUEZON CITY, respondents. petitions before us. 2 The language of BP 22 is broad enough to
cover all kinds of checks, whether present dated or postdated, or
Pio S. Canta for petitioner in G.R. Nos. 66839-42. whether issued in payment of pre-existing obligations or given in
G.R. No. 74524-25 December 18, 1986
mutual or simultaneous exchange for something of value.
Hermogenes Datuin, Jr. for petitioner in G.R. No. 71654.
OSCAR VIOLAGO, petitioner, 
vs. I
HONORABLE JUDGE ERNANI C. PAÑ;O Regional Trial Court, Abinoja, Tabalingcos, Villalon & Associates for petitioner in G.R.
Quezon City, Branch LXXXVIII, HONORABLE CITY FISCAL OF Nos. 75122-49. BP 22 punishes a person "who makes or draws and issues any
QUEZON CITY, respondents. check on account or for value, knowing at the time of issue that
The Solicitor General for respondent in G.R. No. 63419, G.R. Nos. he does not have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee
G.R. No. 75122-49 December 18, 1986 66839-42, G.R. No. 71654, G.R. Nos. 74524-25, G.R. Nos. 75122- bank for the payment of said check in full upon presentment,
49, G.R. Nos. 75812-13, G.R. Nos. 75765-67 and counsel for which check is subsequently dishonored by the drawee bank for
petitioner in G.R. No. 75789. insufficiency of funds or credit or would have been dishonored for
ELINOR ABAD, petitioner,  the same reason had not the drawer, without any valid reason,
vs. ordered the bank to stop payment." The penalty prescribed for
THE HONORABLE NICOLAS A. GEROCHI, JR., in his capacity as   the offense is imprisonment of not less than 30 days nor more
Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court, National Capital Judicial

than one year or a fine or not less than the amount of the check checks. Criminal law has dealth with the problem within the xxx xxx xxx
nor more than double said amount, but in no case to exceed context of crimes against property punished as "estafa" or crimes
P200,000.00, or both such fine and imprisonment at the involving fraud and deceit. The focus of these penal provisions is
(d) By postdating a check, or issuing a check
discretion of the court. 3 on the damage caused to the property rights of the victim.
in payment of an obligation the offender
knowing that at the time he had no funds in
The statute likewise imposes the same penalty on "any person The Penal Code of Spain, which was in force in the Philippines the bank, or the funds deposited by him
who, having sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank from 1887 until it was replaced by the Revised Penal Code in were not sufficient to cover the amount of
when he makes or draws and issues a check, shall fail to keep 1932, contained provisions penalizing, among others, the act of the cheek without informing the payee of
sufficient funds or to maintain a credit to cover the full amount of defrauding another through false pretenses. Art. 335 punished a such circumstances.
the check if presented within a period of ninety (90) days from the person who defrauded another "by falsely pretending to possess
date appearing thereon, for which reason it is dishonored by the any power, influence, qualification, property, credit, agency or
The scope of paragraph 2 (d), however, was deemed to exclude
drawee bank. 4 business, or by means of similar deceit." Although no explicit
checks issued in payment of pre-existing obligations. 10 The
mention was made therein regarding checks, this provision was
rationale of this interpretation is that in estafa, the deceit causing
deemed to cover within its ambit the issuance of worthless or
An essential element of the offense is "knowledge" on the part of the defraudation must be prior to or simultaneous with the
bogus checks in exchange for money. 7
the maker or drawer of the check of the insufficiency of his funds commission of the fraud. In issuing a check as payment for a pre-
in or credit with the bank to cover the check upon its existing debt, the drawer does not derive any material benefit in
presentment. Since this involves a state of mind difficult to In 1926, an amendment was introduced by the Philippine return or as consideration for its issuance. On the part of the
establish, the statute itself creates a prima facie presumption of Legislature, which added a new clause (paragraph 10) to Article payee, he had already parted with his money or property before
such knowledge where payment of the check "is refused by the 335 of the old Penal Code, this time referring in explicit terms to the check is issued to him hence, he is not defrauded by means of
drawee because of insufficient funds in or credit with such bank the issuance of worthless checks. The amendment penalized any any "prior" or "simultaneous" deceit perpetrated on him by the
when presented within ninety (90) days from the date of the person who 1) issues a check in payment of a debt or for other drawer of the check.
check. 5 To mitigate the harshness of the law in its application, the valuable consideration, knowing at the time of its issuance that he
statute provides that such presumption shall not arise if within does not have sufficient funds in the bank to cover its amount, or
With the intention of remedying the situation and solving the
five (5) banking days from receipt of the notice of dishonor, the 2) maliciously signs the check differently from his authentic
problem of how to bring checks issued in payment of pre-existing
maker or drawer makes arrangements for payment of the check signature as registered at the bank in order that the latter would
debts within the ambit of Art. 315, an amendment was introduced
by the bank or pays the holder the amount of the check. refuse to honor it; or 3) issues a postdated check and, at the date
by the Congress of the Philippines in 1967, 11 which was enacted
set for its payment, does not have sufficient deposit to cover the
into law as Republic Act No. 4885, revising the aforesaid proviso
same. 8
Another provision of the statute, also in the nature of a rule of to read as follows:
evidence, provides that the introduction in evidence of the unpaid
and dishonored check with the drawee bank's refusal to pay In 1932, as already adverted to, the old Penal Code was
(d) By postdating a check, or issuing a check in
"stamped or written thereon or attached thereto, giving the superseded by the Revised Penal Code. 9 The above provisions, in
payment of an obligation when the offender had no
reason therefor, "shall constitute prima facie proof of "the amended form, were incorporated in Article 315 of the Revised
funds in the bank, or his funds deposited therein were
making or issuance of said check, and the due presentment to the Penal Code defining the crime of estafa. The revised text of the
not sufficient to cover the amount of the check. The
drawee for payment and the dishonor thereof ... for the reason provision read as follows:
failure of the drawer of the check to deposit the
written, stamped or attached by the drawee on such dishonored
amount necessary to cover his check within three (3)
check." 6
Art. 315. Swindling (estafa).—Any person who shall days from receipt of notice from the bank and/or the
defraud another by any of the means mentioned payee or holder that said check has been dishonored
The presumptions being merely prima facie, it is open to the hereinbelow shall be punished by: for lack or insufficiency of funds shall be puma facie
accused of course to present proof to the contrary to overcome evidence of deceit constituting false pretense or
the said presumptions. fraudulent act.
xxx xxx xxx

II However, the adoption of the amendment did not alter the

2. By means of any of the following false pretenses or
situation materially. A divided Court held in People vs. Sabio,
fraudulent acts executed prior to or simultaneously
Jr.  12 that Article 315, as amended by Republic Act 4885, does not
BP 22 is aimed at putting a stop to or curbing the practice of with the commis sion of the fraud:
cover checks issued in payment of pre-existing obligations, again
issuing checks that are worthless, i.e. checks that end up being
relying on the concept underlying the crime of estafa through
rejected or dishonored for payment. The practice, as discussed
(a) By using fictitious name, or falsely false pretenses or deceit—which is, that the deceit or false
later, is proscribed by the state because of the injury it causes to t
pretending to possess power, influence, pretense must be prior to or simultaneous with the commission of
public interests.
qualifications, property, credit, agency, the fraud.
business or imaginary transactions, or by
Before the enactment of BP 22, provisions already existed in our means of other similar deceits;
statute books which penalize the issuance of bouncing or rubber

Since statistically it had been shown that the greater bulk of constitutional provision forbidding imprisonment for debt. It is The law involved in Ganaway was not a criminal statute but the
dishonored checks consisted of those issued in payment of pre- contended that the statute runs counter to the inhibition in the Code of Procedure in Civil Actions (1909) which authorized the
existing debts, 13 the amended provision evidently failed to cope Bill of Rights which states, "No person shall be imprisoned for arrest of the defendant in a civil case on grounds akin to those
with the real problem and to deal effectively with the evil that it debt or non-payment of a poll tax." 16 Petitioners insist that, since which justify the issuance of a writ of attachment under our
was intended to eliminate or minimize. the offense under BP 22 is consummated only upon the dishonor present Rules of Court, such as imminent departure of the
or non-payment of the check when it is presented to the drawee defendant from the Philippines with intent to defraud his
bank, the statute is really a "bad debt law" rather than a "bad creditors, or concealment, removal or disposition of properties in
With the foregoing factual and legal antecedents as a backdrop,
check law." What it punishes is the non-payment of the check, not fraud of creditors, etc. The Court, in that case, declared the
the then Interim Batasan confronted the problem squarely. It
the act of issuing it. The statute, it is claimed, is nothing more detention of the defendant unlawful, being violative of the
opted to take a bold step and decided to enact a law dealing with
than a veiled device to coerce payment of a debt under the threat constitutional inhibition against imprisonment for debt, and
the problem of bouncing or worthless checks, without attaching
of penal sanction. ordered his release. The Court, however, refrained from declaring
the law's umbilical cord to the existing penal provisions on estafa.
the statutory provision in question unconstitutional.
BP 22 addresses the problem directly and frontally and makes the
act of issuing a worthless check malum prohibitum. 14 First of all it is essential to grasp the essence and scope of the
constitutional inhibition invoked by petitioners. Viewed in its Closer to the case at bar is People v. Vera Reyes, 23 wherein a
historical context, the constitutional prohibition against statutory provision which made illegal and punishable the refusal
The question now arises: Is B P 22 a valid law?
imprisonment for debt is a safeguard that evolved gradually of an employer to pay, when he can do so, the salaries of his
during the early part of the nineteenth century in the various employees or laborers on the fifteenth or last day of every month
Previous efforts to deal with the problem of bouncing checks states of the American Union as a result of the people's revulsion or on Saturday every week, was challenged for being violative of
within the ambit of the law on estafa did not evoke any at the cruel and inhumane practice, sanctioned by common law, the constitutional prohibition against imprisonment for debt. The
constitutional challenge. In contrast, BP 22 was challenged which permitted creditors to cause the incarceration of debtors constitutionality of the law in question was upheld by the Court, it
promptly. who could not pay their debts. At common law, money judgments being within the authority of the legislature to enact such a law in
arising from actions for the recovery of a debt or for damages the exercise of the police power. It was held that "one of the
Those who question the constitutionality of BP 22 insist that: (1) it from breach of a contract could be enforced against the person or purposes of the law is to suppress possible abuses on the part of
offends the constitutional provision forbidding imprisonment for body of the debtor by writ of capias ad satisfaciendum. By means the employers who hire laborers or employees without paying
debt; (2) it impairs freedom of contract; (3) it contravenes the of this writ, a debtor could be seized and imprisoned at the them the salaries agreed upon for their services, thus causing
equal protection clause; (4) it unduly delegates legislative and instance of the creditor until he makes the satisfaction awarded. them financial difficulties. "The law was viewed not as a measure
executive powers; and (5) its enactment is flawed in that during As a consequence of the popular ground swell against such a to coerce payment of an obligation, although obviously such could
its passage the Interim Batasan violated the constitutional barbarous practice, provisions forbidding imprisonment for debt be its effect, but to banish a practice considered harmful to public
provision prohibiting amendments to a bill on Third Reading. came to be generally enshrined in the constitutions of various welfare.
states of the Union. 17

The constitutional challenge to BP 22 posed by petitioners IV

deserves a searching and thorough scrutiny and the most This humanitarian provision was transported to our shores by the
deliberate consideration by the Court, involving as it does the Americans at the turn of t0he century and embodied in our
Has BP 22 transgressed the constitutional inhibition against
exercise of what has been described as "the highest and most organic laws. 18 Later, our fundamental law outlawed not only
imprisonment for debt? To answer the question, it is necessary to
delicate function which belongs to the judicial department of the imprisonment for debt, but also the infamous practice, native to
examine what the statute prohibits and punishes as an offense. Is
government." 15 our shore, of throwing people in jail for non-payment of
it the failure of the maker of the check to pay a debt? Or is it the
the cedula or poll tax. 19
making and issuance of a worthless check in payment of a debt?
As we enter upon the task of passing on the validity of an act of a What is the gravamen of the offense? This question lies at the
co-equal and coordinate branch of the government, we need not The reach and scope of this constitutional safeguard have been heart of the issue before us.
be reminded of the time-honored principle, deeply ingrained in the subject of judicial definition, both by our Supreme Court 20 and
our jurisprudence, that a statute is presumed to be valid. Every by American State courts. 21 Mr. Justice Malcolm speaking for
The gravamen of the offense punished by BP 22 is the act of
presumption must be indulged in favor of its constitutionality. the Supreme Court in Ganaway vs. Queen, 22 stated: "The 'debt'
making and issuing a worthless check or a check that is
This is not to say that we approach our task with diffidence or intended to be covered by the constitutional guaranty has a well-
dishonored upon its presentation for payment. It is not the non-
timidity. Where it is clear that the legislature has overstepped the defined meaning. Organic provisions relieving from imprisonment
payment of an obligation which the law punishes. The law is not
limits of its authority under the constitution we should not for debt, were intended to prevent commitment of debtors to
intended or designed to coerce a debtor to pay his debt. The
hesitate to wield the axe and let it fall heavily, as fall it must, on prison for liabilities arising from actions ex contractu The
thrust of the law is to prohibit, under pain of penal sanctions, the
the offending statute. inhibition was never meant to include damages arising in
making of worthless checks and putting them in circulation.
actions ex delicto, for the reason that damages recoverable
Because of its deleterious effects on the public interest, the
therein do not arise from any contract entered into between the
III practice is proscribed by the law. The law punishes the act not as
parties but are imposed upon the defendant for the wrong he has
an offense against property, but an offense against public order.
done and are considered as punishment, nor to fines and
Among the constitutional objections raised against BP 22, the penalties imposed by the courts in criminal proceedings as
most serious is the alleged conflict between the statute and the punishments for crime."

Admittedly, the distinction may seem at first blush to appear presentation to the bank. There is therefore an element of caution. A caveat to be observed is that substantial differences
elusive and difficult to conceptualize. But precisely in the failure to certainty or assurance that the instrument wig be paid upon exist between our statute and the worthless check acts of those
perceive the vital distinction lies the error of those who challenge presentation. For this reason, checks have become widely states where the jurisprudence have evolved. One thing to
the validity of BP 22. accepted as a medium of payment in trade and commerce. remember is that BP 22 was not lifted bodily from any existing
Although not legal tender, checks have come to be perceived as statute. Furthermore, we have to consider that judicial decisions
convenient substitutes for currency in commercial and financial must be read in the context of the facts and the law involved and,
It may be constitutionally impermissible for the legislature to
transactions. The basis or foundation of such perception is in a broader sense, of the social economic and political
penalize a person for non-payment of a debt ex contractu But
confidence. If such confidence is shakes the usefulness of checks environment—in short, the milieu—under which they were made.
certainly it is within the prerogative of the lawmaking body to
as currency substitutes would be greatly diminished or may We recognize the wisdom of the old saying that what is sauce for
proscribe certain acts deemed pernicious and inimical to public
become nit Any practice therefore tending to destroy that the goose may not be sauce for the gander.
welfare. Acts mala in se are not the only acts which the law can
confidence should be deterred for the proliferation of worthless
punish. An act may not be considered by society as inherently
checks can only create havoc in trade circles and the banking
wrong, hence, not malum in se but because of the harm that it As stated elsewhere, police power is a dynamic force that enables
inflicts on the community, it can be outlawed and criminally the state to meet the exigencies of changing times. There are
punished as malum prohibitum. The state can do this in the occasions when the police power of the state may even override a
exercise of its police power. Recent statistics of the Central Bank show that one-third of the constitutional guaranty. For example, there have been cases
entire money supply of the country, roughly totalling P32.3 billion, wherein we held that the constitutional provision on non-
consists of peso demand deposits; the remaining two. 29 These de impairment of contracts must yield to the police power of the
The police power of the state has been described as "the most
deposit thirds consists of currency in circulation. ma deposits in state. 32 Whether the police power may override the
essential, insistent and illimitable of powers" which enables it to
the banks constitute the funds against which among others, constitutional inhibition against imprisonment for debt is an issue
prohibit all things hurtful to the comfort, safety and welfare of
commercial papers like checks, are drawn. The magnitude of the we do not have to address. This bridge has not been reached, so
society. 24 It is a power not emanating from or conferred by the
amount involved amply justifies the legitimate concern of the there is no occasion to cross it.
constitution, but inherent in the state, plenary, "suitably vague
state in preserving the integrity of the banking system. Flooding
and far from precisely defined, rooted in the conception that man
the system with worthless checks is like pouring garbage into the
in organizing the state and imposing upon the government We hold that BP 22 does not conflict with the constitutional
bloodstream of the nation's economy.
limitations to safeguard constitutional rights did not intend inhibition against imprisonment for debt.
thereby to enable individual citizens or group of citizens to
obstruct unreasonably the enactment of such salutary measures The effects of the issuance of a worthless check transcends the
to ensure communal peace, safety, good order and welfare." 25 private interests of the parties directly involved in the transaction
and touches the interests of the community at large. The mischief
it creates is not only a wrong to the payee or holder, but also an We need not detain ourselves lengthily in the examination of the
The enactment of BP 22 is a declaration by the legislature that, as
injury to the public. The harmful practice of putting valueless other constitutional objections raised by petitioners, some of
a matter of public policy, the making and issuance of a worthless
commercial papers in circulation, multiplied a thousand fold, can which are rather flimsy.
check is deemed public nuisance to be abated by the imposition
very wen pollute the channels of trade and commerce, injure the
of penal sanctions.
banking system and eventually hurt the welfare of society and the We find no valid ground to sustain the contention that BP 22
public interest. As aptly stated — 30 impairs freedom of contract. The freedom of contract which is
It is not for us to question the wisdom or impolicy of the statute.
constitutionally protected is freedom to enter into "lawful"
It is sufficient that a reasonable nexus exists between means and
The 'check flasher' does a great deal more than contracts. Contracts which contravene public policy are not
end. Considering the factual and legal antecedents that led to the
contract a debt; he shakes the pillars of business; and lawful. 33 Besides, we must bear in mind that checks can not be
adoption of the statute, it is not difficult to understand the public
to my mind, it is a mistaken charity of judgment to categorized as mere contracts. It is a commercial instrument
concern which prompted its enactment. It had been reported that
place him in the same category with the honest man which, in this modem day and age, has become a convenient
the approximate value of bouncing checks per day was close to
who is unable to pay his debts, and for whom the substitute for money; it forms part of the banking system and
200 million pesos, and thereafter when overdrafts were banned
constitutional inhibition against' imprisonment for therefore not entirely free from the regulatory power of the state.
by the Central Bank, it averaged between 50 minion to 80 million
debt, except in cases of fraud was intended as a shield
pesos a day. 26
and not a sword. Neither do we find substance in the claim that the statute in
question denies equal protection of the laws or is discriminatory,
By definition, a check is a bill of exchange drawn on a bank and
In sum, we find the enactment of BP 22 a valid exercise of the since it penalizes the drawer of the check, but not the payee. It is
payable on demand. 27 It is a written order on a bank, purporting
police power and is not repugnant to the constitutional inhibition contended that the payee is just as responsible for the crime as
to be drawn against a deposit of funds for the payment of all
against imprisonment for debt. the drawer of the check, since without the indispensable
events, of a sum of money to a certain person therein named or
participation of the payee by his acceptance of the check there
to his order or to cash and payable on demand. 28 Unlike a
would be no crime. This argument is tantamount to saying that, to
promissory note, a check is not a mere undertaking to pay an This Court is not unaware of the conflicting jurisprudence
give equal protection, the law should punish both the swindler
amount of money. It is an order addressed to a bank and partakes obtaining in the various states of the United States on the
and the swindled. The petitioners' posture ignores the well-
of a representation that the drawer has funds on deposit against constitutionality of the "worthless check" acts. 31 It is needless to
accepted meaning of the clause "equal protection of the laws."
which the check is drawn, sufficient to ensure payment upon its warn that foreign jurisprudence must be taken with abundant

The clause does not preclude classification of individuals, who that in the enactment of BP 22 the provisions of Section 9 (2) of The private respondent is a graduate of the University of the East
may be accorded different treatment under the law as long as the Article VIII of the 1973 Constitution were violated. with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Zoology. The petitioner
classification is no unreasonable or arbitrary. 34 claims that he took the NMAT three times and flunked it as many
times. 1 When he applied to take it again, the petitioner rejected
WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered granting the petition in G.R.
his application on the basis of the aforesaid rule. He then went to
It is also suggested that BP 22 constitutes undue or improper No. 75789 and setting aside the order of the respondent Judge
the Regional Trial Court of Valenzuela, Metro Manila, to compel
delegation of legislative powers, on the theory that the offense is dated August 19, 1986. The petitions in G.R. Nos. 63419, 66839-
his admission to the test.
not completed by the sole act of the maker or drawer but is made 42, 71654, 74524-25, 75122-49, 75812-13 and 75765-67 are
to depend on the will of the payee. If the payee does not present hereby dismissed and the temporary restraining order issued in
the check to the bank for payment but instead keeps it, there G.R. Nos. 74524-25 is lifted. With costs against private petitioners. In his original petition for mandamus, he first invoked his
would be no crime. The logic of the argument stretches to constitutional rights to academic freedom and quality education.
absurdity the meaning of "delegation of legislative power." What By agreement of the parties, the private respondent was allowed
cannot be delegated is the power to legislate, or the power to to take the NMAT scheduled on April 16, 1989, subject to the
make laws. 35 which means, as applied to the present case, the outcome of his petition. 2 In an amended petition filed with leave
power to define the offense sought to be punished and to of court, he squarely challenged the constitutionality of MECS
prescribe the penalty. By no stretch of logic or imagination can it Order No. 12, Series of 1972, containing the above-cited rule. The
be said that the power to define the crime and prescribe the G.R. No. 89572 December 21, 1989 additional grounds raised were due process and equal protection.
penalty therefor has been in any manner delegated to the payee.
Neither is there any provision in the statute that can be
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS (DECS) After hearing, the respondent judge rendered a decision on July 4,
construed, no matter how remotely, as undue delegation of
and DIRECTOR OF CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL 1989, declaring the challenged order invalid and granting the
executive power. The suggestion that the statute unlawfully
MEASUREMENT, petitioners,  petition. Judge Teresita Dizon-Capulong held that the petitioner
delegates its enforcement to the offended party is farfetched.
vs. had been deprived of his right to pursue a medical education
ROBERTO REY C. SAN DIEGO and JUDGE TERESITA DIZON- through an arbitrary exercise of the police power. 3
Lastly, the objection has been raised that Section 9 (2) of Article CAPULONG, in her capacity as Presiding Judge of the Regional
VII of the 1973 Constitution was violated by the legislative body Trial Court of Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Branch We cannot sustain the respondent judge. Her decision must be
when it enacted BP 22 into law. This constitutional provision 172, respondents. reversed.
prohibits the introduction of amendments to a bill during the
Third Reading. It is claimed that during its Third Reading, the bill
which eventually became BP 22 was amended in that the text of Ramon M. Guevara for private respondent. In Tablarin v. Gutierrez, 4 this Court upheld the constitutionality of
the second paragraph of Section 1 of the bill as adopted on the NMAT as a measure intended to limit the admission to
Second Reading was altered or changed in the printed text of the   medical schools only to those who have initially proved their
bill submitted for approval on Third Reading. competence and preparation for a medical education. Justice
Florentino P. Feliciano declared for a unanimous Court:
A careful review of the record of the proceedings of the Interim
Batasan on this matter shows that, indeed, there was some Perhaps the only issue that needs some
confusion among Batasan Members on what was the exact text of The issue before us is mediocrity. The question is whether a consideration is whether there is some
the paragraph in question which the body approved on Second person who has thrice failed the National Medical Admission Test reasonable relation between the
Reading. 36 Part of the confusion was due apparently to the fact (NMAT) is entitled to take it again. prescribing of passing the NMAT as a
that during the deliberations on Second Reading (the amendment condition for admission to medical school
period), amendments were proposed orally and approved by the The petitioner contends he may not, under its rule that- on the one hand, and the securing of the
body or accepted by the sponsor, hence, some members might health and safety of the general
not have gotten the complete text of the provisions of the bill as community, on the other hand. This
h) A student shall be allowed only three (3) question is perhaps most usefully
amended and approved on Second Reading. However, it is clear
chances to take the NMAT. After three (3) approached by recalling that the regulation
from the records that the text of the second paragraph of Section
successive failures, a student shall not be of the pratice of medicine in all its branches
1 of BP 22 is the text which was actually approved by the body on
allowed to take the NMAT for the fourth has long been recognized as a reasonable
Second Reading on February 7, 1979, as reflected in the approved
time. method of protecting the health and safety
Minutes for that day. In any event, before the bin was submitted
for final approval on Third Reading, the Interim Batasan created a of the public. That the power to regulate
Special Committee to investigate the matter, and the Committee The private respondent insists he can, on constitutional grounds. and control the practice of medicine
in its report, which was approved by the entire body on March 22, includes the power to regulate admission to
1979, stated that "the clause in question was ... an authorized the ranks of those authorized to practice
But first the facts.
amendment of the bill and the printed copy thereof reflects medicine, is also well recognized. Thus,
accurately the provision in question as approved on Second legislation and administrative regulations
Reading. 37 We therefore, find no merit in the petitioners' claim requiring those who wish to practice

medicine first to take and pass medical would undertake to treat our bodies and as a plumber, he should be so advised and adviced. Of course, he
board examinations have long ago been minds for disease or trauma. may not be forced to be a plumber, but on the other hand he may
recognized as valid exercises of not force his entry into the bar. By the same token, a student who
governmental power. Similarly, the has demonstrated promise as a pianist cannot be shunted aside to
However, the respondent judge agreed with the petitioner that
establishment of minimum medical take a course in nursing, however appropriate this career may be
the said case was not applicable. Her reason was that it upheld
educational requirements-i.e., the for others.
only the requirement for the admission test and said nothing
completion of prescribed courses in a
about the so-called "three-flunk rule."
recognized medical school-for admission to
The right to quality education invoked by the private respondent
the medical profession, has also been
is not absolute. The Constitution also provides that "every citizen
sustained as a legitimate exercise of the We see no reason why the rationale in the Tablarin case cannot
has the right to choose a profession or course of study, subject to
regulatory authority of the state. What we apply to the case at bar. The issue raised in both cases is the
fair, reasonable and equitable admission and academic
have before us in the instant case is closely academic preparation of the applicant. This may be gauged at
requirements. 6
related: the regulation of access to medical least initially by the admission test and, indeed with more
schools. MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, as reliability, by the three-flunk rule. The latter cannot be regarded
noted earlier, articulates the rationale of any less valid than the former in the regulation of the medical The private respondent must yield to the challenged rule and give
regulation of this type: the improvement of profession. way to those better prepared. Where even those who have
the professional and technical quality of the qualified may still not be accommodated in our already crowded
graduates of medical schools, by upgrading medical schools, there is all the more reason to bar those who,
There is no need to redefine here the police power of the State.
the quality of those admitted to the student like him, have been tested and found wanting.
Suffice it to repeat that the power is validly exercised if (a) the
body of the medical schools. That upgrading interests of the public generally, as distinguished from those of a
is sought by selectivity in the process of particular class, require the interference of the State, and (b) the The contention that the challenged rule violates the equal
admission, selectivity consisting, among means employed are reasonably necessary to the attainment of protection clause is not well-taken. A law does not have to
other things, of limiting admission to those the object sought to be accomplished and not unduly oppressive operate with equal force on all persons or things to be
who exhibit in the required degree the upon individuals. 5 conformable to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution.
aptitude for medical studies and eventually
for medical practice. The need to maintain,
and the difficulties of maintaining, high In other words, the proper exercise of the police power requires There can be no question that a substantial distinction exists
standards in our professional schools in the concurrence of a lawful subject and a lawful method. between medical students and other students who are not
general, and medical schools in particular, subjected to the NMAT and the three-flunk rule. The medical
in the current state of our social and profession directly affects the very lives of the people, unlike
The subject of the challenged regulation is certainly within the
economic development, are widely known. other careers which, for this reason, do not require more vigilant
ambit of the police power. It is the right and indeed the
regulation. The accountant, for example, while belonging to an
responsibility of the State to insure that the medical profession is
equally respectable profession, does not hold the same delicate
We believe that the government is entitled not infiltrated by incompetents to whom patients may unwarily
responsibility as that of the physician and so need not be similarly
to prescribe an admission test like the entrust their lives and health.
NMAT as a means of achieving its stated
objective of "upgrading the selection of The method employed by the challenged regulation is not
applicants into [our] medical schools" and There would be unequal protection if some applicants who have
irrelevant to the purpose of the law nor is it arbitrary or
of "improv[ing] the quality of medical passed the tests are admitted and others who have also qualified
oppressive. The three-flunk rule is intended to insulate the
education in the country." Given the are denied entrance. In other words, what the equal protection
medical schools and ultimately the medical profession from the
widespread use today of such admission requires is equality among equals.
intrusion of those not qualified to be doctors.
tests in, for instance, medical schools in the
United States of America (the Medical The Court feels that it is not enough to simply invoke the right to
College Admission Test [MCAT] and quite While every person is entitled to aspire to be a doctor, he does
quality education as a guarantee of the Constitution: one must
probably, in other countries with far more not have a constitutional right to be a doctor. This is true of any
show that he is entitled to it because of his preparation and
developed educational resources than our other calling in which the public interest is involved; and the
promise. The private respondent has failed the NMAT five
own, and taking into account the failure or closer the link, the longer the bridge to one's ambition. The State
times. 7 While his persistence is noteworthy, to say the least, it is
inability of the petitioners to even attempt has the responsibility to harness its human resources and to see
certainly misplaced, like a hopeless love.
to prove otherwise, we are entitled to hold to it that they are not dissipated or, no less worse, not used at all.
that the NMAT is reasonably related to the These resources must be applied in a manner that will best
securing of the ultimate end of legislation promote the common good while also giving the individual a No depreciation is intended or made against the private
and regulation in this area. That end, it is sense of satisfaction. respondent. It is stressed that a person who does not qualify in
useful to recall, is the protection of the the NMAT is not an absolute incompetent unfit for any work or
public from the potentially deadly effects of occupation. The only inference is that he is a probably better, not
A person cannot insist on being a physician if he will be a menace
incompetence and ignorance in those who to his patients. If one who wants to be a lawyer may prove better

for the medical profession, but for another calling that has not WHEREAS, the President has given orders Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of
excited his interest. prohibiting the interprovincial movement of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen
carabaos and the slaughtering of carabaos hundred and eighty.
not complying with the requirements of
In the former, he may be a bungler or at least lackluster; in the
Executive Order No. 626 particularly with
latter, he is more likely to succeed and may even be outstanding. (SGD.) FERD
respect to age;
It is for the appropriate calling that he is entitled to quality
education for the full harnessing of his potentials and the
sharpening of his latent talents toward what may even be a WHEREAS, it has been observed that
brilliant future. despite such orders the violators still
manage to circumvent the prohibition Republic of
against inter-provincial movement of
We cannot have a society of square pegs in round holes, of
carabaos by transporting carabeef instead; The petitioner had transported six carabaos in a pump boat from
dentists who should never have left the farm and engineers who
and Masbate to Iloilo on January 13, 1984, when they were
should have studied banking and teachers who could be better as
merchants. confiscated by the police station commander of Barotac Nuevo,
WHEREAS, in order to achieve the purposes Iloilo, for violation of the above measure. 1 The petitioner sued
and objectives of Executive Order No. 626 for recovery, and the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City issued a
It is time indeed that the State took decisive steps to regulate and
and the prohibition against interprovincial writ of replevin upon his filing of a supersedeas bond of
enrich our system of education by directing the student to the
movement of carabaos, it is necessary to P12,000.00. After considering the merits of the case, the court
course for which he is best suited as determined by initial tests
strengthen the said Executive Order and sustained the confiscation of the carabaos and, since they could
and evaluations. Otherwise, we may be "swamped with
provide for the disposition of the carabaos no longer be produced, ordered the confiscation of the bond. The
mediocrity," in the words of Justice Holmes, not because we are
and carabeef subject of the violation; court also declined to rule on the constitutionality of the
lacking in intelligence but because we are a nation of misfits.
executive order, as raise by the petitioner, for lack of authority
and also for its presumed validity. 2
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision of the
MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by
respondent court dated January 13, 1989, is REVERSED, with costs
virtue of the powers vested in me by the The petitioner appealed the decision to the Intermediate
against the private respondent. It is so ordered.
Constitution, do hereby promulgate the Appellate Court,* 3 which upheld the trial court, ** and he has
following: now come before us in this petition for review on certiorari.

SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 626 is The thrust of his petition is that the executive order is
G.R. No. 74457 March 20, 1987 hereby amended such that henceforth, no unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes outright confiscation of
carabao regardless of age, sex, physical the carabao or carabeef being transported across provincial
condition or purpose and no carabeef shall boundaries. His claim is that the penalty is invalid because it is
RESTITUTO YNOT, petitioner, 
be transported from one province to imposed without according the owner a right to be heard before a
another. The carabao or carabeef competent and impartial court as guaranteed by due process. He
transported in violation of this Executive complains that the measure should not have been presumed, and
Order as amended shall be subject to so sustained, as constitutional. There is also a challenge to the
confiscation and forfeiture by the improper exercise of the legislative power by the former
REGION IV, ILOILO CITY, respondents.
government, to be distributed to charitable President under Amendment No. 6 of the 1973 Constitution. 4
institutions and other similar institutions as
Ramon A. Gonzales for petitioner. the Chairman of the National Meat While also involving the same executive order, the case
Inspection Commission may ay see fit, in of Pesigan v. Angeles  5 is not applicable here. The question raised
  the case of carabeef, and to deserving there was the necessity of the previous publication of the
farmers through dispersal as the Director of measure in the Official Gazette before it could be considered
Animal Industry may see fit, in the case of enforceable. We imposed the requirement then on the basis of
CRUZ, J.: carabaos. due process of law. In doing so, however, this Court did not, as
contended by the Solicitor General, impliedly affirm the
The essence of due process is distilled in the immortal cry of SECTION 2. This Executive Order shall take constitutionality of Executive Order No. 626-A. That is an entirely
Themistocles to Alcibiades "Strike — but hear me first!" It is this effect immediately. different matter.
cry that the petitioner in effect repeats here as he challenges the
constitutionality of Executive Order No. 626-A.
This Court has declared that while lower courts should observe a
becoming modesty in examining constitutional questions, they are
The said executive order reads in full as follows: nonetheless not prevented from resolving the same whenever

warranted, subject only to review by the highest tribunal. 6 We was submitted in the Constitutional Convention of 1934, but it ignorance, or worst of all, in repressive regimes, the insolence of
have jurisdiction under the Constitution to "review, revise, was rejected by Delegate Jose P. Laurel, Chairman of the power.
reverse, modify or affirm on appeal or certiorari, as the law or Committee on the Bill of Rights, who forcefully argued against it.
rules of court may provide," final judgments and orders of lower He was sustained by the body. 10
The minimum requirements of due process are notice and
courts in, among others, all cases involving the constitutionality of
hearing 13 which, generally speaking, may not be dispensed with
certain measures. 7 This simply means that the resolution of such
The due process clause was kept intentionally vague so it would because they are intended as a safeguard against official
cases may be made in the first instance by these lower courts.
remain also conveniently resilient. This was felt necessary because arbitrariness. It is a gratifying commentary on our judicial system
due process is not, like some provisions of the fundamental law, that the jurisprudence of this country is rich with applications of
And while it is true that laws are presumed to be constitutional, an "iron rule" laying down an implacable and immutable this guaranty as proof of our fealty to the rule of law and the
that presumption is not by any means conclusive and in fact may command for all seasons and all persons. Flexibility must be the ancient rudiments of fair play. We have consistently declared that
be rebutted. Indeed, if there be a clear showing of their invalidity, best virtue of the guaranty. The very elasticity of the due process every person, faced by the awesome power of the State, is
and of the need to declare them so, then "will be the time to clause was meant to make it adapt easily to every situation, entitled to "the law of the land," which Daniel Webster described
make the hammer fall, and heavily," 8 to recall Justice Laurel's enlarging or constricting its protection as the changing times and almost two hundred years ago in the famous Dartmouth College
trenchant warning. Stated otherwise, courts should not follow the circumstances may require. Case, 14 as "the law which hears before it condemns, which
path of least resistance by simply presuming the constitutionality proceeds upon inquiry and renders judgment only after trial." It
of a law when it is questioned. On the contrary, they should probe has to be so if the rights of every person are to be secured beyond
Aware of this, the courts have also hesitated to adopt their own
the issue more deeply, to relieve the abscess, paraphrasing the reach of officials who, out of mistaken zeal or plain arrogance,
specific description of due process lest they confine themselves in
another distinguished jurist, 9 and so heal the wound or excise the would degrade the due process clause into a worn and empty
a legal straitjacket that will deprive them of the elbow room they
affliction. catchword.
may need to vary the meaning of the clause whenever indicated.
Instead, they have preferred to leave the import of the protection
Judicial power authorizes this; and when the exercise is open-ended, as it were, to be "gradually ascertained by the This is not to say that notice and hearing are imperative in every
demanded, there should be no shirking of the task for fear of process of inclusion and exclusion in the course of the decision of case for, to be sure, there are a number of admitted exceptions.
retaliation, or loss of favor, or popular censure, or any other cases as they arise." 11 Thus, Justice Felix Frankfurter of the U.S. The conclusive presumption, for example, bars the admission of
similar inhibition unworthy of the bench, especially this Court. Supreme Court, for example, would go no farther than to define contrary evidence as long as such presumption is based on human
due process — and in so doing sums it all up — as nothing more experience or there is a rational connection between the fact
and nothing less than "the embodiment of the sporting Idea of proved and the fact ultimately presumed therefrom. 15 There are
The challenged measure is denominated an executive order but it
fair play." 12 instances when the need for expeditions action will justify
is really presidential decree, promulgating a new rule instead of
omission of these requisites, as in the summary abatement of a
merely implementing an existing law. It was issued by President
nuisance per se, like a mad dog on the loose, which may be killed
Marcos not for the purpose of taking care that the laws were When the barons of England extracted from their sovereign liege
on sight because of the immediate danger it poses to the safety
faithfully executed but in the exercise of his legislative authority the reluctant promise that that Crown would thenceforth not
and lives of the people. Pornographic materials, contaminated
under Amendment No. 6. It was provided thereunder that proceed against the life liberty or property of any of its subjects
meat and narcotic drugs are inherently pernicious and may be
whenever in his judgment there existed a grave emergency or a except by the lawful judgment of his peers or the law of the land,
summarily destroyed. The passport of a person sought for a
threat or imminence thereof or whenever the legislature failed or they thereby won for themselves and their progeny that splendid
criminal offense may be cancelled without hearing, to compel his
was unable to act adequately on any matter that in his judgment guaranty of fairness that is now the hallmark of the free society.
return to the country he has fled. 16Filthy restaurants may be
required immediate action, he could, in order to meet the The solemn vow that King John made at Runnymede in 1215 has
summarily padlocked in the interest of the public health and
exigency, issue decrees, orders or letters of instruction that were since then resounded through the ages, as a ringing reminder to
bawdy houses to protect the public morals. 17 In such instances,
to have the force and effect of law. As there is no showing of any all rulers, benevolent or base, that every person, when confronted
previous judicial hearing may be omitted without violation of due
exigency to justify the exercise of that extraordinary power then, by the stern visage of the law, is entitled to have his say in a fair
process in view of the nature of the property involved or the
the petitioner has reason, indeed, to question the validity of the and open hearing of his cause.
urgency of the need to protect the general welfare from a clear
executive order. Nevertheless, since the determination of the
and present danger.
grounds was supposed to have been made by the President "in his
The closed mind has no place in the open society. It is part of the
judgment, " a phrase that will lead to protracted discussion not
sporting Idea of fair play to hear "the other side" before an
really necessary at this time, we reserve resolution of this matter The protection of the general welfare is the particular function of
opinion is formed or a decision is made by those who sit in
until a more appropriate occasion. For the nonce, we confine the police power which both restraints and is restrained by due
judgment. Obviously, one side is only one-half of the question; the
ourselves to the more fundamental question of due process. process. The police power is simply defined as the power inherent
other half must also be considered if an impartial verdict is to be
in the State to regulate liberty and property for the promotion of
reached based on an informed appreciation of the issues in
the general welfare. 18 By reason of its function, it extends to all
It is part of the art of constitution-making that the provisions of contention. It is indispensable that the two sides complement
the great public needs and is described as the most pervasive, the
the charter be cast in precise and unmistakable language to avoid each other, as unto the bow the arrow, in leading to the correct
least limitable and the most demanding of the three inherent
controversies that might arise on their correct interpretation. That ruling after examination of the problem not from one or the other
powers of the State, far outpacing taxation and eminent domain.
is the Ideal. In the case of the due process clause, however, this perspective only but in its totality. A judgment based on less that
The individual, as a member of society, is hemmed in by the police
rule was deliberately not followed and the wording was purposely this full appraisal, on the pretext that a hearing is unnecessary or
power, which affects him even before he is born and follows him
kept ambiguous. In fact, a proposal to delineate it more clearly useless, is tainted with the vice of bias or intolerance or
still after he is dead — from the womb to beyond the tomb — in

practically everything he does or owns. Its reach is virtually From what has been said, we think it is clear made to apply to it as otherwise, so says executive order, it could
limitless. It is a ubiquitous and often unwelcome intrusion. Even that the enactment of the provisions of the be easily circumvented by simply killing the animal. Perhaps so.
so, as long as the activity or the property has some relevance to statute under consideration was required However, if the movement of the live animals for the purpose of
the public welfare, its regulation under the police power is not by "the interests of the public generally, as preventing their slaughter cannot be prohibited, it should follow
only proper but necessary. And the justification is found in the distinguished from those of a particular that there is no reason either to prohibit their transfer as, not to
venerable Latin maxims, Salus populi est suprema lex and Sic class" and that the prohibition of the be flippant dead meat.
utere tuo ut alienum non laedas, which call for the subordination slaughter of carabaos for human
of individual interests to the benefit of the greater number. consumption, so long as these animals are
Even if a reasonable relation between the means and the end
fit for agricultural work or draft purposes
were to be assumed, we would still have to reckon with the
was a "reasonably necessary" limitation on
It is this power that is now invoked by the government to justify sanction that the measure applies for violation of the prohibition.
private ownership, to protect the
Executive Order No. 626-A, amending the basic rule in Executive The penalty is outright confiscation of the carabao or carabeef
community from the loss of the services of
Order No. 626, prohibiting the slaughter of carabaos except under being transported, to be meted out by the executive authorities,
such animals by their slaughter by
certain conditions. The original measure was issued for the usually the police only. In the Toribio Case, the statute was
improvident owners, tempted either by
reason, as expressed in one of its Whereases, that "present sustained because the penalty prescribed was fine and
greed of momentary gain, or by a desire to
conditions demand that the carabaos and the buffaloes be imprisonment, to be imposed by the court after trial and
enjoy the luxury of animal food, even when
conserved for the benefit of the small farmers who rely on them conviction of the accused. Under the challenged measure,
by so doing the productive power of the
for energy needs." We affirm at the outset the need for such a significantly, no such trial is prescribed, and the property being
community may be measurably and
measure. In the face of the worsening energy crisis and the transported is immediately impounded by the police and
dangerously affected.
increased dependence of our farms on these traditional beasts of declared, by the measure itself, as forfeited to the government.
burden, the government would have been remiss, indeed, if it had
not taken steps to protect and preserve them. In the light of the tests mentioned above, we hold with the
In the instant case, the carabaos were arbitrarily confiscated by
Toribio Case that the carabao, as the poor man's tractor, so to
the police station commander, were returned to the petitioner
speak, has a direct relevance to the public welfare and so is a
A similar prohibition was challenged in United States v. only after he had filed a complaint for recovery and given
lawful subject of Executive Order No. 626. The method chosen in
Toribio, 19 where a law regulating the registration, branding and a supersedeas bond of P12,000.00, which was ordered
the basic measure is also reasonably necessary for the purpose
slaughter of large cattle was claimed to be a deprivation of confiscated upon his failure to produce the carabaos when
sought to be achieved and not unduly oppressive upon
property without due process of law. The defendant had been ordered by the trial court. The executive order defined the
individuals, again following the above-cited doctrine. There is no
convicted thereunder for having slaughtered his own carabao prohibition, convicted the petitioner and immediately imposed
doubt that by banning the slaughter of these animals except
without the required permit, and he appealed to the Supreme punishment, which was carried out forthright. The measure struck
where they are at least seven years old if male and eleven years
Court. The conviction was affirmed. The law was sustained as a at once and pounced upon the petitioner without giving him a
old if female upon issuance of the necessary permit, the executive
valid police measure to prevent the indiscriminate killing of chance to be heard, thus denying him the centuries-old guaranty
order will be conserving those still fit for farm work or breeding
carabaos, which were then badly needed by farmers. An epidemic of elementary fair play.
and preventing their improvident depletion.
had stricken many of these animals and the reduction of their
number had resulted in an acute decline in agricultural output,
It has already been remarked that there are occasions when
which in turn had caused an incipient famine. Furthermore, But while conceding that the amendatory measure has the same
notice and hearing may be validly dispensed with notwithstanding
because of the scarcity of the animals and the consequent lawful subject as the original executive order, we cannot say with
the usual requirement for these minimum guarantees of due
increase in their price, cattle-rustling had spread alarmingly, equal certainty that it complies with the second
process. It is also conceded that summary action may be validly
necessitating more effective measures for the registration and requirement, viz., that there be a lawful method. We note that to
taken in administrative proceedings as procedural due process is
branding of these animals. The Court held that the questioned strengthen the original measure, Executive Order No. 626-A
not necessarily judicial only. 20 In the exceptional cases accepted,
statute was a valid exercise of the police power and declared in imposes an absolute ban not on theslaughter of the carabaos but
however. there is a justification for the omission of the right to a
part as follows: on their movement, providing that "no carabao regardless of age,
previous hearing, to wit, the immediacy of the problem sought to
sex, physical condition or purpose (sic) and no carabeef shall be
be corrected and the urgency of the need to correct it.
transported from one province to another." The object of the
To justify the State in thus interposing its
prohibition escapes us. The reasonable connection between the
authority in behalf of the public, it must
means employed and the purpose sought to be achieved by the In the case before us, there was no such pressure of time or
appear, first, that the interests of the public
questioned measure is missing action calling for the petitioner's peremptory treatment. The
generally, as distinguished from those of a
properties involved were not even inimical per se as to require
particular class, require such interference;
their instant destruction. There certainly was no reason why the
and second, that the means are reasonably We do not see how the prohibition of the inter-provincial
offense prohibited by the executive order should not have been
necessary for the accomplishment of the transport of carabaos can prevent their indiscriminate slaughter,
proved first in a court of justice, with the accused being accorded
purpose, and not unduly oppressive upon considering that they can be killed anywhere, with no less
all the rights safeguarded to him under the Constitution.
individuals. ... difficulty in one province than in another. Obviously, retaining the
Considering that, as we held in Pesigan v. Angeles, 21 Executive
carabaos in one province will not prevent their slaughter there,
Order No. 626-A is penal in nature, the violation thereof should
any more than moving them to another province will make it
have been pronounced not by the police only but by a court of
easier to kill them there. As for the carabeef, the prohibition is

justice, which alone would have had the authority to impose the itself did not feel they had the competence, for all their superior This is a petition for review which seeks the reversal of the
prescribed penalty, and only after trial and conviction of the authority, to question the order we now annul. decision of the Court of First Instance of Rizal, Branch XVIII
accused. declaring Section 9 of Ordinance No. 6118, S-64, of the Quezon
City Council null and void.
The Court notes that if the petitioner had not seen fit to assert
We also mark, on top of all this, the questionable manner of the and protect his rights as he saw them, this case would never have
disposition of the confiscated property as prescribed in the reached us and the taking of his property under the challenged Section 9 of Ordinance No. 6118, S-64, entitled "ORDINANCE
questioned executive order. It is there authorized that the seized measure would have become afait accompli despite its invalidity. REGULATING THE ESTABLISHMENT, MAINTENANCE AND
property shall "be distributed to charitable institutions and other We commend him for his spirit. Without the present challenge, OPERATION OF PRIVATE MEMORIAL TYPE CEMETERY OR BURIAL
similar institutions as the Chairman of the National Meat the matter would have ended in that pump boat in Masbate and GROUND WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF QUEZON CITY AND
Inspection Commissionmay see fit, in the case of carabeef, and to another violation of the Constitution, for all its obviousness, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF" provides:
deserving farmers through dispersal as the Director of Animal would have been perpetrated, allowed without protest, and soon
Industrymay see fit, in the case of carabaos." (Emphasis supplied.) forgotten in the limbo of relinquished rights.
Sec. 9. At least six (6) percent of the total
The phrase "may see fit" is an extremely generous and dangerous
area of the memorial park cemetery shall
condition, if condition it is. It is laden with perilous opportunities
The strength of democracy lies not in the rights it guarantees but be set aside for charity burial of deceased
for partiality and abuse, and even corruption. One searches in
in the courage of the people to invoke them whenever they are persons who are paupers and have been
vain for the usual standard and the reasonable guidelines, or
ignored or violated. Rights are but weapons on the wall if, like residents of Quezon City for at least 5 years
better still, the limitations that the said officers must observe
expensive tapestry, all they do is embellish and impress. Rights, as prior to their death, to be determined by
when they make their distribution. There is none. Their options
weapons, must be a promise of protection. They become truly competent City Authorities. The area so
are apparently boundless. Who shall be the fortunate
meaningful, and fulfill the role assigned to them in the free designated shall immediately be developed
beneficiaries of their generosity and by what criteria shall they be
society, if they are kept bright and sharp with use by those who and should be open for operation not later
chosen? Only the officers named can supply the answer, they and
are not afraid to assert them. than six months from the date of approval
they alone may choose the grantee as they see fit, and in their
of the application.
own exclusive discretion. Definitely, there is here a "roving
commission," a wide and sweeping authority that is not "canalized WHEREFORE, Executive Order No. 626-A is hereby declared
within banks that keep it from overflowing," in short, a clearly unconstitutional. Except as affirmed above, the decision of the For several years, the aforequoted section of the Ordinance was
profligate and therefore invalid delegation of legislative powers. Court of Appeals is reversed. The supersedeas bond is cancelled not enforced by city authorities but seven years after the
and the amount thereof is ordered restored to the petitioner. No enactment of the ordinance, the Quezon City Council passed the
costs. following resolution:
To sum up then, we find that the challenged measure is an invalid
exercise of the police power because the method employed to
conserve the carabaos is not reasonably necessary to the purpose SO ORDERED. RESOLVED by the council of Quezon
of the law and, worse, is unduly oppressive. Due process is assembled, to request, as it does hereby
violated because the owner of the property confiscated is denied request the City Engineer, Quezon City, to
the right to be heard in his defense and is immediately stop any further selling and/or transaction
condemned and punished. The conferment on the administrative of memorial park lots in Quezon City where
authorities of the power to adjudge the guilt of the supposed G.R. No. L-34915 June 24, 1983 the owners thereof have failed to donate
offender is a clear encroachment on judicial functions and the required 6% space intended for paupers
militates against the doctrine of separation of powers. There is, burial.
finally, also an invalid delegation of legislative powers to the CITY GOVERNMENT OF QUEZON CITY and CITY COUNCIL OF
QUEZON CITY, petitioners, 
officers mentioned therein who are granted unlimited discretion Pursuant to this petition, the Quezon City Engineer notified
in the distribution of the properties arbitrarily taken. For these vs.
HON. JUDGE VICENTE G. ERICTA as Judge of the Court of First respondent Himlayang Pilipino, Inc. in writing that Section 9 of
reasons, we hereby declare Executive Order No. 626-A Ordinance No. 6118, S-64 would be enforced
unconstitutional. Instance of Rizal, Quezon City, Branch XVIII; HIMLAYANG
PILIPINO, INC., respondents.
Respondent Himlayang Pilipino reacted by filing with the Court of
We agree with the respondent court, however, that the police First Instance of Rizal Branch XVIII at Quezon City, a petition for
station commander who confiscated the petitioner's carabaos is City Fiscal for petitioners.
declaratory relief, prohibition and mandamus with preliminary
not liable in damages for enforcing the executive order in injunction (Sp. Proc. No. Q-16002) seeking to annul Section 9 of
accordance with its mandate. The law was at that time Manuel Villaruel, Jr. and Feliciano Tumale for respondents. the Ordinance in question The respondent alleged that the same
presumptively valid, and it was his obligation, as a member of the is contrary to the Constitution, the Quezon City Charter, the Local
police, to enforce it. It would have been impertinent of him, being Autonomy Act, and the Revised Administrative Code.
a mere subordinate of the President, to declare the executive
order unconstitutional and, on his own responsibility alone, refuse
to execute it. Even the trial court, in fact, and the Court of Appeals GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: There being no issue of fact and the questions raised being purely
legal both petitioners and respondent agreed to the rendition of a

judgment on the pleadings. The respondent court, therefore, be justified under the power granted to euphemistically termed by the respondents,
rendered the decision declaring Section 9 of Ordinance No. 6118, Quezon City to tax, fix the license fee, 'donation'
S-64 null and void. and regulatesuch other business, trades,
and occupation as may be established or
We now come to the question whether or
practised in the City.' (Subsections 'C', Sec.
A motion for reconsideration having been denied, the City not Section 9 of the ordinance in question is
12, R.A. 537).
Government and City Council filed the instant petition. a valid exercise of police power. The police
power of Quezon City is defined in sub-
The power to regulate does not include the section 00, Sec. 12, Rep. Act 537 which
Petitioners argue that the taking of the respondent's property is a
power to prohibit (People vs. Esguerra, 81 reads as follows:
valid and reasonable exercise of police power and that the land is
PhiL 33, Vega vs. Municipal Board of Iloilo,
taken for a public use as it is intended for the burial ground of
L-6765, May 12, 1954; 39 N.J. Law, 70,
paupers. They further argue that the Quezon City Council is (00) To make such
Mich. 396). A fortiori, the power to regulate
authorized under its charter, in the exercise of local police power, further ordinance and
does not include the power to confiscate.
" to make such further ordinances and resolutions not repugnant regulations not
The ordinance in question not only
to law as may be necessary to carry into effect and discharge the repugnant to law as
confiscates but also prohibits the operation
powers and duties conferred by this Act and such as it shall deem may be necessary to
of a memorial park cemetery, because
necessary and proper to provide for the health and safety, carry into effect and
under Section 13 of said ordinance,
promote the prosperity, improve the morals, peace, good order, discharge the powers
'Violation of the provision thereof is
comfort and convenience of the city and the inhabitants thereof, and duties conferred
punishable with a fine and/or imprisonment
and for the protection of property therein." by this act and such
and that upon conviction thereof the permit
as it shall deem
to operate and maintain a private cemetery
necessary and proper
On the other hand, respondent Himlayang Pilipino, Inc. contends shall be revoked or cancelled.' The
to provide for the
that the taking or confiscation of property is obvious because the confiscatory clause and the penal provision
health and safety,
questioned ordinance permanently restricts the use of the in effect deter one from operating a
promote, the
property such that it cannot be used for any reasonable purpose memorial park cemetery. Neither can the
prosperity, improve
and deprives the owner of all beneficial use of his property. ordinance in question be justified under
the morals, peace,
sub- section "t", Section 12 of Republic Act
good order, comfort
The respondent also stresses that the general welfare clause is 537 which authorizes the City Council to-
and convenience of
not available as a source of power for the taking of the property in the city and the
this case because it refers to "the power of promoting the public 'prohibit the burial of inhabitants thereof,
welfare by restraining and regulating the use of liberty and the dead within the and for the
property." The respondent points out that if an owner is deprived center of population protection of
of his property outright under the State's police power, the of the city and property therein; and
property is generally not taken for public use but is urgently and provide for their enforce obedience
summarily destroyed in order to promote the general welfare. burial in such proper thereto with such
The respondent cites the case of a nuisance per se or the place and in such lawful fines or
destruction of a house to prevent the spread of a conflagration. manner as the council penalties as the City
may determine, Council may prescribe
We find the stand of the private respondent as well as the subject to the under the provisions
decision of the respondent Judge to be well-founded. We quote provisions of the of subsection (jj) of
with approval the lower court's ruling which declared null and general law this section.
void Section 9 of the questioned city ordinance: regulating burial
grounds and
We start the discussion with a restatement
cemeteries and
The issue is: Is Section 9 of the ordinance in of certain basic principles. Occupying the
governing funerals
question a valid exercise of the police forefront in the bill of rights is the provision
and disposal of the
power? which states that 'no person shall be
dead.' (Sub-sec. (t),
deprived of life, liberty or property without
Sec. 12, Rep. Act No.
due process of law' (Art. Ill, Section 1
An examination of the Charter of Quezon 537).
subparagraph 1, Constitution).
City (Rep. Act No. 537), does not reveal any
provision that would justify the ordinance in There is nothing in the above provision
question except the provision granting On the other hand, there are three inherent
which authorizes confiscation or as
police power to the City. Section 9 cannot powers of government by which the state


interferes with the property rights, namely-. The police power being the most active people cannot be lightly set aside. The
(1) police power, (2) eminent domain, (3) power of the government and the due councilors must, in the very nature of
taxation. These are said to exist process clause being the broadest station things, be familiar with the necessities of
independently of the Constitution as on governmental power, the conflict their particular ... municipality and with all
necessary attributes of sovereignty. between this power of government and the the facts and lances which surround the
due process clause of the Constitution is subject and necessitate action. The local
oftentimes inevitable. legislative body, by enacting the ordinance,
Police power is defined by Freund as 'the
has in effect given notice that the
power of promoting the public welfare by
regulations are essential to the well-being
restraining and regulating the use of liberty It will be seen from the foregoing
of the people. ... The Judiciary should not
and property' (Quoted in Political Law by authorities that police power is usually
lightly set aside legislative action when
Tanada and Carreon, V-11, p. 50). It is exercised in the form of mere regulation or
there is not a clear invasion of personal or
usually exerted in order to merely regulate restriction in the use of liberty or property
property rights under the guise of police
the use and enjoyment of property of the for the promotion of the general welfare. It
regulation. (U.S. v. Salaveria (1918], 39 Phil.
owner. If he is deprived of his property does not involve the taking or confiscation
102, at p. 111. There was an affirmation of
outright, it is not taken for public use but of property with the exception of a few
the presumption of validity of municipal
rather to destroy in order to promote the cases where there is a necessity to
ordinance as announced in the leading
general welfare. In police power, the owner confiscate private property in order to
Salaveria decision in Ebona v. Daet,
does not recover from the government for destroy it for the purpose of protecting the
[1950]85 Phil. 369.)
injury sustained in consequence thereof (12 peace and order and of promoting the
C.J. 623). It has been said that police power general welfare as for instance, the
is the most essential of government confiscation of an illegally possessed article, We have likewise considered the principles
powers, at times the most insistent, and such as opium and firearms. earlier stated in Case v. Board of
always one of the least limitable of the Health supra :
powers of government (Ruby vs. Provincial
It seems to the court that Section 9 of
Board, 39 PhiL 660; Ichong vs. Hernandez,
Ordinance No. 6118, Series of 1964 of ... Under the provisions of municipal
1,7995, May 31, 1957). This power
Quezon City is not a mere police regulation charters which are known as the general
embraces the whole system of public
but an outright confiscation. It deprives a welfare clauses, a city, by virtue of its police
regulation (U.S. vs. Linsuya Fan, 10 PhiL
person of his private property without due power, may adopt ordinances to the peace,
104). The Supreme Court has said that
process of law, nay, even without safety, health, morals and the best and
police power is so far-reaching in scope that
compensation. highest interests of the municipality. It is a
it has almost become impossible to limit its
well-settled principle, growing out of the
sweep. As it derives its existence from the
nature of well-ordered and society, that
very existence of the state itself, it does not In sustaining the decision of the respondent court, we are not
every holder of property, however absolute
need to be expressed or defined in its unmindful of the heavy burden shouldered by whoever challenges
and may be his title, holds it under the
scope. Being coextensive with self- the validity of duly enacted legislation whether national or local
implied liability that his use of it shall not be
preservation and survival itself, it is the As early as 1913, this Court ruled in Case v. Board of Health (24
injurious to the equal enjoyment of others
most positive and active of all governmental PhiL 250) that the courts resolve every presumption in favor of
having an equal right to the enjoyment of
processes, the most essential insistent and validity and, more so, where the ma corporation asserts that the
their property, nor injurious to the rights of
illimitable Especially it is so under the ordinance was enacted to promote the common good and general
the community. An property in the state is
modern democratic framework where the welfare.
held subject to its general regulations,
demands of society and nations have
which are necessary to the common good
multiplied to almost unimaginable In the leading case of Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operators and general welfare. Rights of property, like
proportions. The field and scope of police Association Inc. v. City Mayor of Manila (20 SCRA 849) the Court all other social and conventional rights, are
power have become almost boundless, just speaking through the then Associate Justice and now Chief Justice subject to such reasonable limitations in
as the fields of public interest and public Enrique M. Fernando stated their enjoyment as shall prevent them from
welfare have become almost all embracing
being injurious, and to such reasonable
and have transcended human foresight.
Primarily what calls for a reversal of such a restraints and regulations, established by
Since the Courts cannot foresee the needs
decision is the a of any evidence to offset law, as the legislature, under the governing
and demands of public interest and welfare,
the presumption of validity that attaches to and controlling power vested in them by
they cannot delimit beforehand the extent
a statute or ordinance. As was expressed the constitution, may think necessary and
or scope of the police power by which and
categorically by Justice Malcolm 'The expedient. The state, under the police
through which the state seeks to attain or
presumption is all in favor of validity. ... The power, is possessed with plenary power to
achieve public interest and welfare. (Ichong
action of the elected representatives of the deal with all matters relating to the general
vs. Hernandez, L-7995, May 31, 1957).

health, morals, and safety of the people, so necessary licenses and permits and commenced operating. The The defendant, the Comunidad de Chinos de Manila [Chinese
long as it does not contravene any positive sequestration of six percent of the cemetery cannot even be Community of Manila], answering the petition of the plaintiff,
inhibition of the organic law and providing considered as having been impliedly acknowledged by the private alleged that it was a corporation organized and existing under and
that such power is not exercised in such a respondent when it accepted the permits to commence by virtue of the laws of the Philippine Islands, having for its
manner as to justify the interference of the operations. purpose the benefit and general welfare of the Chinese
courts to prevent positive wrong and Community of the City of Manila; that it was the owner of parcels
oppression. one and two of the land described in paragraph 2 of the
WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby DISMISSED. The
complaint; that itdenied that it was either
decision of the respondent court is affirmed.
necessary or expedient that the said parcels be expropriated for
but find them not applicable to the facts of this case.
street purposes; that existing street and roads furnished ample
SO ORDERED. means of communication for the public in the district covered by
There is no reasonable relation between the setting aside of at such proposed expropriation; that if the construction of the street
least six (6) percent of the total area of an private cemeteries for or road should be considered a public necessity, other routes
charity burial grounds of deceased paupers and the promotion of were available, which would fully satisfy the plaintiff's purposes,
health, morals, good order, safety, or the general welfare of the at much less expense and without disturbing the resting places of
people. The ordinance is actually a taking without compensation G.R. No. L-14355             October 31, 1919 the dead; that it had a Torrens title for the lands in question; that
of a certain area from a private cemetery to benefit paupers who the lands in question had been used by the defendant for
are charges of the municipal corporation. Instead of building or THE CITY OF MANILA, plaintiff-appellant,  cemetery purposes; that a great number of Chinese were buried
maintaining a public cemetery for this purpose, the city passes the vs. in said cemetery; that if said expropriation be carried into effect, it
burden to private cemeteries. CHINESE COMMUNITY OF MANILA, ET AL., defendants-appellees. would disturb the resting places of the dead, would require the
expenditure of a large sum of money in the transfer or removal of
The expropriation without compensation of a portion of private the bodies to some other place or site and in the purchase of such
City Fiscal Diaz for appellant.  new sites, would involve the destruction of existing monuments
cemeteries is not covered by Section 12(t) of Republic Act 537, Crossfield and O'Brien, Williams, Ferrier and Sycip, Delgado and
the Revised Charter of Quezon City which empowers the city and the erection of new monuments in their stead, and would
Delgado, Filemon Sotto, and Ramon Salinas for appellees. create irreparable loss and injury to the defendant and to all
council to prohibit the burial of the dead within the center of
population of the city and to provide for their burial in a proper those persons owning and interested in the graves and
place subject to the provisions of general law regulating burial   monuments which would have to be destroyed; that the plaintiff
grounds and cemeteries. When the Local Government Code, Batas was without right or authority to expropriate said cemetery or
Pambansa Blg. 337 provides in Section 177 (q) that a Sangguniang any part or portion thereof for street purposes; and that the
panlungsod may "provide for the burial of the dead in such place expropriation, in fact, was not necessary as a public improvement.
and in such manner as prescribed by law or ordinance" it simply
authorizes the city to provide its own city owned land or to buy or The important question presented by this appeal is: In
The defendant Ildefonso Tambunting, answering the petition,
expropriate private properties to construct public cemeteries. This expropriation proceedings by the city of Manila, may the courts
denied each and every allegation of the complaint, and alleged
has been the law and practise in the past. It continues to the inquire into, and hear proof upon, the necessity of the
that said expropriation was not a public improvement; that it
present. Expropriation, however, requires payment of just expropriation?
was not necessary for the plaintiff to acquire the parcels of land in
compensation. The questioned ordinance is different from laws question; that a portion of the lands in question was used as a
and regulations requiring owners of subdivisions to set aside That question arose in the following manner: cemetery in which were the graves of his ancestors; that
certain areas for streets, parks, playgrounds, and other public monuments and tombstones of great value were found thereon;
facilities from the land they sell to buyers of subdivision lots. The that the land had become quasi-public property of a benevolent
On the 11th day of December, 1916, the city of Manila presented
necessities of public safety, health, and convenience are very clear association, dedicated and used for the burial of the dead and
a petition in the Court of First Instance of said city, praying that
from said requirements which are intended to insure the that many dead were buried there; that if the plaintiff deemed it
certain lands, therein particularly described, be expropriated for
development of communities with salubrious and wholesome necessary to extend Rizal Avenue, he had offered and still offers
the purpose of constructing a public improvement. The petitioner,
environments. The beneficiaries of the regulation, in turn, are to grant a right of way for the said extension over other land,
in the second paragraph of the petition, alleged:
made to pay by the subdivision developer when individual lots are without cost to the plaintiff, in order that the sepulchers, chapels
sold to home-owners. and graves of his ancestors may not be disturbed; that the land so
That for the purpose of constructing a public offered,free of charge, would answer every public necessity on the
improvement, namely, the extension of Rizal Avenue, part of the plaintiff.
As a matter of fact, the petitioners rely solely on the general
Manila,it is necessary for the plaintiff to acquire
welfare clause or on implied powers of the municipal corporation,
ownership in fee simple of certain parcels of land
not on any express provision of law as statutory basis of their The defendant Feliza Concepcion de Delgado, with her husband,
situated in the district of Binondo of said city within
exercise of power. The clause has always received broad and Jose Maria Delgado, and each of the other defendants, answering
Block 83 of said district, and within the jurisdiction of
liberal interpretation but we cannot stretch it to cover this separately, presented substantially the same defense as that
this court.
particular taking. Moreover, the questioned ordinance was passed presented by theComunidad de Chinos de Manila and Ildefonso
after Himlayang Pilipino, Inc. had incorporated. received Tambunting above referred to.

The foregoing parts of the defense presented by the defendants Section 242 provides that a complaint in expropriation proceeding inasmuch as the questions relating to expropriation must be
have been inserted in order to show the general character of the shall be presented; that the complaint shall state with certainty referred to them (sec. 241, Act No. 190) for final decision, to ask
defenses presented by each of the defendants. The plaintiff the right of condemnation, with a description of the property whether or not the law has been complied with? Suppose in a
alleged that the expropriation was necessary. The defendants sought to be condemned together with the interest of each particular case, it should be denied that the property is
each alleged (a) that no necessity existed for said expropriation defendant separately. not private property but public, may not the courts hear proof
and (b) that the land in question was a cemetery, which had been upon that question? Or, suppose the defense is, that the purpose
used as such for many years, and was covered with sepulchres of the expropriation is not public butprivate, or that there exists
Section 243 provides that if the court shall find upon trial that
and monuments, and that the same should not be converted into no public purpose at all, may not the courts make inquiry and
the right to expropriate the land in question exists, it shall then
a street for public purposes. hear proof upon that question?
appoint commissioners.

Upon the issue thus presented by the petition and the various The city of Manila is given authority to expropriate private lands
Sections 244, 245 and 246 provide the method of procedure and
answers, the Honorable Simplicio del Rosario, judge, in a very for public purposes. Can it be possible that said authority confers
duty of the commissioners. Section 248 provides for an appeal
elucidated opinion, with very clear and explicit reasons, supported the right to determine for itself that the land is private and that
from the judgment of the Court of First Instance to the Supreme
by ambulance of authorities, decided that there was no the purpose is public, and that the people of the city of Manila
Court. Said section 248 gives the Supreme Court authority to
necessity for the expropriation of the particular strip of land in who pay the taxes for its support, especially those who are
inquire into the right of expropriation on the part of the plaintiff.
question, and absolved each and all of the defendants from all directly affected, may not question one or the other, or both, of
If the Supreme Court on appeal shall determine that no right of
liability under the complaint, without any finding as to costs. these questions? Can it be successfully contended that the phrase
expropriation existed, it shall remand the cause to the Court of
used in Act No. 190, "and if the court upon trial shall find that
First Instance with a mandate that the defendant be replaced in
such right exists," means simply that the court shall examine
From that judgment the plaintiff appealed and presented the the possession of the property and that he recover whatever
the statutes simply for the purpose of ascertaining whether a law
above question as its principal ground of appeal. damages he may have sustained by reason of the possession of
exists authorizing the petitioner to exercise the right of eminent
the plaintiff.
domain? Or, when the case arrives in the Supreme Court, can it be
The theory of the plaintiff is, that once it has established the fact, possible that the phrase, "if the Supreme Court shall determine
under the law, that it has authority to expropriate land, it may It is contended on the part of the plaintiff that the phrase in said that no right of expropriation exists," that that simply means that
expropriate any land it may desire; that the only function of the section, "and if the court shall find the right to expropriate the Supreme Court shall also examine the enactments of the
court in such proceedings is to ascertain the value of the land in exists," means simply that, if the court finds that there is some legislature for the purpose of determining whether or not a law
question; that neither the court nor the owners of the land can law authorizing the plaintiff to expropriate, then the courts have exists permitting the plaintiff to expropriate?
inquire into the advisible purpose of purpose of the expropriation no other function than to authorize the expropriation and to
or ask any questions concerning the necessities therefor; that proceed to ascertain the value of the land involved; that the
We are of the opinion that the power of the court is not limited to
the courts are mere appraisers of the land involved in necessity for the expropriation is a legislative and not a judicial
that question. The right of expropriation is not an inherent power
expropriation proceedings, and, when the value of the land is question.
in a municipal corporation, and before it can exercise the right
fixed by the method adopted by the law, to render a judgment in
some law must exist conferring the power upon it. When the
favor of the defendant for its value.
Upon the question whether expropriation is a legislative function courts come to determine the question, they must only find (a)
exclusively, and that the courts cannot intervene except for the that a law or authority exists for the exercise of the right of
That the city of Manila has authority to expropriate private lands purpose of determining the value of the land in question, there is eminent domain, but (b) also that the right or authority is being
for public purposes, is not denied. Section 2429 of Act No. 2711 much legal legislature. Much has been written upon both sides of exercised in accordance with the law. In the present case there
(Charter of the city of Manila) provides that "the city (Manila) . . . that question. A careful examination of the are two conditions imposed upon the authority conceded to the
may condemn private property for public use." discussions pro and con will disclose the fact that the decisions City of Manila: First, the land must be private; and, second, the
depend largely upon particular constitutional or statutory purpose must be public. If the court, upon trial, finds that neither
provisions. It cannot be denied, if the legislature under proper of these conditions exists or that either one of them fails,
The Charter of the city of Manila contains no procedure by which
authority should grant the expropriation of a certain or particular certainly it cannot be contended that the right is being exercised
the said authority may be carried into effect. We are driven,
parcel of land for some specified public purpose, that the courts in accordance with law.
therefore, to the procedure marked out by Act No. 190 to
would be without jurisdiction to inquire into the purpose of that
ascertain how the said authority may be exercised. From an
examination of Act No. 190, in its section 241, we find how the Whether the purpose for the exercise of the right of eminent
right of eminent domain may be exercised. Said section 241 domain is public, is a question of fact. Whether the land is public,
provides that, "The Government of the Philippine Islands, or of If, upon the other hand, however, the Legislature should is a question of fact; and, in our opinion, when the legislature
any province or department thereof, or of any municipality, and grant general authority to a municipal corporation to conferred upon the courts of the Philippine Islands the right to
any person, or public or private corporation having, by law, the expropriate private land for public purposes, we think the courts ascertain upon trial whether the right exists for the exercise of
right to condemn private property for public use, shall exercise have ample authority in this jurisdiction, under the provisions eminent domain, it intended that the courts should inquire into,
that right in the manner hereinafter prescribed." above quoted, to make inquiry and to hear proof, upon an issue and hear proof upon, those questions. Is it possible that the
properly presented, concerning whether or not the lands owner of valuable land in this jurisdiction is compelled to stand
were private and whether the purpose was, in fact, public. In mute while his land is being expropriated for a use not public,
other words, have no the courts in this jurisdiction the right, with the right simply to beg the city of Manila to pay him the

value of his land? Does the law in this jurisdiction permit or to substitute their own views for those of the citizens of their property, the courts are authorized, in this
municipalities to expropriate lands, without question, simply for representatives of the people. jurisdiction, to make inquiry and to hear proof upon the necessity
the purpose of satisfying the aesthetic sense of those who happen in the particular case, and not the general authority.
for the time being to be in authority? Expropriation of lands
Practically every case cited in support of the above doctrine has
usually calls for public expense. The taxpayers are called upon to
been examined, and we are justified in making the statement that Volume 15 of the Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure (Cyc.), page
pay the costs. Cannot the owners of land question the public
in each case the legislature directly determined the necessity for 629, is cited as a further conclusive authority upon the question
use or the public necessity?
the exercise of the right of eminent domain in the particular case. that the necessity for the exercise of the right of eminent domain
It is not denied that if the necessity for the exercise of the right of is a legislative and not a judicial question. Cyclopedia, at the page
As was said above, there is a wide divergence of opinion upon the eminent domain is presented to the legislative department of the stated, says:
authority of the court to question the necessity or advisability of government and that department decides that there exists a
the exercise of the right of eminent domain. The divergence is necessity for the exercise of the right in a particular case, that
In the absence of some constitutional or statutory
usually found to depend upon particular statutory or then and in that case, the courts will not go behind the action of
provision to the contrary,
constitutional provisions. the legislature and make inquiry concerning the necessity. But, in
the necessity and expediency of exercising the right of
the case of Wheeling, etc. R. R. Co. vs. Toledo, Ry, etc., Co. (72
eminent domain are questions essentially political and
Ohio St., 368 [106 Am. St. rep., 622, 628]), which was cited in
It has been contended — and many cases are cited in support of not judicial in their character. The determination of
support of the doctrine laid down in section 158 above quoted,
that contention, and section 158 of volume 10 of Ruling Case Law those questions (the necessity and the expediency)
the court said:
is cited as conclusive — that the necessity for taking property belongs to the sovereign power; the legislative
under the right of eminent domain is not a judicial question. But department is final and conclusive, and the courts have
those who cited said section evidently overlooked the section But when the statute does not designate the property no power to review it (the necessity and the
immediately following (sec. 159), which adds: "But it is obvious to be taken nor how may be taken, then the necessity expediency) . . . . It (the legislature) may designate the
that if the property is taken in the ostensible behalf of a public of taking particular property is a question for the particular property to be condemned, and its
improvement which it can never by any possibility serve, it is courts. Where the application to condemn or determination in this respect cannot be reviewed by
being taken for a use not public, and the owner's constitutional appropriate is made directly to the court, the question the courts.
rights call for protection by the courts. While many courts have (of necessity) should be raised and decided in limene.
used sweeping expression in the decisions in which they have
The volume of Cyclopedia, above referred to, cites many cases in
disclaimed the power of supervising the power of supervising
The legislative department of the government was rarely support of the doctrine quoted. While time has not permitted an
the selection of the sites of public improvements, it may be safely
undertakes to designate the precise property which should be examination of all of said citations, many of them have been
said that the courts of the various states would feel bound to
taken for public use. It has generally, like in the present case, examined, and it can be confidently asserted that said cases which
interfere to prevent an abuse of the discretion delegated by the
merely conferred general authority to take land for public use are cited in support of the assertion that, "the necessity and
legislature, by an attempted appropriation of land in utter
when a necessity exists therefor. We believe that it can be expediency of exercising the right of eminent domain are
disregard of the possible necessity of its use, or when the alleged
confidently asserted that, under such statute, the allegation of the questions essentially political and not judicial," show clearly and
purpose was a cloak to some sinister scheme." (Norwich City vs.
necessity for the appropriation is an issuable allegation which it is invariably that in each case the legislature itself usually, by a
Johnson, 86 Conn., 151; Bell vs. Mattoon Waterworks, etc. Co.,
competent for the courts to decide. (Lynch vs. Forbes, 161 Mass., special law, designated the particular case in which the right of
245 Ill., 544; Wheeling, etc. R. R. Co. vs. Toledo Ry. etc. Co., 72
302 [42 Am. St. Rep., 402, 407].) eminent domain might be exercised by the particular municipal
Ohio St., 368; State vs. Stewart, 74 Wis., 620.)
corporation or entity within the state. (Eastern R. Co. vs. Boston,
etc., R. Co., 11 Mass., 125 [15 Am. Rep., 13]; Brooklyn Park
There is a wide distinction between a legislative declaration that a
Said section 158 (10 R. C. L., 183) which is cited as conclusive Com'rs vs. Armstrong, 45 N.Y., 234 [6 Am. Rep., 70];
municipality is given authority to exercise the right of eminent
authority in support of the contention of the appellant, says: Hairston vs. Danville, etc. Ry. Co., 208 U. S. 598;
domain, and a decision by the municipality that there exist a
Cincinnati vs. Louisville, etc. Ry. Co., 223 U. S., 390;
necessity for the exercise of that right in a particular case. The
U.S. vs. Chandler-Dunbar Water Power Co., 229 U. S., 53;
The legislature, in providing for the exercise of the first is a declaration simply that there exist reasons why the right
U.S. vs. Gettysburg, etc. Co., 160 U. S., 668; Traction Co. vs. Mining
power of eminent domain, may directly determine the should be conferred upon municipal corporation, while the
Co., 196 U.S., 239; Sears vs. City of Akron, 246 U.S., 351
necessity for appropriating private property for a second is the application of the right to a particular case.
[erroneously cited as 242 U.S.].)
particular improvement for public use, and it may Certainly, the legislative declaration relating to the advisability of
select the exact location of the improvement. In such a granting the power cannot be converted into a declaration that a
case, it is well settled that the utility of the proposed necessity exists for its exercise in a particular case, and especially In the case of Traction Co. vs. Mining Co. (196 U.S., 239), the
improvement, the extent of the public necessity for its so when, perhaps, the land in question was not within the Supreme Court of the United States said: "It is erroneous to
construction, the expediency of constructing it, the territorial authority was granted. suppose that the legislature is beyond the control of the courts in
suitableness of the location selected and the exercising the power of eminent domain, either as to the nature
consequent necessity of taking the land selected for its of the use or the necessity to the use of any particular property.
Whether it was wise, advisable, or necessary to confer upon a
site, are all questions exclusively for the legislature to For if the use be not public or no necessity for the taking exists,
municipality the power to exercise the right of eminent domain, is
determine, and the courts have no power to interfere, the legislature cannot authorize the taking of private property
a question with which the courts are not concerned. But when
that right or authority is exercised for the purpose of depriving

against the will of the owner, notwithstanding compensation may exercise. Any rule less strict than this, with the large and almost Domain, sec. 603; Lecoul vs. Police Jury 20 La. Ann., 308;
be required." indiscriminate delegation of the right to corporations, would likely Jefferson vs. Jazem, 7 La. Ann., 182.)
lead to oppression and the sacrifice of private right to corporate
In the case of School Board of Carolina vs. Saldaña (14 Porto Rico, Blackstone, in his Commentaries on the English Law said that the
339, 356), we find the Supreme Court of Porto Rico, speaking right to own and possess land — a place to live separate and apart
through Justice MacLeary, quoting approvingly the following, In the case of Dewey vs. Chicago, etc. Co. (184 Ill., 426, 433), the from others — to retain it as a home for the family in a way not to
upon the question which we are discussing: "It is well settled that court said: "Its right to condemn property is not a general power be molested by others — is one of the most sacred rights that
although the legislature must necessarily determine in the first of condemnation, but is limited to cases where a necessity for men are heirs to. That right has been written into the organic law
instance whether the use for which they (municipalities, etc.) resort to private property is shown to exist. Such necessity must of every civilized nation. The Acts of Congress of July 1, 1902, and
attempt to exercise the power is a public one or not, their appear upon the face of the petition to condemn. If the necessary of August 29, 1916, which provide that "no law shall be enacted in
(municipalities, etc.) determination is not final, but is subject to is denied the burden is upon the company (municipality) to the Philippine Islands which shall deprive any person of his
correction by the courts, who may undoubtedly declare the establish it." (Highland, etc. Co. vs. Strickley, 116 Fed., 852, 856; property without due process of law," are but a restatement of
statute unconstitutional, if it shall clearly appear that the use for Kiney vs. Citizens' Water & Light Co., 173 Ind., 252, 257 ; the time-honored protection of the absolute right of the
which it is proposed to authorize the taking of private property is Bell vs. Mattoon Waterworks, etc. Co., 245 Ill., 544 [137 Am. St. individual to his property. Neither did said Acts of Congress add
in reality not public but private." Many cases are cited in support Rep. 338].) anything to the law already existing in the Philippine Islands. The
of that doctrine. Spaniard fully recognized the principle and adequately protected
the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands against the encroachment
It is true that naby decisions may be found asserting that what is a
upon the private property of the individual. Article 349 of the Civil
Later, in the same decision, we find the Supreme Court of Porto public use is a legislative question, and many other decisions
Code provides that: "No one may be deprived of his property
Rico says: "At any rate, the rule is quite well settled that in the declaring with equal emphasis that it is a judicial question. But, as
unless it be by competent authority, for some purpose
cases under consideration the determination of the necessity of long as there is a constitutional or statutory provision denying the
of proven public utility, and after payment of the proper
taking a particular piece or a certain amount of land rests right to take land for any use other than a public use, it occurs to
compensation Unless this requisite (proven public utility and
ultimately with the courts." (Spring Valley etc. Co. vs. San Mateo, us that the question whether any particular use is a public one or
payment) has been complied with, it shall be the duty of the
etc. Co., 64 Cal., 123.) . not is ultimately, at least, a judicial question. The legislative may,
courts to protect the owner of such property in its possession or
it is true, in effect declare certain uses to be public, and, under the
to restore its possession to him , as the case may be."
operation of the well-known rule that a statute will not be
In the case of Board of Water Com'rs., etc. vs. Johnson (86 Conn.,
declared to be unconstitutional except in a case free, or
571 [41 L. R. A., N. S., 1024]), the Supreme Court of Connecticut
comparatively free, from doubt, the courts will certainly sustain The exercise of the right of eminent domain, whether directly by
approvingly quoted the following doctrine from Lewis on Eminent
the action of the legislature unless it appears that the particular the State, or by its authorized agents, is necessarily in derogation
Domain (3d ed.), section 599: "In all such cases the necessity of
use is clearly not of a public nature. The decisions must be of private rights, and the rule in that case is that the authority
public utility of the proposed work or improvement is a judicial
understood with this limitation; for, certainly, no court of last must be strictly construed. No species of property is held by
question. In all such cases, where the authority is to take property
resort will be willing to declare that any and every purpose which individuals with greater tenacity, and none is guarded by the
necessary for the purpose, the necessity of taking particular
the legislative might happen to designate as a public use shall be constitution and laws more sedulously, than the right to the
property for a particular purpose is a judicial one, upon which the
conclusively held to be so, irrespective of the purpose in question freehold of inhabitants. When the legislature interferes with that
owner is entitled to be heard." (Riley vs.Charleston, etc. Co., 71 S.
and of its manifestly private character Blackstone in his right, and, for greater public purposes, appropriates the land of an
C., 457, 489 [110 Am. St. Rep., 579]; Henderson vs. Lexington 132
Commentaries on the English Law remarks that, so great is the individual without his consent, the plain meaning of the law
Ky., 390, 403.)
regard of the law for private property that it will not authorize the should not be enlarged by doubtly interpretation.
least violation of it, even for the public good, unless there exists a (Bensely vs. Mountainlake Water Co., 13 Cal., 306 and cases cited
The taking of private property for any use which is not required by very great necessity therefor. [73 Am. Dec., 576].)
the necessities or convenience of the inhabitants of the state, is
an unreasonable exercise of the right of eminent domain, and
In the case of Wilkinson vs. Leland (2 Pet. [U.S.], 657), the The statutory power of taking property from the owner without
beyond the power of the legislature to delegate.
Supreme Court of the United States said: "That government can his consent is one of the most delicate exercise of government
(Bennett vs. Marion, 106 Iowa, 628, 633; Wilson vs. Pittsburg, etc.
scarcely be deemed free where the rights of property are left authority. It is to be watched with jealous scrutiny. Important as
Co., 222 Pa. St., 541, 545; Greasy, etc. Co. vs. Ely, etc. Co., 132 Ky.,
solely defendant on the legislative body, without restraint. The the power may be to the government, the inviolable sanctity
692, 697.)
fundamental maxims of free government seem to require that the which all free constitutions attach to the right of property of the
rights of personal liberty and private property should be held citizens, constrains the strict observance of the substantial
In the case of New Central Coal Co. vs. George's etc. Co. (37 Md., sacred. At least no court of justice in this country would be provisions of the law which are prescribed as modes of the
537, 564), the Supreme Court of the State of Maryland, discussing warranted in assuming that the power to violate and disregard exercise of the power, and to protect it from abuse. Not only must
the question before us, said: "To justify the exercise of this them — a power so repugnant to the common principles of the authority of municipal corporations to take property be
extreme power (eminent domain) where the legislature has left it justice and civil liberty — lurked in any general grant of legislature expressly conferred and the use for which it is taken specified, but
to depend upon the necessity that may be found to exist, in order authority, or ought to be implied from any general expression of the power, with all constitutional limitation and directions for its
to accomplish the purpose of the incorporation, as in this case, the people. The people ought no to be presumed to part with exercise, must be strictly pursued. (Dillon on Municipal
the party claiming the right to the exercise of the power should be rights so vital to their security and well-being without very strong Corporations [5th Ed.], sec. 1040, and cases cited;
required to show at least a reasonable degree of necessity for its and direct expression of such intention." (Lewis on Eminent Tenorio vs. Manila Railroad Co., 22 Phil., 411.)

It can scarcely be contended that a municipality would be attempts to exercise the authority conferred, it must comply with The cemetery in question seems to have been established under
permitted to take property for some public use unless some the conditions accompanying the authority. The governmental authority. The Spanish Governor-General, in an
public necessity existed therefor. The right to take private necessity for conferring the authority upon a municipal order creating the same, used the following language:
property for public use originates in the necessity, and the taking corporation to exercise the right of eminent domain is admittedly
must be limited by such necessity. The appellant contends that within the power of the legislature. But whether or not the
The cemetery and general hospital for indigent Chinese
inasmuch as the legislature has given it general authority to take municipal corporation or entity is exercising the right in a
having been founded and maintained by the
private property for public use, that the legislature has, therefore, particular case under the conditions imposed by the general
spontaneous and fraternal contribution of their
settled the question of the necessity in every case and that the authority, is a question which the courts have the right to inquire
protector, merchants and industrials, benefactors of
courts are closed to the owners of the property upon that into.
mankind, in consideration of their services to the
question. Can it be imagined, when the legislature adopted
Government of the Islands its internal administration,
section 2429 of Act No. 2711, that it thereby declared that it was
The conflict in the authorities upon the question whether government and regime must necessarily be adjusted
necessary to appropriate the property of Juan de la Cruz, whose
the necessity for the exercise of the right of eminent domain is to the taste and traditional practices of those born and
property, perhaps, was not within the city limits at the time the
purely legislative and not judicial, arises generally in the wisdom educated in China in order that the sentiments which
law was adopted? The legislature, then, not having declared the
and propriety of the legislature in authorizing the exercise of the animated the founders may be perpetually
necessity, can it be contemplated that it intended that a
right of eminent domain instead of in the question of the right to effectuated.
municipality should be the sole judge of the necessity in every
exercise it in a particular case. (Creston Waterworks
case, and that the courts, in the face of the provision that "if upon
Co. vs. McGrath, 89 Iowa, 502.)
trial they shall find that a right exists," cannot in that trial inquire It is alleged, and not denied, that the cemetery in question may
into and hear proof upon the necessity for the appropriation in a be used by the general community of Chinese, which fact, in the
particular case? By the weight of authorities, the courts have the power of general acceptation of the definition of a public cemetery, would
restricting the exercise of eminent domain to the actual make the cemetery in question public property. If that is true,
reasonable necessities of the case and for the purposes then, of course, the petition of the plaintiff must be denied, for
The Charter of the city of Manila authorizes the taking
designated by the law. (Fairchild vs. City of St. Paul. 48 Minn., the reason that the city of Manila has no authority or right under
of private property for public use. Suppose the owner of the
540.) the law to expropriate public property.
property denies and successfully proves that the taking of his
property serves no public use: Would the courts not be justified in
inquiring into that question and in finally denying the petition if And, moreover, the record does not show conclusively that the But, whether or not the cemetery is public or private property, its
no public purpose was proved? Can it be denied that the courts plaintiff has definitely decided that their exists a necessity for the appropriation for the uses of a public street, especially during the
have a right to inquire into that question? If the courts can ask appropriation of the particular land described in the complaint. lifetime of those specially interested in its maintenance as a
questions and decide, upon an issue properly presented, whether Exhibits 4, 5, 7, and E clearly indicate that the municipal board cemetery, should be a question of great concern, and its
the use is public or not, is not that tantamount to permitting the believed at one time that other land might be used for the appropriation should not be made for such purposes until it is
courts to inquire into the necessity of the appropriation? If there proposed improvement, thereby avoiding the necessity of fully established that the greatest necessity exists therefor.
is no public use, then there is no necessity, and if there is no distributing the quiet resting place of the dead.
necessity, it is difficult to understand how a public use can While we do not contend that the dead must not give place to the
necessarily exist. If the courts can inquire into the question Aside from insisting that there exists no necessity for the alleged living, and while it is a matter of public knowledge that in the
whether a public use exists or not, then it seems that it must improvements, the defendants further contend that the street in process of time sepulchres may become the seat of cities and
follow that they can examine into the question of the necessity. question should not be opened through the cemetery. One of the cemeteries traversed by streets and daily trod by the feet of
defendants alleges that said cemetery is public property. If that millions of men, yet, nevertheless such sacrifices and such uses of
The very foundation of the right to exercise eminent domain is a allegations is true, then, of course, the city of Manila cannot the places of the dead should not be made unless and until it is
genuine necessity, and that necessity must be of a public appropriate it for public use. The city of Manila can only fully established that there exists an eminent necessity therefor.
character. The ascertainment of the necessity must precede or expropriate private property. While cemeteries and sepulchres and the places of the burial of
accompany, and not follow, the taking of the the dead are still within 
land. (Morrison vs. Indianapolis, etc. Ry. Co., 166 Ind., 511; the memory and command of the active care of the living; while
It is a well known fact that cemeteries may be public or private.
Stearns vs. Barre, 73 Vt., 281; Wheeling, etc. R. R. Co. vs. Toledo, they are still devoted to pious uses and sacred regard, it is difficult
The former is a cemetery used by the general community, or
Ry. etc. Co., 72 Ohio St., 368.) to believe that even the legislature would adopt a law expressly
neighborhood, or church, while the latter is used only by a family,
providing that such places, under such circumstances, should be
or a small portion of the community or neighborhood. (11 C. J.,
The general power to exercise the right of eminent domain must 50.)
not be confused with the right to exercise it in aparticular case.
The power of the legislature to confer, upon municipal In such an appropriation, what, we may ask, would be the
Where a cemetery is open to public, it is a public use and no part
corporations and other entities within the State, general authority measure of damages at law, for the wounded sensibilities of the
of the ground can be taken for other public uses under a general
to exercise the right of eminent domain cannot be questioned by living, in having the graves of kindred and loved ones blotted out
authority. And this immunity extends to the unimproved and
the courts, but that general authority of municipalities or entities and desecrated by a common highway or street for public travel?
unoccupied parts which are held in good faith for future use.
must not be confused with the right to exercise it in particular The impossibility of measuring the damage and inadequacy of a
(Lewis on Eminent Domain, sec. 434, and cases cited.)
instances. The moment the municipal corporation or entity remedy at law is too apparent to admit of argument. To disturb

the mortal remains of those endeared to us in life sometimes under Executive Order No. 94, with the following powers and between the Philippines and the telephone systems of other
becomes the sad duty of the living; but, except in cases duties, in addition to certain powers and duties formerly vested in countries. 2 The RCA Communications, Inc., (which is not a party to
of necessity, or for laudable purposes, the sanctity of the grave, the Director of Posts: 1awphil.ñêt the present case but has contractual relations with the parties) is
the last resting place of our friends, should be maintained, and an American corporation authorized to transact business in the
the preventative aid of the courts should be invoked for that Philippines and is the grantee, by assignment, of a legislative
  SEC. 79. The Bureau of Telecommunications shall exercise the
object. (Railroad Company vs. Cemetery Co., 116 Tenn., 400; franchise to operate a domestic station for the reception and
following powers and duties:
Evergreen Cemetery Associationvs. The City of New Haven, 43 transmission of long distance wireless messages (Act 2178) and to
Conn., 234; Anderson vs. Acheson, 132 Iowa, 744; Beatty vs. Kurtz, operate broadcasting and radio-telephone and radio-telegraphic
2 Peters, 566.) (a) To operate and maintain existing wire-telegraph communications services (Act 3180). 3
and radio-telegraph offices, stations, and facilities, and
those to be established to restore the pre-war
In the present case, even granting that a necessity exists for the   Sometime in 1933, the defendant, PLDT, and the RCA
telecommunication service under the Bureau of Posts,
opening of the street in question, the record contains no proof of Communications, Inc., entered into an agreement whereby
as well as such additional offices or stations as may
the necessity of opening the same through the cemetery. The telephone messages, coming from the United States and received
hereafter be established to provide telecommunication
record shows that adjoining and adjacent lands have been offered by RCA's domestic station, could automatically be transferred to
service in places requiring such service;
to the city free of charge, which will answer every purpose of the the lines of PLDT; and vice-versa, for calls collected by the PLDT
plaintiff. for transmission from the Philippines to the United States. The
(b) To investigate, consolidate, negotiate for, operate contracting parties agreed to divide the tolls, as follows: 25% to
and maintain wire-telephone or radio telephone PLDT and 75% to RCA. The sharing was amended in 1941 to 30%
For all of the foregoing, we are fully persuaded that the judgment
communication service throughout the Philippines by for PLDT and 70% for RCA, and again amended in 1947 to a 50-50
of the lower court should be and is hereby affirmed, with costs
utilizing such existing facilities in cities, towns, and basis. The arrangement was later extended to radio-telephone
against the appellant. So ordered.
provinces as may be found feasible and under such messages to and from European and Asiatic countries. Their
terms and conditions or arrangements with the contract contained a stipulation that either party could terminate
present owners or operators thereof as may be agreed it on a 24-month notice to the other. 4 On 2 February 1956, PLDT
upon to the satisfaction of all concerned; gave notice to RCA to terminate their contract on 2 February
G.R. No. L-18841             January 27, 1969 1958. 5
(c) To prescribe, subject to approval by the
Department Head, equitable rates of charges for   Soon after its creation in 1947, the Bureau of
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellant, 
messages handled by the system and/or for time calls Telecommunications set up its own Government Telephone
and other services that may be rendered by said System by utilizing its own appropriation and equipment and by
system; renting trunk lines of the PLDT to enable government offices to
call private parties. 6 Its application for the use of these trunk lines
(d) To establish and maintain coastal stations to serve was in the usual form of applications for telephone service,
Office of the Solicitor General Arturo A. Alafriz, Assistant Solicitor containing a statement, above the signature of the applicant, that
ships at sea or aircrafts and, when public interest so
General Antonio A. Torres and Solicitor Camilo D. Quiason for the latter will abide by the rules and regulations of the PLDT which
requires, to engage in the international
plaintiff-appellant. are on file with the Public Service Commission. 7 One of the many
telecommunication service in agreement with other
Ponce Enrile, Siguion Reyna, Montecillo and Belo for defendant- rules prohibits the public use of the service furnished the
countries desiring to establish such service with the
appellant. telephone subscriber for his private use. 8 The Bureau has
Republic of the Philippines; and
extended its services to the general public since 1948, 9 using the
REYES, J.B.L., J.: same trunk lines owned by, and rented from, the PLDT, and
(e) To abide by all existing rules and regulations prescribing its (the Bureau's) own schedule of rates. 10 Through
prescribed by the International Telecommunication these trunk lines, a Government Telephone System (GTS)
  Direct appeals, upon a joint record on appeal, by both the Convention relative to the accounting, disposition and subscriber could make a call to a PLDT subscriber in the same way
plaintiff and the defendant from the dismissal, after hearing, by exchange of messages handled in the international that the latter could make a call to the former.
the Court of First Instance of Manila, in its Civil Case No. 35805, of service, and those that may hereafter be promulgated
their respective complaint and counterclaims, but making by said convention and adhered to by the Government
permanent a preliminary mandatory injunction theretofore issued of the Republic of the Philippines. 1   On 5 March 1958, the plaintiff, through the Director of
against the defendant on the interconnection of telephone Telecommunications, entered into an agreement with RCA
facilities owned and operated by said parties. Communications, Inc., for a joint overseas telephone service
  The defendant, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company whereby the Bureau would convey radio-telephone overseas calls
(PLDT for short), is a public service corporation holding a received by RCA's station to and from local residents. 11 Actually,
  The plaintiff, Republic of the Philippines, is a political entity legislative franchise, Act 3426, as amended by Commonwealth Act they inaugurated this joint operation on 2 February 1958, under a
exercising governmental powers through its branches and 407, to install, operate and maintain a telephone system "provisional" agreement. 12
instrumentalities, one of which is the Bureau of throughout the Philippines and to carry on the business of
Telecommunications. That office was created on 1 July 1947, electrical transmission of messages within the Philippines and

  On 7 April 1958, the defendant Philippine Long Distance (1) to forthwith reconnect and restore the seventy- and conditions of the interconnection, and of its refusal to fix the
Telephone Company, complained to the Bureau of eight (78) trunk lines that it has disconnected between terms and conditions therefor.
Telecommunications that said bureau was violating the conditions the facilities of the Government Telephone System,
under which their Private Branch Exchange (PBX) is inter- including its overseas telephone services, and the
  We agree with the court below that parties can not be coerced
connected with the PLDT's facilities, referring to the rented trunk facilities of defendant; (2) to refrain from carrying into
to enter into a contract where no agreement is had between
lines, for the Bureau had used the trunk lines not only for the use effect its threat to sever the existing telephone
them as to the principal terms and conditions of the contract.
of government offices but even to serve private persons or the communication between the Bureau of
Freedom to stipulate such terms and conditions is of the essence
general public, in competition with the business of the PLDT; and Telecommunications and defendant, and not to make
of our contractual system, and by express provision of the statute,
gave notice that if said violations were not stopped by midnight of connection over its telephone system of telephone
a contract may be annulled if tainted by violence, intimidation, or
12 April 1958, the PLDT would sever the telephone calls coming to the Philippines from foreign countries
undue influence (Articles 1306, 1336, 1337, Civil Code of the
connections. 13 When the PLDT received no reply, it disconnected through the said Bureau's telephone facilities and the
Philippines). But the court a quo has apparently overlooked that
the trunk lines being rented by the Bureau at midnight on 12 April radio facilities of RCA Communications, Inc.; and (3) to
while the Republic may not compel the PLDT to celebrate a
1958. 14 The result was the isolation of the Philippines, on accept and connect through its telephone system all
contract with it, the Republic may, in the exercise of the sovereign
telephone services, from the rest of the world, except the United such telephone calls coming to the Philippines from
power of eminent domain, require the telephone company to
States. 15 foreign countries — until further order of this Court.
permit interconnection of the government telephone system and
that of the PLDT, as the needs of the government service may
  At that time, the Bureau was maintaining 5,000 telephones and   On 28 April 1958, the defendant company filed its answer, with require, subject to the payment of just compensation to be
had 5,000 pending applications for telephone connection. 16 The counterclaims. determined by the court. Nominally, of course, the power of
PLDT was also maintaining 60,000 telephones and had also 20,000 eminent domain results in the taking or appropriation of title to,
pending applications. 17Through the years, neither of them has and possession of, the expropriated property; but no cogent
  It denied any obligation on its part to execute a contrary of
been able to fill up the demand for telephone service. reason appears why the said power may not be availed of to
services with the Bureau of Telecommunications; contested the
impose only a burden upon the owner of condemned property,
jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance to compel it to enter into
without loss of title and possession. It is unquestionable that real
  The Bureau of Telecommunications had proposed to the PLDT on interconnecting agreements, and averred that it was justified to
property may, through expropriation, be subjected to an
8 January 1958 that both enter into an interconnecting disconnect the trunk lines heretofore leased to the Bureau of
easement of right of way. The use of the PLDT's lines and services
agreement, with the government paying (on a call basis) for all Telecommunications under the existing agreement because its
to allow inter-service connection between both telephone
calls passing through the interconnecting facilities from the facilities were being used in fraud of its rights. PLDT further
systems is not much different. In either case private property is
Government Telephone System to the PLDT. 18 The PLDT replied claimed that the Bureau was engaging in commercial telephone
subjected to a burden for public use and benefit. If, under section
that it was willing to enter into an agreement on overseas operations in excess of authority, in competition with, and to the
6, Article XIII, of the Constitution, the State may, in the interest of
telephone service to Europe and Asian countries provided that prejudice of, the PLDT, using defendants own telephone poles,
national welfare, transfer utilities to public ownership upon
the Bureau would submit to the jurisdiction and regulations of the without proper accounting of revenues.
payment of just compensation, there is no reason why the State
Public Service Commission and in consideration of 37 1/2% of the
may not require a public utility to render services in the general
gross revenues. 19 In its memorandum in lieu of oral argument in
  After trial, the lower court rendered judgment that it could not interest, provided just compensation is paid therefor. Ultimately,
this Court dated 9 February 1964, on page 8, the defendant
compel the PLDT to enter into an agreement with the Bureau the beneficiary of the interconnecting service would be the users
reduced its offer to 33 1/3 % (1/3) as its share in the overseas
because the parties were not in agreement; that under Executive of both telephone systems, so that the condemnation would be
telephone service. The proposals were not accepted by either
Order 94, establishing the Bureau of Telecommunications, said for public use.
Bureau was not limited to servicing government offices alone, nor
was there any in the contract of lease of the trunk lines, since the
  The Bureau of Telecommunications, under section 78 (b) of
  On 12 April 1958, plaintiff Republic commenced suit against the PLDT knew, or ought to have known, at the time that their use by
Executive Order No. 94, may operate and maintain wire
defendant, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, in the the Bureau was to be public throughout the Islands, hence the
telephone or radio telephone communications throughout the
Court of First Instance of Manila (Civil Case No. 35805), praying in Bureau was neither guilty of fraud, abuse, or misuse of the poles
Philippines by utilizing existing facilities in cities, towns, and
its complaint for judgment commanding the PLDT to execute a of the PLDT; and, in view of serious public prejudice that would
provinces under such terms and conditions or arrangement with
contract with plaintiff, through the Bureau, for the use of the result from the disconnection of the trunk lines, declared the
present owners or operators as may be agreed upon to the
facilities of defendant's telephone system throughout the preliminary injunction permanent, although it dismissed both the
satisfaction of all concerned; but there is nothing in this section
Philippines under such terms and conditions as the court might complaint and the counterclaims.
that would exclude resort to condemnation proceedings where
consider reasonable, and for a writ of preliminary injunction
unreasonable or unjust terms and conditions are exacted, to the
against the defendant company to restrain the severance of the
  Both parties appealed. extent of crippling or seriously hampering the operations of said
existing telephone connections and/or restore those severed.
  Taking up first the appeal of the Republic, the latter complains of
  Acting on the application of the plaintiff, and on the ground that
the action of the trial court in dismissing the part of its complaint   A perusal of the complaint shows that the Republic's cause of
the severance of telephone connections by the defendant
seeking to compel the defendant to enter into an interconnecting action is predicated upon the radio telephonic isolation of the
company would isolate the Philippines from other countries, the
contract with it, because the parties could not agree on the terms Bureau's facilities from the outside world if the severance of
court a quo, on 14 April 1958, issued an order for the defendant:
interconnection were to be carried out by the PLDT, thereby

preventing the Bureau of Telecommunications from properly   Executive Order No. 94, Series of 1947, reorganizing the Bureau   The acceptance by the defendant of the payment of rentals,
discharging its functions, to the prejudice of the general public. of Telecommunications, expressly empowered the latter in its despite its knowledge that the plaintiff had extended the use of
Save for the prayer to compel the PLDT to enter into a contract Section 79, subsection (b), to "negotiate for, operate and maintain the trunk lines to commercial purposes, continuously since 1948,
(and the prayer is no essential part of the pleading), the wire telephone or radio telephone communication service implies assent by the defendant to such extended use. Since this
averments make out a case for compulsory rendering of inter- throughout the Philippines", and, in subsection (c), "to prescribe, relationship has been maintained for a long time and the public
connecting services by the telephone company upon such terms subject to approval by the Department Head, equitable rates of has patronized both telephone systems, and their interconnection
and conditions as the court may determine to be just. And since charges for messages handled by the system and/or for time calls is to the public convenience, it is too late for the defendant to
the lower court found that both parties "are practically at one and other services that may be rendered by the system". Nothing claim misuse of its facilities, and it is not now at liberty to
that defendant (PLDT) is entitled to reasonable compensation in these provisions limits the Bureau to non-commercial activities unilaterally sever the physical connection of the trunk lines.
from plaintiff for the reasonable use of the former's telephone or prevents it from serving the general public. It may be that in its
facilities" (Decision, Record on Appeal, page 224), the lower court original prospectuses the Bureau officials had stated that the
  ..., but there is high authority for the position that,
should have proceeded to treat the case as one of condemnation service would be limited to government offices: but such
when such physical connection has been voluntarily
of such services independently of contract and proceeded to limitations could not block future expansion of the system, as
made, under a fair and workable arrangement and
determine the just and reasonable compensation for the same, authorized by the terms of the Executive Order, nor could the
guaranteed by contract and the continuous line has
instead of dismissing the petition. officials of the Bureau bind the Government not to engage in
come to be patronized and established as a great
services that are authorized by law. It is a well-known rule that
public convenience, such connection shall not in
erroneous application and enforcement of the law by public
  This view we have taken of the true nature of the Republic's breach of the agreement be severed by one of the
officers do not block subsequent correct application of the statute
petition necessarily results in overruling the plea of defendant- parties. In that case, the public is held to have such an
(PLDT vs. Collector of Internal Revenue, 90 Phil. 676), and that the
appellant PLDT that the court of first instance had no jurisdiction interest in the arrangement that its rights must receive
Government is never estopped by mistake or error on the part of
to entertain the petition and that the proper forum for the action due consideration. This position finds approval in State
its agents (Pineda vs. Court of First Instance of Tayabas, 52 Phil.
was the Public Service Commission. That body, under the law, has ex rel. vs. Cadwaller, 172 Ind. 619, 636, 87 N.E. 650,
803, 807; Benguet Consolidated Mining Co. vs. Pineda, 98 Phil.
no authority to pass upon actions for the taking of private and is stated in the elaborate and learned opinion of
711, 724).
property under the sovereign right of eminent domain. Chief Justice Myers as follows: "Such physical
Furthermore, while the defendant telephone company is a public connection cannot be required as of right, but if such
utility corporation whose franchise, equipment and other   The theses that the Bureau's commercial services constituted connection is voluntarily made by contract, as is here
properties are under the jurisdiction, supervision and control of unfair competition, and that the Bureau was guilty of fraud and alleged to be the case, so that the public acquires an
the Public Service Commission (Sec. 13, Public Service Act), yet abuse under its contract, are, likewise, untenable. interest in its continuance, the act of the parties in
the plaintiff's telecommunications network is a public service making such connection is equivalent to a declaration
owned by the Republic and operated by an instrumentality of the of a purpose to waive the primary right of
  First, the competition is merely hypothetical, the demand for
National Government, hence exempt, under Section 14 of the independence, and it imposes upon the property such
telephone service being very much more than the supposed
Public Service Act, from such jurisdiction, supervision and control. a public status that it may not be disregarded" — citing
competitors can supply. As previously noted, the PLDT had 20,000
The Bureau of Telecommunications was created in pursuance of a Mahan v. Mich. Tel. Co., 132 Mich. 242, 93 N.W. 629,
pending applications at the time, and the Bureau had another
state policy reorganizing the government offices — and the reasons upon which it is in part made to rest
5,000. The telephone company's inability to meet the demands
are referred to in the same opinion, as follows: "Where
for service are notorious even now. Second, the charter of the
private property is by the consent of the owner
  to meet the exigencies attendant upon the defendant expressly provides:
invested with a public interest or privilege for the
establishment of the free and independent
benefit of the public, the owner can no longer deal
Government of the Republic of the Philippines, and for
  SEC. 14. The rights herein granted shall not be with it as private property only, but must hold it
the purpose of promoting simplicity, economy and
exclusive, and the rights and power to grant to any subject to the right of the public in the exercise of that
efficiency in its operation (Section 1, Republic Act No.
corporation, association or person other than the public interest or privilege conferred for their benefit."
51) —
grantee franchise for the telephone or electrical Allnut v. Inglis (1810) 12 East, 527. The doctrine of this
transmission of message or signals shall not be early case is the acknowledged law. (Clinton-Dunn Tel.
  and the determination of state policy is not vested in the impaired or affected by the granting of this franchise: Co. v. Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., 74 S.E. 636, 638).
Commission (Utilities Com. vs. Bartonville Bus Line, 290 Ill. 574; — (Act 3436)
124 N.E. 373).
  It is clear that the main reason for the objection of the PLDT lies
  And third, as the trial court correctly stated, "when the Bureau of in the fact that said appellant did not expect that the Bureau's
  Defendant PLDT, as appellant, contends that the court below Telecommunications subscribed to the trunk lines, defendant telephone system would expand with such rapidity as it has done;
was in error in not holding that the Bureau of knew or should have known that their use by the subscriber was but this expansion is no ground for the discontinuance of the
Telecommunications was not empowered to engage in more or less public and all embracing in nature, that is, service agreed upon.
commercial telephone business, and in ruling that said defendant throughout the Philippines, if not abroad" (Decision, Record on
was not justified in disconnecting the telephone trunk lines it had Appeal, page 216).
  The last issue urged by the PLDT as appellant is its right to
previously leased to the Bureau. We find that the court a quo
compensation for the use of its poles for bearing telephone wires
ruled correctly in rejecting both assertions.


of the Bureau of Telecommunications. Admitting that section 19   WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of First Instance, now occupies any public property, it shall be removed at
of the PLDT charter reserves to the Government — under appeal, is affirmed, except in so far as it dismisses the the expense of the owner of the building or house.
petition of the Republic of the Philippines to compel the
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company to continue
  the privilege without compensation of using the poles SEC. 4. EFFECTIVITY — This ordinance shall take effect
servicing the Government telephone system upon such terms,
of the grantee to attach one ten-pin cross-arm, and to on its approval. (Orig. Recs., P. 3)
and for a compensation, that the trial court may determine to be
install, maintain and operate wires of its telegraph
just, including the period elapsed from the filing of the original
system thereon; Provided, however, That the Bureau of
complaint or petition. And for this purpose, the records are Four years later, after the term of appellant Fajardo as mayor had
Posts shall have the right to place additional cross-
ordered returned to the court of origin for further hearings and expired, he and his son in-law, appellant Babilonia, filed a written
arms and wires on the poles of the grantee by paying a
other proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion. No costs. request with the incumbent municipal mayor for a permit to
compensation, the rate of which is to be agreed upon
construct a building adjacent to their gasoline station on a parcel
by the Director of Posts and the grantee; —
of land registered in Fajardo's name, located along the national
G.R. No. L-12172             August 29, 1958
highway and separated from the public plaza by a creek (Exh. D).
  the defendant counterclaimed for P8,772.00 for the use of its On January 16, 1954, the request was denied, for the reason
poles by the plaintiff, contending that what was allowed free use, THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,  among others that the proposed building would destroy the view
under the aforequoted provision, was one ten-pin cross-arm vs. or beauty of the public plaza (Exh. E). On January 18, 1954,
attachment and only for plaintiff's telegraph system, not for its JUAN F. FAJARDO, ET AL., defendants-appellants. defendants reiterated their request for a building permit (Exh. 3),
telephone system; that said section could not refer to the but again the request was turned down by the mayor.
plaintiff's telephone system, because it did not have such Whereupon, appellants proceeded with the construction of the
Assistant Solicitor General Esmeraldo Umali and Higinio V.
telephone system when defendant acquired its franchise. The building without a permit, because they needed a place of
Catalan for appellee.
implication of the argument is that plaintiff has to pay for the use residence very badly, their former house having been destroyed
Prila, Pardalis and Pejo for appellants.
of defendant's poles if such use is for plaintiff's telephone system by a typhoon and hitherto they had been living on leased
and has to pay also if it attaches more than one (1) ten-pin cross- property.
arm for telegraphic purposes. REYES, J. B. L., J.:
On February 26, 1954, appellants were charged before and
  As there is no proof that the telephone wires strain the poles of Appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance of convicted by the justice of the peace court of Baao, Camarines
the PLDT more than the telegraph wires, nor that they cause more Camarines Sur convicting defendants-appellants Juan F. Fajardo Sur, for violation of the ordinance in question. Defendants
damage than the wires of the telegraph system, or that the and Pedro Babilonia of a violation of Ordinance No. 7, Series of appealed to the Court of First Instance, which affirmed the
Government has attached to the poles more than one ten-pin 1950, of the Municipality of Baao, Camarines Sur, for having conviction, and sentenced appellants to pay a fine of P35 each
cross-arm as permitted by the PLDT charter, we see no point in constructed without a permit from the municipal mayor a building and the costs, as well as to demolish the building in question
this assignment of error. So long as the burden to be borne by the that destroys the view of the public plaza. because it destroys the view of the public plaza of Baao, in that "it
PLDT poles is not increased, we see no reason why the reservation hinders the view of travelers from the National Highway to the
in favor of the telegraph wires of the government should not be It appears that on August 15, 1950, during the incumbency of said public plaza." From this decision, the accused appealed to the
extended to its telephone lines, any time that the government defendant-appellant Juan F. Fajardo as mayor of the municipality Court of Appeals, but the latter forwarded the records to us
decided to engage also in this kind of communication. of Baao, Camarines Sur, the municipal council passed the because the appeal attacks the constitutionality of the ordinance
ordinance in question providing as follows: in question.
  In the ultimate analysis, the true objection of the PLDT to
continue the link between its network and that of the SECTION 1. Any person or persons who will construct We find that the appealed conviction can not stand.
Government is that the latter competes "parasitically" (sic) with or repair a building should, before constructing or
its own telephone services. Considering, however, that the PLDT repairing, obtain a written permit from the Municipal A first objection to the validity of the ordinance in question is that
franchise is non-exclusive; that it is well-known that defendant Mayor. under it the mayor has absolute discretion to issue or deny a
PLDT is unable to adequately cope with the current demands for
permit. The ordinance fails to state any policy, or to set up any
telephone service, as shown by the number of pending
SEC. 2. A fee of not less than P2.00 should be charged standard to guide or limit the mayor's action. No purpose to be
applications therefor; and that the PLDT's right to just
for each building permit and P1.00 for each repair attained by requiring the permit is expressed; no conditions for its
compensation for the services rendered to the Government
permit issued. grant or refusal are enumerated. It is not merely a case of
telephone system and its users is herein recognized and
deficient standards; standards are entirely lacking. The ordinance
preserved, the objections of defendant-appellant are without
thus confers upon the mayor arbitrary and unrestricted power to
merit. To uphold the PLDT's contention is to subordinate the SEC. 3. PENALTY — Any violation of the provisions of grant or deny the issuance of building permits, and it is a settled
needs of the general public to the right of the PLDT to derive the above, this ordinance, shall make the violation rule that such an undefined and unlimited delegation of power to
profit from the future expansion of its services under its non- liable to pay a fine of not less than P25 nor more than allow or prevent an activity, per se lawful, is invalid (People vs.
exclusive franchise. P50 or imprisonment of not less than 12 days nor more Vera, 65 Phil., 56; Primicias vs. Fugoso, 80 Phil., 71; Schloss Poster
than 24 days or both, at the discretion of the court. If Adv. Co. vs. Rock Hill, 2 SE (2d) 392)
said building destroys the view of the Public Plaza or

The ordinance in question in no way controls or guides overlook that the modern tendency is to regard the beautification property for public use. (Tews vs. Woolhiser (1933) 352
the discretion vested thereby in the respondents. It of neighborhoods as conducive to the comfort and happiness of I11. 212, 185 N.E. 827) (Emphasis supplied.)
prescribes no uniform rule upon which the special residents. But while property may be regulated in the interest of
permission of the city is to be granted. Thus the city is the general welfare, and in its pursuit, the State may prohibit
The validity of the ordinance in question was justified by the court
clothed with the uncontrolled power to capriciously structures offensive to the sight (Churchill and Tait vs. Rafferty, 32
below under section 2243, par. (c), of the Revised Administrative
grant the privilege to some and deny it others; to Phil. 580), the State may not, under the guise of police power,
Code, as amended. This section provides:
refuse the application of one landowner or lessee and permanently divest owners of the beneficial use of their property
to grant that of another, when for all material and practically confiscate them solely to preserve or assure the
purposes, the two applying for precisely the same aesthetic appearance of the community. As the case now stands, SEC. 2243. Certain legislative powers of discretionary
privileges under the same circumstances. The danger every structure that may be erected on appellants' land, character. — The municipal council shall have
of such an ordinance is that it makes possible arbitrary regardless of its own beauty, stands condemned under the authority to exercise the following discretionary
discriminations and abuses in its execution, depending ordinance in question, because it would interfere with the view of powers:
upon no conditions or qualifications whatever, other the public plaza from the highway. The appellants would, in
than the unregulated arbitrary will of the city effect, be constrained to let their land remain idle and unused for xxx     xxx     xxx
authorities as the touchstone by which its validity is to the obvious purpose for which it is best suited, being urban in
be tested. Fundamental rights under our government character. To legally achieve that result, the municipality must
do not depend for their existence upon such a slender give appellants just compensation and an opportunity to be (c) To establish fire limits in populous centers,
and uncertain thread. Ordinances which thus invest a heard. prescribe the kinds of buildings that may be
city council with a discretion which is purely arbitrary, constructed or repaired within them, and issue permits
and which may be exercised in the interest of a for the creation or repair thereof, charging a fee which
An ordinance which permanently so restricts the use of shall be determined by the municipal council and
favored few, are unreasonable and invalid. The
property that it can not be used for any reasonable which shall not be less than two pesos for each
ordinance should have established a rule by which its
purpose goes, it is plain, beyond regulation and must building permit and one peso for each repair permit
impartial enforcement could be secured. All of the
be recognized as a taking of the property. The only issued. The fees collected under the provisions of this
authorities cited above sustain this conclusion.
substantial difference, in such case, between subsection shall accrue to the municipal school fund.
restriction and actual taking, is that the restriction
As was said in City of Richmond vs. Dudley, 129 Ind. leaves the owner subject to the burden of payment of
112,28 N. E. 312, 314 13 L. R. A. 587, 28 Am. St. Rep. taxation, while outright confiscation would relieve him Under the provisions of the section above quoted, however, the
180: "It seems from the foregoing authorities to be of that burden. (Arverne Bay Constr. Co. vs. Thatcher power of the municipal council to require the issuance of building
well established that municipal ordinances placing (N.Y.) 117 ALR. 1110, 1116). permits rests upon its first establishing fire limits in populous
restrictions upon lawful conduct or the lawful use of parts of the town and prescribing the kinds of buildings that may
property must, in order to be valid, specify the rules be constructed or repaired within them. As there is absolutely no
A regulation which substantially deprives an owner of showing in this case that the municipal council had either
and conditions to be observed in such conduct or
all beneficial use of his property is confiscation and is a established fire limits within the municipality or set standards for
business; and must admit of the exercise of the
deprivation within the meaning of the 14th the kind or kinds of buildings to be constructed or repaired within
privilege of all citizens alike who will comply with such
Amendment. (Sundlum vs. Zoning Bd., 145 Atl. 451; them before it passed the ordinance in question, it is clear that
rules and conditions; and must not admit of the
also Eaton vs. Sweeny, 177 NE 412; Taylor vs. said ordinance was not conceived and promulgated under the
exercise, or of an opportunity for the exercise, of any
Jacksonville, 133 So. 114). express authority of sec. 2243 (c) aforequoted.
arbitrary discrimination by the municipal authorities
between citizens who will so comply. (Schloss Poster
Adv. Co., Inc. vs. City of Rock Hill, et al., 2 SE (2d), pp. Zoning which admittedly limits property to a use which We rule that the regulation in question, Municipal Ordinance No.
394-395). can not reasonably be made of it cannot be said to set 7, Series of 1950, of the Municipality of Baao, Camarines Sur, was
aside such property to a use but constitutes the taking beyond the authority of said municipality to enact, and is
of such property without just compensation. Use of therefore null and void. Hence, the conviction of herein appellants
It is contended, on the other hand, that the mayor can refuse a
property is an element of ownership therein. is reversed, and said accused are acquitted, with costs de oficio.
permit solely in case that the proposed building "destroys the
Regardless of the opinion of zealots that property may So ordered.
view of the public plaza or occupies any public property" (as
properly, by zoning, be utterly destroyed without
stated in its section 3); and in fact, the refusal of the Mayor of
compensation, such principle finds no support in the
Baao to issue a building permit to the appellant was predicated on Para
genius of our government nor in the principles of
the ground that the proposed building would "destroy the view of
justice as we known them. Such a doctrine shocks the
the public plaza" by preventing its being seen from the public
sense of justice. If it be of public benefit that property G.R. No. L-20620 August 15, 1974
highway. Even thus interpreted, the ordinance is unreasonable
remain open and unused, then certainly the public, and
and oppressive, in that it operates to permanently deprive
not the private individuals, should bear the cost of
appellants of the right to use their own property; hence, it REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellant, 
reasonable compensation for such property under the
oversteps the bounds of police power, and amounts to a taking of vs.
rules of law governing the condemnation of private
appellants property without just compensation. We do not CARMEN M. VDA. DE CASTELLVI, ET AL., defendants-appellees.

Office of the Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellant. on the NW by Lot 1-B, Blk-1. Containing an In her "motion to dismiss", dated October 22, 1959, Toledo-Gozun
area of 88,772 square meters, more or less, alleged, among other things, that her two parcels of land were
and registered in the name of Maria Nieves residential lands, in fact a portion with an area of 343,303 square
C.A. Mendoza & A. V. Raquiza and Alberto Cacnio & Associates for
Toledo Gozun under TCT No. 8708 of the meters had already been subdivided into different lots for sale to
Register of Deeds of Pampanga, .... the general public, and the remaining portion had already been
set aside for expansion sites of the already completed
  subdivisions; that the fair market value of said lands was P15.00
In its complaint, the Republic alleged, among other things, that
per square meter, so they had a total market value of
the fair market value of the above-mentioned lands, according to
ZALDIVAR, J.:p P8,085,675.00; and she prayed that the complaint be dismissed,
the Committee on Appraisal for the Province of Pampanga, was
or that she be paid the amount of P8,085,675.00, plus interest
not more than P2,000 per hectare, or a total market value of
thereon at the rate of 6% per annum from October 13, 1959, and
Appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance of P259,669.10; and prayed, that the provisional value of the lands
attorney's fees in the amount of P50,000.00.
Pampanga in its Civil Case No. 1623, an expropriation proceeding. be fixed at P259.669.10, that the court authorizes plaintiff to take
immediate possession of the lands upon deposit of that amount
with the Provincial Treasurer of Pampanga; that the court Intervenors Jose Castellvi and Consuelo Castellvi in their answer,
Plaintiff-appellant, the Republic of the Philippines, (hereinafter appoints three commissioners to ascertain and report to the court filed on February 11, 1960, and also intervenor Joaquin Gozun, Jr.,
referred to as the Republic) filed, on June 26, 1959, a complaint the just compensation for the property sought to be expropriated, husband of defendant Maria Nieves Toledo-Gozun, in his motion
for eminent domain against defendant-appellee, Carmen M. Vda. and that the court issues thereafter a final order of to dismiss, dated May 27, 1960, all alleged that the value of the
de Castellvi, judicial administratrix of the estate of the late condemnation. lands sought to be expropriated was at the rate of P15.00 per
Alfonso de Castellvi (hereinafter referred to as Castellvi), over a square meter.
parcel of land situated in the barrio of San Jose, Floridablanca,
Pampanga, described as follows: On June 29, 1959 the trial court issued an order fixing the
provisional value of the lands at P259,669.10. On November 4, 1959, the trial court authorized the Provincial
Treasurer of Pampanga to pay defendant Toledo-Gozun the sum
A parcel of land, Lot No. 199-B Bureau of of P107,609.00 as provisional value of her lands. 2 On May 16,
Lands Plan Swo 23666. Bounded on the NE In her "motion to dismiss" filed on July 14, 1959, Castellvi alleged,
1960 the trial Court authorized the Provincial Treasurer of
by Maria Nieves Toledo-Gozun; on the SE by among other things, that the land under her administration, being
Pampanga to pay defendant Castellvi the amount of P151,859.80
national road; on the SW by AFP a residential land, had a fair market value of P15.00 per square
as provisional value of the land under her administration, and
reservation, and on the NW by AFP meter, so it had a total market value of P11,389,485.00; that the
ordered said defendant to deposit the amount with the Philippine
reservation. Containing an area of 759,299 Republic, through the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
National Bank under the supervision of the Deputy Clerk of Court.
square meters, more or less, and registered particularly the Philippine Air Force, had been, despite repeated
In another order of May 16, 1960 the trial Court entered an order
in the name of Alfonso Castellvi under TCT demands, illegally occupying her property since July 1, 1956,
of condemnation.3
No. 13631 of the Register of Pampanga ...; thereby preventing her from using and disposing of it, thus
causing her damages by way of unrealized profits. This defendant
prayed that the complaint be dismissed, or that the Republic be The trial Court appointed three commissioners: Atty. Amadeo
and against defendant-appellee Maria Nieves Toledo Gozun ordered to pay her P15.00 per square meter, or a total of Yuzon, Clerk of Court, as commissioner for the court; Atty.
(hereinafter referred to as Toledo-Gozun over two parcels of land P11,389,485.00, plus interest thereon at 6% per annum from July Felicisimo G. Pamandanan, counsel of the Philippine National
described as follows: 1, 1956; that the Republic be ordered to pay her P5,000,000.00 as Bank Branch at Floridablanca, for the plaintiff; and Atty. Leonardo
unrealized profits, and the costs of the suit. F. Lansangan, Filipino legal counsel at Clark Air Base, for the
A parcel of land (Portion Lot Blk-1, Bureau defendants. The Commissioners, after having qualified
of Lands Plan Psd, 26254. Bounded on the themselves, proceeded to the performance of their duties.
By order of the trial court, dated August, 1959, Amparo C. Diaz,
NE by Lot 3, on the SE by Lot 3; on the SW Dolores G. viuda de Gil, Paloma Castellvi, Carmen Castellvi, Rafael
by Lot 1-B, Blk. 2 (equivalent to Lot 199-B Castellvi, Luis Castellvi, Natividad Castellvi de Raquiza, Jose On March 15,1961 the Commissioners submitted their report and
Swo 23666; on the NW by AFP military Castellvi and Consuelo Castellvi were allowed to intervene as recommendation, wherein, after having determined that the
reservation. Containing an area of 450,273 parties defendants. Subsequently, Joaquin V. Gozun, Jr., husband lands sought to be expropriated were residential lands, they
square meters, more or less and registered of defendant Nieves Toledo Gozun, was also allowed by the court recommended unanimously that the lowest price that should be
in the name of Maria Nieves Toledo-Gozun to intervene as a party defendant. paid was P10.00 per square meter, for both the lands of Castellvi
under TCT No. 8708 of the Register of and Toledo-Gozun; that an additional P5,000.00 be paid to
Deeds of Pampanga. ..., and Toledo-Gozun for improvements found on her land; that legal
After the Republic had deposited with the Provincial Treasurer of
interest on the compensation, computed from August 10, 1959,
Pampanga the amount of P259,669.10, the trial court ordered
A parcel of land (Portion of lot 3, Blk-1, be paid after deducting the amounts already paid to the owners,
that the Republic be placed in possession of the lands. The
Bureau of Lands Plan Psd 26254. Bounded and that no consequential damages be awarded. 4 The
Republic was actually placed in possession of the lands on August
on the NE by Lot No. 3, on the SE by school Commissioners' report was objected to by all the parties in the
lot and national road, on the SW by Lot 1-B case — by defendants Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun, who insisted
1959. 1
Blk 2 (equivalent to Lot 199-B Swo 23666), that the fair market value of their lands should be fixed at P15.00


per square meter; and by the Republic, which insisted that the interventions, said interventions are The motion to dismiss the Republic's appeal was reiterated by
price to be paid for the lands should be fixed at P0.20 per square ordered dismissed. appellees Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun before this Court, but this
meter. 5 Court denied the motion.
The costs shall be charged to the plaintiff.
After the parties-defendants and intervenors had filed their In her motion of August 11, 1964, appellee Castellvi sought to
respective memoranda, and the Republic, after several extensions increase the provisional value of her land. The Republic, in its
On June 21, 1961 the Republic filed a motion for a new trial
of time, had adopted as its memorandum its objections to the comment on Castellvi's motion, opposed the same. This Court
and/or reconsideration, upon the grounds of newly-discovered
report of the Commissioners, the trial court, on May 26, 1961, denied Castellvi's motion in a resolution dated October 2,1964.
evidence, that the decision was not supported by the evidence,
rendered its decision 6 the dispositive portion of which reads as
and that the decision was against the law, against which motion
defendants Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun filed their respective The motion of appellees, Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun, dated
oppositions. On July 8, 1961 when the motion of the Republic for October 6, 1969, praying that they be authorized to mortgage the
WHEREFORE, taking into account all the new trial and/or reconsideration was called for hearing, the lands subject of expropriation, was denied by this Court or
foregoing circumstances, and that the lands Republic filed a supplemental motion for new trial upon the October 14, 1969.
are titled, ... the rising trend of land ground of additional newly-discovered evidence. This motion for
values ..., and the lowered purchasing new trial and/or reconsideration was denied by the court on July
On February 14, 1972, Attys. Alberto Cacnio, and Associates,
power of the Philippine peso, the court 12, 1961.
counsel for the estate of the late Don Alfonso de Castellvi in the
finds that the unanimous recommendation
expropriation proceedings, filed a notice of attorney's lien, stating
of the commissioners of ten (P10.00) pesos
On July 17, 1961 the Republic gave notice of its intention to that as per agreement with the administrator of the estate of Don
per square meter for the three lots of the
appeal from the decision of May 26, 1961 and the order of July Alfonso de Castellvi they shall receive by way of attorney's fees,
defendants subject of this action is fair and
12, 1961. Defendant Castellvi also filed, on July 17, 1961, her "the sum equivalent to ten per centum of whatever the court may
notice of appeal from the decision of the trial court. finally decide as the expropriated price of the property subject
matter of the case."
xxx xxx xxx
The Republic filed various ex-parte motions for extension of time
within which to file its record on appeal. The Republic's record on ---------
The plaintiff will pay 6% interest per annum appeal was finally submitted on December 6, 1961.
on the total value of the lands of defendant
Before this Court, the Republic contends that the lower court
Toledo-Gozun since (sic) the amount
Defendants Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun filed not only a joint erred:
deposited as provisional value from August
opposition to the approval of the Republic's record on appeal, but
10, 1959 until full payment is made to said
also a joint memorandum in support of their opposition. The
defendant or deposit therefor is made in 1. In finding the price of P10 per square
Republic also filed a memorandum in support of its prayer for the
court. meter of the lands subject of the instant
approval of its record on appeal. On December 27, 1961 the trial
proceedings as just compensation;
court issued an order declaring both the record on appeal filed by
In respect to the defendant Castellvi, the Republic, and the record on appeal filed by defendant
interest at 6% per annum will also be paid Castellvi as having been filed out of time, thereby dismissing both 2. In holding that the "taking" of the
by the plaintiff to defendant Castellvi from appeals. properties under expropriation commenced
July 1, 1956 when plaintiff commenced its with the filing of this action;
illegal possession of the Castellvi land when
On January 11, 1962 the Republic filed a "motion to strike out the
the instant action had not yet been 3. In ordering plaintiff-appellant to pay 6%
order of December 27, 1961 and for reconsideration", and
commenced to July 10, 1959 when the interest on the adjudged value of the
subsequently an amended record on appeal, against which
provisional value thereof was actually Castellvi property to start from July of 1956;
motion the defendants Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun filed their
deposited in court, on the total value of the
opposition. On July 26, 1962 the trial court issued an order,
said (Castellvi) land as herein adjudged. The
stating that "in the interest of expediency, the questions raised 4. In denying plaintiff-appellant's motion for
same rate of interest shall be paid from July
may be properly and finally determined by the Supreme Court," new trial based on newly discovered
11, 1959 on the total value of the land
and at the same time it ordered the Solicitor General to submit a evidence.
herein adjudged minus the amount
record on appeal containing copies of orders and pleadings
deposited as provisional value, or
specified therein. In an order dated November 19, 1962, the trial
P151,859.80, such interest to run until full In its brief, the Republic discusses the second error assigned as
court approved the Republic's record on appeal as amended.
payment is made to said defendant or the first issue to be considered. We shall follow the sequence of
deposit therefor is made in court. All the the Republic's discussion.
intervenors having failed to produce Defendant Castellvi did not insist on her appeal. Defendant
evidence in support of their respective Toledo-Gozun did not appeal.


1. In support of the assigned error that the lower court erred in ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES, to do so at the expense of the LESSOR. The
holding that the "taking" of the properties under expropriation hereinafter called the LESSEE, LESSOR further agrees that should
commenced with the filing of the complaint in this case, the he/she/they sell or encumber all or any part
Republic argues that the "taking" should be reckoned from the of the herein described premises during the
year 1947 when by virtue of a special lease agreement between period of this lease, any conveyance will be
the Republic and appellee Castellvi, the former was granted the conditioned on the right of the LESSEE
"right and privilege" to buy the property should the lessor wish to 1. For and in consideration of the rentals hereunder.
terminate the lease, and that in the event of such sale, it was hereinafter reserved and the mutual terms,
stipulated that the fair market value should be as of the time of covenants and conditions of the parties, the
4. The LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR as
occupancy; and that the permanent improvements amounting to LESSOR has, and by these presents does,
monthly rentals under this lease the sum of
more that half a million pesos constructed during a period of lease and let unto the LESSEE the following
twelve years on the land, subject of expropriation, were indicative described land together with the
58/100 (P455.58) ...
of an agreed pattern of permanency and stability of occupancy by improvements thereon and appurtenances
the Philippine Air Force in the interest of national Security. 7 thereof, viz:
5. The LESSEE may, at any time prior to the
termination of this lease, use the property
Appellee Castellvi, on the other hand, maintains that the "taking" Un Terreno, Lote No. 27 del Plano de
for any purpose or purposes and, at its own
of property under the power of eminent domain requires two subdivision Psu 34752, parte de la hacienda
costs and expense make alteration, install
essential elements, to wit: (1) entrance and occupation by de Campauit, situado en el Barrio de San
facilities and fixtures and errect additions ...
condemn or upon the private property for more than a Jose, Municipio de Floridablanca Pampanga.
which facilities or fixtures ... so placed in,
momentary or limited period, and (2) devoting it to a public use in ... midiendo una extension superficial de
upon or attached to the said premises shall
such a way as to oust the owner and deprive him of all beneficial cuatro milliones once mil cuatro cientos
be and remain property of the LESSEE and
enjoyment of the property. This appellee argues that in the trienta y cinco (4,001,435) [sic] metros
may be removed therefrom by the LESSEE
instant case the first element is wanting, for the contract of lease cuadrados, mas o menos.
prior to the termination of this lease. The
relied upon provides for a lease from year to year; that the second
LESSEE shall surrender possession of the
element is also wanting, because the Republic was paying the Out of the above described property, 75.93 premises upon the expiration or
lessor Castellvi a monthly rental of P445.58; and that the contract hectares thereof are actually occupied and termination of this lease and if so required
of lease does not grant the Republic the "right and privilege" to covered by this contract. . by the LESSOR, shall return the premises in
buy the premises "at the value at the time of occupancy." 8
substantially the same condition as that
Above lot is more particularly described in existing at the time same were first
Appellee Toledo-Gozun did not comment on the Republic's TCT No. 1016, province of  occupied by the AFP, reasonable and
argument in support of the second error assigned, because as far Pampanga ... ordinary wear and tear and damages by the
as she was concerned the Republic had not taken possession of elements or by circumstances over which
her lands prior to August 10, 1959. 9 the LESSEE has no control excepted:
of which premises, the LESSOR warrants that he/she/they/is/are PROVIDED, that if the LESSOR so requires
the registered owner(s) and with full authority to execute a the return of the premises in such
In order to better comprehend the issues raised in the appeal, in contract of this nature. condition, the LESSOR shall give written
so far as the Castellvi property is concerned, it should be noted
notice thereof to the LESSEE at least twenty
that the Castellvi property had been occupied by the Philippine
2. The term of this lease shall be for the (20) days before the termination of the
Air Force since 1947 under a contract of lease, typified by the
period beginning July 1, 1952 the date the lease and provided, further, that should the
contract marked Exh. 4-Castellvi, the pertinent portions of which
premises were occupied by the PHILIPPINE LESSOR give notice within the time specified
AIR FORCE, AFP until June 30, 1953, subject above, the LESSEE shall have the right and
to renewal for another year at the option of privilege to compensate the LESSOR at the
CONTRACT OF LEASE the LESSEE or unless sooner terminated by fair value or the equivalent, in lieu of
the LESSEE as hereinafter provided. performance of its obligation, if any, to
This AGREEMENT OF LEASE MADE AND restore the premises. Fair value is to be
ENTERED into by and between INTESTATE determined as the value at the time of
3. The LESSOR hereby warrants that the occupancy less fair wear and tear and
ESTATE OF ALFONSO DE CASTELLVI, LESSEE shall have quiet, peaceful and
represented by CARMEN M. DE CASTELLVI, depreciation during the period of this lease.
undisturbed possession of the demised
Judicial Administratrix ... hereinafter called premises throughout the full term or period
the LESSOR and THE REPUBLIC OF THE of this lease and the LESSOR undertakes 6. The LESSEE may terminate this lease at
PHILIPPINES represented by MAJ. GEN. without cost to the LESSEE to eject all any time during the term hereof by giving
CALIXTO DUQUE, Chief of Staff of the trespassers, but should the LESSOR fail to written notice to the LESSOR at least thirty
do so, the LESSEE at its option may proceed (30) days in advance ...

7. The LESSEE should not be responsible, Republic instituted these expropriation proceedings, and, as First, the expropriator must enter a private property. This
except under special legislation for any stated earlier in this opinion, the Republic was placed in circumstance is present in the instant case, when by virtue of the
damages to the premises by reason of possession of the lands on August 10, 1959, On November 21, lease agreement the Republic, through the AFP, took possession
combat operations, acts of GOD, the 1959, the Court of First Instance of Pampanga, dismissed Civil of the property of Castellvi.
elements or other acts and deeds not due Case No. 1458, upon petition of the parties, in an order which, in
to the negligence on the part of the LESSEE. part, reads as follows:
Second, the entrance into private property must be for more than
a momentary period. "Momentary" means, "lasting but a
8. This LEASE AGREEMENT supersedes and 1. Plaintiff has agreed, as a matter of fact moment; of but a moment's duration" (The Oxford English
voids any and all agreements and has already signed an agreement with Dictionary, Volume VI, page 596); "lasting a very short time;
undertakings, oral or written, previously defendants, whereby she has agreed to transitory; having a very brief life; operative or recurring at every
entered into between the parties covering receive the rent of the lands, subject matter moment" (Webster's Third International Dictionary, 1963 edition.)
the property herein leased, the same having of the instant case from June 30, 1966 up to The word "momentary" when applied to possession or occupancy
been merged herein. This AGREEMENT may 1959 when the Philippine Air Force was of (real) property should be construed to mean "a limited period"
not be modified or altered except by placed in possession by virtue of an order of — not indefinite or permanent. The aforecited lease contract was
instrument in writing only duly signed by the Court upon depositing the provisional for a period of one year, renewable from year to year. The entry
the parties. 10 amount as fixed by the Provincial Appraisal on the property, under the lease, is temporary, and considered
Committee with the Provincial Treasurer of transitory. The fact that the Republic, through the AFP,
Pampanga; constructed some installations of a permanent nature does not
It was stipulated by the parties, that "the foregoing contract of
alter the fact that the entry into the land was transitory, or
lease (Exh. 4, Castellvi) is 'similar in terms and conditions,
intended to last a year, although renewable from year to year by
including the date', with the annual contracts entered into from 2. That because of the above-cited
consent of 'The owner of the land. By express provision of the
year to year between defendant Castellvi and the Republic of the agreement wherein the administratrix
lease agreement the Republic, as lessee, undertook to return the
Philippines (p. 17, t.s.n., Vol. III)". 11 It is undisputed, therefore, decided to get the rent corresponding to
premises in substantially the same condition as at the time the
that the Republic occupied Castellvi's land from July 1, 1947, by the rent from 1956 up to 1959 and
property was first occupied by the AFP. It is claimed that the
virtue of the above-mentioned contract, on a year to year basis considering that this action is one of illegal
intention of the lessee was to occupy the land permanently, as
(from July 1 of each year to June 30 of the succeeding year) under detainer and/or to recover the possession
may be inferred from the construction of permanent
the terms and conditions therein stated. of said land by virtue of non-payment of
improvements. But this "intention" cannot prevail over the clear
rents, the instant case now has become
and express terms of the lease contract. Intent is to be deduced
moot and academic and/or by virtue of the
Before the expiration of the contract of lease on June 30, 1956 the from the language employed by the parties, and the terms 'of the
agreement signed by plaintiff, she has
Republic sought to renew the same but Castellvi refused. When contract, when unambiguous, as in the instant case, are
waived her cause of action in the above-
the AFP refused to vacate the leased premises after the conclusive in the absence of averment and proof of mistake or
entitled case. 12
termination of the contract, on July 11, 1956, Castellvi wrote to fraud — the question being not what the intention was, but what
the Chief of Staff, AFP, informing the latter that the heirs of the is expressed in the language used. (City of Manila v. Rizal Park Co.,
property had decided not to continue leasing the property in The Republic urges that the "taking " of Castellvi's property should Inc., 53 Phil. 515, 525); Magdalena Estate, Inc. v. Myrick, 71 Phil.
question because they had decided to subdivide the land for sale be deemed as of the year 1947 by virtue of afore-quoted lease 344, 348). Moreover, in order to judge the intention of the
to the general public, demanding that the property be vacated agreement. In American Jurisprudence, Vol. 26, 2nd edition, contracting parties, their contemporaneous and subsequent acts
within 30 days from receipt of the letter, and that the premises be Section 157, on the subject of "Eminent Domain, we read the shall be principally considered (Art. 1371, Civil Code). If the
returned in substantially the same condition as before occupancy definition of "taking" (in eminent domain) as follows: intention of the lessee (Republic) in 1947 was really to occupy
(Exh. 5 — Castellvi). A follow-up letter was sent on January 12, permanently Castellvi's property, why was the contract of lease
1957, demanding the delivery and return of the property within entered into on year to year basis? Why was the lease agreement
Taking' under the power of eminent domain
one month from said date (Exh. 6 Castellvi). On January 30, 1957, renewed from year to year? Why did not the Republic expropriate
may be defined generally as entering upon
Lieutenant General Alfonso Arellano, Chief of Staff, answered the this land of Castellvi in 1949 when, according to the Republic
private property for more than a
letter of Castellvi, saying that it was difficult for the army to vacate itself, it expropriated the other parcels of land that it occupied at
momentary period, and, under the warrant
the premises in view of the permanent installations and other the same time as the Castellvi land, for the purpose of converting
or color of legal authority, devoting it to a
facilities worth almost P500,000.00 that were erected and already them into a jet air base? 14 It might really have been the intention
public use, or otherwise informally
established on the property, and that, there being no other of the Republic to expropriate the lands in question at some
appropriating or injuriously affecting it in
recourse, the acquisition of the property by means of future time, but certainly mere notice - much less an implied
such a way as substantially to oust the
expropriation proceedings would be recommended to the notice — of such intention on the part of the Republic to
owner and deprive him of all beneficial
President (Exhibit "7" — Castellvi). expropriate the lands in the future did not, and could not, bind
enjoyment thereof. 13
the landowner, nor bind the land itself. The expropriation must be
Defendant Castellvi then brought suit in the Court of First Instance actually commenced in court (Republic vs. Baylosis, et al., 96 Phil.
Pursuant to the aforecited authority, a number of circumstances 461, 484).
of Pampanga, in Civil Case No. 1458, to eject the Philippine Air
must be present in the "taking" of property for purposes of
Force from the land. While this ejectment case was pending, the
eminent domain.

Third, the entry into the property should be under warrant or the right of eminent domain may be exercised by simply leasing not be determined on the basis of the value of the property as of
color of legal authority. This circumstance in the "taking" may be the premises to be expropriated (Rule 67, Section 1, Rules of that year. The lower court did not commit an error when it held
considered as present in the instant case, because the Republic Court). Nor can it be accepted that the Republic would enter into that the "taking" of the property under expropriation commenced
entered the Castellvi property as lessee. a contract of lease where its real intention was to buy, or why the with the filing of the complaint in this case.
Republic should enter into a simulated contract of lease ("under
the guise of lease", as expressed by counsel for the Republic)
Fourth, the property must be devoted to a public use or otherwise Under Section 4 of Rule 67 of the Rules of Court, 16 the "just
when all the time the Republic had the right of eminent domain,
informally appropriated or injuriously affected. It may be compensation" is to be determined as of the date of the filing of
and could expropriate Castellvi's land if it wanted to without
conceded that the circumstance of the property being devoted to the complaint. This Court has ruled that when the taking of the
resorting to any guise whatsoever. Neither can we see how a right
public use is present because the property was used by the air property sought to be expropriated coincides with the
to buy could be merged in a contract of lease in the absence of
force of the AFP. commencement of the expropriation proceedings, or takes place
any agreement between the parties to that effect. To sustain the
subsequent to the filing of the complaint for eminent domain, the
contention of the Republic is to sanction a practice whereby in
just compensation should be determined as of the date of the
Fifth, the utilization of the property for public use must be in such order to secure a low price for a land which the government
filing of the complaint. (Republic vs. Philippine National Bank, L-
a way as to oust the owner and deprive him of all beneficial intends to expropriate (or would eventually expropriate) it would
14158, April 12, 1961, 1 SCRA 957, 961-962). In the instant case, it
enjoyment of the property. In the instant case, the entry of the first negotiate with the owner of the land to lease the land (for
is undisputed that the Republic was placed in possession of the
Republic into the property and its utilization of the same for say ten or twenty years) then expropriate the same when the
Castellvi property, by authority of the court, on August 10, 1959.
public use did not oust Castellvi and deprive her of all beneficial lease is about to terminate, then claim that the "taking" of the
The "taking" of the Castellvi property for the purposes of
enjoyment of the property. Castellvi remained as owner, and was property for the purposes of the expropriation be reckoned as of
determining the just compensation to be paid must, therefore, be
continuously recognized as owner by the Republic, as shown by the date when the Government started to occupy the property
reckoned as of June 26, 1959 when the complaint for eminent
the renewal of the lease contract from year to year, and by the under the lease, and then assert that the value of the property
domain was filed.
provision in the lease contract whereby the Republic undertook to being expropriated be reckoned as of the start of the lease, in
return the property to Castellvi when the lease was terminated. spite of the fact that the value of the property, for many good
Neither was Castellvi deprived of all the beneficial enjoyment of reasons, had in the meantime increased during the period of the Regarding the two parcels of land of Toledo-Gozun, also sought to
the property, because the Republic was bound to pay, and had lease. This would be sanctioning what obviously is a deceptive be expropriated, which had never been under lease to the
been paying, Castellvi the agreed monthly rentals until the time scheme, which would have the effect of depriving the owner of Republic, the Republic was placed in possession of said lands, also
when it filed the complaint for eminent domain on June 26, 1959. the property of its true and fair market value at the time when the by authority of the court, on August 10, 1959, The taking of those
expropriation proceedings were actually instituted in court. The lands, therefore, must also be reckoned as of June 26, 1959, the
Republic's claim that it had the "right and privilege" to buy the date of the filing of the complaint for eminent domain.
It is clear, therefore, that the "taking" of Catellvi's property for
purposes of eminent domain cannot be considered to have taken property at the value that it had at the time when it first occupied
place in 1947 when the Republic commenced to occupy the the property as lessee nowhere appears in the lease contract. 2. Regarding the first assigned error — discussed as the second
property as lessee thereof. We find merit in the contention of What was agreed expressly in paragraph No. 5 of the lease issue — the Republic maintains that, even assuming that the value
Castellvi that two essential elements in the "taking" of property agreement was that, should the lessor require the lessee to return of the expropriated lands is to be determined as of June 26, 1959,
under the power of eminent domain, namely: (1) that the the premises in the same condition as at the time the same was the price of P10.00 per square meter fixed by the lower court "is
entrance and occupation by the condemnor must be for a first occupied by the AFP, the lessee would have the "right and not only exhorbitant but also unconscionable, and almost
permanent, or indefinite period, and (2) that in devoting the privilege" (or option) of paying the lessor what it would fairly cost fantastic". On the other hand, both Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun
property to public use the owner was ousted from the property to put the premises in the same condition as it was at the maintain that their lands are residential lands with a fair market
and deprived of its beneficial use, were not present when the commencement of the lease, in lieu of the lessee's performance value of not less than P15.00 per square meter.
Republic entered and occupied the Castellvi property in 1947. of the undertaking to put the land in said condition. The "fair
value" at the time of occupancy, mentioned in the lease
agreement, does not refer to the value of the property if bought The lower court found, and declared, that the lands of Castellvi
Untenable also is the Republic's contention that although the by the lessee, but refers to the cost of restoring the property in and Toledo-Gozun are residential lands. The finding of the lower
contract between the parties was one of lease on a year to year the same condition as of the time when the lessee took court is in consonance with the unanimous opinion of the three
basis, it was "in reality a more or less permanent right to occupy possession of the property. Such fair value cannot refer to the commissioners who, in their report to the court, declared that the
the premises under the guise of lease with the 'right and privilege' purchase price, for purchase was never intended by the parties to lands are residential lands.
to buy the property should the lessor wish to terminate the the lease contract. It is a rule in the interpretation of contracts
lease," and "the right to buy the property is merged as an integral that "However general the terms of a contract may be, they shall The Republic assails the finding that the lands are residential,
part of the lease relationship ... so much so that the fair market not be understood to comprehend things that are distinct and contending that the plans of the appellees to convert the lands
value has been agreed upon, not, as of the time of purchase, but cases that are different from those upon which the parties into subdivision for residential purposes were only on paper,
as of the time of occupancy" 15 We cannot accept the Republic's intended to agree" (Art. 1372, Civil Code). there being no overt acts on the part of the appellees which
contention that a lease on a year to year basis can give rise to a
indicated that the subdivision project had been commenced, so
permanent right to occupy, since by express legal provision a
We hold, therefore, that the "taking" of the Castellvi property that any compensation to be awarded on the basis of the plans
lease made for a determinate time, as was the lease of Castellvi's
should not be reckoned as of the year 1947 when the Republic would be speculative. The Republic's contention is not well taken.
land in the instant case, ceases upon the day fixed, without need
first occupied the same pursuant to the contract of lease, and that We find evidence showing that the lands in question had ceased
of a demand (Article 1669, Civil Code). Neither can it be said that
the just compensation to be paid for the Castellvi property should to be devoted to the production of agricultural crops, that they

had become adaptable for residential purposes, and that the Provincial Auditor and the District Engineer. In the minutes of the adaptable for use as residential subdivisions. Indeed, the owners
appellees had actually taken steps to convert their lands into meeting of the Provincial Appraisal Committee, held on May 14, of these lands have the right to their value for the use for which
residential subdivisions even before the Republic filed the 1959 (Exh. 13-Castellvi) We read in its Resolution No. 10 the they would bring the most in the market at the time the same
complaint for eminent domain. In the case of City of Manila vs. following: were taken from them. The most important issue to be resolved
Corrales (32 Phil. 82, 98) this Court laid down basic guidelines in in the present case relates to the question of what is the just
determining the value of the property expropriated for public compensation that should be paid to the appellees.
3. Since 1957 the land has been classified as
purposes. This Court said:
residential in view of its proximity to the air
base and due to the fact that it was not The Republic asserts that the fair market value of the lands of the
In determining the value of land being devoted to agriculture. In fact, there appellees is P.20 per square meter. The Republic cites the case
appropriated for public purposes, the same is a plan to convert it into a subdivision for of Republic vs. Narciso, et al., L-6594, which this Court decided on
consideration are to be regarded as in a residential purposes. The taxes due on the May 18, 1956. The Narciso case involved lands that belonged to
sale of property between private parties. property have been paid based on its Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun, and to one Donata Montemayor,
The inquiry, in such cases, must be what is classification as residential land; which were expropriated by the Republic in 1949 and which are
the property worth in the market, viewed now the site of the Basa Air Base. In the Narciso case this Court
not merely with reference to the uses to fixed the fair market value at P.20 per square meter. The lands
The evidence shows that Castellvi broached the idea of
which it is at the time applied, but with that are sought to be expropriated in the present case being
subdividing her land into residential lots as early as July 11, 1956
reference to the uses to which it is plainly contiguous to the lands involved in the Narciso case, it is the stand
in her letter to the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the
adapted, that is to say, What is it worth of the Republic that the price that should be fixed for the lands
Philippines. (Exh. 5-Castellvi) As a matter of fact, the layout of the
from its availability for valuable uses? now in question should also be at P.20 per square meter.
subdivision plan was tentatively approved by the National
Planning Commission on September 7, 1956. (Exh. 8-Castellvi).
So many and varied are the circumstances The land of Castellvi had not been devoted to agriculture since We can not sustain the stand of the Republic. We find that the
to be taken into account in determining the 1947 when it was leased to the Philippine Army. In 1957 said land price of P.20 per square meter, as fixed by this Court in the
value of property condemned for public was classified as residential, and taxes based on its classification Narciso case, was based on the allegation of the defendants
purposes, that it is practically impossible to as residential had been paid since then (Exh. 13-Castellvi). The (owners) in their answer to the complaint for eminent domain in
formulate a rule to govern its appraisement location of the Castellvi land justifies its suitability for a residential that case that the price of their lands was P2,000.00 per hectare
in all cases. Exceptional circumstances will subdivision. As found by the trial court, "It is at the left side of the and that was the price that they asked the court to pay them. This
modify the most carefully guarded rule, but, entrance of the Basa Air Base and bounded on two sides by roads Court said, then, that the owners of the land could not be given
as a general thing, we should say that the (Exh. 13-Castellvi), paragraphs 1 and 2, Exh. 12-Castellvi), the more than what they had asked, notwithstanding the
compensation of the owner is to be poblacion, (of Floridablanca) the municipal building, and the recommendation of the majority of the Commission on Appraisal
estimated by reference to the use for which Pampanga Sugar Mills are closed by. The barrio schoolhouse and — which was adopted by the trial court — that the fair market
the property is suitable, having regard to chapel are also near (T.S.N. November 23,1960, p. 68)." 20 value of the lands was P3,000.00 per hectare. We also find that
the existing business or wants of the the price of P.20 per square meter in the Narciso case was
community, or such as may be reasonably considered the fair market value of the lands as of the year 1949
The lands of Toledo-Gozun (Lot 1-B and Lot 3) are practically of
expected in the immediate future. (Miss. when the expropriation proceedings were instituted, and at that
the same condition as the land of Castellvi. The lands of Toledo-
and Rum River Boom Co. vs. Patterson, 98 time the lands were classified as sugar lands, and assessed for
Gozun adjoin the land of Castellvi. They are also contiguous to the
U.S., 403). taxation purposes at around P400.00 per hectare, or P.04 per
Basa Air Base, and are along the road. These lands are near the
square meter. 22 While the lands involved in the present case, like
barrio schoolhouse, the barrio chapel, the Pampanga Sugar Mills,
the lands involved in the Narciso case, might have a fair market
In expropriation proceedings, therefore, the owner of the land has and the poblacion of Floridablanca (Exhs. 1, 3 and 4-Toledo-
value of P.20 per square meter in 1949, it can not be denied that
the right to its value for the use for which it would bring the most Gozun). As a matter of fact, regarding lot 1-B it had already been
ten years later, in 1959, when the present proceedings were
in the market. 17 The owner may thus show every advantage that surveyed and subdivided, and its conversion into a residential
instituted, the value of those lands had increased considerably.
his property possesses, present and prospective, in order that the subdivision was tentatively approved by the National Planning
The evidence shows that since 1949 those lands were no longer
price it could be sold for in the market may be satisfactorily Commission on July 8, 1959 (Exhs. 5 and 6 Toledo-Gozun). As early
cultivated as sugar lands, and in 1959 those lands were already
determined. 18 The owner may also show that the property is as June, 1958, no less than 32 man connected with the Philippine
classified, and assessed for taxation purposes, as residential lands.
suitable for division into village or town lots. 19 Air Force among them commissioned officers, non-commission
In 1959 the land of Castellvi was assessed at P1.00 per square
officers, and enlisted men had requested Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin D.
meter. 23
Gozun to open a subdivision on their lands in question (Exhs. 8, 8-
The trial court, therefore, correctly considered, among other
A to 8-ZZ-Toledo-Gozun). 21
circumstances, the proposed subdivision plans of the lands sought
The Republic also points out that the Provincial Appraisal
to be expropriated in finding that those lands are residential lots.
Committee of Pampanga, in its resolution No. 5 of February 15,
This finding of the lower court is supported not only by the We agree with the findings, and the conclusions, of the lower
1957 (Exhibit D), recommended the sum of P.20 per square meter
unanimous opinion of the commissioners, as embodied in their court that the lands that are the subject of expropriation in the
as the fair valuation of the Castellvi property. We find that this
report, but also by the Provincial Appraisal Committee of the present case, as of August 10, 1959 when the same were taken
resolution was made by the Republic the basis in asking the court
province of Pampanga composed of the Provincial Treasurer, the possession of by the Republic, were residential lands and were
to fix the provisional value of the lands sought to be expropriated

at P259,669.10, which was approved by the court. 24 It must be 19, 20, 21, 22, 23-Castellvi). The commissioners also considered of Pampanga relative to subdivision lots
considered, however, that the amount fixed as the provisional the decision in Civil Case No. 1531 of the Court of First Instance of within its jurisdiction in the year 1959 is
value of the lands that are being expropriated does not Pampanga, entitled Republic vs. Sabina Tablante, which was very well known by the Commissioners, the
necessarily represent the true and correct value of the land. The expropriation case filed on January 13, 1959, involving a parcel of Commission finds that the lowest price that
value is only "provisional" or "tentative", to serve as the basis for land adjacent to the Clark Air Base in Angeles City, where the can be awarded to the lands in question is
the immediate occupancy of the property being expropriated by court fixed the price at P18.00 per square meter (Exhibit 14- P10.00 per square meter. 26
the condemnor. The records show that this resolution No. 5 was Castellvi). In their report, the commissioners, among other things,
repealed by the same Provincial Committee on Appraisal in its said:
The lower court did not altogether accept the findings of the
resolution No. 10 of May 14, 1959 (Exhibit 13-Castellvi). In that
Commissioners based on the documentary evidence, but it
resolution No. 10, the appraisal committee stated that "The
... This expropriation case is specially considered the documentary evidence as basis for comparison in
Committee has observed that the value of the land in this locality
pointed out, because the circumstances and determining land values. The lower court arrived at the conclusion
has increased since 1957 ...", and recommended the price of
factors involved therein are similar in many that "the unanimous recommendation of the commissioners of
P1.50 per square meter. It follows, therefore, that, contrary to the
respects to the defendants' lands in this ten (P10.00) pesos per square meter for the three lots of the
stand of the Republic, that resolution No. 5 of the Provincial
case. The land in Civil Case No. 1531 of this defendants subject of this action is fair and just". 27 In arriving at
Appraisal Committee can not be made the basis for fixing the fair
Court and the lands in the present case its conclusion, the lower court took into consideration, among
market value of the lands of Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun.
(Civil Case No. 1623) are both near the air other circumstances, that the lands are titled, that there is a rising
bases, the Clark Air Base and the Basa Air trend of land values, and the lowered purchasing power of the
The Republic further relied on the certification of the Acting Base respectively. There is a national road Philippine peso.
Assistant Provincial Assessor of Pampanga, dated February 8, fronting them and are situated in a first-
1961 (Exhibit K), to the effect that in 1950 the lands of Toledo- class municipality. As added advantage it
In the case of Manila Railroad Co. vs. Caligsihan, 40 Phil. 326, 328,
Gozun were classified partly as sugar land and partly as urban may be said that the Basa Air Base land is
this Court said:
land, and that the sugar land was assessed at P.40 per square very near the sugar mill at Del Carmen,
meter, while part of the urban land was assessed at P.40 per Floridablanca, Pampanga, owned by the
square meter and part at P.20 per square meter; and that in 1956 Pampanga Sugar Mills. Also just stone's A court of first instance or, on appeal, the
the Castellvi land was classified as sugar land and was assessed at throw away from the same lands is a Supreme Court, may change or modify the
P450.00 per hectare, or P.045 per square meter. We can not also beautiful vacation spot at Palacol, a sitio of report of the commissioners by increasing
consider this certification of the Acting Assistant Provincial the town of Floridablanca, which counts or reducing the amount of the award if the
Assessor as a basis for fixing the fair market value of the lands of with a natural swimming pool for facts of the case so justify. While great
Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun because, as the evidence shows, the vacationists on weekends. These weight is attached to the report of the
lands in question, in 1957, were already classified and assessed advantages are not found in the case of the commissioners, yet a court may substitute
for taxation purposes as residential lands. The certification of the Clark Air Base. The defendants' lands are therefor its estimate of the value of the
assessor refers to the year 1950 as far as the lands of Toledo- nearer to the poblacion of Floridablanca property as gathered from the record in
Gozun are concerned, and to the year 1956 as far as the land of then Clark Air Base is nearer (sic) to the certain cases, as, where the commissioners
Castellvi is concerned. Moreover, this Court has held that the poblacion of Angeles, Pampanga. have applied illegal principles to the
valuation fixed for the purposes of the assessment of the land for evidence submitted to them, or where they
taxation purposes can not bind the landowner where the latter have disregarded a clear preponderance of
The deeds of absolute sale, according to the
did not intervene in fixing it. 25 evidence, or where the amount allowed is
undersigned commissioners, as well as the
either palpably inadequate or excessive. 28
land in Civil Case No. 1531 are competent
On the other hand, the Commissioners, appointed by the court to evidence, because they were executed
appraise the lands that were being expropriated, recommended during the year 1959 and before August 10 The report of the commissioners of appraisal in condemnation
to the court that the price of P10.00 per square meter would be of the same year. More specifically so the proceedings are not binding, but merely advisory in character, as
the fair market value of the lands. The commissioners made their land at Clark Air Base which coincidentally is far as the court is concerned. 29 In our analysis of the report of the
recommendation on the basis of their observation after several the subject matter in the complaint in said commissioners, We find points that merit serious consideration in
ocular inspections of the lands, of their own personal knowledge Civil Case No. 1531, it having been filed on the determination of the just compensation that should be paid to
of land values in the province of Pampanga, of the testimonies of January 13, 1959 and the taking of the land Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun for their lands. It should be noted that
the owners of the land, and other witnesses, and of documentary involved therein was ordered by the Court the commissioners had made ocular inspections of the lands and
evidence presented by the appellees. Both Castellvi and Toledo- of First Instance of Pampanga on January had considered the nature and similarities of said lands in relation
Gozun testified that the fair market value of their respective land 15, 1959, several months before the lands to the lands in other places in the province of Pampanga, like San
was at P15.00 per square meter. The documentary evidence in this case were taken by the plaintiffs .... Fernando and Angeles City. We cannot disregard the observations
considered by the commissioners consisted of deeds of sale of of the commissioners regarding the circumstances that make the
residential lands in the town of San Fernando and in Angeles City, lands in question suited for residential purposes — their location
From the above and considering further
in the province of Pampanga, which were sold at prices ranging near the Basa Air Base, just like the lands in Angeles City that are
that the lowest as well as the highest price
from P8.00 to P20.00 per square meter (Exhibits 15, 16, 17, 18, near the Clark Air Base, and the facilities that obtain because of
per square meter obtainable in the market

their nearness to the big sugar central of the Pampanga Sugar placed in possession of the land pursuant to the writ of possession In the supplemental motion, the alleged newly discovered
mills, and to the flourishing first class town of Floridablanca. It is issued by the court. What really happened was that the Republic evidence were: (1) a deed of sale of some 35,000 square meters
true that the lands in question are not in the territory of San continued to occupy the land of Castellvi after the expiration of its of land situated at Floridablanca for P7,500.00 (or about P.21 per
Fernando and Angeles City, but, considering the facilities of lease on June 30, 1956, so much so that Castellvi filed an square meter) executed in July, 1959, by the spouses Evelyn D.
modern communications, the town of Floridablanca may be ejectment case against the Republic in the Court of First Instance Laird and Cornelio G. Laird in favor of spouses Bienvenido S. Aguas
considered practically adjacent to San Fernando and Angeles City. of Pampanga. 31 However, while that ejectment case was pending, and Josefina Q. Aguas; and (2) a deed of absolute sale of a parcel
It is not out of place, therefore, to compare the land values in the Republic filed the complaint for eminent domain in the of land having an area of 4,120,101 square meters, including the
Floridablanca to the land values in San Fernando and Angeles City, present case and was placed in possession of the land on August sugar quota covered by Plantation Audit No. 161 1345, situated at
and form an idea of the value of the lands in Floridablanca with 10, 1959, and because of the institution of the expropriation Floridablanca, Pampanga, for P860.00 per hectare (a little less
reference to the land values in those two other communities. proceedings the ejectment case was later dismissed. In the order than P.09 per square meter) executed on October 22, 1957 by
dismissing the ejectment case, the Court of First Instance of Jesus Toledo y Mendoza in favor of the Land Tenure
Pampanga said: Administration.
The important factor in expropriation proceeding is that the
owner is awarded the just compensation for his property. We
have carefully studied the record, and the evidence, in this case, Plaintiff has agreed, as a matter of fact has We find that the lower court acted correctly when it denied the
and after considering the circumstances attending the lands in already signed an agreement with motions for a new trial.
question We have arrived at the conclusion that the price of defendants, whereby she had agreed to
P10.00 per square meter, as recommended by the commissioners receive the rent of the lands, subject matter
To warrant the granting of a new trial based on the ground of
and adopted by the lower court, is quite high. It is Our considered of the instant case from June 30, 1956 up to
newly discovered evidence, it must appear that the evidence was
view that the price of P5.00 per square meter would be a fair 1959 when the Philippine Air Force was
discovered after the trial; that even with the exercise of due
valuation of the lands in question and would constitute a just placed in possession by virtue of an order of
diligence, the evidence could not have been discovered and
compensation to the owners thereof. In arriving at this conclusion the Court upon depositing the provisional
produced at the trial; and that the evidence is of such a nature as
We have particularly taken into consideration the resolution of amount as fixed by the Provincial Appraisal
to alter the result of the case if admitted. 32 The lower court
the Provincial Committee on Appraisal of the province of Committee with the Provincial Treasurer of 
correctly ruled that these requisites were not complied with.
Pampanga informing, among others, that in the year 1959 the Pampanga; ...
land of Castellvi could be sold for from P3.00 to P4.00 per square
meter, while the land of Toledo-Gozun could be sold for from The lower court, in a well-reasoned order, found that the sales
If Castellvi had agreed to receive the rentals from June 30, 1956 to
P2.50 to P3.00 per square meter. The Court has weighed all the made by Serafin Francisco to Pablo Narciso and that made by
August 10, 1959, she should be considered as having allowed her
circumstances relating to this expropriations proceedings, and in Jesus Toledo to the Land Tenure Administration were immaterial
land to be leased to the Republic until August 10, 1959, and she
fixing the price of the lands that are being expropriated the Court and irrelevant, because those sales covered sugarlands with sugar
could not at the same time be entitled to the payment of interest
arrived at a happy medium between the price as recommended quotas, while the lands sought to be expropriated in the instant
during the same period on the amount awarded her as the just
by the commissioners and approved by the court, and the price case are residential lands. The lower court also concluded that the
compensation of her land. The Republic, therefore, should pay
advocated by the Republic. This Court has also taken judicial land sold by the spouses Laird to the spouses Aguas was a sugar
Castellvi interest at the rate of 6% per annum on the value of her
notice of the fact that the value of the Philippine peso has land.
land, minus the provisional value that was deposited, only from
considerably gone down since the year 1959. 30Considering that
July 10, 1959 when it deposited in court the provisional value of
the lands of Castellvi and Toledo-Gozun are adjoining each other, We agree with the trial court. In eminent domain proceedings, in
the land.
and are of the same nature, the Court has deemed it proper to fix order that evidence as to the sale price of other lands may be
the same price for all these lands. admitted in evidence to prove the fair market value of the land
4. The fourth error assigned by the Republic relates to the denial
sought to be expropriated, the lands must, among other things,
by the lower court of its motion for a new trial based on nearly
3. The third issue raised by the Republic be shown to be similar.
discovered evidence. We do not find merit in this assignment of
relates to the payment of interest. The
Republic maintains that the lower court But even assuming, gratia argumenti, that the lands mentioned in
erred when it ordered the Republic to pay those deeds of sale were residential, the evidence would still not
Castellvi interest at the rate of 6% per After the lower court had decided this case on May 26, 1961, the
warrant the grant of a new trial, for said evidence could have
annum on the total amount adjudged as the Republic filed a motion for a new trial, supplemented by another
been discovered and produced at the trial, and they cannot be
value of the land of Castellvi, from July 1, motion, both based upon the ground of newly discovered
considered newly discovered evidence as contemplated in Section
1956 to July 10, 1959. We find merit in this evidence. The alleged newly discovered evidence in the motion
1(b) of Rule 37 of the Rules of Court. Regarding this point, the trial
assignment of error. filed on June 21, 1961 was a deed of absolute sale-executed on
court said:
January 25, 1961, showing that a certain Serafin Francisco had
sold to Pablo L. Narciso a parcel of sugar land having an area of
In ordering the Republic to pay 6% interest on the total value of The Court will now show that there was no
100,000 square meters with a sugar quota of 100 piculs, covered
the land of Castellvi from July 1, 1956 to July 10, 1959, the lower reasonable diligence employed.
by P.A. No. 1701, situated in Barrio Fortuna, Floridablanca, for
court held that the Republic had illegally possessed the land of
P14,000, or P.14 per square meter.
Castellvi from July 1, 1956, after its lease of the land had expired
on June 30, 1956, until August 10, 1959 when the Republic was

The land described in the deed of sale acknowledged these documents, or in the The granting or denial of a motion for new trial is, as a general
executed by Serafin Francisco, copy of archives of the National Library. In respect rule, discretionary with the trial court, whose judgment should
which is attached to the original motion, is to Annex 'B' of the supplementary motion not be disturbed unless there is a clear showing of abuse of
covered by a Certificate of Title issued by copy of the document could also be found discretion. 34 We do not see any abuse of discretion on the part of
the Office of the Register of Deeds of in the Office of the Land Tenure the lower court when it denied the motions for a new trial.
Pampanga. There is no question in the mind Administration, another government entity.
of the court but this document passed Any lawyer with a modicum of ability
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is modified, as follows:
through the Office of the Register of Deeds handling this expropriation case would have
for the purpose of transferring the title or right away though [sic] of digging up
annotating the sale on the certificate of documents diligently showing conveyances (a) the lands of appellees Carmen Vda. de
title. It is true that Fiscal Lagman went to of lands near or around the parcels of land Castellvi and Maria Nieves Toledo-Gozun, as
the Office of the Register of Deeds to check sought to be expropriated in this case in the described in the complaint, are declared
conveyances which may be presented in the offices that would have naturally come to expropriated for public use;
evidence in this case as it is now sought to his mind such as the offices mentioned
be done by virtue of the motions at bar, above, and had counsel for the movant (b) the fair market value of the lands of the
Fiscal Lagman, one of the lawyers of the really exercised the reasonable diligence appellees is fixed at P5.00 per square
plaintiff, did not exercise reasonable required by the Rule' undoubtedly they meter;
diligence as required by the rules. The would have been able to find these
assertion that he only went to the office of documents and/or caused the issuance of
the Register of Deeds 'now and then' to subpoena duces tecum. ... (c) the Republic must pay appellee Castellvi
check the records in that office only shows the sum of P3,796,495.00 as just
the half-hazard [sic] manner by which the compensation for her one parcel of land
It is also recalled that during the hearing that has an area of 759,299 square meters,
plaintiff looked for evidence to be
before the Court of the Report and minus the sum of P151,859.80 that she
presented during the hearing before the
Recommendation of the Commissioners withdrew out of the amount that was
Commissioners, if it is at all true that Fiscal
and objection thereto, Solicitor Padua made deposited in court as the provisional value
Lagman did what he is supposed to have
the observation: of the land, with interest at the rate of 6%
done according to Solicitor Padua. It would
have been the easiest matter for plaintiff to per annum from July 10, 1959 until the day
move for the issuance of a subpoena duces I understand, Your Honor, that there was a full payment is made or deposited in court;
tecum directing the Register of Deeds of sale that took place in this place of land
Pampanga to come to testify and to bring recently where the land was sold for P0.20 (d) the Republic must pay appellee Toledo-
with him all documents found in his office which is contiguous to this land. Gozun the sum of P2,695,225.00 as the just
pertaining to sales of land in Floridablanca compensation for her two parcels of land
adjacent to or near the lands in question The Court gave him permission to submit that have a total area of 539,045 square
executed or recorded from 1958 to the said document subject to the approval of meters, minus the sum of P107,809.00 that
present. Even this elementary precaution the Court. ... This was before the decision she withdrew out of the amount that was
was not done by plaintiff's numerous was rendered, and later promulgated on deposited in court as the provisional value
attorneys. May 26, 1961 or more than one month after of her lands, with interest at the rate of 6%,
Solicitor Padua made the above per annum from July 10, 1959 until the day
The same can be said of the deeds of sale observation. He could have, therefore, full payment is made or deposited in court;
attached to the supplementary motion. checked up the alleged sale and moved for (e) the attorney's lien of Atty. Alberto
They refer to lands covered by certificate of a reopening to adduce further evidence. He Cacnio is enforced; and
title issued by the Register of Deeds of did not do so. He forgot to present the
Pampanga. For the same reason they could evidence at a more propitious time. Now, (f) the costs should be paid by appellant
have been easily discovered if reasonable he seeks to introduce said evidence under Republic of the Philippines, as provided in
diligence has been exerted by the the guise of newly-discovered evidence. Section 12, Rule 67, and in Section 13, Rule
numerous lawyers of the plaintiff in this Unfortunately the Court cannot classify it as 141, of the Rules of Court.
case. It is noteworthy that all these deeds of newly-discovered evidence, because tinder
sale could be found in several government the circumstances, the correct qualification
offices, namely, in the Office of the Register that can be given is 'forgotten evidence'. IT IS SO ORDERED.
of Deeds of Pampanga, the Office of the Forgotten however, is not newly-
Provincial Assessor of Pampanga, the Office discovered 
of the Clerk of Court as a part of notarial evidence. 33
reports of notaries public that

G.R. No. L-26400, Amigable v. Cuenca and Republic, 43 SCRA 360 On March 27, 1958 Amigable's counsel wrote the President of the In the case of Ministerio vs. Court of First Instance of Cebu, 1
Philippines, requesting payment of the portion of her lot which involving a claim for payment of the value of a portion of land
had been appropriated by the government. The claim was used for the widening of the Gorordo Avenue in Cebu City, this
Republic of the Philippines
indorsed to the Auditor General, who disallowed it in his 9th Court, through Mr. Justice Enrique M. Fernando, held that where
Indorsement dated December 9, 1958. A copy of said the government takes away property from a private landowner
indorsement was transmitted to Amigable's counsel by the Office for public use without going through the legal process of
of the President on January 7, 1959. expropriation or negotiated sale, the aggrieved party may
EN BANC properly maintain a suit against the government without thereby
violating the doctrine of governmental immunity from suit
On February 6, 1959 Amigable filed in the court a quo a
DECISION without its consent. We there said: .
complaint, which was later amended on April 17, 1959 upon
motion of the defendants, against the Republic of the Philippines
February 29, 1972 and Nicolas Cuenca, in his capacity as Commissioner of Public ... . If the constitutional mandate that the owner be compensated
Highways for the recovery of ownership and possession of the for property taken for public use were to be respected, as it
6,167 square meters of land traversed by the Mango and Gorordo should, then a suit of this character should not be summarily
G.R. No. L-26400 Avenues. She also sought the payment of compensatory damages dismissed. The doctrine of governmental immunity from suit
VICTORIA AMIGABLE, plaintiff-appellant, in the sum of P50,000.00 for the illegal occupation of her land, cannot serve as an instrument for perpetrating an injustice on a
vs. moral damages in the sum of P25,000.00, attorney's fees in the citizen. Had the government followed the procedure indicated by
NICOLAS CUENCA, as Commissioner of Public Highways and sum of P5,000.00 and the costs of the suit. the governing law at the time, a complaint would have been filed
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, defendants-appellees. by it, and only upon payment of the compensation fixed by the
judgment, or after tender to the party entitled to such payment of
Within the reglementary period the defendants filed a joint
MAKALINTAL, J.:p the amount fixed, may it "have the right to enter in and upon the
answer denying the material allegations of the complaint and
land so condemned, to appropriate the same to the public use
interposing the following affirmative defenses, to wit: (1) that the
defined in the judgment." If there were an observance of
Makalintal, J.: action was premature, the claim not having been filed first with
procedural regularity, petitioners would not be in the sad plaint
the Office of the Auditor General; (2) that the right of action for
they are now. It is unthinkable then that precisely because there
the recovery of any amount which might be due the plaintiff, if
p was a failure to abide by what the law requires, the government
any, had already prescribed; (3) that the action being a suit
would stand to benefit. It is just as important, if not more so, that
against the Government, the claim for moral damages, attorney's
there be fidelity to legal norms on the part of officialdom if the
This is an appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance of fees and costs had no valid basis since as to these items the
rule of law were to be maintained. It is not too much to say that
Cebu in its Civil Case No. R-5977, dismissing the plaintiff's Government had not given its consent to be sued; and (4) that
when the government takes any property for public use, which is
complaint. inasmuch as it was the province of Cebu that appropriated and
conditioned upon the payment of just compensation, to be
used the area involved in the construction of Mango Avenue,
judicially ascertained, it makes manifest that it submits to the
plaintiff had no cause of action against the defendants.
Victoria Amigable, the appellant herein, is the registered owner of jurisdiction of a court. There is no thought then that the doctrine
Lot No. 639 of the Banilad Estate in Cebu City as shown by of immunity from suit could still be appropriately invoked.
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-18060, which superseded During the scheduled hearings nobody appeared for the
Transfer Certificate of Title No. RT-3272 (T-3435) issued to her by defendants notwithstanding due notice, so the trial court
Considering that no annotation in favor of the government
the Register of Deeds of Cebu on February 1, 1924. No annotation proceeded to receive the plaintiff's evidence ex parte. On July 29,
appears at the back of her certificate of title and that she has not
in favor of the government of any right or interest in the property 1959 said court rendered its decision holding that it had no
executed any deed of conveyance of any portion of her lot to the
appears at the back of the certificate. Without prior expropriation jurisdiction over the plaintiff's cause of action for the recovery of
government, the appellant remains the owner of the whole lot. As
or negotiated sale, the government used a portion of said lot, with possession and ownership of the portion of her lot in question on
registered owner, she could bring an action to recover possession
an area of 6,167 square meters, for the construction of the Mango the ground that the government cannot be sued without its
of the portion of land in question at anytime because possession
and Gorordo Avenues. consent; that it had neither original nor appellate jurisdiction to
is one of the attributes of ownership. However, since restoration
hear, try and decide plaintiff's claim for compensatory damages in
of possession of said portion by the government is neither
the sum of P50,000.00, the same being a money claim against the
It appears that said avenues were already existing in 1921 convenient nor feasible at this time because it is now and has
government; and that the claim for moral damages had long
although "they were in bad condition and very narrow, unlike the been used for road purposes, the only relief available is for the
prescribed, nor did it have jurisdiction over said claim because the
wide and beautiful avenues that they are now," and "that the government to make due compensation which it could and should
government had not given its consent to be sued. Accordingly, the
tracing of said roads was begun in 1924, and the formal have done years ago. To determine the due compensation for the
complaint was dismissed. Unable to secure a reconsideration, the
construction in land, the basis should be the price or value thereof at the time of
plaintiff appealed to the Court of Appeals, which subsequently
the taking. 2
certified the case to Us, there being no question of fact involved.
1925." *
As regards the claim for damages, the plaintiff is entitled thereto
The issue here is whether or not the appellant may properly sue
in the form of legal interest on the price of the land from the time
the government under the facts of the case.
it was taken up to the time that payment is made by the

government. 3 In addition, the government should pay for Sec. 3.Uses of Comelec Space. — "Comelec Space" shall be circumstances clearly indicate otherwise, the Commission will
attorney's fees, the amount of which should be fixed by the trial allocated by the Commission, free of charge, among all respect the determination by the publisher and/or editors of the
court after hearing. candidates within the area in which the newspaper, magazine or newspapers or publications that the accounts or views published
periodical is circulated to enable the candidates to make known are significant, newsworthy and of public interest. (Emphasis
their qualifications, their stand on public issues and their supplied)
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby set aside and
platforms and programs of government.
the case remanded to the court a quo for the determination of
compensation, including attorney's fees, to which the appellant is Apparently in implementation of this Resolution, Comelec
entitled as above indicated. No pronouncement as to costs. "Comelec Space" shall also be used by the Commission for through Commissioner Regalado E. Maambong sent identical
dissemination of vital election information. letters, dated 22 March 1995, to various publishers of newspapers
like the Business World, the Philippine Star, the Malaya and the
Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Zaldivar, Castro, Fernando,
Philippine Times Journal, all members of PPI. These letters read as
Teehankee, Barredo, Villamor and Makasiar JJ., concur. Sec. 4.Allocation of Comelec Space. — (a) "Comelec Space" shall
also be available to allcandidates during the periods stated in
Section 2 hereof. Its allocation shall be equal and impartial among
all candidates for the same office. All candidates concerned shall This is to advise you that pursuant to Resolution No. 2772 of the
be furnished a copy of the allocation of "Comelec Space" for their Commission on Elections, you are directed to provide free print
G.R. No. L-119694 May 22, 1995 information, guidance and compliance. space of not less than one half (1/2) page for use as "Comelec
Space" or similar to the print support which you have extended
PHILIPPINE PRESS INSTITUTE, INC., for and in behalf of 139 during the May 11, 1992 synchronized elections which was 2 full
(b) Any candidate desiring to avail himself of "Comelec Space"
members, represented by its President, Amado P. Macasaet and pages for each political party fielding senatorial candidates, from
from newspapers or publications based in the Metropolitan
its Executive Director Ermin F. Garcia, Jr., petitioner, March 6, 1995 to May 6, 1995, to make known their
Manila Area shall submit an application therefor, in writing, to the
vs. qualifications, their stand on public issues and their platforms and
Committee on Mass Media of the Commission. Any candidate
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, respondent. programs of government.
desiring to avail himself of "Comelec Space" in newspapers or
publications based in the provinces shall submit his application
RESOLUTION therefor, in writing, to the Provincial Election Supervisor We shall be informing the political partiesand candidates to
concerned. Applications for availment of "Comelec Space" maybe submit directly to you their pictures, biographical data, stand on
filed at any time from the date of effectivity of this Resolution. key public issues and platforms of government either as raw data
  or in the form of positives or camera-ready materials.
(c) The Committee on Mass Media and the Provincial Election
FELICIANO, J.: Supervisors shall allocate available "Comelec Space" among the Please be reminded that the political parties/candidates may be
candidates concerned by lottery of which said candidates shall be accommodated in your publication any day upon receipt of their
The Philippine Press Institute, Inc. ("PPI") is before this Court notified in advance, in writing, to be present personally or by materials until May 6, 1995 which is the last day for campaigning.
assailing the constitutional validity of Resolution No. 2772 issued representative to witness the lottery at the date, time and place
by respondent Commission on Elections ("Comelec") and its specified in the notice. Any party objecting to the result of the
We trust you to extend your full support and cooperation in this
corresponding Comelec directive dated 22 March 1995, through a lottery may appeal to the Commission.
regard. (Emphasis supplied)
Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition. Petitioner PPI is a non-
stock, non-profit organization of newspaper and magazine (d) The candidates concerned shall be notified by the Committee
publishers. In this Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition with prayer for the
on Mass Media or the Provincial Election Supervisor, as the case
issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order, PPI asks us to declare
maybe, sufficiently in advance and in writing of the date of issue
Comelec Resolution No. 2772 unconstitutional and void on the
On 2 March 1995, Comelec promulgated Resolution No. 2772, and the newspaper or publication allocated to him, and the time
ground that it violates the prohibition imposed by the
which reads in part: within which he must submit the written material for publication
Constitution upon the government, and any of its agencies,
in the "Comelec Space".
against the taking of private property for public use without just
xxxxxxxxx compensation. Petitioner also contends that the 22 March 1995
xxxxxxxxx letter directives of Comelec requiring publishers to give free
"Comelec Space" and at the same time process raw data to make
Sec. 2.Comelec Space. — The Commission shall procure free print it camera-ready, constitute impositions of involuntary servitude,
space of not less than one half (1/2) page in at least one Sec. 8.Undue Reference to Candidates/Political Parties in
contrary to the provisions of Section 18 (2), Article III of the 1987
newspaper of general circulation in every province or city for use Newspapers. — No newspaper or publication shall allow to be
Constitution. Finally, PPI argues that Section 8 of Comelec
as "Comelec Space" from March 6, 1995 in the case of candidates printed or published in the news, opinion, features, or other
Resolution No. 2772 is violative of the constitutionally guaranteed
for senator and from March 21, 1995 until May 12, 1995. In the sections of the newspaper or publication accounts or comments
freedom of speech, of the press and of expression. 1
absence of said newspaper, "Comelec Space" shall be obtained which manifestly favor or oppose any candidate or political party
from any magazine or periodical of said province or city. by unduly or repeatedly referring to or including therein said
candidate or political party. However, unless the facts and

On 20 April 1995, this Court issued a Temporary Restraining Order and 7166 and other election laws, the Commission on Elections in the present situation. The enactment or addition of such
enjoining Comelec from enforcing and implementing Section 2 of RESOLVED to clarify Sections 2 and 8 of Res. No. 2772 as follows: sanctions by the legislative authority itself would be open to
Resolution No. 2772, as well as the Comelec directives addressed serious constitutional objection.
to various print media enterprises all dated 22 March 1995. The
1. Section 2 of Res. No. 2772 shall not be construed to mean as
Court also required the respondent to file a Comment on the
requiring publishers of the different mass media print publications To compel print media companies to donate "Comelec-space" of
to provide print space under pain of prosecution, whether the dimensions specified in Section 2 of Resolution No. 2772 (not
administrative, civil or criminal, there being no sanction or penalty less than one-half page), amounts to "taking" of private personal
The Office of the Solicitor General filed its Comment on behalf of for violation of said Section provided for either in said Resolution property for public use or purposes. Section 2 failed to specify the
respondent Comelec alleging that Comelec Resolution No. 2772 or in Section 90 of Batas PambansaBlg. 881, otherwise known as intended frequency of such compulsory "donation:" only once
does not impose upon the publishers any obligation to provide the Omnibus Election Code, on the grant of "Comelec space." during the period from 6 March 1995 (or 21 March 1995) until 12
free print space in the newspapers as it does not provide any May 1995? oreveryday or once a week? or as often as Comelec
criminal or administrative sanction for non-compliance with that may direct during the same period? The extent of the taking or
2. Section 8 of Res. No. 2772 shall not be construed to mean as
Resolution. According to the Solicitor General, the questioned deprivation is not insubstantial; this is not a case of a de minimis
constituting prior restraint on the part of publishers with respect
Resolution merely established guidelines to be followed in temporary limitation or restraint upon the use of private
to the printing or publication of materials in the news, opinion,
connection with the procurement of "Comelec space," the property. The monetary value of the compulsory "donation,"
features or other sections of their respective publications or other
procedure for and mode of allocation of such space to candidates measured by the advertising rates ordinarily charged by
accounts or comments, it being clear from the last sentence of
and the conditions or requirements for the candidate's utilization newspaper publishers whether in cities or in non-urban areas,
said Section 8 that the Commission shall, "unless the facts and
of the "Comelec space" procured. At the same time, however, the may be very substantial indeed.
circumstances clearly indicate otherwise . . . respect the
Solicitor General argues that even if the questioned Resolution
determination by the publisher and/or editors of the newspapers
and its implementing letter directives are viewed as mandatory,
or publications that the accounts or views published are The taking of print space here sought to be effected may first be
the same would nevertheless be valid as an exercise of the police
significant, newsworthy and of public interest." appraised under the rubric of expropriation of private personal
power of the State. The Solicitor General also maintains that
property for public use. The threshold requisites for a lawful
Section 8 of Resolution No. 2772 is a permissible exercise of the
taking of private property for public use need to be examined
power of supervision or regulation of the Comelec over the This Resolution shall take effect upon approval. (Emphasis in the
here: one is the necessity for the taking; another is the legal
communication and information operations of print media original)
authority to effect the taking. The element of necessity for the
enterprises during the election period to safeguard and ensure a
taking has not been shown by respondent Comelec. It has not
fair, impartial and credible election. 2 While, at this point, the Court could perhaps simply dismiss the been suggested that the members of PPI are unwilling to sell print
Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition as having become moot and space at their normal rates to Comelec for election purposes.
At the oral hearing of this case held on 28 April 1995, respondent academic, we consider it not inappropriate to pass upon the first Indeed, the unwillingness or reluctance of Comelecto buy print
Comelec through its Chairman, Hon. Bernardo Pardo, in response constitutional issue raised in this case. Our hope is to put this space lies at the heart of the problem. 3Similarly, it has not been
to inquiries from the Chief Justice and other Members of the issue to rest and prevent its resurrection. suggested, let alone demonstrated, that Comelec has been
Court, stated that Resolution No. 2772, particularly Section 2 granted the power of eminent domain either by the Constitution
thereof and the 22 March 1995 letters dispatched to various Section 2 of Resolution No. 2772 is not a model of clarity in or by the legislative authority. A reasonable relationship between
members of petitioner PPI, were not intended to compel those expression. Section 1 of Resolution No. 2772-A did not try to that power and the enforcement and administration of election
members to supply Comelec with free print space. Chairman redraft Section 2; accordingly, Section 2 of Resolution No. 2772 laws by Comelec must be shown; it is not casually to be assumed.
Pardo represented to the Court that Resolution and the related persists in its original form. Thus, we must point out that, as
letter-directives were merely designed to solicit from the presently worded, and in particular as interpreted and applied by That the taking is designed to subserve "public use" is not
publishers the same free print space which many publishers had the Comelec itself in its 22 March 1995 letter-directives to contested by petitioner PPI. We note only that, under Section 3 of
voluntarily given to Comelec during the election period relating to newspaper publishers, Section 2 of Resolution No. 2772 is clearly Resolution No. 2772, the free "Comelec space" sought by the
the 11 May 1992 elections. Indeed, the Chairman stated that the susceptible of the reading that petitioner PPI has given it. That respondent Commission would be used not only for informing the
Comelec would, that very afternoon, meet and adopt an Resolution No. 2772 does not, in express terms, threaten public about the identities, qualifications and programs of
appropriate amending or clarifying resolution, a certified true publishers who would disregard it or its implementing letters with government of candidates for elective office but also for
copy of which would forthwith be filed with the Court. some criminal or other sanction, does not by itself demonstrate "dissemination of vital election information" (including,
that the Comelec's original intention was simply to solicit or presumably, circulars, regulations, notices, directives, etc. issued
On 5 May 1995, the Court received from the Office of the Solicitor request voluntary donations of print space from publishers. A by Comelec). It seems to the Court a matter of judicial notice that
General a manifestation which attached a copy of Comelec written communication officially directing a print media company government offices and agencies (including the Supreme Court)
Resolution No. 2772-A dated 4 May 1995. The operative portion to supply free print space, dispatched by a government (here a simply purchase print space, in the ordinary course of events,
of this Resolution follows: constitutional) agency and signed by a member of the when their rules and regulations, circulars, notices and so forth
Commission presumably legally authorized to do so, is bound to need officially to be brought to the attention of the general public.
produce a coercive effect upon the company so addressed. That
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in it by the
the agency may not be legally authorized to impose, or cause the
Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code, Republic Acts No. 6646 The taking of private property for public use is, of course,
imposition of, criminal or other sanctions for disregard of such
authorized by the Constitution, but not without payment of "just
directions, only aggravates the constitutional difficulties inhearing

compensation" (Article III, Section 9). And apparently the was itself the only reasonable and calibrated response to such as designed to cover only paid political advertisements of
necessity of paying compensation for "Comelec space" is precisely necessity available to the Comelec. Section 2 does not constitute particular candidates.
what is sought to be avoided by respondent Commission, whether a valid exercise of the police power of the State.
Section 2 of Resolution No. 2772 is read as petitioner PPI reads it,
The above limitation in scope of application of Section 11 (b) —
as an assertion of authority to require newspaper publishers to
We turn to Section 8 of Resolution No. 2772, which needs to be that it does not restrict either the reporting of or the expression
"donate" free print space for Comelec purposes, or as an
quoted in full again: of belief or opinion or comment upon the qualifications and
exhortation, or perhaps an appeal, to publishers to donate free
programs and activities of any and all candidates for office —
print space, as Section 1 of Resolution No. 2772-A attempts to
constitutes the critical distinction which must be made between
suggest. There is nothing at all to prevent newspaper and Sec. 8.Undue Reference to Candidates/Political Parties in
the instant case and that of Sanidad v. Commission on Elections. . .
magazine publishers from voluntarily giving free print space to Newspapers. — No newspaper or publication shall allow to be
. 7 (Citations omitted; emphasis supplied)
Comelec for the purposes contemplated in Resolution No. 2772. printed or published in the news, opinion, features, or other
Section 2 of Resolution No. 2772 does not, however, provide a sections of the newspaper or publication accounts or comments
constitutional basis for compelling publishers, against their will, in which manifestly favor or oppose any candidate or political party Section 8 of Resolution No. 2772 appears to represent the effort
the kind of factual context here present, to provide free print by unduly or repeatedly referring to or including therein said of the Comelec to establish a guideline for implementation of the
space for Comelec purposes. Section 2 does not constitute a valid candidate or political party. However, unless the facts and above-quoted distinction and doctrine in National Press Club an
exercise of the power of eminent domain. circumstances clearly indicate otherwise, the Commission will effort not blessed with evident success. Section 2 of Resolution
respect the determination by the publisher and/or editors of the No. 2772-A while possibly helpful, does not add substantially to
newspapers or publications that the accounts or views published the utility of Section 8 of Resolution No. 2772. The distinction
We would note that the ruling here laid down by the Court is
are significant, newsworthy and of public interest. between paid political advertisements on the one hand and news
entirely in line with the theory of democratic representative
reports, commentaries and expressions of belief or opinion by
government. The economic costs of informing the general public
reporters, broadcasters, editors, etc. on the other hand, can
about the qualifications and programs of those seeking elective It is not easy to understand why Section 8 was included at all in
realistically be given operative meaning only in actual cases or
office are most appropriately distributed as widely as possible Resolution No. 2772. In any case, Section 8 should be viewed in
controversies, on a case-to-case basis, in terms of very specific
throughout our society by the utilization of public funds, the context of our decision in National Press Club v. Commission
sets of facts.
especially funds raised by taxation, rather than cast solely on one on Elections. 6 There the Court sustained the constitutionality of
small sector of society, i.e., print media enterprises. The benefits Section 11 (b) of R.A. No. 6646, known as the Electoral Reforms
which flow from a heightened level of information on and the Law of 1987, which prohibits the sale or donation of print space At all events, the Court is bound to note that PPI has failed to
awareness of the electoral process are commonly thought to be and airtime for campaign or other political purposes, except to allege any specific affirmative action on the part of Comelec
community-wide; the burdens should be allocated on the same the Comelec. In doing so, the Court carefully distinguished (a) designed to enforce or implement Section 8. PPI has not claimed
basis. paid political advertisements which are reached by the prohibition that it or any of its members has sustained actual or imminent
of Section 11 (b), from (b) the reporting of news, commentaries injury by reason of Comelec action under Section 8. Put a little
and expressions of belief or opinion by reporters, broadcasters, differently, the Court considers that the precise constitutional
As earlier noted, the Solicitor General also contended that Section
editors, commentators or columnists which fall outside the scope issue here sought to be raised — whether or not Section 8 of
2 of Resolution No. 2772, even if read as compelling publishers to
of Section 11 (b) and which are protected by the constitutional Resolution No. 2772 constitutes a permissible exercise of the
"donate" "Comelec space, " may be sustained as a valid exercise
guarantees of freedom of speech and of the press: Comelec's power under Article IX, Section 4 of the Constitution to
of the police power of the state. This argument was, however,
made too casually to require prolonged consideration on our part.
Firstly, there was no effort (and apparently no inclination on the Secondly, and more importantly, Section 11 (b) is limited in its supervise or regulate the enjoyment or utilization of all franchise
part of Comelec) to show that the police power — essentially a scope of application. Analysis of Section 11 (b) shows that it or permits for the operation of — media of communication or
power of legislation — has been constitutionally delegated to purports to apply only to the purchase and sale, including information — [for the purpose of ensuring] equal opportunity,
respondent Commission. 4 Secondly, while private property may purchase and sale disguised as a donation, of print space and air time and space, and the right of reply, including reasonable, equal
indeed be validly taken in the legitimate exercise of the police time for campaign or other political purposes. Section 11 (b) does rates therefore, for public information campaigns and forums
power of the state, there was no attempt to show compliance in not purport in any way to restrict the reporting by newspapers or among candidates in connection with the objective of holding
the instant case with the requisites of a lawful taking under the radio or television stations of news or news-worthy events free, orderly honest, peaceful and credible elections —
police power. 5 relating to candidates, their qualifications, political parties and
programs of government. Moreover, Section 11 (b) does not reach
is not ripe for judicial review for lack of an actual case or
commentaries and expressions of belief or opinion by reporters or
Section 2 of Resolution No. 2772 is a blunt and heavy instrument controversy involving, as the very lismotathereof, the
broadcaster or editors or commentators or columnists in respect
that purports, without a showing of existence of a national constitutionality of Section 8.
of candidates, their qualifications, and programs and so forth, so
emergency or other imperious public necessity, indiscriminately
long at least as such comments, opinions and beliefs are not in
and without regard to the individual business condition of Summarizing our conclusions:
fact advertisements for particular candidates covertly paid for. In
particular newspapers or magazines located in differing parts of
sum, Section 11 (b) is not to be read as reaching any report or
the country, to take private property of newspaper or magazine
commentary or other coverage that, in responsible media, is not 1. Section 2 of Resolution No. 2772, in its present form and as
publishers. No attempt was made to demonstrate that a real and
paid for by candidates for political office. We read Section 11 (b) interpreted by Comelec in its 22 March 1995 letter directives,
palpable or urgent necessity for the taking of print space
confronted the Comelec and that Section 2 of Resolution No. 2772 purports to require print media enterprises to "donate" free print

space to Comelec. As such, Section 2 suffers from a fatal Together with the complaint was a motion for immediate c) The Decree violates procedural due process as it allows
constitutional vice and must be set aside and nullified. possession of the properties. The NHA deposited the amount of immediate taking of possession, control and disposition of
P158,980.00 with the Philippine National Bank, representing the property without giving the owner his day in court;
"total market value" of the subject twenty five hectares of land,
2. To the extent it pertains to Section 8 of Resolution No. 2772,
pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1224 which defines "the policy
the Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition must be dismissed for d) The Decree would allow the taking of private property upon
on the expropriation of private property for socialized housing
lack of an actual, justiciable case or controversy. payment of unjust and unfair valuations arbitrarily fixed by
upon payment of just compensation."
government assessors;
WHEREFORE, for all the foregoing, the Petition for Certiorari and
On January 17, 1978, respondent Judge issued the following
Prohibition is GRANTED in part and Section 2 of Resolution No. e) The Decree would deprive the courts of their judicial discretion
2772 in its present form and the related letter-directives dated 22 to determine what would be the "just compensation" in each and
March 1995 are hereby SET ASIDE as null and void, and the every raise of expropriation.
Temporary Restraining Order is hereby MADE PERMANENT. The Plaintiff having deposited with the Philippine National Bank, Heart
Petition is DISMISSED in part, to the extent it relates to Section 8 Center Extension Office, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila, the
Indeed, the exercise of the power of eminent domain is subject to
of Resolution No. 2772. No pronouncement as to costs. amount of P158,980.00 representing the total market value of the
certain limitations imposed by the constitution, to wit:
subject parcels of land, let a writ of possession be issued.
Narvasa, C.J., Padilla, Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo,
Private property shall not be taken for public use without just
Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza and Francisco, JJ., concur. SO ORDERED.
compensation (Art. IV, Sec. 9);

Quiason, J., is on leave. Pasig, Metro Manila, January 17, 1978.

No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without
due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal
Republic of the Philippines (SGD) BUENAVENTURA S. GUERRERO protection of the laws (Art. IV, sec. 1).
Judge Nevertheless, a clear case of constitutional infirmity has to be
established for this Court to nullify legislative or executive
EN BANC measures adopted to implement specific constitutional provisions
Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration on the ground that
aimed at promoting the general welfare.
they had been deprived of the possession of their property
G.R. No. L-48685 September 30, 1987 without due process of law. This was however, denied.
Petitioners' objections to the taking of their property subsumed
under the headings of public use, just compensation, and due
LORENZO SUMULONG and EMILIA VIDANES-BALAOING, Hence, this petition challenging the orders of respondent Judge
process have to be balanced against competing interests of the
petitioners, and assailing the constitutionality of Pres. Decree No. 1224, as
public recognized and sought to be served under declared policies
vs. amended. Petitioners argue that:
of the constitution as implemented by legislation.
AUTHORITY, respondents.
1) Respondent Judge acted without or in excess of his jurisdiction
1. Public use
or with grave abuse of discretion by issuing the Order of January
  17, 1978 without notice and without hearing and in issuing the
Order dated June 28, 1978 denying the motion for a) Socialized Housing
Petitioners contend that "socialized housing" as defined in Pres.
2) Pres. Decree l224, as amended, is unconstitutional for being Decree No. 1224, as amended, for the purpose of condemnation
On December 5, 1977 the National Housing Authority (NIIA) filed a
violative of the due process clause, specifically: proceedings is not "public use" since it will benefit only "a handful
complaint for expropriation of parcels of land covering
of people, bereft of public character."
approximately twenty five (25) hectares, (in Antipolo, Rizal)
including the lots of petitioners Lorenzo Sumulong and Emilia a) The Decree would allow the taking of property regardless of
Vidanes-Balaoing with an area of 6,667 square meters and 3,333 size and no matter how small the area to be expropriated; "Socialized housing" is defined as, "the construction of dwelling
square meters respectively. The land sought to be expropriated units for the middle and lower class members of our society,
were valued by the NHA at one peso (P1.00) per square meter including the construction of the supporting infrastructure and
b) "Socialized housing" for the purpose of condemnation
adopting the market value fixed by the provincial assessor in other facilities" (Pres. Decree No. 1224, par. 1). This definition was
proceeding, as defined in said Decree, is not really for a public
accordance with presidential decrees prescribing the valuation of later expanded to include among others:
property in expropriation proceedings.


a) The construction and/or improvement of dwelling units for the employment by the public has been added the broader notion of Assembly proclaimed 1987 as the "International Year of Shelter
middle and lower income groups of the society, including the indirect public benefit or advantage. As discussed in the above for the Homeless" "to focus the attention of the international
construction of the supporting infrastructure and other facilities; cited case of Heirs of JuanchoArdona: community on those problems". The General Assembly is Seriously
concerned that, despite the efforts of Governments at the national
and local levels and of international organizations, the driving
b) Slum clearance, relocation and resettlement of squatters and The restrictive view of public use may be appropriate for a nation
conditions of the majority of the people in slums and squatter
slum dwellers as well as the provision of related facilities and which circumscribes the scope of government activities and public
areas and rural settlements, especially in developing countries,
services; concerns and which possesses big and correctly located public
continue to deteriorate in both relative and absolute terms." [G.A.
lands that obviate the need to take private property for public
Res. 37/221, Yearbook of the United Nations 1982, Vol. 36, p.
purposes. Neither circumstance applies to the Philippines. We
c) Slum improvement which consists basically of allocating 1043-4]
have never been a laissez faire State. And the necessities which
homelots to the dwellers in the area or property involved,
impel the exertion of sovereign power are all too often found in
rearrangemeant and re-alignment of existing houses and other
areas of scarce public land or limited government resources. (p. In the light of the foregoing, this Court is satisfied that "socialized
dwelling structures and the construction and provision of basic
231) housing" fans within the confines of "public use". It is, particularly
community facilities and services, where there are none, such as
important to draw attention to paragraph (d) of Pres. Dec. No.
roads, footpaths, drainage, sewerage, water and power system
1224 which opportunities inextricably linked with low-cost
schools, barangay centers, community centers, clinics, open Specifically, urban renewal or redevelopment and the construction
housing, or slum clearance, relocation and resettlement, or slum
spaces, parks, playgrounds and other recreational facilities; of low-cost housing is recognized as a public purpose, not only
improvement emphasize the public purpose of the project.
because of the expanded concept of public use but also because of
specific provisions in the Constitution. The 1973 Constitution made
d) The provision of economic opportunities, including the
it incumbent upon the State to establish, maintain and ensure In the case at bar, the use to which it is proposed to put the
development of commercial and industrial estates and such other
adequate social services including housing [Art. 11, sec. 7]. The subject parcels of land meets the requisites of "public use". The
facilities to enhance the total community growth; and
1987 Constitution goes even further by providing that: lands in question are being expropriated by the NHA for the
expansion of BagongNayon Housing Project to provide housing
e) Such other activities undertaken in pursuance of the objective facilities to low-salaried government employees. Quoting
The State shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will
to provide and maintain housing for the greatest number of respondents:
ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the
people under Presidential Decree No, 757, (Pres. Decree No. 1259,
people from poverty through policies that provide adequate social
sec. 1)
services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living and 1. The BagongNayong Project is a housing and community
an improved quality of life for all. [Art. II, sec. 9] development undertaking of the National Housing Authority.
The "public use" requirement for a and exercise of the power of Phase I covers about 60 hectares of GSIS property in Antipolo,
eminent domain is a flexible and evolving concept influenced by Rizal; Phase II includes about 30 hectares for industrial
The state shall by law, and for the common good, undertake, in
changing conditions. In this jurisdiction, the statutory and judicial development and the rest are for residential housing
cooperation with the private sector, a continuing program of
trend has been summarized as follows: development.
urban land reform and housing which will make available at
affordable cost decent housing and basic services to
The taking to be valid must be for public use. There was a time underprivileged and homeless citizens in urban centers and It is intended for low-salaried government employees and aims to
when it was felt that a literal meaning should be attached to such resettlement areas. It shall also promote adequate employment provide housing and community services for about 2,000 families
a requirement. Whatever project is undertaken must be for the opportunities to such citizens. In the implementation of such in Phase I and about 4,000 families in Phase II.
public to enjoy, as in the case of streets or parks. Otherwise, program the State shall respect the rights of small property
expropriation is not allowable. It is not anymore. As long as the owners. (Art. XIII, sec. 9, Emphaisis supplied)
It is situated on rugged terrain 7.5 kms. from Marikina Town
purpose of the taking is public, then the power of eminent domain
proper; 22 Kms. east of Manila; and is within the Lungs
comes into play. As just noted, the constitution in at least two
Housing is a basic human need. Shortage in housing is a matter of SilanganTownsite Reservation (created by Presidential
cases, to remove any doubt, determines what is public use. One is
state concern since it directly and significantly affects public Proclamation No. 1637 on April 18, 1977).
the expropriation of lands to be subdivided into small lots for
health, safety, the environment and in sum, the general welfare.
resale at cost to individuals. The other is in the transfer, through
The public character of housing measures does not change
the exercise of this power, of utilities and other private enterprise The lands involved in the present petitions are parts of the
because units in housing projects cannot be occupied by all but
to the government. It is accurate to state then that at present expanded/additional areas for the BagongNayon Project totalling
only by those who satisfy prescribed qualifications. A beginning
whatever may be beneficially employed for the general welfare 25.9725 hectares. They likewise include raw, rolling hills. (Rollo,
has to be made, for it is not possible to provide housing for are
satisfies the requirement of public use [Heirs of JuanchoArdona v. pp. 266-7)
who need it, all at once.
Reyes, G.R. Nos. 60549, 60553-60555 October 26, 1983, 125 SCRA
220 (1983) at 234-5 quoting E. FERNANDO, THE CONSTITUTION
The acute shortage of housing units in the country is of public
OF THE PHILIPPINES 523-4, (2nd ed., 1977) Emphasis supplied]. Population growth, the migration to urban areas and the
knowledge. Official data indicate that more than one third of the
mushrooming of crowded makeshift dwellings is a worldwide
households nationwide do not own their dwelling places. A
development particularly in developing countries. So basic and
The term "public use" has acquired a more comprehensive significant number live in dwellings of unacceptable standards,
urgent are housing problems that the United Nations General
coverage. To the literal import of the term signifying strict use or such as shanties, natural shelters, and structures intended for

commercial, industrial, or agricultural purposes. Of these conflicts of large proportions, involving a considerable number of exclusive and selfish benefit but for the good of the entire
unacceptable dwelling units, more than one third is located within individuals, and eschew small controversies and wait until they community or nation [MataasnaLupa Tenants Association, Inc.
the National Capital Region (NCR) alone which lies proximate to grow into a major problem before taking remedial action. supra at 42-3 citing I. CRUZ, PHILIPPINE POLITICAL LAW, 70 (1983
and is expected to be the most benefited by the housing project ed.)].
involved in the case at bar [See, National Census and Statistics
The said case of J.M. Tuason Co., Inc. departed from the ruling in
Office, 1980 Census of Population and Housing].
Guido vs. Rural Progress Administration [84 Phil. 847 (1949)] 2. Just Compensation
which held that the test to be applied for a valid expropriation of
According to the National Economic and Development Authority private lands was the area of the land and not the number of
Petitioners maintain that Pres. Decree No. 1224, as amended,
at the time of the expropriation in question, about "50 per cent of people who stood to be benefited. Since then "there has evolved a
would allow the taking of private property upon payment of
urban families, cannot afford adequate shelter even at reduced clear pattern of adherence to the "number of people to be
unjust and unfair valuations arbitrarily fixed by government
rates and will need government support to provide them with benefited test" " [MataasnaLupa Tenants Association, Inc. v.
assessors. In addition, they assert that the Decree would deprive
social housing, subsidized either partially or totally" [NEDA, FOUR Dimayuga, G.R. No. 32049, June 25,1984, 130 SCRA 30 (1984) at
the courts of their judicial discretion to determine what would be
YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN For 1974-1977, p. 357]. Up to the 39]. Thus, in Pulido vs. Court of Appeals [G.R. No. 57625, May 3,
"just compensation".
present, housing some remains to be out of the reach of a sizable 1983, 122 SCRA 63 (1983) at 73], this Court stated that, "[i]t is
proportion of the population" [NEDA, MEDIUM-TERM PHILIPPINE unfortunate that the petitioner would be deprived of his
DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1987-1992, p. 240]. landholdings, but his interest and that of his family should not The foregoing contentions have already been ruled upon by this
stand in the way of progress and the benefit of the greater may Court in the case of Ignacio vs. Guerrero (G.R. No. L-49088, May
only of the inhabitants of the country." 29, 1987) which, incidentally, arose from the same expropriation
The mushrooming of squatter colonies in the Metropolitan Manila
complaint that led to this instant petition. The provisions on just
area as well as in other cities and centers of population
compensation found in Presidential Decree Nos. 1224, 1259 and
throughout the country, and, the efforts of the government to The State acting through the NHA is vested with broad discretion
1313 are the same provisions found in Presidential Decree Nos.
initiate housing and other projects are matters of public to designate the particular property/properties to be taken for
76, 464, 794 and 1533 which were declared unconstitutional in
knowledge [See NEDA, FOUR YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN For socialized housing purposes and how much thereof may be
Export Processing Zone All thirty vs. Dulay (G.R. No. 5960 April 29,
1974-1977, pp. 357-361; NEDA, FIVE-YEAR PHILIPPINE expropriated. Absent a clear showing of fraud, bad faith, or gross
1987) for being encroachments on prerogatives.
DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1978-1982, pp. 215-228 NEDA, FIVE YEAR abuse of discretion, which petitioners herein failed to
PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1983-1987, pp. 109-117; NEDA, demonstrate, the Court will give due weight to and leave
MEDIUM TERM PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1987-1992, pp. undisturbed the NHA's choice and the size of the site for the This Court abandoned the ruling in National Housing Authority vs.
240-254]. project. The property owner may not interpose objections merely Reyes [G.R. No. 49439, June 29,1983, 123 SCRA 245 (1983)] which
because in their judgment some other property would have been upheld Pres. Decree No. 464, as amended by - Presidential Decree
more suitable, or just as suitable, for the purpose. The right to the Nos. 794, 1224 and 1259.
b) Size of Property
use, enjoyment and disposal of private property is tempered by
and has to yield to the demands of the common good. The In said case of Export Processing Zone Authority, this Court
Petitioners further contend that Pres. Decree 1224, as amended, Constitutional provisions on the subject are clear: pointed out that:
would allow the taking of "any private land" regardless of the size
and no matter how small the area of the land to be expropriated.
The State shall promote social justice in all phases of national The basic unfairness of the decrees is readily apparent.
Petitioners claim that "there are vast areas of lands in Mayamot,
development. (Art. II, sec. 10)
Cupang, and San Isidro, Antipolo, Rizal hundred of hectares of
which are owned by a few landowners only. It is surprising Just compensation means the value of the property at the time of
[therefore] why respondent National Housing Authority [would] The Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of the taking. It means a fair and full equivalent for the loss
include [their] two man lots ..." measures that protect and enhance the right of all the people to sustained. ALL the facts as to the condition of the property and its
human dignity, reduce social, economic, and political inequalities, surroundings, its improvements and capabilities, should be
and remove cultural inequities by equitably diffusing wealth and considered.
In J.M. Tuason Co., Inc. vs. Land Tenure Administration [G. R. No.
political power for the common good. To this end, the State shall
L-21064, February 18, 1970, 31 SCRA 413 (1970) at 428] this Court
regulate the acquisition, ownership, use and disposition of
earlier ruled that expropriation is not confined to landed estates. xxxxxxxxx
property and its increments. (Art, XIII, sec. 1)
This Court, quoting the dissenting opinion of Justice J.B.L. Reyes in
Republic vs. Baylosis, [96 Phil. 461 (1955)], held that:
Indeed, the foregoing provisions, which are restatements of the Various factors can come into play in the valuation of specific
provisions in the 1935 and 1973 Constitutions, emphasize: properties singled out for expropriation. The values given by
The propriety of exercising the power of eminent domain under provincial assessors are usually uniform for very wide areas
Article XIII, section 4 of our Constitution cannot be determined on covering several barrios or even an entire total with the exception
a purely quantitative or area basis. Not only does the ...the stewardship concept, under which private property is of the poblacion. Individual differences are never taken into
constitutional provision speak of lands instead of landed estates, supposed to be held by the individual only as a trustee for the account. The value of land is based on such generalities as its
but I see no cogent reason why the government, in its quest for people in general, who are its real owners. As a mere steward, the possible cultivation for rice, corn, coconuts, or other crops. Very
social justice and peace, should exclusively devote attention to individual must exercise his rights to the property not for his own often land described as directional has been cultivated for

generations. Buildings are described in terms of only two or three just compensation are unconstitutional; and in the instant case No. 260, declaring the land to be a national historical landmark.
classes of building materials and estimates of areas are more the Court finds that the Orders issued pursuant to the corollary The resolution was, on 06 January 1986, approved by the Minister
often inaccurate than correct. Tax values can serve as guides but provisions of those decrees authorizing immediate taking without of Education, Culture and Sports. Later, the opinion of the
cannot be absolute substitutes for just compensation. notice and hearing are violative of due process. Secretary of Justice was asked on the legality of the measure. In
his Opinion No. 133, Series of 1987, the Secretary of Justice
replied in the affirmative; he explained:
To say that the owners are estopped to question the valuations WHEREFORE, the Orders of the lower court dated January 17,
made by assessors since they had the opportunity to protest is 1978 and June 28, 1978 issuing the writ of possession on the basis
illusory. The overwhelming mass of landowners accept of the market value appearing therein are annulled for having According to your guidelines, national landmarks are
unquestioningly what is found in the tax declarations prepared by been issued in excess of jurisdiction. Let this case be remanded to places or objects that are associated with an event,
local assessors or municipal clerks for them. They do not even look the court of origin for further proceedings to determine the achievement, characteristic, or modification that
at, much less analyze, the statements. The Idea of expropriation compensation the petitioners are entitled to be paid. No costs. makes a turning point or stage in Philippine history.
simply never occurs until a demand is made or a case filed by an Thus, the birthsite of the founder of the Iglesia ni
agency authorized to do so. (pp. 12-3) Cristo, the late Felix Y. Manalo, who, admittedly, had
made contributions to Philippine history and culture
has been declared as a national landmark. It has been
3. Due Process
Teehankee, C.J., Yap, Fernan, Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, held that places invested with unusual historical
Gutierrez, Jr., Cruz, Paras, Feliciano, Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin and interest is a public use for which the power of eminent
Petitioners assert that Pres. Decree 1224, as amended, violates Sarmiento, JJ., concur. domain may be authorized . . . .
procedural due process as it allows immediate taking of
possession, control and disposition of property without giving the
G.R. No. 106440             January 29, 1996 In view thereof, it is believed that the National
owner his day in court. Respondent Judge ordered the issuance of
Historical Institute as an agency of the Government
a writ of possession without notice and without hearing.
ALEJANDRO MANOSCA, ASUNCION MANOSCA and LEONICA charged with the maintenance and care of national
MANOSCA, petitioners,  shrines, monuments and landmarks and the
The constitutionality of this procedure has also been ruled upon in development of historical sites that may be declared as
the Export Processing Zone Authority case, viz: national shrines, monuments and/or landmarks, may
Judge, RTC-Pasig, Metro Manila, Branch 168, HON. initiate the institution of condemnation proceedings
It is violative of due process to deny to the owner the opportunity GRADUACION A. REYES CLARAVAL, Presiding Judge, RTC-Pasig, for the purpose of acquiring the lot in question in
to prove that the valuation in the tax documents is unfair or Metro Manila, Branch 71, and REPUBLIC OF THE accordance with the procedure provided for in Rule 67
wrong. And it is repulsive to basic concepts of justice and fairness PHILIPPINES, respondents. of the Revised Rules of Court. The proceedings should
to allow the haphazard work of minor bureaucrat or clerk to be instituted by the Office of the Solicitor General in
absolutely prevail over the judgment of a court promulgated only behalf of the Republic.
after expert commissioners have actually viewed the property,
after evidence and arguments pro and con have been presented, Accordingly, on 29 May 1989, the Republic, through the Office of
and after all factors and considerations essential to a fair and just VITUG, J.: the Solicitor-General, instituted a complaint for
determination have been judiciously evaluated. (p. 13) expropriation3 before the Regional Trial Court of Pasig for and in
In this appeal, via a petition for review on certiorari, from the behalf of the NHI alleging, inter alia, that:
On the matter of the issuance of a writ of possession, the ruling in decision1 of the Court of Appeals, dated 15 January 1992, in CA-
the Ignacio case is reiterated, thus: G.R. SP No. 24969 (entitled "Alejandro Manosca, et al. v. Hon. Pursuant to Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 260,
Benjamin V. Pelayo, et al."), this Court is asked to resolve whether the National Historical Institute issued Resolution No.
or not the "public use" requirement of Eminent Domain is extant 1, Series of 1986, which was approved on January,
[I]t is imperative that before a writ of possession is issued by the
in the attempted expropriation by the Republic of a 492-square- 1986 by the then Minister of Education, Culture and
Court in expropriation proceedings, the following requisites must
meter parcel of land so declared by the National Historical Sports, declaring the above described parcel of land
be met: (1) There must be a Complaint for expropriation sufficient
Institute ("NHI") as a national historical landmark. which is the birthsite of Felix Y. Manalo, founder of the
in form and in substance; (2) A provisional determination of just
compensation for the properties sought to be expropriated must "Iglesia ni Cristo," as a National Historical Landrnark.
be made by the trial court on the basis of judicial (not legislative The facts of the case are not in dispute. The plaintiff perforce needs the land as such national
or executive) discretion; and (3) The deposit requirement under historical landmark which is a public purpose.
Section 2, Rule 67 must be complied with. (p. 14) Petitioners inherited a piece of land located at P. Burgos Street,
Calzada, Taguig. Metro Manila, with an area of about four At the same time, respondent Republic filed an urgent motion for
This Court holds that "socialized housing" defined in Pres. Decree hundred ninety-two (492) square meters. When the parcel was the issuance of an order to permit it to take immediate possession
No. 1224, as amended by Pres. Decree Nos. 1259 and 1313, ascertained by the NHI to have been the birthsite of Felix Y. of the property. The motion was opposed by petitioners. After a
constitutes "public use" for purposes of expropriation. However, Manalo, the founder of Iglesia Ni Cristo, it passed Resolution No. hearing, the trial court issued, on 03 August 1989,4 an order fixing
as previously held by this Court, the provisions of such decrees on 1, Series of 1986, pursuant to Section 42 of Presidential Decree the provisional market (P54,120.00) and assessed (P16,236.00)

values of the property and authorizing the Republic to take over compensation." 11 This proscription is intended to provide a Public use, in constitutional provisions restricting the
the property once the required sum would have been deposited safeguard against possible abuse and so to protect as well the exercise of the right to take private property in virtue
with the Municipal Treasurer of Taguig, Metro Manila. individual against whose property the power is sought to be of eminent domain, means a use concerning the whole
enforced. community as distinguished from particular individuals.
But each and every member of society need not be
Petitioners moved to dismiss the complaint on the main thesis
equally interested in such use, or be personally and
that the intended expropriation was not for a public purpose and, Petitioners assert that the expropriation has failed to meet the
directly affected by it; if the object is to satisfy a great
incidentally, that the act would constitute an application of public guidelines set by this Court in the case of Guido v.Rural Progress
public want or exigency, that is sufficient. Rindge Co.
funds, directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or support Administration, 12 to wit: (a) the size of the land expropriated; (b)
vs. Los Angeles County, 262 U.S. 700, 43 S.Ct. 689, 692,
of Iglesia ni Cristo, a religious entity, contrary to the provision of the large number of people benefited; and, (c) the extent of social
67 L.Ed. 1186. The term may be said to mean public
Section 29(2), Article VI, of the 1987 Constitution.5 Petitioners and economic reform.13 Petitioners suggest that we confine the
usefulness, utility, or advantage, or what is productive
sought, in the meanwhile, a suspension in the implementation of concept of expropriation only to the following public uses, 14 i.e.,
of general benefit. It may be limited to the inhabitants
the 03rd August 1989 order of the trial court. the —
of a small or restricted locality, but must be in
common, and not for a particular individual. The use
On 15 February 1990, following the filing by respondent Republic . . . taking of property for military posts, roads, streets, must be a needful one for the public, which cannot be
of its reply to petitioners' motion seeking the dismissal of the sidewalks, bridges, ferries, levees, wharves, piers, surrendered without obvious general loss and
case, the trial court issued its denial of said motion to public buildings including schoolhouses, parks, inconvenience. A "public use" for which land may be
dismiss.6 Five (5) days later, or on 20 February 1990,7 another playgrounds, plazas, market places, artesian wells, taken defies absolute definition for it changes with
order was issued by the trial court, declaring moot and academic water supply and sewerage systems, cemeteries, varying conditions of society, new appliances in the
the motion for reconsideration and/or suspension of the order of crematories, and railroads. sciences, changing conceptions of scope and functions
03 August 1989 with the rejection of petitioners' motion to of government, and other differing circumstances
dismiss. Petitioners' motion for the reconsideration of the 20th brought about by an increase in population and new
This view of petitioners is much too limitative and restrictive.
February 1990 order was likewise denied by the trial court in its modes of communication and transportation. Katz v.
16th April 1991 order.8 Brandon, 156 Conn., 521, 245 A.2d 579,586. 17
The court, in Guido, merely passed upon the issue of the extent of
the President's power under Commonwealth Act No. 539 to,
Petitioners then lodged a petition for certiorari and prohibition The validity of the exercise of the power of eminent domain for
specifically, acquire private lands for subdivision into smaller
with the Court of Appeals. In its now disputed 15th January 1992 traditional purposes is beyond question; it is not at all to be said,
home lots or farms for resale to bona fide tenants or occupants. It
decision, the appellate court dismissed the petition on the ground however, that public use should thereby be restricted to such
was in this particular context of the statute that the Court had
that the remedy of appeal in the ordinary course of law was an traditional uses. The idea that "public use" is strictly limited to
made the pronouncement. The guidelines in Guido were not
adequate remedy and that the petition itself, in any case, had clear cases of "use by the public" has long been discarded. This
meant to be preclusive in nature and, most certainly, the power of
failed to show any grave abuse of discretion or lack of Court in Heirs of Juancho Ardona v. Reyes,18 quoting from Berman
eminent domain should not now be understood as being confined
jurisdictional competence on the part of the trial court. A motion v. Parker (348 U.S. 25; 99 L. ed. 27), held:
only to the expropriation of vast tracts of land and landed
for the reconsideration of the decision was denied in the 23rd July
estates. 15
1992 resolution of the appellate court.
We do not sit to determine whether a particular
The term "public use," not having been otherwise defined by the housing project is or is not desirable. The concept of
We begin, in this present recourse of petitioners, with a few the public welfare is broad and inclusive. See DayBrite
constitution, must be considered in its general concept of meeting
known postulates. Lighting, Inc. v. Missouri, 342 US 421, 424, 96 L. Ed.
a public need or a public exigency. 16 Black summarizes the
characterization given by various courts to the term; thus: 469, 472, 72 S Ct 405. The values it represents are
Eminent domain, also often referred to as expropriation and, with spiritual as well as physical, aesthetic as well as
less frequency, as condemnation, is, like police power and monetary. It is within the power of the legislature to
Public Use. Eminent domain. The constitutional and determine that the community should be beautiful as
taxation, an inherent power of sovereignty. It need not be clothed
statutory basis for taking property by eminent domain. well as healthy, spacious as well as clean, well-
with any constitutional gear to exist; instead, provisions in our
For condemnation purposes, "public use" is one which balanced as well as carefully patrolled. In the present
Constitution on the subject are meant more to regulate, rather
confers same benefit or advantage to the public; it is case, the Congress and its authorized agencies have
than to grant, the exercise of the power. Eminent domain is
not confined to actual use by public. It is measured in made determinations that take into account a wide
generally so described as "the highest and most exact idea of
terms of right of public to use proposed facilities for variety of values. It is no for us to reappraise them. If
property remaining in the government" that may be acquired for
which condemnation is sought and, as long as public those who govern the District of Columbia decide that
some public purpose through a method in the nature of a forced
has right of use, whether exercised by one or many the Nation's Capital should be beautiful as well as
purchase by the State.9 It is a right to take or reassert dominion
members of public, a "public advantage" or "public sanitary, there is nothing in the Fifth Amendment that
over property within the state for public use or to meet a public
benefit" accrues sufficient to constitute a public use. stands in the way.
exigency. It is said to be an essential part of governance even in its
Montana Power Co. vs. Bokma, Mont. 457 P. 2d 769,
most primitive form and thus inseparable from sovereignty. 10 The
772, 773.
only direct constitutional qualification is that "private property Once the object is within the authority of Congress, the
shall not be taken for public use without just right to realize it through the exercise of eminent

domain is clear. For the power of eminent domain is perspective to the case deserves little consideration, for what GUTIERREZ, JR., J.:
merely the means to the end. See Luxton v. North should be significant is the principal objective of, not the casual
River Bridge Co. 153 US 525, 529, 530, 38 L. ed. 808, consequences that might follow from, the exercise of the power.
The question raised in this petition is whether or not Presidential
810, 14 S Ct 891; United States v. Gettysburg Electric R. The purpose in setting up the marker is essentially to recognize
Decrees Numbered 76, 464, 794 and 1533 have repealed and
Co. 160 US 668, 679, 40 L. ed. 576, 580, 16 S Ct 427. the distinctive contribution of the late Felix Manalo to the culture
superseded Sections 5 to 8 of Rule 67 of the Revised Rules of
of the Philippines, rather than to commemorate his founding and
Court, such that in determining the just compensation of property
leadership of the Iglesia ni Cristo.
It has been explained as early as Seña v. Manila Railroad in an expropriation case, the only basis should be its market value
Co., 19 that: as declared by the owner or as determined by the assessor,
The practical reality that greater benefit may be whichever is lower.
derived by members of the Iglesia ni Cristo than by
. . . A historical research discloses the meaning of the
most others could well be true but such a peculiar
term "public use" to be one of constant growth. As On January 15, 1979, the President of the Philippines, issued
advantage still remains to be merely incidental and
society advances, its demands upon the individual Proclamation No. 1811, reserving a certain parcel of land of the
secondary in nature. Indeed, that only a few would
increase and each demand is a new use to which the public domain situated in the City of Lapu-Lapu, Island of Mactan,
actually benefit from the expropriation of property
resources of the individual may be devoted. . . . for Cebu and covering a total area of 1,193,669 square meters, more
does not necessarily diminish the essence and
"whatever is beneficially employed for the community or less, for the establishment of an export processing zone by
character of public use. 23
is a public use. petitioner Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA).

Petitioners contend that they have been denied due process in

Chief Justice Enrique M. Fernando states: Not all the reserved area, however, was public land. The
the fixing of the provisional value of their property. Petitioners
proclamation included, among others, four (4) parcels of land with
need merely to be reminded that what the law prohibits is the
an aggregate area of 22,328 square meters owned and registered
The taking to be valid must be for public use. There lack of opportunity to be heard;24contrary to petitioners'
in the name of the private respondent. The petitioner, therefore,
was a time when it was felt that a literal meaning argument, the records of this case are replete with
offered to purchase the parcels of land from the respondent in
should be attached to such a requirement. Whatever pleadings 25 that could have dealt, directly or indirectly, with the
acccordance with the valuation set forth in Section 92,
project is undertaken must be for the public to enjoy, provisional value of the property.
Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 464, as amended. The parties failed
as in the case of streets or parks. Otherwise,
to reach an agreement regarding the sale of the property.
expropriation is not allowable. It is not so any more. As
Petitioners, finally, would fault respondent appellate court in
long as the purpose of the taking is public, then the
sustaining the trial court's order which considered inapplicable
power of eminent domain comes into play. As just The petitioner filed with the then Court of First Instance of Cebu,
the case of Noble v. City of Manila. 26 Both courts held correctly.
noted, the constitution in at least two cases, to remove Branch XVI, Lapu-Lapu City, a complaint for expropriation with a
The Republic was not a party to the alleged contract of exchange
any doubt, determines what is public use. One is the prayer for the issuance of a writ of possession against the private
between the Iglesia ni Cristo and petitioners which (the
expropriation of lands to be subdivided into small lots respondent, to expropriate the aforesaid parcels of land pursuant
contracting parties) alone, not the Republic, could properly be
for resale at cost to individuals. The other is the to P.D. No. 66, as amended, which empowers the petitioner to
transfer, through the exercise of this power, of utilities acquire by condemnation proceedings any property for the
and other private enterprise to the government. It is establishment of export processing zones, in relation to
accurate to state then that at present whatever may All considered, the Court finds the assailed decision to be in Proclamation No. 1811, for the purpose of establishing the
be beneficially employed for the general welfare accord with law and jurisprudence. Mactan Export Processing Zone.
satisfies the requirement of public use. 20
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. No costs. On October 21, 1980, the respondent judge issued a writ of
Chief Justice Fernando, writing the ponencia in J.M. Tuason & possession authorizing the petitioner to take immediate
Co. vs. Land Tenure Administration, 21 has viewed the Constitution possession of the premises. On December 23, 1980, the private
a dynamic instrument and one that "is not to be construed respondent flied its answer.
narrowly or pedantically" so as to enable it "to meet adequately
whatever problems the future has in store." Fr. Joaquin Bernas, a P
At the pre-trial conference on February 13, 1981, the respondent
noted constitutionalist himself, has aptly observed that what, in
judge issued an order stating that the parties have agreed that the
fact, has ultimately emerged is a concept of public use which is G.R. No. L-59603               April 29, 1987 only issue to be resolved is the just compensation for the
just as broad as "public welfare." 22
properties and that the pre-trial is thereby terminated and the
EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE AUTHORITY, petitioner,  hearing on the merits is set on April 2, 1981.
Petitioners ask: But "(w)hat is the so-called unusual interest that vs.
the expropriation of (Felix Manalo's) birthplace become so vital as HON. CEFERINO E. DULAY, in his capacity as the Presiding Judge, On February 17, 1981, the respondent judge issued the order of
to be a public use appropriate for the exercise of the power of Court of First Instance of Cebu, Branch XVI, Lapu-Lapu City, and condemnation declaring the petitioner as having the lawful right
eminent domain" when only members of the Iglesia ni SAN ANTONIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, respondents. to take the properties sought to be condemned, upon the
Cristo would benefit? This attempt to give some religious Elena M. Cuevas for respondents. payment of just compensation to be determined as of the filing of

the complaint. The respondent judge also issued a second order, opportunity to be heard before the Local Board of Assessment compensation for the property expropriated. This
subject of this petition, appointing certain persons as Appeals and the Central Board of Assessment Appeals. Thus, the Court may substitute its own estimate of the value as
commissioners to ascertain and report to the court the just vesting on the assessor or the property owner of the right to gathered from the record (Manila Railroad Company v.
compensation for the properties sought to be expropriated. determine the just compensation in expropriation proceedings, Velasquez, 32 Phil. 286)."
with appropriate procedure for appeal to higher administrative
boards, is valid and constitutional.
On June 19, 1981, the three commissioners submitted their However, the promulgation of the aforementioned decrees
consolidated report recommending the amount of P15.00 per practically set aside the above and many other precedents
square meter as the fair and reasonable value of just Prior to the promulgation of P.D. Nos. 76, 464, 794 and 1533, this hammered out in the course of evidence-laden, well argued, fully
compensation for the properties. Court has interpreted the eminent domain provisions of the heard, studiously deliberated, and judiciously considered court
Constitution and established the meaning, under the fundametal proceedings. The decrees categorically and peremptorily limited
law, of just compensation and who has the power to determine it. the definition of just compensation thus:
On July 29, 1981, the petitioner Med a Motion for
Thus, in the following cases, wherein the filing of the
Reconsideration of the order of February 19, 1981 and Objection
expropriation proceedings were all commenced prior to the
to Commissioner's Report on the grounds that P.D. No. 1533 has P.D. No. 76:
promulgation of the aforementioned decrees, we laid down the
superseded Sections 5 to 8 of Rule 67 of the Rules of Court on the
doctrine onjust compensation:
ascertainment of just compensation through commissioners; and
x x x           x x x          x x x
that the compensation must not exceed the maximum amount set
by P.D. No. 1533. Municipality of Daet v. Court of Appeals (93 SCRA 503, 516),
"For purposes of just compensation in cases of private
property acquired by the government for public use,
On November 14, 1981, the trial court denied the petitioner's x x x           x x x          x x x
the basis shall be the current and fair market value
motion for reconsideration and gave the latter ten (10) days
declared by the owner or administrator, or such
within which to file its objection to the Commissioner's Report.
"And in the case of J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc. v. Land Tenure market value as determined by the Assessor,
Administration, 31 SCRA 413, the Court, speaking thru now Chief whichever is lower."
On February 9, 1982, the petitioner flied this present petition for Justice Fernando, reiterated the 'well-settled (rule) that just
certiorari and mandamus with preliminary restraining order, compensation means the equivalent for the value of the property
P.D. No. 464:
enjoining the trial court from enforcing the order dated February at the time of its taking. Anything beyond that is more and
17, 1981 and from further proceeding with the hearing of the anything short of that is less, than just compensation. It means a
expropriation case. fair and full equivalent for the loss sustained, which is the "Section 92. Basis for payment of just compensation in
measure of the indemnity, not whatever gain would accrue to the expropriation proceedings. — In determining just
expropriating entity." compensation which private property is acquired by
The only issue raised in this petition is whether or not Sections 5
the government for public use, the basis shall be the
to 8, Rule 67 of the Revised Rules of Court had been repealed or
market value declared by the owner or administrator
deemed amended by P.D. No. 1533 insofar as the appointment of Garcia v. Court ofappeals (102 SCRA 597, 608),
or anyone having legal interest in the property, or such
commissioners to determine the just compensation is concerned.
market value as determined by the assessor,
Stated in another way, is the exclusive and mandatory mode of
x x x           x x x          x x x whichever is lower."
determining just compensation in P.D. No. 1533 valid and
"Hence, in estimating the market value, all the P.D. No. 794:
capabilities of the property and all the uses to which it
The petitioner maintains that the respondent judge acted in
may be applied or for which it is adapted are to be
excess of his jurisdiction and with grave abuse of discretion in "Section 92. Basis for payment of just compensation in
considered and not merely the condition it is in the
denying the petitioner's motion for reconsideration and in setting expropriation proceedings. — In determining just
time and the use to which it is then applied by the
the commissioner's report for hearing because under P.D. No. compensation when private property is acquired by
owner. All the facts as to the condition of the property
1533, which is the applicable law herein, the basis of just the government for public use, the same shall not
and its surroundings, its improvements and capabilities
compensation shall be the fair and current market value declared exceed the market value declared by the owner or
may be shown and considered in estimating its value."
by the owner of the property sought to be expropriated or such administrator or anyone having legal interest in the
market value as determined by the assessor, whichever is lower. property, or such market value as determined by the
Therefore, there is no more need to appoint commissioners as Republic v. Santos (141 SCRA 30, 35-36), assessor, whichever is lower."
prescribed by Rule 67 of the Revised Rules of Court and for said
commissioners to consider other highly variable factors in order "According to section 8 of Rule 67, the court is not P.D. No. 1533:
to determine just compensation. The petitioner further maintains bound by the commissioners' report. It may make such
that P.D. No. 1533 has vested on the assessors and the property order or render such judgment as shall secure to the
owners themselves the power or duty to fix the market value of "Section 1. In determining just compensation for
plaintiff the property essential to the exercise of his
the properties and that said property owners are given the full private property acquired through eminent domain
right of condemnation, and to the defendant just
proceedings, the compensation to be paid shall not

exceed the value declared by the owner or To these opposing arguments, this Court ruled ihat under the date of actual taking.' (Capitol Subdivision, Inc. v.
administrator or anyone having legal interest in the conceded facts, there should be a recognition that the law as it Province of Negros Occidental, 7 SCRA 60). In fine, the
property or determined by the assessor, pursuant to stands must be applied; that the decree having spoken so clearly decree only establishes a uniform basis for
the Real Property Tax Code, whichever value is lower, and unequivocably calls for obedience; and that on a matter determining just compensation which the Court may
prior to the recommendation or decision of the where the applicable law speaks in no uncertain language, the consider as one of the factors in arriving at 'just
appropriate Government office to acquire the Court has no choice except to yield to its command. We further compensation,' as envisage in the Constitution. In the
property." stated that "the courts should recognize that the rule introduced words of Justice Barredo, "Respondent court's
by P.D. No. 76 and reiterated in subsequent decrees does not invocation of General Order No. 3 of September 21,
upset the established concepts of justice or the constitutional 1972 is nothing short of an unwarranted abdication of
We are constrained to declare the provisions of the Decrees on
provision on just compensation for, precisely, the owner is judicial authority, which no judge duly imbued with the
just compensation unconstitutional and void and accordingly
allowed to make his own valuation of his property." implications of the paramount principle of
dismiss the instant petition for lack of merit.
independence of the judiciary should ever think of
doing." (Lina v. Purisima, 82 SCRA 344, 351; Cf. Prov. of
While the Court yielded to executive prerogative exercised in the
The method of ascertaining just compensation under the Pangasinan v. CFI Judge of Pangasinan, Br. VIII, 80 SCRA
form of absolute law-making power, its members, nonetheless,
aforecited decrees constitutes impermissible encroachment on 117) Indeed, where this Court simply follows PD 1533,
remained uncomfortable with the implications of the decision and
judicial prerogatives. It tends to render this Court inutile in a thereby limiting the determination of just
the abuse and unfairness which might follow in its wake. For one
matter which under the Constitution is reserved to it for final compensation on the value declared by the owner or
thing, the President himself did not seem assured or confident
determination. administrator or as determined by the Assessor,
with his own enactment. It was not enough to lay down the law
whichever is lower, it may result in the deprivation of
on determination of just compensation in P.D. 76. It had to be
Thus, although in an expropriation proceeding the court the landowner's right of due process to enable it to
repeated and reiterated in P.D. 464, P.D. 794, and P.D. 1533. The
technically would still have the power to determine the just prove its claim to just compensation, as mandated by
provision is also found in P.D. 1224, P.D. 1259 and P.D. 1313.
compensation for the property, following the applicable decrees, the Constitution. (Uy v. Genato, 57 SCRA 123). The tax
Inspite of its effectivity as general law and the wide publicity given
its task would be relegated to simply stating the lower value of declaration under the Real Property Tax Code is,
to it, the questioned provision or an even stricter version had to
the property as declared either by the owner or the assessor. As a undoubtedly, for purposes of taxation."
be embodied in cases of specific expropriations by decree as in
necessary consequence, it would be useless for the court to P.D. 1669 expropriating the Tambunting Estate and P.D. 1670
appoint commissioners under Rule 67 of the Rules of Court. expropriating the Sunog Apog area in Tondo, Manila. We are convinced and so rule that the trial court correctly stated
Moreover, the need to satisfy the due process clause in the taking that the valuation in the decree may only serve as a guiding
of private property is seemingly fulfilled since it cannot be said principle or one of the factors in determining just compensation
In the present petition, we are once again confronted with the
that a judicial proceeding was not had before the actual taking. but it may not substitute the court's own judgment as to what
same question of whether the courts under P.D. 1533, which
However, the strict application of the decrees during the amount should be awarded and how to arrive at such amount. A
contains the same provision on just compensation as its
proceedings would be nothing short of a mere formality or return to the earlier well-established doctrine, to our mind, is
predecessor decrees, still have the power and authority to
charade as the court has only to choose between the valuation of more in keeping with the principle that the judiciary should live up
determine just compensation, independent of what is stated by
the owner and that of the assessor, and its choice is always to its mission "by vitalizing and not denigrating constitutional
the decree and to this effect, to appoint commissioners for such
limited to the lower of the two. The court cannot exercise its rights." (See Salonga v. Cruz Paño, 134 SCRA 438, 462; citing
discretion or independence in determining what is just or fair. Mercado v. Court of First Instance of Rizal, 116 SCRA 93.) The
Even a grade school pupil could substitute for the judge insofar as doctrine we enunciated in National Housing Authority v. Reyes,
the determination of constitutional just compensation is This time, we answer in the affirmative. supra, therefore, must necessarily be abandoned if we are to
concerned. uphold this Court's role as the guardian of the fundamental rights
In overruling the petitioner's motion for reconsideration and guaranteed by the due process and equal protection clauses and
In the case of National Housing Authority v. Reyes (123 SCRA 245), objection to the commissioner's report, the trial court said: as the final arbiter over transgressions committed against
this Court upheld P.D. No. 464, as further amended by P.D. Nos. constitutional rights.
794, 1224 and 1259. In this case, the petitioner National Housing
"Another consideration why the Court is empowered
Authority contended that the owner's declaration at P1,400.00 The basic unfairness of the decrees is readily apparent.
to appoint commissioners to assess the just
which happened to be lower than the assessor's assessment, is
compensation of these properties under eminent
the just compensation for the respondent's property under
domain proceedings, is the well-entrenched ruling that Just compensation means the value of the property at the time of
section 92 of P.D. No. 464. On the other hand, the private
'the owner of property expropriated is entitled to the taking. It means a fair and full equivalent for the loss
respondent stressed that while there may be basis for the
recover from expropriating authority the fair and full sustained. All the facts as to the condition of the property and its
allegation that the respondent judge did not follow the decree,
value of the lot, as of the time when possession surroundings, its improvements and capabilities, should be
the matter is still subject to his final disposition, he having been
thereof was actually taken by the province, plus considered.
vested with the original and competent authority to exercise his
consequential damages — including attorney's fees —
judicial discretion in the light of the constitutional clauses on due
from which the consequential benefits, if any should
process and equal protection. In this particular case, the tax declarations presented by the
be deducted, with interest at the legal rate, on the
petitioner as basis for just compensation were made by the Lapu-
aggregate sum due to the owner from and after the

Lapu municipal, later city assessor long before martial law, when is not a fundamental right, essential to a fair trial" — the Court in  
land was not only much cheaper but when assessed values of Betts v. Brady made an ubrupt brake with its own well-considered
properties were stated in figures constituting only a fraction of precedents. In returning to these old precedents, sounder we
their true market value. The private respondent was not even the believe than the new, we but restore constitutional principles
owner of the properties at the time. It purchased the lots for established to achieve a fair system of justice. . ."
development purposes. To peg the value of the lots on the basis A local government unit (LGU), like the Municipality of Parañaque,
of documents which are out of date and at prices below the cannot authorize an expropriation of private property through a
We return to older and more sound precedents. This Court has
acquisition cost of present owners would be arbitrary and mere resolution of its lawmaking body. The Local Government
the duty to formulate guiding and controlling constitutional
confiscatory. Code expressly and clearly requires an ordinance or a local law for
principles, precepts, doctrines, or rules. (See Salonga v. Cruz
the purpose. A resolution that merely expresses the sentiment or
Pano, supra).
opinion of the Municipal Council will not suffice. On the other
Various factors can come into play in the valuation of specific
hand, the principle of res judicata does not bar subsequent
properties singled out for expropriation. The values given by
The determination of "just compensation" in eminent domain proceedings for the expropriation of the same property when all
provincial assessors are usually uniform for very wide areas
cases is a judicial function. The executive department or the the legal requirements for its valid exercise are complied with.
covering several barrios or even an entire town with the
legislature may make the initial determinations but when a party
exception of the poblacion. Individual differences are never taken
claims a violation of the guarantee in the Bill of Rights that private
into account. The value of land is based on such generalities as its Statement of the Case
property may not be taken for public use without just
possible cultivation for rice, corn, coconuts, or other crops. Very
compensation, no statute, decree, or executive order can
often land described as "cogonal" has been cultivated for These principles are applied by this Court in resolving this petition
mandate that its own determination shall prevail over the court's
generations. Buildings are described in terms of only two or three for review on certiorari of the July 22, 1996 Decision 1 of the Court
findings. Much less can the courts be precluded from looking into
classes of building materials and estimates of areas are more of Appeals 2 in CA GR CV No. 48048, which affirmed in toto 3 the
the "just-ness" of the decreed compensation.
often inaccurate than correct. Tax values can serve as guides but Regional Trial Court's August 9, 1994 Resolution. 4 The trial court
cannot be absolute substitutes for just compensation. dismissed the expropriation suit as follows:
We, therefore, hold that P.D. No. 1533, which eliminates the
court's discretion to appoint commissioners pursuant to Rule 67
To say that the owners are estopped to question the valuations The right of the plaintiff to exercise the
of the Rules of Court, is unconstitutional and void. To hold
made by assessors since they had the opportunity to protest is power of eminent domain is not disputed.
otherwise would be to undermine the very purpose why this
illusory. The overwhelming mass of land owners accept However, such right may be exercised only
Court exists in the first place.
unquestioningly what is found in the tax declarations prepared by pursuant to an Ordinance (Sec. 19, R.A No.
local assessors or municipal clerks for them. They do not even 7160). In the instant case, there is no such
look at, much less analyze, the statements. The Idea of WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the petition is hereby
ordinance passed by the Municipal Council
expropriation simply never occurs until a demand is made or a DISMISSED. The temporary restraining order issued on February
of Parañaque enabling the Municipality,
case filed by an agency authorized to do so. 16, 1982 is LIFTED and SET ASIDE.
thru its Chief Executive, to exercise the
power of eminent domain. The complaint,
It is violative of due process to deny to the owner the opportunity SO ORDERED. therefore, states no cause of action.
to prove that the valuation in the tax documents is unfair or
wrong. And it is repulsive to basic concepts of justice and fairness Fernan, Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Cruz, Paras, Feliciano, Assuming that plaintiff has a cause of
to allow the haphazard work of a minor bureaucrat or clerk to Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin, Sarmiento and Cortes, JJ.,concur. action, the same is barred by a prior
absolutely prevail over the judgment of a court promulgated only Teehankee, C.J., in the result. judgment. On September 29, 1987, the
after expert commissioners have actually viewed the property, Yap, J., on leave. plaintiff filed a complaint for expropriation
after evidence and arguments pro and con have been presented, Petition dismissed. Order lifted and set aside. involving the same parcels of land which
and after all factors and considerations essential to a fair and just was docketed as Civil Case No. 17939 of this
determination have been judiciously evaluated. Court (page 26, record). Said case was
dismissed with prejudice on May 18, 1988
As was held in the case of Gideon v. Wainwright (93 ALR (page 39, record). The order of dismissal
2d,733,742): was not appealed, hence, the same became
G.R. No. 127820 July 20, 1998 final. The plaintiff can not be allowed to
pursue the present action without violating
"In the light of these and many other prior decisions of this Court,
the principle of [r]es [j]udicata. While
it is not surprising that the Betts Court, when faced with the MUNICIPALITY OF PARAÑAQUE, petitioner, defendant in Civil Case No. 17939 was
contention that 'one charged with crime, who is unable to obtain
Limpan Investment Corporation, the
counsel must be furnished counsel by the State,' conceded that
vs. doctrine of res judicata still applies because
'[E]xpressions in the opinions of this court lend color to the
the judgment in said case (C.C. No. 17939)
argument. . .' 316 U.S., at 462, 463, 86 L ed. 1602, 62 S Ct. 1252.
is conclusive between the parties and their
The fact is that in deciding as it did-that "appointment of counsel V.M. REALTY CORPORATION, respondent.

successors-in-interest (Vda. de Buncio vs. treated as a motion to dismiss. 14 On March 24, 1991, 15 petitioner The Court's Ruling
Estate of the late Anita de Leon). The herein filed its opposition, stressing that the trial court's Order dated
defendant is the successor-in-interest of February 4, 1994 was in accord with Section 19 of RA 7160, and
The petition is not meritorious.
Limpan Investment Corporation as shown that the principle of res judicata was not applicable.
by the "Deed of Assignment Exchange"
executed on June 13, 1990. First Issue:
Thereafter, the trial court issued its August 9, 1994
Resolution 16 nullifying its February 4, 1994 Order and dismissing
WHEREFORE, defendant's motion for the case. Petitioner's motions for reconsideration and transfer of Resolution Different from an Ordinance
reconsideration is hereby granted. The venue were denied by the trial court in a Resolution dated
order dated February 4, 1994 is vacated and December 2, 1994. 17 Petitioner then appealed to Respondent Petitioner contends that a resolution approved by the municipal
set aside. Court, raising the following issues: council for the purpose of initiating an expropriation case
"substantially complies with the requirements of the
This case is hereby dismissed. No 1. Whether or not the Resolution of the Parañaque Municipal law" 22 because the terms "ordinance" and "resolution" are
pronouncement as to costs. Council No. 93-95, Series of 1993 is a substantial compliance of synonymous for "the purpose of bestowing authority [on] the
the statutory requirement of Section 19, R.A. 7180 [sic] in the local government unit through its chief executive to initiate the
exercise of the power of eminent domain by the plaintiff- expropriation proceedings in court in the exercise of the power of
appellant. eminent domain." 23 Petitioner seeks to bolster this contention
by citing Article 36, Rule VI of the Rules and Regulations
Factual Antecedents Implementing the Local Government Code, which provides. "If the
2. Whether or not the complaint in this case states no cause of
LGU fails to acquire a private property for public use, purpose, or
welfare through purchase, the LGU may expropriate said property
Pursuant to Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 93-95, Series of
through a resolution of the Sanggunian authorizing its chief
1993, 6 the Municipality of Parañaque filed on September 20,
3. Whether or not the strict adherence to the literal observance to executive to initiate expropriation proceedings." 24 (Emphasis
1993, a Complaint for expropriation 7 against Private Respondent
the rule of procedure resulted in technicality standing in the way supplied.)
V.M. Realty Corporation over two parcels of land (Lots 2-A-2 and
of substantial justice.
2-B-1 of Subdivision Plan Psd-17917), with a combined area of
about 10,000 square meters, located at Wakas, San Dionisio, The Court disagrees. The power of eminent domain is lodged in
Parañaque, Metro Manila, and covered by Torrens Certificate of 4. Whether or not the principle of res judicata is applicable to the the legislative branch of government, which may delegate the
Title No. 48700. Allegedly, the complaint was filed "for the present case. 18 exercise thereof to LGUs, other public entities and public
purpose of alleviating the living conditions of the underprivileged utilities. 25 An LGU may therefore exercise the power to
by providing homes for the homeless through a socialized housing expropriate private property only when authorized by Congress
As previously mentioned, the Court of Appeals affirmed in
project." 8 Parenthetically, it was also for this stated purpose that and subject to the latter's control and restraints, imposed
toto the trial court's Decision. Respondent Court, in its assailed
petitioner, pursuant to its Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 577, "through the law conferring the power or in other
Resolution promulgated on January 8, 1997, 19 denied petitioner's
Series of 1991, 9 previously made an offer to enter into a legislations." 26 In this case, Section 19 of RA 7160, which
Motion for Reconsideration for lack of merit.
negotiated sale of the property with private respondent, which delegates to LGUs the power of eminent domain, also lays down
the latter did not accept. 10 the parameters for its exercise. It provides as follows:
Hence, this appeal. 20
Finding the Complaint sufficient in form and substance, the Sec. 19. Eminent Domain. A local
Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 134, issued an Order dated The Issues government unit may, through its chief
January 10, 1994, 11 giving it due course. Acting on petitioner's executive and acting pursuant to an
motion, said court issued an Order dated February 4, Before this Court, petitioner posits two issues, viz.: ordinance, exercise the power of eminent
1994, 12 authorizing petitioner to take possession of the subject domain for public use, or purpose, or
property upon deposit with its clerk of court of an amount welfare for the benefit of the poor and the
equivalent to 15 percent of its fair market value based on its 1. A resolution duly approved by the landless, upon payment of just
current tax declaration. municipal council has the same force and compensation, pursuant to the provisions
effect of an ordinance and will not deprive of the Constitution and pertinent
an expropriation case of a valid cause of laws: Provided, however, That the power of
On February 21, 1994, private respondent filed its Answer action. eminent domain may not be exercised
containing affirmative defenses and a counterclaim, 13alleging in
unless a valid and definite offer has been
the main that (a) the complaint failed to state a cause of action
2. The principle of res judicata as a ground previously made to the owner, and such
because it was filed pursuant to a resolution and not to an
for dismissal of case is not applicable when offer was not accepted: Provided, further,
ordinance as required by RA 7160 (the Local Government Code);
public interest is primarily involved. 21 That the local government unit may
and (b) the cause of action, if any, was barred by a prior judgment
immediately take possession of the
or res judicata. On private respondent's motion, its Answer was

property upon the filing of the We are not convinced by petitioner's insistence that the terms In this ruling, the Court does not diminish the policy embodied in
expropriation proceedings and upon making "resolution" and "ordinance" are synonymous. A municipal Section 2, Article X of the Constitution, which provides that
a deposit with the proper court of at least ordinance is different from a resolution. An ordinance is a law, but "territorial and political subdivisions shall enjoy local autonomy."
fifteen percent (15%) of the fair market a resolution is merely a declaration of the sentiment or opinion of It merely upholds the law as worded in RA 7160. We stress that an
value of the property based on the current a lawmaking body on a specific matter. 32 An ordinance possesses LGU is created by law and all its powers and rights are sourced
tax declaration of the property to be a general and permanent character, but a resolution is temporary therefrom. It has therefore no power to amend or act beyond the
expropriated: Provided,finally, That, the in nature. Additionally, the two are enacted differently — a third authority given and the limitations imposed on it by law. Strictly
amount to be paid for the expropriated reading is necessary for an ordinance, but not for a resolution, speaking, the power of eminent domain delegated to an LGU is in
property shall be determined by the proper unless decided otherwise by a majority of all reality not eminent but "inferior" domain, since it must conform
court, based on the fair market value at the the Sanggunianmembers. 33 to the limits imposed by the delegation, and thus partakes only of
time of the taking of the property. a share in eminent domain. 38Indeed, "the national legislature is
(Emphasis supplied) still the principal of the local government units, which cannot defy
If Congress intended to allow LGUs to exercise eminent domain
its will or modify or violate it." 39
through a mere resolution, it would have simply adopted the
Thus, the following essential requisites must concur before an language of the previous Local Government Code. But Congress
LGU can exercise the power of eminent domain: did not. In a clear divergence from the previous Local Government Complaint Does Not
Code, Section 19 of RA 7160 categorically requires that the local
chief executive act pursuant to an ordinance. Indeed, "[l]egislative
1. An ordinance is enacted by the local State a Cause of Action
intent is determined principally from the language of a statute.
legislative council authorizing the local chief
Where the language of a statute is clear and unambiguous, the
executive, in behalf of the LGU, to exercise
law is applied according to its express terms, and interpretation In its Brief filed before Respondent Court, petitioner argues that
the power of eminent domain or pursue
would be resorted to only where a literal interpretation would be its Sangguniang Bayan passed an ordinance on October 11, 1994
expropriation proceedings over a particular
resorted to only where a literal interpretation would be either which reiterated its Resolution No. 93-35, Series of 1993, and
private property.
impossible or absurd or would lead to an injustice." 34 In the ratified all the acts of its mayor regarding the subject
instant case, there is no reason to depart from this rule, since the expropriation. 40
2. The power of eminent domain is law requiring an ordinance is not at all impossible, absurd, or
exercised for public use, purpose or unjust. This argument is bereft of merit. In the first place, petitioner
welfare, or for the benefit of the poor and
merely alleged the existence of such an ordinance, but it did not
the landless.
Moreover, the power of eminent domain necessarily involves a present any certified true copy thereof. In the second place,
derogation of a fundamental or private right of the petitioner did not raise this point before this Court. In fact, it was
3. There is payment of just compensation, people. 35 Accordingly, the manifest change in the legislative mentioned by private respondent, and only in passing. 41 In any
as required under Section 9, Article III of the language — from "resolution" under BP 337 to "ordinance" under event, this allegation does not cure the inherent defect of
Constitution, and other pertinent laws. RA 7160 — demands a strict construction. "No species of property petitioner's Complaint for expropriation filed on September 23,
is held by individuals with greater tenacity, and is guarded by the 1993. It is hornbook doctrine that
4. A valid and definite offer has been Constitution and laws more sedulously, than the right to the
previously made to the owner of the freehold of inhabitants. When the legislature interferes with that . . . in a motion to dismiss based on the
property sought to be expropriated, but right and, for greater public purposes, appropriates the land of an ground that the complaint fails to state a
said offer was not accepted. 27 individual without his consent, the plain meaning of the law cause of action, the question submitted
should not be enlarged by doubtful interpretation." 36 before the court for determination is the
sufficiency of the allegations in the
In the case at bar, the local chief executive sought to exercise the
Petitioner relies on Article 36, Rule VI of the Implementing Rules, complaint itself. Whether those allegations
power of eminent domain pursuant to a resolution of the
which requires only a resolution to authorize an LGU to exercise are true or not is beside the point, for their
municipal council. Thus, there was no compliance with the first
eminent domain. This is clearly misplaced, because Section 19 of truth is hypothetically admitted by the
requisite that the mayor be authorized through an ordinance.
RA 7160, the law itself, surely prevails over said rule which merely motion. The issue rather is: admitting them
Petitioner cites Camarines Sur vs. Court of Appeals 28 to show that
seeks to implement it. 37 It is axiomatic that the clear letter of the to be true, may the court render a valid
a resolution may suffice to support the exercise of eminent
law is controlling and cannot be amended by a mere judgment in accordance with the prayer of
domain by an LGU. 29 This case, however, is not in point because
administrative rule issued for its implementation. Besides, what the complaint? 42
the applicable law at that time was BP 337, 30 the previous Local
Government Code, which had provided that a mere resolution the discrepancy seems to indicate is a mere oversight in the
would enable an LGU to exercise eminent domain. In contrast, RA wording of the implementing rules, since Article 32, Rule VI The fact that there is no cause of action is evident from the face of
7160, 31 the present Local Government Code which was already in thereof, also requires that, in exercising the power of eminent the Complaint for expropriation which was based on a mere
force when the Complaint for expropriation was filed, explicitly domain, the chief executive of the LGU act pursuant to an resolution. The absence of an ordinance authorizing the same is
required an ordinance for this purpose. ordinance. equivalent to lack of cause of action. Consequently, the Court of


Appeals committed no reversible error in affirming the trial court's subsequently exercise its right to expropriate the same property, Roxas — Gen. Araneta — Gen. Lucban — Gen. Capinpin — Gen.
Decision which dismissed the expropriation suit. once all legal requirements are complied with. To rule otherwise Segundo — Gen. Delgado — Gen. Malvar — Gen. Lim)"; that, at
will not only improperly diminish the power of eminent domain, the time of the passage and approval of said Act, the
but also clearly defeat social justice.
Second Issue: aforementioned feeder roads were "nothing but projected and
planned subdivision roads, not yet constructed, . . . within the
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED without prejudice to Antonio Subdivision . . . situated at . . . Pasig, Rizal" (according to
Eminent Domain Not Barred by Res Judicata
petitioner's proper exercise of its power of eminent domain over
the tracings attached to the petition as Annexes A and B, near
subject property. Costs against petitioner.
As correctly found by the Court of Appeals 43 and the trial Shaw Boulevard, not far away from the intersection between the
court, 44 all the requisites for the application of res judicataare latter and Highway 54), which projected feeder roads "do not
present in this case. There is a previous final judgment on the connect any government property or any important premises to
merits in a prior expropriation case involving identical interests, the main highway"; that the aforementioned Antonio Subdivision
subject matter and cause of action, which has been rendered by a Republic of the Philippines (as well as the lands on which said feeder roads were to be
court having jurisdiction over it. SUPREME COURT construed) were private properties of respondent Jose C. Zulueta,
Manila who, at the time of the passage and approval of said Act, was a
Be that as it may, the Court holds that the principle of res member of the Senate of the Philippines; that on May, 1953,
judicata, which finds application in generally all cases and
EN BANC respondent Zulueta, addressed a letter to the Municipal Council of
proceedings, 45 cannot bar the right of the State or its agent to
expropriate private property. The very nature of eminent domain, Pasig, Rizal, offering to donate said projected feeder roads to the
as an inherent power of the State, dictates that the right to G.R. No. L-10405           December 29, 1960 municipality of Pasig, Rizal; that, on June 13, 1953, the offer was
exercise the power be absolute and unfettered even by a prior accepted by the council, subject to the condition "that the donor
judgment or res judicata. The scope of eminent domain is plenary would submit a plan of the said roads and agree to change the
and, like police power, can "reach every form of property which WENCESLAO PASCUAL, in his official capacity as Provincial
names of two of them"; that no deed of donation in favor of the
the State might need for public use." 46 "All separate interests of Governor of Rizal, petitioner-appellant, 
municipality of Pasig was, however, executed; that on July 10,
individuals in property are held of the government under this tacit vs.
1953, respondent Zulueta wrote another letter to said council,
agreement or implied reservation. Notwithstanding the grant to THE SECRETARY OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS, ET
individuals, the eminent domain, the highest and most exact idea calling attention to the approval of Republic Act. No. 920, and the
AL., respondents-appellees.
of property, remains in the government, or in the aggregate body sum of P85,000.00 appropriated therein for the construction of
of the people in their sovereign capacity; and they have the right the projected feeder roads in question; that the municipal council
to resume the possession of the property whenever the public Asst. Fiscal Noli M. Cortes and Jose P. Santos for appellant. of Pasig endorsed said letter of respondent Zulueta to the District
interest requires it." 47 Thus, the State or its authorized agent Office of the Asst. Solicitor General Jose G. Bautista and Solicitor Engineer of Rizal, who, up to the present "has not made any
cannot be forever barred from exercising said right by reason A. A. Torres for appellee. endorsement thereon" that inasmuch as the projected feeder
alone of previous non-compliance with any legal requirement.
roads in question were private property at the time of the passage
  and approval of Republic Act No. 920, the appropriation of
While the principle of res judicata does not denigrate the right of
P85,000.00 therein made, for the construction, reconstruction,
the State to exercise eminent domain, it does apply to specific
CONCEPCION, J.: repair, extension and improvement of said projected feeder
issues decided in a previous case. For example, a final judgment
dismissing an expropriation suit on the ground that there was no roads, was illegal and, therefore, void ab initio"; that said
prior offer precludes another suit raising the same issue; it appropriation of P85,000.00 was made by Congress because its
Appeal, by petitioner WenceslaoPascual, from a decision of the
cannot, however, bar the State or its agent from thereafter members were made to believe that the projected feeder roads in
Court of First Instance of Rizal, dismissing the above entitled case
complying with this requirement, as prescribed by law, and question were "public roads and not private streets of a private
subsequently exercising its power of eminent domain over the and dissolving the writ of preliminary injunction therein issued,
subdivision"'; that, "in order to give a semblance of legality, when
same property. 48 By the same token, our ruling that petitioner without costs.
there is absolutely none, to the aforementioned appropriation",
cannot exercise its delegated power of eminent domain through a
mere resolution will not bar it from reinstituting similar respondents Zulueta executed on December 12, 1953, while he
On August 31, 1954, petitioner WenceslaoPascual, as Provincial was a member of the Senate of the Philippines, an alleged deed of
proceedings, once the said legal requirement and, for that
Governor of Rizal, instituted this action for declaratory relief, with donation — copy of which is annexed to the petition — of the
matter, all others are properly complied with. Parenthetically and
by parity of reasoning, the same is also true of the principle of injunction, upon the ground that Republic Act No. 920, entitled four (4) parcels of land constituting said projected feeder roads, in
"law of the case." In Republic vs. De Knecht, 49 the Court ruled that "An Act Appropriating Funds for Public Works", approved on June favor of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines; that
the power of the State or its agent to exercise eminent domain is 20, 1953, contained, in section 1-C (a) thereof, an item (43[h]) of said alleged deed of donation was, on the same date, accepted by
not diminished by the mere fact that a prior final judgment over P85,000.00 "for the construction, reconstruction, repair, the then Executive Secretary; that being subject to an onerous
the property to be expropriated has become the law of the case extension and improvement" of Pasig feeder road terminals (Gen.
as to the parties. The State or its authorized agent may still condition, said donation partook of the nature of a contract; that,


such, said donation violated the provision of our fundamental law the appropriation in question because "there is no actual bona known as the Antonio Subdivision, certain portions of which had
prohibiting members of Congress from being directly or indirectly fide case . . . in which the validity of Republic Act No. 920 is been reserved for the projected feeder roads aforementioned,
financially interested in any contract with the Government, and, necessarily involved" and petitioner "has not shown that he has a which, admittedly, were private property of said respondent
hence, is unconstitutional, as well as null and void ab initio, for the personal and substantial interest" in said Act "and that its when Republic Act No. 920, appropriating P85,000.00 for the
construction of the projected feeder roads in question with public enforcement has caused or will cause him a direct injury." "construction, reconstruction, repair, extension and
funds would greatly enhance or increase the value of the improvement" of said roads, was passed by Congress, as well as
aforementioned subdivision of respondent Zulueta, "aside from Acting upon said motions to dismiss, the lower court rendered the when it was approved by the President on June 20, 1953. The
relieving him from the burden of constructing his subdivision aforementioned decision, dated October 29, 1953, holding that, petition further alleges that the construction of said roads, to be
streets or roads at his own expense"; that the construction of said since public interest is involved in this case, the Provincial undertaken with the aforementioned appropriation of
projected feeder roads was then being undertaken by the Bureau Governor of Rizal and the provincial fiscal thereof who represents P85,000.00, would have the effect of relieving respondent Zulueta
of Public Highways; and that, unless restrained by the court, the him therein, "have the requisite personalities" to question the of the burden of constructing his subdivision streets or roads at
respondents would continue to execute, comply with, follow and constitutionality of the disputed item of Republic Act No. 920; his own expenses, 1and would "greatly enhance or increase the
implement the aforementioned illegal provision of law, "to the that "the legislature is without power appropriate public revenues value of the subdivision" of said respondent. The lower court held
irreparable damage, detriment and prejudice not only to the for anything but a public purpose", that the instructions and that under these circumstances, the appropriation in question
petitioner but to the Filipino nation." improvement of the feeder roads in question, if such roads where was "clearly for a private, not a public purpose."
private property, would not be a public purpose; that, being
Petitioner prayed, therefore, that the contested item of Republic subject to the following condition: Respondents do not deny the accuracy of this conclusion, which is
Act No. 920 be declared null and void; that the alleged deed of self-evident. 2However, respondent Zulueta contended, in his
donation of the feeder roads in question be "declared The within donation is hereby made upon the motion to dismiss that:
unconstitutional and, therefor, illegal"; that a writ of injunction be condition that the Government of the Republic of the
issued enjoining the Secretary of Public Works and Philippines will use the parcels of land hereby donated A law passed by Congress and approved by the
Communications, the Director of the Bureau of Public Works and for street purposes only and for no other purposes President can never be illegal because Congress is the
Highways and Jose C. Zulueta from ordering or allowing the whatsoever; it being expressly understood that should source of all laws . . . Aside from the fact that movant
continuance of the above-mentioned feeder roads project, and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines is not aware of any law which makes illegal the
from making and securing any new and further releases on the violate the condition hereby imposed upon it, the title appropriation of public funds for the improvement of
aforementioned item of Republic Act No. 920, and the disbursing to the land hereby donated shall, upon such violation, what we, in the meantime, may assume as private
officers of the Department of Public Works and Highways from ipso facto revert to the DONOR, JOSE C. ZULUETA. property . . . (Record on Appeal, p. 33.)
making any further payments out of said funds provided for in (Emphasis supplied.)
Republic Act No. 920; and that pending final hearing on the
The first proposition must be rejected most emphatically, it being
merits, a writ of preliminary injunction be issued enjoining the
which is onerous, the donation in question is a contract; that said inconsistent with the nature of the Government established under
aforementioned parties respondent from making and securing
donation or contract is "absolutely forbidden by the Constitution" the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines and the system
any new and further releases on the aforesaid item of Republic
and consequently "illegal", for Article 1409 of the Civil Code of the of checks and balances underlying our political structure.
Act No. 920 and from making any further payments out of said
Philippines, declares in existence and void from the very Moreover, it is refuted by the decisions of this Court invalidating
illegally appropriated funds.
beginning contracts "whose cause, objector purpose is contrary to legislative enactments deemed violative of the Constitution or
law, morals . . . or public policy"; that the legality of said donation organic laws. 3
Respondents moved to dismiss the petition upon the ground that may not be contested, however, by petitioner herein, because his
petitioner had "no legal capacity to sue", and that the petition did "interest are not directly affected" thereby; and that, accordingly, As regards the legal feasibility of appropriating public funds for a
"not state a cause of action". In support to this motion, the appropriation in question "should be upheld" and the case public purpose, the principle according to Ruling Case Law, is this:
respondent Zulueta alleged that the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal, not dismissed.
its provincial governor, should represent the Province of Rizal,
pursuant to section 1683 of the Revised Administrative Code; that It is a general rule that the legislature is without power
At the outset, it should be noted that we are concerned with a to appropriate public revenue for anything but a public
said respondent is " not aware of any law which makes illegal the
decision granting the aforementioned motions to dismiss, which purpose. . . . It is the essential character of the direct
appropriation of public funds for the improvements of . . . private
as much, are deemed to have admitted hypothetically the object of the expenditure which must determine its
property"; and that, the constitutional provision invoked by
allegations of fact made in the petition of appellant herein. validity as justifying a tax, and not the magnitude of
petitioner is inapplicable to the donation in question, the same
According to said petition, respondent Zulueta is the owner of the interest to be affected nor the degree to which the
being a pure act of liberality, not a contract. The other
several parcels of residential land situated in Pasig, Rizal, and general advantage of the community, and thus the
respondents, in turn, maintained that petitioner could not assail

public welfare, may be ultimately benefited by their United States, after whose constitutional system ours has been even though such creditors are not affected by the same, except
promotion. Incidental to the public or to the state, patterned, said views and jurisprudence are, likewise, part and indirectly, in the manner indicated in said legal provision.
which results from the promotion of private interest parcel of our own constitutional
and the prosperity of private enterprises or business, Again, it is well-stated that the validity of a statute may be
does not justify their aid by the use public money. (25 This notwithstanding, the lower court felt constrained to uphold contested only by one who will sustain a direct injury in
R.L.C. pp. 398-400; Emphasis supplied.) the appropriation in question, upon the ground that petitioner consequence of its enforcement. Yet, there are many decisions
may not contest the legality of the donation above referred to nullifying, at the instance of taxpayers, laws providing for the
The rule is set forth in Corpus JurisSecundum in the following because the same does not affect him directly. This conclusion is, disbursement of public funds, 5upon the theory that "the
language: presumably, based upon the following premises, namely: (1) that, expenditure of public funds by an officer of the State for the
if valid, said donation cured the constitutional infirmity of the purpose of administering an unconstitutional act constitutes
In accordance with the rule that the taxing power must aforementioned appropriation; (2) that the latter may not be a misapplication of such funds," which may be enjoined at the
be exercised for public purposes only, annulled without a previous declaration of unconstitutionality of request of a taxpayer. 6Although there are some decisions to the
discussed suprasec. 14, money raised by taxation can the said donation; and (3) that the rule set forth in Article 1421 of contrary, 7the prevailing view in the United States is stated in the
be expended only for public purposes and not for the the Civil Code is absolute, and admits of no exception. We do not American Jurisprudence as follows:
advantage of private individuals. (85 C.J.S. pp. 645-646; agree with these premises.
emphasis supplied.) In the determination of the degree of interest essential
The validity of a statute depends upon the powers of Congress at to give the requisite standing to attack the
Explaining the reason underlying said rule, Corpus JurisSecundum the time of its passage or approval, not upon events occurring, or constitutionality of a statute, the general rule is that
states: acts performed, subsequently thereto, unless the latter consists of not only persons individually affected, but
an amendment of the organic law, removing, with retrospective also taxpayers, have sufficient interest in preventing
operation, the constitutional limitation infringed by said statute. the illegal expenditure of moneys raised by taxation
Generally, under the express or implied provisions of
Referring to the P85,000.00 appropriation for the projected and may therefore question the constitutionality of
the constitution, public funds may be used only for
feeder roads in question, the legality thereof depended upon statutes requiring expenditure of public moneys. (11
public purpose. The right of the legislature to
whether said roads were public or private property when the bill, Am. Jur. 761; emphasis supplied.)
appropriate funds is correlative with its right to tax,
which, latter on, became Republic Act 920, was passed by
and, under constitutional provisions against taxation
Congress, or, when said bill was approved by the President and However, this view was not favored by the Supreme Court of the
except for public purposes and prohibiting the
the disbursement of said sum became effective, or on June 20, U.S. in Frothingham vs. Mellon (262 U.S. 447), insofar
collection of a tax for one purpose and the devotion
1953 (see section 13 of said Act). Inasmuch as the land on which as federal laws are concerned, upon the ground that the
thereof to another purpose, no appropriation of state
the projected feeder roads were to be constructed belonged then relationship of a taxpayer of the U.S. to its Federal Government is
funds can be made for other than for a public purpose.
to respondent Zulueta, the result is that said appropriation sought different from that of a taxpayer of a municipal corporation to its
a private purpose, and hence, was null and void. 4 The donation government. Indeed, under thecomposite system of government
xxx           x xx          x xx to the Government, over five (5) months after the approval and existing in the U.S., the states of the Union are integral part of the
effectivity of said Act, made, according to the petition, for the Federation from an international viewpoint, but, each state
The test of the constitutionality of a statute requiring purpose of giving a "semblance of legality", or legalizing, the enjoys internally a substantial measure of sovereignty, subject to
the use of public funds is whether the statute is appropriation in question, did not cure its aforementioned basic the limitations imposed by the Federal Constitution. In fact, the
designed to promote the public interest, as opposed to defect. Consequently, a judicial nullification of said donation need same was made by representatives of each state of the Union,
the furtherance of the advantage of individuals, not precede the declaration of unconstitutionality of said not of the people of the U.S., except insofar as the former
although each advantage to individuals appropriation. represented the people of the respective States, and the people
might incidentally serve the public. (81 C.J.S. pp. 1147; of each State has, independently of that of the others, ratified
emphasis supplied.) Again, Article 1421 of our Civil Code, like many other statutory said Constitution. In other words, the Federal Constitution and the
enactments, is subject to exceptions. For instance, the creditors of Federal statutes have become binding upon the people of the U.S.
Needless to say, this Court is fully in accord with the foregoing a party to an illegal contract may, under the conditions set forth in in consequence of an act of, and, in this sense, through the
views which, apart from being patently sound, are a necessary Article 1177 of said Code, exercise the rights and actions of the respective states of the Union of which they are citizens. The
corollary to our democratic system of government, which, as latter, except only those which are inherent in his person, peculiar nature of the relation between said people and the
such, exists primarily for the promotion of the general welfare. including therefore, his right to the annulment of said contract, Federal Government of the U.S. is reflected in the election of its
Besides, reflecting as they do, the established jurisprudence in the President, who is chosen directly, not by the people of the U.S.,


but by electors chosen by each State, in such manner as the Hence, it is our considered opinion that the circumstances The ordinance in question, which was approved by the municipal
legislature thereof may direct (Article II, section 2, of the Federal surrounding this case sufficiently justify petitioners action in board of the City of Manila on July 25, 1950, imposes a municipal
Constitution) contesting the appropriation and donation in question; that this occupation tax on persons exercising various professions in the
action should not have been dismissed by the lower court; and city and penalizes non-payment of the tax "by a fine of not more
The relation between the people of the Philippines and its that the writ of preliminary injunction should have been than two hundred pesos or by imprisonment of not more than six
taxpayers, on the other hand, and the Republic of the Philippines, maintained. months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion
on the other, is not identical to that obtaining between the people of the court." Among the professions taxed were those to which
and taxpayers of the U.S. and its Federal Government. It is closer, Wherefore, the decision appealed from is hereby reversed, and plaintiffs belong. The ordinance was enacted pursuant to
from a domestic viewpoint, to that existing between the people the records are remanded to the lower court for further paragraph (1) of section 18 of the Revised Charter of the City of
and taxpayers of each state and the government thereof, except proceedings not inconsistent with this decision, with the costs of Manila (as amended by Republic Act No. 409), which empowers
that the authority of the Republic of the Philippines over the this instance against respondent Jose C. Zulueta. It is so ordered. the Municipal Board of said city to impose a municipal occupation
people of the Philippines is more fully direct than that of the tax, not to exceed P50 per annum, on persons engaged in the
states of the Union, insofar as the simple and unitary type of our various professions above referred to.
Paras, C.J., Bengzon, Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Labrador, Reyes,
national government is not subject to limitations analogous to J.B.L., Barrera, Gutierrez David, Paredes, and Dizon, JJ., concur.
those imposed by the Federal Constitution upon the states of the Having already paid their occupation tax under section 201 of the
Union, and those imposed upon the Federal Government in the National Internal Revenue Code, plaintiffs, upon being required to
interest of the Union. For this reason, the rule recognizing the pay the additional tax prescribed in the ordinance, paid the same
right of taxpayers to assail the constitutionality of a legislation under protest and then brought the present suit for the purpose
appropriating local or state public funds — which has been upheld Republic of the Philippines already stated. The lower court upheld the validity of the
by the Federal Supreme Court (Crampton vs. Zabriskie, 101 U.S. SUPREME COURT provision of law authorizing the enactment of the ordinance but
601) — has greater application in the Philippines than that Manila declared the ordinance itself illegal and void on the ground that
adopted with respect to acts of Congress of the United States the penalty there in provided for non-payment of the tax was not
appropriating federal funds. EN BANC legally authorized. From this decision both parties appealed to
this Court, and the only question they have presented for our
Indeed, in the Province of Tayabas vs. Perez (56 Phil., 257), G.R. No. L-4817             May 26, 1954 determination is whether this ruling is correct or not, for though
involving the expropriation of a land by the Province of Tayabas, the decision is silent on the refund of taxes paid plaintiffs make no
two (2) taxpayers thereof were allowed to intervene for the assignment of error on this point.
SILVESTER M. PUNSALAN, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants, 
purpose of contesting the price being paid to the owner thereof, vs.
as unduly exorbitant. It is true that in Custodio vs. President of the THE MUNICIPAL BOARD OF THE CITY OF MANILA, ET To begin with defendants' appeal, we find that the lower court
Senate (42 Off. Gaz., 1243), a taxpayer and employee of the AL., defendants-appellants. was in error in saying that the imposition of the penalty provided
Government was not permitted to question the constitutionality for in the ordinance was without the authority of law. The last
of an appropriation for backpay of members of Congress. paragraph (kk) of the very section that authorizes the enactment
Calanog and Alafriz for plaintiffs-appellants.
However, in Rodriguez vs. Treasurer of the Philippines and of this tax ordinance (section 18 of the Manila Charter) in express
City Fiscal Eugenio Angeles and Assistant Fiscal Eulogio S. Serreno
Barredo vs.Commission on Elections (84 Phil., 368; 45 Off. Gaz., terms also empowers the Municipal Board "to fix penalties for the
for defendants-appellants.
4411), we entertained the action of taxpayers impugning the violation of ordinances which shall not exceed to(sic) two hundred
validity of certain appropriations of public funds, and invalidated pesos fine or six months" imprisonment, or both such fine and
the same. Moreover, the reason that impelled this Court to take REYES, J.: imprisonment, for a single offense." Hence, the pronouncement
such position in said two (2) cases — the importance of the issues below that the ordinance in question is illegal and void because it
therein raised — is present in the case at bar. Again, like the This suit was commenced in the Court of First Instance of Manila imposes a penalty not authorized by law is clearly without basis.
petitioners in the Rodriguez and Barredo cases, petitioner herein by two lawyers, a medical practitioner, a public accountant, a
is not merely a taxpayer. The Province of Rizal, which he dental surgeon and a pharmacist, purportedly "in their own behalf As to plaintiffs' appeal, the contention in substance is that this
represents officially as its Provincial Governor, is our most and in behalf of other professionals practising in the City of ordinance and the law authorizing it constitute class legislation,
populated political subdivision, 8and, the taxpayers therein bear a Manila who may desire to join it." Object of the suit is the are unjust and oppressive, and authorize what amounts to double
substantial portion of the burden of taxation, in the Philippines. annulment of Ordinance No. 3398 of the City of Manila together taxation.
with the provision of the Manila charter authorizing it and the
refund of taxes collected under the ordinance but paid under

In raising the hue and cry of "class legislation", the burden of Pablo, Bengzon, Montemayor, Jugo, Bautista Angelo, Labrador, gift tax, even against the Roman Catholic Church, would not be
plaintiffs' complaint is not that the professions to which they and Concepcion, JJ., concur. valid, for such would be a clear violation of the provisions of the
respectively belong have been singled out for the imposition of Constitution.
this municipal occupation tax; and in any event, the Legislature
may, in its discretion, select what occupations shall be taxed, and After hearing, the CTA rendered judgment, the pertinent portions
in the exercise of that discretion it may tax all, or it may select for of which are quoted below:
Republic of the Philippines
taxation certain classes and leave the others untaxed. (Cooley on
Taxation, Vol. 4, 4th ed., pp. 3393-3395.) Plaintiffs' complaint is ... . Parish priests of the Roman Catholic Church under
that while the law has authorized the City of Manila to impose the canon laws are similarly situated as its Archbishops and
Bishops with respect to the properties of the church
said tax, it has withheld that authority from other chartered cities, EN BANC within their parish. They are the guardians,
not to mention municipalities. We do not think it is for the courts superintendents or administrators of these properties,
to judge what particular cities or municipalities should be with the right of succession and may sue and be sued.
G.R. No. L-19201             June 16, 1965
empowered to impose occupation taxes in addition to those
imposed by the National Government. That matter is peculiarly xxx           x xx           x xx
REV. FR. CASIMIRO LLADOC, petitioner, 
within the domain of the political departments and the courts
would do well not to encroach upon it. Moreover, as the seat of The COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE and The COURT of The petitioner impugns the, fairness of the assessment
the National Government and with a population and volume of TAX APPEALS, respondents. with the argument that he should not be held liable for
trade many times that of any other Philippine city or municipality, gift taxes on donation which he did not receive
Manila, no doubt, offers a more lucrative field for the practice of Hilado and Hilado for petitioner. personally since he was not yet the parish priest of
the professions, so that it is but fair that the professionals in Office of the Solicitor General for respondents. Victorias in the year 1957 when said donation was
Manila be made to pay a higher occupation tax than their given. It is intimated that if someone has to pay at all,
brethren in the provinces. it should be petitioner's predecessor, the Rev. Fr.
PAREDES, J.: Crispin Ruiz, who received the donation in behalf of
the Catholic parish of Victorias or the Roman Catholic
Plaintiffs brand the ordinance unjust and oppressive because they Sometime in 1957, the M.B. Estate, Inc., of Bacolod City, donated Church. Following petitioner's line of thinking, we
say that it creates discrimination within a class in that while P10,000.00 in cash to Rev. Fr. Crispin Ruiz, then parish priest of should be equally unfair to hold that the assessment
professionals with offices in Manila have to pay the tax, outsiders Victorias, Negros Occidental, and predecessor of herein now in question should have been addressed to, and
petitioner, for the construction of a new Catholic Church in the collected from, the Rev. Fr. Crispin Ruiz to be paid from
who have no offices in the city but practice their profession
locality. The total amount was actually spent for the purpose income derived from his present parish where ever it
therein are not subject to the tax. Plaintiffs make a distinction that
intended. may be. It does not seem right to indirectly burden the
is not found in the ordinance. The ordinance imposes the tax present parishioners of Rev. Fr. Ruiz for donee's gift tax
upon every person "exercising" or "pursuing" — in the City of on a donation to which they were not benefited.
Manila naturally — any one of the occupations named, but does On March 3, 1958, the donor M.B. Estate, Inc., filed the donor's
gift tax return. Under date of April 29, 1960, the respondent
not say that such person must have his office in Manila. What xxx           x xx           x xx
Commissioner of Internal Revenue issued an assessment for
constitutes exercise or pursuit of a profession in the city is a donee's gift tax against the Catholic Parish of Victorias, Negros
matter of judicial determination. The argument against double Occidental, of which petitioner was the priest. The tax amounted We saw no legal basis then as we see none now, to
taxation may not be invoked where one tax is imposed by the to P1,370.00 including surcharges, interests of 1% monthly from include within the Constitutional exemption, taxes
state and the other is imposed by the city (1 Cooley on Taxation, May 15, 1958 to June 15, 1960, and the compromise for the late which partake of the nature of an excise upon the use
4th ed., p. 492), it being widely recognized that there is nothing filing of the return. made of the properties or upon the exercise of the
inherently obnoxious in the requirement that license fees or taxes privilege of receiving the properties. (Phipps vs.
be exacted with respect to the same occupation, calling or activity Petitioner lodged a protest to the assessment and requested the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 91 F [2d] 627;
withdrawal thereof. The protest and the motion for 1938, 302 U.S. 742.)
by both the state and the political subdivisions thereof. (51 Am.
reconsideration presented to the Commissioner of Internal
Jur., 341.)
Revenue were denied. The petitioner appealed to the Court of Tax It is a cardinal rule in taxation that exemptions from
Appeals on November 2, 1960. In the petition for review, the Rev. payment thereof are highly disfavored by law, and the
In view of the foregoing, the judgment appealed from is reversed Fr. CasimiroLladoc claimed, among others, that at the time of the party claiming exemption must justify his claim by
in so far as it declares Ordinance No. 3398 of the City of Manila donation, he was not the parish priest in Victorias; that there is no a clear, positive, or express grant of such privilege by
illegal and void and affirmed in so far as it holds the validity of the legal entity or juridical person known as the "Catholic Parish Priest law. (Collector vs. Manila Jockey Club, G.R. No. L-8755,
of Victorias," and, therefore, he should not be liable for the March 23, 1956; 53 O.G. 3762.)
provision of the Manila charter authorizing it. With costs against
donee's gift tax. It was also asserted that the assessment of the

The phrase "exempt from taxation" as employed in the learned respondent Court, the phrase "exempt from ABRA VALLEY COLLEGE, INC., represented by PEDRO V.
Section 22(3), Article VI of the Constitution of the taxation," as employed in the Constitution (supra) should not be BORGONIA, petitioner, 
Philippines, should not be interpreted to mean interpreted to mean exemption from all kinds of taxes. And there vs.
exemption from all kinds of taxes. Statutes exempting being no clear, positive or express grant of such privilege by law, HON. JUAN P. AQUINO, Judge, Court of First Instance, Abra;
charitable and religious property from taxation should in favor of petitioner, the exemption herein must be denied. ARMIN M. CARIAGA, Provincial Treasurer, Abra; GASPAR V.
be construed fairly though strictly and in such manner BOSQUE, Municipal Treasurer, Bangued, Abra; HEIRS OF
as to give effect to the main intent of the lawmakers. PATERNO MILLARE,respondents.
The next issue which readily presents itself, in view of petitioner's
(Roman Catholic Church vs. Hastrings 5 Phil. 701.)
thesis, and Our finding that a tax liability exists, is, who should be
called upon to pay the gift tax? Petitioner postulates that he  
xxx           x xx           x xx should not be liable, because at the time of the donation he was
not the priest of Victorias. We note the merit of the above claim,
and in order to put things in their proper light, this Court, in its
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations,
Resolution of March 15, 1965, ordered the parties to show cause
the decision of the respondent Commissioner of
why the Head of the Diocese to which the parish of Victorias This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision * of the
Internal Revenue appealed from, is hereby affirmed
pertains, should not be substituted in lieu of petitioner Rev. Fr. defunct Court of First Instance of Abra, Branch I, dated June 14,
except with regard to the imposition of the
CasimiroLladoc it appearing that the Head of such Diocese is the 1974, rendered in Civil Case No. 656, entitled "Abra Valley Junior
compromise penalty in the amount of P20.00
real party in interest. The Solicitor General, in representation of College, Inc., represented by Pedro V. Borgonia, plaintiff vs. Armin
(Collector of Internal Revenue v. U.S.T., G.R. No. L-
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, interposed no objection to M. Cariaga as Provincial Treasurer of Abra, Gaspar V. Bosque as
11274, Nov. 28, 1958); ..., and the petitioner, the Rev.
such a substitution. Counsel for the petitioner did not also offer Municipal Treasurer of Bangued, Abra and Paterno Millare,
Fr. CasimiroLladoc is hereby ordered to pay to the
objection thereto. defendants," the decretal portion of which reads:
respondent the amount of P900.00 as donee's gift tax,
plus the surcharge of five per centum (5%) as ad
valorem penalty under Section 119 (c) of the Tax Code, On April 30, 1965, in a resolution, We ordered the Head of the IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the Court
and one per centum (1%) monthly interest from May Diocese to present whatever legal issues and/or defenses he hereby declares:
15, 1958 to the date of actual payment. The surcharge might wish to raise, to which resolution counsel for petitioner,
of 25% provided in Section 120 for failure to file a who also appeared as counsel for the Head of the Diocese, the That the distraint seizure and sale by the
return may not be imposed as the failure to file a Roman Catholic Bishop of Bacolod, manifested that it was Municipal Treasurer of Bangued, Abra, the
return was not due to willful neglect.( ... ) No costs. submitting itself to the jurisdiction and orders of this Court and Provincial Treasurer of said province against
that it was presenting, by reference, the brief of petitioner Rev. the lot and building of the Abra Valley
Fr. CasimiroLladoc as its own and for all purposes. Junior College, Inc., represented by Director
The above judgment is now before us on appeal, petitioner
assigning two (2) errors allegedly committed by the Tax Court, all Pedro Borgonia located at Bangued, Abra, is
of which converge on the singular issue of whether or not In view here of and considering that as heretofore stated, the valid;
petitioner should be liable for the assessed donee's gift tax on the assessment at bar had been properly made and the imposition of
P10,000.00 donated for the construction of the Victorias Parish the tax is not a violation of the constitutional provision exempting That since the school is not exempt from
Church. churches, parsonages or convents, etc. (Art VI, sec. 22 [3], paying taxes, it should therefore pay all
Constitution), the Head of the Diocese, to which the parish back taxes in the amount of P5,140.31 and
Victorias Pertains, is liable for the payment thereof. back taxes and penalties from the
Section 22 (3), Art. VI of the Constitution of the Philippines,
exempts from taxation cemeteries, churches and parsonages or promulgation of this decision;
convents, appurtenant thereto, and all lands, buildings, and The decision appealed from should be, as it is hereby affirmed
improvements used exclusively for religious purposes. The insofar as tax liability is concerned; it is modified, in the sense that That the amount deposited by the plaintaff
exemption is only from the payment of taxes assessed on such petitioner herein is not personally liable for the said gift tax, and him the sum of P60,000.00 before the trial,
properties enumerated, as property taxes, as contra distinguished that the Head of the Diocese, herein substitute petitioner, should be confiscated to apply for the payment of
from excise taxes. In the present case, what the Collector pay, as he is presently ordered to pay, the said gift tax, without the back taxes and for the redemption of
assessed was a donee's gift tax; the assessment was not on the special, pronouncement as to costs. the property in question, if the amount is
properties themselves. It did not rest upon general ownership; it less than P6,000.00, the remainder must be
was an excise upon the use made of the properties, upon the returned to the Director of Pedro Borgonia,
Bengzon, C.J., Bautista Angelo, Concepcion, Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon,
exercise of the privilege of receiving the properties (Phipps vs. who represents the plaintiff herein;
Regala, Makalintal, Bengzon, J.P., and Zaldivar, JJ., concur.
Com. of Int. Rec. 91 F 2d 627). Manifestly, gift tax is not within the
Barrera, J., took no part
exempting provisions of the section just mentioned. A gift tax is
not a property tax, but an excise tax imposed on the transfer of That the deposit of the Municipal Treasurer
property by way of giftintervivos, the imposition of which on in the amount of P6,000.00 also before the
property used exclusively for religious purposes, does not trial must be returned to said Municipal
constitute an impairment of the Constitution. As well observed by Treasurer of Bangued, Abra;
G.R. No. L-39086 June 15, 1988

And finally the case is hereby ordered STIPULATION OF FACTS Abra and the Municipal 
dismissed with costs against the plaintiff. Treasurer of Bangued, Abra
COME NOW the parties, assisted by counsels, and to this
SO ORDERED. (Rollo, pp. 22-23) Honorable Court respectfully enter into the following agreed Sgd. Demetrio V. Pre 
stipulation of facts: Typ. DEMETRIO V. PRE 
Attorney for
Petitioner, an educational corporation and institution of higher
learning duly incorporated with the Securities and Exchange 1. That the personal circumstances of the parties as stated in
Commission in 1948, filed a complaint (Annex "1" of Answer by paragraph 1 of the complaint is admitted; but the particular Defendant 
the respondents Heirs of Paterno Millare; Rollo, pp. 95-97) on July person of Mr. Armin M. Cariaga is to be substituted, however, by Paterno Millare (Rollo, pp. 17-18)
10, 1972 in the court a quo to annul and declare void the "Notice anyone who is actually holding the position of Provincial Treasurer
of Seizure' and the "Notice of Sale" of its lot and building located of the Province of Abra;
Aside from the Stipulation of Facts, the trial court among others,
at Bangued, Abra, for non-payment of real estate taxes and
found the following: (a) that the school is recognized by the
penalties amounting to P5,140.31. Said "Notice of Seizure" of the
2. That the plaintiff Abra Valley Junior College, Inc. is the owner of government and is offering Primary, High School and College
college lot and building covered by Original Certificate of Title No.
the lot and buildings thereon located in Bangued, Abra under Courses, and has a school population of more than one thousand
Q-83 duly registered in the name of petitioner, plaintiff below, on
Original Certificate of Title No. 0-83; students all in all; (b) that it is located right in the heart of the
July 6, 1972, by respondents Municipal Treasurer and Provincial
town of Bangued, a few meters from the plaza and about 120
Treasurer, defendants below, was issued for the satisfaction of
meters from the Court of First Instance building; (c) that the
the said taxes thereon. The "Notice of Sale" was caused to be 3. That the defendant Gaspar V. Bosque, as Municipal treasurer of
elementary pupils are housed in a two-storey building across the
served upon the petitioner by the respondent treasurers on July Bangued, Abra caused to be served upon the Abra Valley Junior
street; (d) that the high school and college students are housed in
8, 1972 for the sale at public auction of said college lot and College, Inc. a Notice of Seizure on the property of said school
the main building; (e) that the Director with his family is in the
building, which sale was held on the same date. Dr. Paterno under Original Certificate of Title No. 0-83 for the satisfaction of
second floor of the main building; and (f) that the annual gross
Millare, then Municipal Mayor of Bangued, Abra, offered the real property taxes thereon, amounting to P5,140.31; the Notice
income of the school reaches more than one hundred thousand
highest bid of P6,000.00 which was duly accepted. The certificate of Seizure being the one attached to the complaint as Exhibit A;
of sale was correspondingly issued to him.
4. That on June 8, 1972 the above properties of the Abra Valley
From all the foregoing, the only issue left for the Court to
On August 10, 1972, the respondent Paterno Millare (now Junior College, Inc. was sold at public auction for the satisfaction
determine and as agreed by the parties, is whether or not the lot
deceased) filed through counstel a motion to dismiss the of the unpaid real property taxes thereon and the same was sold
and building in question are used exclusively for educational
complaint. to defendant Paterno Millare who offered the highest bid of
purposes. (Rollo, p. 20)
P6,000.00 and a Certificate of Sale in his favor was issued by the
defendant Municipal Treasurer.
On August 23, 1972, the respondent Provincial Treasurer and
The succeeding Provincial Fiscal, Hon. Jose A. Solomon and his
Municipal Treasurer, through then Provincial Fiscal Loreto C.
Assistant, Hon. Eustaquio Z. Montero, filed a Memorandum for
Roldan, filed their answer (Annex "2" of Answer by the 5. That all other matters not particularly and specially covered by
the Government on March 25, 1974, and a Supplemental
respondents Heirs of Patemo Millare; Rollo, pp. 98-100) to the this stipulation of facts will be the subject of evidence by the
Memorandum on May 7, 1974, wherein they opined "that based
complaint. This was followed by an amended answer (Annex parties.
on the evidence, the laws applicable, court decisions and
"3," ibid, Rollo, pp. 101-103) on August 31, 1972.
jurisprudence, the school building and school lot used for
WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed of the Honorable Court to educational purposes of the Abra Valley College, Inc., are
On September 1, 1972 the respondent Paterno Millare filed his consider and admit this stipulation of facts on the point agreed exempted from the payment of taxes." (Annexes "B," "B-1" of
answer (Annex "5," ibid; Rollo, pp. 106-108). upon by the parties. Petition; Rollo, pp. 24-49; 44 and 49).

On October 12, 1972, with the aforesaid sale of the school Bangued, Abra, April 12, 1973. Nonetheless, the trial court disagreed because of the use of the
premises at public auction, the respondent Judge, Hon. Juan P. second floor by the Director of petitioner school for residential
Aquino of the Court of First Instance of Abra, Branch I, ordered Sgd. Agripino Brillantes  purposes. He thus ruled for the government and rendered the
(Annex "6," ibid; Rollo, pp. 109-110) the respondents provincial Typ AGRIPINO BRILLANTES  assailed decision.
and municipal treasurers to deliver to the Clerk of Court the Attorney for Plaintiff
proceeds of the auction sale. Hence, on December 14, 1972,
After having been granted by the trial court ten (10) days from
petitioner, through Director Borgonia, deposited with the trial
Sgd. Loreto Roldan  August 6, 1974 within which to perfect its appeal (Per Order dated
court the sum of P6,000.00 evidenced by PNB Check No. 904369.
Typ LORETO ROLDAN  August 6, 1974; Annex "G" of Petition; Rollo, p. 57) petitioner
Provincial Fiscal  instead availed of the instant petition for review
On April 12, 1973, the parties entered into a stipulation of facts Counsel for Defendants  on certiorari with prayer for preliminary injunction before this
adopted and embodied by the trial court in its questioned Provincial Treasurer of  Court, which petition was filed on August 17, 1974 (Rollo, p.2).
decision. Said Stipulations reads:

In the resolution dated August 16, 1974, this Court resolved to President and Director thereof, Mr. Pedro V. Borgonia, and his exclusively" considers incidental use also. Thus, the exemption
give DUE COURSE to the petition (Rollo, p. 58). Respondents were family including the in-laws and grandchildren; and (3) for from payment of land tax in favor of the convent includes, not
required to answer said petition (Rollo, p. 74). commercial purposes because the ground floor of the college only the land actually occupied by the building but also the
building is being used and rented by a commercial establishment, adjacent garden devoted to the incidental use of the parish priest.
the Northern Marketing Corporation (See photograph attached as The lot which is not used for commercial purposes but serves
Petitioner raised the following assignments of error:
Annex "8" (Comment; Rollo, p. 90]). solely as a sort of lodging place, also qualifies for exemption
because this constitutes incidental use in religious functions.
Due to its time frame, the constitutional provision which finds
application in the case at bar is Section 22, paragraph 3, Article VI, The phrase "exclusively used for educational purposes" was
THE COURT A QUO ERRED IN SUSTAINING AS VALID THE SEIZURE of the then 1935 Philippine Constitution, which expressly grants further clarified by this Court in the cases of Herrera vs. Quezon
AND SALE OF THE COLLEGE LOT AND BUILDING USED FOR exemption from realty taxes for "Cemeteries, churches and City Board of assessment Appeals, 3 SCRA 186 [1961]
EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES OF THE PETITIONER. parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, and all lands, and Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Bishop of the
buildings, and improvements used exclusively for religious, Missionary District, 14 SCRA 991 [1965], thus —
II charitable or educational purposes ...
Moreover, the exemption in favor of
THE COURT A QUO ERRED IN DECLARING THAT THE COLLEGE LOT Relative thereto, Section 54, paragraph c, Commonwealth Act No. property used exclusively for charitable or
AND BUILDING OF THE PETITIONER ARE NOT USED EXCLUSIVELY 470 as amended by Republic Act No. 409, otherwise known as the educational purposes is 'not limited to
FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MERELY BECAUSE THE COLLEGE Assessment Law, provides: property actually indispensable' therefor
PRESIDENT RESIDES IN ONE ROOM OF THE COLLEGE BUILDING. (Cooley on Taxation, Vol. 2, p. 1430), but
extends to facilities which are incidental to
The following are exempted from real
and reasonably necessary for the
III property tax under the Assessment Law:
accomplishment of said purposes, such as in
the case of hospitals, "a school for training
THE COURT A QUO ERRED IN DECLARING THAT THE COLLEGE LOT xxx xxx xxx nurses, a nurses' home, property use to
AND BUILDING OF THE PETITIONER ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM provide housing facilities for interns,
PROPERTY TAXES AND IN ORDERING PETITIONER TO PAY (c) churches and parsonages or convents resident doctors, superintendents, and
P5,140.31 AS REALTY TAXES. appurtenant thereto, and all lands, other members of the hospital staff, and
buildings, and improvements used recreational facilities for student nurses,
exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific interns, and residents' (84 CJS 6621), such
IV as "Athletic fields" including "a firm used for
or educational purposes.
the inmates of the institution. (Cooley on
PAYMENT OF THE P5,140.31 REALTY TAXES. (See Brief for the The test of exemption from taxation is the use of the property for
Petitioner, pp. 1-2) In this regard petitioner argues that the primary use of the school purposes mentioned in the Constitution (Apostolic Prefect v. City
lot and building is the basic and controlling guide, norm and Treasurer of Baguio, 71 Phil, 547 [1941]).
The main issue in this case is the proper interpretation of the standard to determine tax exemption, and not the mere
phrase "used exclusively for educational purposes." incidental use thereof.
It must be stressed however, that while this Court allows a more
liberal and non-restrictive interpretation of the phrase
Petitioner contends that the primary use of the lot and building As early as 1916 in YMCA of Manila vs. Collector of lnternal "exclusively used for educational purposes" as provided for in
for educational purposes, and not the incidental use thereof, Revenue, 33 Phil. 217 [1916], this Court ruled that while it may be Article VI, Section 22, paragraph 3 of the 1935 Philippine
determines and exemption from property taxes under Section 22 true that the YMCA keeps a lodging and a boarding house and Constitution, reasonable emphasis has always been made that
(3), Article VI of the 1935 Constitution. Hence, the seizure and sale maintains a restaurant for its members, still these do not exemption extends to facilities which are incidental to and
of subject college lot and building, which are contrary thereto as constitute business in the ordinary acceptance of the word, but an reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of the main
well as to the provision of Commonwealth Act No. 470, otherwise institution used exclusively for religious, charitable and purposes. Otherwise stated, the use of the school building or lot
known as the Assessment Law, are without legal basis and educational purposes, and as such, it is entitled to be exempted for commercial purposes is neither contemplated by law, nor by
therefore void. from taxation. jurisprudence. Thus, while the use of the second floor of the main
building in the case at bar for residential purposes of the Director
In the case of Bishop of Nueva Segovia v. Provincial Board of and his family, may find justification under the concept of
On the other hand, private respondents maintain that the college
Ilocos Norte, 51 Phil. 352 [1972], this Court included in the incidental use, which is complimentary to the main or primary
lot and building in question which were subjected to seizure and
exemption a vegetable garden in an adjacent lot and another lot purpose—educational, the lease of the first floor thereof to the
sale to answer for the unpaid tax are used: (1) for the educational
purposes of the college; (2) as the permanent residence of the formerly used as a cemetery. It was clarified that the term "used

Northern Marketing Corporation cannot by any stretch of the Seno, Mendoza & Associates for private respondent Philphos On 15 November 1989, PMPI filed an amended petition with the
imagination be considered incidental to the purpose of education. Movement for Progress, Inc. Mediator-Arbiter wherein it sought to represent not only
the supervisory employees of petitioner but also
its professional/technical and confidential employees. The
It will be noted however that the aforementioned lease appears  
amended petition was filed in view of the amendment of the
to have been raised for the first time in this Court. That the matter
PMPI Construction which included in its membership
was not taken up in the to court is really apparent in the decision
BELLOSILLO, J.: the professional/technical and confidential employees.
of respondent Judge. No mention thereof was made in the
stipulation of facts, not even in the description of the school
building by the trial judge, both embodied in the decision nor as PHILIPPINE PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER CORPORATION (PHILPHOS) On 14 December 1989, the parties therein agreed to submit their
one of the issues to resolve in order to determine whether or not assails the decision of the Secretary of Labor of 7 August 1990 respective position papers and to consider the amended petition
said properly may be exempted from payment of real estate taxes affirming the order of the Mediator-Arbiter of 28 March 1990 submitted for decision on the basis thereof and related
(Rollo, pp. 17-23). On the other hand, it is noteworthy that such which directed the immediate conduct of a certification election documents.
fact was not disputed even after it was raised in this Court. among the supervisory, professional or technical, and confidential
employees of petitioner corporation.
On 28 March 1990, Mediator-Arbiter Milado issued an order
Indeed, it is axiomatic that facts not raised in the lower court granting the petition and directing the holding of a certification
cannot be taken up for the first time on appeal. Nonetheless, as On 7 July 1989, Philphos Movement for Progress, Inc. (PMPI for election among the "supervisory, professional (engineers,
an exception to the rule, this Court has held that although a brevity), filed with the Department of Labor and Employment a analysts, mechanics, accountants, nurses, midwives,
factual issue is not squarely raised below, still in the interest of petition for certification election among the supervisory etc.), technical, and confidential employees" 1 to comprise the
substantial justice, this Court is not prevented from considering a employees of petitioner, alleging that as a supervisory union duly proposed bargaining unit.
pivotal factual matter. "The Supreme Court is clothed with ample registered with the Department of Labor and Employment it was
authority to review palpable errors not assigned as such if it finds seeking to represent the supervisory employees of Philippine
On 16 April 1990, PHILPHOS appealed the order of 28 March 1990
that their consideration is necessary in arriving at a just decision." Phosphate Fertilizer Corporation.
to the Secretary of Labor and Employment who on 7 August 1990
(Perez vs. Court of Appeals, 127 SCRA 645 [1984]).
rendered a decision through Undersecretary Bienvenido
The petition for certification election filed by PMPI was not Laguesma dismissing the appeal. PHILPHOS moved for
Under the 1935 Constitution, the trial court correctly arrived at opposed by PHILPHOS. In fact, on 11 August 1989, PHILPHOS reconsideration but the same was denied; hence, the instant
the conclusion that the school building as well as the lot where it submitted a position paper with the Mediator-Arbiter stating that petition alleging grave abuse of discretion on the part of public
is built, should be taxed, not because the second floor of the same its management welcomed the creation of a supervisory respondents in rendering the assailed rulings.
is being used by the Director and his family for residential employees' union provided the necessary requisites of law were
purposes, but because the first floor thereof is being used for properly observed, but exempting from the union
On 8 July 1991, this Court issued a temporary restraining order
commercial purposes. However, since only a portion is used for its superintendents who were managerial and not supervisory
enjoining respondents from holding the certification election
purposes of commerce, it is only fair that half of the assessed tax employees as they managed a division, subdivision or section, and
among petitioner's supervisory, professional/technical,
be returned to the school involved. were vested with powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute
and confidential employees scheduled on 12 July 1991.
management policies. PHILPHOS also asserted that
its professional or technical employees were not within the
PREMISES CONSIDERED, the decision of the Court of First Instance
definition of supervisory employees under the Labor Code as they There are two (2) issues raised by petitioner: (1) whether it was
of Abra, Branch I, is hereby AFFIRMED subject to the modification
were immediately under the direction and supervision of its denied due process in the proceedings before respondent
that half of the assessed tax be returned to the petitioner.
superintendents and supervisors. Moreover, the professional and Mediator-Arbiter; and, (2) whether
technical employees did not have a staff of workers under them. its professional/technical and confidential employees may validly
SO ORDERED. Consequently, petitioner prayed for the exclusion of join respondent PMPI union which is composed of supervisors.
its superintendents andprofessional/technical employees from the
PMPI supervisory union.
G.R. No. L-98050 March 17, 1994 PHILPHOS claims that it was denied due process when respondent
Mediator-Arbiter granted the amended petition of respondent
On 13 October 1989, Mediator-Arbiter Rodolfo S. Milado issued PMPI without according PHILPHOS a new opportunity to be heard.
an order directing the holding of a certification election among
the supervisory employees of petitioner, excluding therefrom the
HON. RUBEN D. TORRES, Secretary of Labor and Employment, We do not see it the way PHILPHOS does here. The essence of due
superintendents and theprofessional and technical employees. He
HON. RODOLFO S. MILADO, Department of Labor and process is simply an opportunity to be heard or, as applied to
also directed the parties to attend the pre-election conference on
Employment Mediator-Arbiter for Region VIII, Tacloban, City, administrative proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's side
19 April 1990 for the determination of the mechanics of the
and PHILPHOS MOVEMENT FOR PROGRESS, INC. or an opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling
election process and the qualifications and eligibility of those
(PMPI), respondents. complained of. 2 Where, as in the instant case, petitioner
allowed to vote.
PHILPHOS agreed to file its position paper with the Mediator-
Arbiter and to consider the case submitted for decision on the
Quiroz, Dumas & Henares Law Offices for petitioner.
basis of the position papers filed by the parties, there was

sufficient compliance with the requirement of due process, as directly assist a managerial and/or the supervisors, then PMPI will turn out to be a rank and
petitioner was afforded reasonable opportunity to present its supervisory employee, execute under file union with the supervisors as members.
side. 3 Moreover, petitioner could have, if it so desired, insisted on general supervision, work along specialized
a hearing to confront and examine the witnesses of the other or technical lines requiring special training,
This is precisely the situation which the law prohibits. It would
party. But it did experience or knowledge, or execute under
create an obvious conflict of views among the members, or at
not; 4 instead, it opted to submit its position paper with the general supervision special assignments and
least between two (2) groups of members espousing opposing
Mediator-Arbiter. Besides, petitioner had all the opportunity to task . . . . They are immediately under the
interests. The intent of the law is to avoid a situation
ventilate its arguments in its appeal to the Secretary of Labor. direction and supervision of supervisors or
where supervisors would merge with the rank and file, or where
superintendents. They have no men under
the supervisors' labor organization would represent conflicting
them but are regularly called upon by their
As regards the second issue, we are with petitioner that being interests, especially where, as in the case at bar, the supervisors
supervisors or superintendents on some
a supervisory union, respondent PMPI cannot represent will be commingling with those employees whom they directly
technical matters. 6
the professional/technical and confidential employees of supervise in their own bargaining unit. Members of the
petitioner whose positions we find to be more of the rank and file supervisory union might refuse to carry out disciplinary measures
than supervisory. Moreover, Herculano, A. Duhaylungsod, Personnel Officer of against their co-member rank and file employees. 10
petitioner, attested that there was no community of interests
between the supervisors of petitioner and
With the enactment in March 1989 of R.A. 6715, employees were Supervisors have the right to form their own union or labor
the professional/technical employees; that as of 25 July 1990,
thereunder reclassified into three (3) groups, namely: (a) organization. What the law prohibits is a union whose
personnel records showed that there were 125 supervisors and
managerial employees, (b) supervisory employees, and (c) rank membership comprises of supervisors merging with the rank and
271 professional/technical employees; that of the
and file employees. The category of supervisory employees is file employees because this is where conflict of interests may arise
271 professional/technical employees, 150 were directly under
once again recognized in the present law. in the areas of discipline, collective bargaining and
and being supervised by supervisors, while the rest were staff
strikes. 11 The professional/technical employees of petitioner
members of superintendents. 7
therefore may join the existing rank and file union, or form a
Article 212, par. (m), of the Labor Code, as amended, provides,
union separate and distinct from the existing union organized by
that "(s)upervisory employees are those who, in the interest of
The certification of Personnel Officer Duhaylungsod that the rank and file employees of the same company.
the employer, effectively recommend such managerial actions if
its professional/technical employees occupy positions that are
the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or clerical in
non-supervisory is evidence that said employees belong to
nature but requires the use of independent judgment." The As to the confidential employees of the petitioner, the latter has
the rank and file. 8 Quite obviously, theseprofessional/technical
definition of managerial employees is limited to those having not shown any proof or compelling reason to exclude them from
employees cannot effectively recommend managerial actions with
authority to hire and fire, while those who only recommend joining respondent PMPI and from participating in the
the use of independent judgment because they are under the
effectively the hiring or firing or transfer of personnel; are certification election, unless these confidential employees are the
supervision of superintendents and supervisors. Because it is
considered closer to rank and file employees. The exclusion same professional/technical employees whom we find to be
unrefuted that theseprofessional/technical employees are
therefore of mid-level executives from the category of managers occupying rank and file positions.
performing non-supervisory functions, hence considered
has brought about a third classification, the supervisory
admitted, they should be classified, at least for purposes of this
employees. The peculiar role of supervisors is such that while they
case, as rank and file employees. Consequently, WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision of
are not managers, when they recommend action implementing
these professional/technical employees cannot be allowed to join respondent Secretary of Labor of 7 August 1990, as well as the
management policy or ask for the discipline or dismissal of
a union composed of supervisors. Conversely, supervisory order of the respondent Mediator-Arbiter of 28 March 1990, is
subordinates, they identify with the interests of the employer and
employees cannot join a labor organization of employees under SET ASIDE. The professional/technical employees of petitioner
may act contrary to the interests of the rank and file. 5
their supervision but may validly form a separate organization of Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer Corporation (PHILPHOS) are
their own. 9 This is provided in Art. 245 of the Labor Code, as declared disqualified from affiliating with respondent Philphos
In its position paper submitted to the Mediator-Arbiter, petitioner amended by R.A. No. 6715, to wit: Movement for Progress, Inc. (PMPI).
described the positions and functions of itsprofessional/technical
employees, (engineers, analysts, mechanics, accountants, nurses,
. . . Managerial employees are not eligible The Department of Labor is directed to order immediately the
and midwives). The guidelines, which were not refuted by
to join, assist or form any labor conduct of certification election among the supervisory
respondent PMPI, state:
organization. Supervisory employees shall employees of petitioner, particularly excluding therefrom its
not be eligible for membership in a labor professional and technical employees.
. . . . Professional and Technical positions organization of the rank and file employees
are those whose primary duty consists of but may join, assist or form separate labor SO ORDERED.
the performance of work directly related to organizations of their own.
management programs; who customarily,
regularly and routinarily exercise judgment G.R. No. 131652 March 9, 1998
Respondent PMPI is supposed to be a union of 125 supervisors. If
in the application of concepts, methods,
the professional/technical employees are included as members,
systems and procedures in their respective BAYANI M. ALONTE, petitioner, 
and records show that they are 271 in all or much more than
fields of specialization; who regularly and vs.

HON. MAXIMO A. SAVELLANO JR., NATIONAL BUREAU OF The case was docketed Criminal Case No. 9619-B and assigned by 5 That I do not blame anyone for the long, judicial
INVESTIGATION and PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents. raffle to Branch 25 of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna, presided over by process, I simply wish to stop and live elsewhere with
Judge Pablo B. Francisco. my family, where we can start life anew, and live
normally once again;
G.R. No. 131728 March 9, 1998
On 13 December 1996, Juvie-lyn Punongbayan, through her
counsel Attorney Remedios C. Balbin, and Assistant Chief State 6. That I pray that I be allowed to withdraw my
Prosecutor ("ACSP") Leonardo Guiyab, Jr., filed with the Office of complaint for rape and the other charge for child
the Court Administrator a Petition for a Change of Venue abuse wherein the Five-Man Investigating Panel of the
(docketed Administrative Matter No. 97-1-12-RTC) to have the Office of the State Prosecutor found a prima facie case
case transferred and tried by any of the Regional Trial Courts in although the information has not been filed, and that I
Metro Manila. will not at any time revive this, and related cases or file
  new cases, whether, criminal, civil, and/or
administrative, here or anywhere in the Philippines;
During the pendency of the petition for change of venue, or on 25
VITUG, J.: June 1997, Juvie-lyn Punongbayan, assisted by her parents and
counsel, executed an affidavit of desistance, quoted herein in full, 7 That I likewise realize that the execution of this
Pending before this Court are two separate petitions, one filed by as follows: Affidavit will put to doubt my credibility as a witness-
petitioner Bayani M. Alonte, docketed G.R. No. 131652, and the complainant;
other by petitioner Buenaventura Concepcion, docketed G.R. No. AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE
131728, that assail the decision of respondent Judge Maximo A. 8. That this is my final decision reached without fear or
Savellano, Jr., of the Regional Trial Court ("RTC"), Branch 53, of favor, premised on a corresponding commitment that
Manila finding both petitioners guilty beyond reasonable doubt of there will be no reprisals in whatever form, against
a resident of No. 5 Uranus Street, Congressional
the crime of rape. The two petitions were consolidated. members of the police force or any other official of
Avenue Subdivision, Quezon City, duly assisted by
officer, my relatives and friends who extended
private legal counsel and my parents, after having duly
On 05 December 1996, an information for rape was filed against assistance to me in whatever way, in my search for
sworn in accordance with law, depose and say:
petitioners Bayani M. Alonte, an incumbent Mayor of Biñan, justice.
Laguna, and Buenaventura Concepcion predicated on a complaint
1. That I am the Complainant in the rape case filed
filed by Juvie-lyn Punongbayan. The information contained the WHEREOF, I affix my signature this 25 day of June,
against Mayor Bayani "Arthur" Alonte of Biñan,
following averments; thus: 1997, in Quezon City.
Laguna, with the RTC-Branch 25 of Biñan, Laguna;

That on or about September 12, 1996, in Sto. Tomas, (Sgd)

2. That the case has been pending for some time, on
Biñan, Laguna, and within the jurisdiction of this JUVIE-LYN
preliminary issues, specifically, (a) change of venue,
Honorable court, the above named accused, who is the Y.
filed with the Supreme Court; (b) propriety of the
incumbent mayor of Biñan, Laguna after giving PUNONGB
appeal to the Court of Appeals, and after its denial by
complainant-child drinking water which made her dizzy AYAN
said court, brought to the Office of the President, on
and weak, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and
the veracity of the findings of the Five-Man
feloniously have carnal knowledge with said JUVIELYN
Investigating Panel of the State Prosecutor's Office, Complaina
PUNONGBAYAN against her will and consent, to her
and the Secretary of Justice, and (c) a hold-departure nt
damage and prejudice.
order filed with the Biñan Court.
Assisted by:
That accused Buenaventura "Wella" Concepcion
3. That the legal process moves ever so slowly, and
without having participated as principal or accessory
meanwhile, I have already lost two (2) semesters of my
assisted in the commission of the offense by bringing (Sgd) ATTY. REMEDIOS C. BALBIN
college residence. And when the actual trial is held
said complainant child to the rest house of accused
after all the preliminary issues are finally resolved, I
Bayani "Arthur" Alonte at Sto. Tomas, Biñan, Laguna
anticipate a still indefinite suspension of my schooling P
and after receiving the amount of P1,000.00 left her
to attend the hearings; r
alone with Bayani Alonte who subsequently raped her.
4. That during the entire period since I filed the case,
Contrary to Law. 1 a
my family has lived a most abnormal life: my father
and mother had to give up their jobs; my younger
brother, who is in fourth grade, had to stop his
schooling, like myself;

P B. It is thus incorrect for oppositors Alonte and Per Judge Savellano, both parties agreed to proceed with the trial
r Concepcion to contend that the fear of the petitioner, of the case on the merits. 4 According to Alonte, however, Judge
o her private counsel and her witnesses are too Savellano allowed the prosecution to present evidence relative
s generalized if not fabricated. Indeed, the probability only to the question of the voluntariness and validity of the
e that in desisting from pursuing her complaint for rape, affidavit of desistance. 5
c petitioner, a minor, may have succumbed to some
u illicit influence and undue pressure. To prevent
It would appear that immediately following the arraignment, the
t possible miscarriage of justice is a good excuse to grant
prosecution presented private complainant Juvielyn Punongbayan
o the petition to transfer the venue of Criminal Case No.
followed by her parents. During this hearing, Punongbayan
r 9619-B from Biñan, Laguna to the City of Manila.
affirmed the validity and voluntariness of her affidavit of
desistance. She stated that she had no intention of giving positive
In the presence of: IN VIEW WHEREOF, the Petition for Change of Venue testimony in support of the charges against Alonte and had no
from Biñan, Laguna to the City of Manila is granted. interest in further prosecuting the action. Punongbayan
The Executive Judge of RTC Manila is ordered to raffle confirmed: (i) That she was compelled to desist because of the
Crim. Case No. 9619-B to any of its branches. The judge harassment she was experiencing from the media, (ii) that no
to whom Crim. Case No. 9619-B shall be raffled shall pressures nor influence were exerted upon her to sign the
Father resolve the petitioner's Motion to Resume Proceedings affidavit of desistance, and (iii) that neither she nor her parents
filed in Br. XXV of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna and received a single centavo from anybody to secure the affidavit of
(Sgd) JULIE Y. PUNONGBAYAN determine the voluntariness and validity of petitioner's desistance.
desistance in light of the opposition of the public
prosecutor, Asst. Chief State Prosecutor Leonardo
Mother Assistant State Prosecutor Marilyn Campomanes then presented,
Guiyab. The branch clerk of court of Br. XXV of the RTC
in sequence: (i) Punongbayan's parents, who affirmed their
of Biñan, Laguna is ordered to personally deliver to the
signatures on the affidavit of desistance and their consent to their
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 25 day of Executive Judge of Manila the complete records of
daughter's decision to desist from the case, and (ii) Assistant
June, 1997, in Quezon City. Crim. Case No. 9619-B upon receipt of this Resolution. 3
Provincial Prosecutor Alberto Nofuente, who attested that the
affidavit of desistance was signed by Punongbayan and her
(Sgd) On 17 September 1997, the case, now re-docketed Criminal Case parents in his presence and that he was satisfied that the same
Illegible No. 97-159955 by the Clerk of Court of Manila, was assigned by was executed freely and voluntarily. Finally, Campomanes
raffle to Branch 53, RTC Manila, with respondent Judge Maximo A. manifested that in light of the decision of private complainant and
Savellano, Jr., presiding. her parents not to pursue the case, the State had no further
Administer evidence against the accused to prove the guilt of the accused.
ing She, then, moved for the "dismissal of the case" against both
Officer 2 On 07 October 1997, Juvie-lyn Punongbayan, through Attorney
Alonte and Concepcion.
Balbin, submitted to the Manila court a "compliance" where she
reiterated "her decision to abide by her Affidavit of Desistance."
On 28 June 1997, Atty. Ramon C. Casino, on behalf of petitioners, Thereupon, respondent judge said that "the case was submitted
moved to have the petition for change of venue dismissed on the for decision." 6
ground that it had become moot in view of complainant's affidavit In an Order, dated 09 October 1997, Judge Savellano found
of desistance. On 22 August 1997, ACSP Guiyab filed his comment probable cause for the issuance of warrants for the arrest of
on the motion to dismiss. Guiyab asserted that he was not aware petitioners Alonte and Concepcion "without prejudice to, and On 10 November 1997, petitioner Alonte filed an "Urgent Motion
of the desistance of private complainant and opined that the independent of, this Court's separate determination as the trier of to Admit to Bail." Assistant State Prosecutor Campomanes, in a
desistance, in any case, would not produce any legal effect since it facts, of the voluntariness and validity of the [private Comment filed on the same date, stated that the State interposed
was the public prosecutor who had direction and control of the complainant's] desistance in the light of the opposition of the "no objection to the granting of bail and in fact Justice and Equity
prosecution of the criminal action. He prayed for the denial of the public prosecutor, Asst. Chief State Prosecutor Leonardo Guiyab." dictates that it joins the accused in his prayer for the granting of
motion to dismiss. bail."
On 02 November 1997, Alonte voluntarily surrendered himself to
On 02 September 1997, this Court issued a Resolution Director Santiago Toledo of the National Bureau of Investigation Respondent judge did not act on the application for bail.
(Administrative Matter No. 97-1-12-RTC), granting the petition for ("NBI"), while Concepcion, in his case, posted the recommended
change of venue. The Court said: bail of P150,000.00.
On 17 November 1997, Alonte filed anew an Urgent Plea to
Resolve the Motion for Bail. On even date, ASP Campomanes filed
These affidavits give specific names, dates, and On 07 November 1997, petitioners were arraigned and both a Manifestation deeming "it proper and in accord with justice and
methods being used to abort, by coercion or pleaded "not guilty" to the charge. The parties manifested that fair play to join the aforestated motion."
corruption, the prosecution of Criminal Case No. 9619- they were waiving pre-trial. The proceedings forthwith went on.


Again, the respondent judge did not act on the urgent motion. Alonte submits the following grounds in support of his petition 2. There had been no valid promulgation of judgment
seeking to have the decision nullified and the case remanded for at least as far as petitioner is concerned.
new trial; thus:
The records would indicate that on the 25th November 1997, 1st
December 1997, 8th December 1997 and 10th December 1997, 3. The decision had been rendered in gross violation of
petitioner Alonte filed a Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Motion The respondent Judge committed grave abuse of the right of the accused to a fair trial by an impartial
for Early Resolution, respectively, in respect of his application for discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction and neutral judge whose actuations and outlook of the
bail. None of these motions were acted upon by Judge Savellano. when he rendered a Decision in the case a quo (Annex case had been motivated by a sinister desire to ride on
A) without affording the petitioner his Constitutional the crest of media hype that surrounded this case and
right to due process of law (Article III, §1, Constitution). use this case as a tool for his ambition for promotion to
On 17 December 1997, Attorney Philip Sigfrid A. Fortun, the lead
a higher court.
counsel for petitioner Alonte received a notice from the RTC
Manila. Branch 53, notifying him of the schedule of promulgation, The respondent Judge committed grave abuse of
on 18 December 1997, of the decision on the case. The counsel discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction 4. The decision is patently contrary to law and the
for accused Concepcion denied having received any notice of the when he rendered a Decision in the case a quo in jurisprudence in so far as it convicts the petitioner as a
scheduled promulgation. violation of the mandatory provisions of the Rules on principal even though he has been charged only as an
Criminal Procedure, specifically, in the conduct and accomplice in the information. 9
order of trial (Rule 119) prior to the promulgation of a
On 18 December 1997, after the case was called, Atty. Sigrid
judgment (Rule 120; Annex A).
Fortun and Atty. Jose Flaminiano manifested that Alonte could not The petitions deserve some merit; the Court will disregard, in view
attend the promulgation of the decision because he was suffering of the case milieu, the prematurity of petitioners' invocation, i.e.,
from mild hypertension and was confined at the NBI clinic and The respondent Judge committed grave abuse of even before the trial court could resolve Alonte's motion for
that, upon the other hand, petitioner Concepcion and his counsel discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction reconsideration.
would appear not to have been notified of the proceedings. The when, in total disregard of the Revised Rules on
promulgation, nevertheless, of the decision proceeded in Evidence and existing doctrinal jurisprudence, he
The Court must admit that it is puzzled by the somewhat strange
absentia; the reading concluded: rendered a Decision in the case a quo (Annex A) on the
way the case has proceeded below. Per Judge Savellano, after the
basis of two (2) affidavits (Punongbayan's and Balbin's)
waiver by the parties of the pre-trial stage, the trial of the case did
which were neither marked nor offered into evidence
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered finding the proceed on the merits but that —
by the prosecution, nor without giving the petitioner
two (2) accused Mayor Bayani Alonte and
an opportunity to cross-examine the affiantsthereof,
Buenaventura "Wella" Concepcion guilty beyond
again in violation of petitioner's right to due process The two (2) accused did not present any countervailing
reasonable doubt of the heinous crime of RAPE, as
(Article III, §1, Constitution). evidence during the trial. They did not take the witness
defined and penalized under Article 335(2) in relation
stand to refute or deny under oath the truth of the
to Article 27 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by
contents of the private complainant's aforementioned
Republic Act No. 7659, for which each one of the them The respondent Judge committed grave abuse of
affidavit which she expressly affirmed and confirmed in
is hereby sentenced to suffer the indivisible penalty discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction
Court, but, instead, thru their respective lawyers, they
of RECLUSION PERPETUA or imprisonment for twenty when he rendered a Decision in the case a quo without
rested and submitted the case for decision merely on
(20) years and one (1) day to forty (40) years. conducting a trial on the facts which would establish
the basis of the private complainant's so called
that complainant was raped by petitioner (Rule 119,
"desistance" which, to them, was sufficient enough for
Article III, §1, Constitution), thereby setting a
In view thereof, the bail bond put up by the accused their purposes. They left everything to the so-called
dangerous precedent where heinous offenses can
Buenaventura "Wella'" Concepcion for his provisional "desistance" of the private complainant. 10
result in conviction without trial (then with more
liberty is hereby cancelled and rendered without any
reason that simpler offenses could end up with the
further force and effect.
same result). 8 According to petitioners, however, there was no such trial for
what was conducted on 07 November 1997, aside from the
SO ORDERED. 7 arraignment of the accused, was merely a proceeding in
On the other hand, Concepcion relies on the following grounds in
conformity with the resolution of this Court in Administrative Case
support of his own petition; thus:
No. 97-1-12-RTC to determine the validity and voluntariness of
On the same day of 18th December 1997, petitioner Alonte filed a
the affidavit of desistance executed by Punongbayan.
motion for reconsideration. Without waiting for its resolution,
1. The decision of the respondent Judge rendered in
Alonte filed the instant "Ex Abundante Ad Cautelam" for
the course of resolving the prosecution's motion to
"Certiorari, Prohibition, Habeas Corpus, Bail, Recusation of It does seem to the Court that there has been undue precipitancy
dismiss the case is a patent nullity for having been
respondent Judge, and for Disciplinary Action against an RTC in the conduct of the proceedings. Perhaps the problem could
rendered without jurisdiction, without the benefit of a
Judge." Petitioner Concepcion later filed his own petition have well been avoided had not the basic procedures been, to the
trial and in total violation of the petitioner's right to
for certiorari and mandamus with the Court. Court's perception, taken lightly. And in this shortcoming, looking
due process of law.
at the records of the case, the trial court certainly is not alone to

Section 14, paragraphs (1) and (2), of Article III, of the Constitution justice, permits them to present additional evidence circumstances and likely consequences." 16 Mere silence of the
provides the fundamentals. bearing upon the main issue. holder of the right should not be so construed as a waiver of right,
and the courts must indulge every reasonable presumption
against waiver. 17 The Solicitor General has aptly discerned a few
(1) No person shall be held to answer for a criminal (d) Upon admission of the evidence, the case shall be
of the deviations from what otherwise should have been the
offense without due process of law. deemed submitted for decision unless the court directs
regular course of trial: (1) Petitioners have not been directed to
the parties to argue orally or to submit memoranda.
present evidence to prove their defenses nor have dates therefor
(2) In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be been scheduled for the purpose; 18 (2) the parties have not been
presumed innocent until the contrary is proved, and (e) However, when the accused admits the act or given the opportunity to present rebutting evidence nor have
shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself and omission charged in the complaint or information but dates been set by respondent Judge for the purpose; 19 and (3)
counsel, to be informed of the nature and cause of the interposes a lawful defense, the order of trial may be petitioners have not admitted the act charged in the Information
accusation against him, to have a speedy, impartial, modified accordingly. so as to justify any modification in the order of trial. 20 There can
and public trial, to meet the witnesses face to face, and be no short-cut to the legal process, and there can be no excuse
to have compulsory process to secure the attendance for not affording an accused his full day in court. Due process,
In Tabao vs. Espina, 14 the Court has underscored the need to
of witnesses and the production of evidence in his rightly occupying the first and foremost place of honor in our Bill
adhere strictly to the above rules. It reminds that —
behalf. However, after arraignment, trial may proceed of Rights, is an enshrined and invaluable right that cannot be
notwithstanding the absence of the accused provided denied even to the most undeserving.
that he has been duly notified and his failure to appear . . . each step in the trial process serves a specific
is unjustifiable. purpose. In the trial of criminal cases, the
constitutional presumption of innocence in favor of an This case, in fine, must be remanded for further proceedings. And,
accused requires that an accused be given sufficient since the case would have to be sent back to the court a quo,
Jurisprudence 11 acknowledges that due process in criminal this ponencia has carefully avoided making any statement or
opportunity to present his defense. So, with the
proceedings, in particular, require (a) that the court or tribunal reference that might be misconstrued as prejudgment or as pre-
prosecution as to its evidence.
trying the case is properly clothed with judicial power to hear and empting the trial court in the proper disposition of the case. The
determine the matter before it; (b) that jurisdiction is lawfully Court likewise deems it appropriate that all related proceedings
acquired by it over the person of the accused; (c) that the accused Hence, any deviation from the regular course of trial therein, including the petition for bail, should be subject to the
is given an opportunity to be heard; and (d) that judgment is should always take into consideration the rights of all proper disposition of the trial court.
rendered only upon lawful hearing. 12 the parties to the case, whether in the prosecution or
defense. In the exercise of their discretion, judges are
sworn not only to uphold the law but also to do what is Nevertheless, it is needful to stress a few observations on the
The above constitutional and jurisprudential postulates, by now affidavit of desistance executed by the complainant.
fair and just. The judicial gavel should not be wielded
elementary and deeply imbedded in our own criminal justice
by one who has an unsound and distorted sense of
system, are mandatory and indispensable. The principles find
justice and fairness. 15 Firstly, the affidavit of desistance of Juvie-Lyn Punongbayan,
universal acceptance and are tersely expressed in the oft-quoted
hereinbefore quoted, does not contain any statement that
statement that procedural due process cannot possibly be met
While Judge Savellano has claimed in his Comment that — disavows the veracity of her complaint against petitioners but
without a "law which hears before it condemns, which proceeds
merely seeks to "be allowed to withdraw" her complaint and to
upon inquiry and renders judgment only after trial." 13
discontinue with the case for varied other reasons. On this
Petitioners-accused were each represented during the subject, the case ofPeople vs. Junio, 21 should be instructive. The
The order of trial in criminal cases is clearly spelled out in Section hearing on 07 November 1997 with their respective Court has there explained:
3, Rule 119, of the Rules of Court; viz: counsel of choice. None of their counsel interposed an
intention to cross-examine rape victim Juvielyn
Punongbayan, even after she attested, in answer to The appellant's submission that the execution of an
Sec. 3. Order of trial. — The trial shall proceed in the Affidavit of Desistance by complainant who was
respondent judge's clarificatory questions, the
following order: assisted by her mother supported the "inherent
voluntariness and truth of her two affidavits — one
detailing the rape and the other detailing the attempts incredibility of prosecution's evidence" is specious. We
(a) The prosecution shall present evidence to prove the to buy her desistance; the opportunity was missed/not have said in so many cases that retractions are
charge and, in the proper case, the civil liability. used, hence waived. The rule of case law is that the generally unreliable and are looked upon with
right to confront and cross-examine a witness "is a considerable disfavor by the courts. The unreliable
personal one and may be waived." (emphasis supplied) character of this document is shown by the fact that it
(b) The accused may present evidence to prove his is quite incredible that after going through the process

defense, and damages, if any, arising from the issuance of having accused-appellant arrested by the police,
of any provisional remedy in the case. positively identifying him as the person who raped her,
it should be pointed out, however, that the existence of the enduring the humiliation of a physical examination of
waiver must be positively demonstrated. The standard of waiver her private parts, and then repeating her accusations
(c) The parties may then respectively present rebutting
requires that it "not only must be voluntary, but must be knowing, in open court by recounting her anguish, Maryjane
evidence only, unless the court, in furtherance of
intelligent, and done with sufficient awareness of the relevant

would suddenly turn around and declare that "[a]fter a recalled to the witness stand to testify on her affidavit. justify the dismissal of the complaint should have been
careful deliberation over the case, (she) find(s) that the Her affidavit is thus hearsay. It was her husband, made prior to the institution of the criminal action.
same does not merit or warrant criminal prosecution. Roque Asenita, who was presented and the matters he [People vs. Entes, 103 SCRA 162, cited by People vs.
testified to did not even bear on the substance of Soliao, 194 SCRA 250, which in turn is cited in People
Tessie's affidavit. He testified that accused-appellant vs. Villorente, 210 SCRA 647.] Here, the motion to
Thus, we have declared that at most the retraction is
was not involved in the perpetration of the crime. dismiss to which the affidavit of desistance is attached
an afterthought which should not be given probative
was filed after the institution of the criminal case. And,
value. It would be a dangerous rule to reject the
affiant did not appear to be serious in "signifying (her)
testimony taken before the court of justice simply In the second place, to accept the new evidence
intention to refrain from testifying" since she still
because the witness who has given it later on changed uncritically would be to make a solemn trial a mockery
completed her testimony notwithstanding her earlier
his mind for one reason or another. Such a rule will and place the investigation at the mercy of
affidavit of desistance. More, the affidavit is suspect
make a solemn trial a mockery and place the unscrupulous witnesses. [De Guzman vs. Intermediate
considering that while it was dated "April 1992," it was
investigation at the mercy of unscrupulous witnesses. Appellate Court, 184 SCRA 128, 134, citing People vs.
only submitted sometime in August 1992, four (4)
Because affidavits of retraction can easily be secured Morales, 113 SCRA 683.] For even assuming that Tessie
months after the Information was filed before the
from poor and ignorant witnesses, usually for Asenita had made a retraction, this circumstance alone
court a quo on 6 April 1992, perhaps dated as such to
monetary consideration, the Court has invariably does not require the court to disregard her original
coincide with the actual filing of the case. 26
regarded such affidavits as exceedingly unreliable testimony. A retraction does not necessarily negate an
[Flores vs. People, 211 SCRA 622, citing De Guzman vs. earlier declaration. [People vs. Davatos, 229 SCRA 647.]
Intermediate Appellate Court, 184 SCRA 128; People For this reason, courts look with disfavor upon In People vs. Miranda, 27 applying the pertinent provisions of
vs. Galicia, 123 SCRA 550.] 22 retractions because they can easily be obtained from Article 344 of the Revised Penal Code which, in full, states —
witnesses usually through intimidation or for monetary
considerations. [People vs. Clamor, 198 SCRA 642.]
The Junio rule is no different from ordinary criminal cases. For Art. 344. Prosecution of the crimes of adultery,
Hence, when confronted with a situation where a
instance, in People vs. Ballabare, 23 a murder case, the Court has concubinage, seduction, abduction, rape, and acts of
witness recants his testimony, courts must not
ruled: lasciviousness. The crimes of adultery and concubinage
automatically exclude the original testimony solely on
shall not be prosecuted except upon a complaint filed
the basis of the recantation. They should determine
by the offended spouse.
The contention has no merit. To begin with, the which testimony should be given credence through a
Affidavit executed by eyewitness Tessie Asenita is not a comparison of the original testimony and the new
recantation. To recant a prior statement is to renounce testimony, applying the general rules of evidence. The offended party cannot institute criminal
and withdraw it formally and publicly. [36 WORDS AND [Reano vs. Court of Appeals, 165 SCRA 525.] In this prosecution without including both the guilty parties, if
PHRASES 683, citing Pradlik vs. State, 41-A 2nd, 906, case we think the trial court correctly ruled. 24 they are both alive, nor, in any case, if he shall have
907.] In her affidavit, Tessie Asenita did not really consented or pardoned the offenders.
recant what she had said during the trial. She only said
It may not be amiss to state that courts have the inherent power
she wanted to withdraw her testimony because her
to compel the attendance of any person to testify in a case The offenses of seduction, abduction, rape or acts of
father, Leonardo Tacadao, Sr., was no longer
pending before it, and a party is not precluded from invoking that lasciviousness, shall not be prosecuted except upon a
interested in prosecuting the case against accused-
authority. 25 complaint filed by the offended party or her parents,
appellant. Thus, her affidavit stated:
grandparents, or guardian, nor, in any case, if the
offender has been expressly pardoned by the above
Secondly, an affidavit of desistance by itself, even when construed
3. That inasmuch as my father, Leonardo Tacadao, Sr., named persons, as the case may be.
as a pardon in the so-called "private crimes," is not a ground for
the complainant therein, was no longer interested to
the dismissal of the criminal case once the action has been
prosecute the case as manifested in the Sworn
instituted. The affidavit, nevertheless, may, as so earlier In cases of seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness
Affidavit of Desistance before the Provincial
intimated, possibly constitute evidence whose weight or and rape, the marriage of the offender with the
Prosecutor, I do hereby WITHDRAW and/or REVOKE
probative value, like any other piece of evidence, would be up to offended party shall extinguish the criminal action or
my testimony of record to confirm (sic) with my
the court for proper evaluation. The decision in Junio went on to remit the penalty already imposed upon him. The
father's desire;
hold — provisions of this paragraph shall also be applicable to
the coprincipals, accomplices and accessories after the
It is absurd to disregard a testimony that has fact of the above-mentioned crimes.
While "[t]he offenses of seduction, abduction, rape or
undergone trial and scrutiny by the court and the
acts of lasciviousness, shall not be prosecuted except
parties simply because an affidavit withdrawing the
upon a complaint flied by the offended party or her the Court said:
testimony is subsequently presented by the defense. In
parents, grandparents, or guardian, nor in any case, if
the first place, any recantation must be tested in a
the offender has been expressly pardoned by the Paragraph 3 of the legal provision above quoted
public trial with sufficient opportunity given to the
above named persons, as the case may be," [Third par. prohibits a prosecution for seduction, abduction, rape,
party adversely affected by it to cross-examine the
of Art. 344, The Revised Penal Code.] the pardon to or acts of lasciviousness, except upon a complaint
recanting witness. In this case, Tessie Asenita was not

made by the offended party or her parents, Relative to the prayer for the disqualification of Judge Savellano scheduled for raffle among the other branches of that
grandparents, or guardian, nor, in any case, if the from further hearing the case, the Court is convinced that Judge court for proper disposition.
offender has been expressly pardoned by the above- Savellano should, given the circumstances, the best excused from
named persons, as the case may be. It does not the case. Possible animosity between the personalities here
No special pronouncement on costs.
prohibit the continuance of a prosecution if the involved may not all be that unlikely. The pronouncement of this
offended party pardons the offender after the cause Court in the old case of Luque vs. Kayanan 31 could again be said:
has been instituted, nor does it order the dismissal of All suitors are entitled to nothing short of the cold neutrality of an SO ORDERED.
said cause. The only act that according to article 344 independent, wholly-free, disinterested and unbiased tribunal.
extinguishes the penal action and the penalty that may Second only to the duty of rendering a just decision is the duty of Melo, Kapunan, Martinez, Quisumbing and Purisima, JJ., concur.
have been imposed is the marriage between the doing it in a manner that will not arouse any suspicion as to the
offended and the offended party. 28 fairness and integrity of the Judge. 32 It is not enough that a court
is impartial, it must also be perceived as impartial. Narvasa, C.J., took no part.
In People vs. Infante,   decided just a little over a month before
Miranda, the Court similarly held: The Court cannot end this ponencia without a simple reminder on  
the use of proper language before the courts. While the lawyer in
promoting the cause of his client or defending his rights might do  
In this court, after the case had been submitted, a
so with fervor, simple courtesy demands that it be done within
motion to dismiss was filed on behalf of the appellant
the bounds of propriety and decency. The use of intemperate
predicated on an affidavit executed by Manuel Artigas,  
language and unkind ascriptions hardly can be justified nor can
Jr., in which he pardoned his guilty spouse for her
have a place in the dignity of judicial forum. Civility among
infidelity. But this attempted pardon cannot prosper
members of the legal profession is a treasured tradition that must Separate Opinions
for two reasons. The second paragraph of article 344
at no time be lost to it.
of the Revised Penal Code which is in question reads:
"The offended party cannot institute criminal PUNO, J., separate opinion;
prosecution without including both the guilty parties, if Finally, it may be opportune to say, once again, that prosecutors
they are both alive, nor, in any case, if he shall have are expected not merely to discharge their duties with the highest
The facts are critical and need to be focused. Petitioners were
consented or pardoned the offenders." This provision degree or excellence, professionalism and skill but also to act each
charged with rape in Criminal Case No. 15993 which was raffled to
means that the pardon afforded the offenders must time with utmost devotion and dedication to duty. 33 The Court is
Br. 25 of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna. The charge is principally based
come before the institution of the criminal hopeful that the zeal which has been exhibited many times in the
on the following affidavit dated October 31, 1996 of Ms. Juvie-Lyn
prosecution, and means, further, that both the past, although regrettably a disappointment on few occasions, will
Punongbayan, a 16-year old minor, viz.:
offenders must be pardoned by the offended party. To not be wanting in the proceedings yet to follow.
elucidate further, article 435 of the old Penal Code
provided: "The husband may at any time remit the REPLY-AFFIDAVIT
WHEREFORE, conformably with all the foregoing, the
penalty imposed upon his wife. In such case the
Court hereby RULES that —
penalty imposed upon the wife's paramour shall also (TUGON SA MGA SALAYSAY NILA MAYOR BAYANI
be deemed to be remitted." These provisions of the old ALONTE, WELLA CONCEPCION, RICARDO LACAYAN at
Penal Code became inoperative after the passage of (a) The submission of the "Affidavit of Desistance,"
Act No. 1773, section 2, which had the effect of executed by Juvie-Lyn Y. Punongbayan on 25 June
repealing the same. The Revised Penal Code thereafter 1997, having been filed AFTER the institution of
expressly repealed the old Penal Code, and in so doing Criminal Case No. 97-159935, DOES NOT WARRANT Ako si JUVIE-LYN Y. PUNONGBAYAN, Filipino, walang
did not have the effect of reviving any of its provisions THE DISMISSAL of said criminal case; asawa, 16 years old, at kasalukuyang nasa
which were not in force. But with the incorporation of pangangalaga ng Department of Social Welfare and
the second paragraph of article 344, the pardon given Development, matapos makapanumpa ayon sa batas,
(b) For FAILURE OF DUE PROCESS, the assailed
by the offended party again constitutes a bar to the ay nagsasaad:
judgment, dated 12 December 1997, convicting
prosecution for adultery. Once more, however, it must petitioners is declared NULL AND VOID and thereby
be emphasized that this pardon must come before the SET ASIDE; accordingly, the case is REMANDED to the 1. Wala pong katotohanan ang lahat nakasaad sa mga
institution of the criminal prosecution and must be for trial court for further proceedings; and salaysay ni Mayor Bayani Alonte at Buenaventura
both offenders to be effective — circumstances which "Wella" Concepcion, ng kanilang mga testigo na sila
do not concur in this case. 30 Ricardo (Ading) Lacayan y Aguilar at Jaime Bagtas
(c) Judge Maximo A. Savellano, Jr., presiding Judge of
Branch 53 of the Regional Trial Court of Manila, is
The decisions speak well for themselves, and the Court need not ENJOINED from further hearing Criminal Case No. 97-
say more than what it has heretofore already held. 159935; instead, the case shall immediately be 2. Ang totoo po ay inabuso ako ni Mayor nung
September 12, 1996, katulad nga ng naihayag ko na sa
aking sinumpaang salaysay. Ayon sa driver ng tricycle

na nasakyan ko pagkatapos ng insidente, hindi lang po damit ko, sinabi niya na dapat manalo kami dahil si maya. Pagkaraan ng mga 15 minutes, dumating si
ako, kundi marami pa pong babae ang inabuso ni Mayor Alonte daw ang nag-sponsor ng costume namin. Mayor na nakasakay sa green na kotse. Lumabas siya
Mayor. Sabi pa nga ng driver ay naaawa siya sa akin, at Noon ko lang ito nalaman. Hindi kami nanalo sa sa kaliwang pintuan sa harap ng kotse. Wala siyang
lumaban daw ako. Tinawagan ko na rin po ang lahat ng contest, pero nagkaroon pa rin kami ng premyong kasama.
mga babae na naging biktima ni Mayor; wag silang P1,500.00 na pinaghatian namin.
matakot, lumabas at ilahad ang pangaabuso ni Mayor.
13. Pumasok si Mayor sa loob ng bahay. Naghubad siya
8. Pagkatapos ng contest, at nung nakapagpalit na ako ng sapatos. Sabi ni Wella: "Mayor, si Juvie; Juvie si
Ang detalya nung panggagahasa ng damit, binabalik ko kay Wella ang costume ko. Sabi Mayor."
niya iuwi ko daw ito dahil gagamitin ko ito sa Miss
Education contest, sa presentation ng mga candidates.
ni Alonte at ang partisipasyon 14. Umupo si Mayor sa tabi ko. Kinamayan niya ako at
Mula sa studio, nagpunta kaming lahat sa isang kainan
sinabi niya: "Hi, I'm Arthur" sabay hinalikan niya sa ako
sa tapat ng Delta at, pagkatapos namin kumain,
sa lips. Hindi ako naka-react dahil nagulat at kinabahan
ni Wella Concepcion humiwalay yung ibang kasama namin.

3. Nakalahad po sa sumusunod na talata ang detalya 9. Dinala ako ni Wella sa isang department store at
15. Nagmamadaling nagpaalam si Wella. Kinuha ni
ng pang-aabuso sa akin ni Mayor. Pinakikita rin dito binili niya ako ng sandals. Inikot niya ako sa lugar na
Mayor ang wallet sa bulsa sa likod ng kanyang
kung paano nakipagsabwatan kay Wella Concepcion. yon at binili niya ako ng pagakain. Tapos ay sumakay
pantalon. Dumukot siya ng P1,000 na buo. Inabot niya
Sa pamamagitan nito ay mapapabulaanan na rin ang kami ng bus pauwi sa Laguna. Nung nasa bus kami,
ito kay Wella. Patayo na ako pero hinawakan ni Mayor
mga nakasaad sa salaysay nila at ng mga testigo nila. niyaya ako ni Wella na magpunta sa bahay ni Mayor
ang braso ko. Wag daw akong sasama kay Wella. Sinabi
para magpasalamat ng personal para sa costume
ko kay Wella na wag niya akong iiwanan, pero parang
4. Nakilala ko si Wella Concepcion, dance instructor, namin. Pumayag ako at sabi ko kay Wella na sunduin
wala siyang narinig. Basta tuloy-tuloy siyang umalis.
nung bandang last week ng August 1996. Noon ay niya ako sa bahay ng 10:00 a.m. sa susunod na araw,
naghahanda ako para sa "Miss Education" beauty Sept. 12. Nakarating ako sa bahay ng 5:00 p.m. ng araw
na yon, Sept. 11. 16. Nung, kami na lang ni Mayor ang natira, pinainom
contest sa Perpetual Help College of Laguna. Doon ako
niya ako ng mineral water. Uminom ako dahil nauuhaw
nag-aaral. First year college ako, at education ang
ako. Nanlabo ang paningin ko at nanghina ako.
kursong pinili ko. Ang nasabing contest ay ginanap 10. Nung Sept. 12, hinintay ko si Wella ng 10:00 a.m.
nung Sept. 20, 1996. Kapag nagkikita kami ni Wella Nung hindi siya dumating umalis kaming Tita ko dahil
para sa ensayo, nagkukuwentuhan din kami, at sinamahan ko siya sa health center. Sumundo pala si 17. Nawalan ako ng malay. Ang sumunod ko na lang na
nabanggit niya na may kaibigan siyang bakla na Wella doon, pero hindi kami nagkita kasi saglit lang natatandaan ay nandoon na ako sa kwarto. Wala
nagdadala ng babae kay Mayor Alonte. Waway daw kami doon. Bumalik siya sa bahay, at doon na kami akong damit. Nakadagan si Mayor sa akin. May
ang pangalan ng bakla. Hindi ko pa kilala si Waway nagkita. Tapos ay umalis kami ni Wella papunta kay malaking salamin sa pader. Doon ko nakita na walang
noon. Mayor. Tumawid kami ng kalye, at pumara ako ng kadamit-damit si Mayor.
tricycle. Pero kahit marami na akong pinara, ayaw ni
5. Nung Sept. 7, niyaya ako ni Wella na sumali sa dance Wella na sumakay doon. Maya-maya, may tricyle na 18. Hawak ako ni Mayor sa magkabilang braso. Pinipisil
contest sa "Sang Linggo NAPO SILA" sa Channel 2, na dumating na hindi naman pinara ni Wella. Basta niya ito kaya nagkaroon ako ng pasa sa kaliwang braso
itatanghal sa Sept. 11, 1996. Wala na daw po akong huminto na lang sa harap namin. Doon kami sumakay (at ito ay nawala lang pagkatapos ng tatlong araw).
aalalahanin. Siya daw ang bahala sa costume at ni Wella. Si Wella ang nagturo sa driver kung saan kami
transportation. Pumayag ang nanay ko, dahil wala na pupunta. Nag-uusap sila ng driver habang papunta
kami kay Mayor. 19. Naramdaman ko na pilit na pinasok ni Mayor ang
kaming gagastusin. Hindi ko tinanong kay Wella kung
ari niya sa aking ari. Nasaktan ako. Nagmakaawa ako.
saan galing ang costume. Akala ko may ipapagamit lang
Umiiyak ako nung sinabi ko sa kanya na tigilan niya
siya sa akin. 11. Bumaba kami sa tapat ng bahay na bukas ang gate. ako; nasasaktan ako; may anak rin siyang babae. Sabi
May swimming pool sa loob, alam na alam ni Wella niya wag daw akong maingay at i-embrace ko na lang
6. Nung Sept. 8, pinakilala ni Wella si Waway sa akin. Si and, pasikot-sikot nang bahay; tuloy-tuloy siya sa loob daw siya. Lalo akong umiyak dahil nandidiri ako sa
Waway ang nagturo sa amin ng sayaw para sa TV at sumunod naman ako. Wala kaming taong nakita, kanya, at sa ginagawa niya sa akin. Naghalo ang galit,
contest. Mula nung araw na yon hanggang Sept. 10 ay pero bukas pati yung pintuan ng bahay. Dinala ako ni pandidiri at takot. Wala akong magawa kundi
nagsanay kami sa bahay ng kapatid ni Waway sa St. Wella sa sala. Napakaganda ng loob ng bahay. magmakaawa. Hindi ko siya maitulak dahil nanghihina
Francis Subdivision, Biñan, Laguna. Tatlo kami sa dance Mayroong wall paper na may design na leaves and ako, nakadagan siya sa akin, mataba siya, at hawak-
group: ako at ang dalawang lalaki na ipinakilala sa akin flowers; may carpet sa sahig. May mahabang hagdan hawak niya ang braso ko. Pero kahit nagmamakaawa
ni Waway: si Melchor at Darius. patungo sa dalawang pintuan. ako, tinuloy pa rin niya at pinasok niya ulit ang ari niya
sa aking ari.
7. Nagpunta kami sa studio sa Delta nung Sept. 11. 12. Tinanong ko kay Wella kung nasaan si Mayor. Sabi
Bago kami magsayaw, habang inaayos ni Wella yung niya ay nasa munisipyo daw; darating na daw maya-

20. Maya-maya ay tumigil siya. Tumayo siya at sabi Court for a change of venue. They cited as ground the "great consideration of Ten Million Pesos (P10 Million) to be
niya: "ang panty mo, nasa tabi mo." Kinuha ko ang danger to the lives of both the private complainant, the apportioned as follows:
panty ko, tumayo ako at sinuot ko ito. Hinanap ko ang immediate members of her family, and their witnesses as they
damit ko, at nakita ko ang walking shorts, bra at t-shirt openly defy the principal accused, Mayor Alonte who is
Five Million Pesos (P5M) — for the Private
ko sa sahig. Pinulot ko ito at sinuot ko. Habang acknowledged as a powerful political figure and almost an
sinusuot ko, umiiyak pa rin ako. Pagkatapos kong institution in Biñan, Laguna . . ."
magbihis, umupo ako sa mahabang upuan sa may gilid
ng kama. Three Million Pesos (P3M) — for me as Private
On March 31, 1997, the private complainant, thru the then
Secretary of Justice, the Honorable Teofisto Guingona and Chief
21. Samantala, paqkatapos sabihin ni Mayor na nasa State Prosecutor Jovencio Zuno filed a Manifestation and Motion
tabi ko ang panty ko, nagpunta siya sa banyo na for the early resolution of the petition for change of venue. They Two Million Pesos (P2M) — for him as the mediator
transparent ang pinto. Wala siyang suot pagpunta niya submitted the affidavits of the private complainant, her counsel
doon. Paglabas niya, nakasuot na siya ng checkered Atty. Remedios C. Balbin, Dolores Mercado-Yambao, Bienvenido 6. That I explained to Atty. Romero that money does
brief na kulay black and white. Pumunta siya sa Salandanan and Evelyn Celso to prove their allegation that they not matter at all to the Complainant and her family
kabilang gilid ng kama. Kinuha niya ang damit niya na "are exposed to kidnapping, harassment, veiled threats and even if they have very modest means; that they want
nakahanger sa pader. Sinuot niya ito. Lumabas siya ng tempting offers of bribe money — all intended to extract an justice, which means a conviction for the charge of
kwarto. Hindi nagtagal ay pumasok siya ulit at sinabi 'affidavit of desistance' from the private complainant." Worth rape;
niya na nandiyan na daw ang sundo ko. bright lining are the two (2) affidavits of Atty. Remedios C. Balbin,
counsel for the private complainant, relating the fantastic amount
of P10M bribe money allegedly offered to her. The first affidavit 7. That I also explained to Atty. Romero that the
22. Tumayo ako. Sinabi ko na aalis na ako. Nung money he was offering me was of no consequence to
dated February 24, 1997 states:
papunta na ako sa pintuan, lumapit si Mayor sa akin. me because I had access to the resources of my two (2)
May hawak-hawak siyang dalawang pirasong P1,000. daughters, both of whom are in the medical field
Tiniklop niya ito; binaba niya yung neckline ng t-shirt I, Remedios C. Balbin, of legal age, Filipino, married, abroad, and of Mr. Filomeno Balbin, Labor Attached
ko, at pinasok niya ang pera sa aking bra. Nagalit ako. with residence at #5 Uranus Street, Congressional then assigned in Riyadh;
Kinuha ko ang pera at tinapon ko ito sa kanya. Sabi ko Avenue Subdivision, Quezon City, after having duly
hindi ako bayarang babae. Nagalit siya at pinagbantaan sworn in accordance with law, depose and say:
ako. Sabi niya: "Pag nagsalita ka, alam mo na kung ano 8. That I told him that I cannot be tempted with his
ang mangyayari sa iyo." Tiningnan ko siya, at umalis offer because spiritual consideration are more
1. That I am the Private Prosecutor in Criminal Case No. important to me than the material. Also, that I usually
ako pababa.
96-19-B for rape, filed with the Biñan RTC, Branch 25, handle cases pro bono (at abunado pa) where the
entitled "People of the Philippines vs. Bayani Arthur litigant is in dire need of legal assistance but cannot
23. Mayroon tricycle na nakaabang sa labas. Sumunod Alonte, et al.; afford to pay for the lawyer's fees, as in Juvie-lyn's
si Mayor. Lumapit siya sa driver at binigyan niya ito ng case;
P100. Tapos ay umalis na kami.
2. That as Private Prosecutor, it is my avowed duty to
be faithful to the interests of my client, Ms. Juvie-lyn 9. That I gave Atty. Romero a copy of the decision of
24. Umiiyak pa rin ako nung nasa tricycle. Sabi ko sa Punongbayan; the Supreme Court promulgated December 10 1996,
driver na ginahasa ako ni Mayor. Sabi niya masuwerte entitled "People of the Philippines vs. Robert Cloud"
daw ako at maaga akong pinauwi dahil yung mga ibang (GR No. 119359: Crim. Case No. Q-90-12660) for
3. That on several occasions, I was visited at my Office
babae daw na dinadala kay Mayor ay pinauwi ng parricide involving the death of a 2 1/2 year old boy. I
at the Quezon City Hall Compound, by a lawyer who
madaling-araw o hating-gabi. Minsan dalawa o tatlo pa wrote on page one of the xerox copy of the decision:
introduced himself as Atty. Leo C. Romero,
nga daw ang dinadala doon, at yung iba ay naka- "To Atty. Leo Romero — so you will understand," and
representing the Accused Mayor Bayani Arthur Alonte;
uniform pa. Naawa daw siya sa akin, kaya to which I affixed my signature.
magsumbong daw ako. Nakokonsensiya daw siya dahil
isa siya sa dalawang tricycle driver na naghahatid ng 4. That my calendar at the People's Bureau, Quezon
mga babae doon. Sabi pa nga niya, babae din daw ang City Hall, shows that he came to see me about eight (8) 10. That I told him explicitly: "we cannot simplify the
ina niya, kaya din siya nakokonsensiya. Dinagdag pa times, but we talked only about three (3) times entire proceedings. You advise Mayor Alonte to
niya na kung may kasiyahan kina Mayor, isang van ng because I was always busy attending to the problems surrender (one mitigating circumstance), plead guilty
mga babae ang nadoon. Pagdating namin sa bahay ng of Quezon City's urban poor and the landowners of (another mitigating circumstance), get a conviction and
Lola ko, sabi niya bago siya umalis: "Lumaban ka." private properties illegally occupied by them; suffer the corresponding penalty. Otherwise, we have
nothing to talk about."

On December 13, 1996, the private complainant thru her counsel, 5. That in two (2) occasions, Atty. Romero conveyed to
Atty. Remedios C. Balbin and Asst. Chief State Prosecutor me the message of Mayor Alonte, namely, to drop the
Leonardo Guiab, Jr., of the Department of Justice petitioned this rape case against him, and that he would give a

11. That I emphasized that his suggestion for Mayor Quezon City Leonardo Guiyab, Jr., and Director Jude Romano of the Witness
Alonte to plead guilty to "act of lasciviousness" merely Protection Program, the instances of substantial amounts
was ridiculous; amounting to several millions, to my client, to her relatives,
including her maternal grandmother, and to myself;
12. That when the Complainant's Affidavit on the offer
of Ms. Emily Vasquez for a valuable consideration in 3. That despite the published declaration by the Department of
exchange for an affidavit of desistance in the rape was Justice of its determination to prosecute those who offered the
exposed by media, Atty. Romero came to see me and ATTY. JUANITO L. GARCIA
bribes, new emissaries of Mayor Alonte persist in making offers,
thanked me for not exposing him in similar fashion. I as follows:
assured him that he will not be an exception and that I NOTARY PUBLIC
was just too busy then to execute an affidavit on the
a. On Thursday, March 6, 1997, at about 3:15 o'clock in the
matter, as I do now;
UNTIL Dec. afternoon,
31, 1997 Atty. Dionisio S. Daga came to see me at my office at
the People's Bureau, Office of the Mayor, of Squatting case which
13. That I have not received other similar offers of I filed against his clients;
valuable material consideration from any other person, PTR No. 63-T-033457
whether private party or government official;
b. That after a brief exchange on the status of the case, he
However, I have been separately advised by several ISSUED AT MLA. ON 1-2-97 confided to me his real purpose;
concerned persons that I was placing my personal
safety at great risk. The victim's family will have great
difficulty in finding another lawyer to "adopt" them in TAN—161-570-81 c. That he started off by saying that he was the legal counsel of
the way I did, which gives them strength to pursue the gambling lords of Malabon for which he gets a monthly
their case with confidence and the accused Mayor is Doc. No. 950; retainer of fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00), exclusive of
aware that I am the obstacle to an out-of-court transportation expenses, etc.
settlement of the case. Also, that I had my hands full,
Page No. 170;
as it is, as the Head of the QC People's Bureau, Housing d. The he also stated that the network of gambling lords
Development Center, and Special Task Force an throughout the country is quite strong and unified;
Squatting and Resettlement, and the numerous cases Series of 1997.
filed by me or against me, connected with my
performance of official duties, and I should not add e. That I then asked him: "What do you mean — is Alonte into
In her second Affidavit dated March 26, 1997, Atty. Balbin gambling too? that he is part of the network you speak of?"
more legal problems despite my authority to engage in declared in no uncertain language that the bribe offer for private
private law practice. complainant to make a desistance was increased from P10,000.00
to P20,000.00, viz: f. That Atty. Daga did not reply but instead said: "they are
14. That this affidavit is executed in order to put on prepared to double the offer made to you by Atty. Romero which
record the attempt to influence me directly, in was published in the newspapers" at P10 Million;
exchange for valuable consideration to drop the rape
charge against Mayor Bayani Arthur Alonte. g. That I told him that all the money in the world will not make me
CITY OF MANILA ) s.s. change my position against my client's executing a desistance, and
February 24, 1997, City of Manila. that only Alonte's voluntary surrender, plea of guilty in rape,
AFFIDAVIT conviction and the imposition of the corresponding penalty will
satisfy the ends of justice;
I, REMEDIOS C. BALBIN, of legal age, Filipino, married, and with
postal address at No. 5 Uranus Street, Congressional Avenue h. That I told him that my client's case is not isolated, there being
REMEDIOS C. BALBIN Quezon City, after having duly sworn in accordance
Subdivision five (5) other minors similarly placed; and Alonte should be
with law, depose and say: stopped from doing more harm;
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 26th day
of March, 1997, Metro Manila. 1. That I am the Private Prosecutor in the rape case filed by the i. That Atty. Daga then told me in Pilipino "if you do not accede to
"minor Juvie-Lyn Punongbayan against Mayor Bayani Arthur a desistance, then, they will be forced to . . .".
Community Tax Certificate — Alonte of Biñan, Laguna.
5208733 j. That because he did not complete his sentence, I asked him
2. That earlier, I reported to Secretary Teofisto Guingona, State directly: "What do you mean? What do you intend to do? And he
Date Issue 2-10-97 Prosecutor Jovencio R. Zuno, Asst. Chief State Prosecutor replied: Go on with the case Buy the Judge."


k. That unbelieving, I reacted, saying; "but they have already done NOTARY PUBLIC
finally resolved, I anticipate a still indefinite suspension of my
so, Judge Francisco at Binan suddenly changed his attitude schooling to attend the hearings;
towards the Prosecution. Perhaps, you are referring to the next
UNTIL DEC. 31, 1997
judge when the petition for change of venue is finally granted?"
4. That during the entire period since I filed the case, my family
has lived a most abnormal life: my father and mother had to give
PTR NO. 63-T-033457
1. That Atty. Daga did not reply, and he reiterated that his up their jobs; my younger brother, who is in fourth grade, had to
principals, referring to them again as "gambling lords," want a stop his schooling, like myself;
desistance, after which he excused himself and left. ISSUED AT MLA. ON 1-2-87
5. That I do not blame anyone for the long, judicial process; I
4. That I execute this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the incident TAN -161-570-81
simply wish to stop and live elsewhere with my family, where we
with Atty. Dionisio S. Daga which occurred in the afternoon of can start life anew, and live normally once again;
March 6, 1997, at my Office, stressing herein my surprise over his Doc. No. 948;
daring in making yet another monetary offer to me in exchange
6. That I pray that I be allowed to withdraw my complaint for rape
for my client's desistance and my feeling of fear for the first time
Book No. 190; and the other charge for child abuse wherein the Five-Man
since I started "handling" this case against Alonte;
investigating Penal of the Office of the State Prosecutor found
a prima facie case although the information has not been filed,
5. That despite what I perceived as veiled threats of Atty. Daga, I Page No. XLIII; and that I will not at any time revive this, and related cases or file
will seek justice in behalf of Juvie-Lyn Punongbayan, with the new cases whether, criminal, civil and/or administrative here or
indispensable initiatives, participation and support of the Series of 1997. anywhere in the Philippines;
Department of Justice under Secretary Teofisto Guingona.
After the alleged bribe money was increased from P10M to P20M 7. That I likewise realize that the execution of this Affidavit will put
FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. the complexion of the case changed swiftly. to doubt my credibility as a witness-complainant;


On June 25, 1997, Atty. Balbin filed a Motion to Resume 8. That this is my final decision reached without fear or favor,
Proceedings in Br. 25 of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna. Attached to the premised on a corresponding commitment that there will be no
Motion reprisals in whatever form, against members of the police force or
ATTY. REMEDIOS C.was the Affidavit of Desistance of the private complainant
which states: any friends who extended assistance to me in whatever way, in
my search for justice.
I, Juvie-lyn Yambao — Punongbayan, 17 years of age, a resident of
No. 5 Uranus Street, Congressional Avenue Subdivision, Quezon WHEREOF, I affix my signature, this 25th day of June, 1997, in
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) City, duly assisted by private legal counsel and my parents, after Quezon City.
having duly sworn in accordance with law, depose and say:
1. That I am the Complainant in the rape case filed against Mayor PUNONGBA
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this 26th day of March, Bayani "Arthur" Alonte of Biñan, Laguna, with the RTC-Branch 25
1997. of Binan, Laguna; JUVIE-LYN Y
Community Tax Certificate — 5208733 2. That the case has been pending for some time, on preliminary
issues, specifically, (a) change of venue, filed with the Supreme Assisted by:
Court; (b) propriety of the appeal to the Court of Appeals, and
Date Issued 2-10-97
after its denial by said court, brought to the Office of the
President, on the veracity of the findings of the Five-Man SGD. REMEDIOS C. BALBIN
Quezon City Investigating Panel of the State Prosecutor's Office, and the
Secretary of Justice and (c) a hold-departure order filed with the ATTY. REMEDIOS C. BALBIN
Biñan Court;
Notary Public
Private Prosecutor
3. That the legal process moves ever so slowly, and meanwhile, I
have already lost two (2) semesters of my college residence. And
In the presence of:
when the actual trial is held after all the preliminary issues are

SGD. PABLO PUNONGBAYAN private counsel and her witnesses are too generalized if not Punongbayan who testified on her affidavit of desistance. She
fabricated. Indeed, the probability that in desisting from pursuing declared that her desistance was her "personal" decision with the
her complaint for rape, petitioner, a minor, may have succumbed consent of her parents. 4 She said she was neither paid nor
to some illicit influence and undue pressure. To prevent possible pressured to desist. On questions by the respondent judge,
miscarriage of justice is good excuse to grant the petition to however, she affirmed the truth of her affidavit dated October 31,
Father transfer the venue of Criminal Case No. 9619-B from Biñan, 1996 that she was raped by petitioner Alonte. Prosecutor
Laguna to the City of Manila. Campomanes marked and offered her affidavit of desistance as
SGD. JULIE Y. PUNONGBAYAN Exhibit "A". 5 She called on other witnesses to testify on the
voluntariness of the affidavit of desistance. The parents of the
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the Petition for Change of Venue from Biñan,
complainant — Pablo 6 and Julie 7 Punongbayan — declared that
JULIE Y. PUNONGBAYAN Laguna to the City of Manila is granted. The Executive Judge of
they did not receive any monetary consideration for the
RTC Manila is ordered to raffle Crim. Case No. 9619-B to any of its
desistance of their minor daughter. Neither were they pressured
branches. The judge to whom Crim. Case No. 9619-B shall be
Mother to give their consent to the desistance. Fourth Asst. Provincial
raffled shall resolve the petitioner's Motion to Resume
Prosecutor Alberto Nofuente averred that the affidavit of
Proceedings filed in Br. XXV of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna and
desistance was signed and sworn to before him in the presence of
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 25 the day of June, determine the voluntariness and validity of petitioner's desistance
the complainant's parents and private counsel, Atty. Balbin. He
1997, in Quezon City. in light of the opposition of the public prosecutor, Asst. Chief
said he explained the affidavit to them and that the complainant
State Prosecutor Leonardo Guiyab. The branch clerk of court of
voluntarily signed the same. 8
Br. XXV of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna is ordered to personally
SGD. ILLEGIBLE deliver to the Executive Judge of Manila the complete records of
Crim. Case No. 9619-B upon receipt of this Resolution. After their testimonies, Prosecutor Campomanes made the
Administering Officer manifestation that "with the presentation of our witnesses and
the marking of our documents (sic) we are now closing the case
On September 17, 1997, Criminal Case No. 9619-B (re-docketed
and that we are praying for the dismissal of the case. 9 The
RTC Branch 94 by the Clerk of Court of Manila as Crim. Case No. 97-159955) was
respondent judge ruled "the case is submitted for
raffled to Br. 53 of the RTC of Manila, presided by the respondent
decision." 10 Atty. Flaminiano orally prayed that petitioner Alonte
judge, the Honorable Maximo A. Savellano.
Quezon City be granted bail and Prosecutor Campomanes offered no
objection. 11
On October 9, 1997, the respondent judge issued warrants of
Obviously, the Motion to Resume Proceedings was intended to
arrest against the petitioners after a finding of probable cause.
get the trial court's approval for the dismissal of the rape case On November 10, 1997, petitioner Alonte filed an Urgent Motion
against the petitioners. to Admit to Bai1. 12 In her Comment, Prosecutor Campomanes
On October 28, 1997, an Administrative Order of the DOJ was agreed and averred, viz.: 13
issued empowering First Assistant City Prosecutor Marilyn R. O.
Indeed, three days thereafter or on June 28, 1997, Atty. Ramon C.
Campomanes to prosecute the case at bar. Asst. Chief State
Casino moved in behalf of the petitioners to dismiss the petition xxx xxx xxx
Prosecutor Leonardo Guiab, Jr., who opposed the affidavit of
for change of venue then pending in this Court citing the affidavit
desistance was relieved from the case. The reason given in the
of desistance of the private complainant. On August 22, 1997,
Administrative Order was ". . . in the interest of public service." 1. That she received a copy of the Petition for Bail.
however, Asst. Chief State Prosecutor Guiyab opposed the
Prosecutor Campomanes was authorized "to move for its (case)
motion. He alleged that he has control of the prosecution of the
dismissal if the evidence on record so warrant . . ."1
rape case and that he was not aware of the desistance of the 2. That on the hearing of the instant case on November 7, 1997,
private complainant. the Prosecution presented its witnesses who vehemently signified
The arraignment of the petitioners took place on November 7, their intention not to further prosecute the case in Court and
1997. The State was represented by Prosecutor Marilyn there being no other witnesses to present, the undersigned is left
The legal maneuvers to dismiss the rape case against the
Campomanes. Petitioner Alonte was represented by Atty. Jose with no alternative but to seek the dismissal of the considering
petitioners on the basis of the alleged affidavit of desistance of
Flaminiano and Atty. Sigfrid A. Fortun. Petitioner Concepcion was that without the testimony of said witnesses this case has nothing
the private complainant did not find the favor of this Court. On
represented by Atty. Ramon C. Casano. Atty. Remedios Balbin who to stand on in Court.
September 2, 1997, this Court unanimously granted the petition
had previously exposed under oath the threats to the life of the
for change of venue, ruling among others, viz:
private complainant and her witnesses and the repeated attempts
3. That for the aforestated reason, the People interposes no
to buy complainant's desistance was absent. 2
objection to the granting of Bail and in fact justice and equity
xxx xxx xxx
dictate that it joins the accused in his prayer for the granting of
Petitioners pled not guilty to the charge of rape upon their bail in the amount of P150,000 (ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND
These affidavits give specific names, dates and methods being arraignment. 3 Pre-trial was then waived by both the prosecution PESOS).
used to abort, by coercion or corruption, the prosecution of and the defense. The proceedings continued and Prosecutor
Criminal Case No. 9619-B. It is thus incorrect for oppositors Alonte Campomanes presented the private complainant, Ms.
and Concepcion to contend that the fear of the petitioner, her

4. That for the aforementioned bases, the People hereby while March 26, 1997. The said affidavits are attached as exhibits the flight of an accused is evidence of guilt on his part, quoted the
manifests its position that the case be immediately dismissed or to the aforementioned Manifestation and Motion for the old Testament, as follows:
at least the accused be granted bail since the record proves that Resolution of Petition for Change of Venue filed by the private
there is no more evidence to sustain the charge against him such complainant Juvie-Lyn Y. Punongbayan. Exh. "C", dated May 24,
It was written in the literature of Old
that the granting of bail is proper and in order. 1997, (Rollo, pp. 216-219) is hereby quoted as follows:
Testament several centuries ago that:

5. That as a general rule, a hearing on the petition for bail is xxx xxx xxx
The wicked man fleeth though no man
necessary to prove that the guilt is not strong but in this particular
pursueth, but the righteous are as bold as a
case there is no need for hearing since the prosecution cannot
It clearly appears in the abovequoted affidavit that repeated bribe lion.
prove its case against the accused as it has no other evidence or
offers from a lawyer representing the accused Mayor Bayani
witnesses to be presented.
Arthur Alonte in the total amount of Ten Million Pesos
(Proverbs, 28:1)
(P10,000,000.00) were made to Atty. Balbin, allocated as follows:
On November 17, 1997, petitioner Alonte, thru counsel, filed an (1) Five Million Pesos (5,000,000.00) for the private complainant
Urgent Plea to Resolve the Motion for Bail. 14 On the same date, Juvie-lyn Y. Punongbayan; (2) Three Million Pesos (P3,000,000.00) Subsequently, on June 25, 1997, the private complainant and her
Prosecutor Campomanes manifested that "she deems it proper for her (Atty. Balbin); and (3) Two Million Pesos (P2,000,000.00) lawyer suddenly somersaulted or changed their common
and in accord with justice and fair play to join the aforestated for the mediator. positions or attitudes in the prosecution of this case. Evidently,
motion." 15 veiled threats and money had replaced the "spiritual
consideration" which earlier, to them were "more important than
In the subsequent affidavit, dated March 26, 1997, executed by
the material" to quote Atty. Balbin in her first affidavit (Rollo, p.
On November 25, 1997, December 1, 1997, December 8, 1997 Atty. Remedios C. Balbin (Exh. F, Rollo, pp. 224-225) she narrated
217), and her reply to Atty. Dionisio S. Daga that "all the money in
and December 10, 1997, petitioner Alonte filed a Second, Third, in detail the continuing veiled threats and the very tempting and
the world will not make me change my position against my client's
Fourth, and Fifth Motion early for resolution of his petition for escalating offer to increase the amount of the bribe money
executing a desistance, and that only Alonte's voluntary
bail. 16 In all these motions, Atty. Fortun, counsel of petitioner offered to her and the private complainant after her first affidavit,
surrender, plea of guilty to rape, conviction and the imposition of
Alonte, alleged that copy of the motion . . . could not be served in by doubling the first offer of Ten Million Pesos (P10,000,000.00)
the corresponding penalty will satisfy the ends of justice.
person upon the private prosecutor" (Atty. Balbin) in light of the to Twenty Million Pesos (P20,000,000.00), in exchange for her
distance between their offices. 17 He relied on section 13, Rule 11 client's desistance, but also accompanied with veiled threats, if
of the 1997 Rules on Civil Procedure. The motions were not refused. Said affidavit is quoted, as follows: On June 26, 1997, the private complainant thru her counsel, Atty.
resolved by the respondent judge. Remedios C. Balbin, filed a Motion to Resume Proceedings, dated
June 25, 1997, (Rollo, pp. 238-244) praying therein that the RTC,
xxx xxx xxx
Biñan, Laguna, where this case was still pending, vacate its Order
On December 18, 1997, the respondent judge promulgated his
to Suspend Hearings, to enable it to act on all incidents including
Decision convicting the petitioners and sentencing them
The Court underscores paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), private Complainant's Affidavit of Desistance attached thereto.
to reclusion perpetua. On whether of the affidavit of desistance
(j), (k), and (l), particularly paragraphs (i), (j) and specially (Rollo, pp. 240-241) which affidavit of desistance is quoted
can be a ground for dismissal of the rape case against the
paragraph (k) of the abovequoted affidavit of Atty. Balbin which hereunder as follows:
petitioners, the respondent judge held:
insinuates that the presiding Judge of the RTC Biñan, Laguna, had
already been bought, and that accused Alonte thru his numerous
xxx xxx xxx
The first issue to be determined and resolved is the "voluntariness emissaries, will also buy or bribe the "the next judge when the
and validity of petitioner's desistance in the light of the opposition petition for change of venue is finally granted." In view of this
of the public prosecutor Asst. Chief State Prosecutor Leonardo insinuation, the undersigned presiding Judge is very careful in This Court, as the trier of facts, is tasked by the highest tribunal to
Guiab." (p. 7, SC Resolution En Banc, dated September 2, 199/.7; deciding this case, lest he be placed under suspicion that he is also find out if the private complainant, a minor "may have succumbed
[Rollo, p. 253]) It is appropriate to quote again a portion of the 7- receiving blood money that continues to flow. The Court wants to to some illicit influence and undue pressure, in order to prevent a
page Resolution En Banc of the highest tribunal, to wit; "Indeed, have internal peace — the peace which money cannot buy. possible miscarriage of justice." Evidently, the veiled threats and
the probability (exists) that in desisting from pursuing her Money is the root of all evil. The Holy Holy Scriptures also remind acceptance of the bribe money in allocated amounts which was
complaint for rape, petitioner, a minor, may have succumbed to judges and jurists: "You shall not act dishonestly in rendering subsequently raised to the irresistible amount of at least
some illicit influence and undue pressure. To prevent possible judgment. Show neither partiality to the weak nor deterrence to P20,000,000.00, compelled, impelled and/or tempted the private
miscarriage of justice is a good excuse to grant the petition for the mighty, but judge your fellow men justly," (Leviticus 19:15). complainant her father Pablo Punongbayan and her mother Julie
change of venue . . ." (Rollo, p. 202). The Scriptures further say: "What does it profit a man if he gains Y. Punongbayan, and her lawyer and private prosecutor Atty.
the whole world but suffers the loss of his soul?" (Mt. 16:26) and Remedios C. Balbin, who did not appear in Court on November 7,
"No one can serve two (2) masters. . . You cannot serve God and 1997, despite notice, to execute the said "Affidavit of Desistance"
The Court shall narrate the facts leading to the desistance of the
mammon." (Mt. 6:24, Luke 16:13). It is not out of place to quote which was the ultimate goal of the accused. It is very obvious that
private complainant which are embodied in the two (2) affidavits
the Holy Scriptures because the Honorable Supreme Court has the private complainant a minor, "succumbed to some illicit
of her lawyer, Atty. Remedios C. Balbin, with whom the private
been doing so in its quest for truth and justice. Thus, People influence and undue pressure," to borrow the language of the
complainant lives at No. 5 Uranus St., Congressional Avenue
vs. Garcia, 209 SCRA 164, 174, the highest tribunal, in ruling that Honorable Supreme Court En Banc. It would be the height of
Subdivision, Quezon City. One affidavit is dated May 24 1997, (sic)
extreme naivete or gullibility for any normal individual to

conclude otherwise. The Court does not believe that the private been relied upon by the respondent judge. The affidavit of and the circumstances under which each was given and the
complainant, her lawyer, and her parents charged but in exchange desistance cannot abort the rape charge against the petitioners reasons and motives for the change carefully scrutinized. The
for a plea of guilty the charge is reduced to homicide and the on the simple ground that it did not state that the private veracity of each statement or testimony must be tested by the
accused is allowed to claim a number of mitigating circumstances. complainant-affiant was not raped by petitioner Alonte. In truth, credibility of the witness which is left for the judge to decide. 35 In
It is not uncommon for estafa, libel, physical injuries and even the private complainant affirmed her earlier Reply-Affidavit where short, only where there exists special circumstances in the case
homicide cases to be dismissed because the complainant has lost she narrated in detail how petitioner Alonte raped her. Moreover, which when coupled with the retraction raise doubts as to the
interest or alleged that the complaint was filed as a result of a the rape charge has been filed in Court and it is not anymore the truth of the testimony or statement given, can a retraction be
misunderstanding. A number of examples can be given and they absolute privilege of the camplainant to desist from continuing considered and upheld. 36
can fill a book." with the case.
A survey of our jurisprudence reveals that the same rule has been
Again, in People vs. Evangelista, L-45089, April 27, 1982, 113 SCRA This separate opinion unequivocably addresses the issue of applied to affidavits of desistance. 37 An affidavit of desistance is
713, 720, the Supreme Court further declared: whether the desistance of the victim can stop the further understood to be a sworn statement executed by a complainant
prosecution of the petitioners. in a criminal or administrative case that he or she is discontinuing
the action filed upon his or her complaint for whatever reason he
It may be noted that the crimes in question (forcible abduction
or she may cite. The court attaches no persuasive value to a
with rape) are among those enumerated in Article 344 of the I
desistance especially when executed as an
Revised Penal Code, which crimes cannot be prosecuted de
afterthought. 38 However, a in retractions, an affidavit of
officio. In other words, the crimes of abduction and rape are in the
In Philippine jurisprudence, desistance has been equated with desistance calls for a reexamination of the records of the case. 39
nature of private offense, inasmuch as the law has reposed "the
recantation or retraction.
right to institute such proceedings exclusively and successively in
the offended person, her parents, grandparents or guardian" . . . In private crimes, an affidavit of desistance filed by a private
Accordingly, if after filing the case at face at bar decided that she To "recant" means to "withdraw or repudiate formally and complainant is also frowned upon by the courts. Although such
was unable to face the scandal of public trial, or, if for some publicly;" 18 "to renounce or withdraw prior statement." 19 To affidavit may deserve a second look at the case, there is hardly an
private reason she preferred to suffer the outraged in silence, "retract" means to "take back;" "to retract an offer is to withdraw instance when this Court upheld it in private crimes and dismissed
then, corollary to her right institute the proceedings, she should it before acceptance." 20 A recantation usually applies to a the case on the sole basis thereof. Indeed, a case is not dismissed
have been allowed to withdraw her complaint and desist from complainant or witness, either for the prosecution or the defense, upon mere affidavit of desistance of the complainant, particularly
prosecuting the case (Emphasis supplied). who has previously given an extra-judicial statement 21 or where there exist special circumstances that raise doubts as to
testimony in court. 22 Repudiation may be made in writing, i.e., by the reliability of the affidavit. 40
sworn statement, 23 or by testifying on the witness stand. 24
Petitioner Concepcion did not submit any motion for
reconsideration. Without waiting for the resolution of his motion Usually in private crimes, an affidavit of desistance is executed by
for reconsideration, petitioner Alonte repaired to this Court. So Mere retraction by a witness or by complainant of his or her the private complainant after pardoning and forgiving the
did petitioner Concepcion. testimony does not necessarily vitiate the original testimony or offender. In this instance, the court treats the affidavit as an
statement, if credible. 25 The general rule is that courts look with express pardon. 41 It does not ipso facto dismiss the case but
disfavor upon retractions of testimonies previously given in determines the timeliness and validity thereof.
Without doubt, the petitions at bar raise two (2) fulcrum issues:
court. 26 This rule applies to crimes, 27 offenses 28 as well as to
(1) the correctness of the ruling of the respondent judge that the
administrative offenses. 29 The reason is because affidavits of
desistance of the complainant is not a ground to dismiss the rape Private crimes are crimes against chastity such as adultery and
retraction can easily be secured from poor and ignorant
charge against the petitioners, and (2) the invalidity of petitioners' concubinage, seduction, abduction, rape and acts of
witnesses, usually through intimidation or for monetary
conviction on the ground of denial of due process. lasciviousness. Their institution, prosecution and extinction are
consideration. 30 Moreover, there is always the probability that
governed by Article 344 of the Revised Penal Code, viz:
they will later be repudiated 31 and there would never be an end
I agree with the learned disquisition of Mr. Justice Vitug that we to criminal litigation. 32 It would also be a dangerous rule for
should set aside the conviction of the petitioners for patent courts to reject testimonies solemnly taken before courts of Art. 344. Prosecution of the crimes of adultery, concubinage,
violation of their right to due process of law. I write this Separate justice simply because the witnesses who had given them later on seduction, abduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness. — The
Opinion to highlight the erroneousness of the shocking stance of changed their minds for one reason or another. This would make crimes of adultery and concubinage shall not be prosecuted
the State Prosecutor that the rape charge should be dismissed in solemn trials a mockery and place the investigation of the truth at except upon a complaint filed by the offended spouse.
view of the desistance of the private complainant. But our ruling the mercy of unscrupulous witnesses. 33
giving no effect on the affidavit of desistance should not based on
The offended party cannot institute criminal prosecution without
the reason that it was procured by threat or intimidation or any
The general rule notwithstanding, the affidavit should not be including both the guilty parties, if they are both alive, nor in any
payment of money as the respondent judge opined in his
peremptorily dismissed as a useless scrap of paper. There are case, if he shall have consented or pardoned the offenders.
Decision. The respondent judge arrived at this conclusion on the
instances when a recantation may create serious doubts as to the
basis of the affidavits of Atty. Balbin, the counsel of the private
guilt of the accused. 34 A retracted statement or testimony must
complainant. This is erroneous for Atty. Balbin was never called to The offenses of seduction, abduction, rape, acts of lasciviousness,
be subject to scrupulous examination. The previous statement or
the witness stand to testify on the truth of her affidavits. Her shall not be prosecuted except upon a complaint filed by the
testimony and the subsequent one must be carefully compared
affidavits therefore are hearsay evidence and should not have offended party or her parents, grand parents, or guardian, nor in

any case, the offender has been expressly pardoned by the above- But it is equally true that once the choice is made manifest, the action, his death is not a ground to dismiss the case. 60 Clearly, the
named persons, as the case may be. law will be applied in full force beyond the control of, and inspite will and participation of the offended party is necessary only to
of the complainant, his death notwithstanding. determine whether to file the complaint or not. Thereafter, the
will of the State prevails.
In cases of seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness and rape,
the marriage of the offender with the offended party shall The filing of a complaint in private crimes is merely a condition
extinguish the criminal action or remit the penalty already precedent to the exercise by the proper authorities of the power Article 344 does not include desistance of the offended party from
imposed upon him. The provisions of this paragraph shall also be to prosecute the guilty parties. 46 It is the complaint that starts the prosecuting the case as a ground for extinction of criminal liability
applicable to the co-principals, accomplices and accessories after prosecutory proceeding without which the fiscal and the court whether 
the fact of the above-mentioned crimes. cannot exercise jurisdiction over the case. 47 Once the complaint is total 61 or partial. 62 Hence, only when the desistance is grounded
filed, the action proceeds just as in any other crime. on forgiveness and pardon and is made before the institution of
the criminal action, can it extinguish criminal liability.
Private crimes cannot be prosecuted except upon complaint filed
Desistance, per se, is not equivalent to pardon.
by the offended party. In adultery and concubinage, the offended We follow the postulate that a criminal offense is an outrage to
party must implead both the guilty parties and must not have the sovereign state 48 and the right of prosecution for a crime is
consented or pardoned the offenders. In seduction, abduction, one of the attributes of the sovereign power.49 Thus, criminal In the case at bar, the "Affidavit of Desistance" of Juvielyn is not
rape and acts of lasciviousness, the complaint must be filed by the actions are usually commenced by the State, through the People an express pardon of the accused and the crime committed.
offended party or her parents, grandparents or guardian. The of the Philippines, and the offended party is merely a complaining Private complainant desisted from prosecuting the case against
complainant must not have expressly pardoned the offender. witness. 50 In private crimes, however, or those which cannot be the petitioners because she wished "to start life anew and live
prosecuted de oficio, the offended party assumes a more normally again." She reiterated this reason on the witness stand.
predominant role since the right to commence the action or She complained that members of the media were bothering and
Article 344 also provides for the extinction of criminal liability in
refrain therefrom, is a matter exclusively within his power and harassing her and that she wanted to go back to her normal life.
private crimes. It mentions two modes: pardon and marriage,
option. 51 The sovereign state deems it the wiser policy, in private She never said that she forgave the petitioners. She did not
which when validly and timely made, result in the total extinction
crimes, to let the aggrieved party and her family decide whether absolve them from their culpability. She did not give any
of criminal liability of the offender. 42 The pardon in private crimes
to expose to public view the vices, faults and disgraceful acts exculpatory fact that would raise doubts about her rape. She did
must be made before the institution of the criminal action. 43 In
occurring in the family.  52 But once the offended party files the not say that she consented to petitioner Alonte's acts. Moreover,
adultery and concubinage, the pardon may be express or implied
complaint, her will is ascertained and the action proceeds just as the rape case is already in court and it is no longer her right to
while in seduction, abduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness, the
in any other crime. The decision of the complainant to undergo decide whether or not the charge should be continued. As we
pardon must be express. In all cases, the pardon must come prior
the scandal of a public trial necessarily witness connotes the held in Crespo v. Mogul: 63
to the institution of the criminal action. After the case has been
willingness to face the scandal. 53The private complainant is
filed in court, any pardon made by the private complainant,
deemed to have shed off her privacy and the crime ceases to be
whether by sworn statement or on the witness stand, cannot xxx xxx xxx
"private" and becomes "public." The State, through the fiscal,
extinguish criminal liability. The only act that extinguishes the
takes over the prosecution of the case and the victim's change of
penal action and the penalty that may have been imposed is the
heart and mind will not affect the State's right to vindicate the The rule in this jurisdiction is that once a complaint or information
marriage between the offender and the offended party.  44
outrage against the violation of its law. 54 is filed in court any disposition of the case as to its dismissal or
conviction or acquittal of the accused rests in the sound discretion
As this Court declared in the case of Donio-Teves v. Vamenta, Jr.: 45 of the court. Although the fiscal retains the direction and control
This is the reason why pardon in crimes of chastity must come
of the prosecution of criminal cases even while the case is already
before the institution of the criminal action. Pardon by the
in court he cannot impose his opinion on the trial court. The court
The term "private crimes" in reference to felonies which cannot offended party extinguishes criminal liability when made while the
is the best and sole judge on what to do with the case before it.
be prosecuted except upon complaint filed by the aggrieved crime is still "private" and within the control of the offended
The determination of the case is within its exclusive jurisdiction
party, is misleading. Far from what it implies, it is not only the party. But once the case is filed in court, the
and competence. A motion to dismiss the case filed by the fiscal
aggrieved party who is offended in such crimes but also the State. pardon cannot ipso facto operate to dismiss the case. After the
should be addressed to the court who has the option to grant or
Every violation of penal laws results in the disturbance of public institution of the criminal action, any pardon given by the
deny the same. It does not matter if this is done before or after
order and safety which the State is committed to uphold and complainant to the offender would be unavailing, 55 except of
the arraignment of the accused or that the motion was filed after
protect. If the law imposes the condition that private crimes like course when the offender validly marries the offended
a reinvestigation or upon instructions of the Secretary of Justice
adultery shall not be prosecuted except upon complaint filed by party. 56 The offended party's pardon of the offender in a
who reviewed the records of the investigation.
the offended party, it is, as herein pointed earlier "out of seduction case after the criminal action had been instituted
consideration for the aggrieved party who might prefer to suffer constitutes no bar to said action. 57 A pardon given in a rape case
the outrage in silence rather than go through the scandal of a after the filing of the action in court "comes too late to hide the II
public trial." Once a complaint is filed, the will of the offended shameful occurrence from public notice." 58
party is ascertained and the action proceeds just as in any other
The next issue is the validity of the conviction of petitioners.
crime. This is shown by the fact that after filing a complaint, any
Even the death of the offended party cannot extinguish the case Petitioners contend that they were convicted without undergoing
pardon given by the complainant to the offender would be
once it is filed in court. 59 If the offended party dies immediately any trial. Respondent judge insists otherwise. He claims that
unavailing. It is true, the institution of the action in so called the
after filing the complaint but before the institution of the criminal petitioners submitted the case on the merits and relied principally
private crimes is at the option of the action of the aggrieved party.

on the Affidavit of Desistance. He recounts the events that took Court which was also brought to the Prosecutor Campomanes
place before the presentation of private complainant as revealed attention of the Supreme Court.
by the transcripts of November 7, 1997, viz:
We are all aware your Honor, that we will
Prosecutor Campomanes just be prolonging the agony, in fairness to
Prosecutor Campomanes everybody, considering that we are
representing the people, but we are not
And to the Department of Justice likewise
representing only . . . the Department of
Your Honor, the complaining your Honor.
Justice is not only representing the
witness/private complainant Juvielyn
complainant in this case but we are also for
Punongbayan is present here in Court, and
Court justice to be rendered to the respondent as
a while ago, I was given a copy of her
Affidavit of Desistance so I would like to
present her in order to attest to the veracity And that's why the Supreme Court instead
of her Affidavit of Desistance, your Honor, of resolving it sent the records to this Court Court
and for the Court to her testimony. to determine the voluntariness and the
validity of the Desistance, but they must be
I am rendering fair justice to everyone. That
determined after trial on the merits.
Court is the sense of this Court. That is the
perception of this Court with respect to the
Prosecutor Campomanes Supreme Court resolution, in the first place,
We will have a separate trial, this involved a
that Affidavit does not negate the
heinous offense and that there is not even
Your Honor please, representing the commission of the crime. You want us to
any plea-bargaining in this case.
people. Its events now will prove that there dismiss this case when the Affidavit does
is no more need for the prosecution to go not negate the commission of the crime?
Prosecutor Campomanes
on trial of this case, considering that the
private complainant herself had already Prosecutor Campomanes
Yes, your Honor, I understand that. furnished the Department of Justice a copy
of her Affidavit of Desistance.
That's why we will be presenting her in
Court Open Court, your Honor.
So you have to mark now your Court
documentary evidence in preparation for What does it say there?
Just to affirm that?
Prosecutor Campomanes
Prosecutor Campomanes
Prosecutor Campomanes
That she is no longer interested in further
Yes, your Honor. prosecuting this case, and that she is now
No to prove . . .
desisting in going to full blown trial, and
considering your Honor further, that this is
a private offense, then, the Department of Court
Justice feels that it can not be more popish
There are many documentary evidence than the Pope.
What happened . . . how about the
mentioned by the Supreme Court in its
Prosecution Department, they have control
seven (7) page . . . (may I see the record)
Court of the prosecution, and the offended party
seven(7) page resolution, dated September
herself, has not negated the commission of
2, 1997, and that this case was assigned to
the crime, is there anything there to show
this Court as the trial Judge. This Court has That is the stand of the Department of
that she did not . . . that the accused . . . did
already arraigned the accused and he Justice. But the Supreme Court belongs to a
not commit the crime charged?
pleaded not guilty, and so the next step is different Department, I am governed by the
pre-trial. The Order of the Supreme Court is Supreme Court, because I am a Judge, I am
to direct this Court not only to determine not from the Department of Justice. Prosecutor Campomanes
the voluntariness but also the validity of the
Affidavit of Desistance mentioned by the

That's why we will be presenting her in THE MORAL AND CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES OF affidavit that you have just read. On August
Open Court, whatever is not here will be BOTH ACCUSED PERPETRATED UPON VERY 22, 1997, assistant Chief State Prosecutor
clarified. YOUNG GIRLS STUDENTS OF BIÑAN Guiab filed his comment, he alleged that he
LAGUNA THAT WILL NOT DO SO IN THE is not aware of the desistance of the
TERMS OF THE ACCUSED MAYOR" that is petitioner in criminal case no. 96-19-B, and
why it was the prayer of the offended party in said desistance there is two (2) legal
and the Supreme Court granted the Motion effect, [that] the public prosecutor has the
So, we will go to a trial on the merits you for Change of Venue, and we are now on a control and direction of the prosecution in
present that affidavit, that's a part of your new venue, where the danger to the lives of criminal action, he prayed for the denial of
evidence. the witness is no longer present, on January the Motion to Dismiss and reiterated his
7, 1997, Alonte filed an Opposition thereto, petition for change of venue, the Supreme
Prosecutor Campomanes and on April 23, 1997, the petitioner, the Court granted the change of venue and in
offended party through the Honorable granting the change of venue the highest
Secretary of Justice Teofisto Guingona and tribunal which we are all subordinates, says:
The people is ready to present that . . . the Chief State Prosecutor Jovencito Zuno filed for the record, in their manifestation and
complaining witness. a Manifestation and Motion for Resolution motion for the resolution of petition to a
of the Petition For Change of Venue. change of venue the Secretary of Justice
Court Attached to the motion of the Honorable and Chief State Prosecutor submitted
Secretary of Justice Guingona and Chief various affidavits in support of their
State Prosecutor Jovencito Zuno were the allegations that prosecution witnesses and
We will have a trial on the merits. affidavits of the petitioner, her lawyer, Atty. private legal counsel are exposed to
Remedios Balbin, Dolores Yambao, KIDNAPPING, HARASSMENT, GRAVE
Prosecutor Campomanes Bienvenido Salandanan and Evelyn Celso THREATS, AND TEMPTING OFFERS OF BRIBE
with their contention that the prosecution MONEY all intended to extract an affidavit
witnesses and the private counsel of of desistance from the complainant, this is
Your Honor please, being a woman, I have
petitioner are exposed to kidnapping, now the affidavit of desistance in her
extensively discussed this matter with the
harassment, grave threats and tempting affidavit dated December 16, 1996, the
complaining witness and she intimated to
offers of bribe money, that was the stand of petitioner the offended party, the herein
this representation that she can not bear
your department . . . And then later on June offended party Juvielyn Punongbayan
another day of coming here, with all these
28, 1997 . . . we have to review this case alleged etc . . . etc . . . in support of her
people staring at her with everybody
because this involves public interest . . . on petition and then she alleged that during
looking at her as if she is something . . . .
June 23, 1997, Atty. Casano in behalf of the the last week of Feb. 1997, she was visited
oppositors, two (2) oppositors, filed a by one Lourdes Salaysay, she stated that
Court motion to dismiss the petition for change of Mrs. Salaysay told her that Mrs. Alonte,
venue in the Supreme Court on the ground wife of Mayor Alonte requested her to
On December 13, 1996, petitioner that it has become moot, he alleges that settle Alonte's case, she was informed that
Punongbayan through private counsel, Atty. the petitioner despite the motion to resume Mrs. Alonte was offering P10,000,000.00,
Remedios C. Balbin and the Assistant State the proceedings in criminal case no. 96-19-B will send her to school and give her house
Prosecutor Guiab, Jr. who is not here both in said motion, the petitioner informed the and send her parents abroad, Atty.
were relieved and changed with a new lady Court that she is desisting . . . informed the Remedios C. Balbin is not here now, I am
prosecutor, prayed that the case be tried by Supreme Court that she is desisting from just quoting the Supreme Court counsel,
the Regional Trial Court of Manila, they proceeding with the case, it is the same private counsel of petitioner also executed
cited the following grounds: "THE GREAT affidavit she prayed that the trial Court, on an affidavit dated February 1997, quote: the
DANGER TO THE LIVES OF BOTH PRIVATE her affidavit of desistance . . . Atty. Casano Supreme Court quote to them: to put on
COMPLAINANT AND THE IMMEDIATE also submitted to this Court, to the record the attempting, influence, directly, in
MEMBERS OF HER FAMILY AND THEIR Supreme Court the manifestation of the exchange of valuable consideration, that
WITNESSES AS THEY OPENLY IDENTIFIED petitioner joining the oppositors' prayer to the Rape charge against Mayor Bayani
THE PRINCIPAL ACCUSED MAYOR ALONTE dismiss her petition to a change of venue, Arthur Alone, she alleged that in two (2)
WHO IS ACKNOWLEDGED AS A POWERFUL the manifestation was also signed by Atty. occasions Atty. Romero conveyed to me the
POLITICAL FIGURE AND ALMOST AN Remedios Balbin as private prosecutor, the message of Mayor Alonte, namely: to drop
INSTITUTION IN BIÑAN LAGUNA AND [THE] Supreme Court required Assistant Chief the rape case against him and that he
GREAT DANGERS TO THE LIVES OF State Prosecutor Leonardo Guiab to would give a consideration of
WITNESSES WHO OTHERWISE WISH TO comment on the motion to dismiss filed by P10,000,000.00 to be apportioned as
COME OUT IN THE OPEN AND TESTIFY ON Atty. Casano which involve the same follows: P5,000.00, for the private

complainant, your client and the prosecutor intend to do, and he replied, go on with the Prosecutor Campomanes
P3,000,000.00 for me, as private case, [buy] the judge, [buy] the judge, that I
prosecutor, that is what Atty. Balbin said, am believing, and I reacted saying, but they
So we go on trial your Honor, and we will
P4,000,000.00 for her, the mediator, so have already done so, Judge Francisco
present the complaining witness, and let
there seems to be a liberal flow of blood Binan, Judge Francisco Binan suddenly
the Court decide on the basis of the
money, that is why the Supreme Court change his attitude towards the
complainants testimony . . . private
ordered the Court to determine the validity, prosecution, perhaps you are referring to
complainant's testimony, before this
and there is another, dated March 19, 1997. the next judge when the petition for change
Honorable Court . . .
I have to remind everybody about what of venue is finally granted that Atty. Daga
happened, this thing did not come from me, did not reply, and he reiterated that his
I am not fabricating anything this comes principal referring to them again as xxx xxx xxx
from the highest tribunal jurat, to whom I gambling lords, wanted desistance, after
am responsible another affidavit of Atty. which he excused himself and left, that I Prosecutor Campomanes
Balbin, she narrated the continuing execute this affidavit, as Atty. Balbin attests
attempts to bribe her and threatened her, to the truth of the incident with Atty.
so there were continuing events, they Dionisio Daga which occurred in the That's why we are presenting the private
alleged, the People's Bureau, Office of the afternoon of March 6, 1997 at my office, complainant, the principal witness, the
Mayor of Quezon City, extensively discuss stating . . . (JUDGE READING THE RECORDS mother who is also a signatory to this
the squatting case with against his client, OF THE CASE) affidavit of desistance, everybody who have
that after a brief exchange on the status of been a part and participant in the making
the case, they confided to me his real and preparation of this affidavit of
Court desistance, they have already signed these
purpose, that it started of by saying he was
the legal counsel of the gambling lords of affidavit of desistance.
Malabon for which he get a monthly Then, the Supreme Court said, these
retainer of P15,000.00 exclusive of affidavits, the one attached gave specific Court
transportation expenses, but he also stated names, dates and methods . . . a coercion of
that he knows all the network of the corruption, the prosecution of Criminal Case
gambling lord throughout the country, No. 96-19-B (JUDGE CONTINUED READING And we also have the affidavits mentioned
which is quite strong and unified, that I then THE RECORDS OF THE CASE) that is desisting by the Supreme Court, because I was . . . all
ask him "what do you mean?" "Is Alonte for pursuing her complaint for Rape of those documents in the determination of
into gambling too, that he is part of the petitioner a minor, they have . . . illicit, whether that affidavit is valid.
network you speak of?", that Atty. Daga did influence and due pressure to prevent . . .
not reply, but instead said, they are Criminal Case No. 96-19-B to any of its Prosecutor Campomanes
prepared to double the offer made to by Branch, just to call the Criminal Case No. 96-
Atty. Romero which was published in the 19-B shall be raffled, shall result the
petitioner's motion, to resume proceedings Yes, your Honor.
newspaper at P10,000,000.00, so, its
double, double your money, so its filed in Branch 26 in the RTC of Laguna, to
P20,000,000.00, that I told him, its Atty. determine the voluntariness and validity of Court
Balbin, that all the money in the world, all the petitioner's desistance in the light of the
the money in the world will not make me position of the public prosecutor, Assistant
We . . . the Court cannot close his eyes to
change my position against my client Chief Prosecutor Leonardo Guiab . . . I don't
the other affidavits . . . because . . . that's
executing a desistance and that Alonte's know what will be the outcome . . . you may
why precisely the Supreme Court ordered
voluntary surrender plea of guilty to rape, contend that because of that affidavit of the
me to hear this case.
conviction, and the imposition of the desistance there is reasonable doubt . . .
corresponding penalty will satisfy the ends etc . . . but still, that will be placing the cart
of justice, but I told him, that my client's before the horse . . . you have to go a Prosecutor Campomanes
case is not isolated, there being five (5) regular trial on the merits . . . because this is
other miners similarly place and Alonte's a heinous offense which cannot . . . and We understand that your Honor.
will be stopped from doing more harm that during the pre-trial cannot be subject to a
Atty. Daga, then told me in Filipino if you do plea-bargaining, and with respect to its new
not accede to a desistance, then they will law which took effect in 1993, that is a new Court
be force to but because he did not one, it was placed to the category of a
[complete] the sentence I asked him heinous offense . . .
directly, what do you mean, what do you

There are may conflicting matters to be (a) The prosecution shall present evidence to prove the charge offered." 71 Evidence not formally offered in court will not be
solve . . . conflicting matters to be tackled in and, in the proper case, the civil liability. taken into consideration by the court in disposing of the issues of
this case. the case. Any evidence which a party desires to submit for the
consideration of the court must formally be offered by
(b) The accused may present evidence to prove his defense, and
him, 72 otherwise it is excluded and rejected. 73
Prosecutor Campomanes damages, if any, arising from the issuance of any provisional
remedy in the case.
Third, where there is a doubt as to the nature of the criminal
May we present the private complainant,
proceedings before the court, this doubt must be resolved in
your Honor . . . . 64 (c) The parties may then respectively present rebutting evidence
favor of the accused who must be given the widest latitude of
only, unless the court, in furtherance of justice, permits them
action to prove his innocence. 74 It is in petitioners' favor that the
present additional evidence bearing upon the main issue.
The records show that the hearing of November 7, 1997 was set proceedings of November 7, 1997 be treated as a hearing on the
for arraignment of the petitioners. 65 After the counsels made motion to dismiss, not a trial on the merits. To rule otherwise will
their respective appearances, Prosecutor Campomanes presented (d) Upon admission of the evidence, the case shall be deemed effectively deny petitioners due process and all the other rights of
her authority to appear as prosecutor in lieu of Asst. Chief State submitted for decision unless the court directs the parties to an accused under the Bill of Rights and our Rules in Criminal
Prosecutor Guiyab, Jr. Both petitioners pleaded not guilty to the argue orally or to submit memoranda. Procedure.
charge. Respondent judge then set the case for pretrial which the
parties, however, waived. The proceedings continued and
(e) However, when the accused admits the act charged or Indeed, following respondent judge's finding and assuming that
Prosecutor Campomanes manifested there was no need for the
omission charged in the complaint or information but interposes the November 7, 1997 hearing was already a trial on the merits,
prosecution to go to trial in view of the Affidavit of Desistance of
lawful defense, the order of trial may be modified accordingly. petitioners were never afforded their right to confront and cross-
the private complainant. Respondent judge, however, observed
examine the witness. The court did not, at the very least, inquire
that private complainant did not negate the commission of the
In the case at bar, petitioners were never instructed to present as to whether the petitioners wanted to cross-examine private
crime in her Affidavit of Desistance. Respondent judge expressed
evidence to prove their defenses. The parties were never given complainant with respect to her affidavit of October 21, 1996. No
his misgivings on the validity of the Affidavit of Desistance
the opportunity to present their respective evidence rebutting the opportunity to cross-examine was afforded petitioners and their
because of the September 2, 1997 Resolution of this Court citing
testimony of private complainant. There was no admission by counsels such that they cannot be deemed to have waived said
affidavits where allegations of bribery were made to extract said
petitioners of the charge in the information as to justify a change right by inaction. 75
affidavit from complainant. Prosecutor Campomanes then offered
to present the private complainant to attest to the voluntariness in the order of trial. 66
and veracity of her Affidavit of Desistance. Respondent judge Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Mendoza and
averred whether the court should proceed to a trial on the merits. Our criminal rules of procedure strictly provide the step by step Panganiban, JJ., concur.
Prosecutor Campomanes declared that they could go on trial and procedure to be followed by courts in cases punishable by
let the court decide the merits of the case on the basis of the death. 67 This rule also applies to all other criminal cases,  
testimony of private complainant and the other witnesses. It was particularly where the imposable penalty is reclusion perpetua.
then that private complainant was presented as a witness. The reason for this is to assure that the State makes no mistake in
Separate Opinions
taking life and liberty except that of the guilty. 68 Thus:
From the garbled transcripts of the hearing on November 7, 1997,
it is not clear what both respondent judge and the public PUNO, J., separate opinion;
Judges should be reminded that each step in the trial process
prosecutor intended the proceedings to be. Respondent judge serves a specific purpose. In the trial of criminal cases, the
repeatedly declared that the proceedings before him was to be a constitutional presumption of innocence in favor of the accused The facts are critical and need to be focused. Petitioners were
trial on the merits. The public prosecutor agreed to go to trial, but requires that an accused be given sufficient opportunity to charged with rape in Criminal Case No. 15993 which was raffled to
at the same time moved to present private complainant and her present his defense. So with the prosecution as to its evidence. Br. 25 of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna. The charge is principally based
witnesses to testify on the voluntariness of her Affidavit of on the following affidavit dated October 31, 1996 of Ms. Juvie-Lyn
Desistance. Respondent judge and the public prosecutor were, Punongbayan, a 16-year old minor, viz.:
obviously, not tuned in to each other. Hence, any deviation from the regular course of trial should
always take into consideration the rights of all the parties to the
case, whether the prosecution or defense. 69 REPLY-AFFIDAVIT
I agree with the majority that the November 7, 1997 proceedings
could not have been a trial on the merits. First of all, the
proceedings did not conform with the procedure for trial as Second, the admission of private complainant's affidavit of (TUGON SA MGA SALAYSAY NILA MAYOR BAYANI ALONTE, WELLA
provided in the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure. Section 3 of October 21, 1996 was made solely in response to respondent CONCEPCION, RICARDO LACAYAN at JAIME MENDOZA)
Rule 119 provides: judge's own questioning. 70 It was this affidavit which respondent
judge used to convict the petitioners. This affidavit, however, was
Ako si JUVIE-LYN Y. PUNONGBAYAN, Filipino, walang asawa, 16
not marked nor was it formally offered before the court. The
Sec. 3. Order of Trial. — The trial shall proceed in the following years old, at kasalukuyang nasa pangangalaga ng Department of
Revised rules on Evidence clearly and expressly provide that "[t]he
order: Social Welfare and Development, matapos makapanumpa ayon sa
court shall consider no evidence which has not been formally
batas, ay nagsasaad:

1. Wala pong katotohanan ang lahat nakasaad sa mga salaysay ni 7. Nagpunta kami sa studio sa Delta nung Sept. 11. Bago kami 13. Pumasok si Mayor sa loob ng bahay. Naghubad siya ng
Mayor Bayani Alonte at Buenaventura "Wella" Concepcion, ng magsayaw, habang inaayos ni Wella yung damit ko, sinabi niya na sapatos. Sabi ni Wella: "Mayor, si Juvie; Juvie si Mayor."
kanilang mga testigo na sila Ricardo (Ading) Lacayan y Aguilar at dapat manalo kami dahil si Mayor Alonte daw ang nag-sponsor ng
Jaime Bagtas Mendoza. costume namin. Noon ko lang ito nalaman. Hindi kami nanalo sa
14. Umupo si Mayor sa tabi ko. Kinamayan niya ako at sinabi niya:
contest, pero nagkaroon pa rin kami ng premyong P1,500.00 na
"Hi, I'm Arthur" sabay hinalikan niya sa ako sa lips. Hindi ako naka-
pinaghatian namin.
2. Ang totoo po ay inabuso ako ni Mayor nung September 12, react dahil nagulat at kinabahan ako.
1996, katulad nga ng naihayag ko na sa aking sinumpaang
salaysay. Ayon sa driver ng tricycle na nasakyan ko pagkatapos ng 8. Pagkatapos ng contest, at nung nakapagpalit na ako ng damit,
15. Nagmamadaling nagpaalam si Wella. Kinuha ni Mayor ang
insidente, hindi lang po ako, kundi marami pa pong babae ang binabalik ko kay Wella ang costume ko. Sabi niya iuwi ko daw ito
wallet sa bulsa sa likod ng kanyang pantalon. Dumukot siya ng
inabuso ni Mayor. Sabi pa nga ng driver ay naaawa siya sa akin, at dahil gagamitin ko ito sa Miss Education contest, sa presentation
P1,000 na buo. Inabot niya ito kay Wella. Patayo na ako pero
lumaban daw ako. Tinawagan ko na rin po ang lahat ng mga ng mga candidates. Mula sa studio, nagpunta kaming lahat sa
hinawakan ni Mayor ang braso ko. Wag daw akong sasama kay
babae na naging biktima ni Mayor; wag silang matakot, lumabas isang kainan sa tapat ng Delta at, pagkatapos namin kumain,
Wella. Sinabi ko kay Wella na wag niya akong iiwanan, pero
at ilahad ang pangaabuso ni Mayor. humiwalay yung ibang kasama namin.
parang wala siyang narinig. Basta tuloy-tuloy siyang umalis.

Ang detalya nung panggagahasa 9. Dinala ako ni Wella sa isang department store at binili niya ako
16. Nung, kami na lang ni Mayor ang natira, pinainom niya ako ng
ng sandals. Inikot niya ako sa lugar na yon at binili niya ako ng
mineral water. Uminom ako dahil nauuhaw ako. Nanlabo ang
pagakain. Tapos ay sumakay kami ng bus pauwi sa Laguna. Nung
ni Alonte at ang partisipasyon paningin ko at nanghina ako.
nasa bus kami, niyaya ako ni Wella na magpunta sa bahay ni
Mayor para magpasalamat ng personal para sa costume namin.
ni Wella Concepcion Pumayag ako at sabi ko kay Wella na sunduin niya ako sa bahay ng 17. Nawalan ako ng malay. Ang sumunod ko na lang na
10:00 a.m. sa susunod na araw, Sept. 12. Nakarating ako sa bahay natatandaan ay nandoon na ako sa kwarto. Wala akong damit.
ng 5:00 p.m. ng araw na yon, Sept. 11. Nakadagan si Mayor sa akin. May malaking salamin sa pader.
3. Nakalahad po sa sumusunod na talata ang detalya ng pang-
Doon ko nakita na walang kadamit-damit si Mayor.
aabuso sa akin ni Mayor. Pinakikita rin dito kung paano
nakipagsabwatan kay Wella Concepcion. Sa pamamagitan nito ay 10. Nung Sept. 12, hinintay ko si Wella ng 10:00 a.m. Nung hindi
mapapabulaanan na rin ang mga nakasaad sa salaysay nila at ng siya dumating umalis kaming Tita ko dahil sinamahan ko siya sa 18. Hawak ako ni Mayor sa magkabilang braso. Pinipisil niya ito
mga testigo nila. health center. Sumundo pala si Wella doon, pero hindi kami kaya nagkaroon ako ng pasa sa kaliwang braso (at ito ay nawala
nagkita kasi saglit lang kami doon. Bumalik siya sa bahay, at doon lang pagkatapos ng tatlong araw).
4. Nakilala ko si Wella Concepcion, dance instructor, nung na kami nagkita. Tapos ay umalis kami ni Wella papunta kay
bandang last week ng August 1996. Noon ay naghahanda ako para Mayor. Tumawid kami ng kalye, at pumara ako ng tricycle. Pero 19. Naramdaman ko na pilit na pinasok ni Mayor ang ari niya sa
sa "Miss Education" beauty contest sa Perpetual Help College of kahit marami na akong pinara, ayaw ni Wella na sumakay doon. aking ari. Nasaktan ako. Nagmakaawa ako. Umiiyak ako nung
Laguna. Doon ako nag-aaral. First year college ako, at education Maya-maya, may tricyle na dumating na hindi naman pinara ni sinabi ko sa kanya na tigilan niya ako; nasasaktan ako; may anak
ang kursong pinili ko. Ang nasabing contest ay ginanap nung Sept. Wella. Basta huminto na lang sa harap namin. Doon kami rin siyang babae. Sabi niya wag daw akong maingay at i-embrace
20, 1996. Kapag nagkikita kami ni Wella para sa ensayo, sumakay ni Wella. Si Wella ang nagturo sa driver kung saan kami ko na lang daw siya. Lalo akong umiyak dahil nandidiri ako sa
nagkukuwentuhan din kami, at nabanggit niya na may kaibigan pupunta. Nag-uusap sila ng driver habang papunta kami kay kanya, at sa ginagawa niya sa akin. Naghalo ang galit, pandidiri at
siyang bakla na nagdadala ng babae kay Mayor Alonte. Waway Mayor. takot. Wala akong magawa kundi magmakaawa. Hindi ko siya
daw ang pangalan ng bakla. Hindi ko pa kilala si Waway noon. maitulak dahil nanghihina ako, nakadagan siya sa akin, mataba
11. Bumaba kami sa tapat ng bahay na bukas ang gate. May siya, at hawak-hawak niya ang braso ko. Pero kahit
swimming pool sa loob, alam na alam ni Wella and, pasikot-sikot nagmamakaawa ako, tinuloy pa rin niya at pinasok niya ulit ang ari
5. Nung Sept. 7, niyaya ako ni Wella na sumali sa dance contest sa
nang bahay; tuloy-tuloy siya sa loob at sumunod naman ako. Wala niya sa aking ari.
"Sang Linggo NAPO SILA" sa Channel 2, na itatanghal sa Sept. 11,
1996. Wala na daw po akong aalalahanin. Siya daw ang bahala sa kaming taong nakita, pero bukas pati yung pintuan ng bahay.
costume at transportation. Pumayag ang nanay ko, dahil wala na Dinala ako ni Wella sa sala. Napakaganda ng loob ng bahay. 20. Maya-maya ay tumigil siya. Tumayo siya at sabi niya: "ang
kaming gagastusin. Hindi ko tinanong kay Wella kung saan galing Mayroong wall paper na may design na leaves and flowers; may panty mo, nasa tabi mo." Kinuha ko ang panty ko, tumayo ako at
ang costume. Akala ko may ipapagamit lang siya sa akin. carpet sa sahig. May mahabang hagdan patungo sa dalawang sinuot ko ito. Hinanap ko ang damit ko, at nakita ko ang walking
pintuan. shorts, bra at t-shirt ko sa sahig. Pinulot ko ito at sinuot ko.
Habang sinusuot ko, umiiyak pa rin ako. Pagkatapos kong
6. Nung Sept. 8, pinakilala ni Wella si Waway sa akin. Si Waway
12. Tinanong ko kay Wella kung nasaan si Mayor. Sabi niya ay magbihis, umupo ako sa mahabang upuan sa may gilid ng kama.
ang nagturo sa amin ng sayaw para sa TV contest. Mula nung
araw na yon hanggang Sept. 10 ay nagsanay kami sa bahay ng nasa munisipyo daw; darating na daw maya-maya. Pagkaraan ng
kapatid ni Waway sa St. Francis Subdivision, Biñan, Laguna. Tatlo mga 15 minutes, dumating si Mayor na nakasakay sa green na 21. Samantala, paqkatapos sabihin ni Mayor na nasa tabi ko ang
kami sa dance group: ako at ang dalawang lalaki na ipinakilala sa kotse. Lumabas siya sa kaliwang pintuan sa harap ng kotse. Wala panty ko, nagpunta siya sa banyo na transparent ang pinto. Wala
akin ni Waway: si Melchor at Darius. siyang kasama. siyang suot pagpunta niya doon. Paglabas niya, nakasuot na siya
ng checkered brief na kulay black and white. Pumunta siya sa
kabilang gilid ng kama. Kinuha niya ang damit niya na nakahanger

sa pader. Sinuot niya ito. Lumabas siya ng kwarto. Hindi nagtagal of P10M bribe money allegedly offered to her. The first affidavit 8. That I told him that I cannot be tempted with his offer because
ay pumasok siya ulit at sinabi niya na nandiyan na daw ang sundo dated February 24, 1997 states: spiritual consideration are more important to me than the
ko. material. Also, that I usually handle cases pro bono (at abunado
pa) where the litigant is in dire need of legal assistance but cannot
I, Remedios C. Balbin, of legal age, Filipino, married, with
afford to pay for the lawyer's fees, as in Juvie-lyn's case;
22. Tumayo ako. Sinabi ko na aalis na ako. Nung papunta na ako residence at #5 Uranus Street, Congressional Avenue Subdivision,
sa pintuan, lumapit si Mayor sa akin. May hawak-hawak siyang Quezon City, after having duly sworn in accordance with law,
dalawang pirasong P1,000. Tiniklop niya ito; binaba niya yung depose and say: 9. That I gave Atty. Romero a copy of the decision of the Supreme
neckline ng t-shirt ko, at pinasok niya ang pera sa aking bra. Court promulgated December 10 1996, entitled "People of the
Nagalit ako. Kinuha ko ang pera at tinapon ko ito sa kanya. Sabi ko Philippines vs. Robert Cloud" (GR No. 119359: Crim. Case No. Q-
1. That I am the Private Prosecutor in Criminal Case No. 96-19-B
hindi ako bayarang babae. Nagalit siya at pinagbantaan ako. Sabi 90-12660) for parricide involving the death of a 2 1/2 year old
for rape, filed with the Biñan RTC, Branch 25, entitled "People of
niya: "Pag nagsalita ka, alam mo na kung ano ang mangyayari sa boy. I wrote on page one of the xerox copy of the decision: "To
the Philippines vs. Bayani Arthur Alonte, et al.;
iyo." Tiningnan ko siya, at umalis ako pababa. Atty. Leo Romero — so you will understand," and to which I
affixed my signature.
2. That as Private Prosecutor, it is my avowed duty to be faithful
23. Mayroon tricycle na nakaabang sa labas. Sumunod si Mayor.
to the interests of my client, Ms. Juvie-lyn Punongbayan;
Lumapit siya sa driver at binigyan niya ito ng P100. Tapos ay 10. That I told him explicitly: "we cannot simplify the entire
umalis na kami. proceedings. You advise Mayor Alonte to surrender (one
3. That on several occasions, I was visited at my Office at the mitigating circumstance), plead guilty (another mitigating
Quezon City Hall Compound, by a lawyer who introduced himself circumstance), get a conviction and suffer the corresponding
24. Umiiyak pa rin ako nung nasa tricycle. Sabi ko sa driver na
as Atty. Leo C. Romero, representing the Accused Mayor Bayani penalty. Otherwise, we have nothing to talk about."
ginahasa ako ni Mayor. Sabi niya masuwerte daw ako at maaga
Arthur Alonte;
akong pinauwi dahil yung mga ibang babae daw na dinadala kay
Mayor ay pinauwi ng madaling-araw o hating-gabi. Minsan dalawa 11. That I emphasized that his suggestion for Mayor Alonte to
o tatlo pa nga daw ang dinadala doon, at yung iba ay naka- 4. That my calendar at the People's Bureau, Quezon City Hall, plead guilty to "act of lasciviousness" merely was ridiculous;
uniform pa. Naawa daw siya sa akin, kaya magsumbong daw ako. shows that he came to see me about eight (8) times, but we
Nakokonsensiya daw siya dahil isa siya sa dalawang tricycle driver talked only about three (3) times because I was always busy
12. That when the Complainant's Affidavit on the offer of Ms.
na naghahatid ng mga babae doon. Sabi pa nga niya, babae din attending to the problems of Quezon City's urban poor and the
Emily Vasquez for a valuable consideration in exchange for an
daw ang ina niya, kaya din siya nakokonsensiya. Dinagdag pa niya landowners of private properties illegally occupied by them;
affidavit of desistance in the rape was exposed by media, Atty.
na kung may kasiyahan kina Mayor, isang van ng mga babae ang
Romero came to see me and thanked me for not exposing him in
nadoon. Pagdating namin sa bahay ng Lola ko, sabi niya bago siya 5. That in two (2) occasions, Atty. Romero conveyed to me the similar fashion. I assured him that he will not be an exception and
umalis: "Lumaban ka." message of Mayor Alonte, namely, to drop the rape case against that I was just too busy then to execute an affidavit on the matter,
him, and that he would give a consideration of Ten Million Pesos as I do now;
On December 13, 1996, the private complainant thru her counsel, (P10 Million) to be apportioned as follows:
Atty. Remedios C. Balbin and Asst. Chief State Prosecutor
13. That I have not received other similar offers of valuable
Leonardo Guiab, Jr., of the Department of Justice petitioned this Five Million Pesos (P5M) — for the Private Complainant material consideration from any other person, whether private
Court for a change of venue. They cited as ground the "great
party or government official; However, I have been separately
danger to the lives of both the private complainant, the
Three Million Pesos (P3M) — for me as Private Prosecutor advised by several concerned persons that I was placing my
immediate members of her family, and their witnesses as they
personal safety at great risk. The victim's family will have great
openly defy the principal accused, Mayor Alonte who is
difficulty in finding another lawyer to "adopt" them in the way I
acknowledged as a powerful political figure and almost an Two Million Pesos (P2M) — for him as the mediator did, which gives them strength to pursue their case with
institution in Biñan, Laguna . . ."
confidence and the accused Mayor is aware that I am the obstacle
6. That I explained to Atty. Romero that money does not matter at to an out-of-court settlement of the case. Also, that I had my
On March 31, 1997, the private complainant, thru the then all to the Complainant and her family even if they have very hands full, as it is, as the Head of the QC People's Bureau, Housing
Secretary of Justice, the Honorable Teofisto Guingona and Chief modest means; that they want justice, which means a conviction Development Center, and Special Task Force an Squatting and
State Prosecutor Jovencio Zuno filed a Manifestation and Motion for the charge of rape; Resettlement, and the numerous cases filed by me or against me,
for the early resolution of the petition for change of venue. They connected with my performance of official duties, and I should
submitted the affidavits of the private complainant, her counsel not add more legal problems despite my authority to engage in
Atty. Remedios C. Balbin, Dolores Mercado-Yambao, Bienvenido 7. That I also explained to Atty. Romero that the money he was private law practice.
Salandanan and Evelyn Celso to prove their allegation that they offering me was of no consequence to me because I had access to
"are exposed to kidnapping, harassment, veiled threats and the resources of my two (2) daughters, both of whom are in the
medical field abroad, and of Mr. Filomeno Balbin, Labor Attached 14. That this affidavit is executed in order to put on record the
tempting offers of bribe money — all intended to extract an
then assigned in Riyadh; attempt to influence me directly, in exchange for valuable
'affidavit of desistance' from the private complainant." Worth
consideration to drop the rape charge against Mayor Bayani
bright lining are the two (2) affidavits of Atty. Remedios C. Balbin,
Arthur Alonte.
counsel for the private complainant, relating the fantastic amount

February 24, 1997, City of Manila. CITY OF MANILA ) s.s. g. That I told him that all the money in the world will not make me
change my position against my client's executing a desistance, and
that only Alonte's voluntary surrender, plea of guilty in rape,
conviction and the imposition of the corresponding penalty will
satisfy the ends of justice;
I, REMEDIOS C. BALBIN, of legal age, Filipino, married, and with
address at No. 5 Uranus Street, Congressional Avenue
h. That I told him that my client's case is not isolated, there being
Subdivision Quezon City, after having duly sworn in accordance
five (5) other minors similarly placed; and Alonte should be
with law, depose and say:
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 26th day of March, stopped from doing more harm;
1997, Metro Manila.
1. That I am the Private Prosecutor in the rape case filed by the
i. That Atty. Daga then told me in Pilipino "if you do not accede to
"minor Juvie-Lyn Punongbayan against Mayor Bayani Arthur
Community Tax Certificate — 5208733 a desistance, then, they will be forced to . . .".
Alonte of Biñan, Laguna.

Date Issue 2-10-97 j. That because he did not complete his sentence, I asked him
2. That earlier, I reported to Secretary Teofisto Guingona, State
directly: "What do you mean? What do you intend to do? And he
Prosecutor Jovencio R. Zuno, Asst. Chief State Prosecutor
Quezon City replied: Go on with the case Buy the Judge."
Leonardo Guiyab, Jr., and Director Jude Romano of the Witness
Protection Program, the instances of substantial amounts
amounting to several millions, to my client, to her relatives,
NOTARY PUBLIC k. That unbelieving, I reacted, saying; "but they have already done
including her maternal grandmother, and to myself; so, Judge Francisco at Binan suddenly changed his attitude
towards the Prosecution. Perhaps, you are referring to the next
SGD. JUANITO L. GARCIA judge when the petition for change of venue is finally granted?"
3. That despite the published declaration by the Department of
Justice of its determination to prosecute those who offered the
bribes, new emissaries of Mayor Alonte persist in making offers, 1. That Atty. Daga did not reply, and he reiterated that his
as follows: principals, referring to them again as "gambling lords," want a
NOTARY PUBLIC desistance, after which he excused himself and left.
a. On Thursday, March 6, 1997, at about 3:15 o'clock in the
UNTIL Dec. afternoon,
31, 1997 Atty. Dionisio S. Daga came to see me at my office at 4. That I execute this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the incident
the People's Bureau, Office of the Mayor, of Squatting case which with Atty. Dionisio S. Daga which occurred in the afternoon of
I filed against his clients; March 6, 1997, at my Office, stressing herein my surprise over his
PTR No. 63-T-033457 daring in making yet another monetary offer to me in exchange
for my client's desistance and my feeling of fear for the first time
b. That after a brief exchange on the status of the case, he
ISSUED AT MLA. ON 1-2-97 since I started "handling" this case against Alonte;
confided to me his real purpose;

TAN—161-570-81 5. That despite what I perceived as veiled threats of Atty. Daga, I

c. That he started off by saying that he was the legal counsel of
will seek justice in behalf of Juvie-Lyn Punongbayan, with the
the gambling lords of Malabon for which he gets a monthly
indispensable initiatives, participation and support of the
Doc. No. 950; retainer of fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00), exclusive of
Department of Justice under Secretary Teofisto Guingona.
transportation expenses, etc.
Page No. 170;
d. The he also stated that the network of gambling lords
throughout the country is quite strong and unified;
Series of 1997.
e. That I then asked him: "What do you mean — is Alonte into
In her second Affidavit dated March 26, 1997, Atty. Balbin
gambling too? that he is part of the network you speak of?"
declared in no uncertain language that the bribe offer for private
complainant to make a desistance was increased from P10,000.00
to P20,000.00, viz: f. That Atty. Daga did not reply but instead said: "they are
prepared to double the offer made to you by Atty. Romero which
was published in the newspapers" at P10 Million; Affiant



CITY OF MANILA ) S.S. I, Juvie-lyn Yambao — Punongbayan, 17 years of age, a resident of WHEREOF, I affix my signature, this 25th day of June, 1997, in
No. 5 Uranus Street, Congressional Avenue Subdivision, Quezon Quezon City.
City, duly assisted by private legal counsel and my parents, after
having duly sworn in accordance with law, depose and say:
1997. SGD. JUVIE-
1. That I am the Complainant in the rape case filed against Mayor
Community Tax Certificate — 5208733
Bayani "Arthur" Alonte of Biñan, Laguna, with the RTC-Branch 25
of Binan, Laguna;
Date Issued 2-10-97
2. That the case has been pending for some time, on preliminary
Assisted by:
Quezon City issues, specifically, (a) change of venue, filed with the Supreme
Court; (b) propriety of the appeal to the Court of Appeals, and
after its denial by said court, brought to the Office of the SGD. REMEDIOS C. BALBIN
Notary Public
President, on the veracity of the findings of the Five-Man
Investigating Panel of the State Prosecutor's Office, and the ATTY. REMEDIOS C. BALBIN
Secretary of Justice and (c) a hold-departure order filed with the
Biñan Court;
Private Prosecutor
3. That the legal process moves ever so slowly, and meanwhile, I
have already lost two (2) semesters of my college residence. And In the presence of:
when the actual trial is held after all the preliminary issues are
finally resolved, I anticipate a still indefinite suspension of my SGD. PABLO PUNONGBAYAN
UNTIL DEC. schooling
31, 1997 to attend the hearings;

PTR NO. 63-T-033457
4. That during the entire period since I filed the case, my family
has lived a most abnormal life: my father and mother had to give
up their Father
ISSUED AT MLA. ONjobs; my younger brother, who is in fourth grade, had to
stop his schooling, like myself;
TAN -161-570-81
5. That I do not blame anyone for the long, judicial process; I
simply wish to stop and live elsewhere with my family, where we JULIE Y. PUNONGBAYAN
Doc. No. 948;
can start life anew, and live normally once again;
Book No. 190;
6. That I pray that I be allowed to withdraw my complaint for rape
and the other charge for child abuse wherein the Five-Man
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 25 the day of June,
Page No. XLIII; investigating Penal of the Office of the State Prosecutor found
1997, in Quezon City.
a prima facie case although the information has not been filed,
Series of 1997. and that I will not at any time revive this, and related cases or file
new cases whether, criminal, civil and/or administrative here or SGD. ILLEGIBLE
anywhere in the Philippines;
After the alleged bribe money was increased from P10M to P20M
Administering Officer
the complexion of the case changed swiftly.
7. That I likewise realize that the execution of this Affidavit will put
to doubt my credibility as a witness-complainant; RTC Branch 94
On June 25, 1997, Atty. Balbin filed a Motion to Resume
Proceedings in Br. 25 of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna. Attached to the
Motion was the Affidavit of Desistance of the private complainant 8. That this is my final decision reached without fear or favor, Quezon City
which states: premised on a corresponding commitment that there will be no
reprisals in whatever form, against members of the police force or
any friends who extended assistance to me in whatever way, in Obviously, the Motion to Resume Proceedings was intended to
my search for justice. get the trial court's approval for the dismissal of the rape case
against the petitioners.


Indeed, three days thereafter or on June 28, 1997, Atty. Ramon C. On October 28, 1997, an Administrative Order of the DOJ was On November 10, 1997, petitioner Alonte filed an Urgent Motion
Casino moved in behalf of the petitioners to dismiss the petition issued empowering First Assistant City Prosecutor Marilyn R. O. to Admit to Bai1. 12 In her Comment, Prosecutor Campomanes
for change of venue then pending in this Court citing the affidavit Campomanes to prosecute the case at bar. Asst. Chief State agreed and averred, viz.: 13
of desistance of the private complainant. On August 22, 1997, Prosecutor Leonardo Guiab, Jr., who opposed the affidavit of
however, Asst. Chief State Prosecutor Guiyab opposed the desistance was relieved from the case. The reason given in the
xxx xxx xxx
motion. He alleged that he has control of the prosecution of the Administrative Order was ". . . in the interest of public service."
rape case and that he was not aware of the desistance of the Prosecutor Campomanes was authorized "to move for its (case)
private complainant. dismissal if the evidence on record so warrant . . ."1 1. That she received a copy of the Petition for Bail.

The legal maneuvers to dismiss the rape case against the The arraignment of the petitioners took place on November 7, 2. That on the hearing of the instant case on November 7, 1997,
petitioners on the basis of the alleged affidavit of desistance of 1997. The State was represented by Prosecutor Marilyn the Prosecution presented its witnesses who vehemently signified
the private complainant did not find the favor of this Court. On Campomanes. Petitioner Alonte was represented by Atty. Jose their intention not to further prosecute the case in Court and
September 2, 1997, this Court unanimously granted the petition Flaminiano and Atty. Sigfrid A. Fortun. Petitioner Concepcion was there being no other witnesses to present, the undersigned is left
for change of venue, ruling among others, viz: represented by Atty. Ramon C. Casano. Atty. Remedios Balbin who with no alternative but to seek the dismissal of the considering
had previously exposed under oath the threats to the life of the that without the testimony of said witnesses this case has nothing
private complainant and her witnesses and the repeated attempts to stand on in Court.
xxx xxx xxx
to buy complainant's desistance was absent. 2
3. That for the aforestated reason, the People interposes no
These affidavits give specific names, dates and methods being
Petitioners pled not guilty to the charge of rape upon their objection to the granting of Bail and in fact justice and equity
used to abort, by coercion or corruption, the prosecution of
arraignment. 3 Pre-trial was then waived by both the prosecution dictate that it joins the accused in his prayer for the granting of
Criminal Case No. 9619-B. It is thus incorrect for oppositors Alonte
and the defense. The proceedings continued and Prosecutor bail in the amount of P150,000 (ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND
and Concepcion to contend that the fear of the petitioner, her
Campomanes presented the private complainant, Ms. PESOS).
private counsel and her witnesses are too generalized if not
Punongbayan who testified on her affidavit of desistance. She
fabricated. Indeed, the probability that in desisting from pursuing
declared that her desistance was her "personal" decision with the 4. That for the aforementioned bases, the People hereby
her complaint for rape, petitioner, a minor, may have succumbed
consent of her parents. 4 She said she was neither paid nor manifests its position that the case be immediately dismissed or
to some illicit influence and undue pressure. To prevent possible
pressured to desist. On questions by the respondent judge, at least the accused be granted bail since the record proves that
miscarriage of justice is good excuse to grant the petition to
however, she affirmed the truth of her affidavit dated October 31, there is no more evidence to sustain the charge against him such
transfer the venue of Criminal Case No. 9619-B from Biñan,
1996 that she was raped by petitioner Alonte. Prosecutor that the granting of bail is proper and in order.
Laguna to the City of Manila.
Campomanes marked and offered her affidavit of desistance as
Exhibit "A". 5 She called on other witnesses to testify on the
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the Petition for Change of Venue from Biñan, voluntariness of the affidavit of desistance. The parents of the 5. That as a general rule, a hearing on the petition for bail is
Laguna to the City of Manila is granted. The Executive Judge of complainant — Pablo 6 and Julie 7 Punongbayan — declared that necessary to prove that the guilt is not strong but in this particular
RTC Manila is ordered to raffle Crim. Case No. 9619-B to any of its they did not receive any monetary consideration for the case there is no need for hearing since the prosecution cannot
branches. The judge to whom Crim. Case No. 9619-B shall be desistance of their minor daughter. Neither were they pressured prove its case against the accused as it has no other evidence or
raffled shall resolve the petitioner's Motion to Resume to give their consent to the desistance. Fourth Asst. Provincial witnesses to be presented.
Proceedings filed in Br. XXV of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna and Prosecutor Alberto Nofuente averred that the affidavit of
determine the voluntariness and validity of petitioner's desistance desistance was signed and sworn to before him in the presence of On November 17, 1997, petitioner Alonte, thru counsel, filed an
in light of the opposition of the public prosecutor, Asst. Chief the complainant's parents and private counsel, Atty. Balbin. He Urgent Plea to Resolve the Motion for Bail. 14 On the same date,
State Prosecutor Leonardo Guiyab. The branch clerk of court of said he explained the affidavit to them and that the complainant Prosecutor Campomanes manifested that "she deems it proper
Br. XXV of the RTC of Biñan, Laguna is ordered to personally voluntarily signed the same. 8 and in accord with justice and fair play to join the aforestated
deliver to the Executive Judge of Manila the complete records of motion." 15
Crim. Case No. 9619-B upon receipt of this Resolution.
After their testimonies, Prosecutor Campomanes made the
manifestation that "with the presentation of our witnesses and On November 25, 1997, December 1, 1997, December 8, 1997
On September 17, 1997, Criminal Case No. 9619-B (re-docketed the marking of our documents (sic) we are now closing the case and December 10, 1997, petitioner Alonte filed a Second, Third,
by the Clerk of Court of Manila as Crim. Case No. 97-159955) was and that we are praying for the dismissal of the case. 9 The Fourth, and Fifth Motion early for resolution of his petition for
raffled to Br. 53 of the RTC of Manila, presided by the respondent respondent judge ruled "the case is submitted for bail. 16 In all these motions, Atty. Fortun, counsel of petitioner
judge, the Honorable Maximo A. Savellano. decision." 10 Atty. Flaminiano orally prayed that petitioner Alonte Alonte, alleged that copy of the motion . . . could not be served in
be granted bail and Prosecutor Campomanes offered no person upon the private prosecutor" (Atty. Balbin) in light of the
On October 9, 1997, the respondent judge issued warrants of objection. 11 distance between their offices. 17 He relied on section 13, Rule 11
arrest against the petitioners after a finding of probable cause. of the 1997 Rules on Civil Procedure. The motions were not
resolved by the respondent judge.


On December 18, 1997, the respondent judge promulgated his The Court underscores paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (Rollo, pp. 240-241) which affidavit of desistance is quoted
Decision convicting the petitioners and sentencing them (j), (k), and (l), particularly paragraphs (i), (j) and specially hereunder as follows:
to reclusion perpetua. On whether of the affidavit of desistance paragraph (k) of the abovequoted affidavit of Atty. Balbin which
can be a ground for dismissal of the rape case against the insinuates that the presiding Judge of the RTC Biñan, Laguna, had
xxx xxx xxx
petitioners, the respondent judge held: already been bought, and that accused Alonte thru his numerous
emissaries, will also buy or bribe the "the next judge when the
petition for change of venue is finally granted." In view of this This Court, as the trier of facts, is tasked by the highest tribunal to
The first issue to be determined and resolved is the "voluntariness
insinuation, the undersigned presiding Judge is very careful in find out if the private complainant, a minor "may have succumbed
and validity of petitioner's desistance in the light of the opposition
deciding this case, lest he be placed under suspicion that he is also to some illicit influence and undue pressure, in order to prevent a
of the public prosecutor Asst. Chief State Prosecutor Leonardo
receiving blood money that continues to flow. The Court wants to possible miscarriage of justice." Evidently, the veiled threats and
Guiab." (p. 7, SC Resolution En Banc, dated September 2, 199/.7;
have internal peace — the peace which money cannot buy. acceptance of the bribe money in allocated amounts which was
[Rollo, p. 253]) It is appropriate to quote again a portion of the 7-
Money is the root of all evil. The Holy Holy Scriptures also remind subsequently raised to the irresistible amount of at least
page Resolution En Banc of the highest tribunal, to wit; "Indeed,
judges and jurists: "You shall not act dishonestly in rendering P20,000,000.00, compelled, impelled and/or tempted the private
the probability (exists) that in desisting from pursuing her
judgment. Show neither partiality to the weak nor deterrence to complainant her father Pablo Punongbayan and her mother Julie
complaint for rape, petitioner, a minor, may have succumbed to
the mighty, but judge your fellow men justly," (Leviticus 19:15). Y. Punongbayan, and her lawyer and private prosecutor Atty.
some illicit influence and undue pressure. To prevent possible
The Scriptures further say: "What does it profit a man if he gains Remedios C. Balbin, who did not appear in Court on November 7,
miscarriage of justice is a good excuse to grant the petition for
the whole world but suffers the loss of his soul?" (Mt. 16:26) and 1997, despite notice, to execute the said "Affidavit of Desistance"
change of venue . . ." (Rollo, p. 202).
"No one can serve two (2) masters. . . You cannot serve God and which was the ultimate goal of the accused. It is very obvious that
mammon." (Mt. 6:24, Luke 16:13). It is not out of place to quote the private complainant a minor, "succumbed to some illicit
The Court shall narrate the facts leading to the desistance of the the Holy Scriptures because the Honorable Supreme Court has influence and undue pressure," to borrow the language of the
private complainant which are embodied in the two (2) affidavits been doing so in its quest for truth and justice. Thus, People Honorable Supreme Court En Banc. It would be the height of
of her lawyer, Atty. Remedios C. Balbin, with whom the private vs. Garcia, 209 SCRA 164, 174, the highest tribunal, in ruling that extreme naivete or gullibility for any normal individual to
complainant lives at No. 5 Uranus St., Congressional Avenue the flight of an accused is evidence of guilt on his part, quoted the conclude otherwise. The Court does not believe that the private
Subdivision, Quezon City. One affidavit is dated May 24 1997, (sic) old Testament, as follows: complainant, her lawyer, and her parents charged but in exchange
while March 26, 1997. The said affidavits are attached as exhibits for a plea of guilty the charge is reduced to homicide and the
to the aforementioned Manifestation and Motion for the accused is allowed to claim a number of mitigating circumstances.
It was written in the literature of Old
Resolution of Petition for Change of Venue filed by the private It is not uncommon for estafa, libel, physical injuries and even
Testament several centuries ago that:
complainant Juvie-Lyn Y. Punongbayan. Exh. "C", dated May 24, homicide cases to be dismissed because the complainant has lost
1997, (Rollo, pp. 216-219) is hereby quoted as follows: interest or alleged that the complaint was filed as a result of a
The wicked man fleeth though no man misunderstanding. A number of examples can be given and they
pursueth, but the righteous are as bold as a can fill a book."
xxx xxx xxx
Again, in People vs. Evangelista, L-45089, April 27, 1982, 113 SCRA
It clearly appears in the abovequoted affidavit that repeated bribe
(Proverbs, 28:1) 713, 720, the Supreme Court further declared:
offers from a lawyer representing the accused Mayor Bayani
Arthur Alonte in the total amount of Ten Million Pesos
(P10,000,000.00) were made to Atty. Balbin, allocated as follows: Subsequently, on June 25, 1997, the private complainant and her It may be noted that the crimes in question (forcible abduction
(1) Five Million Pesos (5,000,000.00) for the private complainant lawyer suddenly somersaulted or changed their common with rape) are among those enumerated in Article 344 of the
Juvie-lyn Y. Punongbayan; (2) Three Million Pesos (P3,000,000.00) positions or attitudes in the prosecution of this case. Evidently, Revised Penal Code, which crimes cannot be prosecuted de
for her (Atty. Balbin); and (3) Two Million Pesos (P2,000,000.00) veiled threats and money had replaced the "spiritual officio. In other words, the crimes of abduction and rape are in the
for the mediator. consideration" which earlier, to them were "more important than nature of private offense, inasmuch as the law has reposed "the
the material" to quote Atty. Balbin in her first affidavit (Rollo, p. right to institute such proceedings exclusively and successively in
217), and her reply to Atty. Dionisio S. Daga that "all the money in the offended person, her parents, grandparents or guardian" . . .
In the subsequent affidavit, dated March 26, 1997, executed by
the world will not make me change my position against my client's Accordingly, if after filing the case at face at bar decided that she
Atty. Remedios C. Balbin (Exh. F, Rollo, pp. 224-225) she narrated
executing a desistance, and that only Alonte's voluntary was unable to face the scandal of public trial, or, if for some
in detail the continuing veiled threats and the very tempting and
surrender, plea of guilty to rape, conviction and the imposition of private reason she preferred to suffer the outraged in silence,
escalating offer to increase the amount of the bribe money
the corresponding penalty will satisfy the ends of justice. then, corollary to her right institute the proceedings, she should
offered to her and the private complainant after her first affidavit,
have been allowed to withdraw her complaint and desist from
by doubling the first offer of Ten Million Pesos (P10,000,000.00)
prosecuting the case (Emphasis supplied).
to Twenty Million Pesos (P20,000,000.00), in exchange for her On June 26, 1997, the private complainant thru her counsel, Atty.
client's desistance, but also accompanied with veiled threats, if Remedios C. Balbin, filed a Motion to Resume Proceedings, dated
refused. Said affidavit is quoted, as follows: June 25, 1997, (Rollo, pp. 238-244) praying therein that the RTC, Petitioner Concepcion did not submit any motion for
Biñan, Laguna, where this case was still pending, vacate its Order reconsideration. Without waiting for the resolution of his motion
to Suspend Hearings, to enable it to act on all incidents including for reconsideration, petitioner Alonte repaired to this Court. So
xxx xxx xxx
private Complainant's Affidavit of Desistance attached thereto. did petitioner Concepcion.

Without doubt, the petitions at bar raise two (2) fulcrum issues: disfavor upon retractions of testimonies previously given in Usually in private crimes, an affidavit of desistance is executed by
(1) the correctness of the ruling of the respondent judge that the court. 26 This rule applies to crimes, 27 offenses 28 as well as to the private complainant after pardoning and forgiving the
desistance of the complainant is not a ground to dismiss the rape administrative offenses. 29 The reason is because affidavits of offender. In this instance, the court treats the affidavit as an
charge against the petitioners, and (2) the invalidity of petitioners' retraction can easily be secured from poor and ignorant express pardon. 41 It does not ipso facto dismiss the case but
conviction on the ground of denial of due process. witnesses, usually through intimidation or for monetary determines the timeliness and validity thereof.
consideration. 30 Moreover, there is always the probability that
they will later be repudiated 31 and there would never be an end
I agree with the learned disquisition of Mr. Justice Vitug that we Private crimes are crimes against chastity such as adultery and
to criminal litigation. 32 It would also be a dangerous rule for
should set aside the conviction of the petitioners for patent concubinage, seduction, abduction, rape and acts of
courts to reject testimonies solemnly taken before courts of
violation of their right to due process of law. I write this Separate lasciviousness. Their institution, prosecution and extinction are
justice simply because the witnesses who had given them later on
Opinion to highlight the erroneousness of the shocking stance of governed by Article 344 of the Revised Penal Code, viz:
changed their minds for one reason or another. This would make
the State Prosecutor that the rape charge should be dismissed in
solemn trials a mockery and place the investigation of the truth at
view of the desistance of the private complainant. But our ruling
the mercy of unscrupulous witnesses. 33 Art. 344. Prosecution of the crimes of adultery, concubinage,
giving no effect on the affidavit of desistance should not based on
seduction, abduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness. — The
the reason that it was procured by threat or intimidation or any
crimes of adultery and concubinage shall not be prosecuted
payment of money as the respondent judge opined in his The general rule notwithstanding, the affidavit should not be
except upon a complaint filed by the offended spouse.
Decision. The respondent judge arrived at this conclusion on the peremptorily dismissed as a useless scrap of paper. There are
basis of the affidavits of Atty. Balbin, the counsel of the private instances when a recantation may create serious doubts as to the
complainant. This is erroneous for Atty. Balbin was never called to guilt of the accused. 34 A retracted statement or testimony must The offended party cannot institute criminal prosecution without
the witness stand to testify on the truth of her affidavits. Her be subject to scrupulous examination. The previous statement or including both the guilty parties, if they are both alive, nor in any
affidavits therefore are hearsay evidence and should not have testimony and the subsequent one must be carefully compared case, if he shall have consented or pardoned the offenders.
been relied upon by the respondent judge. The affidavit of and the circumstances under which each was given and the
desistance cannot abort the rape charge against the petitioners reasons and motives for the change carefully scrutinized. The The offenses of seduction, abduction, rape, acts of lasciviousness,
on the simple ground that it did not state that the private veracity of each statement or testimony must be tested by the shall not be prosecuted except upon a complaint filed by the
complainant-affiant was not raped by petitioner Alonte. In truth, credibility of the witness which is left for the judge to decide. 35 In offended party or her parents, grand parents, or guardian, nor in
the private complainant affirmed her earlier Reply-Affidavit where short, only where there exists special circumstances in the case any case, the offender has been expressly pardoned by the above-
she narrated in detail how petitioner Alonte raped her. Moreover, which when coupled with the retraction raise doubts as to the named persons, as the case may be.
the rape charge has been filed in Court and it is not anymore the truth of the testimony or statement given, can a retraction be
absolute privilege of the camplainant to desist from continuing considered and upheld. 36
with the case. In cases of seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness and rape,
the marriage of the offender with the offended party shall
A survey of our jurisprudence reveals that the same rule has been extinguish the criminal action or remit the penalty already
This separate opinion unequivocably addresses the issue of applied to affidavits of desistance. 37 An affidavit of desistance is imposed upon him. The provisions of this paragraph shall also be
whether the desistance of the victim can stop the further understood to be a sworn statement executed by a complainant applicable to the co-principals, accomplices and accessories after
prosecution of the petitioners. in a criminal or administrative case that he or she is discontinuing the fact of the above-mentioned crimes.
the action filed upon his or her complaint for whatever reason he
or she may cite. The court attaches no persuasive value to a
I Private crimes cannot be prosecuted except upon complaint filed
desistance especially when executed as an
afterthought. 38 However, a in retractions, an affidavit of by the offended party. In adultery and concubinage, the offended
In Philippine jurisprudence, desistance has been equated with desistance calls for a reexamination of the records of the case. 39 party must implead both the guilty parties and must not have
recantation or retraction. consented or pardoned the offenders. In seduction, abduction,
rape and acts of lasciviousness, the complaint must be filed by the
In private crimes, an affidavit of desistance filed by a private offended party or her parents, grandparents or guardian. The
To "recant" means to "withdraw or repudiate formally and complainant is also frowned upon by the courts. Although such complainant must not have expressly pardoned the offender.
publicly;" 18 "to renounce or withdraw prior statement." 19 To affidavit may deserve a second look at the case, there is hardly an
"retract" means to "take back;" "to retract an offer is to withdraw instance when this Court upheld it in private crimes and dismissed
it before acceptance." 20 A recantation usually applies to a the case on the sole basis thereof. Indeed, a case is not dismissed Article 344 also provides for the extinction of criminal liability in
complainant or witness, either for the prosecution or the defense, upon mere affidavit of desistance of the complainant, particularly private crimes. It mentions two modes: pardon and marriage,
who has previously given an extra-judicial statement 21 or where there exist special circumstances that raise doubts as to which when validly and timely made, result in the total extinction
testimony in court. 22 Repudiation may be made in writing, i.e., by the reliability of the affidavit. 40 of criminal liability of the offender. 42 The pardon in private crimes
sworn statement, 23 or by testifying on the witness stand. 24 must be made before the institution of the criminal action. 43 In
adultery and concubinage, the pardon may be express or implied
while in seduction, abduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness, the
Mere retraction by a witness or by complainant of his or her
pardon must be express. In all cases, the pardon must come prior
testimony does not necessarily vitiate the original testimony or
to the institution of the criminal action. After the case has been
statement, if credible. 25 The general rule is that courts look with
filed in court, any pardon made by the private complainant,

whether by sworn statement or on the witness stand, cannot deemed to have shed off her privacy and the crime ceases to be xxx xxx xxx
extinguish criminal liability. The only act that extinguishes the "private" and becomes "public." The State, through the fiscal,
penal action and the penalty that may have been imposed is the takes over the prosecution of the case and the victim's change of
The rule in this jurisdiction is that once a complaint or information
marriage between the offender and the offended party.  44 heart and mind will not affect the State's right to vindicate the
is filed in court any disposition of the case as to its dismissal or
outrage against the violation of its law. 54
conviction or acquittal of the accused rests in the sound discretion
As this Court declared in the case of Donio-Teves v. Vamenta, Jr.: 45 of the court. Although the fiscal retains the direction and control
This is the reason why pardon in crimes of chastity must come of the prosecution of criminal cases even while the case is already
before the institution of the criminal action. Pardon by the in court he cannot impose his opinion on the trial court. The court
The term "private crimes" in reference to felonies which cannot
offended party extinguishes criminal liability when made while the is the best and sole judge on what to do with the case before it.
be prosecuted except upon complaint filed by the aggrieved
crime is still "private" and within the control of the offended The determination of the case is within its exclusive jurisdiction
party, is misleading. Far from what it implies, it is not only the
party. But once the case is filed in court, the and competence. A motion to dismiss the case filed by the fiscal
aggrieved party who is offended in such crimes but also the State.
pardon cannot ipso facto operate to dismiss the case. After the should be addressed to the court who has the option to grant or
Every violation of penal laws results in the disturbance of public
institution of the criminal action, any pardon given by the deny the same. It does not matter if this is done before or after
order and safety which the State is committed to uphold and
complainant to the offender would be unavailing, 55 except of the arraignment of the accused or that the motion was filed after
protect. If the law imposes the condition that private crimes like
course when the offender validly marries the offended a reinvestigation or upon instructions of the Secretary of Justice
adultery shall not be prosecuted except upon complaint filed by
party. 56 The offended party's pardon of the offender in a who reviewed the records of the investigation.
the offended party, it is, as herein pointed earlier "out of
seduction case after the criminal action had been instituted
consideration for the aggrieved party who might prefer to suffer
constitutes no bar to said action. 57 A pardon given in a rape case
the outrage in silence rather than go through the scandal of a II
after the filing of the action in court "comes too late to hide the
public trial." Once a complaint is filed, the will of the offended
shameful occurrence from public notice." 58
party is ascertained and the action proceeds just as in any other
The next issue is the validity of the conviction of petitioners.
crime. This is shown by the fact that after filing a complaint, any
Petitioners contend that they were convicted without undergoing
pardon given by the complainant to the offender would be Even the death of the offended party cannot extinguish the case
any trial. Respondent judge insists otherwise. He claims that
unavailing. It is true, the institution of the action in so called the once it is filed in court. 59 If the offended party dies immediately
petitioners submitted the case on the merits and relied principally
private crimes is at the option of the action of the aggrieved party. after filing the complaint but before the institution of the criminal
on the Affidavit of Desistance. He recounts the events that took
But it is equally true that once the choice is made manifest, the action, his death is not a ground to dismiss the case. 60 Clearly, the
place before the presentation of private complainant as revealed
law will be applied in full force beyond the control of, and inspite will and participation of the offended party is necessary only to
by the transcripts of November 7, 1997, viz:
of the complainant, his death notwithstanding. determine whether to file the complaint or not. Thereafter, the
will of the State prevails.
Prosecutor Campomanes
The filing of a complaint in private crimes is merely a condition
precedent to the exercise by the proper authorities of the power Article 344 does not include desistance of the offended party from
to prosecute the guilty parties. 46 It is the complaint that starts the prosecuting the case as a ground for extinction of criminal liability Your Honor, the complaining
prosecutory proceeding without which the fiscal and the court whether  witness/private complainant Juvielyn
cannot exercise jurisdiction over the case. 47 Once the complaint is total 61 or partial. 62 Hence, only when the desistance is grounded Punongbayan is present here in Court, and
filed, the action proceeds just as in any other crime. on forgiveness and pardon and is made before the institution of a while ago, I was given a copy of her
the criminal action, can it extinguish criminal liability. Affidavit of Desistance so I would like to
Desistance, per se, is not equivalent to pardon. present her in order to attest to the veracity
We follow the postulate that a criminal offense is an outrage to
of her Affidavit of Desistance, your Honor,
the sovereign state 48 and the right of prosecution for a crime is
and for the Court to her testimony.
one of the attributes of the sovereign power.49 Thus, criminal In the case at bar, the "Affidavit of Desistance" of Juvielyn is not
actions are usually commenced by the State, through the People an express pardon of the accused and the crime committed.
of the Philippines, and the offended party is merely a complaining Private complainant desisted from prosecuting the case against Court
witness. 50 In private crimes, however, or those which cannot be the petitioners because she wished "to start life anew and live
prosecuted de oficio, the offended party assumes a more normally again." She reiterated this reason on the witness stand. We will have a separate trial, this involved a
predominant role since the right to commence the action or She complained that members of the media were bothering and heinous offense and that there is not even
refrain therefrom, is a matter exclusively within his power and harassing her and that she wanted to go back to her normal life. any plea-bargaining in this case.
option. 51 The sovereign state deems it the wiser policy, in private She never said that she forgave the petitioners. She did not
crimes, to let the aggrieved party and her family decide whether absolve them from their culpability. She did not give any
to expose to public view the vices, faults and disgraceful acts exculpatory fact that would raise doubts about her rape. She did Prosecutor Campomanes
occurring in the family.  52 But once the offended party files the not say that she consented to petitioner Alonte's acts. Moreover,
complaint, her will is ascertained and the action proceeds just as the rape case is already in court and it is no longer her right to Yes, your Honor, I understand that.
in any other crime. The decision of the complainant to undergo decide whether or not the charge should be continued. As we
the scandal of a public trial necessarily witness connotes the held in Crespo v. Mogul: 63
willingness to face the scandal. 53The private complainant is Court


So you have to mark now your What does it say there? Just to affirm that?
documentary evidence in preparation for
Prosecutor Campomanes Prosecutor Campomanes

Prosecutor Campomanes
That she is no longer interested in further No to prove . . .
prosecuting this case, and that she is now
Yes, your Honor. desisting in going to full blown trial, and
considering your Honor further, that this is
a private offense, then, the Department of
Justice feels that it can not be more popish What happened . . . how about the
than the Pope. Prosecution Department, they have control
There are many documentary evidence of the prosecution, and the offended party
mentioned by the Supreme Court in its herself, has not negated the commission of
seven (7) page . . . (may I see the record) the crime, is there anything there to show
seven(7) page resolution, dated September that she did not . . . that the accused . . . did
2, 1997, and that this case was assigned to That is the stand of the Department of not commit the crime charged?
this Court as the trial Judge. This Court has Justice. But the Supreme Court belongs to a
already arraigned the accused and he different Department, I am governed by the
Prosecutor Campomanes
pleaded not guilty, and so the next step is Supreme Court, because I am a Judge, I am
pre-trial. The Order of the Supreme Court is not from the Department of Justice.
to direct this Court not only to determine That's why we will be presenting her in
the voluntariness but also the validity of the Open Court, whatever is not here will be
Prosecutor Campomanes
Affidavit of Desistance mentioned by the clarified.
Court which was also brought to the
attention of the Supreme Court. We are all aware your Honor, that we will
just be prolonging the agony, in fairness to
everybody, considering that we are
Prosecutor Campomanes So, we will go to a trial on the merits you
representing the people, but we are not
representing only . . . the Department of present that affidavit, that's a part of your
And to the Department of Justice likewise Justice is not only representing the evidence.
your Honor. complainant in this case but we are also for
justice to be rendered to the respondent as Prosecutor Campomanes
The people is ready to present that . . . the
Court complaining witness.
And that's why the Supreme Court instead
of resolving it sent the records to this Court
to determine the voluntariness and the I am rendering fair justice to everyone. That Court
validity of the Desistance, but they must be is the sense of this Court. That is the
determined after trial on the merits. perception of this Court with respect to the
Supreme Court resolution, in the first place, We will have a trial on the merits.
that Affidavit does not negate the
Prosecutor Campomanes
commission of the crime. You want us to Prosecutor Campomanes
dismiss this case when the Affidavit does
Your Honor please, representing the not negate the commission of the crime?
people. Its events now will prove that there Your Honor please, being a woman, I have
is no more need for the prosecution to go extensively discussed this matter with the
Prosecutor Campomanes complaining witness and she intimated to
on trial of this case, considering that the
private complainant herself had already this representation that she can not bear
furnished the Department of Justice a copy That's why we will be presenting her in another day of coming here, with all these
of her Affidavit of Desistance. Open Court, your Honor. people staring at her with everybody
looking at her as if she is something . . . .

Court Court

On December 13, 1996, petitioner that it has become moot, he alleges that settle Alonte's case, she was informed that
Punongbayan through private counsel, Atty. the petitioner despite the motion to resume Mrs. Alonte was offering P10,000,000.00,
Remedios C. Balbin and the Assistant State the proceedings in criminal case no. 96-19-B will send her to school and give her house
Prosecutor Guiab, Jr. who is not here both in said motion, the petitioner informed the and send her parents abroad, Atty.
were relieved and changed with a new lady Court that she is desisting . . . informed the Remedios C. Balbin is not here now, I am
prosecutor, prayed that the case be tried by Supreme Court that she is desisting from just quoting the Supreme Court counsel,
the Regional Trial Court of Manila, they proceeding with the case, it is the same private counsel of petitioner also executed
cited the following grounds: "THE GREAT affidavit she prayed that the trial Court, on an affidavit dated February 1997, quote: the
DANGER TO THE LIVES OF BOTH PRIVATE her affidavit of desistance . . . Atty. Casano Supreme Court quote to them: to put on
COMPLAINANT AND THE IMMEDIATE also submitted to this Court, to the record the attempting, influence, directly, in
MEMBERS OF HER FAMILY AND THEIR Supreme Court the manifestation of the exchange of valuable consideration, that
WITNESSES AS THEY OPENLY IDENTIFIED petitioner joining the oppositors' prayer to the Rape charge against Mayor Bayani
THE PRINCIPAL ACCUSED MAYOR ALONTE dismiss her petition to a change of venue, Arthur Alone, she alleged that in two (2)
WHO IS ACKNOWLEDGED AS A POWERFUL the manifestation was also signed by Atty. occasions Atty. Romero conveyed to me the
POLITICAL FIGURE AND ALMOST AN Remedios Balbin as private prosecutor, the message of Mayor Alonte, namely: to drop
INSTITUTION IN BIÑAN LAGUNA AND [THE] Supreme Court required Assistant Chief the rape case against him and that he
GREAT DANGERS TO THE LIVES OF State Prosecutor Leonardo Guiab to would give a consideration of
WITNESSES WHO OTHERWISE WISH TO comment on the motion to dismiss filed by P10,000,000.00 to be apportioned as
COME OUT IN THE OPEN AND TESTIFY ON Atty. Casano which involve the same follows: P5,000.00, for the private
THE MORAL AND CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES OF affidavit that you have just read. On August complainant, your client and the prosecutor
BOTH ACCUSED PERPETRATED UPON VERY 22, 1997, assistant Chief State Prosecutor P3,000,000.00 for me, as private
YOUNG GIRLS STUDENTS OF BIÑAN Guiab filed his comment, he alleged that he prosecutor, that is what Atty. Balbin said,
LAGUNA THAT WILL NOT DO SO IN THE is not aware of the desistance of the P4,000,000.00 for her, the mediator, so
TERMS OF THE ACCUSED MAYOR" that is petitioner in criminal case no. 96-19-B, and there seems to be a liberal flow of blood
why it was the prayer of the offended party in said desistance there is two (2) legal money, that is why the Supreme Court
and the Supreme Court granted the Motion effect, [that] the public prosecutor has the ordered the Court to determine the validity,
for Change of Venue, and we are now on a control and direction of the prosecution in and there is another, dated March 19, 1997.
new venue, where the danger to the lives of criminal action, he prayed for the denial of I have to remind everybody about what
the witness is no longer present, on January the Motion to Dismiss and reiterated his happened, this thing did not come from me,
7, 1997, Alonte filed an Opposition thereto, petition for change of venue, the Supreme I am not fabricating anything this comes
and on April 23, 1997, the petitioner, the Court granted the change of venue and in from the highest tribunal jurat, to whom I
offended party through the Honorable granting the change of venue the highest am responsible another affidavit of Atty.
Secretary of Justice Teofisto Guingona and tribunal which we are all subordinates, says: Balbin, she narrated the continuing
Chief State Prosecutor Jovencito Zuno filed for the record, in their manifestation and attempts to bribe her and threatened her,
a Manifestation and Motion for Resolution motion for the resolution of petition to a so there were continuing events, they
of the Petition For Change of Venue. change of venue the Secretary of Justice alleged, the People's Bureau, Office of the
Attached to the motion of the Honorable and Chief State Prosecutor submitted Mayor of Quezon City, extensively discuss
Secretary of Justice Guingona and Chief various affidavits in support of their the squatting case with against his client,
State Prosecutor Jovencito Zuno were the allegations that prosecution witnesses and that after a brief exchange on the status of
affidavits of the petitioner, her lawyer, Atty. private legal counsel are exposed to the case, they confided to me his real
Remedios Balbin, Dolores Yambao, KIDNAPPING, HARASSMENT, GRAVE purpose, that it started of by saying he was
Bienvenido Salandanan and Evelyn Celso THREATS, AND TEMPTING OFFERS OF BRIBE the legal counsel of the gambling lords of
with their contention that the prosecution MONEY all intended to extract an affidavit Malabon for which he get a monthly
witnesses and the private counsel of of desistance from the complainant, this is retainer of P15,000.00 exclusive of
petitioner are exposed to kidnapping, now the affidavit of desistance in her transportation expenses, but he also stated
harassment, grave threats and tempting affidavit dated December 16, 1996, the that he knows all the network of the
offers of bribe money, that was the stand of petitioner the offended party, the herein gambling lord throughout the country,
your department . . . And then later on June offended party Juvielyn Punongbayan which is quite strong and unified, that I then
28, 1997 . . . we have to review this case alleged etc . . . etc . . . in support of her ask him "what do you mean?" "Is Alonte
because this involves public interest . . . on petition and then she alleged that during into gambling too, that he is part of the
June 23, 1997, Atty. Casano in behalf of the the last week of Feb. 1997, she was visited network you speak of?", that Atty. Daga did
oppositors, two (2) oppositors, filed a by one Lourdes Salaysay, she stated that not reply, but instead said, they are
motion to dismiss the petition for change of Mrs. Salaysay told her that Mrs. Alonte, prepared to double the offer made to by
venue in the Supreme Court on the ground wife of Mayor Alonte requested her to Atty. Romero which was published in the

newspaper at P10,000,000.00, so, its petitioner's motion, to resume proceedings Yes, your Honor.
double, double your money, so its filed in Branch 26 in the RTC of Laguna, to
P20,000,000.00, that I told him, its Atty. determine the voluntariness and validity of
Balbin, that all the money in the world, all the petitioner's desistance in the light of the
the money in the world will not make me position of the public prosecutor, Assistant
change my position against my client Chief Prosecutor Leonardo Guiab . . . I don't We . . . the Court cannot close his eyes to
executing a desistance and that Alonte's know what will be the outcome . . . you may the other affidavits . . . because . . . that's
voluntary surrender plea of guilty to rape, contend that because of that affidavit of the why precisely the Supreme Court ordered
conviction, and the imposition of the desistance there is reasonable doubt . . . me to hear this case.
corresponding penalty will satisfy the ends etc . . . but still, that will be placing the cart
of justice, but I told him, that my client's before the horse . . . you have to go a Prosecutor Campomanes
case is not isolated, there being five (5) regular trial on the merits . . . because this is
other miners similarly place and Alonte's a heinous offense which cannot . . . and
will be stopped from doing more harm that during the pre-trial cannot be subject to a We understand that your Honor.
Atty. Daga, then told me in Filipino if you do plea-bargaining, and with respect to its new
not accede to a desistance, then they will law which took effect in 1993, that is a new Court
be force to but because he did not one, it was placed to the category of a
[complete] the sentence I asked him heinous offense . . .
directly, what do you mean, what do you There are may conflicting matters to be
intend to do, and he replied, go on with the solve . . . conflicting matters to be tackled in
Prosecutor Campomanes this case.
case, [buy] the judge, [buy] the judge, that I
am believing, and I reacted saying, but they
have already done so, Judge Francisco So we go on trial your Honor, and we will Prosecutor Campomanes
Binan, Judge Francisco Binan suddenly present the complaining witness, and let
change his attitude towards the the Court decide on the basis of the
complainants testimony . . . private May we present the private complainant,
prosecution, perhaps you are referring to
complainant's testimony, before this your Honor . . . . 64
the next judge when the petition for change
of venue is finally granted that Atty. Daga Honorable Court . . .
did not reply, and he reiterated that his The records show that the hearing of November 7, 1997 was set
principal referring to them again as xxx xxx xxx for arraignment of the petitioners. 65 After the counsels made
gambling lords, wanted desistance, after their respective appearances, Prosecutor Campomanes presented
which he excused himself and left, that I her authority to appear as prosecutor in lieu of Asst. Chief State
execute this affidavit, as Atty. Balbin attests Prosecutor Campomanes Prosecutor Guiyab, Jr. Both petitioners pleaded not guilty to the
to the truth of the incident with Atty. charge. Respondent judge then set the case for pretrial which the
Dionisio Daga which occurred in the That's why we are presenting the private parties, however, waived. The proceedings continued and
afternoon of March 6, 1997 at my office, complainant, the principal witness, the Prosecutor Campomanes manifested there was no need for the
stating . . . (JUDGE READING THE RECORDS mother who is also a signatory to this prosecution to go to trial in view of the Affidavit of Desistance of
OF THE CASE) affidavit of desistance, everybody who have the private complainant. Respondent judge, however, observed
been a part and participant in the making that private complainant did not negate the commission of the
and preparation of this affidavit of crime in her Affidavit of Desistance. Respondent judge expressed
desistance, they have already signed these his misgivings on the validity of the Affidavit of Desistance
affidavit of desistance. because of the September 2, 1997 Resolution of this Court citing
Then, the Supreme Court said, these affidavits where allegations of bribery were made to extract said
affidavits, the one attached gave specific affidavit from complainant. Prosecutor Campomanes then offered
names, dates and methods . . . a coercion of Court to present the private complainant to attest to the voluntariness
corruption, the prosecution of Criminal Case and veracity of her Affidavit of Desistance. Respondent judge
No. 96-19-B (JUDGE CONTINUED READING And we also have the affidavits mentioned averred whether the court should proceed to a trial on the merits.
THE RECORDS OF THE CASE) that is desisting by the Supreme Court, because I was . . . all Prosecutor Campomanes declared that they could go on trial and
for pursuing her complaint for Rape of those documents in the determination of let the court decide the merits of the case on the basis of the
petitioner a minor, they have . . . illicit, whether that affidavit is valid. testimony of private complainant and the other witnesses. It was
influence and due pressure to prevent . . . then that private complainant was presented as a witness.
Criminal Case No. 96-19-B to any of its
Branch, just to call the Criminal Case No. 96- Prosecutor Campomanes
From the garbled transcripts of the hearing on November 7, 1997,
19-B shall be raffled, shall result the
it is not clear what both respondent judge and the public

prosecutor intended the proceedings to be. Respondent judge Judges should be reminded that each step in the trial process Ronolfo S. Pasamba for petitioner.
repeatedly declared that the proceedings before him was to be a serves a specific purpose. In the trial of criminal cases, the
trial on the merits. The public prosecutor agreed to go to trial, but constitutional presumption of innocence in favor of the accused
at the same time moved to present private complainant and her requires that an accused be given sufficient opportunity to
witnesses to testify on the voluntariness of her Affidavit of present his defense. So with the prosecution as to its evidence.
Desistance. Respondent judge and the public prosecutor were, BELLOSILLO, JR., J.:
obviously, not tuned in to each other.
Hence, any deviation from the regular course of trial should
always take into consideration the rights of all the parties to the PETITIONER assails in this petition (for declaratory
I agree with the majority that the November 7, 1997 proceedings case, whether the prosecution or defense. 69 relief, certiorari and prohibition) the following resolutions of the
could not have been a trial on the merits. First of all, the Commission on Elections: Resolution No. 2327 dated 26
proceedings did not conform with the procedure for trial as December 1991 for being unconstitutional, and Resolution No. 92-
Second, the admission of private complainant's affidavit of
provided in the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure. Section 3 of 0829 dated 6 April 1992 and Resolution No. 92-0999 dated 23
October 21, 1996 was made solely in response to respondent
Rule 119 provides: April 1992, for want of legal and factual bases.
judge's own questioning. 70 It was this affidavit which respondent
judge used to convict the petitioners. This affidavit, however, was
Sec. 3. Order of Trial. — The trial shall proceed in the following not marked nor was it formally offered before the court. The The factual backdrop: In preparation for the synchronized national
order: Revised rules on Evidence clearly and expressly provide that "[t]he and local elections scheduled on 11 May 1992, the Commission on
court shall consider no evidence which has not been formally Elections (COMELEC) issued on 11 December 1991 Resolution No.
offered." 71 Evidence not formally offered in court will not be 2323 otherwise referred to as the "Gun Ban," promulgating rules
(a) The prosecution shall present evidence to prove the charge
taken into consideration by the court in disposing of the issues of and regulations on bearing, carrying and transporting of firearms
and, in the proper case, the civil liability.
the case. Any evidence which a party desires to submit for the or other deadly weapons, on security personnel or bodyguards,
consideration of the court must formally be offered by on bearing arms by members of security agencies or police
(b) The accused may present evidence to prove his defense, and him, 72 otherwise it is excluded and rejected. 73 organizations, and organization or maintenance of reaction forces
damages, if any, arising from the issuance of any provisional during the election period. 1Subsequently, on 26 December 1991
remedy in the case. COMELEC issued Resolution No. 2327 providing for the summary
Third, where there is a doubt as to the nature of the criminal
disqualification of candidates engaged in gunrunning, using and
proceedings before the court, this doubt must be resolved in
transporting of firearms, organizing special strike forces, and
(c) The parties may then respectively present rebutting evidence favor of the accused who must be given the widest latitude of
establishing spot checkpoints. 2
only, unless the court, in furtherance of justice, permits them action to prove his innocence. 74 It is in petitioners' favor that the
present additional evidence bearing upon the main issue. proceedings of November 7, 1997 be treated as a hearing on the
motion to dismiss, not a trial on the merits. To rule otherwise will On 10 January 1992, pursuant to the "Gun Ban," Mr. Serapio P.
effectively deny petitioners due process and all the other rights of Taccad, Sergeant-at-Arms, House of Representatives, wrote
(d) Upon admission of the evidence, the case shall be deemed
an accused under the Bill of Rights and our Rules in Criminal petitioner who was then Congressman of the 1st District of
submitted for decision unless the court directs the parties to
Procedure. Bulacan requesting the return of the two (2) firearms 3 issued to
argue orally or to submit memoranda.
him by the House of Representatives. Upon being advised of the
request on 13 January 1992 by his staff, petitioner immediately
(e) However, when the accused admits the act charged or Indeed, following respondent judge's finding and assuming that
instructed his driver, Ernesto Arellano, to pick up the firearms
omission charged in the complaint or information but interposes the November 7, 1997 hearing was already a trial on the merits,
from petitioner's house at Valle Verde and return them to
lawful defense, the order of trial may be modified accordingly. petitioners were never afforded their right to confront and cross-
examine the witness. The court did not, at the very least, inquire
as to whether the petitioners wanted to cross-examine private
In the case at bar, petitioners were never instructed to present complainant with respect to her affidavit of October 21, 1996. No Meanwhile, at about five o'clock in the afternoon of the same
evidence to prove their defenses. The parties were never given opportunity to cross-examine was afforded petitioners and their day, the Philippine National Police (PNP) headed by Senior
the opportunity to present their respective evidence rebutting the counsels such that they cannot be deemed to have waived said Superintendent Danilo Cordero set up a checkpoint outside the
testimony of private complainant. There was no admission by right by inaction. Batasan Complex some twenty (20) meters away from its
petitioners of the charge in the information as to justify a change entrance. About thirty minutes later, the policemen manning the
in the order of trial. 66 outpost flagged down the car driven by Arellano as it approached
the checkpoint. They searched the car and found the firearms
Our criminal rules of procedure strictly provide the step by step neatly packed in their gun cases and placed in a bag in the trunk
procedure to be followed by courts in cases punishable by G.R. No. 104961 October 7, 1994 of the car. Arellano was then apprehended and detained. He
death. 67 This rule also applies to all other criminal cases, explained that he was ordered by petitioner to get the firearms
particularly where the imposable penalty is reclusion perpetua. from the house and return them to Sergeant-at-Arms Taccad of
The reason for this is to assure that the State makes no mistake in the House of Representatives.
taking life and liberty except that of the guilty. 68 Thus: COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
SPECIAL TASK FORCE, respondents.

Thereafter, the police referred Arellano's case to the Office of the offenses; that instead, it created a presumption of guilt as a On 25 June 1992, we required COMELEC to file its own comment
City Prosecutor for inquest. The referral did not include petitioner candidate may be disqualified from office in situations (a) where on the 
as among those charged with an election offense. On 15 January the criminal charge is still pending, (b) where there is no pending petition 13 upon manifestation of the Solicitor General that it could
1992, the City Prosecutor ordered the release of Arellano after criminal case, and (c) where the accused has already been not take the position of COMELEC and prayed instead to be
finding the latter's sworn explanation meritorious. 4 acquitted, all contrary to the requisite quantum of proof for one excused from filing the required comment. 14
to be disqualified from running or holding public office under the
Omnibus Election Code, i.e., proof beyond reasonable doubt. As a
On 28 January 1992, the City Prosecutor invited petitioner to shed COMELEC claims that petitioner is charged with violation of Sec.
result, petitioner concludes, Resolution No. 2327 violates the
light on the circumstances mentioned in Arellano's sworn 261, par. (q), in relation to Sec. 263, of B.P. Blg. 881 which
fundamental law thus rendering it fatally defective.
explanation. Petitioner not only appeared at the preliminary provides that "the principals, accomplices and accessories, as
investigation to confirm Arellano's statement but also wrote the defined in the Revised Penal Code, shall be criminally liable for
City Prosecutor urging him to exonerate Arellano. He explained But, the issue on the disqualification of petitioner from running in election offenses." It points out that it was upon petitioner's
that Arellano did not violate the firearms ban as he in fact was the instruction that Arellano brought the firearms in question outside
complying with it when apprehended by returning the firearms to 11 May 1992 synchronized elections was rendered moot when he petitioner's residence, submitting that his right to be heard was
Congress; and, that he was petitioner's driver, not a security lost his bid for a seat in Congress in the elections that ensued. not violated as he was invited by the City Prosecutor to explain
officer nor a bodyguard. 5 Consequently, it is now futile to discuss the implications of the the circumstances regarding Arellano's possession of the firearms.
charge against him on his qualification to run for public office. Petitioner also filed a sworn written explanation about the
incident. Finally, COMELEC claims that violation of
On 6 March 1992, the Office of the City Prosecutor issued a
the "Gun Ban" is mala prohibita, hence, the intention of the
resolution which, among other matters, recommended that the However, there still remains an important question to be
offender is immaterial. 15
case against Arellano be dismissed and that the "unofficial" resolved, i.e., whether he can be validly prosecuted for instructing
charge against petitioner be also dismissed. 6 his driver to return to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of
Representatives the two firearms issued to him on the basis of the Be that as it may, we find no need to delve into the alleged
evidence gathered from the warrantless search of his car. constitutional infirmity of Resolution No. 2327 since this petition
Nevertheless, on 6 April 1992, upon recommendation of its Law
may be resolved without passing upon this particular issue. 16
Department, COMELEC issued Resolution No. 92-0829 directing
the filing of information against petitioner and Arellano for Petitioner strongly protests against the manner by which the PNP
violation of Sec. 261, par. (q), of B.P. Blg. 881 otherwise known as conducted the search. According to him, without a warrant and As a rule, a valid search must be authorized by a search warrant
the Omnibus Election Code, in relation to Sec. 32 of R.A. No. without informing the driver of his fundamental rights the duly issued by an appropriate authority. However, this is not
7166; 7 and petitioner to show cause why he should not be policemen searched his car. The firearms were not tucked in the absolute. Aside from a search incident to a lawful arrest, a
disqualified from running for an elective position, pursuant to waist nor within the immediate reach of Arellano but were neatly warrantless search had been upheld in cases of moving vehicles
COMELEC Resolution No. 2327, in relation to Sec. 32, 33 and 35 of packed in their gun cases and wrapped in a bag kept in the trunk and the seizure of evidence in plain view, 17 as well as the search
R.A. 7166, and of the car. Thus, the search of his car that yielded the evidence for conducted at police or military checkpoints which we declared are
Sec. 52, par. (c), of B.P. Blg. 881. 8 the prosecution was clearly violative of Secs. 2 and 3, par. (2), Art. not illegal per se, and stressed that the warrantless search is not
III, of the Constitution. 11 violative of the Constitution for as long as the vehicle is neither
searched nor its occupants subjected to a body search, and the
On 13 April 1992, petitioner moved for reconsideration and to
inspection of the vehicle is merely limited to a visual search. 18
hold in abeyance the administrative proceedings as well as the Petitioner further maintains that he was neither impleaded as
filing of the information in court. 9 On 23 April 1992, the COMELEC party respondent in the preliminary investigation before the
denied petitioner's motion for reconsideration. 10 Hence, this Office of the City Prosecutor nor included in the charge sheet. Petitioner contends that the guns were not tucked in Arellano's
recourse. Consequently, making him a respondent in the criminal waist nor placed within his reach, and that they were neatly
information would violate his constitutional right to due process. packed in gun cases and placed inside a bag at the back of the car.
Significantly, COMELEC did not rebut this claim. The records do
Petitioner questions the constitutionality of Resolution No. 2327.
not show that the manner by which the package was bundled led
He argues that the rules and regulations of an administrative body Petitioner disputes the charge that he violated Sec. 33 of R.A.
the PNP to suspect that it contained firearms. There was no
must respect the limits defined by law; that the Omnibus Election 7166, which prohibits any candidate for public office during the
mention either of any report regarding any nervous, suspicious or
Code provides for the disqualification of any person/candidate election period from employing or availing himself or engaging
unnatural reaction from Arellano when the car was stopped and
from running for or holding a public office, i.e., any person who the services of security personnel or bodyguards since,
searched. Given these circumstances and relying on its visual
has either been declared by competent authority as insane or admittedly, Arellano was not a security officer or bodyguard but a
observation, the PNP could not thoroughly search the car lawfully
incompetent or has been sentenced by final judgment for civilian employee assigned to him as driver by the House of
as well as the package without violating the constitutional
subversion, insurrection, rebellion or for any offense for which he Representatives. Specifically, petitioner further argues, Arellano
has been sentenced to a penalty of more than eighteen months or was instructed to return to Congress, as he did, the firearms in
for a crime involving moral turpitude; that gunrunning, using or compliance with the directive of its Sergeant-at-Arms pursuant to
transporting firearms or similar weapons and other acts the "Gun Ban," thus, no law was in fact violated. 12 An extensive search without warrant could only be resorted to if
mentioned in the resolution are not within the letter or spirit of the officers conducting the search had reasonable or probable
the provisions of the Code; that the resolution did away with the cause to believe before the search that either the motorist was a
requirement of final conviction before the commission of certain law offender or that they would find the instrumentality or

evidence pertaining to the commission of a crime in the vehicle to It may be argued that the seeming acquiescence of Arellano to COMELEC argues that petitioner was given the change to be heard
be searched.19 The existence of probable cause justifying the the search constitutes an implied waiver of petitioner's right to because he was invited to enlighten the City Prosecutor regarding
warrantless search is determined by the facts of each question the reasonableness of the search of the vehicle and the the circumstances leading to the arrest of his driver, and that
case. 20 Thus, we upheld the validity of the warrantless search in seizure of the firearms. petitioner in fact submitted a sworn letter of explanation
situations where the smell of marijuana emanated from a plastic regarding the incident. This does not satisfy the requirement of
bag owned by the accused, or where the accused was acting due process the essence of which is the reasonable opportunity to
While Resolution No. 2327 authorized the setting up of
suspiciously, and attempted to flee. 21 be heard and to submit any evidence one may have in support of
checkpoints, it however stressed that "guidelines shall be made to
his defense. 31 Due process guarantees the observance of both
ensure that no infringement of civil and political rights results
substantive and procedural rights, whatever the source of such
We also recognize the stop-and-search without warrant from the implementation of this authority," and that "the places
rights, be it the Constitution itself or only a statute or a rule of
conducted by police officers on the basis of prior confidential and manner of setting up of checkpoints shall be determined in
court. 32 In Go v. Court of Appeals, 33 we held
information which were reasonably corroborated by other consultation with the Committee on Firearms Ban and Security
that —
attendant matters, e.g., where a confidential report that a Personnel created under Sec. 5, Resolution No. 2323." 28 The facts
sizeable volume of marijuana would be transported along the show that PNP installed the checkpoint at about five o'clock in the
route where the search was conducted and appellants were afternoon of 13 January 1992. The search was made soon While the right to preliminary investigation
caught in flagrante delicto transporting drugs at the time of their thereafter, or thirty minutes later. It was not shown that news of is statutory rather than constitutional in its
arrest; 22where apart from the intelligence information, there impending checkpoints without necessarily giving their locations, fundament, since it has in fact been
were reports by an undercover "deep penetration" agent that and the reason for the same have been announced in the media established by statute, it is a component
appellants were bringing prohibited drugs into the to forewarn the citizens. Nor did the informal checkpoint that part of due process in criminal justice. The
country; 23 where the information that a Caucasian coming from afternoon carry signs informing the public of the purpose of its right to have a preliminary investigation
Sagada bringing prohibited drugs was strengthened by the operation. As a result, motorists passing that place did not have conducted before being bound over to trial
conspicuous bulge in accused's waistline, and his suspicious any inkling whatsoever about the reason behind the instant for a criminal offense and hence formally at
failure to produce his passport and other identification exercise. With the authorities in control to stop and search risk of incarceration or some other penalty
papers; 24 where the physical appearance of the accused fitted the passing vehicles, the motorists did not have any choice but to is not a mere formal or technical right; it is
description given in the confidential information about a woman submit to the PNP's scrutiny. Otherwise, any attempt to turnabout a substantive right . . . . [T]he right to an
transporting marijuana; 25 where the accused carrying a bulging albeit innocent would raise suspicion and provide probable cause opportunity to avoid a process painful to
black leather bag were suspiciously quiet and nervous when for the police to arrest the motorist and to conduct an extensive anyone save, perhaps, to hardened
queried about its contents; 26 or where the identity of the drug search of his vehicle. criminals is a valuable right. To deny
courier was already established by police authorities who received petitioner's claim to a preliminary
confidential information about the probable arrival of accused on investigation would be to deprive him of
In the case of petitioner, only his driver was at the car at that time
board one of the vessels arriving in Dumaguete City. 27 the full measure of his right to due process.
it was stopped for inspection. As conceded by COMELEC, driver
Arellano did not know the purpose of the checkpoint. In the face
In the case at bench, we find that the checkpoint was set up of fourteen (14) armed policemen conducting the Apparently, petitioner was merely invited during the preliminary
twenty (20) meters from the entrance to the Batasan Complex to operation, 29 driver Arellano being alone and a mere employee of investigation of Arellano to corroborate the latter's explanation.
enforce Resolution petitioner could not have marshalled the strength and the Petitioner then was made to believe that he was not a party
No. 2327. There was no evidence to show that the policemen courage to protest against the extensive search conducted in the respondent in the case, so that his written explanation on the
were impelled to do so because of a confidential report leading vehicle. In such scenario, the "implied acquiescence," if there was incident was only intended to exculpate Arellano, not petitioner
them to reasonably believe that certain motorists matching the any, could not be more than a mere passive conformity on himself. Hence, it cannot be seriously contended that petitioner
description furnished by their informant were engaged in Arellano's part to the search, and "consent" given under was fully given the opportunity to meet the accusation against
gunrunning, transporting firearms or in organizing special strike intimidating or coercive circumstances is no consent within the him as he was not apprised that he was himself a respondent
forces. Nor, as adverted to earlier, was there any indication from purview of the constitutional guaranty. when he appeared before the City Prosecutor.
the package or behavior of Arellano that could have triggered the
suspicion of the policemen. Absent such justifying circumstances
Moreover, the manner by which COMELEC proceeded against
specifically pointing to the culpability of petitioner and Arellano,
petitioner runs counter to the due process clause of the
the search could not be valid. The action then of the policemen
Constitution. The facts show that petitioner was not among those
unreasonably intruded into petitioner's privacy and the security of
charged by the PNP with violation of the Omnibus Election Code.
his property, in violation of Sec. 2, Art. III, of the Constitution.
Nor was he subjected by the City Prosecutor to a preliminary
Consequently, the firearms obtained in violation of petitioner's
investigation for such offense. The non-disclosure by the City
right against warrantless search cannot be admitted for any
Prosecutor to the petitioner that he was a respondent in the
purpose in any proceeding.
preliminary investigation is violative of due process which requires
that the procedure established by law should be obeyed.30


Finally, it must be pointed out too that petitioner's filing of a

motion for reconsideration with COMELEC cannot be considered Zealand and Brunei) thru the Pacific Ocean INTELSAT satellite.
as a waiver of his claim to a separate preliminary investigation for The petition before us seeks to annul and set aside an Order 1
himself. The motion itself expresses petitioner's vigorous
insistence on his right. Petitioner's protestation started as soon as issued by respondent Commissioner Jose Luis Alcuaz of the 3. In 1971, a second earth station standard "A" antenna (Pinugay
he learned of his inclusion in the charge, and did not ease up even
National Telecommunications Commission (hereafter, NTC), dated II) was established. Pinugay II provided links with the Indian Ocean
after COMELEC's denial of his motion for reconsideration. This is
understandably so since the prohibition against carrying firearms September 2, 1988, which directs the provisional reduction of the Region (major cities in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and other Asia
bears the penalty of imprisonment of not less than one (1) year
nor more than six (6) years without probation and with rates which may be charged by petitioner for certain specified Pacific countries operating within the region) thru the Indian
disqualification from holding public office, and deprivation of the lines of its services by fifteen percent (15%) with the reservation Ocean INTELSAT satellite.
right to suffrage. Against such strong stance, petitioner clearly did
not waive his right to a preliminary investigation. to make further reductions later, for being violative of the
constitutional prohibition against undue delegation of legislative 4. In 1983, a third earth station standard "B" antenna (Pinugay III)
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The warrantless
search conducted by the Philippine National Police on 13 January power and a denial of procedural, as well as substantive, due was established to temporarily assume the functions of Pinugay I
1992 is declared illegal and the firearms seized during the process of law.  and then Pinugay II while they were being refurbished. Pinugay III
warrantless search cannot be used as evidence in any proceeding
against petitioner. Consequently, COMELEC Resolution No. 92- now serves as spare or reserved antenna for possible
0829 dated 6 April 1992 being violative of the Constitution is SET
The antecedental facts as summarized by petitioner 2 are not in contingencies.
dispute. By virtue of Republic Act No. 5514, PHILCOMSAT was
The temporary restraining order we issued on 5 May 1992 is granted "a franchise to establish, construct, maintain and operate 5. In 1983, PHILCOMSAT constructed and installed a standard "B"
made permanent.
in the Philippines, at such places as the grantee may select, antenna at Clark Air Field, Pampanga as a television receive-only
SO ORDERED. station or stations and associated equipment and facilities for earth station which provides the U.S. Military bases with a 24-
international satellite communications." Under this franchise, it hour television service.

PHILIPPINE COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE CORPORATION, was likewise granted the authority to "construct and operate such
ground facilities as needed to deliver telecommunications services 6. In 1989, petitioner completed the installation of a third
petitioner, vs. JOSE LUIS A. ALCUAZ, as NTC Commissioner, and
from the communications satellite system and ground terminal or standard "A" earth station (Pinugay IV)to take over the links in
terminals." Pinugay I due to obsolescence. 3

G.R. No. 84818 | 1989-12-18

Pursuant to said franchise, petitioner puts on record that it By designation of the Republic of the Philippines, the petitioner is
undertook the following activities and established the following also the sole signatory for the Philippines in the Agreement and
installations: the Operating Agreement relating to the International
Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT) of 115
1. In 1967, PHILCOMSAT established its provisional earth station member nations, as well as in the Convention and the Operating
in Pinugay, Rizal. Agreement of the International Maritime Satellite Organization
(INMARSAT) of 53 member nations, which two global commercial
This case is posed as one of first impression in the sense that it
2. In 1968, earth station standard "A" antenna (Pinugay I) was telecommunications satellite corporations were collectively
involves the public utility services of the petitioner Philippine
established. Pinugay I provided direct satellite communication established by various states in line with the principles set forth in
Communications Satellite Corporation (PHILCOMSAT, for short)
links with the Pacific Ocean Region (the United States, Australia, Resolution 1721 (XVI) of the General Assembly of the United
which is the only one rendering such services in the Philippines. 
Canada, Hawaii, Guam, Korea, Thailand, China [PROC], New Nations. 

also applied for a provisional authority so that it can continue to not provide the necessary standards constitutionally required,
Since 1968, the petitioner has been leasing its satellite circuits to: operate and maintain the above mentioned facilities, provide the hence there is an undue delegation of legislative power,
services and charge therefor the aforesaid rates therein applied particularly the adjudicatory powers of NTC;
1. Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company; for.
2. Philippine Global Communications, Inc.; 2. Assuming arguendo that the rate-fixing power was properly and
3. Eastern Telecommunications Phils., Inc.; On September 16, 1987, petitioner was granted a provisional constitutionally conferred, the same was exercised in an
4. Globe Mackay Cable and Radio Corp. ITT; and authority to continue operating its existing facilities, to render the unconstitutional manner, hence it is ultra vires, in that (a) the
5. Capitol Wireless, Inc. services it was then offering, and to charge the rates it was then questioned order violates procedural due process for having been
charging. This authority was valid for six (6) months from the date issued without prior notice and hearing; and (b) the rate
or their predecessors-in-interest. The satellite services thus of said order. 5 When said provisional authority expired on March reduction it imposes is unjust, unreasonable and confiscatory,
provided by petitioner enable said international carriers to serve 17, 1988, it was extended for another six (6) months, or up to thus constitutive of a violation of substantive due process.
the public with indispensable communication services, such as September 16, 1988.
overseas telephone, telex, facsimile, telegrams, high speed data, I. Petitioner asseverates that nowhere in the provisions of
live television in full color, and television standard conversion The NTC order now in controversy had further extended the Executive Order No. 546, providing for the creation of respondent
from European to American or vice versa. provisional authority of the petitioner for another six (6) months, NTC and granting its rate-fixing powers, nor of Executive Order
counted from September 16, 1988, but it directed the petitioner No. 196, placing petitioner under the jurisdiction of respondent
Under Section 5 of Republic Act No. 5514, petitioner was exempt to charge modified reduced rates through a reduction of fifteen NTC, can it be inferred that respondent NTC is guided by any
from the jurisdiction of the then Public Service Commission, now percent (15%) on the present authorized rates. Respondent standard in the exercise of its rate-fixing and adjudicatory powers.
respondent NTC. However, pursuant to Executive Order No. 196 Commissioner ordered said reduction on the following ground: While petitioner in its petition-in-chief raised the issue of undue
issued on June 17, 1987, petitioner was placed under the delegation of legislative power, it subsequently clarified its said
jurisdiction, control and regulation of respondent NTC, including "The Commission in its on-going review of present service rates submission to mean that the order mandating a reduction of
all its facilities and services and the fixing of rates. Implementing takes note that after an initial evaluation by the Rates Regulation certain rates is undue delegation not of legislative but of quasi-
said Executive Order No. 196, respondents required petitioner to Division of the Common Carriers Authorization Department of the judicial power to respondent NTC, the exercise of which allegedly
apply for the requisite certificate of public convenience and financial statements of applicant, there is merit in a REDUCTION in requires an express conferment by the legislative body.
necessity covering its facilities and the services it renders, as well some of applicant's rates, subject to further reductions, should
as the corresponding authority to charge rates therefor.  the Commission finds (sic) in its further evaluation that more Whichever way it is presented, petitioner is in effect questioning
reduction should be effected either on the basis of a provisional the constitutionality of Executive Orders Nos. 546 and 196 on the
Consequently, under date of September 9, 1987, petitioner filed authorization or in the final consideration of the case." 6 ground that the same do not fix a standard for the exercise of the
with respondent NTC an application 4 for authority to continue power therein conferred.
operating and maintaining the same facilities it has been PHILCOMSAT assails the above-quoted order for the following
continuously operating and maintaining since 1967, to continue reasons: We hold otherwise.
providing the international satellite communications services it
has likewise been providing since 1967, and to charge the current 1. The enabling act (Executive Order No. 546) of respondent NTC Fundamental is the rule that delegation of legislative power may
rates applied for in rendering such services. Pending hearing, it empowering it to fix rates for public service communications does be sustained only upon the ground that some standard for its

exercise is provided and that the legislature in making the that respondent NTC, in the exercise of its rate-fixing power, is
delegation has prescribed the manner of the exercise of the limited by the requirements of public safety, public interest, We find merit in petitioner's contention.
delegated power. Therefore, when the administrative agency reasonable feasibility and reasonable rates, which conjointly more
concerned, respondent NTC in this case, establishes a rate, its act than satisfy the requirements of a valid delegation of legislative In Vigan Electric Light Co., Inc. vs. Public Service Commission, 9 we
must both be non-confiscatory and must have been established in power. made a categorical classification as to when the rate-fixing power
the manner prescribed by the legislature; otherwise, in the of administrative bodies is quasi-judicial and when it is legislative,
absence of a fixed standard, the delegation of power becomes II. On another tack, petitioner submits that the questioned order thus:
unconstitutional. In case of a delegation of rate-fixing power, the violates procedural due process because it was issued motu
only standard which the legislature is required to prescribe for the proprio, without notice to petitioner and without the benefit of a "Moreover, although the rule-making power end even the power
guidance of the administrative authority is that the rate be hearing. Petitioner laments that said order was based merely on to fix rates ----when such rules and/or rates are meant to apply to
reasonable and just. However, it has been held that even in the an "initial evaluation," which is a unilateral evaluation, but had all enterprises of a given kind throughout the Philippines ---- may
absence of an express requirement as to reasonableness, this petitioner been given an opportunity to present its side before partake of a legislative character, such is not the nature of the
standard may be implied. 7 the order in question was issued, the confiscatory nature of the order complained of. Indeed, the same applies exclusively to
rate reduction and the consequent deterioration of the public petitioner herein. What is more, it is predicated upon the finding
It becomes important then to ascertain the nature of the power service could have been shown and demonstrated to of fact ---- based upon a report submitted by the General Auditing
delegated to respondent NTC and the manner required by the respondents. Petitioner argues that the function involved in the Office ---- that petitioner is making a profit of more than 12% of its
statute for the lawful exercise thereof. rate fixing-power of NTC is adjudicatory and hence quasi-judicial, invested capital, which is denied by petitioner. Obviously, the
not quasi-legislative; thus, notice and hearing are necessary and latter is entitled to cross-examine the maker of said report, and to
Pursuant to Executive Orders Nos. 546 and 196, respondent NTC the absence thereof results in a violation of due process. introduce evidence to disprove the contents thereof and/or
is empowered, among others, to determine and prescribe rates explain or complement the same, as well as to refute the
pertinent to the operation of public service communications Respondents admit that the application of a policy like the fixing conclusion drawn therefrom by the respondent. In other words, in
which necessarily include the power to promulgate rules and of rates as exercised by administrative bodies is quasi-judicial making said finding of fact, respondent performed a function
regulations in connection therewith. And, under Section 15(g) of rather than quasi-legislative: that where the function of the partaking of a quasi-judicial character, the valid exercise of which
Executive Order No. 546, respondent NTC should be guided by the administrative agency is legislative, notice and hearing are not demands previous notice and hearing."
requirements of public safety, public interest and reasonable required, but where an order applies to a named person, as in the
feasibility of maintaining effective competition of private entities instant case, the function involved is adjudicatory. 8 Nonetheless, This rule was further explained in the subsequent case of The
in communications and broadcasting facilities. Likewise, in Section they insist that under the facts obtaining the order in question Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Cloribel, et al. 10 to wit:
6(d) thereof, which provides for the creation of the Ministry of need not be preceded by a hearing, not because it was issued
Transportation and Communications with control and supervision pursuant to respondent NTC's legislative function but because the "It is also clear from the authorities that where the function of the
over respondent NTC, it is specifically provided that the national assailed order is merely interlocutory, it being an incident in the administrative body is legislative, notice of hearing is not required
economic viability of the entire network or components of the ongoing proceedings on petitioner's application for a certificate of by due process of law (See Oppenheimer, Administrative Law, 2
communications systems contemplated therein should be public convenience; and that petitioner is not the only primary Md. L.R. 185, 204, supra, where it is said: 'If the nature of the
maintained at reasonable rates. We need not go into an in-depth source of data or information since respondent is currently administrative agency is essentially legislative, the requirements
analysis of the pertinent provisions of the law in order to conclude engaged in a continuing review of the rates charged. of notice and hearing are not necessary. The validity of a rule of

future action which affects a group, if vested rights of liberty or result from an exhaustive and detailed study it conducts of the and hearing in accordance with the rules and provisions of this
property are not involved, is not determined according to the multi-faceted intricacies attendant to a public service undertaking Act, subject to the limitations and exceptions mentioned and
same rules which apply in the case of the direct application of a of such nature and magnitude. We are, therefore, inclined to lend saving provisions to the contrary:
policy to a specific individual') . . . It is said in 73 C.J.S. Public greater credence to petitioner's ratiocination that an immediate
Administrative Bodies and Procedure, sec. 130, pages 452 and reduction in its rates would adversely affect its operations and the xxx xxx xxx
453: 'Aside from statute, the necessity of notice and hearing in an quality of its service to the public considering the maintenance
administrative proceeding depends on the character of the requirements, the projects it still has to undertake and the (c ) To fix and determine individual or joint rates, . . . which shall
proceeding and the circumstances involved. In so far as financial outlay involved. Notably, petitioner was not even be imposed, observed and followed thereafter by any public
generalization is possible in view of the great variety of afforded the opportunity to cross-examine the inspector who service; . . . ."
administrative proceedings, it may be stated as a general rule that issued the report on which respondent NTC based its questioned
notice and hearing are not essential to the validity of order.  There is no reason to assume that the aforesaid provision does
administrative action where the administrative body acts in the not apply to respondent NTC, there being no limiting, excepting,
exercise of executive, administrative, or legislative functions; but At any rate, there remains the categorical admission made by or saving provisions to the contrary in Executive Orders Nos. 546
where a public administrative body acts in a judicial or quasi- respondent NTC that the questioned order was issued pursuant to and 196.
judicial matter, and its acts are particular and immediate rather its quasi-judicial functions. It, however, insists that notice and
than general and prospective, the person whose rights or hearing are not necessary since the assailed order is merely It is thus clear that with regard to rate-fixing, respondent has no
property may be affected by the action is entitled to notice and incidental to the entire proceedings and, therefore, temporary in authority to make such order without first giving petitioner a
hearing." 11 nature. This postulate is bereft of merit. hearing, whether the order be temporary or permanent, and it is
immaterial whether the same is made upon a complaint, a
The order in question which was issued by respondent Alcuaz no While respondents may fix a temporary rate pending final summary investigation, or upon the commission's own motion as
doubt contains all the attributes of a quasi-judicial adjudication. determination of the application of petitioner, such rate-fixing in the present case. That such a hearing is required is evident in
Foremost is the fact that said order pertains exclusively to order, temporary though it may be, is not exempt from the respondents' order of September 16, 1987 in NTC Case No. 8794
petitioner and to no other. Further, it is premised on a finding of statutory procedural requirements of notice and hearing, as well which granted PHILCOMSAT a provisional authority "to continue
fact, although patently superficial, that there is merit in a as the requirement of reasonableness. Assuming that such power operating its existing facilities, to render the services it presently
reduction of some of the rates charged ---- based on an initial is vested in NTC, it may not exercise the same in an arbitrary and offers, and to charge the rates as reduced by them" under the
evaluation of petitioner's financial statements ---- without confiscatory manner. Categorizing such an order as temporary in condition that "(s)ubject to hearing and the final consideration of
affording petitioner the benefit of an explanation as to what nature does not perforce entail the applicability of a different rule the merit of this application, the Commission may modify, revise
particular aspect or aspects of the financial statements warranted of statutory procedure than would otherwise be applied to any or amend the rates . . .." 12
a corresponding rate reduction. No rationalization was offered nor other order on the same matter unless otherwise provided by the
were the attending contingencies, if any, discussed, which applicable law. In the case at bar, the applicable statutory While it may be true that for purposes of rate-fixing respondents
prompted respondents to impose as much as a fifteen percent provision is Section 16(c) of the Public Service Act which provides: may have other sources of information or data, still, since a
(15%) rate reduction. It is not far-fetched to assume that hearing is essential, respondent NTC should act solely on the basis
petitioner could be in a better position to rationalize its rates vis- "Section 16. Proceedings of the Commission, upon notice and of the evidence before it and not on knowledge or information
a-vis the viability of its business requirements. The rates it charges hearing. The Commission shall have power, upon proper notice otherwise acquired by it but which is not offered in evidence or,

even if so adduced, petitioner was given no opportunity to Apparently, therefore, such grant cannot be unilaterally revoked the utility. A method often employed in determining
controvert. absent a showing that the termination of the operation of said reasonableness is the fair return upon the value of the property to
utility is required by the common good. the public utility. Competition is also a very important factor in
Again, the order requires the new reduced rates to be made determining the reasonableness of rates since a carrier is allowed
effective on a specified date. It becomes a final legislative act as to The rule is that the power of the State to regulate the conduct to make such rates as are necessary to meet competition. 19
the period during which it has to remain in force pending the final and business of public utilities is limited by the consideration that
determination of the case. 13 An order of respondent NTC it is not the owner of the property of the utility, or clothed with A cursory perusal of the assailed order reveals that the rate
prescribing reduced rates, even for a temporary period, could be the general power of management incident to ownership, since reduction is solely and primarily based on the initial evaluation
unjust, unreasonable or even confiscatory, especially if the rates the private right of ownership to such property remains and is not made on the financial statements of petitioner, contrary to
are unreasonably low, since the utility permanently loses its just to be destroyed by the regulatory power. The power to regulate is respondent NTC's allegation that it has several other sources of
revenue during the prescribed period. In fact, such order is in not the power to destroy useful and harmless enterprises, but is information without, however, divulging such sources.
effect final insofar as the revenue during the period covered by the power to protect, foster, promote, preserve, and control with Furthermore, it did not as much as make an attempt to elaborate
the order is concerned. Upon a showing, therefore, that the order due regard for the interest, first and foremost, of the public, then on how it arrived at the prescribed rates. It just perfunctorily
requiring a reduced rate is confiscatory, and will unduly deprive of the utility and of its patrons. Any regulation, therefore, which declared that based on the financial statements, there is merit for
petitioner of a reasonable return upon its property, a declaration operates as an effective confiscation of private property or a rate reduction without any elucidation on what implications and
of its nullity becomes inductible, which brings us to the issue on constitutes an arbitrary or unreasonable infringement of property conclusions were necessarily inferred by it from said statements.
substantive due process. rights is void, because it is repugnant to the constitutional Nor did it deign to explain how the data reflected in the financial
guaranties of due process and equal protection of the laws. 15 statements influenced its decision to impose a rate reduction.
III. Petitioner contends that the rate reduction is confiscatory in
that its implementation would virtually result in a cessation of its Hence, the inherent power and authority of the State, or its On the other hand, petitioner may likely suffer a severe drawback,
operations and eventual closure of business. On the other hand, authorized agent, to regulate the rates charged by public utilities with the consequent detriment to the public service, should the
respondents assert that since petitioner is operating its should be subject always to the requirement that the rates so order of respondent NTC turn out to be unreasonable and
communications satellite facilities through a legislative franchise, fixed shall be reasonable and just. A commission has no power to improvident. The business in which petitioner is engaged is
as such grantee it has no vested right therein. What it has is fix rates which are unreasonable or to regulate them arbitrarily. unique in that its machinery and equipment have always to be
merely a privilege or license which may be revoked at will by the This basic requirement of reasonableness comprehends such taken in relation to the equipment on the other end of the
State at any time without necessarily violating any vested rates which must not be so low as to be confiscatory, or too high transmission arrangement. Any lack, aging, acquisition,
property right of herein petitioner. While petitioner concedes this as to be oppressive. 16 rehabilitation, or refurbishment of machinery and equipment
thesis of respondent, it counters that the withdrawal of such necessarily entails a major adjustment or innovation on the
privilege should nevertheless be neither whimsical nor arbitrary, What is a just and reasonable rate is not a question of formula but business of petitioner. As pointed out by petitioner, any change in
but it must be fair and reasonable. of sound business judgment based upon the evidence; 17 it is a the sending end abroad has to be matched with the
question of fact calling for the exercise of discretion, good sense, corresponding change in the receiving end in the Philippines.
There is no question that petitioner is a mere grantee of a and a fair, enlightened and independent judgment 18 In conversely, any change in the receiving end abroad has to be
legislative franchise which is subject to amendment, alteration, or determining whether a rate is confiscatory, it is essential also to matched with the corresponding change in the sending end in the
repeal by Congress when the common good so requires. 14 consider the given situation, requirements and opportunities of Philippines. An inability on the part of petitioner to meet the

variegations demanded by technology could result in a hereby made permanent. our nation's future on the assumption that the head of an agency
deterioration or total failure of the service of satellite knows best what is good for the people. I believe that in the
communications.  SO ORDERED. exercise of quasi-legislative powers, administrative agencies,
much, much more than Congress, should hold hearings and
At present, petitioner is engaged in several projects aimed at Fernan, (C.J.), Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Cruz, Paras, Feliciano, should be given guidelines as to when notices and hearings are
refurbishing, rehabilitating, and renewing its machinery and Gancayco, Bidin, Sarmiento, Cortá©s, Griño-Aquino and essential even in quasi-legislation.
equipment in order to keep up with the continuing changes of the Medialdea, JJ., concur.
times and to maintain its facilities at a competitive level with the ----------------
technological advances abroad. These projected undertakings Padilla, J., took no part.
were formulated on the premise that rates are maintained at ANG TIBAY, represented by TORIBIO TEODORO, manager and

their present or at reasonable levels. Hence, an undue reduction Separate Opinions proprietor, and NATIONAL WORKERS' BROTHERHOOD,
thereof may practically lead to a cessation of its business. While petitioners, vs. THE COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS and
we concede the primacy of the public interest in an adequate and GUTIERREZ, JR., J., concurring:
efficient service, the same is not necessarily to be equated with
reduced rates. Reasonableness in the rates assumes that the I concur in the ponencia of Justice Ragalado and join him in the G.R. No. 46496 | 1940-02-27
same is fair to both the public utility and the consumer.  erudite and thorough discussion of the respondent's authority.
However, I have reservations about our continuing to abide by the
Consequently, we hold that the challenged order, particularly on dictum that in the exercise of quasi-legislative power, notice and
the issue of rates provided therein, being violative of the due hearing are not required. I believe that this doctrine is ripe for re-
process clause is void and should be nullified. Respondents should examination. 
now proceed, as they should heretofore have done, with the
hearing and determination of petitioner's pending application for Senators and Congressmen are directly elected by the people.
a certificate of public convenience and necessity and in which Administrative officials are not. If the members of an
proceeding the subject of rates involved in the present administrative body are, as is so often the case, appointed not on
controversy, as well as other matters involved in said application, the basis of competence and qualifications but out of political or
may be duly adjudicated with reasonable dispatch and with due personal considerations, it is not only the sense of personal
observance or our pronouncements herein. responsibility to the electorate affected by legislation which is
missing. The expertise and experience needed for the issuance of  View
WHEREFORE, the writ prayed for is GRANTED and the order of sound rules and regulations would also be sorely lacking. Summary
respondents, dated September 2, 1988, in NTC Case No. 87-94 is D E C I S I O N
hereby SET ASIDE. The temporary restraining order issued under Congress never passes truly important legislation without holding  
our resolution of September 13, 1988, as specifically directed public hearings. Yet, administrative officials who are not directly LAUREL, J:
against the aforesaid order of respondents on the matter of attuned to the public pulse see no need for hearings. They issue  
existing rates on petitioner's present authorized services, is rules and circulars with far reaching effects on our economy and

The Solicitor-General in behalf of the respondent Court of 1. That Toribio Teodoro's claim that on September 26,1938, there 7. That the employer Toribio Teodoro was guilty of unfair labor
Industrial Relations in the above-entitled case has filed a motion was shortage of leather soles in ANG TIBAY making it necessary practice for discriminating against the National Labor Union, Inc.,
for reconsideration and moves that, for the reasons stated in his for him to temporarily lay off the members of the National Labor and unjustly favoring the National Workers' Brotherhood.
motion, we reconsider the following legal conclusions of the Union Inc., is entirely false and unsupported by the records of the  
majority opinion of this Court: Bureau of Customs and the Books of Accounts of native dealers in 8. That the exhibits hereto attached are so inaccessible to the
  leather. respondents that even with the exercise of due diligence they
1. Que un contrato de trabajo, asi individual como colectivo, sin   could not be expected to have obtained them and offered as
termino fijo de duracion o que no sea para una determinada, 2. That the supposed lack of leather materials claimed by Toribio evidence in the Court of Industrial Relations.
termina o bien por voluntad de cualquiera de las partes o cada vez Teodoro was but a scheme adopted to systematically discharge all  
que llega el plazo fijado para el pago de los salarios segun the members of the National Labor Union, Inc., from work. 9. That the attached documents and exhibits are of such far-
costumbre en la localidad o cuando se termine la obra;   reaching importance and effect that their admission would
  3. That Toribio Teodoro's letter to the Philippine Army dated necessarily mean the modification and reversal of the judgment
2. Que los obreros de una empresa fabril, que han celebrado September 29, 1938, (re supposed delay of leather soles from the rendered herein."
contrato, ya individual ya colectivamente, con ella, sin tiempo fijo, States) was but a scheme to systematically prevent the forfeiture  
y que se han visto obligados a cesar en sus trabajos por haberse of this bond despite the breach of his CONTRACT with the The petitioner, Ang Tibay, has filed an opposition both to the
declarado paro forzoso en la fabrica en la cual trabajan, dejan de Philippine Army. motion for reconsideration of the respondent Court of Industrial
ser empleados u obreros de la misma;   Relations and to the motion for new trial of the respondent
  4. That the National Workers' Brotherhood of ANG TIBAY is a National Labor Union, Inc.
3. Que un patrono o sociedad que ha celebrado un contrato company or employer union dominated by Toribio Teodoro, the  
colectivo de trabajo con sus obreros sin tiempo fijo de duracion y existence and functions of which are illegal. (281 U. S., 548, In view of the conclusion reached by us and to be herein- after
sin ser para una obra determinada y que se niega a readmitir a petitioner's printed memorandum, p. 25.) stated with reference to the motion for a new trial of the
dichos obreros que cesaron como consecuencia de un paro   respondent National Labor Union, Inc., we are of the opinion that
forzoso, no es culpable de practica injusta ni incurre en la sancion 5. That in the exercise by the laborers of their rights to collective it is not necessary to pass upon the motion for reconsideration of
penal del articulo 5 de la Ley No. 213 del Commonwealth, aunque bargaining, majority rule and elective representation are highly the Solicitor-General. We shall proceed to dispose of the motion
su negativa a readmitir se deba a que dichos obreros pertenecen essential and indispensable. ( Sections 2 and 5, Commonwealth for new trial of the respondent labor union. Before doing this,
a un determinado organismo obrero, puesto que tales ya han Act No. 213.) however, we deem it necessary, in the interest of orderly
dejado de ser empleados suyos por terminacion del contrato en   procedure in cases of this nature, to make several observations
virtud del paro." 6. That the century provisions of the Civil Code which had been regarding the nature of the powers of the Court of Industrial
  (the) principal source of dissensions and continuous civil war in Relations and emphasize certain guiding principles which should
The respondent National Labor Union, Inc., on the other hand, Spain cannot and should not be made applicable in interpreting be observed in the trial of cases brought before it. We have re-
prays for the vacation of the judgment rendered by the majority and applying the salutary provisions of a modern labor legislation examined the entire record of the proceedings had before the
of this Court and the remanding of the case to the Court of of American origin where industrial peace has always been the Court of Industrial Relations in this case, and we have found no
Industrial Relations for a new trial, and avers: rule. substantial evidence to indicate that the exclusion of the 89
    laborers here was due to their union affiliation or activity. The

whole transcript taken contains what transpired during the both of the parties to the controversy and certified by the determination which may be deemed necessary or expedient for
hearing and is more of a record of contradictory and conflicting Secretary of Labor as existing and proper to be death with by the the purpose of settling the dispute or of preventing further
statements of opposing counsel, with sporadic conclusion drawn Court for the sake of public interest. (Section A, ibid.) It shall, industrial or agricultural disputes. (Section 13, ibid.) And in the
to suit their own views. It is evident that these statements and before hearing the dispute and in the course of such hearing, light of this legislative policy, appeals to this Court have been
expressions of views of counsel have no evidentiary value. endeavor to reconcile the parties and induce them to settle the especially regulated by the rules recently promulgated by this
  dispute by amicable agreement. (Paragraph 2, section 4, ibid.) Court to carry into effect the avowed legislative purpose. The fact,
The Court of Industrial Relations is a special court whose functions When directed by the President of the Philippines, it shall however, that the Court of Industrial Relations may be said to be
are specifically stated in the law of its creation (Commonwealth investigate and study all pertinent facts related to the industry free from the rigidity of certain procedural requirements does not
Act No. 103). It is more an administrative board than a part of the concerned or to the industries established in a designated locality, mean that it can, in justiciable cases coming before it, entirely
integrated judicial system of the nation. It is not intended to be a with a view to determining the necessity and fairness of fixing and ignore or disregard the fundamental and essential requirements
mere receptive organ of the Government. Unlike a court of justice adopting for such industry or locality a minimum wage or share of of due Process in trials and investigations of an administrative
which is essentially passive, acting only when its jurisdiction is laborers or tenants, or a maximum "canon" or rental to be paid by character. There are cardinal primary rights which must be
invoked and deciding only cases that are presented to it by the the "inquilinos" or tenants or lessees to landowners. (Section 5, respected even in proceedings of this character:
parties litigant, the function of the Court of Industrial Relations, as ibid.) In fine, it may appeal to voluntary arbitration in the  
will appear from perusal of its organic law, is more active, settlement of industrial disputes; may employ mediation or (1) The first of these rights is the right to a hearing which includes
affirmative and dynamic. It not only exercises judicial or conciliation for that purpose, or recur to the more effective the right of the party interested or affected to present his own
quasijudicial functions in the determination of disputes between system of official investigation and compulsory arbitration in case and submit evidence in support thereof. In the language of
employers and employees but its functions are far more order to determine specific controversies between labor and Chief Justice Hughes, in Morgan v. U. S., 304 U. S. 1, 58 S. Ct. 773,
comprehensive and extensive. It has jurisdiction over the entire capital in industry and in agriculture. There is in reality here a 999, 82 Law. ed 1129, "the liberty and property of the citizen shall
Philippines, to consider, investigate, decide, and settle any mingling of executive and judicial functions, which is a departure be protected by the rudimentary requirements of fair play."
question, matter controversy or dispute arising between, and/or from the rigid doctrine of the separation of governmental powers.  
affecting, employers and employees or laborers, and landlords   (2) Not only must the party be given an opportunity to present his
and tenants or farm-laborers, and regulate the relations between In the case of Goseco vs. Court of Industrial Relations et al., G. R. case and to adduce evidence tending to establish the rights which
them, subject to, and in accordance with, the provisions of No. 46673, promulgated September 13, 1939, we had occasion to he asserts but the tribunal must consider the evidence presented.
Commonwealth Act No. 103 (section 1). It shall take cognizance point out that the Court of Industrial Relations is not narrowly (Chief Justice Hughes in Morgan v. U. S. 298 U. S. 468, 56 S. Ct.
for purposes of prevention, arbitration, decision and settlement, constrained by technical rules of procedure, and the Act requires 906, 80 Law. ed. 1288.) In the language of this Court in Edwards
of any industrial or agricultural dispute causing or likely to cause a it to "act according to justice and equity and substantial merits of vs. McCoy, 22 Phil., 598, "the right to adduce evidence, without
strike or lockout, arising from differences as regards wageshares the case, without regard to technicalities or legal forms and shall the corresponding duty on the part of the board to consider it, is
or compensation, hours of labor or conditions of tenancy or not be bound by any technical rules of legal evidence but may vain. Such right is conspicuously futile if the person or persons to
employment, between employers and employees or laborers and inform its mind in such manner as it may deem just and whom the evidence is presented can thrust it aside without notice
between landlords and tenants or farm-laborers, provided that equitable." (Section 20, Commonwealth Act No. 103.) It shall not or consideration."
the number of employees, laborers or tenants or farm-laborers be restricted to the specific relief claimed or demands made by  
involved exceeds thirty, and such industrial or agricultural dispute the parties to the industrial or agricultural dispute, but may (3) "While the duty to deliberate does not impose the obligation
is submitted to the Court by the Secretary of Labor or by any or include in the award, order or decision any matter or to decide right, it does imply a necessity which cannot be

disregarded, namely, that of having something to support its S. 420, 442, 50 S. Ct. 220, 225, 74 Law. ed. 624.) But this assurance and facts of the controversy, and not simply accept the views of a
decision. A decision with absolutely nothing to support it is a of a desirable flexibility in administrative procedure does not go subordinate in arriving at a decision. It may be that the volume of
nullity, a place when directly attached." (Edwards vs. McCoy, so far as to justify orders without a basis in evidence having work is such that it is literally impossible for the titular heads of
supra.) This principle emanates from the more fundamental rational probative force. Mere uncorroborated hearsay or rumor the Court of Industrial Relations personally to decide all
principle that the genius of constitutional government is contrary does not constitute substantial evidence. (Consolidated Edison Co. controversies coming before them. In the United States the
to the vesting of unlimited power anywhere. Law is both a grant v. National Labor Relations Board, 59 S. Ct. 206, 83 Law. ed. No. 4, difficulty is solved with the enactment of statutory authority
and a limitation upon power. Adv. Op., p. 131.)" authorizing examiners or other subordinates to render final
    decision, with right to appeal to board or commission, but in our
(4) Not only must there be some evidence to support a finding or (5) The decision must be rendered on the evidence presented at case there is no such statutory authority.
conclusion (City of Manila vs. Agustin, G. R. No. 45844, the hearing, or at least contained in the record and disclosed to  
promulgated November 29, 1937, XXXVI O. G. 1335), but the the parties affected. (Interstate Commence Commission vs. L. & N. (7) The Court of Industrial Relations should, in all controversial
evidence must be "substantial." (Washington, Virginia & Maryland R. Co., 227 U. S. 88, 33 S. Ct. 185, 57 Law. ed. 431.)Only by questions, render its decision in such a manner that the parties to
Coach Co. v. National Labor Relations Board, 301 U. S. 142, 147, confining the administrative tribunal to the evidence disclosed to the proceeding can know the vario issues involved, and the
57 S. Ct. 648, 650, 81 Law ed 965.) Substantial evidence is more the parties, can the latter be protected in their right to know and reasons for the decisions rendered. The performance of this duty
than a mere scintilla It means such relevant evidence as a meet the case against them. It should not, however, detract from is inseparable from the authority conferred upon it.
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a their duty actively to see that the law is enforced, and for that  
conclusion." purpose, to use the authorized legal methods of securing In the light of the foregoing fundamental principles, it is sufficient
  evidence and informing itself of facts material and relevant to the to observe here that, except as to the alleged agreement between
(Appalachian Electric Power v. National Labor Relations Board, 4 controversy. Boards of inquiry may be appointed for the purpose the Ang Tibay and the National Workers' Brotherhood (appendix
Cir., 93 F. 2d 985, 989; National Labor Relations Board v. of investigating and determining the facts in any given case, but A), the record is barren and does not satisfy the thirst for a factual
Thompson Products, 6 Cir., 97 F. 2d 13, 15; Ballston-stillwater their report and decision are only advisory. (Section 9, basis upon which to predicate, in a rational way, a conclusion of
Knitting Co. v. National Labor Relations Board, 2 Cir., 98 F. 2d 758, Commonwealth Act No. 103.) The Court of Industrial Relations law.
760.) . . . The statute provides that 'the rules of evidence may refer any industrial or agricultural dispute of any matter  
prevailing in courts of law and equity shall not be controlling.' The under its consideration or advisement to a local board of inquiry, This result, however, does not now preclude the concession of a
obvious purpose of this and similar provisions is to free a provincial fiscal, a justice of the peace or any public official in new trial prayed for by the respondent National Labor Union, Inc.
administrative boards from the compulsion of technical rules so any part of the Philippines for investigation, report and In the portion of the petition hereinabove quoted of the National
that the mere admission of matter which would be deemed recommendation, and may delegate to such board or public Labor Union, Inc., it is alleged that "the supposed lack of leather
incompetent in judicial proceedings would not invalidate the official such powers and functions as the said Court of Industrial material claimed by Toribio Teodoro was but a scheme adopted to
administrative order. (Interstate Commerce Commission v. Baird, Relations may deem necessary, but such delegation shall not systematically discharge all the members of the National Labor
194 U. S. 25, 44, 24 S. Ct. 563, 568, 48 Law. ed. 860; Interstate affect the exercise of the Court itself of any of its powers (Section Union, Inc., from work" and this averment is desired to be proved
Commerce Commission v. Louisville & Nashville R. Co., 227 U. S. 10, ibid.) by the petitioner with the "records of the Bureau of Customs and
88, 93, 33 S. Ct. 185, 187, 57 Law. ed. 431; United States v.   the Books of Accounts of native dealers in leather"; that "the
Abilene & Southern Ry. Co., 265 U. S. 274, 288, 44 S. Ct. 565, 569, (6) The Court of Industrial Relations or any of its judges, therefore, National Workers' Brotherhood Union of Ang Tibay is a company
68 Law. ed. lola; Tagg Bros. & Moorhead v. United States, 280 U. must act on its or his own independent consideration of the law or employer union dominated by Toribio Teodoro, the existence

and functions of which are illegal." Petitioner further alleges petitioners, vs. HON. IGNACIO M. CAPULONG, Presiding Judge of less a clear duty, on the part of the respondent to admit the
under oath that the exhibits attached to the petition to prove his petitioner, the petition did not prosper. 
substantial averments "are so inaccessible to the respondents
that even with the exercise of due diligence they could not be MONTECILLO, ADEL ABAS, JOSEPH LLEDO AMADO SABBAN, In support of its decision, the Court invoked academic freedom of
expected to have obtained them and offered as evidence in the DALMACIO LIM, JR., MANUEL ESCALONA and JUDE FERNANDEZ, institutions of higher learning, as recognized by the Constitution,
Court of Industrial Relations", and that the documents attached to respondents. the concept encompassing the right of a school to choose its
the petition "are of such far reaching importance and effect that students. 
their admission would necessarily mean the modification and G.R. No. 99327 | 1993-05-27

reversal of the judgment rendered therein." We have considered Eighteen (18) years later, the right of a University to refuse
the reply of Ang Tibay and its arguments against the petition. By admittance to its students, this time in Ateneo de Manila
and large, after considerable discussion, we have come to the University proper, is again challenged. 
Discussions citing this case are available.
conclusion that the interest of justice would be better served if
the movant is given opportunity to present at the hearing the Constitutional Law; Education, Science, Technology, Arts, Culture Whereas, in the Garcia case referred to in the opening paragraph,
documents referred to in his motion and such other evidence as and Sports; Academic Freedom  the individual concerned was not a regular student, the
may be relevant to the main issue involved. The legislation which Political Law; Constitutional Law; Bill of Rights; Due Process - right respondents in the case at bar, having been previously enrolled in
created the Court of Industrial Relations and under which it acts is to life, liberty and property; Procedural and substantive due the University, seek re-admission. Moreover, in the earlier case,
new. The failure to grasp the fundamental issue involved is not process  the petitioner was refused admittance, not on such considerations
entirely attributable to the parties adversely affected by the as personality traits and character orientation, or even inability to
result. Accordingly, the motion for a new trial should be, and the D E C I S I O N  meet the institution's academic or intellectual standards, but
same is hereby granted, and the entire record of this case shall be because of her behavior in the classroom. The school pointedly
remanded to the Court of Industrial Relations, with instruction informed her that ". . . it would seem to be in your best interest to
that it reopen the case, receive all such evidence as may be ROMERO, J.:  work with a Faculty that is more compatible with your
relevant, and otherwise proceed in accordance with the orientations." 
requirements set forth hereinabove. So ordered. In 1975, the Court was confronted with a mandamus proceeding

  to compel the Faculty Admission Committee of the Loyola School On the other hand, students who are now being refused
Avancena, C.J., Villa-Real, Imperial, Diaz, Concepcion and Moran, of Theology, a religious seminary which has a working admission into petitioner University have been found guilty of
JJ., concur. arrangement with the Ateneo de Manila University regarding violating Rule No. 3 of the Ateneo Law School Rules on Discipline
accreditation of common students, to allow petitioner who had which prohibits participation in hazing activities. The case
ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY, FATHER JOAQUIN BERNAS, taken some courses therein for credit during summer, to continue attracted much publicity due to the death of one of the neophytes
S.J., DEAN CYNTHIA ROXAS-DEL CASTILLO, JUDGE RUPERTO her studies. 1 Squarely meeting the issue, we dismissed the and serious physical injuries inflicted on another. 
petition on the ground that students in the position of petitioner
possess, not a right, but a privilege, to be admitted to the Herein lies an opportunity for the Court to add another dimension
institution. Not having satisfied the prime and indispensable to the concept of academic freedom of institutions of higher
CLARO TESORO, RAMON CAGUIOA and RAMON ERENETA, requisite of a mandamus proceeding since there is no duty, much learning, this time a case fraught with social and emotional

overtones.  postpone the hearing from February 28, 1991 to March 1, 1991. 7 
Respondent students were then required to file their written
The facts which gave rise to this case which is far from novel, are answers to the formal charge on or before February 18, 1991; Subsequently, respondent students were directed to appear on
as follows:  otherwise, they would be deemed to have waived their right to March 2, 1991 for clarificatory questions. 8 They were also
present their defenses.  informed that: 
As a requisite to membership, the Aquila Legis, a fraternity
organized in the Ateneo Law School, held its initiation rites on On February 20, 1991, petitioner Dean created a Disciplinary a) The proceedings will be summary in nature in accordance with
February 8, 9 and 10, 1991, for students interested in joining its Board composed of petitioners Judge Ruperto Kapunan, Justice the rules laid down in the case of Guzman vs. National University;
ranks. As a result of such initiation rites, Leonardo "Lennie" H. Venicio Escolin, Atty. Marcos Herras, Fiscal Miguel Albar and Atty. 9 
Villa, a first year student of petitioner university, died of serious Ferdinand Casis, to hear the charges against respondent
physical injuries at the Chinese General Hospital on February 10, students.  b) Petitioners have no right to cross-examine the affiants-
1991. He was not the lone victim, though, for another freshman neophytes; 
by the name of Bienvenido Marquez was also hospitalized at the In a letter dated February 20, 1991, respondent students were
Capitol Medical Center for acute renal failure occasioned by the informed that they had violated Rule No. 3 of the Rules on c) Hazing which is not defined in the School catalogue shall be
serious physical injuries inflicted upon him on the same occasion.  Discipline contained in the Law School Catalogue. Said letter also defined in accordance with the proposed bill of Sen. Jose Lina,
states: "The complaint/charge against you arose from Senate Bill No. 3815; 
In a notice dated February 11, 1991, petitioner Dean Cynthia del participation in acts of hazing committed during the Aquila Legis
Castillo created a Joint Administration-Faculty-Student initiations held on February 8-10, 1991. The evidence against you d) The Board will take into consideration the degree of
Investigating Committee 2 which was tasked to investigate and consist of testimonies of students, showing your participation in participation of the petitioners in the alleged hazing incident in
submit a report within 72 hours on the circumstances surrounding acts prohibited by the School regulations." Finally, it ordered imposing the penalty; 
the death of Lennie Villa. Said notice also required respondent respondent students to file their written answers to the above
students to submit their written statements within twenty-four charge on or before February 22, 1991, otherwise they would be e) The Decision of the Board shall be appealable to the President
(24) hours from receipt. Although respondent students received a deemed to have waive their defense. 5  of the University, i.e. Respondent Joaquin Bernas S. J. 
copy of the written notice, they failed to file a reply. In the
meantime, they were placed on preventive suspension. 3 Through In a motion dated February 21, 1991, respondent students, On March 5, 1991, petitioner Bernas wrote Dean del Castillo that,
their respective counsels, they requested copies of the charges through counsel, requested that the investigation against them be "in cases where the Disciplinary Board is not prepared to impose
and pertinent documents or affidavits.  held in abeyance, pending action on their request for copies of the penalty of dismissal, I would prefer that the Board leave the
the evidence against them. 6  decision on the penalty to the Administration so that this case be
In a notice dated February 14, 1991, the Joint Administration- decided not just on the Law School level but also on the University
Faculty-Student Investigating Committee, after receiving the Respondent students were then directed by the Board to appear level." 10 
written statements and hearing the testimonies of several before it at a hearing on February 28, 1991 to clarify their answers
witnesses, found a prima facie case against respondent students with regard to the charges filed by the investigating committee for In a resolution dated March 9, 1991, the Board found respondent
for violation of Rule 3 of the Law School Catalogue entitled violation of Rule No. 3. However, in a letter to petitioners dated students guilty of violating Rule No. 3 of the Ateneo Law School
"Discipline." 4  February 27, 1991, counsel for respondent students moved to Rules on Discipline which prohibits participation in hazing

activities. The Board found that respondent students acted as behavior." Accordingly, he imposed the penalty of dismissal on all Respondent students reacted immediately by filing a
master auxiliaries or "auxies" during the initiation rites of Aquila respondent students. 12  Supplemental Petition of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus
Legis, and exercised the "auxies privilege," which allows them to with prayer for a temporary restraining order and preliminary
participate in the physical hazing. Although respondent students In a resolution dated March 18, 1991 and concurred in by injunction, to include the aforesaid members of the Special Board,
claim that they were there to assist and attend to the needs of the petitioner Fr. Bernas, 13 the Board excluded respondent students as additional respondents to the original petition. 16 
neophytes, actually they were assigned a definite supportive role Abas and Mendoza from the coverage of the resolution of March
to play in the organized activity. Their guilt was heightened by the 10, 1991, inasmuch as at the time the latter resolution was Petitioners moved to strike out the Supplemental Petition arguing
fact that they made no effort to prevent the infliction of further promulgated, neither had as yet submitted their case to the that the creation of the Special Board was totally unrelated to the
physical punishment on the neophytes under their care. The Board. Said resolution also set the investigation of the two original petition which alleged lack of due process in the conduct
Board considered respondent students part and parcel of the students on March 21, 1991.  of investigations by the Disciplinary Board against respondent
integral process of hazing. In conclusion, the Board pronounced students; that a supplemental petition cannot be admitted
respondents guilty of hazing, either by active participation or On March 18, 1991, respondent students filed with the Regional without the same being set for hearing and that the supplemental
through acquiescence. However, in view of the lack of unanimity Trial Court of Makati, a petition for certiorari, prohibition and petition for the issuance of a temporary restraining order will, in
among the members of the Board on the penalty of dismissal, the mandamus with prayer for temporary restraining order and effect, extend the previous restraining order beyond its
Board left the imposition of the penalty to the University preliminary injunction 14 alleging that they were currently mandatory 20-day lifetime. 17 Acting on the urgent motion to
Administration. 11 Petitioner Dean del Castillo waived her enrolled as students for the second semester of schoolyear 1990- admit the supplemental petition with prayer for a temporary
prerogative to review the decision of the Board and left to the 91. Unless a temporary restraining order is issued, they would be restraining order, Judge Amin, as pairing judge of respondent
President of the University the decision of whether to expel prevented from taking their examinations. The petition principally Judge Capulong, granted respondent students' prayer on April 10,
respondent students or not.  centered on the alleged lack of due process in their dismissal.  1991. 18 

Consequently, in a resolution dated March 10, 1991, petitioner Fr. On the same day, Judge Madayag issued a temporary restraining On May 17, 1991, respondent Judge ordered petitioners to
Joaquin G. Bernas, as President of the Ateneo de Manila order enjoining petitioners from dismissing respondent students reinstate respondent students. Simultaneously, the court ordered
University, accepted the factual findings of the Board, thus: "that and stopping the former from conducting hearings relative to the petitioners to conduct special examinations in lieu of the final
as Master Auxiliaries they exercised the 'auxie's privilege;' that hazing incident. 15  examinations which allegedly the students were not allowed to
even assuming that they did not lay hands on the neophytes," take, and enjoined them to maintain the status quo with regard to
respondent students are still guilty in accordance with the Hearings in connection with the issuance of the temporary the cases of Adel Abas and Zosimo Mendoza pending final
principle that "where two or more persons act together in the restraining order were then held. On April 7, 1991, the temporary determination of the issues of the instant case. Lastly, it directed
commission of a crime, whether they act through the physical restraining order issued on March 18, 1991 lapsed. Consequently, respondent students to file a bond in the amount of P50,000.00.
volition of one or of all, proceeding severally or collectively, each a day after the expiration of the temporary restraining order, 19 
individual whose will contributes to the wrongdoing is responsible Dean del Castillo created a Special Board composed of Atty.(s)
for the whole." Fr. Bernas, in describing the offense which led to Jose Claro Tesoro, Ramon Caguioa, and Ramon Ereñeta to On the same date, May 17, 1991, the Special Board investigating
the death of Leonardo Villa, concluded that the "offense of the investigate the charges of hazing against respondent students petitioners Abas and Mendoza concluded its investigation. On
respondents can be characterized as grave and serious, subversive Abas and Mendoza.  May 20, 1991, it imposed the penalty of dismissal on respondent
of the goals of Christian education and contrary to civilized students Adel Abas and Zosimo Mendoza and directed the

dropping of their names from its roll of students. 20  cases of Guzman v. National University, 22 Alcuaz v PSBA, Q.C.
Branch 23 and Non v. Dames II 24 have been meticulously Indubitably, the nature and cause of the accusation were
The following day or on May 21, 1991, respondent judge issued respected by petitioners in the various investigative proceedings adequately spelled out in petitioners' notices dated February 14
the writ of preliminary injunction upon posting by respondent held before they were expelled.  and 20, 1991. 30 It is to be noted that the February 20, 1991 letter
students of a bond dated May 17, 1991 in the amount of which quoted Rule No. 3 of its Rules of Discipline as contained in
P50,000.00.  Corollary to their contention of denial of due process is their the Ateneo Law School Catalogue was addressed individually to
argument that it is the Ang Tibay case 25 and not the Guzman respondent students. Petitioners' notices/letters dated February
Hence, this special civil action of certiorari under Rule 65 with case which is applicable in the case at bar. Though both cases 11, February 14 and 20 clearly show that respondent students
prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining order essentially deal with the requirements of due process, the were given ample opportunity to adduce evidence in their behalf
questioning the order of respondent judge reinstating respondent Guzman case is more apropos to the instant case, since the latter and to answer the charges leveled against them. 
students dated May 17, 1991. On May 30, 1991, this Court issued deals specifically with the minimum standards to be satisfied in
a temporary restraining order enjoining the enforcement of the the imposition of disciplinary sanctions in academic institutions, The requisite assistance of counsel was met when, from the very
May 17, 1991 order of respondent judge. 21  such as petitioner university herein, thus:  start of the investigations before the Joint Administration-Faculty-
Student Committee, the law firm of Gonzales Batiller and Bilog
In the case at bar, we come to grips with two relevant issues on "(1) the students must be informed in writing of the nature and and Associates put in its appearance and filed pleadings in behalf
academic freedom, namely: (1) whether a school is within its cause of any accusation against them; (2) that they shall have the of respondent students. 
rights in expelling students from its academic community right to answer the charges against them with the assistance of
pursuant to its disciplinary rules and moral standards; and (2) counsel, if desired; (3) they shall be informed of the evidence Respondent students may not use the argument that since they
whether or not the penalty imposed by the school administration against them; (4) they shall have the right to adduce evidence in were not accorded the opportunity to see and examine the
is proper under the circumstances.  their own behalf; and (5) the evidence must be duly considered by written statements which became the basis of petitioners'
the investigating committee or official designated by the school February 14, 1991 order, they were denied procedural due
We grant the petition and reverse the order of respondent judge authorities to hear and decide the case." 26  process. 31 Granting that they were denied such opportunity, the
ordering readmission of respondent students. Respondent judge same may not be said to detract from the observance of due
committed grave abuse of discretion when he ruled that It cannot seriously be asserted that the above requirements were process, for disciplinary cases involving students need not
respondent students had been denied due process in the not met. When, in view of the death of Leonardo Villa, petitioner necessarily include the right to cross examination. An
investigation of the charges against them.  Cynthia del Castillo, as Dean of the Ateneo Law School, notified administrative proceeding conducted to investigate students'
and required respondent students on February 11, 1991 to submit participation in a hazing activity need not be clothed with the
It is the threshold argument of respondent students that the within twenty-four hours their written statement on the incident, attributes of a judicial proceeding. A closer examination of the
decision of petitioner Fr. Joaquin Bernas, S. J., then President of 27 the records show that instead of filing a reply, respondent March 2, 1991 hearing which characterized the rules on the
the Ateneo de Manila University, to expel them was arrived at students requested through their counsel, copies of the charges. investigation as being summary in nature and that respondent
without affording them their right to procedural due process. We 28 While some of the students mentioned in the February 11, students have no right to examine affiants-neophytes, reveals that
are constrained to disagree as we find no indication that such 1991 notice duly submitted written statements, the others failed this is but a reiteration of our previous ruling in Alcuaz. 32 
right has been violated. On the contrary, respondent students' to do so. Thus, the latter were granted an extension of up to
rights in a school disciplinary proceeding, as enunciated in the February 18, 1991 to file their statements. 29  Respondent students' contention that the investigating

committee failed to consider their evidence is far from the truth frequency of injury, even death, inflicted upon the neophytes by freedom" cited in the case of Sweezy v. New Hampshire, 37 thus:
because the February 14, 1992 order clearly states that it was their insensate "masters." Assuredly, it passes the test of (1) who may teach; (2) what may be taught; (3) how it shall be
reached only after receiving the written statements and hearing reasonableness and absence of malice on the part of the school taught; and (4) who may be admitted to study. 
the testimonies of several witnesses. 33 Similarly, the Disciplinary authorities. Far from fostering comradeship and esprit d' corps, it
Board's resolution dated March 10, 1991 was preceded by a has merely fed upon the cruel and baser instincts of those who Socrates, the "first of the great moralists of Greece," proud to
hearing on March 2, 1991 wherein respondent students were aspire to eventual leadership in our country.  claim the title "gadfly of the State," has deservedly earned for
summoned to answer clarificatory questions.  himself a respected place in the annals of history as a martyr to
Respondent students argue that petitioners are not in a position the cause of free intellectual inquiry. To Plato, this great teacher
With regard to the charge of hazing, respondent students fault to file the instant petition under Rule 65 considering that they of his was the "best, the most sensible, and the most just man of
petitioners for not explicitly defining the word "hazing" and allege failed to file a motion for reconsideration first before the trial his age." In 399 B.C., he willingly quaffed the goblet of hemlock as
that there is no proof that they were furnished copies of the court, thereby bypassing the latter and the Court of Appeals. 35  punishment for alleged "corruption" of the youth of Athens. He
1990-91 Ateneo Law School Catalogue which prohibits hazing. describes in his own words how this charge of "corruption," the
Such flawed sophistry is not worthy of students who aspire to be It is accepted legal doctrine that an exception to the doctrine of forerunner of the concept of academic freedom, came about: 
future members of the Bar. It cannot be over-emphasized that the exhaustion of remedies is when the case involves a question of
charge filed before the Joint Administration-Faculty-Student law, 36 as in this case, where the issue is whether or not "Young men of the richer classes, who have not much to do, come
Investigating Committee and the Disciplinary Board is not a respondent students have been afforded procedural due process about me of their own accord: they like to hear the pretenders
criminal case requiring proof beyond reasonable doubt but is prior to their dismissal from petitioner university.  examined, and they often imitate me, and examine others
merely administrative in character. As such, it is not subject to the themselves; there are plenty of persons, as they soon discover,
rigorous requirements of criminal due process, particularly with Lastly, respondent students argue that we erred in issuing a who think that they know something, but really know little or
respect to the specification of the charge involved. As we have Temporary Restraining Order since petitioners do not stand to nothing; and then those who are examined by them, instead of
had occasion to declare in previous cases of a similar nature, due suffer irreparable damage in the event that private respondents being angry with themselves are angry with me. This confounded
process in disciplinary cases involving students does not entail are allowed to re-enroll. No one can be so myopic as to doubt that Socrates, they say; this villainous misleader of youth. And then if
proceedings and hearings identical to those prescribed for actions the immediate reinstatement of respondent students who have somebody asks them, Why, what evil does he practice or teach?
and proceedings in courts of justice. 34 Accordingly, disciplinary been investigated and found by the Disciplinary Board to have they do not know, and cannot tell; but in order that they may not
charges against a student need not be drawn with the precision of violated petitioner university's disciplinary rules and standards will appear to be at a loss, they repeat the ready-made charges which
a criminal information or complaint. Having given prior notice to certainly undermine the authority of the administration of the are used against all philosophers about teaching things up in the
the students involved that "hazing" which is not defined in the school. This we would be most loathe to do.  clouds and under the earth, and having no gods, and making the
School Catalogue shall be defined in accordance with Senate Bill worse appear the better cause; for they do not like to confess that
No. 3815, the proposed bill on the subject of Sen. Jose Lina, More importantly, it will seriously impair petitioner university's their pretense of knowledge has been detected -- which is the
petitioners have said what needs to be said. We deem this academic freedom which has been enshrined in the 1935, 1973 truth; and as they are numerous and ambitious and energetic, and
sufficient for purposes of the investigation under scrutiny.  and the present 1987 Constitutions.  are all in battle array and have persuasive tongues, they have
filled your ears with their loud and inveterate calumnies." 38 
Hazing, as a ground for disciplining a student, to the extent of At this juncture, it would be meet to recall the essential freedoms
dismissal or expulsion, finds its raison d' etre in the increasing subsumed by Justice Felix Frankfurter in the term "academic Since Socrates, numberless individuals of the same heroic mold

have similarly defied the stifling strictures of authority, whether It is to be realized that this individual aspect of academic freedom Has the right been carried over to the present Constitution? In an
State, Church, or various interest groups, to be able to give free could have developed only pari passu with its institutional attempt to give an explicit definition with an expanded coverage,
rein to their ideas. Particularly odious were the insidious and counterpart. As corporate entities, educational institutions of the Commissioners of the Constitutional Commission of 1986
blatant attempts at thought control during the time of the higher learning are inherently endowed with the right to establish came up with this formulation: "Academic freedom shall be
Inquisition until even the Medieval universities, renowned as their policies, academic and otherwise, unhampered by external enjoyed by students, by teachers, and by researchers." After
intellectual centers in Europe, gradually lost their autonomy.  controls or pressure. In the Frankfurter formulation, this is protracted debate and ringing speeches, the final version which
articulated in the areas of: (1) what shall be taught, e.g., the was none too different from the way it was couched in the
In time, such noble strivings, gathering libertarian encrustations curriculum and (2) who may be admitted to study.  previous two (2) Constitutions, as found in Article XIV, Section 5
along the way, were gradually crystallized in the cluster of (2) states: "Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions
freedoms which awaited the champions and martyrs of the In the Philippines, the Acts which were passed with the change of of higher learning." In anticipation of the question as to whether
dawning modern age. This was exemplified by the professors of sovereignty from the Spanish to the American government, and what aspects of academic freedom are included herein,
the new German universities in the 16th and 17th centuries such namely, the Philippine Bill of 1902 and the Philippine Autonomy ConCom Commissioner Adolfo S. Azcuna explained: "Since
as the Universities of Leiden (1575), Helmstadt (1574) and Act of 1916 made no mention of the rights now subsumed under academic freedom is a dynamic concept, we want to expand the
Heidelberg (1652). The movement back to freedom of inquiry the catch-all term of "academic freedom." This is most especially frontiers of freedom, especially in education, therefore, we shall
gained adherents among the exponents of fundamental human true with respect to the institutional aspect of the term. It had to leave it to the courts to develop further the parameters of
rights of the 19th and 20th centuries. "Academic freedom", the await the drafting of the Philippine Constitutions to be recognized academic freedom." 40 
term as it evolved to describe the emerging rights related to as deserving of legal protection. 
intellectual liberty, has traditionally been associated with freedom More to the point, Commissioner Jose Luis Martin C. Gascon
of thought, speech, expression and the press; in other words, with The breakthrough for the concept itself was found in Section 5 of asked: "When we speak of the sentence 'academic freedom shall
the right of individuals in university communities, such as the 1935 Constitution which stated: "Universities established by be enjoyed in all institutions of higher learning,' do we mean that
professors, researchers and administrators, to investigate, pursue, the State shall enjoy academic freedom." The only State university academic freedom shall be enjoyed by the institution itself?"
discuss and, in the immortal words of Socrates, "to follow the at that time, being the University of the Philippines, the Charter Azcuna replied: "Not only that, it also includes . . ." Gascon
argument wherever it may lead," free from internal and external was perceived by some as exhibiting rank favoritism for the said finished off the broken thought, -- "the faculty and the students."
interference or pressure.  institution at the expense of the rest.  Azcuna replied: "Yes." 

But obviously, its optimum impact is best realized where the In an attempt to broaden the coverage of the provision, the 1973 Since Garcia v. Loyola School of Theology, 41 we have consistently
freedom is exercised judiciously and does not degenerate into Constitution provided in its Section 8 (2): "All institutions of higher upheld the salutary proposition that admission to an institution of
unbridled license. Early cases on this individual aspect of learning shall enjoy academic freedom." In his interpretation of higher learning is discretionary upon a school, the same being a
academic freedom have stressed the need for assuring to such the provision, former U.P. President Vicente G. Sinco, who was privilege on the part of the student rather than a right. While
individuals a measure of independence through the guarantees of also a delegate to the 1971 Constitutional Convention, declared under the Education Act of 1982, students have a right "to freely
autonomy and security of tenure. The components of this aspect that it "definitely grants the right of academic freedom to the choose their field of study, subject to existing curricula and to
of academic freedom have been categorized under the areas of: University as an institution as distinguished from the academic continue their course therein up to graduation," such right is
(1) who may teach and (2) how to teach.  freedom of a university professor." 39  subject, as all rights are, to the established academic and
disciplinary standards laid down by the academic institution. 42 

In essence, education must ultimately be religious -- not in the upon those whom ironically they would claim as "brothers" after
"For private schools have the right to establish reasonable rules sense that the founders or charter members of the institution are the initiation rites, how can we countenance the imposition of
and regulations for the admission, discipline and promotion of sectarian or profess a religious ideology. Rather, a religious such nominal penalties as reprimand or even suspension? We,
students. This right . . . extends as well to parents . . . as parents education, as the renowned philosopher Alfred North Whitehead therefore, affirm petitioners' imposition of the penalty of
are under a social and moral (if not legal) obligation, individually said, is "an education which inculcates duty and reverence." 45 It dismissal upon respondent students. This finds authority and
and collectively, to assist and cooperate with the schools." 43  appears that the particular brand of religious education offered by justification in Section 146 of the Manual of Regulations for
the Ateneo de Manila University has been lost on the respondent Private Schools. 48 
Such rules are "incident to the very object of incorporation and students. 
indispensable to the successful management of the college. The WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED; the order of
rules may include those governing student discipline." 44 Going a Certainly, they do not deserve to claim such a venerable respondent Judge dated May 17, 1991 reinstating respondent
step further, the establishment of rules governing university- institution as the Ateneo de Manila University as their own a students into petitioner university is hereby REVERSED. The
student relations, particularly those pertaining to student minute longer, for they may foreseeably cast a malevolent resolution of petitioner Joaquin Bernas S. J., then President of
discipline, may be regarded as vital, not merely to the smooth and influence on the students currently enrolled, as well as those who Ateneo de Manila University dated March 10, 1991, is
efficient operation of the institution, but to its very survival.  come after them.  REINSTATED and the decision of the Special Board DISMISSING
respondent students ADEL ABAS and ZOSIMO MENDOZA dated
Within memory of the current generation is the eruption of Quite applicable to this case is our pronouncement in Yap Chin May 20, 1991 is hereby AFFIRMED. 
militancy in the academic groves as collectively, the students Fah v. Court of Appeals that: "The maintenance of a morally
demanded and plucked for themselves from the panoply of conducive and orderly educational environment will be seriously SO ORDERED. 
academic freedom their own rights encapsulized under the rubric imperilled if, under the circumstances of this case, Grace Christian
of "right to education" forgetting that, in Hohfeldian terms, they is forced to admit petitioner's children and to reintegrate them to Narvasa (C.J.), Feliciano, Padilla, Bidin, Regalado, Davide, Jr.,
have a concomitant duty, and that is, their duty to learn under the the student body." 46 Thus, the decision of petitioner university Nocon, Bellosillo, Melo and Quiason, JJ., concur. 
rules laid down by the school.  to expel them is but congruent with the gravity of their misdeeds. Griño Aquino, J., is on leave. 
That there must be such a congruence between the offense
Considering that respondent students are proud to claim as their committed and the sanction imposed was stressed in Malabanan Cruz, J., concur in the result. I do not join in the statements in the
own a Christian school that includes Theology as part of its v. Ramento. 47  ponencia which seem to me to be a prejudgment of the criminal
curriculum and assiduously strives to turn out individuals of cases against the private respondents for the death of Lenny
unimpeachable morals and integrity in the mold of the founder of Having carefully reviewed the records and the procedure followed Villa. 
the order of the Society of Jesus, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and their by petitioner university, we see no reason to reverse its decision
God-fearing forbears, their barbaric and ruthless acts are the founded on the following undisputed facts: that on February 8, 9
more reprehensible. It must be borne in mind that universities are and 10, 1991, the Aquila Legis Fraternity conducted hazing
Republic of the Philippines
established, not merely to develop the intellect and skills of the activities; that respondent students were present at the hazing as SUPREME COURT
studentry, but to inculcate lofty values, ideals and attitudes; nay, auxiliaries, and that as a result of the hazing, Leonardo Villa died
the development, or flowering if you will, of the total man.  from serious physical injuries, while Bienvenido Marquez was EN BANC
hospitalized. In light of the vicious acts of respondent students

G.R. No. L-45685             November 16, 1937 testimony and the bulk of the exhibits presented, the Court of in the opposition of the private prosecution except with respect
First Instance of Manila, on January 8, 1934, rendered a judgment to the questions raised concerning the constitutionality of Act No.
of conviction sentencing the defendant Mariano Cu Unjieng to 4221.
indeterminate penalty ranging from four years and two months of
prisioncorreccional to eight years of prision mayor, to pay the
vs. On June 28, 1937, herein respondent Judge Jose O. Vera
costs and with reservation of civil action to the offended party,
JOSE O. VERA, Judge . of the Court of First Instance of Manila, promulgated a resolution with a finding that "laspruebas no
the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Upon appeal,
and MARIANO CU UNJIENG, respondents. hanestablecido de unamaneraconcluyente la culpabilidad del
the court, on March 26, 1935, modified the sentence to an
peticionario y quetodos los hechosprobados no son inconsistentes
indeterminate penalty of from five years and six months
o incongrentes con suinocencia" and concludes that the herein
Office of the Solicitor General Tuason and City Fiscal Diaz for the of prisioncorreccional to seven years, six months and twenty-
respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng "esinocentepordudaracional" of
Government. seven days of prision mayor, but affirmed the judgment in all
the crime of which he stands convicted by this court in G.R. No.
De Witt, Perkins and Ponce Enrile for the Hongkong and Shanghai other respects. Mariano Cu Unjieng filed a motion for
41200, but denying the latter's petition for probation for the
Banking Corporation. reconsideration and four successive motions for new trial which
reason that:
Vicente J. Francisco, Feria and La O, Orense and Belmonte, and were denied on December 17, 1935, and final judgment was
Gibbs and McDonough for respondent Cu Unjieng. accordingly entered on December 18, 1935. The defendant
No appearance for respondent Judge. thereupon sought to have the case elevated on certiorari to the . . . Si esteJuzgadoconcediera la
Supreme Court of the United States but the latter denied the poblacionsolicitadaporlascircunstancias y la historia social que se
petition forcertiorari in             November, 1936. This court, on         hanexpuesto en el cuerpo de estaresolucion, quehacen al
November 24, 1936, denied the petition subsequently filed by the peticionarioacreedor de la misma, una parte de la opinion publica,
defendant for leave to file a second alternative motion for atizadapor los recelos y lassuspicacias, podrialevantarseindignada
This is an original action instituted in this court on August 19, reconsideration or new trial and thereafter remanded the case to contra un sistema de probacionquepermiteatisbar en los
1937, for the issuance of the writ of certiorari and of prohibition the court of origin for execution of the judgment. procedimientosordinarios de unacausa criminal perturbando la
to the Court of First Instance of Manila so that this court may quietud y la eficacia de lasdecisionesyarecaidas al traer a la
review the actuations of the aforesaid Court of First Instance in superficieconclusionesenteramentedifferentes, en menoscabo del
criminal case No. 42649 entitled "The People of the Philippine The instant proceedings have to do with the application for
interespublicoquedemanda el respeto de lasleyes y del veredicto
Islands vs. Mariano Cu Unjieng, et al.", more particularly the probation filed by the herein respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng on  
application of the defendant Mariano Cu Unjieng therein for November 27, 1936, before the trial court, under the provisions of
probation under the provisions of Act No. 4221, and thereafter Act No. 4221 of the defunct Philippine Legislature. Herein
respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng states in his petition, inter alia, On July 3, 1937, counsel for the herein respondent Mariano Cu
prohibit the said Court of First Instance from taking any further
that he is innocent of the crime of which he was convicted, that Unjieng filed an exception to the resolution denying probation
action or entertaining further the aforementioned application for
he has no criminal record and that he would observe good and a notice of intention to file a motion for reconsideration. An
probation, to the end that the defendant Mariano Cu Unjieng may
conduct in the future. The Court of First Instance of Manila, Judge alternative motion for reconsideration or new trial was filed by
be forthwith committed to prison in accordance with the final
Pedro Tuason presiding, referred the application for probation of counsel on July 13, 1937. This was supplemented by an additional
judgment of conviction rendered by this court in said case (G. R.
the Insular Probation Office which recommended denial of the motion for reconsideration submitted on July 14, 1937. The
No. 41200). 1
same June 18, 1937. Thereafter, the Court of First Instance of aforesaid motions were set for hearing on July 31, 1937, but said
Manila, seventh branch, Judge Jose O. Vera presiding, set the hearing was postponed at the petition of counsel for the
Petitioners herein, the People of the Philippine and the Hongkong petition for hearing on April 5, 1937. respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng because a motion for leave to
and Shanghai Banking Corporation, are respectively the plaintiff intervene in the case as amici curiae signed by thirty-three (thirty-
and the offended party, and the respondent herein Mariano Cu four) attorneys had just been filed with the trial court. Attorney
Unjieng is one of the defendants, in the criminal case entitled On April 2, 1937, the Fiscal of the City of Manila filed an
Eulalio Chaves whose signature appears in the aforesaid motion
"The People of the Philippine Islands vs. Mariano Cu Unjieng, et opposition to the granting of probation to the herein respondent
subsequently filed a petition for leave to withdraw his appearance
al.", criminal case No. 42649 of the Court of First Instance of Mariano Cu Unjieng. The private prosecution also filed an
as amicus curiae on the ground that the motion for leave to
Manila and G.R. No. 41200 of this court. Respondent herein, Hon. opposition on April 5, 1937, alleging, among other things, that Act
intervene as amici curiae was circulated at a banquet given by
Jose O. Vera, is the Judge ad interim of the seventh branch of the No. 4221, assuming that it has not been repealed by section 2 of
counsel for Mariano Cu Unjieng on the evening of July 30, 1937,
Court of First Instance of Manila, who heard the application of the Article XV of the Constitution, is nevertheless violative of section
and that he signed the same "without mature deliberation and
defendant Mariano Cu Unjieng for probation in the aforesaid 1, subsection (1), Article III of the Constitution guaranteeing equal
purely as a matter of courtesy to the person who invited me
criminal case. protection of the laws for the reason that its applicability is not
uniform throughout the Islands and because section 11 of the said
Act endows the provincial boards with the power to make said
The information in the aforesaid criminal case was filed with the law effective or otherwise in their respective or otherwise in their On August 6, 1937, the Fiscal of the City of Manila filed a motion
Court of First Instance of Manila on October 15, 1931, petitioner respective provinces. The private prosecution also filed a with the trial court for the issuance of an order of execution of the
herein Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation intervening supplementary opposition on April 19, 1937, elaborating on the judgment of this court in said case and forthwith to commit the
in the case as private prosecutor. After a protracted trial alleged unconstitutionality on Act No. 4221, as an undue herein respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng to jail in obedience to said
unparalleled in the annals of Philippine jurisprudence both in the delegation of legislative power to the provincial boards of several judgment.
length of time spent by the court as well as in the volume in the provinces (sec. 1, Art. VI, Constitution). The City Fiscal concurred

On August 7, 1937, the private prosecution filed its opposition to true that Act No. 4221 is not a law of general application because In a supplementary petition filed on September 9, 1937, the
the motion for leave to intervene as amici curiaeaforementioned, it is made to apply only to those provinces in which the respective petitioner Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation further
asking that a date be set for a hearing of the same and that, at all provincial boards shall have provided for the salary of a probation contends that Act No. 4221 of the Philippine Legislature providing
events, said motion should be denied with respect to certain officer. for a system of probation for persons eighteen years of age or
attorneys signing the same who were members of the legal staff over who are convicted of crime, is unconstitutional because it is
of the several counsel for Mariano Cu Unjieng. On August 10, violative of section 1, subsection (1), Article III, of the Constitution
(3) Even if the City of Manila were considered to be a province,
1937, herein respondent Judge Jose O. Vera issued an order of the Philippines guaranteeing equal protection of the laws
still, Act No. 4221 would not be applicable to it because it has
requiring all parties including the movants for intervention because it confers upon the provincial board of its province the
provided for the salary of a probation officer as required by
as amici curiae to appear before the court on August 14, 1937. On absolute discretion to make said law operative or otherwise in
section 11 thereof; it being immaterial that there is an Insular
the last-mentioned date, the Fiscal of the City of Manila moved their respective provinces, because it constitutes an unlawful and
Probation Officer willing to act for the City of Manila, said
for the hearing of his motion for execution of judgment in improper delegation to the provincial boards of the several
Probation Officer provided for in section 10 of Act No. 4221 being
preference to the motion for leave to intervene as amici provinces of the legislative power lodged by the Jones Law
different and distinct from the Probation Officer provided for in
curiae but, upon objection of counsel for Mariano Cu Unjieng, he (section 8) in the Philippine Legislature and by the Constitution
section 11 of the same Act.
moved for the postponement of the hearing of both motions. The (section 1, Art. VI) in the National Assembly; and for the further
respondent judge thereupon set the hearing of the motion for reason that it gives the provincial boards, in contravention of the
execution on August 21, 1937, but proceeded to consider the II. Because even if the respondent judge originally had jurisdiction Constitution (section 2, Art. VIII) and the Jones Law (section 28),
motion for leave to intervene as amici curiae as in order. Evidence to entertain the application for probation of the respondent the authority to enlarge the powers of the Court of First Instance
as to the circumstances under which said motion for leave to Mariano Cu Unjieng, he nevertheless acted without jurisdiction or of different provinces without uniformity. In another
intervene as amici curiae was signed and submitted to court was in excess thereof in continuing to entertain the motion for supplementary petition dated September 14, 1937, the Fiscal of
to have been heard on August 19, 1937. But at this juncture, reconsideration and by failing to commit Mariano Cu Unjieng to the City of Manila, in behalf of one of the petitioners, the People
herein petitioners came to this court on extraordinary legal prison after he had promulgated his resolution of June 28, 1937, of the Philippine Islands, concurs for the first time with the issues
process to put an end to what they alleged was an interminable denying Mariano Cu Unjieng's application for probation, for the raised by other petitioner regarding the constitutionality of Act
proceeding in the Court of First Instance of Manila which fostered reason that: No. 4221, and on the oral argument held on October 6, 1937,
"the campaign of the defendant Mariano Cu Unjieng for delay in further elaborated on the theory that probation is a form of
the execution of the sentence imposed by this Honorable Court (1) His jurisdiction and power in probation proceedings is limited reprieve and therefore Act. No. 4221 is an encroachment on the
on him, exposing the courts to criticism and ridicule because of by Act No. 4221 to the granting or denying of applications for exclusive power of the Chief Executive to grant pardons and
the apparent inability of the judicial machinery to make effective a probation. reprieves. On October 7, 1937, the City Fiscal filed two
final judgment of this court imposed on the defendant Mariano memorandums in which he contended that Act No. 4221 not only
Cu Unjieng." encroaches upon the pardoning power to the executive, but also
(2) After he had issued the order denying Mariano Cu Unjieng's constitute an unwarranted delegation of legislative power and a
petition for probation on June 28, 1937, it became final and denial of the equal protection of the laws. On October 9, 1937,
The scheduled hearing before the trial court was accordingly executory at the moment of its rendition. two memorandums, signed jointly by the City Fiscal and the
suspended upon the issuance of a temporary restraining order by
Solicitor-General, acting in behalf of the People of the Philippine
this court on August 21, 1937.
(3) No right on appeal exists in such cases. Islands, and by counsel for the petitioner, the Hongkong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation, one sustaining the power of the
To support their petition for the issuance of the extraordinary state to impugn the validity of its own laws and the other
writs of certiorari and prohibition, herein petitioners allege that (4) The respondent judge lacks the power to grant a rehearing of contending that Act No. 4221 constitutes an unwarranted
the respondent judge has acted without jurisdiction or in excess said order or to modify or change the same. delegation of legislative power, were presented. Another joint
of his jurisdiction: memorandum was filed by the same persons on the same day,
III. Because the respondent judge made a finding that Mariano Cu October 9, 1937, alleging that Act No. 4221 is unconstitutional
I. Because said respondent judge lacks the power to place Unjieng is innocent of the crime for which he was convicted by because it denies the equal protection of the laws and constitutes
respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng under probation for the following final judgment of this court, which finding is not only an unlawful delegation of legislative power and, further, that the
reason: presumptuous but without foundation in fact and in law, and is whole Act is void: that the Commonwealth is not estopped from
furthermore in contempt of this court and a violation of the questioning the validity of its laws; that the private prosecution
respondent's oath of office as ad interim judge of first instance. may intervene in probation proceedings and may attack the
(1) Under section 11 of Act No. 4221, the said of the Philippine probation law as unconstitutional; and that this court may pass
Legislature is made to apply only to the provinces of the upon the constitutional question in prohibition proceedings.
Philippines; it nowhere states that it is to be made applicable to IV. Because the respondent judge has violated and continues to
chartered cities like the City of Manila. violate his duty, which became imperative when he issued his
order of June 28, 1937, denying the application for probation, to Respondents in their answer dated August 31, 1937, as well as in
commit his co-respondent to jail. their oral argument and memorandums, challenge each and every
(2) While section 37 of the Administrative Code contains a proviso one of the foregoing proposition raised by the petitioners.
to the effect that in the absence of a special provision, the term
"province" may be construed to include the City of Manila for the Petitioners also avers that they have no other plain, speedy and
purpose of giving effect to laws of general application, it is also adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. As special defenses, respondents allege:

(1) That the present petition does not state facts sufficient in law (9) That under the supposition that the order of the trial court In the scrutiny of the pleadings and examination of the various
to warrant the issuance of the writ of certiorari or of prohibition. denying probation is not appealable, it is incumbent upon the aspects of the present case, we noted that the court below, in
accused to file an action for the issuance of the writ passing upon the merits of the application of the respondent
ofcertiorari with mandamus, it appearing that the trial court, Mariano Cu Unjieng and in denying said application assumed the
(2) That the aforesaid petition is premature because the remedy
although it believed that the accused was entitled to probation, task not only of considering the merits of the application, but of
sought by the petitioners is the very same remedy prayed for by
nevertheless denied probation for fear of criticism because the passing upon the culpability of the applicant, notwithstanding the
them before the trial court and was still pending resolution before
accused is a rich man; and that, before a petition final pronouncement of guilt by this court. (G.R. No. 41200.)
the trial court when the present petition was filed with this court.
for certiorari grounded on an irregular exercise of jurisdiction by Probation implies guilt be final judgment. While a probation case
the trial court could lie, it is incumbent upon the petitioner to file may look into the circumstances attending the commission of the
(3) That the petitioners having themselves raised the question as a motion for reconsideration specifying the error committed so offense, this does not authorize it to reverse the findings and
to the execution of judgment before the trial court, said trial court that the trial court could have an opportunity to correct or cure conclusive of this court, either directly or indirectly, especially
has acquired exclusive jurisdiction to resolve the same under the the same. wherefrom its own admission reliance was merely had on the
theory that its resolution denying probation is unappealable. printed briefs, averments, and pleadings of the parties. As already
observed by this court in Shioji vs. Harvey ([1922], 43 Phil., 333,
(10) That on hypothesis that the resolution of this court is not
(4) That upon the hypothesis that this court has concurrent 337), and reiterated in subsequent cases, "if each and every Court
appealable, the trial court retains its jurisdiction within a
jurisdiction with the Court of First Instance to decide the question of First Instance could enjoy the privilege of overruling decisions
reasonable time to correct or modify it in accordance with law
as to whether or not the execution will lie, this court nevertheless of the Supreme Court, there would be no end to litigation, and
and justice; that this power to alter or modify an order or
cannot exercise said jurisdiction while the Court of First Instance judicial chaos would result." A becoming modesty of inferior
resolution is inherent in the courts and may be exercise
has assumed jurisdiction over the same upon motion of herein courts demands conscious realization of the position that they
either motuproprio or upon petition of the proper party, the
petitioners themselves. occupy in the interrelation and operation of the intergrated
petition in the latter case taking the form of a motion for
judicial system of the nation.
(5) That upon the procedure followed by the herein petitioners in
seeking to deprive the trial court of its jurisdiction over the case After threshing carefully the multifarious issues raised by both
(11) That on the hypothesis that the resolution of the trial court is
and elevate the proceedings to this court, should not be tolerated counsel for the petitioners and the respondents, this court prefers
appealable as respondent allege, said court cannot order
because it impairs the authority and dignity of the trial court to cut the Gordian knot and take up at once the two fundamental
execution of the same while it is on appeal, for then the appeal
which court while sitting in the probation cases is "a court of questions presented, namely, (1) whether or not the
would not be availing because the doors of probation will be
limited jurisdiction but of great dignity." constitutionality of Act No. 4221 has been properly raised in these
closed from the moment the accused commences to serve his
proceedings; and (2) in the affirmative, whether or not said Act is
sentence (Act No. 4221, sec. 1; U.S. vs. Cook, 19 Fed. [2d], 827).
constitutional. Considerations of these issues will involve a
(6) That under the supposition that this court has jurisdiction to discussion of certain incidental questions raised by the parties.
resolve the question submitted to and pending resolution by the In their memorandums filed on October 23, 1937, counsel for the
trial court, the present action would not lie because the resolution respondents maintain that Act No. 4221 is constitutional because,
of the trial court denying probation is appealable; for although the To arrive at a correct conclusion on the first question, resort to
contrary to the allegations of the petitioners, it does not
Probation Law does not specifically provide that an applicant for certain guiding principles is necessary. It is a well-settled rule that
constitute an undue delegation of legislative power, does not
probation may appeal from a resolution of the Court of First the constitutionality of an act of the legislature will not be
infringe the equal protection clause of the Constitution, and does
Instance denying probation, still it is a general rule in this determined by the courts unless that question is properly raised
not encroach upon the pardoning power of the Executive. In an
jurisdiction that a final order, resolution or decision of an inferior and presented inappropriate cases and is necessary to a
additional memorandum filed on the same date, counsel for the
court is appealable to the superior court. determination of the case; i.e., the issue of constitutionality must
respondents reiterate the view that section 11 of Act No. 4221 is
be the very lismota presented. (McGirr vs. Hamilton and Abreu
free from constitutional objections and contend, in addition, that
[1915], 30 Phil., 563, 568; 6 R. C. L., pp. 76, 77; 12 C. J., pp. 780-
(7) That the resolution of the trial court denying probation of the private prosecution may not intervene in probation
782, 783.)
herein respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng being appealable, the proceedings, much less question the validity of Act No. 4221; that
same had not become final and executory for the reason that the both the City Fiscal and the Solicitor-General are estopped from
said respondent had filed an alternative motion for questioning the validity of the Act; that the validity of Act cannot The question of the constitutionality of an act of the legislature is
reconsideration and new trial within the requisite period of fifteen be attacked for the first time before this court; that probation in frequently raised in ordinary actions. Nevertheless, resort may be
days, which motion the trial court was able to resolve in view of unavailable; and that, in any event, section 11 of the Act No. 4221 made to extraordinary legal remedies, particularly where the
the restraining order improvidently and erroneously issued by this is separable from the rest of the Act. The last memorandum for remedies in the ordinary course of law even if available, are not the respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng was denied for having been plain, speedy and adequate. Thus, in Cu Unjieng vs.
filed out of time but was admitted by resolution of this court and Patstone ([1922]), 42 Phil., 818), this court held that the question
filed anew on             November 5, 1937. This memorandum of the constitutionality of a statute may be raised by the
(8) That the Fiscal of the City of Manila had by implication elaborates on some of the points raised by the respondents and petitioner inmandamus proceedings (see, also, 12 C. J., p. 783);
admitted that the resolution of the trial court denying probation is refutes those brought up by the petitioners. and in Government of the Philippine Islands vs. Springer([1927], 50
not final and unappealable when he presented his answer to the Phil., 259 [affirmed in Springer vs. Government of the Philippine
motion for reconsideration and agreed to the postponement of Islands (1928), 277 U. S., 189; 72 Law. ed., 845]), this court
the hearing of the said motion. declared an act of the legislature unconstitutional in an action

of quo warranto brought in the name of the Government of the By the Code of Civil Procedure of the Philippine Islands, section authority of the courts to suspend temporarily the execution of
Philippines. It has also been held that the constitutionality of a 516, the Philippine supreme court is granted concurrent the sentence is recognized and, according to a number of state
statute may be questioned in habeas corpus proceedings (12 C. J., jurisdiction in prohibition with courts of first instance over inferior courts, including those of Massachusetts, Michigan, New York,
p. 783; Bailey on Habeas Corpus, Vol. I, pp. 97, 117), although tribunals or persons, and original jurisdiction over courts of first and Ohio, the power is inherent in the courts (Commonwealth vs.
there are authorities to the contrary; on an application for instance, when such courts are exercising functions without or in Dowdican's Bail [1874], 115 Mass., 133; People vs. Stickel [1909],
injunction to restrain action under the challenged statute excess of their jurisdiction. It has been held by that court that the 156 Mich., 557; 121 N. W., 497; People ex rel. Forsyth vs. Court of
(mandatory, see Cruz vs. Youngberg [1931], 56 Phil., 234); and question of the validity of the criminal statute must usually be Session [1894], 141 N. Y., 288; Weber vs. State [1898], 58 Ohio St.,
even on an application for preliminary injunction where the raised by a defendant in the trial court and be carried regularly in 616). But, in the leading case of Ex parte United States ([1916],
determination of the constitutional question is necessary to a review to the Supreme Court. (Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co. vs. 242 U. S., 27; 61 Law. ed., 129; L. R. A., 1917E, 1178; 37 Sup. Ct.
decision of the case. (12 C. J., p. 783.) The same may be said as Del Rosario, 26 Phil., 192). But in this case where a new act Rep., 72; Ann. Cas. 1917B, 355), the Supreme Court of the United
regards prohibition and certiorari.(Yu Cong Eng vs. Trinidad seriously affected numerous persons and extensive property States expressed the opinion that under the common law the
[1925], 47 Phil., 385; [1926], 271 U. S., 500; 70 Law. ed., 1059; Bell rights, and was likely to cause a multiplicity of actions, the power of the court was limited to temporary suspension, and
vs. First Judicial District Court [1905], 28 Nev., 280; 81 Pac., 875; Supreme Court exercised its discretion to bring the issue to the brushed aside the contention as to inherent judicial power saying,
113 A. S. R., 854; 6 Ann. Cas., 982; 1 L. R. A. [N. S], 843, and cases act's validity promptly before it and decide in the interest of the through Chief Justice White:
cited). The case of Yu Cong Eng vs. Trinidad, supra, decided by this orderly administration of justice. The court relied by analogy upon
court twelve years ago was, like the present one, an original the cases of Ex parte Young (209 U. S., 123;52 Law ed., 714; 13 L.
Indisputably under our constitutional system the right to try
action forcertiorari and prohibition. The constitutionality of Act R. A. [N. S.] 932; 28 Sup. Ct. Rep., 441; 14 Ann. Ca., 764; Traux vs.
offenses against the criminal laws and upon conviction to impose
No. 2972, popularly known as the Chinese Bookkeeping Law, was Raich, 239 U. S., 33; 60 Law. ed., 131; L. R. A. 1916D, 545; 36
the punishment provided by law is judicial, and it is equally to be
there challenged by the petitioners, and the constitutional issue Sup.Ct. Rep., 7; Ann. Cas., 1917B, 283; and Wilson vs. New, 243 U.
conceded that, in exerting the powers vested in them on such
was not met squarely by the respondent in a demurrer. A point S., 332; 61 Law.ed., 755; L. R. A. 1917E, 938; 37 Sup. Ct. Rep., 298;
subject, courts inherently possess ample right to exercise
was raised "relating to the propriety of the constitutional question Ann. Cas. 1918A, 1024). Although objection to the jurisdiction was
reasonable, that is, judicial, discretion to enable them to wisely
being decided in original proceedings in prohibition." This court raise by demurrer to the petition, this is now disclaimed on behalf
exert their authority. But these concessions afford no ground for
decided to take up the constitutional question and, with two of the respondents, and both parties ask a decision on the merits.
the contention as to power here made, since it must rest upon the
justices dissenting, held that Act No. 2972 was constitutional. The In view of the broad powers in prohibition granted to that court
proposition that the power to enforce begets inherently a
case was elevated on writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of under the Island Code, we acquiesce in the desire of the parties.
discretion to permanently refuse to do so. And the effect of the
the United States which reversed the judgment of this court and
proposition urged upon the distribution of powers made by the
held that the Act was invalid. (271 U. S., 500; 70 Law. ed., 1059.)
The writ of prohibition is an extraordinary judicial writ issuing out Constitution will become apparent when it is observed that
On the question of jurisdiction, however, the Federal Supreme
of a court of superior jurisdiction and directed to an inferior court, indisputable also is it that the authority to define and fix the
Court, though its Chief Justice, said:
for the purpose of preventing the inferior tribunal from usurping a punishment for crime is legislative and includes the right in
jurisdiction with which it is not legally vested. (High, Extraordinary advance to bring within judicial discretion, for the purpose of
Legal Remedies, p. 705.) The general rule, although there is a executing the statute, elements of consideration which would be
conflict in the cases, is that the merit of prohibition will not lie otherwise beyond the scope of judicial authority, and that the
whether the inferior court has jurisdiction independent of the right to relieve from the punishment, fixed by law and ascertained
statute the constitutionality of which is questioned, because in according to the methods by it provided belongs to the executive
such cases the interior court having jurisdiction may itself department.
determine the constitutionality of the statute, and its decision
may be subject to review, and consequently the complainant in
Justice Carson, in his illuminating concurring opinion in the case
such cases ordinarily has adequate remedy by appeal without
of Director of Prisons vs. Judge of First Instance of Cavite (29 Phil.,
resort to the writ of prohibition. But where the inferior court or
265), decided by this court in 1915, also reached the conclusion
tribunal derives its jurisdiction exclusively from an
that the power to suspend the execution of sentences
unconstitutional statute, it may be prevented by the writ of
pronounced in criminal cases is not inherent in the judicial
prohibition from enforcing that statute. (50 C. J., 670; Ex
function. "All are agreed", he said, "that in the absence of
parte Round tree [1874, 51 Ala., 42; In re Macfarland, 30 App. [D.
statutory authority, it does not lie within the power of the courts
C.], 365; Curtis vs. Cornish [1912], 109 Me., 384; 84 A., 799;
to grant such suspensions." (at p. 278.) Both petitioner and
Pennington vs. Woolfolk [1880], 79 Ky., 13; State vs. Godfrey
respondents are correct, therefore, when they argue that a Court
[1903], 54 W. Va., 54; 46 S. E., 185; Arnold vs. Shields [1837], 5
of First Instance sitting in probation proceedings is a court of
Dana, 19; 30 Am. Dec., 669.)
limited jurisdiction. Its jurisdiction in such proceedings is
conferred exclusively by Act No. 4221 of the Philippine
Courts of First Instance sitting in probation proceedings derived Legislature.
their jurisdiction solely from Act No. 4221 which prescribes in
detailed manner the procedure for granting probation to accused
It is, of course, true that the constitutionality of a statute will not
persons after their conviction has become final and before they
be considered on application for prohibition where the question
have served their sentence. It is true that at common law the
has not been properly brought to the attention of the court by

objection of some kind (Hill vs. Tarver [1901], 130 Ala., 592; 30 S., is a very sharp conflict of authorities, it is said that the question even if we were to concede that the issue was not properly raised
499; State ex rel. Kelly vs. Kirby [1914], 260 Mo., 120; 168 S. W., may be raised for the first time at any stage of the proceedings, in the court below by the proper party, it does not follow that the
746). In the case at bar, it is unquestionable that the either in the trial court or on appeal. (12 C. J., p. 786.) Even in civil issue may not be here raised in an original action of certiorari and
constitutional issue has been squarely presented not only before cases, it has been held that it is the duty of a court to pass on the prohibition. It is true that, as a general rule, the question of
this court by the petitioners but also before the trial court by the constitutional question, though raised for the first time on appeal, constitutionality must be raised at the earliest opportunity, so
private prosecution. The respondent, Hon. Jose O Vera, however, if it appears that a determination of the question is necessary to a that if not raised by the pleadings, ordinarily it may not be raised
acting as judge of the court below, declined to pass upon the decision of the case. (McCabe's Adm'x vs. Maysville & B. S. R. Co., a the trial, and if not raised in the trial court, it will not be
question on the ground that the private prosecutor, not being a [1910], 136 ky., 674; 124 S. W., 892; Lohmeyer vs. St. Louis considered on appeal. (12 C.J., p. 786. See, also, Cadwallader-
party whose rights are affected by the statute, may not raise said Cordage Co. [1908], 214 Mo., 685; 113 S. W. 1108; Carmody vs. St. Gibson Lumber Co. vs. Del Rosario, 26 Phil., 192, 193-195.) But we
question. The respondent judge cited Cooley on Constitutional Louis Transit Co., [1905], 188 Mo., 572; 87 S. W., 913.) And it has must state that the general rule admits of exceptions. Courts, in
Limitations (Vol. I, p. 339; 12 C. J., sec. 177, pp. 760 and 762), and been held that a constitutional question will be considered by an the exercise of sound discretion, may determine the time when a
McGlue vs. Essex County ([1916], 225 Mass., 59; 113 N. E., 742, appellate court at any time, where it involves the jurisdiction of question affecting the constitutionality of a statute should be
743), as authority for the proposition that a court will not consider the court below (State vs. Burke [1911], 175 Ala., 561; 57 S., 870.) presented. (In re Woolsey [19884], 95 N.Y., 135, 144.) Thus, in
any attack made on the constitutionality of a statute by one who As to the power of this court to consider the constitutional criminal cases, although there is a very sharp conflict of
has no interest in defeating it because his rights are not affected question raised for the first time before this court in these authorities, it is said that the question may be raised for the first
by its operation. The respondent judge further stated that it may proceedings, we turn again and point with emphasis to the case time at any state of the proceedings, either in the trial court or on
not motuproprio take up the constitutional question and, of Yu Cong Eng vs. Trinidad, supra. And on the hypotheses that appeal. (12 C.J., p. 786.) Even in civil cases, it has been held that it
agreeing with Cooley that "the power to declare a legislative the Hongkong& Shanghai Banking Corporation, represented by is the duty of a court to pass on the constitutional question,
enactment void is one which the judge, conscious of the fallibility the private prosecution, is not the proper party to raise the though raised for first time on appeal, if it appears that a
of the human judgment, will shrink from exercising in any case constitutional question here — a point we do not now have to determination of the question is necessary to a decision of the
where he can conscientiously and with due regard to duty and decide — we are of the opinion that the People of the Philippines, case. (McCabe's Adm'x vs. Maysville & B. S. R. Co. [1910], 136 Ky.,
official oath decline the responsibility" (Constitutional Limitations, represented by the Solicitor-General and the Fiscal of the City of 674; 124 S. W., 892; Lohmeyer vs. St. Louis, Cordage Co. [1908],
8th ed., Vol. I, p. 332), proceeded on the assumption that Act No. Manila, is such a proper party in the present proceedings. The 214 Mo. 685; 113 S. W., 1108; Carmody vs. St. Louis Transit Co.
4221 is constitutional. While therefore, the court a quo admits unchallenged rule is that the person who impugns the validity of a [1905], 188 Mo., 572; 87 S. W., 913.) And it has been held that a
that the constitutional question was raised before it, it refused to statute must have a personal and substantial interest in the case constitutional question will be considered by an appellate court at
consider the question solely because it was not raised by a proper such that he has sustained, or will sustained, direct injury as a any time, where it involves the jurisdiction of the court below
party. Respondents herein reiterates this view. The argument is result of its enforcement. It goes without saying that if Act No. (State vs. Burke [1911], 175 Ala., 561; 57 S., 870.) As to the power
advanced that the private prosecution has no personality to 4221 really violates the constitution, the People of the Philippines, of this court to consider the constitutional question raised for the
appear in the hearing of the application for probation of in whose name the present action is brought, has a substantial first time before this court in these proceedings, we turn again
defendant Mariano Cu Unjieng in criminal case No. 42648 of the interest in having it set aside. Of grater import than the damage and point with emphasis to the case of Yu Cong Eng. vs. Trinidad,
Court of First Instance of Manila, and hence the issue of caused by the illegal expenditure of public funds is the mortal supra. And on the hypothesis that the Hongkong& Shanghai
constitutionality was not properly raised in the lower court. wound inflicted upon the fundamental law by the enforcement of Banking Corporation, represented by the private prosecution, is
Although, as a general rule, only those who are parties to a suit an invalid statute. Hence, the well-settled rule that the state can not the proper party to raise the constitutional question here — a
may question the constitutionality of a statute involved in a challenge the validity of its own laws. In Government of the point we do not now have to decide — we are of the opinion that
judicial decision, it has been held that since the decree Philippine Islands vs. Springer ([1927]), 50 Phil., 259 (affirmed in the People of the Philippines, represented by the Solicitor-General
pronounced by a court without jurisdiction is void, where the Springer vs. Government of the Philippine Islands [1928], 277 U.S., and the Fiscal of the City of Manila, is such a proper party in the
jurisdiction of the court depends on the validity of the statute in 189; 72 Law. ed., 845), this court declared an act of the legislature present proceedings. The unchallenged rule is that the person
question, the issue of the constitutionality will be considered on unconstitutional in an action instituted in behalf of the who impugns the validity of a statute must have a personal and
its being brought to the attention of the court by persons Government of the Philippines. In Attorney General vs. Perkins substantial interest in the case such that he has sustained, or will
interested in the effect to be given the statute.(12 C. J., sec. 184, ([1889], 73 Mich., 303, 311, 312; 41 N. W. 426, 428, 429), the sustain, direct injury as a result of its enforcement. It goes without
p. 766.) And, even if we were to concede that the issue was not State of Michigan, through its Attorney General, instituted quo saying that if Act No. 4221 really violates the Constitution, the
properly raised in the court below by the proper party, it does not warranto proceedings to test the right of the respondents to People of the Philippines, in whose name the present action is
follow that the issue may not be here raised in an original action renew a mining corporation, alleging that the statute under which brought, has a substantial interest in having it set aside. Of
of certiorari and prohibitions. It is true that, as a general rule, the the respondents base their right was unconstitutional because it greater import than the damage caused by the illegal expenditure
question of constitutionality must be raised at the earliest impaired the obligation of contracts. The capacity of the chief law of public funds is the mortal wound inflicted upon the
opportunity, so that if not raised by the pleadings, ordinarily it officer of the state to question the constitutionality of the statute fundamental law by the enforcement of an invalid statute. Hence,
may not be raised at the trial, and if not raised in the trial court, it was though, as a general rule, only those who are parties to a suit the well-settled rule that the state can challenge the validity of its
will not considered on appeal. (12 C. J., p. 786. See, may question the constitutionality of a statute involved in a own laws. In Government of the Philippine Islands vs. Springer
also, Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co. vs. Del Rosario, 26 Phil., judicial decision, it has been held that since the decree ([1927]), 50 Phil., 259 (affirmed in Springer vs. Government of the
192, 193-195.) But we must state that the general rule admits of pronounced by a court without jurisdiction in void, where the Philippine Islands [1928], 277 U.S., 189; 72 Law. ed., 845), this
exceptions. Courts, in the exercise of sounds discretion, may jurisdiction of the court depends on the validity of the statute in court declared an act of the legislature unconstitutional in an
determine the time when a question affecting the question, the issue of constitutionality will be considered on its action instituted in behalf of the Government of the Philippines. In
constitutionality of a statute should be presented. (In re Woolsey being brought to the attention of the court by persons interested Attorney General vs. Perkings([1889], 73 Mich., 303, 311, 312; 41
[1884], 95 N. Y., 135, 144.) Thus, in criminal cases, although there in the effect to begin the statute. (12 C.J., sec. 184, p. 766.) And, N.W., 426, 428, 429), the State of Michigan, through its Attorney

General, instituted quo warranto proceedings to test the right of Other courts have reached the same conclusion (See State vs. St. the opposite direction. In fact, they appear to have proceeded on
the respondents to renew a mining corporation, alleging that the Louis S. W. Ry. Co. [1917], 197 S. W., 1006; State vs. S.H. Kress & the assumption that the rule as stated is sound but that it has no
statute under which the respondents base their right was Co. [1934], 155 S., 823; State vs. Walmsley [1935], 181 La., 597; application in the present case, nor may it be invoked by the City
unconstitutional because it impaired the obligation of contracts. 160 S., 91; State vs. Board of County Comr's [1934], 39 Pac. [2d], Fiscal in behalf of the People of the Philippines, one of the
The capacity of the chief law officer of the state to question the 286; First Const. Co. of Brooklyn vs. State [1917], 211 N.Y., 295; petitioners herein, the principal reasons being that the validity
constitutionality of the statute was itself questioned. Said the 116 N.E., 1020; Bush vs. State {1918], 187 Ind., 339; 119 N.E., 417; before this court, that the City Fiscal is estopped from attacking
Supreme Court of Michigan, through Champlin, J.: State vs. Watkins [1933], 176 La., 837; 147 S., 8, 10, 11). In the the validity of the Act and, not authorized challenge the validity of
case last cited, the Supreme Court of Luisiana said: the Act in its application outside said city. (Additional
memorandum of respondents, October 23, 1937, pp. 8,. 10, 17
. . . The idea seems to be that the people are estopped from
and 23.)
questioning the validity of a law enacted by their representatives; It is contended by counsel for Herbert Watkins that a district
that to an accusation by the people of Michigan of usurpation attorney, being charged with the duty of enforcing the laws, has
their government, a statute enacted by the people of Michigan is no right to plead that a law is unconstitutional. In support of the The mere fact that the Probation Act has been repeatedly relied
an adequate answer. The last proposition is true, but, if the argument three decisions are cited, viz.: State ex rel. Hall, District upon the past and all that time has not been attacked as
statute relied on in justification is unconstitutional, it is statute Attorney, vs. Judge of Tenth Judicial District (33 La. Ann., 1222); unconstitutional by the Fiscal of Manila but, on the contrary, has
only in form, and lacks the force of law, and is of no more saving State ex rel. Nicholls, Governor vs. Shakespeare, Mayor of New been impliedly regarded by him as constitutional, is no reason for
effect to justify action under it than if it had never been enacted. Orleans (41 Ann., 156; 6 So., 592); and State ex rel., Banking Co., considering the People of the Philippines estopped from nor
The constitution is the supreme law, and to its behests the courts, etc. vs. Heard, Auditor (47 La. Ann., 1679; 18 So., 746; 47 L. R. A., assailing its validity. For courts will pass upon a constitutional
the legislature, and the people must bow . . . The legislature and 512). These decisions do not forbid a district attorney to plead questions only when presented before it in bona fide cases for
the respondents are not the only parties in interest upon such that a statute is unconstitutional if he finds if in conflict with one determination, and the fact that the question has not been raised
constitutional questions. As was remarked by Mr. Justice Story, in which it is his duty to enforce. In State ex rel. Hall, District before is not a valid reason for refusing to allow it to be raised
speaking of an acquiescence by a party affected by an Attorney, vs. Judge, etc., the ruling was the judge should not, later. The fiscal and all others are justified in relying upon the
unconstitutional act of the legislature: "The people have a deep merely because he believed a certain statute to be statute and treating it as valid until it is held void by the courts in
and vested interest in maintaining all the constitutional limitations unconstitutional forbid the district attorney to file a bill of proper cases.
upon the exercise of legislative powers." (Allen vs. Mckeen, 1 information charging a person with a violation of the statute. In
Sum., 314.) other words, a judge should not judicially declare a statute
It remains to consider whether the determination of the
unconstitutional until the question of constitutionality is tendered
constitutionality of Act No. 4221 is necessary to the resolution of
for decision, and unless it must be decided in order to determine
In State vs. Doane ([1916], 98 Kan., 435; 158 Pac., 38, 40), an the instant case. For, ". . . while the court will meet the question
the right of a party litigant. Stateex rel. Nicholls, Governor, etc., is
original action (mandamus) was brought by the Attorney-General with firmness, where its decision is indispensable, it is the part of
authority for the proposition merely that an officer on whom a
of Kansas to test the constitutionality of a statute of the state. In wisdom, and just respect for the legislature, renders it proper, to
statute imposes the duty of enforcing its provisions cannot avoid
disposing of the question whether or not the state may bring the waive it, if the case in which it arises, can be decided on other
the duty upon the ground that he considers the statute
action, the Supreme Court of Kansas said: points." (Ex parte Randolph [1833], 20 F. Cas. No. 11, 558; 2
unconstitutional, and hence in enforcing the statute he is immune
Brock., 447. Vide, also Hoover vs. wood [1857], 9 Ind., 286, 287.) It
from responsibility if the statute be unconstitutional. State ex rel.
has been held that the determination of a constitutional question
. . . the state is a proper party — indeed, the proper Banking Co., etc., is authority for the proposition merely that
is necessary whenever it is essential to the decision of the case
party — to bring this action. The state is always executive officers, e.g., the state auditor and state treasurer,
(12 C. J., p. 782, citing Long Sault Dev. Co. vs. Kennedy [1913], 158
interested where the integrity of its Constitution or should not decline to perform ministerial duties imposed upon
App. Div., 398; 143 N. Y. Supp., 454 [aff. 212 N.Y., 1: 105 N. E.,
statutes is involved. them by a statute, on the ground that they believe the statute is
849; Ann. Cas. 1915D, 56; and app dism 242 U.S., 272]; Hesse vs.
Ledesma, 7 Porto Rico Fed., 520; Cowan vs. Doddridge, 22 Gratt
"It has an interest in seeing that the will of the Legislature is not [63 Va.], 458; Union Line Co., vs. Wisconsin R. Commn., 146 Wis.,
disregarded, and need not, as an individual plaintiff must, show It is the duty of a district attorney to enforce the criminal laws of 523; 129 N. W., 605), as where the right of a party is founded
grounds of fearing more specific injury. (State vs. Kansas City 60 the state, and, above all, to support the Constitution of the state. solely on a statute the validity of which is attacked. (12 C.J., p.
Kan., 518 [57 Pac., 118])."(State vs. Lawrence, 80 Kan., 707; 103 If, in the performance of his duty he finds two statutes in conflict 782, citing Central Glass Co. vs. Niagrara F. Ins. Co., 131 La., 513;
Pac., 839.) with each other, or one which repeals another, and if, in his 59 S., 972; Cheney vs. Beverly, 188 Mass., 81; 74 N.E., 306). There
judgment, one of the two statutes is unconstitutional, it is his duty is no doubt that the respondent Cu Unjieng draws his privilege to
Where the constitutionality of a statute is in doubt the state's law to enforce the other; and, in order to do so, he is compelled to probation solely from Act No. 4221 now being assailed.
officer, its Attorney-General, or county attorney, may exercise his submit to the court, by way of a plea, that one of the statutes is
bet judgment as to what sort of action he will bring to have the unconstitutional. If it were not so, the power of the Legislature
Apart from the foregoing considerations, that court will also take
matter determined, either by quo warranto to challenge its would be free from constitutional limitations in the enactment of
cognizance of the fact that the Probation Act is a new addition to
validity (State vs. Johnson, 61 Kan., 803; 60 Pac., 1068; 49 L.R.A., criminal laws.
our statute books and its validity has never before been passed
662), by mandamus to compel obedience to its terms (State vs. upon by the courts; that may persons accused and convicted of
Dolley, 82 Kan., 533; 108 Pac., 846), or by injunction to restrain The respondents do not seem to doubt seriously the correctness crime in the City of Manila have applied for probation; that some
proceedings under its questionable provisions (State ex rel. vs. of the general proposition that the state may impugn the validity of them are already on probation; that more people will likely
City of Neodesha, 3 Kan. App., 319; 45 Pac., 122). of its laws. They have not cited any authority running clearly in take advantage of the Probation Act in the future; and that the

respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng has been at large for a period of law they did not intend to violate the Constitution. The courts The constitutionality of Act No. 4221 is challenged on three
about four years since his first conviction. All wait the decision of cannot but cautiously exercise its power to overturn the solemn principal grounds: (1) That said Act encroaches upon the
this court on the constitutional question. Considering, therefore, declarations of two of the three grand departments of the pardoning power of the Executive; (2) that its constitutes an
the importance which the instant case has assumed and to governments. (6 R.C.L., p. 101.) Then, there is that peculiar undue delegation of legislative power and (3) that it denies the
prevent multiplicity of suits, strong reasons of public policy political philosophy which bids the judiciary to reflect the wisdom equal protection of the laws.
demand that the constitutionality of Act No. 4221 be now of the people as expressed through an elective Legislature and an
resolved. (Yu Cong Eng vs. Trinidad [1925], 47 Phil., 385; [1926], elective Chief Executive. It follows, therefore, that the courts will
1. Section 21 of the Act of Congress of August 29, 1916,
271 U.S., 500; 70 Law. ed., 1059. See 6 R.C.L., pp. 77, 78; People not set aside a law as violative of the Constitution except in a clear
commonly known as the Jones Law, in force at the time of the
vs. Kennedy [1913], 207 N.Y., 533; 101 N.E., 442, 444; Ann. Cas. case. This is a proposition too plain to require a citation of
approval of Act No. 4221, otherwise known as the Probation Act,
1914C, 616; Borginis vs. Falk Co. [1911], 147 Wis., 327; 133 N.W., authorities.
vests in the Governor-General of the Philippines "the exclusive
209, 211; 37 L.R.A. [N.S.] 489; Dimayuga and Fajardo vs.
power to grant pardons and reprieves and remit fines and
Fernandez [1922], 43 Phil., 304.) In Yu Cong Eng vs. Trinidad,
One of the counsel for respondents, in the course of his forfeitures". This power is now vested in the President of the
supra, an analogous situation confronted us. We said: "Inasmuch
impassioned argument, called attention to the fact that the Philippines. (Art. VII, sec. 11, subsec. 6.) The provisions of the
as the property and personal rights of nearly twelve thousand
President of the Philippines had already expressed his opinion Jones Law and the Constitution differ in some respects. The
merchants are affected by these proceedings, and inasmuch as
against the constitutionality of the Probation Act, adverting that adjective "exclusive" found in the Jones Law has been omitted
Act No. 2972 is a new law not yet interpreted by the courts, in the
as to the Executive the resolution of this question was a foregone from the Constitution. Under the Jones Law, as at common law,
interest of the public welfare and for the advancement of public
conclusion. Counsel, however, reiterated his confidence in the pardon could be granted any time after the commission of the
policy, we have determined to overrule the defense of want of
integrity and independence of this court. We take notice of the offense, either before or after conviction (Vide Constitution of the
jurisdiction in order that we may decide the main issue. We have
fact that the President in his message dated September 1, 1937, United States, Art. II, sec. 2; In re Lontok [1922], 43 Phil., 293). The
here an extraordinary situation which calls for a relaxation of the
recommended to the National Assembly the immediate repeal of Governor-General of the Philippines was thus empowered, like
general rule." Our ruling on this point was sustained by the
the Probation Act (No. 4221); that this message resulted in the the President of the United States, to pardon a person before the
Supreme Court of the United States. A more binding authority in
approval of Bill No. 2417 of the Nationality Assembly repealing facts of the case were fully brought to light. The framers of our
support of the view we have taken can not be found.
the probation Act, subject to certain conditions therein Constitution thought this undesirable and, following most of the
mentioned; but that said bill was vetoed by the President on state constitutions, provided that the pardoning power can only
We have reached the conclusion that the question of the September 13, 1937, much against his wish, "to have stricken out be exercised "after conviction". So, too, under the new
constitutionality of Act No. 4221 has been properly raised. Now from the statute books of the Commonwealth a law . . . unfair and Constitution, the pardoning power does not extend to "cases of
for the main inquiry: Is the Act unconstitutional? very likely unconstitutional." It is sufficient to observe in this impeachment". This is also the rule generally followed in the
connection that, in vetoing the bill referred to, the President United States (Vide Constitution of the United States, Art. II, sec.
exercised his constitutional prerogative. He may express the 2). The rule in England is different. There, a royal pardon can not
Under a doctrine peculiarly American, it is the office and duty of
reasons which he may deem proper for taking such a step, but his be pleaded in bar of an impeachment; "but," says Blackstone,
the judiciary to enforce the Constitution. This court, by clear
reasons are not binding upon us in the determination of actual "after the impeachment has been solemnly heard and
implication from the provisions of section 2, subsection 1, and
controversies submitted for our determination. Whether or not determined, it is not understood that the king's royal grace is
section 10, of Article VIII of the Constitution, may declare an act of
the Executive should express or in any manner insinuate his further restrained or abridged." (Vide, Ex parte Wells [1856], 18
the national legislature invalid because in conflict with the
opinion on a matter encompassed within his broad constitutional How., 307; 15 Law. ed., 421; Com. vs. Lockwood [1872], 109
fundamental lay. It will not shirk from its sworn duty to enforce
power of veto but which happens to be at the same time pending Mass., 323; 12 Am. Rep., 699; Sterling vs. Drake [1876], 29 Ohio
the Constitution. And, in clear cases, it will not hesitate to give
determination in this court is a question of propriety for him St., 457; 23 am. Rep., 762.) The reason for the distinction is
effect to the supreme law by setting aside a statute in conflict
exclusively to decide or determine. Whatever opinion is expressed obvious. In England, Judgment on impeachment is not confined to
therewith. This is of the essence of judicial duty.
by him under these circumstances, however, cannot sway our mere "removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy
judgment on way or another and prevent us from taking what in any office of honor, trust, or profit under the Government" (Art.
This court is not unmindful of the fundamental criteria in cases of our opinion is the proper course of action to take in a given case. IX, sec. 4, Constitution of the Philippines) but extends to the
this nature that all reasonable doubts should be resolved in favor It if is ever necessary for us to make any vehement affirmance whole punishment attached by law to the offense committed. The
of the constitutionality of a statute. An act of the legislature during this formative period of our political history, it is that we House of Lords, on a conviction may, by its sentence, inflict capital
approved by the executive, is presumed to be within are independent of the Executive no less than of the Legislative punishment, perpetual banishment, perpetual banishment, fine
constitutional limitations. The responsibility of upholding the department of our government — independent in the or imprisonment, depending upon the gravity of the offense
Constitution rests not on the courts alone but on the legislature as performance of our functions, undeterred by any consideration, committed, together with removal from office and incapacity to
well. "The question of the validity of every statute is first free from politics, indifferent to popularity, and unafraid of hold office. (Com. vs. Lockwood, supra.) Our Constitution also
determined by the legislative department of the government criticism in the accomplishment of our sworn duty as we see it makes specific mention of "commutation" and of the power of the
itself." (U.S. vs. Ten Yu [1912], 24 Phil., 1, 10; Case vs. Board of and as we understand it. executive to impose, in the pardons he may grant, such
Health and Heiser [1913], 24 Phil., 250, 276; U.S. vs. Joson [1913], conditions, restrictions and limitations as he may deem proper.
26 Phil., 1.) And a statute finally comes before the courts Amnesty may be granted by the President under the Constitution
sustained by the sanction of the executive. The members of the but only with the concurrence of the National Assembly. We need
Legislature and the Chief Executive have taken an oath to support not dwell at length on the significance of these fundamental
the Constitution and it must be presumed that they have been changes. It is sufficient for our purposes to state that the
true to this oath and that in enacting and sanctioning a particular pardoning power has remained essentially the same. The question

is: Has the pardoning power of the Chief Executive under the In United States vs. Murray ([1925], 275 U.S., 347; 48 Sup.Ct. Rep., 594), as is also to a decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals of the
Jones Law been impaired by the Probation Act? 146; 72 Law. ed., 309), the Supreme Court of the United States, Seventh Circuit (Kriebel vs. U.S., 10 F. [2d], 762), likewise
through Chief Justice Taft, held that when a person sentenced to construing the Probation Act.
imprisonment by a district court has begun to serve his sentence,
As already stated, the Jones Law vests the pardoning power
that court has no power under the Probation Act of March 4, 1925
exclusively in the Chief Executive. The exercise of the power may We have seen that in 1916 the Supreme Court of the United
to grant him probation even though the term at which sentence
not, therefore, be vested in anyone else.  States; in plain and unequivocal language, pointed to Congress as
was imposed had not yet expired. In this case of Murray, the
". . . The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in the executive possessing the requisite power to enact probation laws, that a
constitutionality of the probation Act was not considered but was
cannot be taken away nor fettered by any legislative restrictions, federal probation law as actually enacted in 1925, and that the
assumed. The court traced the history of the Act and quoted from
nor can like power be given by the legislature to any other officer constitutionality of the Act has been assumed by the Supreme
the report of the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States
or authority. The coordinate departments of government have Court of the United States in 1928 and consistently sustained by
House of Representatives (Report No. 1377, 68th Congress, 2
nothing to do with the pardoning power, since no person properly the inferior federal courts in a number of earlier cases.
Session) the following statement:
belonging to one of the departments can exercise any powers
appertaining to either of the others except in cases expressly
We are fully convinced that the Philippine Legislature, like the
provided for by the constitution." (20 R.C.L., pp., , and cases Prior to the so-called Killitts case, rendered in December, 1916,
Congress of the United States, may legally enact a probation law
cited.) " . . . where the pardoning power is conferred on the the district courts exercised a form of probation either, by
under its broad power to fix the punishment of any and all penal
executive without express or implied limitations, the grant is suspending sentence or by placing the defendants under state
offenses. This conclusion is supported by other authorities. In Ex
exclusive, and the legislature can neither exercise such power probation officers or volunteers. In this case, however (Ex parte
parte Bates ([1915], 20 N. M., 542; L.R.A. 1916A, 1285; 151 Pac.,
itself nor delegate it elsewhere, nor interfere with or control the United States, 242 U.S., 27; 61 L. Ed., 129; L.R.A., 1917E, 1178; 37
698, the court said: "It is clearly within the province of the
proper exercise thereof, . . ." (12 C.J., pp. 838, 839, and cases Sup. Ct. Rep., 72 Ann. Cas. 1917B, 355), the Supreme Court denied
Legislature to denominate and define all classes of crime, and to
cited.) If Act No. 4221, then, confers any pardoning power upon the right of the district courts to suspend sentenced. In the same
prescribe for each a minimum and maximum punishment." And in
the courts it is for that reason unconstitutional and void. But does opinion the court pointed out the necessity for action by Congress
State vs. Abbott ([1910], 87 S.C., 466; 33 L.R.A. [N. S.], 112; 70 S.
it? if the courts were to exercise probation powers in the future . . .
E., 6; Ann. Cas. 1912B, 1189), the court said: "The legislative
power to set punishment for crime is very broad, and in the
In the famous Killitts decision involving an embezzlement case, Since this decision was rendered, two attempts have been made exercise of this power the general assembly may confer on trial
the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in 1916 that an to enact probation legislation. In 1917, a bill was favorably judges, if it sees fit, the largest discretion as to the sentence to be
order indefinitely suspending sentenced was void. (Ex reported by the Judiciary Committee and passed the House. In imposed, as to the beginning and end of the punishment and
parte United States [1916], 242 U.S., 27; 61 Law. ed., 129; L.R.A. 1920, the judiciary Committee again favorably reported a whether it should be certain or indeterminate or conditional."
1917E, 1178; 37 Sup. Ct. Rep., 72; Ann. Cas. 1917B, 355.) Chief probation bill to the House, but it was never reached for definite (Quoted in State vs. Teal [1918], 108 S. C., 455; 95 S. E., 69.)
Justice White, after an exhaustive review of the authorities, action. Indeed, the Philippine Legislature has defined all crimes and fixed
expressed the opinion of the court that under the common law the penalties for their violation. Invariably, the legislature has
the power of the court was limited to temporary suspension and demonstrated the desire to vest in the courts — particularly the
If this bill is enacted into law, it will bring the policy of the Federal
that the right to suspend sentenced absolutely and permanently trial courts — large discretion in imposing the penalties which the
government with reference to its treatment of those convicted of
was vested in the executive branch of the government and not in law prescribes in particular cases. It is believed that justice can
violations of its criminal laws in harmony with that of the states of
the judiciary. But, the right of Congress to establish probation by best be served by vesting this power in the courts, they being in a
the Union. At the present time every state has a probation law,
statute was conceded. Said the court through its Chief Justice: position to best determine the penalties which an individual
and in all but twelve states the law applies both to adult and
". . . and so far as the future is concerned, that is, the causing of convict, peculiarly circumstanced, should suffer. Thus, while
juvenile offenders. (see, also, Johnson, Probation for Juveniles and
the imposition of penalties as fixed to be subject, by probation courts are not allowed to refrain from imposing a sentence merely
Adults [1928], Chap. I.)
legislation or such other means as the legislative mind may devise, because, taking into consideration the degree of malice and the
to such judicial discretion as may be adequate to enable courts to injury caused by the offense, the penalty provided by law is clearly
meet by the exercise of an enlarged but wise discretion the The constitutionality of the federal probation law has been excessive, the courts being allowed in such case to submit to the
infinite variations which may be presented to them for judgment, sustained by inferior federal courts. In Riggs vs. United Chief Executive, through the Department of Justice, such
recourse must be had Congress whose legislative power on the States supra, the Circuit Court of Appeals of the Fourth Circuit statement as it may deem proper (see art. 5, Revised Penal Code),
subject is in the very nature of things adequately complete." said: in cases where both mitigating and aggravating circumstances are
(Quoted in Riggs vs. United States [1926], 14 F. [2d], 5, 6.) This attendant in the commission of a crime and the law provides for a
decision led the National Probation Association and others to Since the passage of the Probation Act of March 4, 1925, the penalty composed of two indivisible penalties, the courts may
agitate for the enactment by Congress of a federal probation law. questions under consideration have been reviewed by the Circuit allow such circumstances to offset one another in consideration of
Such action was finally taken on March 4, 1925 (chap. 521, 43 Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit (7 F. [2d], 590), and the their number and importance, and to apply the penalty according
Stat. L. 159, U.S.C. title 18, sec. 724). This was followed by an constitutionality of the act fully sustained, and the same held in to the result of such compensation. (Art. 63, rule 4, Revised Penal
appropriation to defray the salaries and expenses of a certain no manner to encroach upon the pardoning power of the Code; U.S. vs. Reguera and Asuategui [1921], 41 Phil., 506.) Again,
number of probation officers chosen by civil service. (Johnson, President. This case will be found to contain an able and article 64, paragraph 7, of the Revised Penal Code empowers the
Probation for Juveniles and Adults, p. 14.) comprehensive review of the law applicable here. It arose under courts to determine, within the limits of each periods, in case the
the act we have to consider, and to it and the authorities cited penalty prescribed by law contains three periods, the extent of
therein special reference is made (Nix vs. James, 7 F. [2d], 590, the evil produced by the crime. In the imposition of fines, the

courts are allowed to fix any amount within the limits established which shall be within the range of the penalty next lower to that State [1898], 104 Ga., 509; 42 L. R. A., 190; 69 Am. St. Rep., 175;
by law, considering not only the mitigating and aggravating prescribed by the Code for the offense; and if the offense is 30 S. E. 858; State ex rel. Payne vs. Anderson [1921], 43 S. D., 630;
circumstances, but more particularly the wealth or means of the punished by any other law, the court shall sentence the accused 181 N. W., 839; People vs. Brown, 54 Mich., 15; 19 N. W., 571;
culprit. (Art. 66, Revised Penal Code.) Article 68, paragraph 1, of to an indeterminate sentence, the maximum term of which shall States vs. Dalton [1903], 109 Tenn., 544; 72 S. W., 456.)
the same Code provides that "a discretionary penalty shall be not exceed the maximum fixed by said law and the minimum shall
imposed" upon a person under fifteen but over nine years of age, not be less than the minimum term prescribed by the same."
Other cases, however, hold contra. (Nix vs. James [1925; C. C. A.,
who has not acted without discernment, but always lower by two Certain classes of convicts are, by section 2 of the law, excluded
9th], 7 F. [2d], 590; Archer vs. Snook [1926; D. C.], 10 F. [2d], 567;
degrees at least than that prescribed by law for the crime which from the operation thereof. The Legislature has also enacted the
Riggs. vs. United States [1926; C. C. A. 4th], 14]) [2d], 5; Murphy
he has committed. Article 69 of the same Code provides that in Juvenile Delinquency Law (Act No. 3203) which was subsequently
vs. States [1926], 171 Ark., 620; 286 S. W., 871; 48 A. L. R., 1189;
case of "incomplete self-defense", i.e., when the crime committed amended by Act No. 3559. Section 7 of the original Act and
Re Giannini [1912], 18 Cal. App., 166; 122 Pac., 831; Re Nachnaber
is not wholly excusable by reason of the lack of some of the section 1 of the amendatory Act have become article 80 of the
[1928], 89 Cal. App., 530; 265 Pac., 392; Ex parte De Voe [1931],
conditions required to justify the same or to exempt from criminal Revised Penal Code, amended by Act No. 4117 of the Philippine
114 Cal. App., 730; 300 Pac., 874; People vs. Patrick [1897], 118
liability in the several cases mentioned in article 11 and 12 of the Legislature and recently reamended by Commonwealth Act No.
Cal., 332; 50 Pac., 425; Martin vs. People [1917], 69 Colo., 60; 168
Code, "the courts shall impose the penalty in the period which 99 of the National Assembly. In this Act is again manifested the
Pac., 1171; Belden vs. Hugo [1914], 88 Conn., 50; 91 A., 369, 370,
may be deemed proper, in view of the number and nature of the intention of the legislature to "humanize" the penal laws. It
371; Williams vs. State [1926], 162 Ga., 327; 133 S. E., 843; People
conditions of exemption present or lacking." And, in case the allows, in effect, the modification in particular cases of the
vs. Heise [1913], 257 Ill., 443; 100 N. E., 1000; Parker vs. State
commission of what are known as "impossible" crimes, "the court, penalties prescribed by law by permitting the suspension of the
[1893], 135 Ind., 534; 35 N. E., 179; 23 L. R. A., 859; St. Hillarie,
having in mind the social danger and the degree of criminality execution of the judgment in the discretion of the trial court, after
Petitioner [1906], 101 Me., 522; 64 Atl., 882; People vs. Stickle
shown by the offender," shall impose upon him either arresto due hearing and after investigation of the particular
[1909], 156 Mich., 557; 121 N. W., 497; State vs. Fjolander [1914],
mayor or a fine ranging from 200 to 500 pesos. (Art. 59, Revised circumstances of the offenses, the criminal record, if any, of the
125 Minn., 529; State ex rel. Bottomnly vs. District Court [1925],
Penal Code.) convict, and his social history. The Legislature has in reality
73 Mont., 541; 237 Pac., 525; State vs. Everitt [1913], 164 N. C.,
decreed that in certain cases no punishment at all shall be
399; 79 S. E., 274; 47 L. R. A. [N. S.], 848; State ex rel. Buckley vs.
suffered by the convict as long as the conditions of probation are
Under our Revised Penal Code, also, one-half of the period of Drew [1909], 75 N. H., 402; 74 Atl., 875; State vs. Osborne [1911],
faithfully observed. It this be so, then, it cannot be said that the
preventive imprisonment is deducted form the entire term of 79 N. J. Eq., 430; 82 Atl. 424; Ex parteBates [1915], 20 N. M., 542;
Probation Act comes in conflict with the power of the Chief
imprisonment, except in certain cases expressly mentioned (art. L. R. A., 1916 A. 1285; 151 Pac., 698; People vs. ex rel. Forsyth vs.
Executive to grant pardons and reprieves, because, to use the
29); the death penalty is not imposed when the guilty person is Court of Session [1894], 141 N. Y., 288; 23 L. R. A., 856; 36 N. E.,
language of the Supreme Court of New Mexico, "the element of
more than seventy years of age, or where upon appeal or revision 386; 15 Am. Crim. Rep., 675; People ex rel. Sullivan vs. Flynn
punishment or the penalty for the commission of a wrong, while
of the case by the Supreme Court, all the members thereof are [1907], 55 Misc., 639; 106 N. Y. Supp., 928; People vs. Goodrich
to be declared by the courts as a judicial function under and
not unanimous in their voting as to the propriety of the [1914], 149 N. Y. Supp., 406; Moore vs. Thorn [1935], 245 App.
within the limits of law as announced by legislative acts, concerns
imposition of the death penalty (art. 47, see also, sec. 133, Div., 180; 281 N. Y. Supp., 49; Re Hart [1914], 29 N. D., 38; L. R. A.,
solely the procedure and conduct of criminal causes, with which
Revised Administrative Code, as amended by Commonwealth Act 1915C, 1169; 149 N. W., 568; Ex parte Eaton [1925], 29 Okla.,
the executive can have nothing to do." (Ex parte Bates, supra.) In
No. 3); the death sentence is not to be inflicted upon a woman Crim. Rep., 275; 233 P., 781; State vs. Teal [1918], 108 S. C., 455;
Williams vs. State ([1926], 162 Ga., 327; 133 S.E., 843), the court
within the three years next following the date of the sentence or 95 S. E., 69; State vs. Abbot [1910], 87 S. C., 466; 33 L.R.A., [N. S.],
upheld the constitutionality of the Georgia probation statute
while she is pregnant, or upon any person over seventy years of 112; 70 S. E., 6; Ann. Cas., 1912B, 1189; Fults vs. States [1854],34
against the contention that it attempted to delegate to the courts
age (art. 83); and when a convict shall become insane or an Tenn., 232; Woods vs. State [1814], 130 Tenn., 100; 169 S. W.,
the pardoning power lodged by the constitution in the governor
imbecile after final sentence has been pronounced, or while he is 558; Baker vs. State [1814], 130 Tenn., 100; 169 S. W., 558; Baker
alone is vested with the power to pardon after final sentence has
serving his sentenced, the execution of said sentence shall be vs. State [1913],70 Tex., Crim. Rep., 618; 158 S. W., 998; Cook vs.
been imposed by the courts, the power of the courts to imposed
suspended with regard to the personal penalty during the period State [1914], 73 Tex. Crim. Rep., 548; 165 S. W., 573; King vs.
any penalty which may be from time to time prescribed by law
of such insanity or imbecility (art. 79). State [1914], 72 Tex. Crim. Rep., 394; 162 S. W., 890; Clare vs.
and in such manner as may be defined cannot be questioned."
State [1932], 122 Tex. Crim. Rep., 394; 162 S. W., 890; Clare vs.
State [1932], 122 Tex. Crim. Rep., 211; 54 S. W. [2d], 127; Re Hall
But the desire of the legislature to relax what might result in the
We realize, of course, the conflict which the American cases [1927], 100 Vt., 197; 136 A., 24; Richardson vs. Com. [1921], 131
undue harshness of the penal laws is more clearly demonstrated
disclose. Some cases hold it unlawful for the legislature to vest in Va., 802; 109 S.E., 460; State vs. Mallahan [1911], 65 Wash., 287;
in various other enactments, including the probation Act. There is
the courts the power to suspend the operation of a sentenced, by 118 Pac., 42; State ex rel. Tingstand vs. Starwich [1922], 119
the Indeterminate Sentence Law enacted in 1933 as Act No. 4103
probation or otherwise, as to do so would encroach upon the Wash., 561; 206 Pac., 29; 26 A. L. R., 393; 396.) We elect to follow
and subsequently amended by Act No. 4225, establishing a
pardoning power of the executive. (In re Webb [1895], 89 Wis., this long catena of authorities holding that the courts may be
system of parole (secs. 5 to 100 and granting the courts large
354; 27 L.R.A., 356; 46 Am. St. Rep., 846; 62 N.W., 177; 9 Am. legally authorized by the legislature to suspend sentence by the
discretion in imposing the penalties of the law. Section 1 of the
Crim., Rep., 702; State ex rel. Summerfield vs. Moran [1919], 43 establishment of a system of probation however characterized.
law as amended provides; "hereafter, in imposing a prison
Nev., 150; 182 Pac., 927; Ex parte Clendenning [1908], 22 Okla., State ex rel. Tingstand vs. Starwich ([1922], 119 Wash., 561; 206
sentence for an offenses punished by the Revised Penal Code, or
108; 1 Okla. Crim. Rep., 227; 19 L.R.A. [N.S.], 1041; 132 Am. St. Pac., 29; 26 A. L. R., 393), deserved particular mention. In that
its amendments, the court shall sentence the accused to an
Rep., 628; 97 Pac., 650; People vs. Barrett [1903], 202 Ill, 287; 67 case, a statute enacted in 1921 which provided for the suspension
indeterminate sentence the maximum term of which shall be that
N.E., 23; 63 L.R.A., 82; 95 Am. St. Rep., 230; Snodgrass vs. State of the execution of a sentence until otherwise ordered by the
which, in view of the attending circumstances, could be properly
[1912], 67 Tex. Crim. Rep., 615; 41 L. R. A. [N. S.], 1144; 150 S. W., court, and required that the convicted person be placed under the
imposed under the rules of the said Code, and to a minimum
162;Ex parte Shelor [1910], 33 Nev., 361;111 Pac., 291; Neal vs. charge of a parole or peace officer during the term of such

suspension, on such terms as the court may determine, was held power under the constitution. It does not encroach, in any just That the power to suspend the sentence does not conflict with
constitutional and as not giving the court a power in violation of sense, upon the powers of the executive, as they have been the power of the Governor to grant reprieves is settled by the
the constitutional provision vesting the pardoning power in the understood and practiced from the earliest times. (Quoted with decisions of the various courts; it being held that the distinction
chief executive of the state. (Vide, also, Re Giannini [1912], 18 Cal approval in Directors of Prisons vs. Judge of First Instance of between a "reprieve" and a suspension of sentence is that a
App., 166; 122 Pac., 831.) Cavite [1915], 29 Phil., 265, Carson, J., concurring, at pp. 294, reprieve postpones the execution of the sentence to a day
295.) certain, whereas a suspension is for an indefinite time. (Carnal vs.
People, 1 Parker, Cr. R., 262; In re Buchanan, 146 N. Y., 264; 40 N.
Probation and pardon are not coterminous; nor are they the
E., 883), and cases cited in 7 Words & Phrases, pp. 6115, 6116.
same. They are actually district and different from each other, In probation, the probationer is in no true sense, as in pardon, a
This law cannot be hold in conflict with the power confiding in the
both in origin and in nature. In People ex rel. Forsyth vs. Court of free man. He is not finally and completely exonerated. He is not
Governor to grant commutations of punishment, for a
Sessions ([1894], 141 N. Y., 288, 294; 36 N. E., 386, 388; 23 L. R. A., exempt from the entire punishment which the law inflicts. Under
commutations is not but to change the punishment assessed to a
856; 15 Am. Crim. Rep., 675), the Court of Appeals of New York the Probation Act, the probationer's case is not terminated by the
less punishment.
said: mere fact that he is placed on probation. Section 4 of the Act
provides that the probation may be definitely terminated and the
probationer finally discharged from supervision only after the In State ex rel. Bottomnly vs. District Court ([1925], 73 Mont., 541;
. . . The power to suspend sentence and the power to grant
period of probation shall have been terminated and the probation 237 Pac., 525), the Supreme Court of Montana had under
reprieves and pardons, as understood when the constitution was
officer shall have submitted a report, and the court shall have consideration the validity of the adult probation law of the state
adopted, are totally distinct and different in their nature. The
found that the probationer has complied with the conditions of enacted in 1913, now found in sections 12078-12086, Revised
former was always a part of the judicial power; the latter was
probation. The probationer, then, during the period of probation, Codes of 1921. The court held the law valid as not impinging upon
always a part of the executive power. The suspension of the
remains in legal custody — subject to the control of the probation the pardoning power of the executive. In a unanimous decision
sentence simply postpones the judgment of the court temporarily
officer and of the court; and, he may be rearrested upon the non- penned by Justice Holloway, the court said:
or indefinitely, but the conviction and liability following it, and the
fulfillment of the conditions of probation and, when rearrested,
civil disabilities, remain and become operative when judgment is
may be committed to prison to serve the sentence originally
rendered. A pardon reaches both the punishment prescribed for . . . . the term "pardon", "commutation", and "respite" each had a
imposed upon him. (Secs. 2, 3, 5 and 6, Act No. 4221.)
the offense and the guilt of the offender. It releases the well understood meaning at the time our Constitution was
punishment, and blots out of existence the guilt, so that in the eye adopted, and no one of them was intended to comprehend the
of the law, the offender is as innocent as if he had never The probation described in the act is not pardon. It is not suspension of the execution of the judgment as that phrase is
committed the offense. It removes the penalties and disabilities, complete liberty, and may be far from it. It is really a new mode of employed in sections 12078-12086. A "pardon" is an act of grace,
and restores him to all his civil rights. It makes him, as it were, a punishment, to be applied by the judge in a proper case, in proceeding from the power intrusted with the execution of the
new man, and gives him a new credit and capacity. (Ex substitution of the imprisonment and find prescribed by the laws which exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed from
parte Garland, 71 U. S., 4 Wall., 333; 18 Law. ed., 366; U. S. vs. criminal laws. For this reason its application is as purely a judicial the punishment the law inflicts for a crime he has committed
Klein, 80 U. S., 13 Wall., 128; 20 Law. ed., 519; Knote vs. U. S., 95 act as any other sentence carrying out the law deemed applicable (United States vs. Wilson, 7 Pet., 150; 8 Law. ed., 640); It is a
U. S., 149; 24 Law. ed., 442.) to the offense. The executive act of pardon, on the contrary, is remission of guilt (State vs. Lewis, 111 La., 693; 35 So., 816), a
against the criminal law, which binds and directs the judges, or forgiveness of the offense (Cook vs. Middlesex County, 26 N. J.
rather is outside of and above it. There is thus no conflict with the Law, 326; Ex parte Powell, 73 Ala., 517; 49 Am. Rep., 71).
The framers of the federal and the state constitutions were
pardoning power, and no possible unconstitutionality of the "Commutation" is a remission of a part of the punishment; a
perfectly familiar with the principles governing the power to grant
Probation Act for this cause. (Archer vs. Snook [1926], 10 F. [2d], substitution of a less penalty for the one originally imposed (Lee
pardons, and it was conferred by these instruments upon the
567, 569.) vs. Murphy, 22 Grat. [Va.] 789; 12 Am. Rep., 563; Rich vs.
executive with full knowledge of the law upon the subject, and
Chamberlain, 107 Mich., 381; 65 N. W., 235). A "reprieve" or
the words of the constitution were used to express the authority
"respite" is the withholding of the sentence for an interval of time
formerly exercised by the English crown, or by its representatives Probation should also be distinguished from reprieve and from
(4 Blackstone's Commentaries, 394), a postponement of
in the colonies. (Ex parte Wells, 59 U. S., 18 How., 307; 15 Law. commutation of the sentence. Snodgrass vs. State ([1912], 67 Tex.
execution (Carnal vs. People, 1 Parker, Cr. R. [N. Y.], 272), a
ed., 421.) As this power was understood, it did not comprehend Crim. Rep., 615;41 L. R. A. [N. S.], 1144; 150 S. W., 162), is relied
temporary suspension of execution (Butler vs. State, 97 Ind., 373).
any part of the judicial functions to suspend sentence, and it was upon most strongly by the petitioners as authority in support of
never intended that the authority to grant reprieves and pardons their contention that the power to grant pardons and reprieves,
should abrogate, or in any degree restrict, the exercise of that having been vested exclusively upon the Chief Executive by the Few adjudicated cases are to be found in which the validity of a
power in regard to its own judgments, that criminal courts has so Jones Law, may not be conferred by the legislature upon the statute similar to our section 12078 has been determined; but the
long maintained. The two powers, so distinct and different in their courts by means of probation law authorizing the indefinite same objections have been urged against parole statutes which
nature and character, were still left separate and distinct, the one judicial suspension of sentence. We have examined that case and vest the power to parole in persons other than those to whom the
to be exercised by the executive, and the other by the judicial found that although the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas held power of pardon is granted, and these statutes have been upheld
department. We therefore conclude that a statute which, in that the probation statute of the state in terms conferred on the quite uniformly, as a reference to the numerous cases cited in the
terms, authorizes courts of criminal jurisdiction to suspend district courts the power to grant pardons to persons convicted of notes to Woods vs. State (130 Tenn., 100; 169 S. W.,558, reported
sentence in certain cases after conviction, — a power inherent in crime, it also distinguished between suspensions sentence on the in L. R. A., 1915F, 531), will disclose. (See, also, 20 R. C. L., 524.)
such courts at common law, which was understood when the one hand, and reprieve and commutation of sentence on the
constitution was adopted to be an ordinary judicial function, and other. Said the court, through Harper, J.:
which, ever since its adoption, has been exercised of legislative

We conclude that the Probation Act does not conflict with the substitute the judgment, wisdom, and patriotism of any other National Assembly may by law authorize the President, subject to
pardoning power of the Executive. The pardoning power, in body for those to which alone the people have seen fit to confide such limitations and restrictions as it may impose, to fix within
respect to those serving their probationary sentences, remains as this sovereign trust." (Cooley on Constitutional Limitations, 8th specified limits, tariff rates, import or export quotas, and tonnage
full and complete as if the Probation Law had never been enacted. ed., Vol. I, p. 224. Quoted with approval in U. S. vs. Barrias [1908], and wharfage dues." And section 16 of the same article of the
The President may yet pardon the probationer and thus place it 11 Phil., 327.) This court posits the doctrine "on the ethical Constitution provides that "In times of war or other national
beyond the power of the court to order his rearrest and principle that such a delegated power constitutes not only a right emergency, the National Assembly may by law authorize the
imprisonment. (Riggs vs. United States [1926],  but a duty to be performed by the delegate by the instrumentality President, for a limited period and subject to such restrictions as it
14 F. [2d], 5, 7.) of his own judgment acting immediately upon the matter of may prescribed, to promulgate rules and regulations to carry out
legislation and not through the intervening mind of another. (U. S. a declared national policy." It is beyond the scope of this decision
vs. Barrias, supra, at p. 330.) to determine whether or not, in the absence of the foregoing
2. But while the Probation Law does not encroach upon the
constitutional provisions, the President could be authorized to
pardoning power of the executive and is not for that reason void,
exercise the powers thereby vested in him. Upon the other hand,
does section 11 thereof constitute, as contended, an undue The rule, however, which forbids the delegation of legislative
whatever doubt may have existed has been removed by the
delegation of legislative power? power is not absolute and inflexible. It admits of exceptions. An
Constitution itself.
exceptions sanctioned by immemorial practice permits the central
legislative body to delegate legislative powers to local authorities.
Under the constitutional system, the powers of government are
(Rubi vs. Provincial Board of Mindoro [1919], 39 Phil., 660; U. S. The case before us does not fall under any of the exceptions
distributed among three coordinate and substantially
vs. Salaveria [1918], 39 Phil., 102; Stoutenburgh vs. Hennick hereinabove mentioned.
independent organs: the legislative, the executive and the judicial.
[1889], 129 U. S., 141; 32 Law. ed., 637; 9 Sup. Ct. Rep., 256; State
Each of these departments of the government derives its
vs. Noyes [1855], 30 N. H., 279.) "It is a cardinal principle of our
authority from the Constitution which, in turn, is the highest The challenged section of Act No. 4221 in section 11 which reads
system of government, that local affairs shall be managed by local
expression of popular will. Each has exclusive cognizance of the as follows:
authorities, and general affairs by the central authorities; and
matters within its jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own
hence while the rule is also fundamental that the power to make
laws cannot be delegated, the creation of the municipalities This Act shall apply only in those provinces in which the respective
exercising local self government has never been held to trench provincial boards have provided for the salary of a probation
The power to make laws — the legislative power — is vested in a upon that rule. Such legislation is not regarded as a transfer of officer at rates not lower than those now provided for provincial
bicameral Legislature by the Jones Law (sec. 12) and in a general legislative power, but rather as the grant of the authority fiscals. Said probation officer shall be appointed by the Secretary
unicamiral National Assembly by the Constitution (Act. VI, sec. 1, to prescribed local regulations, according to immemorial practice, of Justice and shall be subject to the direction of the Probation
Constitution of the Philippines). The Philippine Legislature or the subject of course to the interposition of the superior in cases of Office. (Emphasis ours.)
National Assembly may not escape its duties and responsibilities necessity." (Stoutenburgh vs. Hennick, supra.) On quite the same
by delegating that power to any other body or authority. Any principle, Congress is powered to delegate legislative power to In testing whether a statute constitute an undue delegation of
attempt to abdicate the power is unconstitutional and void, on such agencies in the territories of the United States as it may legislative power or not, it is usual to inquire whether the statute
the principle that potestasdelegata non delegarepotest. This select. A territory stands in the same relation to Congress as a was complete in all its terms and provisions when it left the hands
principle is said to have originated with the glossators, was municipality or city to the state government. (United States vs. of the legislature so that nothing was left to the judgment of any
introduced into English law through a misreading of Bracton, Heinszen [1907], 206 U. S., 370; 27 Sup. Ct. Rep., 742; 51 L. ed., other appointee or delegate of the legislature. (6 R. C. L., p. 165.)
there developed as a principle of agency, was established by Lord 1098; 11 Ann. Cas., 688; Dorr vs. United States [1904], 195 U.S., In the United States vs. Ang Tang Ho ([1922], 43 Phil., 1), this
Coke in the English public law in decisions forbidding the 138; 24 Sup. Ct. Rep., 808; 49 Law. ed., 128; 1 Ann. Cas., 697.) court adhered to the foregoing rule when it held an act of the
delegation of judicial power, and found its way into America as an Courts have also sustained the delegation of legislative power to legislature void in so far as it undertook to authorize the
enlightened principle of free government. It has since become an the people at large. Some authorities maintain that this may not Governor-General, in his discretion, to issue a proclamation fixing
accepted corollary of the principle of separation of powers. (5 be done (12 C. J., pp. 841, 842; 6 R. C. L., p. 164, citing People vs. the price of rice and to make the sale of it in violation of the
Encyc. of the Social Sciences, p. 66.) The classic statement of the Kennedy [1913], 207 N. Y., 533; 101 N. E., 442; Ann. Cas., 1914C, proclamation a crime. (See and cf. Compañia General de
rule is that of Locke, namely: "The legislative neither must nor can 616). However, the question of whether or not a state has ceased Tabacosvs. Board of Public Utility Commissioners [1916], 34 Phil.,
transfer the power of making laws to anybody else, or place it to be republican in form because of its adoption of the initiative 136.) The general rule, however, is limited by another rule that to
anywhere but where the people have." (Locke on Civil and referendum has been held not to be a judicial but a political a certain extent matters of detail may be left to be filled in by
Government, sec. 142.) Judge Cooley enunciates the doctrine in question (Pacific States Tel. & Tel. Co. vs. Oregon [1912], 223 U. S., rules and regulations to be adopted or promulgated by executive
the following oft-quoted language: "One of the settled maxims in 118; 56 Law. ed., 377; 32 Sup. Cet. Rep., 224), and as the officers and administrative boards. (6 R. C. L., pp. 177-179.)
constitutional law is, that the power conferred upon the constitutionality of such laws has been looked upon with favor by
legislature to make laws cannot be delegated by that department certain progressive courts, the sting of the decisions of the more
to any other body or authority. Where the sovereign power of the conservative courts has been pretty well drawn. (Opinions of the For the purpose of Probation Act, the provincial boards may be
state has located the authority, there it must remain; and by the Justices [1894], 160 Mass., 586; 36 N. E., 488; 23 L. R. A., 113; regarded as administrative bodies endowed with power to
constitutional agency alone the laws must be made until the Kiernan vs. Portland [1910], 57 Ore., 454; 111 Pac., 379; 1132 determine when the Act should take effect in their respective
Constitution itself is charged. The power to whose judgment, Pac., 402; 37 L. R. A. [N. S.], 332; Pacific States Tel. & Tel. Co. vs. provinces. They are the agents or delegates of the legislature in
wisdom, and patriotism this high prerogative has been intrusted Oregon, supra.) Doubtless, also, legislative power may be this respect. The rules governing delegation of legislative power to
cannot relieve itself of the responsibilities by choosing other delegated by the Constitution itself. Section 14, paragraph 2, of administrative and executive officers are applicable or are at least
agencies upon which the power shall be devolved, nor can it article VI of the Constitution of the Philippines provides that "The indicative of the rule which should be here adopted. An

examination of a variety of cases on delegation of power to boundaries. In the second case, this court held it lawful for the administrative agent may determine when the circumstances are
administrative bodies will show that the ratio decidendiis at legislature to direct non-Christian inhabitants to take up their such as require the application of a law is defended upon the
variance but, it can be broadly asserted that the rationale revolves habitation on unoccupied lands to be selected by the provincial ground that at the time this authority is granted, the rule of public
around the presence or absence of a standard or rule of action — governor and approved by the provincial board. In the third case, policy, which is the essence of the legislative act, is determined by
or the sufficiency thereof — in the statute, to aid the delegate in it was held proper for the legislature to vest in the Governor- the legislature. In other words, the legislature, as it its duty to do,
exercising the granted discretion. In some cases, it is held that the General authority to suspend or not, at his discretion, the determines that, under given circumstances, certain executive or
standard is sufficient; in others that is insufficient; and in still prohibition of the importation of the foreign cattle, such administrative action is to be taken, and that, under other
others that it is entirely lacking. As a rule, an act of the legislature prohibition to be raised "if the conditions of the country make this circumstances, different of no action at all is to be taken. What is
is incomplete and hence invalid if it does not lay down any rule or advisable or if deceased among foreign cattle has ceased to be a thus left to the administrative official is not the legislative
definite standard by which the administrative officer or board may menace to the agriculture and livestock of the lands." determination of what public policy demands, but simply the
be guided in the exercise of the discretionary powers delegated to ascertainment of what the facts of the case require to be done
it. (See Schecter vs. United States [1925], 295 U. S., 495; 79 L. ed., according to the terms of the law by which he is governed."
It should be observed that in the case at bar we are not concerned
1570; 55 Sup. Ct. Rep., 837; 97 A.L.R., 947; People ex rel. Rice vs. (Willoughby on the Constitution of the United States, 2nd ed., Vol.
with the simple transference of details of execution or the
Wilson Oil Co. [1936], 364 Ill., 406; 4 N. E. [2d], 847; 107 A.L.R., II, p. 1637.) In Miller vs. Mayer, etc., of New York [1883], 109 U.S.,
promulgation by executive or administrative officials of rules and
1500 and cases cited. See also R. C. L., title "Constitutional Law", 3 Sup. Ct. Rep., 228; 27 Law. ed., 971, 974), it was said: "The
regulations to carry into effect the provisions of a law. If we were,
sec 174.) In the case at bar, what rules are to guide the provincial efficiency of an Act as a declaration of legislative will must, of
recurrence to our own decisions would be sufficient. (U. S. vs.
boards in the exercise of their discretionary power to determine course, come from Congress, but the ascertainment of the
Barrias [1908], 11 Phil., 327; U.S. vs. Molina [1914], 29 Phil., 119;
whether or not the Probation Act shall apply in their respective contingency upon which the Act shall take effect may be left to
Alegre vs. Collector of Customs [1929], 53 Phil., 394; Cebu
provinces? What standards are fixed by the Act? We do not find such agencies as it may designate." (See, also, 12 C.J., p. 864;
Autobus Co. vs. De Jesus [1931], 56 Phil., 446; U. S. vs. Gomez
any and none has been pointed to us by the respondents. The State vs. Parker [1854], 26 Vt., 357; Blanding vs. Burr [1859], 13
[1915], 31 Phil., 218; Rubi vs. Provincial Board of Mindoro [1919],
probation Act does not, by the force of any of its provisions, fix Cal., 343, 258.) The legislature, then may provide that a
39 Phil., 660.)
and impose upon the provincial boards any standard or guide in contingencies leaving to some other person or body the power to
the exercise of their discretionary power. What is granted, if we determine when the specified contingencies has arisen. But, in
may use the language of Justice Cardozo in the recent case of It is connected, however, that a legislative act may be made to the the case at bar, the legislature has not made the operation of the
Schecter, supra, is a "roving commission" which enables the effect as law after it leaves the hands of the legislature. It is true Prohibition Act contingent upon specified facts or conditions to be
provincial boards to exercise arbitrary discretion. By section 11 if that laws may be made effective on certain contingencies, as by ascertained by the provincial board. It leaves, as we have already
the Act, the legislature does not seemingly on its own authority proclamation of the executive or the adoption by the people of a said, the entire operation or non-operation of the law upon the
extend the benefits of the Probation Act to the provinces but in particular community (6 R. C. L., 116, 170-172; Cooley, provincial board. the discretion vested is arbitrary because it is
reality leaves the entire matter for the various provincial boards Constitutional Limitations, 8th ed., Vol. I, p. 227). In Wayman vs. absolute and unlimited. A provincial board need not investigate
to determine. In other words, the provincial boards of the various Southard ([1825], 10 Wheat. 1; 6 Law. ed., 253), the Supreme conditions or find any fact, or await the happening of any
provinces are to determine for themselves, whether the Court of the United State ruled that the legislature may delegate a specified contingency. It is bound by no rule, — limited by no
Probation Law shall apply to their provinces or not at all. The power not legislative which it may itself rightfully exercise.(Vide, principle of expendiency announced by the legislature. It may take
applicability and application of the Probation Act are entirely also, Dowling vs. Lancashire Ins. Co. [1896], 92 Wis., 63; 65 N. W., into consideration certain facts or conditions; and, again, it may
placed in the hands of the provincial boards. If the provincial 738; 31 L. R. A., 112.) The power to ascertain facts is such a power not. It may have any purpose or no purpose at all. It need not give
board does not wish to have the Act applied in its province, all which may be delegated. There is nothing essentially legislative in any reason whatsoever for refusing or failing to appropriate any
that it has to do is to decline to appropriate the needed amount ascertaining the existence of facts or conditions as the basis of the funds for the salary of a probation officer. This is a matter which
for the salary of a probation officer. The plain language of the Act taking into effect of a law. That is a mental process common to all rest entirely at its pleasure. The fact that at some future time —
is not susceptible of any other interpretation. This, to our minds, branches of the government. (Dowling vs. Lancashire Ins. we cannot say when — the provincial boards may appropriate
is a virtual surrender of legislative power to the provincial boards. Co., supra; In re Village of North Milwaukee [1896], 93 Wis., 616; funds for the salaries of probation officers and thus put the law
97 N.W., 1033; 33 L.R.A., 938; Nash vs. Fries [1906], 129 Wis., 120; into operation in the various provinces will not save the statute.
108 N.W., 210; Field vs. Clark [1892], 143 U.S., 649; 12 Sup. Ct., The time of its taking into effect, we reiterate, would yet be based
"The true distinction", says Judge Ranney, "is between the
495; 36 Law.ed., 294.) Notwithstanding the apparent tendency, solely upon the will of the provincial boards and not upon the
delegation of power to make the law, which necessarily involves a
however, to relax the rule prohibiting delegation of legislative happening of a certain specified contingency, or upon the
discretion as to what it shall be, and conferring an authority or
authority on account of the complexity arising from social and ascertainment of certain facts or conditions by a person or body
discretion as to its execution, to be exercised under and in
economic forces at work in this modern industrial age (Pfiffner, other than legislature itself.
pursuance of the law. The first cannot be done; to the latter no
Public Administration [1936] ch. XX; Laski, "The Mother of
valid objection can be made." (Cincinnati, W. & Z. R. Co. vs.
Parliaments", foreign Affairs, July, 1931, Vol. IX, No. 4, pp. 569-
Clinton County Comrs.[1852]; 1 Ohio St., 77, 88. See also, The various provincial boards are, in practical effect, endowed
579; Beard, "Squirt-Gun Politics", in Harper's Monthly Magazine,
Sutherland on Statutory Construction, sec 68.) To the same effect with the power of suspending the operation of the Probation Law
July, 1930, Vol. CLXI, pp. 147, 152), the orthodox pronouncement
are the decision of this court in Municipality of Cardona vs. in their respective provinces. In some jurisdiction, constitutions
of Judge Cooley in his work on Constitutional Limitations finds
Municipality of Binangonan ([1917], 36 Phil., 547); Rubi vs. provided that laws may be suspended only by the legislature or by
restatement in Prof. Willoughby's treatise on the Constitution of
Provincial Board of Mindoro ([1919],39 Phil., 660) andCruz vs. its authority. Thus, section 28, article I of the Constitution of Texas
the United States in the following language — speaking of
Youngberg ([1931], 56 Phil., 234). In the first of these cases, this provides that "No power of suspending laws in this state shall be
declaration of legislative power to administrative agencies: "The
court sustained the validity of the law conferring upon the exercised except by the legislature"; and section 26, article I of the
principle which permits the legislature to provide that the
Governor-General authority to adjust provincial and municipal Constitution of Indiana provides "That the operation of the laws

shall never be suspended, except by authority of the General like circumstances; or that ant one should be subject to losses, recognizing the force of the principle hereinabove expressed,
Assembly." Yet, even provisions of this sort do not confer absolute damages, suits, or actions from which all others under like courts in may jurisdiction have sustained the constitutionality of
power of suspension upon the legislature. While it may be circumstances are exempted. the submission of option laws to the vote of the people. (6 R.C.L.,
undoubted that the legislature may suspend a law, or the p. 171.) But option laws thus sustained treat of subjects purely
execution or operation of a law, a law may not be suspended as to local in character which should receive different treatment in
To illustrate the principle: A section of a statute relative to dogs
certain individuals only, leaving the law to be enjoyed by others. different localities placed under different circumstances. "They
made the owner of any dog liable to the owner of domestic
The suspension must be general, and cannot be made for relate to subjects which, like the retailing of intoxicating drinks, or
animals wounded by it for the damages without proving a
individual cases or for particular localities. In Holden vs. the running at large of cattle in the highways, may be differently
knowledge of it vicious disposition. By a provision of the act,
James ([1814], 11 Mass., 396; 6 Am. Dec., 174, 177, 178), it was regarded in different localities, and they are sustained on what
power was given to the board of supervisors to determine
said: seems to us the impregnable ground, that the subject, though not
whether or not during the current year their county should be
embraced within the ordinary powers of municipalities to make
governed by the provisions of the act of which that section
by-laws and ordinances, is nevertheless within the class of public
By the twentieth article of the declaration of rights in the constituted a part. It was held that the legislature could not
regulations, in respect to which it is proper that the local
constitution of this commonwealth, it is declared that the power confer that power. The court observed that it could no more
judgment should control." (Cooley on Constitutional Limitations,
of suspending the laws, or the execution of the laws, ought never confer such a power than to authorize the board of supervisors of
5th ed., p. 148.) So that, while we do not deny the right of local
to be exercised but by the legislature, or by authority derived a county to abolish in such county the days of grace on
self-government and the propriety of leaving matters of purely
from it, to be exercised in such particular cases only as the commercial paper, or to suspend the statute of limitations.
local concern in the hands of local authorities or for the people of
legislature shall expressly provide for. Many of the articles in that (Slinger vs. Henneman [1875], 38 Wis., 504.) A similar statute in
small communities to pass upon, we believe that in matters of
declaration of rights were adopted from the Magna Charta of Missouri was held void for the same reason in State vs. Field
general of general legislation like that which treats of criminals in
England, and from the bill of rights passed in the reign of William ([1853, 17 Mo., 529;59 Am. Dec., 275.) In that case a general
general, and as regards the general subject of probation,
and Mary. The bill of rights contains an enumeration of the statute formulating a road system contained a provision that "if
discretion may not be vested in a manner so unqualified and
oppressive acts of James II, tending to subvert and extirpate the the county court of any county should be of opinion that the
absolute as provided in Act No. 4221. True, the statute does not
protestant religion, and the laws and liberties of the kingdom; and provisions of the act should not be enforced, they might, in their
expressly state that the provincial boards may suspend the
the first of them is the assuming and exercising a power of discretion, suspend the operation of the same for any specified
operation of the Probation Act in particular provinces but,
dispensing with and suspending the laws, and the execution of the length of time, and thereupon the act should become inoperative
considering that, in being vested with the authority to appropriate
laws without consent of parliament. The first article in the claim in such county for the period specified in such order; and
or not the necessary funds for the salaries of probation officers,
or declaration of rights contained in the statute is, that the thereupon order the roads to be opened and kept in good repair,
they thereby are given absolute discretion to determine whether
exercise of such power, by legal authority without consent of under the laws theretofore in force." Said the court: ". . . this act,
or not the law should take effect or operate in their respective
parliament, is illegal. In the tenth section of the same statute it is by its own provisions, repeals the inconsistent provisions of a
provinces, the provincial boards are in reality empowered by the
further declared and enacted, that "No dispensation by non former act, and yet it is left to the county court to say which act
legislature to suspend the operation of the Probation Act in
obstante of or to any statute, or part thereof, should be allowed; shall be enforce in their county. The act does not submit the
particular provinces, the Act to be held in abeyance until the
but the same should be held void and of no effect, except a question to the county court as an original question, to be
provincial boards should decide otherwise by appropriating the
dispensation be allowed of in such statute." There is an implied decided by that tribunal, whether the act shall commence its
necessary funds. The validity of a law is not tested by what has
reservation of authority in the parliament to exercise the power operation within the county; but it became by its own terms a law
been done but by what may be done under its provisions. (Walter
here mentioned; because, according to the theory of the English in every county not excepted by name in the act. It did not, then,
E. Olsen & Co. vs. Aldanese and Trinidad [1922], 43 Phil., 259; 12
Constitution, "that absolute despotic power, which must in all require the county court to do any act in order to give it effect.
C. J., p. 786.)
governments reside somewhere," is intrusted to the parliament: 1 But being the law in the county, and having by its provisions
Bl. Com., 160. superseded and abrogated the inconsistent provisions of previous
laws, the county court is . . . empowered, to suspend this act and It in conceded that a great deal of latitude should be granted to
revive the repealed provisions of the former act. When the the legislature not only in the expression of what may be termed
The principles of our government are widely different in this
question is before the county court for that tribunal to determine legislative policy but in the elaboration and execution thereof.
particular. Here the sovereign and absolute power resides in the
which law shall be in force, it is urge before us that the power "Without this power, legislation would become oppressive and
people; and the legislature can only exercise what is delegated to
then to be exercised by the court is strictly legislative power, yet imbecile." (People vs. Reynolds, 5 Gilman, 1.) It has been said
them according to the constitution. It is obvious that the exercise
which under our constitution, cannot be delegated to that that popular government lives because of the inexhaustible
of the power in question would be equally oppressive to the
tribunal or to any other body of men in the state. In the present reservoir of power behind it. It is unquestionable that the mass of
subject, and subversive of his right to protection, "according to
case, the question is not presented in the abstract; for the county powers of government is vested in the representatives of the
standing laws," whether exercised by one man or by a number of
court of Saline county, after the act had been for several months people and that these representatives are no further restrained
men. It cannot be supposed that the people when adopting this
in force in that county, did by order suspend its operation; and under our system than by the express language of the instrument
general principle from the English bill of rights and inserting it in
during that suspension the offense was committed which is the imposing the restraint, or by particular provisions which by clear
our constitution, intended to bestow by implication on the
subject of the present indictment . . . ." (See Mitchell vs. State intendment, have that effect. (Angara vs. Electoral Commission
general court one of the most odious and oppressive prerogatives
[1901], 134 Ala., 392; 32 S., 687.) [1936], 35 Off. Ga., 23; Schneckenburger vs. Moran [1936], 35
of the ancient kings of England. It is manifestly contrary to the
Off.Gaz., 1317.) But, it should be borne in mind that a constitution
first principles of civil liberty and natural justice, and to the spirit
is both a grant and a limitation of power and one of these time-
of our constitution and laws, that any one citizen should enjoy True, the legislature may enact laws for a particular locality
honored limitations is that, subject to certain exceptions,
privileges and advantages which are denied to all others under different from those applicable to other localities and, while
legislative power shall not be delegated.

We conclude that section 11 of Act No. 4221 constitutes an coming within the purview of the law would be liable to enjoy the in one or several provinces and not be in force in other provinces,
improper and unlawful delegation of legislative authority to the benefits of probation in one province while another person but one province may appropriate for the salary of the probation
provincial boards and is, for this reason, unconstitutional and similarly situated in another province would be denied those officer of a given year — and have probation during that year —
void. same benefits. This is obnoxious discrimination. Contrariwise, it is and thereafter decline to make further appropriation, and have no
also possible for all the provincial boards to appropriate the probation is subsequent years. While this situation goes rather to
necessary funds for the salaries of the probation officers in their the abuse of discretion which delegation implies, it is here
3. It is also contended that the Probation Act violates the
respective provinces, in which case no inequality would result for indicated to show that the Probation Act sanctions a situation
provisions of our Bill of Rights which prohibits the denial to any
the obvious reason that probation would be in operation in each which is intolerable in a government of laws, and to prove how
person of the equal protection of the laws (Act. III, sec. 1 subsec.1.
and every province by the affirmative action of appropriation by easy it is, under the Act, to make the guaranty of the equality
Constitution of the Philippines.)
all the provincial boards. On that hypothesis, every person coming clause but "a rope of sand". (Brewer, J. Gulf C. & S. F. Ry. Co. vs.
within the purview of the Probation Act would be entitled to avail Ellis [1897], 165 U. S., 150 154; 41 Law. ed., 666; 17 Sup. Ct. Rep.,
This basic individual right sheltered by the Constitution is a of the benefits of the Act. Neither will there be any resulting 255.)lawph!
restraint on all the tree grand departments of our government inequality if no province, through its provincial board, should
and on the subordinate instrumentalities and subdivision thereof, appropriate any amount for the salary of the probation officer —
Great reliance is placed by counsel for the respondents on the
and on many constitutional power, like the police power, taxation which is the situation now — and, also, if we accept the
case of Ocampo vs. United States ([1914], 234 U. S., 91; 58 Law.
and eminent domain. The equal protection of laws, sententiously contention that, for the purpose of the Probation Act, the City of
ed., 1231). In that case, the Supreme Court of the United States
observes the Supreme Court of the United States, "is a pledge of Manila should be considered as a province and that the municipal
affirmed the decision of this court (18 Phil., 1) by declining to
the protection of equal laws." (YickWo vs. Hopkins [1886], 118 U. board of said city has not made any appropriation for the salary of
uphold the contention that there was a denial of the equal
S., 356; 30 Law. ed., 220; 6 Sup. Ct. Rep., 10464; Perley vs. North the probation officer. These different situations suggested show,
protection of the laws because, as held in Missouri vs. Lewis
Carolina, 249 U. S., 510; 39 Sup.Ct. Rep., 357; 63 Law.ed., 735.) Of indeed, that while inequality may result in the application of the
(Bowman vs. Lewis) decided in 1880 (101 U. S., 220; 25 Law. ed.,
course, what may be regarded as a denial of the equal protection law and in the conferment of the benefits therein provided,
991), the guaranty of the equality clause does not require
of the laws in a question not always easily determined. No rule inequality is not in all cases the necessary result. But whatever
territorial uniformity. It should be observed, however, that this
that will cover every case can be formulated. (Connolly vs. Union may be the case, it is clear that in section 11 of the Probation Act
case concerns the right to preliminary investigations in criminal
Sewer Pipe Co. [1902], 184, U. S., 540; 22 Sup.Ct., Rep., 431; 46 creates a situation in which discrimination and inequality are
cases originally granted by General Orders No. 58. No question of
Law.ed., 679.) Class legislation discriminating against some and permitted or allowed. There are, to be sure, abundant authorities
legislative authority was involved and the alleged denial of the
favoring others in prohibited. But classification on a reasonable requiring actual denial of the equal protection of the law before
equal protection of the laws was the result of the subsequent
basis, and nor made arbitrarily or capriciously, is permitted. court should assume the task of setting aside a law vulnerable on
enactment of Act No. 612, amending the charter of the City of
(Finely vs. California [1911], 222 U. S., 28; 56 Law. ed., 75; 32 Sup. that score, but premises and circumstances considered, we are of
Manila (Act No. 813) and providing in section 2 thereof that "in
Ct. Rep., 13; Gulf.C. & S. F. Ry Co. vs. Ellis [1897], 165 U. S., 150; 41 the opinion that section 11 of Act No. 4221 permits of the denial
cases triable only in the court of first instance of the City of
Law.ed., 666; 17 Sup.Ct. Rep., 255; Smith, Bell & Co. vs. Natividad of the equal protection of the law and is on that account bad. We
Manila, the defendant . . . shall not be entitled as of right to a
[1919], 40 Phil., 136.) The classification, however, to be see no difference between a law which permits of such denial. A
preliminary examination in any case where the prosecuting
reasonable must be based on substantial distinctions which make law may appear to be fair on its face and impartial in appearance,
attorney, after a due investigation of the facts . . . shall have
real differences; it must be germane to the purposes of the law; it yet, if it permits of unjust and illegal discrimination, it is within the
presented an information against him in proper form . . . ." Upon
must not be limited to existing conditions only, and must apply constitutional prohibitions. (By analogy, Chy Lung vs. Freeman
the other hand, an analysis of the arguments and the decision
equally to each member of the class. (Borgnis vs. Falk. Co. [1911], [1876], 292 U. S., 275; 23 Law. ed., 550; Henderson vs. Mayor
indicates that the investigation by the prosecuting attorney —
147 Wis., 327, 353; 133 N. W., 209; 3 N. C. C. A., 649; 37 L. R. A. [1876], 92 U. S., 259; 23 Law. ed., 543; Ex parte Virginia [1880],
although not in the form had in the provinces — was considered a
[N. S.], 489; State vs. Cooley, 56 Minn., 540; 530-552; 58 N. W., 100 U. S., 339; 25 Law. ed., 676; Neal vs. Delaware [1881], 103 U.
reasonable substitute for the City of Manila, considering the
150; Lindsley vs. Natural Carbonic Gas Co.[1911], 220 U. S., 61, 79, S., 370; 26 Law. ed., 567; Soon Hing vs. Crowley [1885], 113 U. S.,
peculiar conditions of the city as found and taken into account by
55 Law. ed., 369, 377; 31 Sup. Ct. Rep., 337; Ann. Cas., 1912C, 703; 28 Law. ed., 1145, YickWo vs. Hopkins [1886],118 U. S., 356;
the legislature itself.
160; Lake Shore & M. S. R. Co. vs. Clough [1917], 242 U.S., 375; 37 30 Law. ed., 220; Williams vs. Mississippi [1897], 170 U. S., 218; 18
Sup. Ct. Rep., 144; 61 Law.ed., 374; Southern Ry. Co. vs. Greene Sup. Ct. Rep., 583; 42 Law.ed., 1012; Bailey vs. Alabama [1911],
[1910], 216 U. S., 400; 30 Sup.Ct. Rep., 287; 54 Law. ed., 536; 17 219 U. S., 219; 31 Sup.Ct. Rep. 145; 55 Law. ed., Sunday Lake Iron Reliance is also placed on the case of Missouri vs. Lewis, supra.
Ann. Cas., 1247; Truax vs. Corrigan [1921], 257 U. S., 312; 12 C. J., Co. vs. Wakefield [1918], 247 U. S., 450; 38 Sup. Ct. Rep., 495; 62 That case has reference to a situation where the constitution of
pp. 1148, 1149.) Law.ed., 1154.) In other words, statutes may be adjudged Missouri permits appeals to the Supreme Court of the state from
unconstitutional because of their effect in operation (General Oil final judgments of any circuit court, except those in certain
Co. vs. Clain [1907], 209 U. S., 211; 28 Sup. Ct. Rep., 475; 52 counties for which counties the constitution establishes a
In the case at bar, however, the resultant inequality may be said
Law.ed., 754; State vs. Clement Nat. Bank [1911], 84 Vt., 167; 78 separate court of appeals called St. Louis Court of Appeals. The
to flow from the unwarranted delegation of legislative power,
Atl., 944; Ann. Cas., 1912D, 22). If the law has the effect of provision complained of, then, is found in the constitution itself
although perhaps this is not necessarily the result in every case.
denying the equal protection of the law it is unconstitutional. (6 R. and it is the constitution that makes the apportionment of
Adopting the example given by one of the counsel for the
C. L. p. 372; Civil Rights Cases, 109 U. S., 3; 3 Sup. Ct. Rep., 18; 27 territorial jurisdiction.
petitioners in the course of his oral argument, one province may
appropriate the necessary fund to defray the salary of a probation Law. ed., 835; YickWo vs. Hopkins, supra; State vs. Montgomery,
officer, while another province may refuse or fail to do so. In such 94 Me., 192; 47 Atl., 165; 80 A. S. R., 386; State vs. Dering, 84 We are of the opinion that section 11 of the Probation Act is
a case, the Probation Act would be in operation in the former Wis., 585; 54 N. W., 1104; 36 A. S. R., 948; 19 L. R. A., 858.) Under unconstitutional and void because it is also repugnant to equal-
province but not in the latter. This means that a person otherwise section 11 of the Probation Act, not only may said Act be in force protection clause of our Constitution.

Section 11 of the Probation Act being unconstitutional and void would be left is the bare idealism of the system, devoid of any (h) Shall refrain from violating any law, statute, ordinance, or any
for the reasons already stated, the next inquiry is whether or not practical benefit to a large number of people who may be by-law or regulation, promulgated in accordance with law.
the entire Act should be avoided. deserving of the intended beneficial result of that system. The
clear policy of the law, as may be gleaned from a careful
The court is required to notify the probation officer in writing of
examination of the whole context, is to make the application of
In seeking the legislative intent, the presumption is against any the period and terms of probation. Under section 4, it is only after
the system dependent entirely upon the affirmative action of the
mutilation of a statute, and the courts will resort to elimination the period of probation, the submission of a report of the
different provincial boards through appropriation of the salaries
only where an unconstitutional provision is interjected into a probation officer and appropriate finding of the court that the
for probation officers at rates not lower than those provided for
statute otherwise valid, and is so independent and separable that probationer has complied with the conditions of probation that
provincial fiscals. Without such action on the part of the various
its removal will leave the constitutional features and purposes of probation may be definitely terminated and the probationer
boards, no probation officers would be appointed by the
the act substantially unaffected by the process. (Riccio vs. finally discharged from supervision. Under section 5, if the court
Secretary of Justice to act in the provinces. The Philippines is
Hoboken, 69 N. J. Law., 649, 662; 63 L. R. A., 485; 55 Atl., 1109, finds that there is non-compliance with said conditions, as
divided or subdivided into provinces and it needs no argument to
quoted in Williams vs. Standard Oil Co. [1929], 278 U.S., 235, 240; reported by the probation officer, it may issue a warrant for the
show that if not one of the provinces — and this is the actual
73 Law. ed., 287, 309; 49 Sup. Ct. Rep., 115; 60 A. L. R., 596.) arrest of the probationer and said probationer may be committed
situation now — appropriate the necessary fund for the salary of
In Barrameda vs. Moir ([1913], 25 Phil., 44, 47), this court stated with or without bail. Upon arraignment and after an opportunity
a probation officer, probation under Act No. 4221 would be
the well-established rule concerning partial invalidity of statutes to be heard, the court may revoke, continue or modify the
illusory. There can be no probation without a probation officer.
in the following language: probation, and if revoked, the court shall order the execution of
Neither can there be a probation officer without the probation
the sentence originally imposed. Section 6 prescribes the duties of
probation officers: "It shall be the duty of every probation officer
. . . where part of the a statute is void, as repugnant to the
to furnish to all persons placed on probation under his supervision
Organic Law, while another part is valid, the valid portion, if
Section 2 of the Acts provides that the probation officer shall a statement of the period and conditions of their probation, and
separable from the valid, may stand and be enforced. But in order
supervise and visit the probationer. Every probation officer is to instruct them concerning the same; to keep informed
to do this, the valid portion must be in so far independent of the
given, as to the person placed in probation under his care, the concerning their conduct and condition; to aid and encourage
invalid portion that it is fair to presume that the Legislative would
powers of the police officer. It is the duty of the probation officer them by friendly advice and admonition, and by such other
have enacted it by itself if they had supposed that they could not
to see that the conditions which are imposed by the court upon measures, not inconsistent with the conditions imposed by court
constitutionally enact the other. (Mutual Loan Co. vs. Martell, 200
the probationer under his care are complied with. Among those as may seem most suitable, to bring about improvement in their
Mass., 482; 86 N. E., 916; 128 A. S. R., 446; Supervisors of Holmes
conditions, the following are enumerated in section 3 of the Act: conduct and condition; to report in writing to the court having
Co. vs. Black Creek Drainage District, 99 Miss., 739; 55 Sou., 963.)
jurisdiction over said probationers at least once every two months
Enough must remain to make a complete, intelligible, and valid
concerning their conduct and condition; to keep records of their
statute, which carries out the legislative intent. (Pearson vs. Bass. That the probationer (a) shall indulge in no injurious or vicious
work; make such report as are necessary for the information of
132 Ga., 117; 63 S. E., 798.) The void provisions must be habits;
the Secretary of Justice and as the latter may require; and to
eliminated without causing results affecting the main purpose of
perform such other duties as are consistent with the functions of
the Act, in a manner contrary to the intention of the Legislature.
(b) Shall avoid places or persons of disreputable or harmful the probation officer and as the court or judge may direct. The
(State vs. A. C. L. R., Co., 56 Fla., 617, 642; 47 Sou., 969; Harper vs.
character; probation officers provided for in this Act may act as parole
Galloway, 58 Fla., 255; 51 Sou., 226; 26 L. R. A., N. S., 794;
officers for any penal or reformatory institution for adults when
Connolly vs. Union Sewer Pipe Co., 184 U. S., 540, 565; People vs.
(c) Shall report to the probation officer as directed by the court or so requested by the authorities thereof, and, when designated by
Strassheim, 240 Ill., 279, 300; 88 N. E., 821; 22 L. R. A., N. S., 1135;
probation officers; the Secretary of Justice shall act as parole officer of persons
State vs. Cognevich, 124 La., 414; 50 Sou., 439.) The language
released on parole under Act Number Forty-one Hundred and
used in the invalid part of a statute can have no legal force or
Three, without additional compensation."
efficacy for any purpose whatever, and what remains must (d) Shall permit the probation officer to visit him at reasonable
express the legislative will, independently of the void part, since times at his place of abode or elsewhere;
the court has no power to legislate. (State vs. Junkin, 85 Neb., 1; It is argued, however, that even without section 11 probation
122 N. W., 473; 23 L. R. A., N. S., 839; Vide, also,. U. S., vs. officers maybe appointed in the provinces under section 10 of Act
Rodriguez [1918], 38 Phil., 759; Pollock vs. Farmers' Loan and (e) Shall truthfully answer any reasonable inquiries on the part of which provides as follows:
Trust Co. [1895], 158 U. S., 601, 635; 39 Law. ed., 1108, 1125; 15 the probation officer concerning his conduct or condition; "(f)
Sup. Ct. Rep., 912; 6 R.C.L., 121.) Shall endeavor to be employed regularly; "(g) Shall remain or
reside within a specified place or locality; There is hereby created in the Department of Justice and subject
to its supervision and control, a Probation Office under the
It is contended that even if section 11, which makes the Probation direction of a Chief Probation Officer to be appointed by the
Act applicable only in those provinces in which the respective (f) Shall make reparation or restitution to the aggrieved parties for Governor-General with the advise and consent of the Senate who
provincial boards provided for the salaries of probation officers actual damages or losses caused by his offense; shall receive a salary of four eight hundred pesos per annum. To
were inoperative on constitutional grounds, the remainder of the carry out this Act there is hereby appropriated out of any funds in
Act would still be valid and may be enforced. We should be (g) Shall comply with such orders as the court may from time to the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of fifty
inclined to accept the suggestions but for the fact that said time make; and thousand pesos to be disbursed by the Secretary of Justice, who is
section is, in our opinion, is inseparably linked with the other hereby authorized to appoint probation officers and the
portions of the Act that with the elimination of the section what administrative personnel of the probation officer under civil

service regulations from among those who possess the Secretary of Justice may fix "until such positions shall have been by clear implication by the more authoritative pronouncements of
qualifications, training and experience prescribed by the Bureau included in the Appropriation Act". It was the intention of the the Supreme Court of the United States. This line of approach is
of Civil Service, and shall fix the compensation of such probation legislature to empower the Secretary of Justice to fix the salaries justified because:
officers and administrative personnel until such positions shall of the probation officers in the provinces or later on to include
have been included in the Appropriation Act. said salaries in an appropriation act. Considering, further, that the
(a) The constitutional relations between the Federal and the State
sum of P50,000 appropriated in section 10 is to cover, among
governments of the United States and the dual character of the
other things, the salaries of the administrative personnel of the
But the probation officers and the administrative personnel American Government is a situation which does not obtain in the
Probation Office, what would be left of the amount can hardly be
referred to in the foregoing section are clearly not those Philippines;
said to be sufficient to pay even nominal salaries to probation
probation officers required to be appointed for the provinces
officers in the provinces. We take judicial notice of the fact that
under section 11. It may be said, reddendosingulasingulis, that the
there are 48 provinces in the Philippines and we do not think it is (b) The situation of s state of the American Union of the District of
probation officers referred to in section 10 above-quoted are to
seriously contended that, with the fifty thousand pesos Columbia with reference to the Federal Government of the United
act as such, not in the various provinces, but in the central office
appropriated for the central office, there can be in each province, States is not the situation of the province with respect to the
known as the Probation Office established in the Department of
as intended, a probation officer with a salary not lower than that Insular Government (Art. I, sec. 8 cl. 17 and 10th Amendment,
Justice, under the supervision of the Chief Probation Officer.
of a provincial fiscal. If this a correct, the contention that without Constitution of the United States; Sims vs. Rives, 84 Fed. [2d],
When the law provides that "the probation officer" shall
section 11 of Act No. 4221 said act is complete is an impracticable 871),
investigate and make reports to the court (secs. 1 and 4); that
thing under the remainder of the Act, unless it is conceded that in
"the probation officer" shall supervise and visit the probationer
our case there can be a system of probation in the provinces (c) The distinct federal and the state judicial organizations of the
(sec. 2; sec. 6, par. d); that the probationer shall report to the
without probation officers. United States do not embrace the integrated judicial system of
"probationer officer" (sec. 3, par. c.), shall allow "the probationer
officer" to visit him (sec. 3, par. d), shall truthfully answer any the Philippines (Schneckenburger vs. Moran [1936], 35 Off. Gaz.,
reasonable inquiries on the part of "the probation officer" Probation as a development of a modern penology is a p. 1317);
concerning his conduct or condition (sec. 3, par. 4); that the court commendable system. Probation laws have been enacted, here
shall notify "the probation officer" in writing of the period and and in other countries, to permit what modern criminologist call (d) "General propositions do not decide concrete cases" (Justice
terms of probation (sec. 3, last par.), it means the probation the "individualization of the punishment", the adjustment of the Holmes in Lochner vs. New York [1904], 198 U. S., 45, 76; 49 Law.
officer who is in charge of a particular probationer in a particular penalty to the character of the criminal and the circumstances of ed., 937, 949) and, "to keep pace with . . . new developments of
province. It never could have been intention of the legislature, for his particular case. It provides a period of grace in order to aid in times and circumstances" (Chief Justice Waite in Pensacola Tel.
instance, to require the probationer in Batanes, to report to a the rehabilitation of a penitent offender. It is believed that, in any Co. vs. Western Union Tel. Co. [1899], 96 U. S., 1, 9; 24 Law. ed.,
probationer officer in the City of Manila, or to require a probation cases, convicts may be reformed and their development into 708; Yale Law Journal, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, Dec. 1919, 141, 142),
officer in Manila to visit the probationer in the said province of hardened criminals aborted. It, therefore, takes advantage of an fundamental principles should be interpreted having in view
Batanes, to place him under his care, to supervise his conduct, to opportunity for reformation and avoids imprisonment so long as existing local conditions and environment.
instruct him concerning the conditions of his probation or to the convicts gives promise of reform. (United States vs. Murray
perform such other functions as are assigned to him by law. [1925], 275 U. S., 347 357, 358; 72 Law. ed., 309; 312, 313; 48
Sup.Ct. Rep., 146; Kaplan vs. Hecht, 24 F. [2d], 664, 665.) The Act No. 4221 is hereby declared unconstitutional and void and the
Welfare of society is its chief end and aim. The benefit to the writ of prohibition is, accordingly, granted. Without any
That under section 10 the Secretary of Justice may appoint as pronouncement regarding costs.So ordered.
individual convict is merely incidental. But while we believe that
many probation officers as there are provinces or groups of
probation is commendable as a system and its implantation into
provinces is, of course possible. But this would be arguing on what
the Philippines should be welcomed, we are forced by our Republic of the Philippines
the law may be or should be and not on what the law is. Between
inescapable duty to set the law aside because of the repugnancy SUPREME COURT
is and ought there is a far cry. The wisdom and propriety of
to our fundamental law. Manila
legislation is not for us to pass upon. We may think a law better
otherwise than it is. But much as has been said regarding
progressive interpretation and judicial legislation we decline to In arriving at this conclusion, we have endeavored to consider the EN BANC
amend the law. We are not permitted to read into the law matters different aspects presented by able counsel for both parties, as
and provisions which are not there. Not for any purpose — not well in their memorandums as in their oral argument. We have
even to save a statute from the doom of invalidity. examined the cases brought to our attention, and others we have G.R. No. L-7995             May 31, 1957
been able to reach in the short time at our command for the
study and deliberation of this case. In the examination of the LAO H. ICHONG, in his own behalf and in behalf of other alien
Upon the other hand, the clear intention and policy of the law is
cases and in then analysis of the legal principles involved we have residents, corporations and partnerships adversely affected. by
not to make the Insular Government defray the salaries of
inclined to adopt the line of action which in our opinion, is Republic Act No. 1180, petitioner, 
probation officers in the provinces but to make the provinces
supported better reasoned authorities and is more conducive to vs.
defray them should they desire to have the Probation Act apply
the general welfare. (Smith, Bell & Co. vs. Natividad [1919], 40 JAIME HERNANDEZ, Secretary of Finance, and MARCELINO
thereto. The sum of P50,000, appropriated "to carry out the
Phil., 136.) Realizing the conflict of authorities, we have declined SARMIENTO, City Treasurer of Manila,respondents.
purposes of this Act", is to be applied, among other things, for the
to be bound by certain adjudicated cases brought to our
salaries of probation officers in the central office at Manila. These
attention, except where the point or principle is settled directly or
probation officers are to receive such compensations as the

Ozaeta, Lichauco and Picazo and Sycip, Quisumbing, Salazar and establishment or opening by aliens actually engaged in the retail ultimate issue involved, it would be well to bear in mind certain
Associates for petitioner. business of additional stores or branches of retail business, (6) a basic and fundamental, albeit preliminary, considerations in the
Office of the Solicitor General Ambrosio Padilla and Solicitor provision requiring aliens actually engaged in the retail business determination of the ever recurrent conflict between police
Pacifico P. de Castro for respondent Secretary of Finance. to present for registration with the proper authorities a verified power and the guarantees of due process and equal protection of
City Fiscal Eugenio Angeles and Assistant City Fiscal Eulogio S. statement concerning their businesses, giving, among other the laws. What is the scope of police power, and how are the due
Serrano for respondent City Treasurer. matters, the nature of the business, their assets and liabilities and process and equal protection clauses related to it? What is the
Dionisio Reyes as Amicus Curiae. their offices and principal offices of judicial entities; and (7) a province and power of the legislature, and what is the function
Marcial G. Mendiola as Amicus Curiae. provision allowing the heirs of aliens now engaged in the retail and duty of the courts? These consideration must be clearly and
Emiliano R. Navarro as Amicus Curiae. business who die, to continue such business for a period of six correctly understood that their application to the facts of the case
months for purposes of liquidation. may be brought forth with clarity and the issue accordingly
III. Grounds upon which petition is based-Answer thereto
It has been said the police power is so far - reaching in scope, that
I. The case and issue, in general
it has become almost impossible to limit its sweep. As it derives its
Petitioner, for and in his own behalf and on behalf of other alien
existence from the very existence of the State itself, it does not
residents corporations and partnerships adversely affected by the
This Court has before it the delicate task of passing upon the need to be expressed or defined in its scope; it is said to be co-
provisions of Republic Act. No. 1180, brought this action to obtain
validity and constitutionality of a legislative enactment, extensive with self-protection and survival, and as such it is the
a judicial declaration that said Act is unconstitutional, and to
fundamental and far-reaching in significance. The enactment most positive and active of all governmental processes, the most
enjoin the Secretary of Finance and all other persons acting under
poses questions of due process, police power and equal essential, insistent and illimitable. Especially is it so under a
him, particularly city and municipal treasurers, from enforcing its
protection of the laws. It also poses an important issue of fact, modern democratic framework where the demands of society and
provisions. Petitioner attacks the constitutionality of the Act,
that is whether the conditions which the disputed law purports to of nations have multiplied to almost unimaginable proportions;
contending that: (1) it denies to alien residents the equal
remedy really or actually exist. Admittedly springing from a deep, the field and scope of police power has become almost boundless,
protection of the laws and deprives of their liberty and property
militant, and positive nationalistic impulse, the law purports to just as the fields of public interest and public welfare have
without due process of law ; (2) the subject of the Act is not
protect citizen and country from the alien retailer. Through it, and become almost all-embracing and have transcended human
expressed or comprehended in the title thereof; (3) the Act
within the field of economy it regulates, Congress attempts to foresight. Otherwise stated, as we cannot foresee the needs and
violates international and treaty obligations of the Republic of the
translate national aspirations for economic independence and demands of public interest and welfare in this constantly changing
Philippines; (4) the provisions of the Act against the transmission
national security, rooted in the drive and urge for national survival and progressive world, so we cannot delimit beforehand the
by aliens of their retail business thru hereditary succession, and
and welfare, into a concrete and tangible measures designed to extent or scope of police power by which and through which the
those requiring 100% Filipino capitalization for a corporation or
free the national retailer from the competing dominance of the State seeks to attain or achieve interest or welfare. So it is that
entity to entitle it to engage in the retail business, violate the
alien, so that the country and the nation may be free from a Constitutions do not define the scope or extent of the police
spirit of Sections 1 and 5, Article XIII and Section 8 of Article XIV of
supposed economic dependence and bondage. Do the facts and power of the State; what they do is to set forth the limitations
the Constitution.
circumstances justify the enactment? thereof. The most important of these are the due process clause
and the equal protection clause.
In answer, the Solicitor-General and the Fiscal of the City of
II. Pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 1180
Manila contend that: (1) the Act was passed in the valid exercise
b. Limitations on police power. —
of the police power of the State, which exercise is authorized in
Republic Act No. 1180 is entitled "An Act to Regulate the Retail the Constitution in the interest of national economic survival; (2)
Business." In effect it nationalizes the retail trade business. The the Act has only one subject embraced in the title; (3) no treaty or The basic limitations of due process and equal protection are
main provisions of the Act are: (1) a prohibition against persons, international obligations are infringed; (4) as regards hereditary found in the following provisions of our Constitution:
not citizens of the Philippines, and against associations, succession, only the form is affected but the value of the property
partnerships, or corporations the capital of which are not wholly is not impaired, and the institution of inheritance is only of
SECTION 1.(1) No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or
owned by citizens of the Philippines, from engaging directly or statutory origin.
property without due process of law, nor any person be denied
indirectly in the retail trade; (2) an exception from the above
the equal protection of the laws. (Article III, Phil. Constitution)
prohibition in favor of aliens actually engaged in said business on
IV. Preliminary consideration of legal principles involved
May 15, 1954, who are allowed to continue to engaged therein,
unless their licenses are forfeited in accordance with the law, until These constitutional guarantees which embody the essence of
their death or voluntary retirement in case of natural persons, a. The police power. — individual liberty and freedom in democracies, are not limited to
and for ten years after the approval of the Act or until the citizens alone but are admittedly universal in their application,
expiration of term in case of juridical persons; (3) an exception without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of
There is no question that the Act was approved in the exercise of
therefrom in favor of citizens and juridical entities of the United nationality. (YickWo vs. Hopkins, 30, L. ed. 220, 226.)
the police power, but petitioner claims that its exercise in this
States; (4) a provision for the forfeiture of licenses (to engage in
instance is attended by a violation of the constitutional
the retail business) for violation of the laws on nationalization,
requirements of due process and equal protection of the laws. But c. The, equal protection clause. —
control weights and measures and labor and other laws relating to
before proceeding to the consideration and resolution of the
trade, commerce and industry; (5) a prohibition against the

The equal protection of the law clause is against undue favor and determining the policy of the State, is by force of circumstances peddler, the owner of a small sari-sari store, to the operator of a
individual or class privilege, as well as hostile discrimination or the primarily the judge of necessity, adequacy or reasonableness and department store or, a supermarket is so much a part of day-to-
oppression of inequality. It is not intended to prohibit legislation, wisdom, of any law promulgated in the exercise of the police day existence.
which is limited either in the object to which it is directed or by power, or of the measures adopted to implement the public
territory within which is to operate. It does not demand absolute policy or to achieve public interest. On the other hand, courts,
b. The alien retailer's trait. —
equality among residents; it merely requires that all persons shall although zealous guardians of individual liberty and right, have
be treated alike, under like circumstances and conditions both as nevertheless evinced a reluctance to interfere with the exercise of
to privileges conferred and liabilities enforced. The equal the legislative prerogative. They have done so early where there The alien retailer must have started plying his trades in this
protection clause is not infringed by legislation which applies only has been a clear, patent or palpable arbitrary and unreasonable country in the bigger centers of population (Time there was when
to those persons falling within a specified class, if it applies alike abuse of the legislative prerogative. Moreover, courts are not he was unknown in provincial towns and villages). Slowly but
to all persons within such class, and reasonable grounds exists for supposed to override legitimate policy, and courts never inquire gradually be invaded towns and villages; now he predominates in
making a distinction between those who fall within such class and into the wisdom of the law. the cities and big centers of population. He even pioneers, in far
those who do not. (2 Cooley, Constitutional Limitations, 824-825.) away nooks where the beginnings of community life appear,
ministering to the daily needs of the residents and purchasing
V. Economic problems sought to be remedied
their agricultural produce for sale in the towns. It is an undeniable
d. The due process clause. —
fact that in many communities the alien has replaced the native
With the above considerations in mind, we will now proceed to retailer. He has shown in this trade, industry without limit, and
The due process clause has to do with the reasonableness of delve directly into the issue involved. If the disputed legislation the patience and forbearance of a slave.
legislation enacted in pursuance of the police power. Is there were merely a regulation, as its title indicates, there would be no
public interest, a public purpose; is public welfare involved? Is the question that it falls within the legitimate scope of legislative
Derogatory epithets are hurled at him, but he laughs these off
Act reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of the power. But it goes further and prohibits a group of residents, the
without murmur; insults of ill-bred and insolent neighbors and
legislature's purpose; is it not unreasonable, arbitrary or aliens, from engaging therein. The problem becomes more
customers are made in his face, but he heeds them not, and he
oppressive? Is there sufficient foundation or reason in connection complex because its subject is a common, trade or occupation, as
forgets and forgives. The community takes note of him, as he
with the matter involved; or has there not been a capricious use old as society itself, which from the immemorial has always been
appears to be harmless and extremely useful.
of the legislative power? Can the aims conceived be achieved by open to residents, irrespective of race, color or citizenship.
the means used, or is it not merely an unjustified interference
with private interest? These are the questions that we ask when c. Alleged alien control and dominance. —
a. Importance of retail trade in the economy of the nation. —
the due process test is applied.
There is a general feeling on the part of the public, which appears
In a primitive economy where families produce all that they
The conflict, therefore, between police power and the guarantees to be true to fact, about the controlling and dominant position
consume and consume all that they produce, the dealer, of
of due process and equal protection of the laws is more apparent that the alien retailer holds in the nation's economy. Food and
course, is unknown. But as group life develops and families begin
than real. Properly related, the power and the guarantees are other essentials, clothing, almost all articles of daily life reach the
to live in communities producing more than what they consume
supposed to coexist. The balancing is the essence or, shall it be residents mostly through him. In big cities and centers of
and needing an infinite number of things they do not produce, the
said, the indispensable means for the attainment of legitimate population he has acquired not only predominance, but apparent
dealer comes into existence. As villages develop into big
aspirations of any democratic society. There can be no absolute control over distribution of almost all kinds of goods, such as
communities and specialization in production begins, the dealer's
power, whoever exercise it, for that would be tyranny. Yet there lumber, hardware, textiles, groceries, drugs, sugar, flour, garlic,
importance is enhanced. Under modern conditions and standards
can neither be absolute liberty, for that would mean license and and scores of other goods and articles. And were it not for some
of living, in which man's needs have multiplied and diversified to
anarchy. So the State can deprive persons of life, liberty and national corporations like the Naric, the Namarco, the Facomas
unlimited extents and proportions, the retailer comes as essential
property, provided there is due process of law; and persons may and the Acefa, his control over principal foods and products
as the producer, because thru him the infinite variety of articles,
be classified into classes and groups, provided everyone is given would easily become full and complete.
goods and needed for daily life are placed within the easy reach of
the equal protection of the law. The test or standard, as always, is
consumers. Retail dealers perform the functions of capillaries in
reason. The police power legislation must be firmly grounded on Petitioner denies that there is alien predominance and control in
the human body, thru which all the needed food and supplies are
public interest and welfare, and a reasonable relation must exist the retail trade. In one breath it is said that the fear is unfounded
ministered to members of the communities comprising the
between purposes and means. And if distinction and classification and the threat is imagined; in another, it is charged that the law is
has been made, there must be a reasonable basis for said merely the result of radicalism and pure and unabashed
distinction. nationalism. Alienage, it is said, is not an element of control; also
There cannot be any question about the importance of the
so many unmanageable factors in the retail business make control
retailer in the life of the community. He ministers to the resident's
e. Legislative discretion not subject to judicial review. — virtually impossible. The first argument which brings up an issue
daily needs, food in all its increasing forms, and the various little
of fact merits serious consideration. The others are matters of
gadgets and things needed for home and daily life. He provides his
opinion within the exclusive competence of the legislature and
Now, in this matter of equitable balancing, what is the proper customers around his store with the rice or corn, the fish, the salt,
beyond our prerogative to pass upon and decide.
place and role of the courts? It must not be overlooked, in the the vinegar, the spices needed for the daily cooking. He has cloths
first place, that the legislature, which is the constitutional to sell, even the needle and the thread to sew them or darn the
repository of police power and exercises the prerogative of clothes that wear out. The retailer, therefore, from the lowly

The best evidence are the statistics on the retail trade, which put commenting on the patrimony clause of the Preamble opines that of the goods or articles they would or would not patronize or
down the figures in black and white. Between the constitutional the fathers of our Constitution were merely translating the distribute, that fears of dislocation of the national economy and
convention year (1935), when the fear of alien domination and general preoccupation of Filipinos "of the dangers from alien of the complete subservience of national economy and of the
control of the retail trade already filled the minds of our leaders interests that had already brought under their control the consuming public are not entirely unfounded. Nationals,
with fears and misgivings, and the year of the enactment of the commercial and other economic activities of the country" (Sinco, producers and consumers alike can be placed completely at their
nationalization of the retail trade act (1954), official statistics Phil. Political Law, 10th ed., p. 114); and analyzing the concern of mercy. This is easily illustrated. Suppose an article of daily use is
unmistakably point out to the ever-increasing dominance and the members of the constitutional convention for the economic desired to be prescribed by the aliens, because the producer or
control by the alien of the retail trade, as witness the following life of the citizens, in connection with the nationalistic provisions importer does not offer them sufficient profits, or because a new
tables: of the Constitution, he says: competing article offers bigger profits for its introduction. All that
aliens would do is to agree to refuse to sell the first article,
eliminating it from their stocks, offering the new one as a
But there has been a general feeling that alien dominance over
substitute. Hence, the producers or importers of the prescribed
the economic life of the country is not desirable and that if such a
article, or its consumers, find the article suddenly out of the
situation should remain, political independence alone is no
(Estimated Assets and Gross Sales of Retail Establishments, By prescribed article, or its consumers, find the article suddenly out
guarantee to national stability and strength. Filipino private
Year and Nationality of Owners, Benchmark: 1948 Census, issued of circulation. Freedom of trade is thus curtailed and free
capital is not big enough to wrest from alien hands the control of
by the Bureau of Census and Statistics, Department of Commerce enterprise correspondingly suppressed.
the national economy. Moreover, it is but of recent formation and
and Industry; pp. 18-19 of Answer.) hence, largely inexperienced, timid and hesitant. Under such
conditions, the government as the instrumentality of the national We can even go farther than theoretical illustrations to show the
The above statistics do not include corporations and partnerships, will, has to step in and assume the initiative, if not the leadership, pernicious influences of alien domination. Grave abuses have
while the figures on Filipino establishments already include mere in the struggle for the economic freedom of the nation in characterized the exercise of the retail trade by aliens. It is a fact
market vendors, whose capital is necessarily small.. somewhat the same way that it did in the crusade for political within judicial notice, which courts of justice may not properly
freedom. Thus . . . it (the Constitution) envisages an organized overlook or ignore in the interests of truth and justice, that there
movement for the protection of the nation not only against the exists a general feeling on the part of the public that alien
The above figures reveal that in percentage distribution of assests possibilities of armed invasion but also against its economic participation in the retail trade has been attended by a pernicious
and gross sales, alien participation has steadily increased during subjugation by alien interests in the economic field. (Phil. Political and intolerable practices, the mention of a few of which would
the years. It is true, of course, that Filipinos have the edge in the Law by Sinco, 10th ed., p. 476.) suffice for our purposes; that at some time or other they have
number of retailers, but aliens more than make up for the cornered the market of essential commodities, like corn and rice,
numerical gap through their assests and gross sales which average creating artificial scarcities to justify and enhance profits to
between six and seven times those of the very many Filipino Belief in the existence of alien control and predominance is felt in
unreasonable proportions; that they have hoarded essential foods
retailers. Numbers in retailers, here, do not imply superiority; the other quarters. Filipino businessmen, manufacturers and
to the inconvenience and prejudice of the consuming public, so
alien invests more capital, buys and sells six to seven times more, producers believe so; they fear the dangers coming from alien
much so that the Government has had to establish the National
and gains much more. The same official report, pointing out to the control, and they express sentiments of economic independence.
Rice and Corn Corporation to save the public from their
known predominance of foreign elements in the retail trade, Witness thereto is Resolution No. 1, approved on July 18, 1953, of
continuous hoarding practices and tendencies; that they have
remarks that the Filipino retailers were largely engaged in minor the Fifth National convention of Filipino Businessmen, and a
violated price control laws, especially on foods and essential
retailer enterprises. As observed by respondents, the native similar resolution, approved on March 20, 1954, of the Second
commodities, such that the legislature had to enact a law (Sec. 9,
investment is thinly spread, and the Filipino retailer is practically National Convention of Manufacturers and Producers. The man in
Republic Act No. 1168), authorizing their immediate and
helpless in matters of capital, credit, price and supply. the street also believes, and fears, alien predominance and
automatic deportation for price control convictions; that they
control; so our newspapers, which have editorially pointed out
have secret combinations among themselves to control prices,
not only to control but to alien stranglehold. We, therefore, find
d. Alien control and threat, subject of apprehension in cheating the operation of the law of supply and demand; that
alien domination and control to be a fact, a reality proved by
Constitutional convention. — they have connived to boycott honest merchants and traders who
official statistics, and felt by all the sections and groups that
would not cater or yield to their demands, in unlawful restraint of
compose the Filipino community.
freedom of trade and enterprise. They are believed by the public
It is this domination and control, which we believe has been to have evaded tax laws, smuggled goods and money into and out
sufficiently shown to exist, that is the legislature's target in the e. Dangers of alien control and dominance in retail. — of the land, violated import and export prohibitions, control laws
enactment of the disputed nationalization would never have been and the like, in derision and contempt of lawful authority. It is also
adopted. The framers of our Constitution also believed in the believed that they have engaged in corrupting public officials with
existence of this alien dominance and control when they But the dangers arising from alien participation in the retail trade
does not seem to lie in the predominance alone; there is a fabulous bribes, indirectly causing the prevalence of graft and
approved a resolution categorically declaring among other things, corruption in the Government. As a matter of fact appeals to
that "it is the sense of the Convention that the public interest prevailing feeling that such predominance may truly endanger the
national interest. With ample capital, unity of purpose and action unscrupulous aliens have been made both by the Government
requires the nationalization of the retail trade; . . . ." (II Aruego, and by their own lawful diplomatic representatives, action which
The Framing of the Philippine Constitution, 662-663, quoted on and thorough organization, alien retailers and merchants can act
in such complete unison and concert on such vital matters as the impliedly admits a prevailing feeling about the existence of many
page 67 of Petitioner.) That was twenty-two years ago; and the of the above practices.
events since then have not been either pleasant or comforting. fixing of prices, the determination of the amount of goods or
Dean Sinco of the University of the Philippines College of Law, articles to be made available in the market, and even the choice


The circumstances above set forth create well founded fears that Another objection to the alien retailer in this country is that he . . . . "1. The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth
worse things may come in the future. The present dominance of never really makes a genuine contribution to national income and Amendment does not take from the state the power to classify in
the alien retailer, especially in the big centers of population, wealth. He undoubtedly contributes to general distribution, but the adoption of police laws, but admits of the exercise of the wide
therefore, becomes a potential source of danger on occasions of the gains and profits he makes are not invested in industries that scope of discretion in that regard, and avoids what is done only
war or other calamity. We do not have here in this country would help the country's economy and increase national wealth. when it is without any reasonable basis, and therefore is purely
isolated groups of harmless aliens retailing goods among The alien's interest in this country being merely transient and arbitrary. 2. A classification having some reasonable basis does
nationals; what we have are well organized and powerful groups temporary, it would indeed be ill-advised to continue entrusting not offend against that clause merely because it is not made with
that dominate the distribution of goods and commodities in the the very important function of retail distribution to his hands. mathematical nicety, or because in practice it results in some
communities and big centers of population. They owe no inequality. 3. When the classification in such a law is called in
allegiance or loyalty to the State, and the State cannot rely upon question, if any state of facts reasonably can be conceived that
The practices resorted to by aliens in the control of distribution,
them in times of crisis or emergency. While the national holds his would sustain it, the existence of that state of facts at the time
as already pointed out above, their secret manipulations of stocks
life, his person and his property subject to the needs of his the law was enacted must be assumed. 4. One who assails the
of commodities and prices, their utter disregard of the welfare of
country, the alien may even become the potential enemy of the classification in such a law must carry the burden of showing that
their customers and of the ultimate happiness of the people of
State. it does not rest upon any reasonable basis but is essentially
the nation of which they are mere guests, which practices,
manipulations and disregard do not attend the exercise of the
f. Law enacted in interest of national economic survival and trade by the nationals, show the existence of real and actual,
security. — positive and fundamental differences between an alien and a c. Authorities recognizing citizenship as basis for classification. —
national which fully justify the legislative classification adopted in
the retail trade measure. These differences are certainly a valid
We are fully satisfied upon a consideration of all the facts and The question as to whether or not citizenship is a legal and valid
reason for the State to prefer the national over the alien in the
circumstances that the disputed law is not the product of racial ground for classification has already been affirmatively decided in
retail trade. We would be doing violence to fact and reality were
hostility, prejudice or discrimination, but the expression of the this jurisdiction as well as in various courts in the United States. In
we to hold that no reason or ground for a legitimate distinction
legitimate desire and determination of the people, thru their the case of Smith Bell & Co. vs. Natividad, 40 Phil. 136, where the
can be found between one and the other.
authorized representatives, to free the nation from the economic validity of Act No. 2761 of the Philippine Legislature was in issue,
situation that has unfortunately been saddled upon it rightly or because of a condition therein limiting the ownership of vessels
wrongly, to its disadvantage. The law is clearly in the interest of b. Difference in alien aims and purposes sufficient basis for engaged in coastwise trade to corporations formed by citizens of
the public, nay of the national security itself, and indisputably falls distinction. — the Philippine Islands or the United States, thus denying the right
within the scope of police power, thru which and by which the to aliens, it was held that the Philippine Legislature did not violate
State insures its existence and security and the supreme welfare the equal protection clause of the Philippine Bill of Rights. The
The above objectionable characteristics of the exercise of the
of its citizens. legislature in enacting the law had as ultimate purpose the
retail trade by the aliens, which are actual and real, furnish
encouragement of Philippine shipbuilding and the safety for these
sufficient grounds for legislative classification of retail traders into
Islands from foreign interlopers. We held that this was a valid
VI. The Equal Protection Limitation nationals and aliens. Some may disagree with the wisdom of the
exercise of the police power, and all presumptions are in favor of
legislature's classification. To this we answer, that this is the
its constitutionality. In substance, we held that the limitation of
prerogative of the law-making power. Since the Court finds that
a. Objections to alien participation in retail trade. — The next domestic ownership of vessels engaged in coastwise trade to
the classification is actual, real and reasonable, and all persons of
question that now poses solution is, Does the law deny the equal citizens of the Philippines does not violate the equal protection of
one class are treated alike, and as it cannot be said that the
protection of the laws? As pointed out above, the mere fact of the law and due process or law clauses of the Philippine Bill of
classification is patently unreasonable and unfounded, it is in duty
alienage is the root and cause of the distinction between the alien Rights. In rendering said decision we quoted with approval the
bound to declare that the legislature acted within its legitimate
and the national as a trader. The alien resident owes allegiance to concurring opinion of Justice Johnson in the case of Gibbons vs.
prerogative and it can not declare that the act transcends the limit
the country of his birth or his adopted country; his stay here is for Ogden, 9 Wheat., I, as follows:
of equal protection established by the Constitution.
personal convenience; he is attracted by the lure of gain and
profit. His aim or purpose of stay, we admit, is neither illegitimate
"Licensing acts, in fact, in legislation, are universally restraining
nor immoral, but he is naturally lacking in that spirit of loyalty and Broadly speaking, the power of the legislature to make
acts; as, for example, acts licensing gaming houses, retailers of
enthusiasm for this country where he temporarily stays and distinctions and classifications among persons is not curtailed or
spirituous liquors, etc. The act, in this instance, is distinctly of that
makes his living, or of that spirit of regard, sympathy and denied by the equal protection of the laws clause. The legislative
character, and forms part of an extensive system, the object of
consideration for his Filipino customers as would prevent him power admits of a wide scope of discretion, and a law can be
which is to encourage American shipping, and place them on an
from taking advantage of their weakness and exploiting them. The violative of the constitutional limitation only when the
equal footing with the shipping of other nations. Almost every
faster he makes his pile, the earlier can the alien go back to his classification is without reasonable basis. In addition to the
commercial nation reserves to its own subjects a monopoly of its
beloved country and his beloved kin and countrymen. The authorities we have earlier cited, we can also refer to the case
coasting trade; and a countervailing privilege in favor of American
experience of the country is that the alien retailer has shown such of Linsey vs. Natural Carbonic Fas Co. (1911), 55 L. ed., 369, which
shipping is contemplated, in the whole legislation of the United
utter disregard for his customers and the people on whom he clearly and succinctly defined the application of equal protection
States on this subject. It is not to give the vessel an American
makes his profit, that it has been found necessary to adopt the clause to a law sought to be voided as contrary thereto:
character, that the license is granted; that effect has been
legislation, radical as it may seem.
correctly attributed to the act of her enrollment. But it is to confer
on her American privileges, as contra distinguished from foreign;

and to preserve the Government from fraud by foreigners; in loyalty, hence the prohibitions of issuance of licenses to them for a law prohibiting aliens to engage as hawkers and peddlers was
surreptitiously intruding themselves into the American the business of pawnbroker, pool, billiard, card room, dance hall, declared void, because the discrimination bore no reasonable and
commercial marine, as well as frauds upon the revenue in the is not an infringement of constitutional rights. In Templar vs. just relation to the act in respect to which the classification was
trade coastwise, that this whole system is projected." Michigan State Board of Examiners, 90 N.W. 1058 (Michigan, proposed.
1902), a law prohibiting the licensing of aliens as barbers was held
void, but the reason for the decision was the court's findings that
The rule in general is as follows: The case at bar is radically different, and the facts make them so.
the exercise of the business by the aliens does not in any way
As we already have said, aliens do not naturally possess the
affect the morals, the health, or even the convenience of the
sympathetic consideration and regard for the customers with
Aliens are under no special constitutional protection which forbids community. In Takahashi vs. Fish and Game Commission, 92 L. ed.
whom they come in daily contact, nor the patriotic desire to help
a classification otherwise justified simply because the limitation of 1479 (1947), a California statute banning the issuance of
bolster the nation's economy, except in so far as it enhances their
the class falls along the lines of nationality. That would be commercial fishing licenses to person ineligible to citizenship was
profit, nor the loyalty and allegiance which the national owes to
requiring a higher degree of protection for aliens as a class than held void, because the law conflicts with Federal power over
the land. These limitations on the qualifications of the aliens have
for similar classes than for similar classes of American citizens. immigration, and because there is no public interest in the mere
been shown on many occasions and instances, especially in times
Broadly speaking, the difference in status between citizens and claim of ownership of the waters and the fish in them, so there
of crisis and emergency. We can do no better than borrow the
aliens constitutes a basis for reasonable classification in the was no adequate justification for the discrimination. It further
language of Anton vs. Van Winkle, 297 F. 340, 342, to drive home
exercise of police power. (2 Am., Jur. 468-469.) added that the law was the outgrowth of antagonism toward the
the reality and significance of the distinction between the alien
persons of Japanese ancestry. However, two Justices dissented on
and the national, thus:
In Commonwealth vs. Hana, 81 N. E. 149 (Massachusetts, 1907), a the theory that fishing rights have been treated traditionally as
statute on the licensing of hawkers and peddlers, which provided natural resources. In Fraser vs. McConway&Tarley Co., 82 Fed.
257 (Pennsylvania, 1897), a state law which imposed a tax on . . . . It may be judicially known, however, that alien coming into
that no one can obtain a license unless he is, or has declared his
every employer of foreign-born unnaturalized male persons over this country are without the intimate knowledge of our laws,
intention, to become a citizen of the United States, was held valid,
21 years of age, was declared void because the court found that customs, and usages that our own people have. So it is likewise
for the following reason: It may seem wise to the legislature to
there was no reason for the classification and the tax was an known that certain classes of aliens are of different psychology
limit the business of those who are supposed to have regard for
arbitrary deduction from the daily wage of an employee. from our fellow countrymen. Furthermore, it is natural and
the welfare, good order and happiness of the community, and the
reasonable to suppose that the foreign born, whose allegiance is
court cannot question this judgment and conclusion.
first to their own country, and whose ideals of governmental
In Bloomfield vs. State, 99 N. E. 309 (Ohio, 1912), a statute which d. Authorities contra explained. —
environment and control have been engendered and formed
prevented certain persons, among them aliens, from engaging in
under entirely different regimes and political systems, have not
the traffic of liquors, was found not to be the result of race
It is true that some decisions of the Federal court and of the State the same inspiration for the public weal, nor are they as well
hatred, or in hospitality, or a deliberate purpose to discriminate,
courts in the United States hold that the distinction between disposed toward the United States, as those who by citizenship,
but was based on the belief that an alien cannot be sufficiently
aliens and citizens is not a valid ground for classification. But in are a part of the government itself. Further enlargement, is
acquainted with "our institutions and our life as to enable him to
this decision the laws declared invalid were found to be either unnecessary. I have said enough so that obviously it cannot be
appreciate the relation of this particular business to our entire
arbitrary, unreasonable or capricious, or were the result or affirmed with absolute confidence that the Legislature was
social fabric", and was not, therefore, invalid. In Ohio ex
product of racial antagonism and hostility, and there was no without plausible reason for making the classification, and
rel. Clarke vs. Deckebach, 274 U. S. 392, 71 L. ed. 115 (1926), the
question of public interest involved or pursued. In Yu Cong Eng vs. therefore appropriate discriminations against aliens as it relates
U.S. Supreme Court had under consideration an ordinance of the
Trinidad, 70 L. ed. 1059 (1925), the United States Supreme Court to the subject of legislation. . . . .
city of Cincinnati prohibiting the issuance of licenses (pools and
declared invalid a Philippine law making unlawful the keeping of
billiard rooms) to aliens. It held that plainly irrational
books of account in any language other than English, Spanish or
discrimination against aliens is prohibited, but it does not follow VII. The Due Process of Law Limitation.
any other local dialect, but the main reasons for the decisions are:
that alien race and allegiance may not bear in some instances
(1) that if Chinese were driven out of business there would be no
such a relation to a legitimate object of legislation as to be made
other system of distribution, and (2) that the Chinese would fall a. Reasonability, the test of the limitation; determination by
the basis of permitted classification, and that it could not state
prey to all kinds of fraud, because they would be deprived of their legislature decisive. —
that the legislation is clearly wrong; and that latitude must be
right to be advised of their business and to direct its conduct. The
allowed for the legislative appraisement of local conditions and
real reason for the decision, therefore, is the court's belief that no We now come to due process as a limitation on the exercise of
for the legislative choice of methods for controlling an
public benefit would be derived from the operations of the law the police power. It has been stated by the highest authority in
apprehended evil. The case of State vs. Carrol, 124 N. E. 129
and on the other hand it would deprive Chinese of something the United States that:
(Ohio, 1919) is a parallel case to the one at bar. In Asakura vs. City
indispensable for carrying on their business. In YickWo vs.
of Seattle, 210 P. 30 (Washington, 1922), the business of pawn
Hopkins, 30 L. ed 220 (1885) an ordinance conferring powers on
brooking was considered as having tendencies injuring public . . . . And the guaranty of due process, as has often been held,
officials to withhold consent in the operation of laundries both as
interest, and limiting it to citizens is within the scope of police demands only that the law shall not be unreasonable, arbitrary or
to persons and place, was declared invalid, but the court said that
power. A similar statute denying aliens the right to engage in capricious, and that the means selected shall have a real and
the power granted was arbitrary, that there was no reason for the
auctioneering was also sustained in Wright vs. May, L.R.A., 1915 substantial relation to the subject sought to be attained. . . . .
discrimination which attended the administration and
P. 151 (Minnesota, 1914). So also in Anton vs. Van Winkle, 297 F.
implementation of the law, and that the motive thereof was mere
340 (Oregon, 1924), the court said that aliens are judicially known
racial hostility. In State vs. Montgomery, 47 A. 165 (Maine, 1900), x xx           x xx           x xx
to have different interests, knowledge, attitude, psychology and

So far as the requirement of due process is concerned and in the b. Petitioner's argument considered. — In seeking to accomplish the foregoing purpose, we do not
absence of other constitutional restriction a state is free to adopt propose to deprive persons who are not citizens of the Philippines
whatever economic policy may reasonably be deemed to promote of their means of livelihood. While this bill seeks to take away
Petitioner's main argument is that retail is a common, ordinary
public welfare, and to enforce that policy by legislation adapted to from the hands of persons who are not citizens of the Philippines
occupation, one of those privileges long ago recognized as
its purpose. The courts are without authority either to declare a power that can be wielded to paralyze all aspects of our national
essential to the orderly pursuant of happiness by free men; that it
such policy, or, when it is declared by the legislature, to override life and endanger our national security it respects existing rights.
is a gainful and honest occupation and therefore beyond the
it. If the laws passed are seen to have a reasonable relation to a
power of the legislature to prohibit and penalized. This arguments
proper legislative purpose, and are neither arbitrary nor
overlooks fact and reality and rests on an incorrect assumption The approval of this bill is necessary for our national
discriminatory, the requirements of due process are satisfied, and
and premise, i.e., that in this country where the occupation is survival.
judicial determination to that effect renders a court functus
engaged in by petitioner, it has been so engaged by him, by the
officio. . . . (Nebbia vs. New York, 78 L. ed. 940, 950, 957.)
alien in an honest creditable and unimpeachable manner, without
If political independence is a legitimate aspiration of a people,
harm or injury to the citizens and without ultimate danger to their
then economic independence is none the less legitimate.
Another authority states the principle thus: economic peace, tranquility and welfare. But the Legislature has
Freedom and liberty are not real and positive if the people are
found, as we have also found and indicated, that the privilege has
subject to the economic control and domination of others,
been so grossly abused by the alien, thru the illegitimate use of
. . . . Too much significance cannot be given to the word especially if not of their own race or country. The removal and
pernicious designs and practices, that he now enjoys a
"reasonable" in considering the scope of the police power in a eradication of the shackles of foreign economic control and
monopolistic control of the occupation and threatens a deadly
constitutional sense, for the test used to determine the domination, is one of the noblest motives that a national
stranglehold on the nation's economy endangering the national
constitutionality of the means employed by the legislature is to legislature may pursue. It is impossible to conceive that legislation
security in times of crisis and emergency.
inquire whether the restriction it imposes on rights secured to that seeks to bring it about can infringe the constitutional
individuals by the Bill of Rights are unreasonable, and not whether limitation of due process. The attainment of a legitimate
it imposes any restrictions on such rights. . . . The real question at issue, therefore, is not that posed by aspiration of a people can never be beyond the limits of legislative
petitioner, which overlooks and ignores the facts and authority.
circumstances, but this, Is the exclusion in the future of aliens
x xx           x xx           x xx
from the retail trade unreasonable. Arbitrary capricious, taking
c. Law expressly held by Constitutional Convention to be within
into account the illegitimate and pernicious form and manner in
the sphere of legislative action. —
. . . . A statute to be within this power must also be reasonable in which the aliens have heretofore engaged therein? As thus
its operation upon the persons whom it affects, must not be for correctly stated the answer is clear. The law in question is deemed
the annoyance of a particular class, and must not be unduly absolutely necessary to bring about the desired legislative The framers of the Constitution could not have intended to
oppressive. (11 Am. Jur. Sec. 302., 1:1)- 1074-1075.) objective, i.e., to free national economy from alien control and impose the constitutional restrictions of due process on the
dominance. It is not necessarily unreasonable because it affects attainment of such a noble motive as freedom from economic
private rights and privileges (11 Am. Jur. pp. 1080-1081.) The test control and domination, thru the exercise of the police power.
In the case of Lawton vs. Steele, 38 L. ed. 385, was also
of reasonableness of a law is the appropriateness or adequacy The fathers of the Constitution must have given to the legislature
under all circumstances of the means adopted to carry out its full authority and power to enact legislation that would promote
purpose into effect (Id.) Judged by this test, disputed legislation, the supreme happiness of the people, their freedom and liberty.
. . . . To justify the state in thus interposing its authority in behalf which is not merely reasonable but actually necessary, must be On the precise issue now before us, they expressly made their
of the public, it must appear, first, that the interests of the public considered not to have infringed the constitutional limitation of voice clear; they adopted a resolution expressing their belief that
generally, as distinguished from those of a particular class, require reasonableness. the legislation in question is within the scope of the legislative
such interference; and second, that the means are reasonably power. Thus they declared the their Resolution:
necessary for the accomplishment of the purpose, and not unduly
oppressive upon individuals. . . . The necessity of the law in question is explained in the
explanatory note that accompanied the bill, which later was That it is the sense of the Convention that the public interest
enacted into law: requires the nationalization of retail trade; but it abstain from
Prata Undertaking Co. vs. State Board of Embalming, 104 ALR, approving the amendment introduced by the Delegate for Manila,
389, 395, fixes this test of constitutionality: Mr. Araneta, and others on this matter because it is convinced
This bill proposes to regulate the retail business. Its purpose is to
that the National Assembly is authorized to promulgate a law
prevent persons who are not citizens of the Philippines from
In determining whether a given act of the Legislature, passed in which limits to Filipino and American citizens the privilege to
having a strangle hold upon our economic life. If the persons who
the exercise of the police power to regulate the operation of a engage in the retail trade. (11 Aruego, The Framing of the
control this vital artery of our economic life are the ones who owe
business, is or is not constitutional, one of the first questions to be Philippine Constitution, quoted on pages 66 and 67 of the
no allegiance to this Republic, who have no profound devotion to
considered by the court is whether the power as exercised has a Memorandum for the Petitioner.)
our free institutions, and who have no permanent stake in our
sufficient foundation in reason in connection with the matter people's welfare, we are not really the masters of our destiny. All
involved, or is an arbitrary, oppressive, and capricious use of that aspects of our life, even our national security, will be at the mercy It would do well to refer to the nationalistic tendency manifested
power, without substantial relation to the health, safety, morals, of other people. in various provisions of the Constitution. Thus in the preamble, a
comfort, and general welfare of the public. principle objective is the conservation of the patrimony of the


nation and as corollary the provision limiting to citizens of the legislation; that adequate replacement is problematical; that only efficacious regulation of which involves suppression. (State
Philippines the exploitation, development and utilization of its there may be general breakdown; that there would be vs. Morton, 162 So. 718, 182 La. 887, quoted in p. 42 of Answer.)
natural resources. And in Section 8 of Article XIV, it is provided repercussions from foreigners; etc. Many of these arguments are
that "no franchise, certificate, or any other form of authorization directed against the supposed wisdom of the law which lies solely
The general rule is for the use of general terms in the title of a bill;
for the operation of the public utility shall be granted except to within the legislative prerogative; they do not import invalidity.
it has also been said that the title need not be an index to the
citizens of the Philippines." The nationalization of the retail trade
entire contents of the law (I Sutherland, Statutory Construction,
is only a continuance of the nationalistic protective policy laid
VIII. Alleged defect in the title of the law See. 4803, p. 345.) The above rule was followed the title of the
down as a primary objective of the Constitution. Can it be said
Act in question adopted the more general term "regulate" instead
that a law imbued with the same purpose and spirit underlying
of "nationalize" or "prohibit". Furthermore, the law also contains
many of the provisions of the Constitution is unreasonable, invalid A subordinate ground or reason for the alleged invalidity of the
other rules for the regulation of the retail trade which may not be
and unconstitutional? law is the claim that the title thereof is misleading or deceptive, as
included in the terms "nationalization" or "prohibition"; so were
it conceals the real purpose of the bill which is to nationalize the
the title changed from "regulate" to "nationalize" or "prohibit",
retail business and prohibit aliens from engaging therein. The
The seriousness of the Legislature's concern for the plight of the there would have been many provisions not falling within the
constitutional provision which is claimed to be violated in Section
nationals as manifested in the approval of the radical measures is, scope of the title which would have made the Act invalid. The use
21 (1) of Article VI, which reads:
therefore, fully justified. It would have been recreant to its duties of the term "regulate", therefore, is in accord with the principle
towards the country and its people would it view the sorry plight governing the drafting of statutes, under which a simple or
of the nationals with the complacency and refuse or neglect to No bill which may be enacted in the law shall embrace more than general term should be adopted in the title, which would include
adopt a remedy commensurate with the demands of public one subject which shall be expressed in the title of the bill. all other provisions found in the body of the Act.
interest and national survival. As the repository of the sovereign
power of legislation, the Legislature was in duty bound to face the What the above provision prohibits is duplicity, that is, if its title One purpose of the constitutional directive that the subject of a
problem and meet, through adequate measures, the danger and completely fails to appraise the legislators or the public of the bill should be embraced in its title is to apprise the legislators of
threat that alien domination of retail trade poses to national nature, scope and consequences of the law or its operation (I the purposes, the nature and scope of its provisions, and prevent
economy. Sutherland, Statutory Construction, Sec. 1707, p. 297.) A cursory the enactment into law of matters which have received the
consideration of the title and the provisions of the bill fails to notice, action and study of the legislators or of the public. In the
d. Provisions of law not unreasonable. — show the presence of duplicity. It is true that the term "regulate" case at bar it cannot be claimed that the legislators have been
does not and may not readily and at first glance convey the idea appraised of the nature of the law, especially the nationalization
of "nationalization" and "prohibition", which terms express the and the prohibition provisions. The legislators took active interest
A cursory study of the provisions of the law immediately reveals
two main purposes and objectives of the law. But "regulate" is a in the discussion of the law, and a great many of the persons
how tolerant, how reasonable the Legislature has been. The law is
broader term than either prohibition or nationalization. Both of affected by the prohibitions in the law conducted a campaign
made prospective and recognizes the right and privilege of those
these have always been included within the term regulation. against its approval. It cannot be claimed, therefore, that the
already engaged in the occupation to continue therein during the
reasons for declaring the law invalid ever existed. The objection
rest of their lives; and similar recognition of the right to continue
Under the title of an act to "regulate", the sale of intoxicating must therefore, be overruled.
is accorded associations of aliens. The right or privilege is denied
to those only upon conviction of certain offenses. In the liquors, the Legislature may prohibit the sale of intoxicating
deliberations of the Court on this case, attention was called to the liquors. (Sweet vs. City of Wabash, 41 Ind., 7; quoted in page 41 of IX. Alleged violation of international treaties and obligations
fact that the privilege should not have been denied to children Answer.)
and heirs of aliens now engaged in the retail trade. Such provision
Another subordinate argument against the validity of the law is
would defeat the law itself, its aims and purposes. Beside, the Within the meaning of the Constitution requiring that the subject the supposed violation thereby of the Charter of the United
exercise of legislative discretion is not subject to judicial review. It of every act of the Legislature shall be stated in the tale, the title Nations and of the Declaration of the Human Rights adopted by
is well settled that the Court will not inquire into the motives of to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors, etc." sufficiently the United Nations General Assembly. We find no merit in the
the Legislature, nor pass upon general matters of legislative expresses the subject of an act prohibiting the sale of such liquors Nations Charter imposes no strict or legal obligations regarding
judgment. The Legislature is primarily the judge of the necessity to minors and to persons in the habit of getting intoxicated; such the rights and freedom of their subjects (Hans Kelsen, The Law of
of an enactment or of any of its provisions, and every matters being properly included within the subject of regulating the United Nations, 1951 ed. pp. 29-32), and the Declaration of
presumption is in favor of its validity, and though the Court may the sale. (Williams vs. State, 48 Ind. 306, 308, quoted in p. 42 of Human Rights contains nothing more than a mere
hold views inconsistent with the wisdom of the law, it may not Answer.) recommendation or a common standard of achievement for all
annul the legislation if not palpably in excess of the legislative
peoples and all nations (Id. p. 39.) That such is the import of the
power. Furthermore, the test of the validity of a law attacked as a
The word "regulate" is of broad import, and necessarily implies United Nations Charter aid of the Declaration of Human Rights
violation of due process, is not its reasonableness, but its
some degree of restraint and prohibition of acts usually done in can be inferred the fact that members of the United Nations
unreasonableness, and we find the provisions are not
connection with the thing to be regulated. While word regulate Organizations, such as Norway and Denmark, prohibit foreigners
unreasonable. These principles also answer various other
does not ordinarily convey meaning of prohibit, there is no from engaging in retail trade, and in most nations of the world
arguments raised against the law, some of which are: that the law
absolute reason why it should not have such meaning when used laws against foreigners engaged in domestic trade are adopted.
does not promote general welfare; that thousands of aliens would
be thrown out of employment; that prices will increase because of in delegating police power in connection with a thing the best or
the elimination of competition; that there is no need for the

The Treaty of Amity between the Republic of the Philippines and Remedies against the harshness of the law should be addressed to City Ordinance No. 6537 is entitled:
the Republic of China of April 18, 1947 is also claimed to be the Legislature; they are beyond our power and jurisdiction.
violated by the law in question. All that the treaty guarantees is
equality of treatment to the Chinese nationals "upon the same
The petition is hereby denied, with costs against petitioner. CITIZEN OF THE PHILIPPINES TO BE EMPLOYED IN ANY PLACE OF
terms as the nationals of any other country." But the nationals of
China are not discriminating against because nationals of all other
countries, except those of the United States, who are granted Republic of the Philippines
special rights by the Constitution, are all prohibited from engaging SUPREME COURT
in the retail trade. But even supposing that the law infringes upon Manila
the said treaty, the treaty is always subject to qualification or
amendment by a subsequent law (U. S. vs. Thompson, 258, Fed. Section 1 of said Ordinance No. 6537 4 prohibits aliens from being
257, 260), and the same may never curtail or restrict the scope of employed or to engage or participate in any position or
the police power of the State (plaston vs. Pennsylvania, 58 L. ed. occupation or business enumerated therein, whether permanent,
539.) G.R. No. L-29646 November 10, 1978 temporary or casual, without first securing an employment permit
from the Mayor of Manila and paying the permit fee of P50.00
MAYOR ANTONIO J. VILLEGAS, petitioner,  except persons employed in the diplomatic or consular missions
X. Conclusion
vs. of foreign countries, or in the technical assistance programs of
HIU CHIONG TSAI PAO HO and JUDGE FRANCISCO both the Philippine Government and any foreign government, and
Resuming what we have set forth above we hold that the ARCA, respondents. those working in their respective households, and members of
disputed law was enacted to remedy a real actual threat and religious orders or congregations, sect or denomination, who are
danger to national economy posed by alien dominance and not paid monetarily or in kind.
control of the retail business and free citizens and country from Angel C. Cruz, Gregorio A. Ejercito, Felix C. Chaves & Jose Laureta
dominance and control; that the enactment clearly falls within the for petitioner.
Violations of this ordinance is punishable by an imprisonment of
scope of the police power of the State, thru which and by which it
not less than three (3) months to six (6) months or fine of not less
protects its own personality and insures its security and future; Sotero H. Laurel for respondents. than P100.00 but not more than P200.00 or both such fine and
that the law does not violate the equal protection clause of the
imprisonment, upon conviction. 5
Constitution because sufficient grounds exist for the distinction
between alien and citizen in the exercise of the occupation FERNANDEZ, J.:
regulated, nor the due process of law clause, because the law is On May 4, 1968, private respondent HiuChiong Tsai Pao Ho who
prospective in operation and recognizes the privilege of aliens This is a petition for certiorari to review tile decision dated was employed in Manila, filed a petition with the Court of First
already engaged in the occupation and reasonably protects their September 17, 1968 of respondent Judge Francisco Arca of the Instance of Manila, Branch I, denominated as Civil Case No.
privilege; that the wisdom and efficacy of the law to carry out its Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch I, in Civil Case No. 72797, 72797, praying for the issuance of the writ of preliminary
objectives appear to us to be plainly evident — as a matter of fact the dispositive portion of winch reads. injunction and restraining order to stop the enforcement of
it seems not only appropriate but actually necessary — and that in Ordinance No. 6537 as well as for a judgment declaring said
any case such matter falls within the prerogative of the Ordinance No. 6537 null and void. 6
Wherefore, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the petitioner
Legislature, with whose power and discretion the Judicial
and against the respondents, declaring Ordinance No. 6 37 of the
department of the Government may not interfere; that the In this petition, HiuChiong Tsai Pao Ho assigned the following as
City of Manila null and void. The preliminary injunction is made
provisions of the law are clearly embraced in the title, and this his grounds for wanting the ordinance declared null and void:
permanent. No pronouncement as to cost.
suffers from no duplicity and has not misled the legislators or the
segment of the population affected; and that it cannot be said to
be void for supposed conflict with treaty obligations because no SO ORDERED. 1) As a revenue measure imposed on aliens employed in the City
treaty has actually been entered into on the subject and the of Manila, Ordinance No. 6537 is discriminatory and violative of
police power may not be curtailed or surrendered by any treaty or the rule of the uniformity in taxation;
Manila, Philippines, September 17, 1968.
any other conventional agreement.
2) As a police power measure, it makes no distinction between
(SGD.) FRANCISCO ARCA useful and non-useful occupations, imposing a fixed P50.00
Some members of the Court are of the opinion that the radical
effects of the law could have been made less harsh in its impact employment permit, which is out of proportion to the cost of
on the aliens. Thus it is stated that the more time should have Judge 1 registration and that it fails to prescribe any standard to guide
been given in the law for the liquidation of existing businesses and/or limit the action of the Mayor, thus, violating the
when the time comes for them to close. Our legal duty, however, fundamental principle on illegal delegation of legislative powers:
The controverted Ordinance No. 6537 was passed by the
is merely to determine if the law falls within the scope of Municipal Board of Manila on February 22, 1968 and signed by
legislative authority and does not transcend the limitations of due the herein petitioner Mayor Antonio J. Villegas of Manila on 3) It is arbitrary, oppressive and unreasonable, being applied only
process and equal protection guaranteed in the Constitution. March 27, 1968. 2 to aliens who are thus, deprived of their rights to life, liberty and


property and therefore, violates the due process and equal situation among individual aliens who are required to pay it. process and equal protection clause is given to all persons, both
protection clauses of the Constitution. 7 Although the equal protection clause of the Constitution does not aliens and citizens. 13
forbid classification, it is imperative that the classification should
be based on real and substantial differences having a reasonable
On May 24, 1968, respondent Judge issued the writ of preliminary The trial court did not commit the errors assigned.
relation to the subject of the particular legislation. The same
injunction and on September 17, 1968 rendered judgment
amount of P50.00 is being collected from every employed alien
declaring Ordinance No. 6537 null and void and making
whether he is casual or permanent, part time or full time or WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed,
permanent the writ of preliminary injunction. 8
whether he is a lowly employee or a highly paid executive without pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED.

Contesting the aforecited decision of respondent Judge, then

Ordinance No. 6537 does not lay down any criterion or standard Republic of the Philippines
Mayor Antonio J. Villegas filed the present petition on March 27,
to guide the Mayor in the exercise of his discretion. It has been SUPREME COURT
1969. Petitioner assigned the following as errors allegedly
held that where an ordinance of a municipality fails to state any Manila
committed by respondent Judge in the latter's decision of
policy or to set up any standard to guide or limit the mayor's
September 17,1968: 9
action, expresses no purpose to be attained by requiring a permit, EN BANC
enumerates no conditions for its grant or refusal, and entirely
I.THE RESPONDENT JUDGE COMMITTED A SERIOUS AND PATENT lacks standard, thus conferring upon the Mayor arbitrary and
ERROR OF LAW IN RULING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 6537 VIOLATED unrestricted power to grant or deny the issuance of building G.R. No. L-52245 January 22, 1980
THE CARDINAL RULE OF UNIFORMITY OF TAXATION. permits, such ordinance is invalid, being an undefined and
unlimited delegation of power to allow or prevent an activity per PATRICIO DUMLAO, ROMEO B. IGOT, and ALFREDO
VIOLATED THE PRINCIPLE AGAINST UNDUE DESIGNATION OF In Chinese Flour Importers Association vs. Price Stabilization COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, respondent.
LEGISLATIVE POWER. Board, 11 where a law granted a government agency power to
determine the allocation of wheat flour among importers, the Raul M. Gonzales for petitioners
III.RESPONDENT JUDGE FURTHER COMMITTED A SERIOUS AND Supreme Court ruled against the interpretation of uncontrolled
PATENT ERROR OF LAW IN RULING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 6537 power as it vested in the administrative officer an arbitrary
discretion to be exercised without a policy, rule, or standard from Office of the Solicitor General for respondent.
OF THE CONSTITUTION. which it can be measured or controlled.

Petitioner Mayor Villegas argues that Ordinance No. 6537 cannot It was also held in Primicias vs. Fugoso 12 that the authority and
be declared null and void on the ground that it violated the rule discretion to grant and refuse permits of all classes conferred MELENCIO-HERRERA, J:
on uniformity of taxation because the rule on uniformity of upon the Mayor of Manila by the Revised Charter of Manila is not
taxation applies only to purely tax or revenue measures and that uncontrolled discretion but legal discretion to be exercised within
This is a Petition for Prohibition with Preliminary Injunction and/or
Ordinance No. 6537 is not a tax or revenue measure but is an the limits of the law.
Restraining Order filed by petitioners, in their own behalf and all
exercise of the police power of the state, it being principally a others allegedly similarly situated, seeking to enjoin respondent
regulatory measure in nature. Ordinance No. 6537 is void because it does not contain or suggest Commission on Elections (COMELEC) from implementing certain
any standard or criterion to guide the mayor in the exercise of the provisions of Batas Pambansa Big. 51, 52, and 53 for being
The contention that Ordinance No. 6537 is not a purely tax or power which has been granted to him by the ordinance. unconstitutional.
revenue measure because its principal purpose is regulatory in
nature has no merit. While it is true that the first part which The ordinance in question violates the due process of law and The Petition alleges that petitioner, Patricio Dumlao, is a former
requires that the alien shall secure an employment permit from equal protection rule of the Constitution. Governor of Nueva Vizcaya, who has filed his certificate of
the Mayor involves the exercise of discretion and judgment in the candidacy for said position of Governor in the forthcoming
processing and approval or disapproval of applications for elections of January 30, 1980. Petitioner, Romeo B. Igot, is a
Requiring a person before he can be employed to get a permit
employment permits and therefore is regulatory in character the taxpayer, a qualified voter and a member of the Bar who, as such,
from the City Mayor of Manila who may withhold or refuse it at
second part which requires the payment of P50.00 as employee's has taken his oath to support the Constitution and obey the laws
will is tantamount to denying him the basic right of the people in
fee is not regulatory but a revenue measure. There is no logic or of the land. Petitioner, Alfredo Salapantan, Jr., is also a taxpayer, a
the Philippines to engage in a means of livelihood. While it is true
justification in exacting P50.00 from aliens who have been cleared qualified voter, and a resident of San Miguel, Iloilo.
that the Philippines as a State is not obliged to admit aliens within
for employment. It is obvious that the purpose of the ordinance is
its territory, once an alien is admitted, he cannot be deprived of
to raise money under the guise of regulation.
life without due process of law. This guarantee includes the Petitioner Dumlao specifically questions the constitutionality of
means of livelihood. The shelter of protection under the due section 4 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 52 as discriminatory and
The P50.00 fee is unreasonable not only because it is excessive
but because it fails to consider valid substantial differences in

contrary to the equal protection and due process guarantees of provided that a judgment of conviction for taxpayer's suit. Although petitioners plead nine constraints as the
the Constitution. Said Section 4 provides: any of the aforementioned crimes shall be reason of their joint Petition, it would have required only a
conclusive evidence of such fact and modicum more of effort tor petitioner Dumlao, on one hand said
petitioners lgot and Salapantan, on the other, to have filed
Sec. 4. Special Disqualification in addition to
separate suits, in the interest of orderly procedure.
violation of section 10 of Art. XI I-C of the the filing of charges for the commission of
Constitution and disqualification mentioned such crimes before a civil court or military
in existing laws, which are hereby declared tribunal after preliminary investigation shall For another, there are standards that have to be followed inthe
as disqualification for any of the elective be prima fascie evidence of such fact. exercise of the function of judicial review, namely (1) the
officials enumerated in section 1 hereof. existence of an appropriate case:, (2) an interest personal and
substantial by the party raising the constitutional question: (3) the
... (Batas Pambansa Big. 52) (Paragraphing
plea that the function be exercised at the earliest opportunity and
Any retired elective provincial city or and Emphasis supplied).
(4) the necessity that the constiutional question be passed upon
municipal official who has received
in order to decide the case (People vs. Vera 65 Phil. 56 [1937]).
payment of the retirement benefits to which
Section 1. Election of certain Local Officials
he is entitled under the law, and who shall
— ... The election shall be held on January
have been 6,5 years of age at the It may be conceded that the third requisite has been complied
30, 1980. (Batas Pambansa, Blg. 52)
commencement of the term of office to with, which is, that the parties have raised the issue of
which he seeks to be elected shall not be constitutionality early enough in their pleadings.
qualified to run for the same elective local Section 6. Election and Campaign Period —
office from which he has retired (Emphasis The election period shall be fixed by the
This Petition, however, has fallen far short of the other three
supplied) Commission on Elections in accordance with
Section 6, Art. XII-C of the Constitution. The
period of campaign shall commence on
Petitioner Dumlao alleges that the aforecited provision is directed
December 29, 1979 and terminate on A. Actual case and controversy.
insidiously against him, and that the classification provided
January 28, 1980. (ibid.)
therein is based on "purely arbitrary grounds and, therefore, class
legislation." It is basic that the power of judicial review is limited to the
In addition to the above-cited provisions, petitioners Igot and determination of actual cases and controversies.
Salapantan, Jr. also question the accreditation of some political
For their part, petitioners igot and Salapantan, Jr. assail the
parties by respondent COMELEC, as authorized by Batas
validity of the following statutory provisions: Petitioner Dumlao assails the constitutionality of the first
Pambansa Blg. 53, on the ground that it is contrary to section
paragraph of section 4 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 52, quoted earlier,
9(1)Art. XIIC of the Constitution, which provides that a "bona fide
as being contrary to the equal protection clause guaranteed by
Sec 7. Terms of Office — Unless sooner candidate for any public office shall be it. from any form of
the Constitution, and seeks to prohibit respondent COMELEC from
removed for cause, all local elective officials harassment and discrimination. "The question of accreditation will
implementing said provision. Yet, Dumlao has not been adversely
hereinabove mentioned shall hold office for not be taken up in this case but in that of Bacalso, et als. vs.
affected by the application of that provision. No petition seeking
a term of six (6) years, which shall COMELEC et als. No. L-52232) where the issue has been squarely
Dumlao's disqualification has been filed before the COMELEC.
commence on the first Monday of March raised,
There is no ruling of that constitutional body on the matter, which
this Court is being asked to review on Certiorari. His is a question
Petitioners then pray that the statutory provisions they have posed in the abstract, a hypothetical issue, and in effect, a
.... (Batas Pambansa Blg. 51) Sec. 4. challenged be declared null and void for being violative of the petition for an advisory opinion from this Court to be rendered
Constitution. without the benefit of a detailed factual record Petitioner
Dumlao's case is clearly within the primary jurisdiction (see
Sec. 4. ...
concurring Opinion of now Chief Justice Fernando in Peralta vs.
I . The procedural Aspect
Comelec, 82 SCRA 30, 96 [1978]) of respondent COMELEC as
Any person who has committed any act of provided for in section 2, Art. XII-C, for the Constitution the
disloyalty to the State, including acts At the outset, it should be stated that this Petition suffers from pertinent portion of which reads:
amounting to subversion, insurrection, basic procedural infirmities, hence, traditionally unacceptable for
rebellion or other similar crimes, shall not judicial resolution. For one, there is a misjoinder of parties and
"Section 2. The Commission on Elections shall have the following
be qualified to be a candidate for any of the actions. Petitioner Dumlao's interest is alien to that of petitioners
power and functions:
offices covered by this Act, or to participate Igot and Salapantan Petitioner Dumlao does not join petitioners
in any partisan political activity therein: Igot and Salapantan in the burden of their complaint, nor do the
latter join Dumlao in his. The respectively contest completely 1) xxx
different statutory provisions. Petitioner Dumlao has joined this
suit in his individual capacity as a candidate. The action of
petitioners Igot and Salapantan is more in the nature of a

2) Be the sole judge of all contests relating misapplication of such funds," which may We have already stated that, by the standards set forth in People
to the elections, returns be enjoined at the request of a taxpayer. vs. Vera, the present is not an "appropriate case" for either
and qualifications of all members of the petitioner Dumlao or for petitioners Igot and Salapantan. They are
National Assembly and elective provincial actually without cause of action. It follows that the necessity for
In the same vein, it has been held:
and city officials. (Emphasis supplied) resolving the issue of constitutionality is absent, and procedural
regularity would require that this suit be dismissed.
In the determination of the degree of
The aforequoted provision must also be related to section 11 of
interest essential to give the requisite
Art. XII-C, which provides: II. The substantive viewpoint.
standing to attack the constitutionality of a
statute, the general rule is that not only
Section 11. Any decision, order, or ruling of persons individually affected, but also We have resolved, however, to rule squarely on two of the
the Commission may be brought to the taxpayers have sufficient interest in challenged provisions, the Courts not being entirely without
Supreme Court on certiorari by the preventing the illegal expenditure of discretion in the matter. Thus, adherence to the strict procedural
aggrieved party within thirty days from his moneys raised by taxation and they may, standard was relaxed in Tinio vs. Mina (26 SCRA 512 [1968]); Edu
receipt of a copy thereof. therefore, question the constitutionality of vs. Ericta (35 SCRA 481 [1970]); and in Gonzalez vs. Comelec (27
statutes requiring expenditure of public SCRA 835 [1969]), the Opinion in the Tinio and Gonzalez cases
moneys. (Philippine Constitution having been penned by our present Chief Justice. The reasons
B. Proper party.
Association, Inc., et als., vs. Gimenez, et als., which have impelled us are the paramount public interest
15 SCRA 479 [1965]). involved and the proximity of the elections which will be held only
The long-standing rule has been that "the person who impugns a few days hence.
the validity of a statute must have a personal and substantial
However, the statutory provisions questioned in this case,
interest in the case such that he has sustained, or will sustain,
namely, sec. 7, BP Blg. 51, and sections 4, 1, and 6 BP Blg. 52, do Petitioner Dumlao's contention that section 4 of BP Blg. 52 is
direct injury as a result of its enforcement" (People vs.
not directly involve the disbursement of public funds. While, discriminatory against him personally is belied by the fact that
Vera, supra).
concededly, the elections to be held involve the expenditure of several petitions for the disqualification of other candidates for
public moneys, nowhere in their Petition do said petitioners allege local positions based on the challenged provision have already
In the case of petitioners Igot and Salapantan, it was only during that their tax money is "being extracted and spent in violation of been filed with the COMELEC (as listed in p. 15, respondent's
the hearing, not in their Petition, that Igot is said to be a specific constitutional protections against abuses of legislative Comment). This tellingly overthrows Dumlao's contention of
candidate for Councilor. Even then, it cannot be denied that power" (Flast v. Cohen, 392 U.S., 83 [1960]), or that there is a intentional or purposeful discrimination.
neither one has been convicted nor charged with acts of disloyalty misapplication of such funds by respondent COMELEC (see
to the State, nor disqualified from being candidates for local Pascual vs. Secretary of Public Works, 110 Phil. 331 [1960]), or
The assertion that Section 4 of BP Blg. 52 is contrary to the safer
elective positions. Neither one of them has been calle ed to have that public money is being deflected to any improper purpose.
guard of equal protection is neither well taken. The constitutional
been adversely affected by the operation of the statutory Neither do petitioners seek to restrain respondent from wasting
guarantee of equal protection of the laws is subject to rational
provisions they assail as unconstitutional Theirs is a generated public funds through the enforcement of an invalid or
classification. If the groupings are based on reasonable and real
grievance. They have no personal nor substantial interest at stake. unconstitutional law. (Philippine Constitution Association vs.
differentiations, one class can be treated and regulated differently
In the absence of any litigate interest, they can claim no locus Mathay, 18 SCRA 300 [1966]), citing Philippine Constitution
from another class. For purposes of public service, employees 65
standi in seeking judicial redress. Association vs. Gimenez, 15 SCRA 479 [1965]). Besides, the
years of age, have been validly classified differently from younger
institution of a taxpayer's suit, per se is no assurance of judicial
employees. Employees attaining that age are subject to
It is true that petitioners Igot and Salapantan have instituted this review. As held by this Court in Tan vs. Macapagal (43 SCRA 677
compulsory retirement, while those of younger ages are not so
case as a taxpayer's suit, and that the rule enunciated in People [1972]), speaking through our present Chief Justice, this Court is
compulsorily retirable.
vs. Vera, above stated, has been relaxed in Pascual vs. The vested with discretion as to whether or not a taxpayer's suit
Secretary of Public Works (110 Phil. 331 [1960], thus: should be entertained.
In respect of election to provincial, city, or municipal positions, to
require that candidates should not be more than 65 years of age
... it is well settled that the validity of a C. Unavoidability of constitutional question.
at the time they assume office, if applicable to everyone, might or
statute may be contested only by one who might not be a reasonable classification although, as the Solicitor
will sustain a direct injury in consequence of Again upon the authority of People vs. Vera, "it is a wellsettled General has intimated, a good policy of the law would be to
its enforcement. Yet, there are many rule that the constitutionality of an act of the legislature will not promote the emergence of younger blood in our political elective
decisions nullifying at the instance of be determined by the courts unless that question is properly echelons. On the other hand, it might be that persons more than
taxpayers, laws providing for the raised and presented in appropriate cases and is necessary to a 65 years old may also be good elective local officials.
disbursement of public funds, upon the determination of the case; i.e., the issue of constitutionality must
theory that "the expenditure of public be the very lis mota presented."
Coming now to the case of retirees. Retirement from government
funds, by an officer of the State for the
service may or may not be a reasonable disqualification for
purpose of administering an
elective local officials. For one thing, there can also be retirees
unconstitutional act constitutes a

from government service at ages, say below 65. It may neither be in full earlier, and which they challenge, may be divided in two Being infected with constitutional infirmity, a partial declaration
reasonable to disqualify retirees, aged 65, for a 65 year old retiree parts. The first provides: of nullity of only that objectionable portion is mandated. It is
could be a good local official just like one, aged 65, who is not a separable from the first portion of the second paragraph of
retiree. section 4 of Batas Pambansa Big. 52 which can stand by itself.
a. judgment of conviction jor any of the
aforementioned crimes shall be conclusive
But, in the case of a 65-year old elective local official, who has evidence of such fact ... WHEREFORE, 1) the first paragraph of section 4 of Batas
retired from a provincial, city or municipal office, there is reason pambansa Bilang 52 is hereby declared valid. Said paragraph
to disqualify him from running for the same office from which he reads:
The supremacy of the Constitution stands out as the cardinal
had retired, as provided for in the challenged provision. The need
principle. We are aware of the presumption of validity that
for new blood assumes relevance. The tiredness of the retiree for
attaches to a challenged statute, of the well-settled principle that SEC. 4. Special disqualification. — In
government work is present, and what is emphatically significant
"all reasonable doubts should be resolved in favor of addition to violation of Section 10 of Article
is that the retired employee has already declared himself tired
constitutionality," and that Courts will not set aside a statute as XII(C) of the Constitution and
and unavailable for the same government work, but, which, by
constitutionally defective "except in a clear case." (People vs. disqualifications mentioned in existing laws
virtue of a change of mind, he would like to assume again. It is for
Vera, supra). We are constrained to hold that this is one such which are hereby declared as
this very reason that inequality will neither result from the
clear case. disqualification for any of the elective
application of the challenged provision. Just as that provision does
officials enumerated in Section 1 hereof,
not deny equal protection neither does it permit of such denial
any retired elective provincial, city or
(see People vs. Vera, 65 Phil. 56 [1933]). Persons similarly situated Explicit is the constitutional provision that, in all criminal
municipal official, who has received
are sinlilarly treated. prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent until the
payment of the retirement benefits to
contrary is proved, and shall enjoy the right to be heard by
which he is entitled under the law and who
himself and counsel (Article IV, section 19, 1973 Constitution). An
In fine, it bears reiteration that the equal protection clause does shall have been 65 years of age at the
accusation, according to the fundamental law, is not synonymous
not forbid all legal classification. What is proscribes is a commencement of the term of office to
with guilt. The challenged proviso contravenes the constitutional
classification which is arbitrary and unreasonable. That which he seeks to be elected, shall not be
presumption of innocence, as a candidate is disqualified from
constitutional guarantee is not violated by a reasonable qualified to run for the same elective local
running for public office on the ground alone that charges have
classification based upon substantial distinctions, where the office from which he has retired.
been filed against him before a civil or military tribunal. It
classification is germane to the purpose of the law and applies to
condemns before one is fully heard. In ultimate effect, except as
all Chose belonging to the same class (Peralta vs. Comelec, 82
to the degree of proof, no distinction is made between a person 2) That portion of the second paragraph of
SCRA 30 [1978] citing Felwa vs. Salas, 18 SCRA 606 [1966]; Rafael
convicted of acts of dislotalty and one against whom charges have section 4 of Batas Pambansa Bilang 52
v. Embroidery and Apparel Control and Inspection Board, 21 SCRA
been filed for such acts, as both of them would be ineligible to run providing that "... the filing of charges for
336 [1967]; Inchong etc., et al. vs. Hernandez 101 Phil. 1155
for public office. A person disqualified to run for public office on the commission of such crimes before a civil
[1957]). The purpose of the law is to allow the emergence of
the ground that charges have been filed against him is virtually court or military tribunal after preliminary
younger blood in local governments. The classification in question
placed in the same category as a person already convicted of a investigation shall be prima facie evidence
being pursuant to that purpose, it cannot be considered invalid
crime with the penalty of arresto, which carries with it the of such fact", is hereby declared null and
"even it at times, it may be susceptible to the objection that it is
accessory penalty of suspension of the right to hold office during void, for being violative of the constitutional
marred by theoretical inconsistencies" (Chief Justice Fernando,
the term of the sentence (Art. 44, Revised Penal Code). presumption of innocence guaranteed to an
The Constitution of the Philippines, 1977 ed., p. 547).
And although the filing of charges is considered as but prima
There is an additional consideration. Absent herein is a showing of
facie evidence, and therefore, may be rebutted, yet. there is SO ORDERED.
the clear invalidity of the questioned provision. Well accepted is
"clear and present danger" that because of the proximity of the
the rule that to justify the nullification of a law, there must be a
elections, time constraints will prevent one charged with acts of
clear and unequivocal breach of the Constitution, not a doubtful Makasiar, Antonio, Concepcion, Jr., Fernandez and Guerrero, JJ.,
disloyalty from offering contrary proof to overcome the prima
and equivocal breach. Courts are practically unanimous in the concur.
facie evidence against him.
pronouncement that laws shall not be declared invalid unless the
conflict with the Constitution is clear beyond reasonable doubt Fernando, C.J., concurs and submits a brief separate opinion.
(Peralta vs. COMELEC, 82 SCRA 55 [1978], citing Cooper vs. Telfair Additionally, it is best that evidence pro and con of acts of
4 Dall 14; Dodd, Cases on Constitutional Law, 3rd ed. 1942, 56). disloyalty be aired before the Courts rather than before an
Lastly, it is within the compentence of the legislature to prescribe administrative body such as the COMELEC. A highly possible De Castro, J., abstain as far as petitioner Dumlao is concerned.
qualifications for one who desires to become a candidate for conflict of findings between two government bodies, to the
office provided they are reasonable, as in this case. extreme detriment of a person charged, will thereby be avoided.
Furthermore, a legislative/administrative determination of guilt
should not be allowed to be substituted for a judicial
In so far as the petition of Igot and Salapantan are concerned, the
second paragraph of section 4 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 52, quoted


PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF SERVICE EXPORTERS, INC., is claimed, finally, to be in violation of the Charter's non- does not owe its origin to the Charter. Along with the taxing
impairment clause, in addition to the "great and irreparable power and eminent domain, it is inborn in the very fact of
petitioner, vs. HON. FRANKLIN M. DRILON as Secretary of Labor
injury" that PASEI members face should the Order be further statehood and sovereignty. It is a fundamental attribute of
and Employment, and TOMAS D. ACHACOSO, as Administrator enforced. government that has enabled it to perform the most vital
of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, functions of governance. Marshall, to whom the expression has

respondents. On May 25, 1988, the Solicitor General, on behalf of the been credited, 7 refers to it succinctly as the plenary power of the
respondents Secretary of Labor and Administrator of the State "to govern its citizens." 8
G.R. No. L-81958 | 1988-06-30 Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, filed a Comment
informing the Court that on March 8, 1988, the respondent Labor "The police power of the State . . . is a power coextensive with
DECISION Secretary lifted the deployment ban in the states of Iraq, Jordan, self-protection, and it is not inaptly termed the 'law of
Qatar, Canada, Hongkong, United States, Italy, Norway, Austria, overwhelming necessity.' It may be said to be that inherent and
SARMIENTO, J.: and Switzerland. ** In submitting the validity of the challenged plenary power in the State which enables it to prohibit all things
"guidelines," the Solicitor General invokes the police power of the hurtful to the comfort, safety, and welfare of society." 9
The petitioner, Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. Philippine State.
(PASEI, for short), a firm "engaged principally in the recruitment of It constitutes an implied limitation on the Bill of Rights. According
Filipino workers, male and female, for overseas placement," 1 It is admitted that Department Order No. 1 is in the nature of a to Fernando, it is "rooted in the conception that men in organizing
challenges the Constitutional validity of Department Order No. 1, police power measure. The only question is whether or not it is the state and imposing upon its government limitations to
Series of 1988, of the Department of Labor and Employment, in valid under the Constitution. safeguard constitutional rights did not intend thereby to enable
the character of "GUIDELINES GOVERNING THE TEMPORARY an individual citizen or a group of citizens to obstruct
SUSPENSION OF DEPLOYMENT OF FILIPINO DOMESTIC AND The concept of police power is well-established in this jurisdiction. unreasonably the enactment of such salutary measures calculated
HOUSEHOLD WORKERS," in this petition for certiorari and It has been defined as the "state authority to enact legislation that to ensure communal peace, safety, good order, and welfare." 10
prohibition. Specifically, the measure is assailed for may interfere with personal liberty or property in order to Significantly, the Bill of Rights itself does not purport to be an
"discrimination against males or females;" 2 that it "does not promote the general welfare." 5 As defined, it consists of (1) an absolute guaranty of individual rights and liberties "Even liberty
apply to all Filipino workers but only to domestic helpers and imposition of restraint upon liberty or property, (2) in order to itself, the greatest of all rights, is not unrestricted license to act
females with similar skills;" 3 and that it is violative of the right to foster the common good. It is not capable of an exact definition according to one's will." 11 It is subject to the far more overriding
travel. It is held likewise to be an invalid exercise of the lawmaking but has been, purposely, veiled in general terms to underscore its demands and requirements of the greater number.
power, police power being legislative, and not executive, in all-comprehensive embrace.
character. Notwithstanding its extensive sweep, police power is not without
"Its scope, ever-expanding to meet the exigencies of the times, its own limitations. For all its awesome consequences, it may not
In its supplement to the petition, PASEI invokes Section 3, of even to anticipate the future where it could be done, provides be exercised arbitrarily or unreasonably. Otherwise, and in that
Article XIII, of the Constitution, providing for worker participation enough room for an efficient and flexible response to conditions event, it defeats the purpose for which it is exercised, that is, to
"in policy and decision-making processes affecting their rights and and circumstances thus assuring the greatest benefits." 6 advance the public good. Thus, when the power is used to further
benefits as may be provided by law." 4 Department Order No. 1, it private interests at the expense of the citizenry, there is a clear
is contended, was passed in the absence of prior consultations. It It finds no specific Constitutional grant for the plain reason that it misuse of the power. 12

The same, however, cannot be said of our male workers. In the

In the light of the foregoing, the petition must be dismissed. first place, there is no evidence that, except perhaps for isolated There is likewise no doubt that such a classification is germane to
instances, our men abroad have been afflicted with an identical the purpose behind the measure. Unquestionably, it is the
As a general rule, official acts enjoy a presumed validity. 13 In the predicament. The petitioner has proffered no argument that the avowed objective of Department Order No. 1 to "enhance the
absence of clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, the Government should act similarly with respect to male workers. protection for Filipino female overseas workers." 17 This Court
presumption logically stands. The Court, of course, is not impressing some male chauvinistic has no quarrel that in the midst of the terrible mistreatment
notion that men are superior to women. What the Court is saying Filipina workers have suffered abroad, a ban on deployment will
The petitioner has shown no satisfactory reason why the is that it was largely a matter of evidence (that women domestic be for their own good and welfare.
contested measure should be nullified. There is no question that workers are being ill-treated abroad in massive instances) and not
Department Order No. 1 applies only to "female contract upon some fanciful or arbitrary yardstick that the Government The Order does not narrowly apply to existing conditions. Rather,
workers," 14 but it does not thereby make an undue acted in this case. It is evidence capable indeed of unquestionable it is intended to apply indefinitely so long as those conditions
discrimination between the sexes. It is well-settled that "equality demonstration and evidence this Court accepts. The Court cannot, exist. This is clear from the Order itself ("Pending review of the
before the law" under the Constitution 15 does not import a however, say the same thing as far as men are concerned. There administrative and legal measures, in the Philippines and in the
perfect identity of rights among all men and women. It admits of is simply no evidence to justify such an inference. Suffice it to host countries . . ." 18), meaning to say that should the authorities
classifications, provided that (1) such classifications rest on state, then, that insofar as classifications are concerned, this Court arrive at a means impressed with a greater degree of
substantial distinctions; (2) they are germane to the purposes of is content that distinctions are borne by the evidence. permanency, the ban shall be lifted. As a stop-gap measure, it is
the law; (3) they are not confined to existing conditions; and (4) Discrimination in this case is justified. possessed of a necessary malleability, depending on the
they apply equally to all members of the same class. 16 circumstances of each case. Accordingly, it provides:
As we have furthermore indicated, executive determinations are
The Court is satisfied that the classification made ---- the generally final on the Court. Under a republican regime, it is the 9. LIFTING OF SUSPENSION. The Secretary of Labor and
preference for female workers ---- rests on substantial executive branch that enforces policy. For their part, the courts Employment (DOLE) may, upon recommendation of the Philippine
distinctions. decide, in the proper cases, whether that policy, or the manner by Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), lift the suspension
which it is implemented, agrees with the Constitution or the laws, in countries where there are:
As a matter of judicial notice, the Court is well aware of the but it is not for them to question its wisdom. As a co-equal body,
unhappy plight that has befallen our female labor force abroad, the judiciary has great respect for determinations of the Chief 1. Bilateral agreements or understanding with the Philippines,
especially domestic servants, amid exploitative working conditions Executive or his subalterns, especially when the legislature itself and/or,
marked by, in not a few cases, physical and personal abuse. The has specifically given them enough room on how the law should
sordid tales of maltreatment suffered by migrant Filipina workers, be effectively enforced. In the case at bar, there is no gainsaying 2. Existing mechanisms providing for sufficient safeguards to
even rape and various forms of torture, confirmed by testimonies the fact, and the Court will deal with this at greater length shortly, ensure the welfare and protection of Filipino workers. 19
of returning workers, are compelling motives for urgent that Department Order No. 1 implements the rule-making powers
Government action. As precisely the caretaker of Constitutional granted by the Labor Code. But what should be noted is the fact The Court finds, finally, the impugned guidelines to be applicable
rights, the Court is called upon to protect victims of exploitation. that in spite of such a fiction of finality, the Court is on its own to all female domestic overseas workers. That it does not apply to
In fulfilling that duty, the Court sustains the Government's efforts. persuaded that prevailing conditions indeed call for a deployment "all Filipina workers" 20 is not an argument for
ban. unconstitutionality. Had the ban been given universal

applicability, then it would have been unreasonable and arbitrary. 2. Existing mechanisms providing for sufficient safeguards to
For obvious reasons, not all of them are similarly circumstanced. 5.1 Hirings by immediate members of the family of Heads of State ensure the welfare and protection of Filipino workers. 24
What the Constitution prohibits is the singling out of a select and Government;
person or group of persons within an existing class, to the xxx xxx xxx
prejudice of such a person or group or resulting in an unfair 5.2 Hirings by Minister, Deputy Minister and the other senior
advantage to another person or group of persons. To apply the government officials; and The consequence the deployment ban has on the right to travel
ban, say exclusively to workers deployed by A, but not to those does not impair the right. The right to travel is subject, among
recruited by B, would obviously clash with the equal protection 5.3 Hirings by senior officials of the diplomatic corps and duly other things, to the requirements of "public safety," "as may be
clause of the Charter. It would be a classic case of what Chase accredited international organizations. provided by law." 25 Department Order No. 1 is a valid
refers to as a law that "takes property from A and gives it to B." 21 implementation of the Labor Code, in particular, its basic policy to
It would be an unlawful invasion of property rights and freedom 5.4 Hirings by employers in countries with whom the Philippines "afford protection to labor," 26 pursuant to the respondent
of contract and needless to state, an invalid act. 22 (Fernando have [sic] bilateral labor agreements or understanding. Department of Labor's rule-making authority vested in it by the
says: "Where the classification is based on such distinctions that Labor Code. 27 The petitioner assumes that it is unreasonable
make a real difference as infancy, sex, and stage of civilization of xxx xxx xxx simply because of its impact on the right to travel, but as we have
minority groups, the better rule, it would seem, is to recognize its stated, the right itself is not absolute. The disputed Order is a
validity only if the young, the women, and the cultural minorities 7. VACATIONING DOMESTIC HELPERS AND WORKERS OF SIMILAR valid qualification thereto.
are singled out for favorable treatment. There would be an SKILLS ---- Vacationing domestic helpers and/or workers of similar
element of unreasonableness if on the contrary their status that skills shall be allowed to process with the POEA and leave for Neither is there merit in the contention that Department Order
calls for the law ministering to their needs is made the basis of worksite only if they are returning to the same employer to finish No. 1 constitutes an invalid exercise of legislative power. It is true
discriminatory legislation against them. If such be the case, it an existing or partially served employment contract. Those that police power is the domain of the legislature, but it does not
would be difficult to refute the assertion of denial of equal workers returning to worksite to serve a new employer shall be mean that such an authority may not be lawfully delegated. As we
protection." 23 In the case at bar, the assailed Order clearly covered by the suspension and the provision of these guidelines. have mentioned, the Labor Code itself vests the Department of
accords protection to certain women workers, and not the Labor and Employment with rule-making powers in the
contrary.) xxx xxx xxx enforcement whereof. 28

It is incorrect to say that Department Order No. 1 prescribes a 9. LIFTING OF SUSPENSION ---- The Secretary of Labor and The petitioners's reliance on the Constitutional guaranty of
total ban on overseas deployment. From scattered provisions of Employment (DOLE) may, upon recommendation of the Philippine worker participation "in policy and decision-making processes
the Order, it is evident that such a total ban has not been Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), lift the suspension affecting their rights and benefits." 29 is not well-taken. The right
contemplated. We quote: in countries where there are: granted by this provision, again, must submit to the demands and
  necessities of the State's power of regulation.
5. AUTHORIZED DEPLOYMENT ---- The deployment of domestic 1. Bilateral agreements or understanding with the Philippines,
helpers and workers of similar skills defined herein to the and/or, The Constitution declares that:
following [sic] are authorized under these guidelines and are
exempted from the suspension. Sec 3. The State shall afford full protection to labor, local and

filed with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 11, Davao City, on
overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full Government has convinced the Court in this case that this is its
September 16, 1992, the trial court issued an Order suspending
employment and equality of employment opportunities for all. 30 intent. We do not find the impugned Order to be tainted with a petitioner until the termination of the case on the basis of Section
grave abuse of discretion to warrant the extraordinary relief 47, R.A. 6975, otherwise known as Department of Interior and
Local Government Act of 1990, which provides:
"Protection to labor" does not signify the promotion of prayed for.
employment alone. What concerns the Constitution more
paramountly is that such an employment be above all, decent, WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. No costs. Sec. 47. Preventive Suspension Pending Criminal Case. — Upon
just, and humane. It is bad enough that the country has to send its the filing of a complaint or information sufficient in form and
substance against a member of the PNP for grave felonies where
sons and daughters to strange lands because it cannot satisfy SO ORDERED.
the penalty imposed by law is six (6) years and one (1) day or
their employment needs at home. Under these circumstances, the more, the court shall immediately suspend the accused from
Government is duty-bound to insure that our toiling expatriates office until the case is terminated. Such case shall be subject to
continuous trial and shall be terminated within ninety (90) days
have adequate protection, personally and economically, while from arraignment of the accused (Emphasis ours).
away from home. In this case, the Government has evidence, an
evidence the petitioner cannot seriously dispute, of the lack or
inadequacy of such protection, and as part of its duty, it has Republic of the Philippines On October 11, 1993, petitioner filed a motion to lift the order for
his suspension, 3relying on Section 42 of P.D. 807 of the Civil
precisely ordered an indefinite ban on deployment.
SUPREME COURT Service Decree, that his suspension should be limited to ninety
(90) days and, also, on our ruling in Deloso v. Sandiganbayan,
The Court finds furthermore that the Government has not Manila 4and Layno v. Sandiganbayan. 5In his order dated December 14,
1993 6respondent judge denied the motion pointing out that
indiscriminately made use of its authority. It is not contested that under Section 47 of R.A. 6975, the accused shall be suspended
it has in fact removed the prohibition with respect to certain from office until his case is terminated. The motion for
EN BANC reconsideration of the order of denial was, likewise, denied.
countries as manifested by the Solicitor General.
7Hence, the petition for certiorari and mandamus to set aside the
orders of respondent Judge and to command him to lift
The non-impairment clause of the Constitution, invoked by the petitioner’s preventive suspension.
G.R. No. 113811 October 7, 1994
petitioner, must yield to the loftier purposes targetted by the We find the petition devoid of merit.
ISHMAEL HIMAGAN, petitioner,
Government.31 Freedom of contract and enterprise, like all other
There is no question that the case of petitioner who is charged
freedoms, is not free from restrictions, more so in this jurisdiction, vs.
with murder and attempted murder under the Revised Penal Code
where laissez faire has never been fully accepted as a controlling falls squarely under Sec. 47 of RA 6975 which specifically applies
to members of the PNP. In dispute however, is whether the
economic way of life. RTC, Br. 11, Davao City, respondents.
provision limits the period of suspension to 90 days, considering
Victorio S. Advincula for petitioner. that while the first sentence of Sec. 47 provides that the accused
This Court understands the grave implications the questioned who is charged with grave felonies where the penalty imposed is
KAPUNAN, J.: six (6) years and one (1) day shall be suspended from office “until
Order has on the business of recruitment. The concern of the the case is terminated”, the second sentence of the same section
Government, however, is not necessarily to maintain profits of Petitioner, a policeman assigned with the medical company of the mandates that the case, which shall be subject to continuous trial,
Philippine National Police Regional Headquarters at Camp shall be terminated within 90 days from the arraignment of the
business firms. In the ordinary sequence of events, it is profits
Catitigan, Davao City, was implicated in the killing of Benjamin accused.
that suffer as a result of Government regulation. The interest of Machitar, Jr. and the attempted murder of Bernabe Machitar.
the State is to provide a decent living to its citizens. The After the informations for murder 1and attempted murder 2were

Petitioner posits that as a member of the Philippine National day or more shall last until the termination of the case. The (1060), otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
Police, under Sec. 91 of RA 6975 which reads: suspension cannot be lifted before the termination of the case. Act which, unlike R.A. 6975, is silent on the duration of the
The second sentence of the same Section providing that the trial preventive suspension. Sec. 13 of R.A. 3019 reads as follows:
must be terminated within ninety (90) days from arraignment
does not qualify or limit the first sentence. The two can stand Suspension and loss of benefits. — Any public officer against
Sec. 91. The Civil Service Law and its implementing rules and independently of each other. The first refers to the period of whom any criminal prosecution under a valid information under
regulations shall apply to all personnel of the Department. suspension. The second deals with the time frame within which this Act or under the provisions of the Revised Penal Code on
the trial should be finished. bribery is pending in court, shall be suspended from office. Should
he be convicted by final judgment, he shall lose all retirement or
Suppose the trial is not terminated within ninety days from gratuity benefits under any law, but if he is acquitted, he shall be
he is covered by the Civil Service Law, particularly Sec. 42 of PD arraignment, should the suspension of accused be lifted? The entitled to reinstatement and to the salaries and benefits which
807 of the Civil Service Decree, which limits the maximum period answer is certainly no. While the law uses the mandatory word he failed to receive during suspension, unless in the meantime
of suspension to ninety (90) days, thus: “shall” before the phrase “be terminated within ninety (90) days”, administrative proceedings have been filed against him.
there is nothing in R.A. 6975 that suggests that the preventive
suspension of the accused will be lifted if the trial is not In the case of Layno, the duly elected mayor of Lianga, Surigao del
terminated within that period. Nonetheless, the Judge who fails Sur, was preventively suspended after an information was filed
Sec. 42. Lifting of Preventive Suspension Pending Administrative
to decide the case within the period without justifiable reason against him for offenses under R.A. 3019 (1060), the Anti-Graft
Investigation. — When the administrative case against the officer
may be subject to administrative sanctions and, in appropriate Corrupt Practices Act. He had been suspended for four (4) months
or employee under preventive suspension is not finally decided by
cases where the facts so warrant, to criminal 8or civil liability. 9 If at the time he filed a motion to lift his preventive suspension. We
the disciplining authority within the period of ninety (90) days
the trial is unreasonably delayed without fault of the accused such held that his indefinite preventive suspension violated the “equal
after the date of suspension of the respondent who is not a
that he is deprived of his right to a speedy trial, he is not without a protection clause” and shortened his term of office. Thus:
presidential appointee, the respondent shall be automatically
remedy. He may ask for the dismissal of the case. Should the
reinstated in the service; Provided, That when the delay in the 2. Petitioner is a duly elected municipal mayor of Lianga, Surigao
court refuse to dismiss the case, the accused can compel its
disposition of the case is due to the fault, negligence or petition of del Sur. His term of office does not expire until 1986. Were it not
dismissal by certiorari, prohibition or mandamus, or secure his
the respondent, the period of delay shall not be counted in for this information and the suspension decreed by the
liberty by habeas corpus. 10
computing the period of suspension herein provided. Sandiganbayan according to the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
Second. Petitioner misapplies Sec. 42 of PD 807. A meticulous Act, he would have been all this while in the full discharge of his
reading of the section clearly shows that it refers to the lifting of functions as such municipal mayor. He was elected precisely to do
preventive suspension in pending administrative investigation, not so. As of October 26, 1983, he has been unable to. It is a basic
He claims that an imposition of preventive suspension of over 90
in criminal cases, as here. What is more, Section 42 expressly assumption of the electoral process implicit in the right of suffrage
days is contrary to the Civil Service Law and would be a violation
limits the period of preventive suspension to ninety (90) days. Sec. that the people are entitled to the services of elective officials of
of his constitutional right to equal protection of laws. He further
91 of R.A. 6975 which states that “The Civil Service Law and its their choice. For misfeasance or malfeasance, any of them could,
asserts that the requirements in Sec. 47 of R.A. 6975 that “the
implementing rules shall apply to all personnel of the of course, be proceeded against administratively or, as in this
court shall immediately suspend the accused from office until the
Department” simply means that the provisions of the Civil Service instance, criminally. In either case, his culpability must be
case is terminated” and the succeeding sentence, “Such case shall
Law and its implementing rules and regulations are applicable to established. Moreover, if there be a criminal action, he is entitled
be subject to continuous trial and shall be terminated within
members of the Philippine National Police insofar as the to the constitutional presumption of innocence. A preventive
ninety (90) days from arraignment of the accused” are both
provisions, rules and regulations are not inconsistent with R.A. suspension may be justified. Its continuance, however, for an
substantive and should be taken together to mean that if the case
6975. Certainly, Section 42 of the Civil Service Decree which limits unreasonable length of time raises a due process question. For
is not terminated within 90 days, the period of preventive
the preventive suspension to ninety (90) days cannot apply to even if thereafter he were acquitted, in the meanwhile his right to
suspension must be lifted because of the command that the trial
members of the PNP because Sec. 47 of R.A. 6995 provides hold office had been nullified. Clearly, there would be in such a
must be terminated within ninety (90) days from arraignment.
differently, that is, the suspension where the penalty imposed by case an injustice suffered by him. Nor is he the only victim. There
law exceeds six (6) years shall continue until the case is is injustice inflicted likewise on the people of Lianga. They were
We disagree.
terminated. deprived of the services of the man they had elected to serve as
First. The language of the first sentence of Sec. 47 of R.A. 6975 is mayor. In that sense, to paraphrase Justice Cardozo, the
clear, plain and free from ambiguity. It gives no other meaning protracted continuance of this preventive suspension had outrun
than that the suspension from office of the member of the PNP the bounds of reason and resulted in sheer oppression. A denial of
Third. Petitioner’s reliance on Layno and Deloso is misplaced. due process is thus quite manifest. It is to avoid such an
charged with grave offense where the penalty is six years and one
These cases all stemmed from charges in violation of R.A. 3019

unconstitutional application that the order of suspension should subjected to continuous trial which shall be terminated within THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). Hindi, dahil iyong iba panay
be lifted. ninety (90) days from arraignment of the accused. As previously disciplinary iyon e.
emphasized, nowhere in the law does it say that after the lapse of
3. Nor is it solely the denial of procedural due process that is the 90-day period for trial, the preventive suspension should be SEN. PIMENTEL. Anong page iyan, Rene?
apparent. There is likewise an equal protection question. If the lifted. The law is clear, the ninety (90) days duration applies to the
case against petitioner Layno were administrative in character the trial of the case not to the suspension. Nothing else should be THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). Page 29 — Preventive
Local Government Code would be applicable. It is therein clearly read into the law. When the words and phrases of the statute are Suspension.
provided that while preventive suspension is allowable for the clear and unequivocal, their meaning determined from the
causes therein enumerated, there is this emphatic limitation on language employed and the statute must be taken to mean REP. GUTANG. Ang complaint kasi ng mga tao, pagka may pulis na
the duration thereof: “In all cases, preventive suspension shall not exactly what it says. 12 may criminal case at may baril pa rin at nag-uuniforme, hindi
extend beyond sixty days after the start of said suspension.” It magandang tingnan e. So parang natatakot iyong mga witnesses.
may be recalled that the principle against indefinite suspension Fourth. From the deliberations of the Bicameral Conference
applies equally to national government officials. So it was held in Committee on National Defense relative to the bill that became SEN. GONZALES. Anyway, kung ma-exempt na rito naman siya e.
the leading case of Garcia v. Hon. Executive Secretary. According R.A. 6975, the meaning of Section 47 of R.A. 6975 insofar as the
REP. GUTANG. Mayroong entitlement to reinstatement and
to the opinion of Justice Barrera: “To adopt the theory of period of suspension is concerned becomes all the more clear. We
pay. . . .
respondents that an officer appointed by the President, facing quote:
administrative charges, can be preventively suspended
xxx xxx xxx
indefinitely, would be to countenance a situation where the So other than that in that particular section, ano ba itong
preventive suspension can, in effect, be the penalty itself without “Jurisdiction in Criminal Cases?” What is this all about?
SEN. PIMENTEL. Dito sa “Preventive Suspension Pending Criminal
a finding of guilt after due hearing, contrary to the express Case.” Okay ito but I think we should also mandate the early
mandate of the Constitution and the Civil Service law.” Further: REP. ZAMORA. In case they are charged with crimes.
termination of the case. Ibig sabihin, okay, hindi ba “the
“In the guise of a preventive suspension, his term of office could
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). Ah, the previous one is suspension of the accused from office until the case is
be shortened and he could in effect, be removed without a finding
administrative, no. Now, if it is charged with a crime, regular terminated?” Alam naman natin ang takbo ng mga kaso rito sa
of a cause duly established after due hearing, in violation of the
courts. ating bansa e.
Constitution. Clearly then, the policy of the law mandated by the
Constitution frowns at a suspension of indefinite duration. In this REP. ZAMORA. Twenty days, okay na.
SEN. GONZALES. Ano, the courts mismo ang magsasabing . . .
particular case, the mere fact that petitioner is facing a charge
under the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act does not justify a SEN. PIMENTEL. Hindi, and ibig kong sabihin, let us just assume
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). No, the jurisdiction.
different rule of law. To do so would be to negate the safeguard of that a case can be, as Rene pointed out, can run to six years bago
the equal protection guarantee. 11 REP. ZAMORA. The jurisdiction if there is robbery.
ma-terminate, sometimes ten years pa nga e. Okay, but maybe
The case of Deloso, likewise, involved another elective official who we should mandate. . .
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). Okay. “Preventive Suspension
was preventively suspended as provincial governor, also under RA Pending Criminal Case. Upon the filing of a complaint or
3019 the Anti-Graft Law. This Court, faced with similar factual REP. ZAMORA. Continuous hearing.
informations sufficient in form and substance against a member
circumstances as in Layno, applied the ruling in the latter case “in of the PNP for grave felonies where the penalty imposed by law is
relation to the principles of due process and equal protection.” SEN. PIMENTEL. Not only that, but the case must be terminated
six years and one day or more, the court shall immediately
within a period.
suspend the accused from the office until the case is terminated.”
It is readily apparent that Section 13 of R.A. 3019 upon which the
preventive suspension of the accused in Layno and Deloso was REP. ALBANO. Ninety days na ho sa Supreme Court the trial.
REP. ALBANO. Where are we now Mr. Chairman.
based is silent with respect to the duration of the preventive
suspension, such that the suspension of the accused therein for a SEN. PIMENTEL. Ha?
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). Grave felonies ito e. Six years
prolonged and unreasonable length of time raised a due process and one day or more.
question. Not so in the instant case. Petitioner is charged with REP. ALBANO. The trial must be done within ninety days,
murder under the Revised Penal Code and it is undisputed that he SEN. SAGUISAG. Kung five years and litigation ng Supreme Court,
SEN. PIMENTEL. Ang ibig kong sabihin kung maari sanang ilagay
falls squarely under Sec. 47 of R.A. 6975 which categorically states ganoon ba and . . .?
rito that the case shall also be terminated in one year from the
that his suspension shall last until the case is terminated. The
time . . . aywan ko kung kaya nating gawin iyon.
succeeding sentence of the same section requires the case to be


REP. ALBANO. One solution, Mr. Chairman. REP. ALBANO. . . . 6975 does not violate the suspended policeman’s constitutional
right to equal protection of the laws.
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). Criminal case? Hindi ba that has What I mean to say is, preventive suspension, we can use the
all been held as directory even if you put it in the law? The equal protection clause exists to prevent undue favor or
Veloso case. privilege. It is intended to eliminate discrimination and oppression
SEN. PIMENTEL. I know, but, iyon na nga, we are looking at some based on inequality. Recognizing the existence of real differences
solution to a particular situation. THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). No, that’s too short, that’s what I among men, the equal protection clause does not demand
am saying. The feeling here is, for policeman, we have to be absolute equality. It merely requires that all persons shall be
SEN. ANGARA. Let’s have continuous hearing and be terminated stricter especially if it is a criminal case. treated alike, under like circumstances and conditions both as to
not later than ninety days. the privileges conferred and liabilities enforced. 14Thus, the equal
What Rene is just trying to say is, he is agreeable that the protection clause does not absolutely forbid classifications, such
REP. ZAMORA. Ang point ni Ernie, that’s really only the directory. suspension is until the case is terminated, but he just wants some as the one which exists in the instant case. If the classification is
All of these, well, looks exactly the same thing. administrative balancing to expedite it. So let us study what kind based on real and substantial differences; 15 is germane to the
of language could be done along that line. So just on the National purpose of the law; 16applies to all members of the same class;
SEN. ANGARA. No, but at least, we will shorten it up in a case like Police Commission . . . 17 and applies to current as well as future conditions, 18the
this. We are really keen on having it quick, swift.
classification may not be impugned as violating the Constitution’s
equal protection guarantee. A distinction based on real and
SEN. PIMENTEL. Swift justice.
reasonable considerations related to a proper legislative purpose
SEN. ANGARA. Can I suggest a language that may reflect. . .
such as that which exists here is neither unreasonable, capricious
REP. ALBANO. Mr. Chairman.
nor unfounded.
ACCORDINGLY, the petition is hereby DISMISSED.
SEN. ANGARA. “Such case shall be subject to continuous trial and
REP. ALBANO. Following the Veloso case in Anti-graft cases before be terminated not later than . . .” whatever we agree.
the Sandiganbayan, the preventive suspension is only ninety days.
In no case shall it go beyond ninety days which can also be THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). Okay, so let’s study that.
Narvasa, C.J., Cruz, Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo,
applicable here because this is a preventive suspension.
Quiason, Puno, Vitug and Mendoza, JJ., concur.
So if there are any further amendments to Chapter 2 on the
SEN. PIMENTEL. No, because you can legislate at least. National Police Commission. . . . . . 13
Feliciano, Padilla and Bidin, JJ., are on leave.
SEN. SAGUISAG. But then the case may be anti-graft ha. The case The foregoing discussions reveal the legislative intent to place on
filed against a policeman may be anti-graft in nature. . . preventive suspension a member of the PNP charged with grave
felonies where the penalty imposed by law exceeds six years of
SEN. PIMENTEL. Correct, correct, but is that a constitutional imprisonment and which suspension continues until the case  
provision? Is it? against him is terminated. ELEAZAR P. QUINTO and   G.R
REP. ALBANO. No, but as a standard procedure. The reason why members of the PNP are treated differently from Petitioners,      Pre
the other classes of persons charged criminally or administratively    
SEN. PIMENTEL. Then you can legislate. insofar as the application of the rule on preventive suspension is   PU
concerned is that policemen carry weapons and the badge of the
THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. MACEDA). No, because this particular   CO
law which can be used to harass or intimidate witnesses against
provision is for criminal cases. I know anti-graft is a criminal case   CA
them, as succinctly brought out in the legislative discussions.   CH
but here we are talking, let’s say, of murder, rape, treason,
robbery. That’s why it is in that context that there is a difference If a suspended policeman criminally charged with a serious                  - versus - NA
between a purely anti-graft case and a criminal case which could offense is reinstated to his post while his case is pending, his   LE
be a serious case since it is six years and one day or more, so it victim and the witnesses against him are obviously exposed to   BR
must be already a grave felony. constant threat and thus easily cowed to silence by the mere fact   PE
that the accused is in uniform and armed. The imposition of
xxx xxx xxx   DE
preventive suspension for over 90 days under Section 47 of R.A.

  and/or the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas at

  the price comparable with that of private
  PURPOSES.” Section 11 thereof reads: printers under proper security measures
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS,   which the Commission shall adopt. The
Respondent. SEC. 11. Official Ballot.—The Commission may contract the services of
Commission shall prescribe the size and private printers upon certification by the
x-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- form of the official ballot which shall National Printing Office/Bangko Sentral ng
---x contain the titles of the positions to be filled Pilipinas that it cannot meet the printing
  and/or the propositions to be voted upon in requirements. Accredited political parties
  an initiative, referendum or plebiscite. and deputized citizens' arms of the
DECISION Under each position, the names of Commission may assign watchers in the
  candidates shall be arranged alphabetically printing, storage and distribution of official
NACHURA, J.: by surname and uniformly printed using the ballots.
  same type size. A fixed space where the  
  chairman of the Board of Election To prevent the use of fake
inspectors shall affix his/her signature to ballots, the Commission through the
“In our predisposition to discover the ‘original intent’
authenticate the official ballot shall be Committee shall ensure that the serial
of a statute, courts become the unfeeling pillars of the status quo. provided. number on the ballot stub shall be printed
  in magnetic ink that shall be easily
Little do we realize that statutes or even constitutions are bundles detectable by inexpensive hardware and
Both sides of the ballots may be
of compromises thrown our way by their framers. Unless we used when necessary. shall be impossible to reproduce on a
  photocopying machine and that
exercise vigilance, the statute may already be out of tune and For this purpose, the deadline identification marks, magnetic strips, bar
irrelevant to our day.”[1] It is in this light that we should address for the filing of certificate of codes and other technical and security
candidacy/petition for markings, are provided on the ballot.
the instant case. registration/manifestation to participate in  
  the election shall not be later than one The official ballots shall be
Before the Court is a petition for prohibition hundred twenty (120) days before the printed and distributed to each
elections:  Provided, That, any elective city/municipality at the rate of one (1)
and certiorari, with prayer for the issuance of a temporary official, whether national or local, running ballot for every registered voter with a
for any office other than the one which provision of additional four (4) ballots per
restraining order and a writ of preliminary injunction, assailing
he/she is holding in a permanent capacity, precinct.[2]
Section 4(a) of Resolution No. 8678 of the Commission on except for president and vice president,  
shall be deemed resigned only upon the  
Elections (COMELEC). In view of pressing contemporary events,
start of the campaign period
Almost a decade thereafter, Congress amended the
the petition begs for immediate resolution. corresponding to the position for which
  he/she is running: Provided, further, That, law on January 23, 2007 by enacting R.A. No. 9369, entitled “AN
unlawful acts or omissions applicable to a
candidate shall take effect upon the start
This controversy actually stems from the law period: Provided, finally, That, for purposes
of the May 11, 1998 elections, the deadline AUTOMATED ELECTION SYSTEM IN THE MAY 11, 1998 NATIONAL
authorizing the COMELEC to use an automated election system for filing of the certificate of candidacy for OR LOCAL ELECTIONS AND IN SUBSEQUENT NATIONAL AND
(AES). the positions of President, Vice President,
On December 22, 1997, Congress enacted Republic Act registration and/or manifestation to
participate in the Party-List System shall be AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE BATAS PAMPANSA BLG. 881, AS
(R.A.) No. 8436, entitled “AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE
on February 9, 1998 while the deadline for AMEMDED, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7166 AND OTHER RELATED
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS TO USE AN AUTOMATED ELECTION the filing of certificate of candidacy for
other positions shall be on March 27, 1998. ELECTION LAWS, PROVIDING FUNDS THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER
PURPOSES.’” Section 13 of the amendatory law modified Section
printed by the National Printing Office 11 of R.A. No. 8436, thus:

  appointive office or position, including

and Nomination of Official Candidates of Registered Political
SEC. 13. Section 11 of Republic active members of the armed forces, and
Act No. 8436 is hereby amended to read as officers and employees in government- Parties in Connection with the May 10, 2010 National and Local
follows: owned or -controlled corporations, shall be
  considered ipso facto resigned from Elections. Sections 4 and 5 of Resolution No. 8678 provide:
“Section 15. Official Ballot.—The his/her office and must vacate the same at  
Commission shall prescribe the format of the start of the day of the filing of his/her SEC. 4. Effects of Filing
the electronic display and/or the size and certificate of candidacy. Certificates of Candidacy.—a) Any person
form of the official ballot, which shall   holding a public appointive office or
contain the titles of the position to be filled   position including active members of the
and/or the propositions to be voted upon in   Armed Forces of the Philippines, and other
an initiative, referendum or plebiscite.   officers and employees in government-
Where practicable, electronic displays must “Political parties may hold owned or controlled corporations, shall be
be constructed to present the names of all political conventions to nominate their considered ipso facto resigned from his
candidates for the same position in the official candidates within thirty (30) days office upon the filing of his certificate of
same page or screen, otherwise, the before the start of the period for filing a candidacy.
electronic displays must be constructed to certificate of candidacy.  
present the entire ballot to the voter, in a   b) Any person holding an
series of sequential pages, and to ensure “With respect to a paper-based elective office or position shall not be
that the voter sees all of the ballot options election system, the official ballots shall be considered resigned upon the filing of his
on all pages before completing his or her printed by the National Printing Office certificate of candidacy for the same or any
vote and to allow the voter to review and and/or the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas at other elective office or position.
change all ballot choices prior to completing the price comparable with that of private  
and casting his or her ballot. Under each printers under proper security measures SEC. 5. Period for filing
position to be filled, the names of which the Commission shall adopt. The Certificate of Candidacy.—The certificate of
candidates shall be arranged alphabetically Commission may contract the services of candidacy shall be filed on regular days,
by surname and uniformly indicated using private printers upon certification by the from November 20 to 30, 2009, during
the same type size. The maiden or married National Printing Office/Bangko Sentral ng office hours, except on the last day, which
name shall be listed in the official ballot, as Pilipinas that it cannot meet the printing shall be until midnight.
preferred by the female candidate. Under requirements. Accredited political parties  
each proposition to be vote upon, the and deputized citizens’ arms of the
choices should be uniformly indicated using Commission shall assign watchers in the Alarmed that they will be deemed ipso facto resigned
the same font and size. printing, storage and distribution of official from their offices the moment they file their CoCs, petitioners
“A fixed space where the   Eleazar P. Quinto and Gerino A. Tolentino, Jr., who hold
chairman of the board of election “To prevent the use of fake appointive positions in the government and who intend to run in
inspectors shall affix his/her signature to ballots, the Commission through the
authenticate the official ballot shall be Committee shall ensure that the necessary the coming elections,[5] filed the instant petition for prohibition
provided. safeguards, such as, but not limited to, bar
andcertiorari, seeking the declaration of the afore-quoted Section
  codes, holograms, color shifting ink,
“For this purpose, the microprinting, are provided on the ballot. 4(a) of Resolution No. 8678 as null and void.
Commission shall set the deadline for the    
filing of certificate of candidacy/petition of “The official ballots shall be
The Petitioners’ Contention
registration/manifestation to participate in printed and distributed to each
the election. Any person who files his city/municipality at the rate of one ballot
certificate of candidacy within this period for every registered voter with a provision Petitioners contend that the COMELEC gravely abused
shall only be considered as a candidate at of additional three ballots per precinct.”[3]
the start of the campaign period for which   its discretion when it issued the assailed Resolution. They aver
he filed his certificate of   that the advance filing of CoCs for the 2010 elections is intended
candidacy: Provided, That, unlawful acts or
Pursuant to its constitutional mandate to enforce and merely for the purpose of early printing of the official ballots in
omissions applicable to a candidate shall
take effect only upon the start of the administer election laws, COMELEC issued Resolution No. 8678, order to cope with time limitations. Such advance filing does not
aforesaid campaign period: Provided, [4]
finally, That any person holding a public  the Guidelines on the Filing of Certificates of Candidacy (CoC) automatically make the person who filed the CoC a candidate at


the moment of filing. In fact, the law considers him a candidate exercise of the latter’s rule-making power. Certiorari under Rule COMELEC resolution and the law. Given this scenario, the Court
only at the start of the campaign period. Petitioners then assert 65 is then an improper remedy. may step in and resolve the instant petition. 
that this being so, they should not be deemed ipso facto resigned
          On the substantive aspect, the OSG maintains that the The transcendental nature and paramount importance
from their government offices when they file their CoCs, because
COMELEC did not gravely abuse its discretion in phrasing Section of the issues raised and the compelling state interest involved in
at such time they are not yet treated by law as candidates. They
4(a) of Resolution No. 8678 for it merely copied what is in the law. their early resolution—the period for the filing of CoCs for the
should be considered resigned from their respective offices only
The OSG, however, agrees with petitioners that there is a conflict 2010 elections has already started and hundreds of civil servants
at the start of the campaign period when they are, by law, already
in Section 13 of R.A. No. 9369 that should be resolved. According intending to run for elective offices are to lose their employment,
considered as candidates.[6]
  to the OSG, there seems to be no basis to consider appointive thereby causing imminent and irreparable damage to their means
Petitioners also contend that Section 13 of R.A. No. officials as ipso facto resigned and to require them to vacate their of livelihood and, at the same time, crippling the government’s
9369, the basis of the assailed COMELEC resolution, contains two positions on the same day that they file their CoCs, because they manpower—further dictate that the Court must, for propriety, if
conflicting provisions. These must be harmonized or reconciled to are not yet considered as candidates at that time. Further, this only from a sense of obligation, entertain the petition so as to
give effect to both and to arrive at a declaration that they are “deemed resigned” provision existed in Batas Pambansa expedite the adjudication of all, especially the constitutional,
not ipso facto resigned from their positions upon the filing of their Bilang (B.P. Blg.) 881, and no longer finds a place in our present issues.
CoCs. election laws with the innovations brought about by the
  In any event, the Court has ample authority to set
automated system.[10]
Petitioners further posit that the provision considering   aside errors of practice or technicalities of procedure and resolve
them as ipso facto resigned from office upon the filing of their Our Ruling the merits of a case. Repeatedly stressed in our prior decisions is
CoCs is discriminatory and violates the equal protection clause in the principle that the Rules were promulgated to provide
[8] I.
the Constitution. guidelines for the orderly administration of justice, not to shackle
the hand that dispenses it. Otherwise, the courts would be
At first glance, the petition suffers from an incipient
The Respondent’s Arguments
consigned to being mere slaves to technical rules, deprived of
  procedural defect. What petitioners assail in their petition is a
their judicial discretion.[14]
          On the procedural aspect of the petition, the Office of the resolution issued by the COMELEC in the exercise of its quasi-
Solicitor General (OSG), representing respondent COMELEC, legislative power. Certiorari under Rule 65, in relation to Rule 64,
argues that petitioners have no legal standing to institute the cannot be availed of, because it is a remedy to question decisions,  
suit.  Petitioners have not yet filed their CoCs, hence, they are not resolutions and issuances made in the exercise of a judicial or To put things in their proper perspective, it is
yet affected by the assailed provision in the COMELEC resolution. quasi-judicial function.  Prohibition is also an inappropriate imperative that we trace the brief history of the assailed
The OSG further claims that the petition is premature or unripe remedy, because what petitioners actually seek from the Court is provision. Section 4(a) of COMELEC Resolution No. 8678 is a
for judicial determination.  Petitioners have admitted that they a determination of the proper construction of a statute and a reproduction of the second proviso in the third paragraph of
are merely planning to file their CoCs for the coming 2010 declaration of their rights thereunder. Obviously, their petition is Section 13 of R.A. No. 9369, which for ready reference is quoted
elections. Their interest in the present controversy is thus merely one for declaratory relief,  over which this Court does not as follows:
speculative and contingent upon the filing of the same. The OSG exercise original jurisdiction.
For this purpose, the
likewise contends that petitioners availed of the wrong remedy.   Commission shall set the deadline for the
filing of certificate of candidacy/petition for
They are questioning an issuance of the COMELEC made in the However, petitioners raise a challenge on the registration/manifestation to participate in
constitutionality of the questioned provisions of both the the election. Any person who files his
certificate of candidacy within this period

shall only be considered as a candidate at notwithstanding the filing of certificate of corporations, whether such office by
the start of the campaign period for which candidacy, subject to the pleasure of the appointive or elective, shall be considered
he filed his certificate of President of the Philippines. to have resigned from such office from the
candidacy: Provided, That, unlawful acts or   moment of the filing of such certificate of
omissions applicable to a candidate shall   candidacy.
take effect only upon the start of the
Much earlier, R.A. No. 6388, or the Election Code of  
aforesaid campaign period: Provided,
finally, That any person holding a public 1971, likewise stated in its Section 23 the following: Significantly, however, C.A. No. 666, entitled “AN ACT TO
appointive office or position, including
active members of the armed forces, and   PROVIDE FOR THE FIRST ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE-
officers and employees in government- SECTION 23. Candidates Holding
owned or -controlled corporations, shall be Appointive Office or Position. — Every
considered ipso facto resigned from person holding a public appointive office or THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, UNDER THE CONSTITUTION
his/her office and must vacate the same at position, including active members of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines and every AND THE AMENDMENTS THEREOF,” enacted without executive
the start of the day of the filing of his/her
certificate of candidacy.[15] officer or employee in government-owned approval on June 22, 1941, the precursor of C.A. No. 725, only
  or controlled corporations, shall ipso
facto cease in his office or position on the provided for automatic resignation of elective, but not appointive,
date he files his certificate of candidacy: officials.
Notably, this proviso is not present in Section 11 of Provided, That the filing of a certificate of
candidacy shall not affect whatever civil,  
R.A. No. 8436, the law amended by R.A. No. 9369. The proviso
criminal or administrative liabilities which Nevertheless, C.A. No. 357, or the Election Code
was lifted from Section 66 ofB.P. Blg. 881 or the Omnibus Election he may have incurred.
approved on August 22, 1938, had, in its Section 22, the same
Code (OEC) of the Philippines, which reads:  
  verbatim provision as Section 26 of R.A. No. 180.
Going further back in history, R.A. No. 180, or the  
Sec. 66. Candidates holding
appointive office or position.—Any person Revised Election Code approved on June 21, 1947, also provided The earliest recorded Philippine law on the subject is
holding a public appointive office or
position, including active members of the that— Act No. 1582, or the Election Law enacted by the Philippine
Armed Forces of the Philippines, and  
SECTION 26. Automatic cessation Commission in 1907, the last paragraph of Section 29 of which
officers and employees in government-
owned or controlled corporations, shall be of appointive officers and employees who
considered ipso facto resigned from his are candidates. — Every person holding a
office upon the filing of his certificate of public appointive office or position
Sec. 29. Penalties upon officers.
candidacy. shall ipso facto cease in his office or position
— x x x.
  on the date he files his certificate of
No public officer shall offer
  himself as a candidate for election, nor shall
It may be recalled—in inverse chronology—that
he be eligible during the time that he holds
earlier, Presidential Decree No. 1296, or the 1978 Election Code, During the Commonwealth era, Commonwealth Act said public office to election, at any
(C.A.) No. 725, entitled “AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE NEXT municipal, provincial or Assembly election,
contained a similar provision, thus—
except for reelection to the position which
  ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE he may be holding, and no judge of the
SECTION 29. Candidates holding
PHILIPPINES, SENATORS AND MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF Court of First Instance, justice of the peace,
appointive office or position. — Every
provincial fiscal, or officer or employee of
person holding a public appointive office or REPRESENTATIVES, AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS the Bureau of Constabulary or of the
position, including active members of the
THEREFOR,” approved on January 5, 1946, contained, in the last Bureau of Education shall aid any candidate
Armed Forces of the Philippines, and
or influence in any manner or take any part
officers and employees in government- paragraph of its Section 2, the following: in any municipal, provincial, or Assembly
owned or controlled corporations, shall ipso   election under penalty of being deprived of
facto cease in his office or position on the A person occupying any civil office by his office and being disqualified to hold any
date he files his certificate of candidacy. appointment in the government or any of public office whatever for a term of five
Members of the Cabinet shall continue in its political subdivisions or agencies or years: Provided, however, That the
the offices they presently hold government-owned or controlled foregoing provisions shall not be construed

to deprive any person otherwise qualified   of government. Of course, the answer is,
of the right to vote at any election.             Senator Osmeña.  I see. the reason why we are special is that we are
    elected.  Since we are imposing a
              Senator Gordon.  I guess the disqualification on all other government
intention is not to give them undue officials except ourselves, I think, it is the
From this brief historical excursion, it may be gleaned
advantage, especially certain people. better part of delicadeza to inhibit
that the second proviso in the third paragraph of Section 13 of   ourselves as well, so that if we want to stay
            Senator Osmeña.  All right.[16] as senators, we wait until our term
R.A. No. 9369—that any person holding a public appointive office expires.  But  if we want to run for some
or position, including active members of the armed forces, and other elective office during our term, then
In that Senate deliberation, however, Senator Miriam we have to be considered resigned just like
officers, and employees in government-owned or controlled everybody else.  That is my proposed
Defensor-Santiago expressed her concern over the inclusion of amendment.  But if it is unacceptable to the
corporations, shall be considered ipso facto resigned from his/her
the said provision in the new law, given that the same would be distinguished Sponsor, because of
office and must vacate the same at the start of the day of the sensitivity to the convictions of the rest of
disadvantageous and unfair to potential candidates holding our colleagues, I will understand. 
filing of his/her certificate of candidacy—traces its roots to the
appointive positions, while it grants a consequent preferential  
period of the American occupation.             Senator Gordon. Mr. President, I
  treatment to elective officials, thus— think the suggestion is well-thought of.  It is
  a good policy.  However, this is something
In fact, during the deliberations of Senate Bill No. 2231,             Senator Santiago.  On page 15, line that is already in the old law which was
the bill later to be consolidated with House Bill No. 5352 and 31, I know that this is a losing cause, so I upheld by the Supreme court in a recent
make this point more as a matter of record case that the rider was not upheld and that
enacted as R.A. No. 9369,Senator Richard Gordon, the principal than of any feasible hope that it can it was valid.[17]
author of the bill, acknowledged that the said proviso in the possibly be either accepted or if we come to  
a division of the House, it will be upheld by  
proposed legislative measure is an old provision which was merely the majority.
  The obvious inequality brought about by the provision
copied from earlier existing legislation, thus—
            I am referring to page 15, line on automatic resignation of appointive civil servants must have
  21.  The proviso begins:  “PROVIDED
            Senator Osmeña.  May I just opine FINALLY, THAT ANY PERSON HOLDING A been the reason why Senator Recto proposed the inclusion of the
here and perhaps obtain the opinion of the PUBLIC APPOINTIVE OFFICE…SHALL BE following during the period of amendments: “ANY PERSON WHO
good Sponsor.  This reads like, “ANY CONSIDERED IPSO FACTO RESIGNED FROM
CONSIDERED IPSO FACTO RESIGNED”             The point that I made during the
[which means that the prohibition extends appropriate debate in the past in this Hall is CAMPAIGN PERIOD FOR WHICH HE FILED HIS COC.” [18] The said
only to appointive officials] “INCLUDING that there is, for me, no valid reason for
ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES, proviso seems to mitigate the situation of disadvantage afflicting
exempting elective officials from this
OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES”… This is a inhibition or disqualification imposed by the appointive officials by considering persons who filed their CoCs as
prohibition, Mr. President.  This means if law.  If we are going to consider appointive
one is chairman of SSS or PDIC, he is officers of the government, including AFP candidates only at the start of the campaign period, thereby,
deemed ipso facto resigned when he files members and officers of government- conveying the tacit intent that persons holding appointive
his certificate of candidacy.  Is that the owned and controlled corporations, or any
intention? other member of the appointive sector of positions will only be considered as resigned at the start of the
  the civil service, why should it not apply to campaign period when they are already treated by law as
            Senator Gordon.  This is really an old the elective sector for, after all, even
provision, Mr. President. senators and congressmen are members of candidates.
  the civil service as well?  
            Senator Osmeña.  It is in bold letters,  
so I think it was a Committee amendment.             Further, it is self-serving for the Parenthetically, it may be remembered that Section 67
  Senate, or for the Congress in general, to
of the OEC and Section 11 of R.A. No. 8436 contained a similar
            Senator Gordon.  No, it has always give an exception to itself which is not
been there. available to other similarly situated officials provision on automatic resignation of elective officials upon the


territory within which take part in any election except to

filing of their CoCs for any office other than that which they hold
it is to operate.  It vote.  Under the same provision, elective
in a permanent capacity or for President or Vice-President. does not demand officials, or officers or employees holding
absolute equality political offices, are obviously expressly
However, with the enactment of R.A. No. 9006, or the Fair among residents; it allowed to take part in political and
Election Act,[19] in 2001, this provision was repealed by Section merely requires that electoral activities.
all persons shall be  
14[20] of the said act. There was, thus, created a situation of treated alike, under By repealing Section 67 but
obvious discrimination against appointive officials who were like circumstances retaining Section 66 of the Omnibus
and conditions both Election Code, the legislators deemed it
deemed ipso facto resigned from their offices upon the filing of as to privileges proper to treat these two classes of officials
their CoCs, while elective officials were not. conferred and differently with respect to the effect on
liabilities their tenure in the office of the filing of the
  enforced.  The equal certificates of candidacy for any position
protection clause is other than those occupied by them.  Again,
This situation was incidentally addressed by the Court
not infringed by it is not within the power of the Court to
in Fariñas v. The Executive Secretary [21] when it ruled that— legislation which pass upon or look into the wisdom of this
applies only to those classification.
persons falling within  
Section 14 of Rep. Act No. 9006
a specified class, if it Since the classification justifying
Is Not Violative of the Equal
applies alike to all Section 14 of Rep. Act No. 9006, i.e., elected
Protection Clause of the Constitution
persons within such officials vis-a-vis appointive officials, is
class, and reasonable anchored upon material and significant
The petitioners’ contention, that
grounds exist for distinctions and all the persons belonging
the repeal of Section 67 of the Omnibus
making a distinction under the same classification are similarly
Election Code pertaining to elective officials
between those who treated, the equal protection clause of the
gives undue benefit to such officials as
fall within such class Constitution is, thus, not infringed.[22]
against the appointive ones and violates the
and those who do  
equal protection clause of the constitution,
is tenuous.
  However, it must be remembered that the Court,
Substantial distinctions clearly
The equal protection of the law
exist between elective officials and in Fariñas, was intently focused on the main issue of whether the
clause in the Constitution is not absolute,
appointive officials. The former occupy their
but is subject to reasonable classification.  If repealing clause in the Fair Election Act was a constitutionally
office by virtue of the mandate of the
the groupings are characterized by
electorate. They are elected to an office for proscribed rider, in that it unwittingly failed to ascertain with
substantial distinctions that make real
a definite term and may be removed
differences, one class may be treated and stricter scrutiny the impact of the retention of the provision on
therefrom only upon stringent conditions.
regulated differently from the other. The
On the other hand, appointive officials hold automatic resignation of persons holding appointive positions
Court has explained the nature of the equal
their office by virtue of their designation
protection guarantee in this manner: (Section 66) in the OEC, vis-à-vis the equal protection
thereto by an appointing authority.  Some
appointive officials hold their office in a clause.  Moreover, the Court’s vision inFariñas was shrouded by
The equal
permanent capacity and are entitled to
protection of the law the fact that petitioners therein, Fariñas et al., never posed a
security of tenure while others serve at the
clause is against
pleasure of the appointing authority.
undue favor and direct challenge to the constitutionality of Section 66 of the OEC.
individual or class
Another substantial distinction Fariñas et al. rather merely questioned, on constitutional grounds,
privilege, as well as
between the two sets of officials is that
hostile discrimination the repealing clause, or Section 14 of the Fair Election Act. The
under Section 55, Chapter 8, Title I,
or the oppression of
Subsection A. Civil Service Commission, Court’s afore-quoted declaration in Fariñas may then very well be
inequality.  It is not
Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987
intended to prohibit considered as an obiter dictum.
(Executive Order No. 292), appointive
legislation which is  
officials, as officers and employees in the
limited either in the
civil service, are strictly prohibited from III.
object to which it is
engaging in any partisan political activity or  
directed or by

  done in a manner consistent with a

The instant case presents a rare opportunity for the
narrowly defined concept of public order
In any event, in recent cases, this Court has relaxed the
Court, in view of the constitutional challenge advanced by and safety. The choice of means will likely
stringent direct injury test and has observed a liberal policy depend on the amount of time and energy
petitioners, once and for all, to settle the issue of whether the the individual wishes to expend and on his
allowing ordinary citizens, members of Congress, and civil perception as to the most effective method
second proviso in the third paragraph of Section 13 of R.A. No.
organizations to prosecute actions involving the constitutionality of projecting his message to the public. But
9369, a reproduction of Section 66 of the OEC, which, as shown interest and commitment are evolving
or validity of laws, regulations and rulings.[26] phenomena. What is an effective means for
above, was based on provisions dating back to the American
  protest at one point in time may not seem
occupation, is violative of the equal protection clause. so effective at a later date. The dilettante
We have also stressed in our prior decisions that the
  who participates in a picket line may decide
exercise by this Court of judicial power is limited to the to devote additional time and resources to
But before delving into the constitutional issue, we
determination and resolution of actual cases and controversies. his expressive activity. As his commitment
shall first address the issues on legal standing and on the increases, the means of effective expression
 The Court, in this case, finds that an actual case or controversy changes, but the expressive quality remains
existence of an actual controversy.
constant. He may decide to lead the picket
exists between the petitioners and the COMELEC, the body
  line, or to publish the newspaper. At one
charged with the enforcement and administration of all election point in time he may decide that the most
Central to the determination of locus standi is the
effective way to give expression to his views
laws. Petitioners have alleged in a precise manner that they would
question of whether a party has alleged such a personal stake in and to get the attention of an appropriate
engage in the very acts that would trigger the enforcement of the audience is to become a candidate for
the outcome of the controversy as to assure that concrete public office-means generally considered
provision—they would file their CoCs and run in the 2010 among the most appropriate for those
adverseness which sharpens the presentation of issues upon
elections. Given that the assailed provision provides for ipso desiring to effect change in our
which the court so largely depends for illumination of difficult governmental systems. He may seek to
facto resignation upon the filing of the CoC, it cannot be said that become a candidate by filing in a general
constitutional questions.[23] In this case, petitioners allege that
it presents only a speculative or hypothetical obstacle to election as an independent or by seeking
they will be directly affected by COMELEC Resolution No. 8678 for the nomination of a political party. And in
petitioners’ candidacy.[28] the latter instance, the individual's
they intend, and they all have the qualifications, to run in the
  expressive activity has two dimensions:
2010 elections. The OSG, for its part, contends that since besides urging that his views be the views
  of the elected public official, he is also
petitioners have not yet filed their CoCs, they are not yet
attempting to become a spokesman for a
candidates; hence, they are not yet directly affected by the Having hurdled what the OSG posed as obstacles to political party whose substantive program
extends beyond the particular office in
assailed provision in the COMELEC resolution. judicial review, the Court now delves into the constitutional
question. But Cranston has said that a
challenge. certain type of its citizenry, the public
The Court, nevertheless, finds that, while petitioners   employee, may not become a candidate
and may not engage in any campaign
are not yet candidates, they have the standing to raise the It is noteworthy to point out that the right to run for
activity that promotes himself as a
constitutional challenge, simply because they are qualified voters. public office touches on two fundamental freedoms, those of candidate for public office. Thus the city has
stifled what may be the most important
A restriction on candidacy, such as the challenged measure expression and of association. This premise is best explained expression an individual can summon,
herein, affects the rights of voters to choose their public officials. in Mancuso v. Taft,[29] viz.: namely that which he would be willing to
  effectuate, by means of concrete public
The rights of voters and the rights of candidates do not lend Freedom of expression action, were he to be selected by the
themselves to neat separation; laws that affect candidates always guarantees to the individual the voters.
opportunity to write a letter to the local  
have at least some theoretical, correlative effect on voters. [24] The newspaper, speak out in a public park, It is impossible to ignore the
Court believes that both candidates and voters may challenge, on distribute handbills advocating radical additional fact that the right to run for
reform, or picket an official building to seek office also affects the freedom to associate.
grounds of equal protection,  the assailed measure because of its redress of grievances. All of these activities In Williams v. Rhodes, supra, the Court used
are protected by the First Amendment if strict review to invalidate an Ohio election
impact on voting rights.[25]

system that made it virtually impossible for public office was the preserve of the
The first requirement means that there must be real
third parties to secure a place on the ballot. professional and the wealthy. Consequently
The Court found that the First Amendment we hold that candidacy is both a protected and substantial differences between the classes treated
protected the freedom to associate by First Amendment right and a fundamental
forming and promoting a political party and interest. Hence any legislative classification differently. As illustrated in the fairly recentMirasol v. Department
that that freedom was infringed when the that significantly burdens that interest must of Public Works and Highways,[31] a real and substantial distinction
state effectively denied a party access to its be subjected to strict equal protection
electoral machinery. The Cranstoncharter review.[30] exists between a motorcycle and other motor vehicles sufficient
provision before us also affects   to justify its classification among those prohibited from plying the
associational rights, albeit in a slightly  
different way. An individual may decide to toll ways. Not all motorized vehicles are created equal—a two-
       Here, petitioners’ interest in running for public office, an
join or participate in an organization or wheeled vehicle is less stable and more easily overturned than a
political party that shares his beliefs. He interest protected by Sections 4 and 8 of Article III of the
may even form a new group to forward his four-wheel vehicle.
ideas. And at some juncture his supporters Constitution, is breached by the proviso in Section 13 of R.A. No.
and fellow party members may decide that 9369. It is now the opportune time for the Court to strike down
he is the ideal person to carry the group's Nevertheless, the classification would still be invalid if
standard into the electoral fray. To thus the said proviso for being violative of the equal protection clause
it does not comply with the second requirement—if it is not
restrict the options available to political and for being overbroad.
organization as the Cranston charter   germane to the purpose of the law. Justice Isagani A. Cruz (Ret.),
provision has done is to limit the
effectiveness of association; and the           In considering persons holding appointive positions as ipso in his treatise on constitutional law, explains,
freedom to associate is intimately related  
facto resigned from their posts upon the filing of their CoCs, but             The classification, even if based on
with the concept of making expression
effective. Party access to the ballot not considering as resigned all other civil servants, specifically the substantial distinctions, will still be invalid if
becomes less meaningful if some of those it is not germane to the purpose of the law.
elective ones, the law unduly discriminates against the first class. To illustrate, the accepted difference in
selected by party machinery to carry the
party's programs to the people are The fact alone that there is substantial distinction between those physical stamina between men and women
precluded from doing so because those will justify the prohibition of the latter from
who hold appointive positions and those occupying elective posts, employment as miners or stevedores or in
nominees are civil servants.
  other heavy and strenuous work. On the
does not justify such differential treatment.
Whether the right to run for basis of this same classification, however,
office is looked at from the point of view of the law cannot provide for a lower passing
individual expression or associational           In order that there can be valid classification so that a average for women in the bar examinations
effectiveness, wide opportunities exist for because physical strength is not the test for
discriminatory  governmental act may pass the constitutional
the individual who seeks public office. The admission to the legal profession. Imported
fact of candidacy alone may open norm of equal protection, it is necessary that the four (4) cars may be taxed at a higher rate than
previously closed doors of the media. The locally assembled automobiles for the
requisites of valid classification be complied with, namely: protection of the national economy, but
candidate may be invited to discuss his  
views on radio talk shows; he may be able their difference in origin is no justification
to secure equal time on television to (1)  It must be based upon substantial for treating them differently when it comes
elaborate his campaign program; the to punishing violations of traffic regulations.
distinctions; The source of the vehicle has no relation to
newspapers may cover his candidacy; he
may be invited to debate before various (2)  It must be germane to the purposes of the the observance of these rules.[32]
groups that had theretofore never heard of  
him or his views. In short, the fact of
candidacy opens up a variety of (3)  It must not be limited to existing conditions           The third requirement means that the classification must be
communicative possibilities that are not
only; and enforced not only for the present but as long as the problem
available to even the most diligent of
picketers or the most loyal of party (4)  It must apply equally to all members of the sought to be corrected continues to exist. And, under the last
followers. A view today, that running for
class. requirement, the classification would be regarded as invalid if all
public office is not an interest protected by
the First Amendment, seems to us an
outlook stemming from an earlier era when

office he was seeking to extract special

the members of the class are not treated similarly, both as to running this time, let us say, for President, retains his position
favors from his superiors, the civil service
rights conferred and obligations imposed.[33] during the entire election period and can still use the resources of would be done irreparable injury.
  Conversely, members of the public, fellow-
his office to support his campaign.  employees, or supervisors might
          Applying the four requisites to the instant case, the Court themselves request favors from the
finds that the differential treatment of persons holding appointive candidate or might improperly adjust their
As to the danger of neglect, inefficiency or partisanship own official behavior towards him. Even if
offices as opposed to those holding elective ones is not germane none of these abuses actually materialize,
in the discharge of the functions of his appointive office, the
to the purposes of the law. the possibility of their occurrence might
inverse could be just as true and compelling.  The public officer seriously erode the public's confidence in its
who files his certificate of candidacy would be driven by a greater public employees. For the reputation of
          The obvious reason for the challenged provision is to impartiality is probably as crucial as the
impetus for excellent performance to show his fitness for the impartiality itself; the knowledge that a
prevent the use of a governmental position to promote one’s
clerk in the assessor's office who is running
position aspired for.
candidacy, or even to wield a dangerous or coercive influence on for the local zoning board has access to
confidential files which could provide
the electorate. The measure is further aimed at promoting the
          Mancuso v. Taft,[35] cited above, explains that the measure “pressure” points for furthering his
efficiency, integrity, and discipline of the public service by campaign is destructive regardless of
on automatic resignation, which restricts the rights of civil
whether the clerk actually takes advantage
eliminating the danger that the discharge of official duty would be
servants to run for office—a right inextricably linked to their of his opportunities. For all of these reasons
motivated by political considerations rather than the welfare of we find that the state indeed has a
freedom of expression and association, is not reasonably compelling interest in maintaining the
the public.[34] The restriction is also justified by the proposition honesty and impartiality of its public work
necessary to the satisfaction of the state interest. Thus, in striking
that the entry of civil servants to the electoral arena, while still in force.
down a similar measure in the United States, Mancuso succinctly  
office, could result in neglect or inefficiency in the performance of We do not, however, consider
duty because they would be attending to their campaign rather the exclusionary measure taken
  by Cranston-a flat prohibition on office-
than to their office work. In proceeding to the second seeking of all kinds by all kinds of public
  stage of active equal protection review, employees-as even reasonably necessary to
however, we do see some contemporary satisfaction of this state interest. As Justice
          If we accept these as the underlying objectives of the law,
relevance of the Mitchell decision. National Marshall pointed out in Dunn v.
then the assailed provision cannot be constitutionally rescued on Ass'n of Letter Carriers, supra. In order for Blumstein, “[s]tatutes affecting
the Cranston charter provision to withstand constitutional rights must be drawn with
the ground of valid classification. Glaringly absent is the requisite strict scrutiny, the city must show that the ‘precision.’” For three sets of reasons we
that the classification must be germane to the purposes of the exclusion of all government employees conclude that the Cranston charter
from candidacy is necessary to achieve a provision pursues its objective in a far too
law. Indeed, whether one holds an appointive office or an elective compelling state interest. And, as stated heavy-handed manner and hence must fall
one, the evils sought to be prevented by the measure remain. For in Mitchell and other cases dealing with under the equal protection clause. First, we
similar statutes, see Wisconsin State think the nature of the regulation-a broad
example, the Executive Secretary, or any Member of the Cabinet Employees, supra; Broadrick, supra, prophylactic rule-may be unnecessary to
for that matter, could wield the same influence as the Vice- government at all levels has a substantial fulfillment of the city's objective. Second,
interest in protecting the integrity of its civil even granting some sort of prophylactic rule
President who at the same time is appointed to a Cabinet post (in service. It is obviously conceivable that the may be required, the provision here
impartial character of the civil service would prohibits candidacies for all types of public
the recent past, elected Vice-Presidents were appointed to take
be seriously jeopardized if people in office, including many which would pose
charge of national housing, social welfare development, interior positions of authority used their discretion none of the problems at which the law is
to forward their electoral ambitions rather aimed. Third, the provision excludes the
and local government, and foreign affairs). With the fact that they
than the public welfare. Similarly if a public candidacies of all types of public
both head executive offices, there is no valid justification to treat employee pressured other fellow employees, without any attempt to limit
employees to engage in corrupt practices in exclusion to those employees whose
them differently when both file their CoCs for the elections. Under return for promises of post-election reward, positions make them vulnerable to
the present state of our law, the Vice-President, in the example, or if an employee invoked the power of the corruption and conflicts of interest.

  its imposition of one year and three month

state interest to restrict the fundamental right involved on such a
  residency requirements before a citizen
sweeping scale.[36] could vote. Justice Marshall stated, inter
There is thus no valid justification to treat appointive
  alia, that Tennessee had available a number
officials differently from the elective ones.  The classification of criminal statutes that could be used to
Specific evils require specific treatments, not through punish voter fraud without unnecessary
simply fails to meet the test that it should be germane to the infringement on the newcomer's right to
overly broad measures that unduly restrict guaranteed freedoms
purposes of the law.  The measure encapsulated in the second vote. Similarly, it appears from the record in
of the citizenry. After all, sovereignty resides in the people, and all this case that the Cranston charter contains
proviso of the third paragraph of Section 13 of R.A. No. 9369 and some provisions that might be used against
governmental power emanates from them.
inSection 66 of the OEC violates the equal protection clause.   opportunistic public employees.
Mancuso v. Taft,[37] on this point, instructs— Even if some sort of prophylactic
V.   rule is necessary, we cannot say
  As to approaches less restrictive that Cranston has put much effort into
than a prophylactic rule, there exists the tailoring a narrow provision that attempts
          The challenged provision also suffers from the infirmity of
device of the leave of absence. Some to match the prohibition with the problem.
being overbroad. system of leaves of absence would permit The charter forbids a Cranston public
  the public employee to take time off to employee from running for any office,
pursue his candidacy while assuring him his anywhere. The prohibition is not limited
First, the provision pertains to all civil servants holding old job should his candidacy be to the local offices of Cranston, but rather
appointive posts without distinction as to whether they occupy unsuccessful. Moreover, a leave of absence extends to statewide offices and even to
policy would eliminate many of the national offices. It is difficult for us to see
high positions in government or not. Certainly, a utility worker in opportunities for engaging in the that a public employee running for the
the government will also be considered as ipso facto resigned questionable practices that the statute is United States Congress poses quite the
designed to prevent. While campaigning, same threat to the civil service as would the
once he files his CoC for the 2010 elections. This scenario is the candidate would feel no conflict same employee if he were running for a
absurd for, indeed, it is unimaginable how he can use his position between his desire for election and his local office where the contacts and
publicly entrusted discretion, nor any information provided by his job related
in the government to wield influence in the political world.  conflict between his efforts to persuade the directly to the position he was seeking, and
public and his access to confidential hence where the potential for various
documents. But instead of adopting a abuses was greater. Nor does
While it may be admitted that most appointive officials reasonable leave of absence the Cranston charter except the public
policy, Cranston has chosen a provision that employee who works in Cranston but
who seek public elective office are those who occupy relatively
makes the public employee cast off the aspires to office in another local jurisdiction,
high positions in government, laws cannot be legislated for them security of hard-won public employment most probably his town of residence. Here
should he desire to compete for elected again the charter precludes candidacies
alone, or with them alone in mind.  For the right to seek public office. which can pose only a remote threat to the
elective office is universal, open and unrestrained, subject only to   civil service. Finally, the charter does not
The city might also promote its limit its prohibition to partisan office-
the qualification standards prescribed in the Constitution and in interest in the integrity of the civil service seeking, but sterilizes also those public
the laws.  These qualifications are, as we all know, general and by enforcing, through dismissal, discipline, employees who would seek nonpartisan
or criminal prosecution, rules or statutes elective office. The statute reviewed
basic so as to allow the widest participation of the citizenry and to that treat conflict of interests, bribery, or in Mitchell was limited to partisan political
give free rein for the pursuit of one’s highest aspirations to public other forms of official corruption. By thus activity, and since that time other courts
attacking the problem directly, instead of have found the partisan-nonpartisan
office.  Such is the essence of democracy. using a broad prophylactic rule, the city distinction a material one. See Kinnear,
  could pursue its objective without unduly supra; Wisconsin StateEmployees,
burdening the First Amendment rights of its supra; Gray v. Toledo, supra. While the line
Second, the provision is directed to the activity of
employees and the voting rights of its between nonpartisan and partisan can
seeking any and all public offices, whether they be partisan or citizens. Last term in Dunn v. Blumstein, the often be blurred by systems whose true
Supreme Court faced an analogous question characters are disguised by the names given
nonpartisan in character, whether they be in the national,
when the State of Tennessee asserted that them by their architects, it seems clear that
municipal or barangay level. Congress has not shown a compelling the interest of “ballot box purity” justified the concerns of a truly partisan office and

the temptations it fosters are sufficiently the work of others. Although it is

and, thus, uphold fundamental liberties over age-old, but barren,
different from those involved in an office indisputable that the city has a compelling
removed from regular party politics to interest in the performance of official work, restrictions to such freedoms.
warrant distinctive treatment in a charter of the exclusion is not well-tailored to  
this sort. effectuate that interest. Presumably the city
  could fire the individual if he clearly shirks WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition
The third and last area of his employment responsibilities or disrupts is GRANTED. The second proviso in the third paragraph of Section
excessive and overinclusive coverage of the work of others. Also, the efficiency
the Cranston charter relates not to the type rationale common to both arguments is 13 of Republic Act No. 9369, Section 66 of the Omnibus Election
of office sought, but to the type of significantly underinclusive. It applies Code and Section 4(a) of COMELEC Resolution No. 8678 are
employee seeking the office. As Justice equally well to a number of non-political,
Douglas pointed out in his dissent extracurricular activities that are not declared as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
in Mitchell,  330 U.S. at 120-126, 67 S.Ct. prohibited by the Cranston charter. Finally,  
556, restrictions on administrative the connection between after-hours  
employees who either participate in campaigning and the state interest seems  
decision-making or at least have some tenuous; in many cases a public employee
access to information concerning policy would be able to campaign aggressively and Republic of the Philippines
matters are much more justifiable than still continue to do his job well.[38] SUPREME COURT
restrictions on industrial employees, who,   Manila
but for the fact that the government owns  
the plant they work in, are, for purposes of
Incidentally, Clements v. Fashing[39] sustained as EN BANC
access to official information, identically
situated to all other industrial workers. constitutional a provision on the automatic resignation of District
Thus, a worker in the Philadelphia mint G.R. No. 192935               December 7, 2010
could be distinguished from a secretary in Clerks, County Clerks, County Judges, County Treasurers, Criminal
an office of the Department of Agriculture; District Attorneys, County Surveyors, Inspectors of Hides and LOUIS "BAROK" C. BIRAOGO, Petitioner, 
so also could a janitor in the public schools
Animals, County Commissioners, Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, vs.
of Cranston be distinguished from an
assistant comptroller of the same city. A Assessors and Collectors of Taxes, District Attorneys, County
second line of distinction that focuses on
the type of employee is illustrated by the Attorneys, Public Weighers, and Constables if they announce their x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
cases of Kinnear and Minielly, supra. In both candidacy or if they become candidates in any general, special or
of these cases a civil service deputy decided
G.R. No. 193036
to run for the elected office of sheriff. The primary election.
courts in both cases felt that the no-  
candidacy laws in question were much too REP. EDCEL C. LAGMAN, REP. RODOLFO B. ALBANO, JR., REP.
In Clements, it may be readily observed that a
broad and indicated that perhaps the only SIMEON A. DATUMANONG, and REP. ORLANDO B. FUA,
situation sensitive enough to justify a flat provision treating differently particular officials, as distinguished SR., Petitioners, 
rule was one in which an inferior in a public vs.
from all others, under a classification that is germane to the EXECUTIVE SECRETARY PAQUITO N. OCHOA, JR. and
office electorally challenged his immediate
superior. Given all these considerations, we purposes of the law, merits the stamp of approval from American DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT SECRETARY
think Cranston has not given adequate FLORENCIO B. ABAD, Respondents.
attention to the problem of narrowing the courts.  Not, however, a general and sweeping provision, and
terms of its charter to deal with the specific more so one violative of the second requisite for a valid DECISION
kinds of conflict-of-interest problems it
seeks to avoid. classification, which is on its face unconstitutional.
    MENDOZA, J.:
We also do not find convincing On a final note, it may not be amiss to state that the
the arguments that after-hours When the judiciary mediates to allocate constitutional
campaigning will drain the energy of the Americans, from whom we copied the provision in question, had boundaries, it does not assert any superiority over the other
public employee to the extent that he is already stricken down a similar measure for being departments; it does not in reality nullify or invalidate an act of
incapable of performing his job effectively the legislature, but only asserts the solemn and sacred obligation
and that inevitable on-the-job campaigning unconstitutional. It is high-time that we, too, should follow suit assigned to it by the Constitution to determine conflicting claims
and discussion of his candidacy will disrupt of authority under the Constitution and to establish for the parties

in an actual controversy the rights which that instrument secures the Philippine Truth Commission of 2010 (Truth Commission). NOW, THEREFORE, I, BENIGNO SIMEON AQUINO III, President of
and guarantees to them. Pertinent provisions of said executive order read: the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in
me by law, do hereby order:
--- Justice Jose P. Laurel1 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 1
CREATING THE PHILIPPINE TRUTH COMMISSION OF 2010 SECTION 1. Creation of a Commission. – There is hereby created
the PHILIPPINE TRUTH COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as
The role of the Constitution cannot be overlooked. It is through
the "COMMISSION," which shall primarily seek and find the truth
the Constitution that the fundamental powers of government are WHEREAS, Article XI, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution of the
on, and toward this end, investigate reports of graft and
established, limited and defined, and by which these powers are Philippines solemnly enshrines the principle that a public office is
corruption of such scale and magnitude that shock and offend the
distributed among the several departments.2 The Constitution is a public trust and mandates that public officers and employees,
moral and ethical sensibilities of the people, committed by public
the basic and paramount law to which all other laws must who are servants of the people, must at all times be accountable
officers and employees, their co-principals, accomplices and
conform and to which all persons, including the highest officials of to the latter, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity,
accessories from the private sector, if any, during the previous
the land, must defer.3 Constitutional doctrines must remain loyalty and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead
administration; and thereafter recommend the appropriate action
steadfast no matter what may be the tides of time. It cannot be modest lives;
or measure to be taken thereon to ensure that the full measure of
simply made to sway and accommodate the call of situations and
justice shall be served without fear or favor.
much more tailor itself to the whims and caprices of government
WHEREAS, corruption is among the most despicable acts of
and the people who run it.4
defiance of this principle and notorious violation of this mandate;
The Commission shall be composed of a Chairman and four (4)
members who will act as an independent collegial body.
For consideration before the Court are two consolidated
WHEREAS, corruption is an evil and scourge which seriously
cases5 both of which essentially assail the validity and
affects the political, economic, and social life of a nation; in a very
constitutionality of Executive Order No. 1, dated July 30, 2010, SECTION 2. Powers and Functions. – The Commission, which shall
special way it inflicts untold misfortune and misery on the poor,
entitled "Creating the Philippine Truth Commission of 2010." have all the powers of an investigative body under Section 37,
the marginalized and underprivileged sector of society;
Chapter 9, Book I of the Administrative Code of 1987, is primarily
tasked to conduct a thorough fact-finding investigation of
The first case is G.R. No. 192935, a special civil action for
WHEREAS, corruption in the Philippines has reached very reported cases of graft and corruption referred to in Section 1,
prohibition instituted by petitioner Louis Biraogo (Biraogo) in his
alarming levels, and undermined the people’s trust and involving third level public officers and higher, their co-principals,
capacity as a citizen and taxpayer. Biraogo assails Executive Order
confidence in the Government and its institutions; accomplices and accessories from the private sector, if any, during
No. 1 for being violative of the legislative power of Congress
the previous administration and thereafter submit its finding and
under Section 1, Article VI of the Constitution6 as it usurps the
WHEREAS, there is an urgent call for the determination of the recommendations to the President, Congress and the
constitutional authority of the legislature to create a public office
truth regarding certain reports of large scale graft and corruption Ombudsman.
and to appropriate funds therefor.7
in the government and to put a closure to them by the filing of the
appropriate cases against those involved, if warranted, and to In particular, it shall:
The second case, G.R. No. 193036, is a special civil action for
deter others from committing the evil, restore the people’s faith
certiorari and prohibition filed by petitioners Edcel C. Lagman,
and confidence in the Government and in their public servants;
Rodolfo B. Albano Jr., Simeon A. Datumanong, and Orlando B. a) Identify and determine the reported
Fua, Sr. (petitioners-legislators) as incumbent members of the cases of such graft and corruption which it
House of Representatives. WHEREAS, the President’s battlecry during his campaign for the will investigate;
Presidency in the last elections "kung walang corrupt, walang
mahirap" expresses a solemn pledge that if elected, he would end
The genesis of the foregoing cases can be traced to the events b) Collect, receive, review and evaluate
corruption and the evil it breeds;
prior to the historic May 2010 elections, when then Senator evidence related to or regarding the cases
Benigno Simeon Aquino III declared his staunch condemnation of of large scale corruption which it has
graft and corruption with his slogan, "Kung walang corrupt, WHEREAS, there is a need for a separate body dedicated solely to chosen to investigate, and to this end
walang mahirap." The Filipino people, convinced of his sincerity investigating and finding out the truth concerning the reported require any agency, official or employee of
and of his ability to carry out this noble objective, catapulted the cases of graft and corruption during the previous administration, the Executive Branch, including
good senator to the presidency. and which will recommend the prosecution of the offenders and government-owned or controlled
secure justice for all; corporations, to produce documents,
books, records and other papers;
To transform his campaign slogan into reality, President Aquino
found a need for a special body to investigate reported cases of WHEREAS, Book III, Chapter 10, Section 31 of Executive Order No.
graft and corruption allegedly committed during the previous 292, otherwise known as the Revised Administrative Code of the c) Upon proper request or representation,
administration. Philippines, gives the President the continuing authority to obtain information and documents from the
reorganize the Office of the President. Senate and the House of Representatives
records of investigations conducted by
Thus, at the dawn of his administration, the President on July 30,
committees thereof relating to matters or
2010, signed Executive Order No. 1 establishing

subjects being investigated by the j) Promulgate its rules and regulations or SECTION 14. Term of the Commission. – The Commission shall
Commission; rules of procedure it deems necessary to accomplish its mission on or before December 31, 2012.
effectively and efficiently carry out the
objectives of this Executive Order and to
d) Upon proper request and representation, SECTION 15. Publication of Final Report. – x x x.
ensure the orderly conduct of its
obtain information from the courts,
investigations, proceedings and hearings,
including the Sandiganbayan and the Office
including the presentation of evidence; SECTION 16. Transfer of Records and Facilities of the
of the Court Administrator, information or
Commission. – x x x.
documents in respect to corruption cases
filed with the Sandiganbayan or the regular k) Exercise such other acts incident to or are
courts, as the case may be; appropriate and necessary in connection SECTION 17. Special Provision Concerning Mandate. If and when
with the objectives and purposes of this in the judgment of the President there is a need to expand the
Order. mandate of the Commission as defined in Section 1 hereof to
e) Invite or subpoena witnesses and take
include the investigation of cases and instances of graft and
their testimonies and for that purpose,
corruption during the prior administrations, such mandate may be
administer oaths or affirmations as the case SECTION 3. Staffing Requirements. – x x x.
so extended accordingly by way of a supplemental Executive
may be;
SECTION 4. Detail of Employees. – x x x.
f) Recommend, in cases where there is a
SECTION 18. Separability Clause. If any provision of this Order is
need to utilize any person as a state witness
SECTION 5. Engagement of Experts. – x x x declared unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity
to ensure that the ends of justice be fully
and effectivity of the other provisions hereof.
served, that such person who qualifies as a
state witness under the Revised Rules of SECTION 6. Conduct of Proceedings. – x x x.
Court of the Philippines be admitted for SECTION 19. Effectivity. – This Executive Order shall take effect
that purpose; immediately.
SECTION 7. Right to Counsel of Witnesses/Resource Persons. – x
x x.
g) Turn over from time to time, for DONE in the City of Manila, Philippines, this 30th day of July 2010.
expeditious prosecution, to the appropriate SECTION 8. Protection of Witnesses/Resource Persons. – x x x.
prosecutorial authorities, by means of a (SGD.) BENIGNO S. AQUINO III
special or interim report and By the President:
recommendation, all evidence on SECTION 9. Refusal to Obey Subpoena, Take Oath or Give
corruption of public officers and employees Testimony. – Any government official or personnel who, without
and their private sector co-principals, lawful excuse, fails to appear upon subpoena issued by the (SGD.) PAQUITO N. OCHOA, JR.
accomplices or accessories, if any, when in Commission or who, appearing before the Commission refuses to Executive Secretary
the course of its investigation the take oath or affirmation, give testimony or produce documents
Commission finds that there is reasonable for inspection, when required, shall be subject to administrative
Nature of the Truth Commission
ground to believe that they are liable for disciplinary action. Any private person who does the same may be
graft and corruption under pertinent dealt with in accordance with law.
applicable laws; As can be gleaned from the above-quoted provisions, the
Philippine Truth Commission (PTC) is a mere ad hoc body formed
SECTION 10. Duty to Extend Assistance to the Commission. – x x
under the Office of the President with the primary task to
h) Call upon any government investigative x.
investigate reports of graft and corruption committed by third-
or prosecutorial agency such as the level public officers and employees, their co-principals,
Department of Justice or any of the SECTION 11. Budget for the Commission. – The Office of the accomplices and accessories during the previous administration,
agencies under it, and the Presidential Anti- President shall provide the necessary funds for the Commission to and thereafter to submit its finding and recommendations to the
Graft Commission, for such assistance and ensure that it can exercise its powers, execute its functions, and President, Congress and the Ombudsman. Though it has been
cooperation as it may require in the perform its duties and responsibilities as effectively, efficiently, described as an "independent collegial body," it is essentially an
discharge of its functions and duties; and expeditiously as possible. entity within the Office of the President Proper and subject to his
control. Doubtless, it constitutes a public office, as an ad hoc body
i) Engage or contract the services of is one.8
SECTION 12. Office. – x x x.
resource persons, professionals and other
personnel determined by it as necessary to To accomplish its task, the PTC shall have all the powers of an
carry out its mandate; SECTION 13. Furniture/Equipment. – x x x.
investigative body under Section 37, Chapter 9, Book I of the
Administrative Code of 1987. It is not, however, a quasi-judicial


body as it cannot adjudicate, arbitrate, resolve, settle, or render justice. When we allow crimes to go unpunished, we give consent (f) The creation of the "Truth Commission" is an
awards in disputes between contending parties. All it can do is to their occurring over and over again." exercise in futility, an adventure in partisan hostility, a
gather, collect and assess evidence of graft and corruption and launching pad for trial/conviction by publicity and a
make recommendations. It may have subpoena powers but it has mere populist propaganda to mistakenly impress the
The Thrusts of the Petitions
no power to cite people in contempt, much less order their arrest. people that widespread poverty will altogether vanish
Although it is a fact-finding body, it cannot determine from such if corruption is eliminated without even addressing the
facts if probable cause exists as to warrant the filing of an Barely a month after the issuance of Executive Order No. 1, the other major causes of poverty.
information in our courts of law. Needless to state, it cannot petitioners asked the Court to declare it unconstitutional and to
impose criminal, civil or administrative penalties or sanctions. enjoin the PTC from performing its functions. A perusal of the
(g) The mere fact that previous commissions were not
arguments of the petitioners in both cases shows that they are
constitutionally challenged is of no moment because
essentially the same. The petitioners-legislators summarized them
The PTC is different from the truth commissions in other countries neither laches nor estoppel can bar an eventual
in the following manner:
which have been created as official, transitory and non-judicial question on the constitutionality and validity of an
fact-finding bodies "to establish the facts and context of serious executive issuance or even a statute."13
violations of human rights or of international humanitarian law in (a) E.O. No. 1 violates the separation of powers as it
a country’s past."9 They are usually established by states emerging arrogates the power of the Congress to create a public
In their Consolidated Comment,14 the respondents, through the
from periods of internal unrest, civil strife or authoritarianism to office and appropriate funds for its operation.
Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), essentially questioned the
serve as mechanisms for transitional justice.
legal standing of petitioners and defended the assailed executive
(b) The provision of Book III, Chapter 10, Section 31 of order with the following arguments:
Truth commissions have been described as bodies that share the the Administrative Code of 1987 cannot legitimize E.O.
following characteristics: (1) they examine only past events; (2) No. 1 because the delegated authority of the President
1] E.O. No. 1 does not arrogate the powers of Congress
they investigate patterns of abuse committed over a period of to structurally reorganize the Office of the President to
to create a public office because the President’s
time, as opposed to a particular event; (3) they are temporary achieve economy, simplicity and efficiency does not
executive power and power of control necessarily
bodies that finish their work with the submission of a report include the power to create an entirely new public
include the inherent power to conduct investigations
containing conclusions and recommendations; and (4) they are office which was hitherto inexistent like the "Truth
to ensure that laws are faithfully executed and that, in
officially sanctioned, authorized or empowered by the Commission."
any event, the Constitution, Revised Administrative
State.10"Commission’s members are usually empowered to
Code of 1987 (E.O. No. 292), 15 Presidential Decree
conduct research, support victims, and propose policy (c) E.O. No. 1 illegally amended the Constitution and (P.D.) No. 141616 (as amended by P.D. No. 1772), R.A.
recommendations to prevent recurrence of crimes. Through their pertinent statutes when it vested the "Truth No. 9970,17 and settled jurisprudence that authorize
investigations, the commissions may aim to discover and learn Commission" with quasi-judicial powers duplicating, if the President to create or form such bodies.
more about past abuses, or formally acknowledge them. They not superseding, those of the Office of the
may aim to prepare the way for prosecutions and recommend Ombudsman created under the 1987 Constitution and
institutional reforms."11 2] E.O. No. 1 does not usurp the power of Congress to
the Department of Justice created under the
appropriate funds because there is no appropriation
Administrative Code of 1987.
but a mere allocation of funds already appropriated by
Thus, their main goals range from retribution to reconciliation.
The Nuremburg and Tokyo war crime tribunals are examples of a (d) E.O. No. 1 violates the equal protection clause as it
retributory or vindicatory body set up to try and punish those selectively targets for investigation and prosecution
responsible for crimes against humanity. A form of a 3] The Truth Commission does not duplicate or
officials and personnel of the previous administration
reconciliatory tribunal is the Truth and Reconciliation Commission supersede the functions of the Office of the
as if corruption is their peculiar species even as it
of South Africa, the principal function of which was to heal the Ombudsman (Ombudsman) and the Department of
excludes those of the other administrations, past and
wounds of past violence and to prevent future conflict by Justice (DOJ), because it is a fact-finding body and not
present, who may be indictable.
providing a cathartic experience for victims. a quasi-judicial body and its functions do not duplicate,
supplant or erode the latter’s jurisdiction.
(e) The creation of the "Philippine Truth Commission of
The PTC is a far cry from South Africa’s model. The latter placed 2010" violates the consistent and general international
more emphasis on reconciliation than on judicial retribution, 4] The Truth Commission does not violate the equal
practice of four decades wherein States constitute
while the marching order of the PTC is the identification and protection clause because it was validly created for
truth commissions to exclusively investigate human
punishment of perpetrators. As one writer12 puts it: laudable purposes.
rights violations, which customary practice forms part
of the generally accepted principles of international
The order ruled out reconciliation. It translated the Draconian law which the Philippines is mandated to adhere to The OSG then points to the continued existence and validity of
code spelled out by Aquino in his inaugural speech: "To those who pursuant to the Declaration of Principles enshrined in other executive orders and presidential issuances creating similar
talk about reconciliation, if they mean that they would like us to the Constitution. bodies to justify the creation of the PTC such as Presidential
simply forget about the wrongs that they have committed in the Complaint and Action Commission(PCAC) by President Ramon B.
past, we have this to say: There can be no reconciliation without Magsaysay, Presidential Committee on Administrative

Performance Efficiency(PCAPE) by President Carlos P. Garcia and The OSG attacks the legal personality of the petitioners-legislators Locus standi is defined as "a right of appearance in a court of
Presidential Agency on Reform and Government to file their petition for failure to demonstrate their personal justice on a given question." In private suits, standing is governed
Operations (PARGO)by President Ferdinand E. Marcos.18 stake in the outcome of the case. It argues that the petitioners by the "real-parties-in interest" rule as contained in Section 2,
have not shown that they have sustained or are in danger of Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended. It
sustaining any personal injury attributable to the creation of the provides that "every action must be prosecuted or defended in
From the petitions, pleadings, transcripts, and memoranda, the
PTC. Not claiming to be the subject of the commission’s the name of the real party in interest." Accordingly, the "real-
following are the principal issues to be resolved:
investigations, petitioners will not sustain injury in its creation or party-in interest" is "the party who stands to be benefited or
as a result of its proceedings.20 injured by the judgment in the suit or the party entitled to the
1. Whether or not the petitioners have the legal avails of the suit." Succinctly put, the plaintiff’s standing is based
standing to file their respective petitions and question on his own right to the relief sought.
The Court disagrees with the OSG in questioning the legal
Executive Order No. 1;
standing of the petitioners-legislators to assail Executive Order
No. 1. Evidently, their petition primarily invokes usurpation of the The difficulty of determining locus standi arises in public suits.
2. Whether or not Executive Order No. 1 violates the power of the Congress as a body to which they belong as Here, the plaintiff who asserts a "public right" in assailing an
principle of separation of powers by usurping the members. This certainly justifies their resolve to take the cudgels allegedly illegal official action, does so as a representative of the
powers of Congress to create and to appropriate funds for Congress as an institution and present the complaints on the general public. He may be a person who is affected no differently
for public offices, agencies and commissions; usurpation of their power and rights as members of the from any other person. He could be suing as a "stranger," or in the
legislature before the Court. As held in Philippine Constitution category of a "citizen," or ‘taxpayer." In either case, he has to
3. Whether or not Executive Order No. 1 supplants the Association v. Enriquez,21 adequately show that he is entitled to seek judicial protection. In
powers of the Ombudsman and the DOJ; other words, he has to make out a sufficient interest in the
vindication of the public order and the securing of relief as a
To the extent the powers of Congress are impaired, so is the
"citizen" or "taxpayer.
4. Whether or not Executive Order No. 1 violates the power of each member thereof, since his office confers a right to
equal protection clause; and participate in the exercise of the powers of that institution.
Case law in most jurisdictions now allows both "citizen" and
"taxpayer" standing in public actions. The distinction was first laid
5. Whether or not petitioners are entitled to injunctive An act of the Executive which injures the institution of Congress
down in Beauchamp v. Silk, where it was held that the plaintiff in
relief. causes a derivative but nonetheless substantial injury, which can
a taxpayer’s suit is in a different category from the plaintiff in a
be questioned by a member of Congress. In such a case, any
citizen’s suit. In the former, the plaintiff is affected by the
member of Congress can have a resort to the courts.
Essential requisites for judicial review expenditure of public funds, while in the latter, he is but the mere
instrument of the public concern. As held by the New York
Indeed, legislators have a legal standing to see to it that the Supreme Court in People ex rel Case v. Collins: "In matter of mere
Before proceeding to resolve the issue of the constitutionality of prerogative, powers and privileges vested by the Constitution in public right, however…the people are the real parties…It is at least
Executive Order No. 1, the Court needs to ascertain whether the their office remain inviolate. Thus, they are allowed to question the right, if not the duty, of every citizen to interfere and see that
requisites for a valid exercise of its power of judicial review are the validity of any official action which, to their mind, infringes on a public offence be properly pursued and punished, and that a
present. their prerogatives as legislators.22 public grievance be remedied." With respect to taxpayer’s
suits, Terr v. Jordan held that "the right of a citizen and a taxpayer
Like almost all powers conferred by the Constitution, the power of With regard to Biraogo, the OSG argues that, as a taxpayer, he has to maintain an action in courts to restrain the unlawful use of
judicial review is subject to limitations, to wit: (1) there must be no standing to question the creation of the PTC and the budget public funds to his injury cannot be denied."
an actual case or controversy calling for the exercise of judicial for its operations.23 It emphasizes that the funds to be used for
power; (2) the person challenging the act must have the standing the creation and operation of the commission are to be taken However, to prevent just about any person from seeking judicial
to question the validity of the subject act or issuance; otherwise from those funds already appropriated by Congress. Thus, the interference in any official policy or act with which he disagreed
stated, he must have a personal and substantial interest in the allocation and disbursement of funds for the commission will not with, and thus hinders the activities of governmental agencies
case such that he has sustained, or will sustain, direct injury as a entail congressional action but will simply be an exercise of the engaged in public service, the United State Supreme Court laid
result of its enforcement; (3) the question of constitutionality President’s power over contingent funds. down the more stringent "direct injury" test in Ex Parte Levitt,
must be raised at the earliest opportunity; and (4) the issue of later reaffirmed inTileston v. Ullman. The same Court ruled that
constitutionality must be the very lis mota of the case.19 for a private individual to invoke the judicial power to determine
As correctly pointed out by the OSG, Biraogo has not shown that
he sustained, or is in danger of sustaining, any personal and direct the validity of an executive or legislative action, he must show
Among all these limitations, only the legal standing of the injury attributable to the implementation of Executive Order No. that he has sustained a direct injury as a result of that action,
petitioners has been put at issue. 1. Nowhere in his petition is an assertion of a clear right that may and it is not sufficient that he has a general interest common to
justify his clamor for the Court to exercise judicial power and to all members of the public.
Legal Standing of the Petitioners wield the axe over presidential issuances in defense of the
Constitution. The case of David v. Arroyo24 explained the deep- This Court adopted the "direct injury" test in our jurisdiction.
seated rules on locus standi. Thus: In People v. Vera, it held that the person who impugns the validity


of a statute must have "a personal and substantial interest in the specific law that authorizes the President to create a truth for rule making, adjudication and licensing purposes42 and in order
case such that he has sustained, or will sustain direct injury as a commission.33 He adds that Section 31 of the Administrative Code to be informed on matters which he is entitled to know.43
result." The Vera doctrine was upheld in a litany of cases, such of 1987, granting the President the continuing authority to
as, Custodio v. President of the Senate, Manila Race Horse reorganize his office, cannot serve as basis for the creation of a
The OSG also cites the recent case of Banda v. Ermita,44 where it
Trainers’ Association v. De la Fuente, Pascual v. Secretary of Public truth commission considering the aforesaid provision merely uses
was held that the President has the power to reorganize the
Works and Anti-Chinese League of the Philippines v. verbs such as "reorganize," "transfer," "consolidate," "merge,"
offices and agencies in the executive department in line with his
Felix. [Emphases included. Citations omitted] and "abolish."34 Insofar as it vests in the President the plenary
constitutionally granted power of control and by virtue of a valid
power to reorganize the Office of the President to the extent of
delegation of the legislative power to reorganize executive offices
creating a public office, Section 31 is inconsistent with the
Notwithstanding, the Court leans on the doctrine that "the rule on under existing statutes.
principle of separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution
standing is a matter of procedure, hence, can be relaxed for
and must be deemed repealed upon the effectivity thereof. 35
nontraditional plaintiffs like ordinary citizens, taxpayers, and
Thus, the OSG concludes that the power of control necessarily
legislators when the public interest so requires, such as when the
includes the power to create offices. For the OSG, the President
matter is of transcendental importance, of overreaching Similarly, in G.R. No. 193036, petitioners-legislators argue that the
may create the PTC in order to, among others, put a closure to the
significance to society, or of paramount public interest."25 creation of a public office lies within the province of Congress and
reported large scale graft and corruption in the government.45
not with the executive branch of government. They maintain that
the delegated authority of the President to reorganize under
Thus, in Coconut Oil Refiners Association, Inc. v. Torres,26 the
Section 31 of the Revised Administrative Code: 1) does not permit The question, therefore, before the Court is this: Does the
Court held that in cases of paramount importance where serious
the President to create a public office, much less a truth creation of the PTC fall within the ambit of the power to
constitutional questions are involved, the standing requirements
commission; 2) is limited to the reorganization of the reorganize as expressed in Section 31 of the Revised
may be relaxed and a suit may be allowed to prosper even where
administrative structure of the Office of the President; 3) is Administrative Code? Section 31 contemplates "reorganization"
there is no direct injury to the party claiming the right of judicial
limited to the restructuring of the internal organs of the Office of as limited by the following functional and structural lines: (1)
review. In the first Emergency Powers Cases, 27 ordinary citizens
the President Proper, transfer of functions and transfer of restructuring the internal organization of the Office of the
and taxpayers were allowed to question the constitutionality of
agencies; and 4) only to achieve simplicity, economy and President Proper by abolishing, consolidating or merging units
several executive orders although they had only an indirect and
efficiency.36 Such continuing authority of the President to thereof or transferring functions from one unit to another; (2)
general interest shared in common with the public.
reorganize his office is limited, and by issuing Executive Order No. transferring any function under the Office of the President to any
1, the President overstepped the limits of this delegated other Department/Agency or vice versa; or (3) transferring any
The OSG claims that the determinants of transcendental authority. agency under the Office of the President to any other
importance28 laid down in CREBA v. ERC and Meralco29are non- Department/Agency or vice versa. Clearly, the provision refers to
existent in this case. The Court, however, finds reason in Biraogo’s reduction of personnel, consolidation of offices, or abolition
The OSG counters that there is nothing exclusively legislative
assertion that the petition covers matters of transcendental thereof by reason of economy or redundancy of functions. These
about the creation by the President of a fact-finding body such as
importance to justify the exercise of jurisdiction by the Court. point to situations where a body or an office is already existent
a truth commission. Pointing to numerous offices created by past
There are constitutional issues in the petition which deserve the but a modification or alteration thereof has to be effected. The
presidents, it argues that the authority of the President to create
attention of this Court in view of their seriousness, novelty and creation of an office is nowhere mentioned, much less envisioned
public offices within the Office of the President Proper has long
weight as precedents. Where the issues are of transcendental and in said provision. Accordingly, the answer to the question is in the
been recognized.37 According to the OSG, the Executive, just like
paramount importance not only to the public but also to the negative.
the other two branches of government, possesses the inherent
Bench and the Bar, they should be resolved for the guidance of
authority to create fact-finding committees to assist it in the
all.30 Undoubtedly, the Filipino people are more than interested to
performance of its constitutionally mandated functions and in the To say that the PTC is borne out of a restructuring of the Office of
know the status of the President’s first effort to bring about a
exercise of its administrative functions.38 This power, as the OSG the President under Section 31 is a misplaced supposition, even in
promised change to the country. The Court takes cognizance of
explains it, is but an adjunct of the plenary powers wielded by the the plainest meaning attributable to the term "restructure"– an
the petition not due to overwhelming political undertones that
President under Section 1 and his power of control under Section "alteration of an existing structure." Evidently, the PTC was not
clothe the issue in the eyes of the public, but because the Court
17, both of Article VII of the Constitution.39 part of the structure of the Office of the President prior to the
stands firm in its oath to perform its constitutional duty to settle
enactment of Executive Order No. 1. As held in Buklod ng
legal controversies with overreaching significance to society.
Kawaning EIIB v. Hon. Executive Secretary,46
It contends that the President is necessarily vested with the
power to conduct fact-finding investigations, pursuant to his duty
Power of the President to Create the Truth Commission
to ensure that all laws are enforced by public officials and But of course, the list of legal basis authorizing the President to
employees of his department and in the exercise of his authority reorganize any department or agency in the executive branch
In his memorandum in G.R. No. 192935, Biraogo asserts that the to assume directly the functions of the executive department, does not have to end here. We must not lose sight of the very
Truth Commission is a public office and not merely an adjunct bureau and office, or interfere with the discretion of his source of the power – that which constitutes an express grant of
body of the Office of the President.31 Thus, in order that the officials.40 The power of the President to investigate is not limited power. Under Section 31, Book III of Executive Order No. 292
President may create a public office he must be empowered by to the exercise of his power of control over his subordinates in the (otherwise known as the Administrative Code of 1987), "the
the Constitution, a statute or an authorization vested in him by executive branch, but extends further in the exercise of his other President, subject to the policy in the Executive Office and in
law. According to petitioner, such power cannot be powers, such as his power to discipline subordinates,41 his power order to achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency, shall have the
presumed32 since there is no provision in the Constitution or any continuing authority to reorganize the administrative structure of

the Office of the President." For this purpose, he may transfer the Clearly, as it was only for the purpose of providing manageability x x x. The 1987 Constitution, however, brought back the
functions of other Departments or Agencies to the Office of the and resiliency during the interim, P.D. No. 1416, as amended by presidential system of government and restored the separation of
President. In Canonizado v. Aguirre [323 SCRA 312 (2000)], we P.D. No. 1772, became functus oficio upon the convening of the legislative, executive and judicial powers by their actual
ruled that reorganization "involves the reduction of personnel, First Congress, as expressly provided in Section 6, Article XVIII of distribution among three distinct branches of government with
consolidation of offices, or abolition thereof by reason of the 1987 Constitution. In fact, even the Solicitor General agrees provision for checks and balances.
economy or redundancy of functions." It takes place when there is with this view. Thus:
an alteration of the existing structure of government offices or
It would not be accurate, however, to state that "executive
units therein, including the lines of control, authority and
ASSOCIATE JUSTICE CARPIO: Because P.D. 1416 was enacted was power" is the power to enforce the laws, for the President is head
responsibility between them. The EIIB is a bureau attached to the
the last whereas clause of P.D. 1416 says "it was enacted to of state as well as head of government and whatever powers
Department of Finance. It falls under the Office of the President.
prepare the transition from presidential to parliamentary. Now, in inhere in such positions pertain to the office unless the
Hence, it is subject to the President’s continuing authority to
a parliamentary form of government, the legislative and executive Constitution itself withholds it. Furthermore, the Constitution
reorganize. [Emphasis Supplied]
powers are fused, correct? itself provides that the execution of the laws is only one of the
powers of the President. It also grants the President other powers
In the same vein, the creation of the PTC is not justified by the that do not involve the execution of any provision of law, e.g., his
President’s power of control. Control is essentially the power to power over the country's foreign relations.
alter or modify or nullify or set aside what a subordinate officer
had done in the performance of his duties and to substitute the ASSOCIATE JUSTICE CARPIO: That is why, that P.D. 1416 was
On these premises, we hold the view that although the 1987
judgment of the former with that of the latter.47 Clearly, the issued. Now would you agree with me that P.D. 1416 should not
Constitution imposes limitations on the exercise ofspecific powers
power of control is entirely different from the power to create be considered effective anymore upon the promulgation,
of the President, it maintains intact what is traditionally
public offices. The former is inherent in the Executive, while the adoption, ratification of the 1987 Constitution.
considered as within the scope of "executive power." Corollarily,
latter finds basis from either a valid delegation from Congress, or
the powers of the President cannot be said to be limited only to
his inherent duty to faithfully execute the laws. SOLICITOR GENERAL CADIZ: Not the whole of P.D. [No.] 1416, the specific powers enumerated in the Constitution. In other
Your Honor. words, executive power is more than the sum of specific powers
The question is this, is there a valid delegation of power from so enumerated.
Congress, empowering the President to create a public office? ASSOCIATE JUSTICE CARPIO: The power of the President to
reorganize the entire National Government is deemed repealed, It has been advanced that whatever power inherent in the
According to the OSG, the power to create a truth commission at least, upon the adoption of the 1987 Constitution, correct. government that is neither legislative nor judicial has to be
pursuant to the above provision finds statutory basis under P.D. executive. x x x.
1416, as amended by P.D. No. 1772.48 The said law granted the SOLICITOR GENERAL CADIZ: Yes, Your Honor.50
President the continuing authority to reorganize the national
Indeed, the Executive is given much leeway in ensuring that our
government, including the power to group, consolidate bureaus
While the power to create a truth commission cannot pass muster laws are faithfully executed. As stated above, the powers of the
and agencies, to abolish offices, to transfer functions, to create
on the basis of P.D. No. 1416 as amended by P.D. No. 1772, the President are not limited to those specific powers under the
and classify functions, services and activities, transfer
creation of the PTC finds justification under Section 17, Article VII Constitution.53 One of the recognized powers of the President
appropriations, and to standardize salaries and materials. This
of the Constitution, imposing upon the President the duty to granted pursuant to this constitutionally-mandated duty is the
decree, in relation to Section 20, Title I, Book III of E.O. 292 has
ensure that the laws are faithfully executed. Section 17 reads: power to create ad hoc committees. This flows from the obvious
been invoked in several cases such as Larin v. Executive
need to ascertain facts and determine if laws have been faithfully
executed. Thus, in Department of Health v. Camposano,54 the
Section 17. The President shall have control of all the executive authority of the President to issue Administrative Order No. 298,
The Court, however, declines to recognize P.D. No. 1416 as a departments, bureaus, and offices. He shall ensure that the laws creating an investigative committee to look into the
justification for the President to create a public office. Said decree be faithfully executed. (Emphasis supplied). administrative charges filed against the employees of the
is already stale, anachronistic and inoperable. P.D. No. 1416 was a Department of Health for the anomalous purchase of medicines
delegation to then President Marcos of the authority to As correctly pointed out by the respondents, the allocation of was upheld. In said case, it was ruled:
reorganize the administrative structure of the national power in the three principal branches of government is a grant of
government including the power to create offices and transfer all powers inherent in them. The President’s power to conduct The Chief Executive’s power to create the Ad hoc Investigating
appropriations pursuant to one of the purposes of the decree, investigations to aid him in ensuring the faithful execution of laws Committee cannot be doubted. Having been constitutionally
embodied in its last "Whereas" clause: – in this case, fundamental laws on public accountability and granted full control of the Executive Department, to which
transparency – is inherent in the President’s powers as the Chief respondents belong, the President has the obligation to ensure
WHEREAS, the transition towards the parliamentary form of Executive. That the authority of the President to conduct that all executive officials and employees faithfully comply with
government will necessitate flexibility in the organization of the investigations and to create bodies to execute this power is not the law. With AO 298 as mandate, the legality of the investigation
national government. explicitly mentioned in the Constitution or in statutes does not is sustained. Such validity is not affected by the fact that the
mean that he is bereft of such authority.51 As explained in the investigating team and the PCAGC had the same composition, or
landmark case of Marcos v. Manglapus: 52

that the former used the offices and facilities of the latter in judiciary and must be clearly authorized by the legislature in the accompanied by the authority of applying the law to the factual
conducting the inquiry. [Emphasis supplied] case of administrative agencies. conclusions to the end that the controversy may be decided or
resolved authoritatively, finally and definitively, subject to appeals
or modes of review as may be provided by law.60 Even
It should be stressed that the purpose of allowing ad hoc The distinction between the power to investigate and the power
respondents themselves admit that the commission is bereft of
investigating bodies to exist is to allow an inquiry into matters to adjudicate was delineated by the Court in Cariño v. Commission
any quasi-judicial power.61
which the President is entitled to know so that he can be properly on Human Rights.59 Thus:
advised and guided in the performance of his duties relative to
the execution and enforcement of the laws of the land. And if Contrary to petitioners’ apprehension, the PTC will not supplant
"Investigate," commonly understood, means to examine, explore,
history is to be revisited, this was also the objective of the the Ombudsman or the DOJ or erode their respective powers. If at
inquire or delve or probe into, research on, study. The dictionary
investigative bodies created in the past like the PCAC, PCAPE, all, the investigative function of the commission will complement
definition of "investigate" is "to observe or study closely: inquire
PARGO, the Feliciano Commission, the Melo Commission and the those of the two offices. As pointed out by the Solicitor General,
into systematically: "to search or inquire into: x x to subject to an
Zenarosa Commission. There being no changes in the government the recommendation to prosecute is but a consequence of the
official probe x x: to conduct an official inquiry." The purpose of
structure, the Court is not inclined to declare such executive overall task of the commission to conduct a fact-finding
investigation, of course, is to discover, to find out, to learn, obtain
power as non-existent just because the direction of the political investigation."62 The actual prosecution of suspected offenders,
information. Nowhere included or intimated is the notion of
winds have changed. much less adjudication on the merits of the charges against
settling, deciding or resolving a controversy involved in the facts
them,63 is certainly not a function given to the commission. The
inquired into by application of the law to the facts established by
phrase, "when in the course of its investigation," under Section
On the charge that Executive Order No. 1 transgresses the power the inquiry.
2(g), highlights this fact and gives credence to a contrary
of Congress to appropriate funds for the operation of a public
interpretation from that of the petitioners. The function of
office, suffice it to say that there will be no appropriation but only
The legal meaning of "investigate" is essentially the same: "(t)o determining probable cause for the filing of the appropriate
an allotment or allocations of existing funds already appropriated.
follow up step by step by patient inquiry or observation. To trace complaints before the courts remains to be with the DOJ and the
Accordingly, there is no usurpation on the part of the Executive of
or track; to search into; to examine and inquire into with care and Ombudsman.64
the power of Congress to appropriate funds. Further, there is no
accuracy; to find out by careful inquisition; examination; the
need to specify the amount to be earmarked for the operation of
taking of evidence; a legal inquiry;" "to inquire; to make an
the commission because, in the words of the Solicitor General, At any rate, the Ombudsman’s power to investigate under R.A.
investigation," "investigation" being in turn described as "(a)n
"whatever funds the Congress has provided for the Office of the No. 6770 is not exclusive but is shared with other similarly
administrative function, the exercise of which ordinarily does not
President will be the very source of the funds for the authorized government agencies. Thus, in the case of
require a hearing. 2 Am J2d Adm L Sec. 257; x x an inquiry, judicial
commission."55 Moreover, since the amount that would be Ombudsman v. Galicia,65 it was written:
or otherwise, for the discovery and collection of facts concerning
allocated to the PTC shall be subject to existing auditing rules and
a certain matter or matters."
regulations, there is no impropriety in the funding.
This power of investigation granted to the Ombudsman by the
1987 Constitution and The Ombudsman Act is not exclusive but is
"Adjudicate," commonly or popularly understood, means to
Power of the Truth Commission to Investigate shared with other similarly authorized government agencies such
adjudge, arbitrate, judge, decide, determine, resolve, rule on,
as the PCGG and judges of municipal trial courts and municipal
settle. The dictionary defines the term as "to settle finally (the
circuit trial courts. The power to conduct preliminary investigation
The President’s power to conduct investigations to ensure that rights and duties of the parties to a court case) on the merits of
on charges against public employees and officials is likewise
laws are faithfully executed is well recognized. It flows from the issues raised: x x to pass judgment on: settle judicially: x x act as
concurrently shared with the Department of Justice. Despite the
faithful-execution clause of the Constitution under Article VII, judge." And "adjudge" means "to decide or rule upon as a judge
passage of the Local Government Code in 1991, the Ombudsman
Section 17 thereof.56 As the Chief Executive, the president or with judicial or quasi-judicial powers: x x to award or grant
retains concurrent jurisdiction with the Office of the President and
represents the government as a whole and sees to it that all laws judicially in a case of controversy x x."
the local Sanggunians to investigate complaints against local
are enforced by the officials and employees of his department. He
elective officials. [Emphasis supplied].
has the authority to directly assume the functions of the executive
In the legal sense, "adjudicate" means: "To settle in the exercise
of judicial authority. To determine finally. Synonymous
Also, Executive Order No. 1 cannot contravene the power of the
with adjudge in its strictest sense;" and "adjudge" means: "To
Ombudsman to investigate criminal cases under Section 15 (1) of
Invoking this authority, the President constituted the PTC to pass on judicially, to decide, settle or decree, or to sentence or
R.A. No. 6770, which states:
primarily investigate reports of graft and corruption and to condemn. x x. Implies a judicial determination of a fact, and the
recommend the appropriate action. As previously stated, no entry of a judgment." [Italics included. Citations Omitted]
quasi-judicial powers have been vested in the said body as it (1) Investigate and prosecute on its own or on complaint by any
cannot adjudicate rights of persons who come before it. It has person, any act or omission of any public officer or employee,
Fact-finding is not adjudication and it cannot be likened to the
been said that "Quasi-judicial powers involve the power to hear office or agency, when such act or omission appears to be illegal,
judicial function of a court of justice, or even a quasi-judicial
and determine questions of fact to which the legislative policy is unjust, improper or inefficient. It has primary jurisdiction over
agency or office. The function of receiving evidence and
to apply and to decide in accordance with the standards laid down cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan and, in the exercise of its
ascertaining therefrom the facts of a controversy is not a judicial
by law itself in enforcing and administering the same law." 58 In primary jurisdiction, it may take over, at any stage, from any
function. To be considered as such, the act of receiving evidence
simpler terms, judicial discretion is involved in the exercise of investigatory agency of government, the investigation of such
and arriving at factual conclusions in a controversy must be
these quasi-judicial power, such that it is exclusively vested in the cases. [Emphases supplied]

The act of investigation by the Ombudsman as enunciated above committed not only during the administration of former President lead to recovery of public monies illegally dissipated, the policy
contemplates the conduct of a preliminary investigation or the Arroyo but also during prior administrations where the "same lessons to be learned to ensure that anti-corruption laws are
determination of the existence of probable cause. This is magnitude of controversies and anomalies" 68 were reported to faithfully executed, are more easily established in the regime that
categorically out of the PTC’s sphere of functions. Its power to have been committed against the Filipino people. They assail the immediately precede the current administration.
investigate is limited to obtaining facts so that it can advise and classification formulated by the respondents as it does not fall
guide the President in the performance of his duties relative to under the recognized exceptions because first, "there is no
Fourth. Many administrations subject the transactions of their
the execution and enforcement of the laws of the land. In this substantial distinction between the group of officials targeted for
predecessors to investigations to provide closure to issues that
regard, the PTC commits no act of usurpation of the investigation by Executive Order No. 1 and other groups or
are pivotal to national life or even as a routine measure of due
Ombudsman’s primordial duties. persons who abused their public office for personal gain; and
diligence and good housekeeping by a nascent administration like
second, the selective classification is not germane to the purpose
the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG),
of Executive Order No. 1 to end corruption."69 In order to attain
The same holds true with respect to the DOJ. Its authority under created by the late President Corazon C. Aquino under Executive
constitutional permission, the petitioners advocate that the
Section 3 (2), Chapter 1, Title III, Book IV in the Revised Order No. 1 to pursue the recovery of ill-gotten wealth of her
commission should deal with "graft and grafters prior and
Administrative Code is by no means exclusive and, thus, can be predecessor former President Ferdinand Marcos and his cronies,
subsequent to the Arroyo administration with the strong arm of
shared with a body likewise tasked to investigate the commission and the Saguisag Commission created by former President Joseph
the law with equal force."70
of crimes. Estrada under Administrative Order No, 53, to form an ad-hoc and
independent citizens’ committee to investigate all the facts and
Position of respondents circumstances surrounding "Philippine Centennial projects" of his
Finally, nowhere in Executive Order No. 1 can it be inferred that
predecessor, former President Fidel V. Ramos. 73 [Emphases
the findings of the PTC are to be accorded conclusiveness. Much
like its predecessors, the Davide Commission, the Feliciano According to respondents, while Executive Order No. 1 identifies
Commission and the Zenarosa Commission, its findings would, at the "previous administration" as the initial subject of the
best, be recommendatory in nature. And being so, the investigation, following Section 17 thereof, the PTC will not Concept of the Equal Protection Clause
Ombudsman and the DOJ have a wider degree of latitude to confine itself to cases of large scale graft and corruption solely
decide whether or not to reject the recommendation. These during the said administration.71 Assuming arguendo that the
One of the basic principles on which this government was
offices, therefore, are not deprived of their mandated duties but commission would confine its proceedings to officials of the
founded is that of the equality of right which is embodied in
will instead be aided by the reports of the PTC for possible previous administration, the petitioners argue that no offense is
Section 1, Article III of the 1987 Constitution. The equal protection
indictments for violations of graft laws. committed against the equal protection clause for "the
of the laws is embraced in the concept of due process, as every
segregation of the transactions of public officers during the
unfair discrimination offends the requirements of justice and fair
previous administration as possible subjects of investigation is a
Violation of the Equal Protection Clause play. It has been embodied in a separate clause, however, to
valid classification based on substantial distinctions and is
provide for a more specific guaranty against any form of undue
germane to the evils which the Executive Order seeks to
favoritism or hostility from the government. Arbitrariness in
Although the purpose of the Truth Commission falls within the correct."72 To distinguish the Arroyo administration from past
general may be challenged on the basis of the due process clause.
investigative power of the President, the Court finds difficulty in administrations, it recited the following:
But if the particular act assailed partakes of an unwarranted
upholding the constitutionality of Executive Order No. 1 in view of
partiality or prejudice, the sharper weapon to cut it down is the
its apparent transgression of the equal protection clause
First. E.O. No. 1 was issued in view of widespread reports of large equal protection clause.74
enshrined in Section 1, Article III (Bill of Rights) of the 1987
scale graft and corruption in the previous administration which
Constitution. Section 1 reads:
have eroded public confidence in public institutions. There is,
"According to a long line of decisions, equal protection simply
therefore, an urgent call for the determination of the truth
requires that all persons or things similarly situated should be
Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property regarding certain reports of large scale graft and corruption in the
treated alike, both as to rights conferred and responsibilities
without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the government and to put a closure to them by the filing of the
imposed."75 It "requires public bodies and institutions to treat
equal protection of the laws. appropriate cases against those involved, if warranted, and to
similarly situated individuals in a similar manner."76 "The purpose
deter others from committing the evil, restore the people’s faith
of the equal protection clause is to secure every person within a
The petitioners assail Executive Order No. 1 because it is violative and confidence in the Government and in their public servants.
state’s jurisdiction against intentional and arbitrary
of this constitutional safeguard. They contend that it does not discrimination, whether occasioned by the express terms of a
apply equally to all members of the same class such that the Second. The segregation of the preceding administration as the statue or by its improper execution through the state’s duly
intent of singling out the "previous administration" as its sole object of fact-finding is warranted by the reality that unlike with constituted authorities."77 "In other words, the concept of equal
object makes the PTC an "adventure in partisan hostility."66 Thus, administrations long gone, the current administration will most justice under the law requires the state to govern impartially, and
in order to be accorded with validity, the commission must also likely bear the immediate consequence of the policies of the it may not draw distinctions between individuals solely on
cover reports of graft and corruption in virtually all previous administration. differences that are irrelevant to a legitimate governmental
administrations previous to that of former President Arroyo. 67 objective."78
Third. The classification of the previous administration as a
The petitioners argue that the search for truth behind the separate class for investigation lies in the reality that The equal protection clause is aimed at all official state actions,
reported cases of graft and corruption must encompass acts the evidence of possible criminal activity, the evidence that could not just those of the legislature.79 Its inhibitions cover all the

departments of the government including the political and the same. The equal protection clause does not forbid Chapter 9, Book I of the Administrative Code of 1987, is primarily
executive departments, and extend to all actions of a state discrimination as to things that are different. It does not prohibit tasked to conduct a thorough fact-finding investigation of
denying equal protection of the laws, through whatever agency or legislation which is limited either in the object to which it is reported cases of graft and corruption referred to in Section 1,
whatever guise is taken. 80 directed or by the territory within which it is to operate. involving third level public officers and higher, their co-principals,
accomplices and accessories from the private sector, if any, during
the previous administration and thereafter submit its finding and
It, however, does not require the universal application of the laws The equal protection of the laws clause of the Constitution allows
recommendations to the President, Congress and the
to all persons or things without distinction. What it simply classification. Classification in law, as in the other departments of
Ombudsman. [Emphases supplied]
requires is equality among equals as determined according to a knowledge or practice, is the grouping of things in speculation or
valid classification. Indeed, the equal protection clause permits practice because they agree with one another in certain
classification. Such classification, however, to be valid must pass particulars. A law is not invalid because of simple inequality. The In this regard, it must be borne in mind that the Arroyo
the test ofreasonableness. The test has four requisites: (1) The very idea of classification is that of inequality, so that it goes administration is but just a member of a class, that is, a class of
classification rests on substantial distinctions; (2) It is germane to without saying that the mere fact of inequality in no manner past administrations. It is not a class of its own. Not to include
the purpose of the law; (3) It is not limited to existing conditions determines the matter of constitutionality. All that is required of a past administrations similarly situated constitutes arbitrariness
only; and valid classification is that it be reasonable, which means that the which the equal protection clause cannot sanction. Such
classification should be based on substantial distinctions which discriminating differentiation clearly reverberates to label the
make for real differences, that it must be germane to the purpose commission as a vehicle for vindictiveness and selective
(4) It applies equally to all members of the same
of the law; that it must not be limited to existing conditions only; retribution.
class.81 "Superficial differences do not make for a valid
and that it must apply equally to each member of the class. This
Court has held that the standard is satisfied if the classification or
Though the OSG enumerates several differences between the
distinction is based on a reasonable foundation or rational basis
Arroyo administration and other past administrations, these
For a classification to meet the requirements of constitutionality, and is not palpably arbitrary. [Citations omitted]
distinctions are not substantial enough to merit the restriction of
it must include or embrace all persons who naturally belong to
the investigation to the "previous administration" only. The
the class.83 "The classification will be regarded as invalid if all the
Applying these precepts to this case, Executive Order No. 1 should reports of widespread corruption in the Arroyo administration
members of the class are not similarly treated, both as to rights
be struck down as violative of the equal protection clause. The cannot be taken as basis for distinguishing said administration
conferred and obligations imposed. It is not necessary that the
clear mandate of the envisioned truth commission is to from earlier administrations which were also blemished by similar
classification be made with absolute symmetry, in the sense that
investigate and find out the truth "concerning the reported cases widespread reports of impropriety. They are not inherent in, and
the members of the class should possess the same characteristics
of graft and corruption during the previous administration"87 only. do not inure solely to, the Arroyo administration. As Justice
in equal degree. Substantial similarity will suffice; and as long as
The intent to single out the previous administration is plain, Isagani Cruz put it, "Superficial differences do not make for a valid
this is achieved, all those covered by the classification are to be
patent and manifest. Mention of it has been made in at least classification."88
treated equally. The mere fact that an individual belonging to a
three portions of the questioned executive order. Specifically,
class differs from the other members, as long as that class is
these are:
substantially distinguishable from all others, does not justify the The public needs to be enlightened why Executive Order No. 1
non-application of the law to him."84 chooses to limit the scope of the intended investigation to the
WHEREAS, there is a need for a separate body dedicated solely to previous administration only. The OSG ventures to opine that "to
investigating and finding out the truth concerning the reported include other past administrations, at this point, may
The classification must not be based on existing circumstances
cases of graft and corruption during the previous administration, unnecessarily overburden the commission and lead it to lose its
only, or so constituted as to preclude addition to the number
and which will recommend the prosecution of the offenders and effectiveness."89 The reason given is specious. It is without doubt
included in the class. It must be of such a nature as to embrace all
secure justice for all; irrelevant to the legitimate and noble objective of the PTC to
those who may thereafter be in similar circumstances and
stamp out or "end corruption and the evil it breeds."90
conditions. It must not leave out or "underinclude" those that
should otherwise fall into a certain classification. As elucidated in SECTION 1. Creation of a Commission. – There is hereby created
Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Workers' Union85 and reiterated in a the PHILIPPINE TRUTH COMMISSION, hereinafter referred to as The probability that there would be difficulty in unearthing
long line of cases,86 the "COMMISSION," which shall primarily seek and find the truth evidence or that the earlier reports involving the earlier
on, and toward this end, investigate reports of graft and administrations were already inquired into is beside the point.
corruption of such scale and magnitude that shock and offend the Obviously, deceased presidents and cases which have already
The guaranty of equal protection of the laws is not a guaranty of
moral and ethical sensibilities of the people, committed by public prescribed can no longer be the subjects of inquiry by the PTC.
equality in the application of the laws upon all citizens of the
officers and employees, their co-principals, accomplices and Neither is the PTC expected to conduct simultaneous
state. It is not, therefore, a requirement, in order to avoid the
accessories from the private sector, if any, during the previous investigations of previous administrations, given the body’s
constitutional prohibition against inequality, that every man,
administration; and thereafter recommend the appropriate action limited time and resources. "The law does not require the
woman and child should be affected alike by a statute. Equality of
or measure to be taken thereon to ensure that the full measure of impossible" (Lex non cogit ad impossibilia). 91
operation of statutes does not mean indiscriminate operation on
justice shall be served without fear or favor.
persons merely as such, but on persons according to the
circumstances surrounding them. It guarantees equality, not Given the foregoing physical and legal impossibility, the Court
identity of rights. The Constitution does not require that things SECTION 2. Powers and Functions. – The Commission, which shall logically recognizes the unfeasibility of investigating almost a
which are different in fact be treated in law as though they were have all the powers of an investigative body under Section 37, century’s worth of graft cases. However, the fact remains that

Executive Order No. 1 suffers from arbitrary classification. The The Court is not unaware that "mere underinclusiveness is not The Court tried to seek guidance from the pronouncement in the
PTC, to be true to its mandate of searching for the truth, must not fatal to the validity of a law under the equal protection case of Virata v. Sandiganbayan,106 that the "PCGG Charter
exclude the other past administrations. The PTC must, at least, clause."98 "Legislation is not unconstitutional merely because it is (composed of Executive Orders Nos. 1, 2 and 14) does not violate
have the authority to investigate all past administrations. not all-embracing and does not include all the evils within its the equal protection clause." The decision, however, was devoid
While reasonable prioritization is permitted, it should not be reach."99 It has been written that a regulation challenged under of any discussion on how such conclusory statement was arrived
arbitrary lest it be struck down for being unconstitutional. In the the equal protection clause is not devoid of a rational predicate at, the principal issue in said case being only the sufficiency of a
often quoted language of Yick Wo v. Hopkins,92 simply because it happens to be incomplete.100 In several cause of action.
instances, the underinclusiveness was not considered a valid
reason to strike down a law or regulation where the purpose can
Though the law itself be fair on its face and impartial in A final word
be attained in future legislations or regulations. These cases refer
appearance, yet, if applied and administered by public authority
to the "step by step" process.101 "With regard to equal protection
with an evil eye and an unequal hand, so as practically to make
claims, a legislature does not run the risk of losing the entire The issue that seems to take center stage at present is - whether
unjust and illegal discriminations between persons in similar
remedial scheme simply because it fails, through inadvertence or or not the Supreme Court, in the exercise of its constitutionally
circumstances, material to their rights, the denial of equal justice
otherwise, to cover every evil that might conceivably have been mandated power of Judicial Review with respect to recent
is still within the prohibition of the constitution. [Emphasis
attacked."102 initiatives of the legislature and the executive department, is
exercising undue interference. Is the Highest Tribunal, which is
expected to be the protector of the Constitution, itself guilty of
In Executive Order No. 1, however, there is no inadvertence. That
It could be argued that considering that the PTC is an ad hoc body, violating fundamental tenets like the doctrine of separation of
the previous administration was picked out was deliberate and
its scope is limited. The Court, however, is of the considered view powers? Time and again, this issue has been addressed by the
intentional as can be gleaned from the fact that it was
that although its focus is restricted, the constitutional guarantee Court, but it seems that the present political situation calls for it
underscored at least three times in the assailed executive order. It
of equal protection under the laws should not in any way be to once again explain the legal basis of its action lest it continually
must be noted that Executive Order No. 1 does not even mention
circumvented. The Constitution is the fundamental and be accused of being a hindrance to the nation’s thrust to progress.
any particular act, event or report to be focused on unlike the
paramount law of the nation to which all other laws must
investigative commissions created in the past. "The equal
conform and in accordance with which all private rights
protection clause is violated by purposeful and intentional The Philippine Supreme Court, according to Article VIII, Section 1
determined and all public authority administered.93 Laws that do
discrimination."103 of the 1987 Constitution, is vested with Judicial Power that
not conform to the Constitution should be stricken down for being
"includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual
unconstitutional.94 While the thrust of the PTC is specific, that is,
controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and
for investigation of acts of graft and corruption, Executive Order To disprove petitioners’ contention that there is deliberate
enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been a
No. 1, to survive, must be read together with the provisions of the discrimination, the OSG clarifies that the commission does not
grave of abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
Constitution. To exclude the earlier administrations in the guise of only confine itself to cases of large scale graft and corruption
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
"substantial distinctions" would only confirm the petitioners’ committed during the previous administration.104 The OSG points
lament that the subject executive order is only an "adventure in to Section 17 of Executive Order No. 1, which provides:
partisan hostility." In the case of US v. Cyprian,95it was written: "A
rather limited number of such classifications have routinely been Furthermore, in Section 4(2) thereof, it is vested with the power
SECTION 17. Special Provision Concerning Mandate. If and when
held or assumed to be arbitrary; those include: race, national of judicial review which is the power to declare a treaty,
in the judgment of the President there is a need to expand the
origin, gender, political activity or membership in a political international or executive agreement, law, presidential decree,
mandate of the Commission as defined in Section 1 hereof to
party, union activity or membership in a labor union, or more proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation
include the investigation of cases and instances of graft and
generally the exercise of first amendment rights." unconstitutional. This power also includes the duty to rule on the
corruption during the prior administrations, such mandate may be
constitutionality of the application, or operation of presidential
so extended accordingly by way of a supplemental Executive
decrees, proclamations, orders, instructions, ordinances, and
To reiterate, in order for a classification to meet the requirements Order.
other regulations. These provisions, however, have been fertile
of constitutionality, it must include or embrace all persons who
grounds of conflict between the Supreme Court, on one hand, and
naturally belong to the class.96 "Such a classification must not be
The Court is not convinced. Although Section 17 allows the the two co-equal bodies of government, on the other. Many times
based on existing circumstances only, or so constituted as to
President the discretion to expand the scope of investigations of the Court has been accused of asserting superiority over the other
preclude additions to the number included within a class, but
the PTC so as to include the acts of graft and corruption departments.
must be of such a nature as to embrace all those who may
committed in other past administrations, it does not guarantee
thereafter be in similar circumstances and conditions.
that they would be covered in the future. Such expanded
Furthermore, all who are in situations and circumstances which To answer this accusation, the words of Justice Laurel would be a
mandate of the commission will still depend on the whim and
are relative to the discriminatory legislation and which are good source of enlightenment, to wit: "And when the judiciary
caprice of the President. If he would decide not to include them,
indistinguishable from those of the members of the class must be mediates to allocate constitutional boundaries, it does not assert
the section would then be meaningless. This will only fortify the
brought under the influence of the law and treated by it in the any superiority over the other departments; it does not in reality
fears of the petitioners that the Executive Order No. 1 was
same way as are the members of the class." 97 nullify or invalidate an act of the legislature, but only asserts the
"crafted to tailor-fit the prosecution of officials and personalities
solemn and sacred obligation assigned to it by the Constitution to
of the Arroyo administration." 105
determine conflicting claims of authority under the Constitution


and to establish for the parties in an actual controversy the rights Republic of the Philippines they used or disbursed this savings? The EIIB has a syndicate
which that instrument secures and guarantees to them."107 SUPREME COURT headed by the Chief of Budget Division who is manipulating funds
Manila and also the brain of the so called "ghost agents" or the
"Emergency Intelligence Agents" (EIA). The Commissioner of EIIB
Thus, the Court, in exercising its power of judicial review, is not
has a biggest share on this. Among his activities are:
imposing its own will upon a co-equal body but rather simply EN BANC
making sure that any act of government is done in consonance
with the authorities and rights allocated to it by the Constitution. a) Supporting RAM wherein he is involved. He gives big amount
And, if after said review, the Court finds no constitutional especially during the Dec. Failed coup.
violations of any sort, then, it has no more authority of proscribing
the actions under review. Otherwise, the Court will not be G.R. No. 95367 May 23, 1995
b) Payment for thirty five (30) mini UZI's.
deterred to pronounce said act as void and unconstitutional.
c) Payment for the purchased of Maxima '87 for personal used of
It cannot be denied that most government actions are inspired ROGADO, and ELISA RIVERA, petitioners,
the Commissioner.
with noble intentions, all geared towards the betterment of the vs.
nation and its people. But then again, it is important to remember HONORABLE CONRADO M. VASQUEZ and CONCERNED
this ethical principle: "The end does not justify the means." No CITIZENS, respondents. d) Another observation was the agents under the Director of NCR
matter how noble and worthy of admiration the purpose of an EIIB is the sole operating unit within Metro Manila which was
act, but if the means to be employed in accomplishing it is simply approved by no less than the Commissioner due to anomalous
irreconcilable with constitutional parameters, then it cannot still activities of almost all agents assigned at the central office directly
be allowed.108 The Court cannot just turn a blind eye and simply under the Commissioner. Retired Brig. Gen. Almonte as one of the
let it pass. It will continue to uphold the Constitution and its MENDOZA, J.: Anti-Graft board member of the Department of Finance should
enshrined principles. not tolerate this. However, the Commissioner did not investigate
This is a petition for certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus to his own men instead, he placed them under the 15-30 payroll.
"The Constitution must ever remain supreme. All must bow to the annul the subpoena duces tecum and orders issued by
mandate of this law. Expediency must not be allowed to sap its respondent Ombudsman, requiring petitioners Nerio Rogado and e) Many more which are personal.
strength nor greed for power debase its rectitude."109 Elisa Rivera, as chief accountant and record custodian,
respectively, of the Economic Intelligence and Investigation
2. Sir, my question is this. Can your good office investigate EII
Bureau (EIIB) to produce "all documents relating to Personal
Lest it be misunderstood, this is not the death knell for a truth intelligence funds particularly Personal Services (01) Funds? I
Services Funds for the year 1988 and all evidence, such as
commission as nobly envisioned by the present administration. wonder why the Dep't of Budget & Mgmt. cannot compel EIIB to
vouchers (salary) for the whole plantilla of EIIB for 1988" and to
Perhaps a revision of the executive issuance so as to include the submit an actual filled up position because almost half of it are
enjoin him from enforcing his orders.
earlier past administrations would allow it to pass the test of vacant and still they are releasing it. Are EIIB plantilla position
reasonableness and not be an affront to the Constitution. Of all classified? It is included in the Personal Services Itemization (PSI)
the branches of the government, it is the judiciary which is the Petitioner Jose T. Almonte was formerly Commissioner of the EIIB, and I believe it is not classified and a ruling from Civil Service
most interested in knowing the truth and so it will not allow itself while Villamor C. Perez is Chief of the EIIB's Budget and Fiscal Commission that EIIB is not exempted from Civil Service. Another
to be a hindrance or obstacle to its attainment. It must, however, Management Division. The subpoena duces tecum was issued by info, when we had salary differential last Oct '88 all money for the
be emphasized that the search for the truth must be within the Ombudsman in connection with his investigation of an whole plantilla were released and from that alone, Millions were
constitutional bounds for "ours is still a government of laws and anonymous letter alleging that funds representing savings from saved and converted to ghost agents of EIA.
not of men."110 unfilled positions in the EIIB had been illegally disbursed. The
letter, purporting to have been written by an employee of the EIIB
3. Another thing that I have observed was the Chief Budget
and a concerned citizen, was addressed to the Secretary of
WHEREFORE, the petitions are GRANTED. Executive Order No. 1 is Division possesses high caliber firearms such as a mini UZI,
Finance, with copies furnished several government offices,
hereby declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL insofar as it is violative of Armalite rifle and two (2) 45 cal. pistol issued to him by the
including the Office of the Ombudsman.
the equal protection clause of the Constitution. Assistant Commissioner wherein he is not an agent of EIIB and
authorized as such according to memorandum order number 283
The letter reads in pertinent parts: signed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines effective
As also prayed for, the respondents are hereby ordered to cease
9 Jan. 1990.
and desist from carrying out the provisions of Executive Order No.
1. 1 These are the things that I have been observing. During the
implementation of E.O. 127 on May 1, 1988, one hundred ninety Another observation was when EIIB agents apprehended a certain
(190) personnel were dismissed. Before that implementation, we civilian who possesses numerous assorted high powered firearms.
SO ORDERED. had a monthly savings of P500,000.00 from unfilled plantilla Agents plus one personnel from the legal proclaimed only five (5)
position plus the implementation of RA 6683 wherein seventy (70) firearms and the remaining was pilfered by them.
regular employees availed a total amount of P1,400,000.00 was
saved from the government monthly. The question is, how do

Another observation is almost all EIIB agents collects payroll from them to submit their counter-affidavits and the affidavits of their II. WHETHER OR NOT "ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO PERSONAL
the big time smuggler syndicate monthly and brokers every week witnesses, as well as a subpoenaduces tecum 5 to the Chief of the SERVICES FUNDS FOR THE YEAR 1988 AND ALL EVIDENCES, SUCH
for them not to be apprehended. EIIB's Accounting Division ordering him to bring "all documents AS VOUCHERS (SALARY) FOR THE WHOLE PLANTILLA OF EIIB FOR
relating to Personal Services Funds for the year 1988 and all 1988" ARE CLASSIFIED AND, THEREFORE, BEYOND THE REACH OF
evidence, such as vouchers (salary) for the whole plantilla of EIIB PUBLIC RESPONDENT'S SUBPOENADUCES TECUM.
Another observation is the commissioner allocates funds coming
for 1988."
from the intelligence funds to the media to sustain their good
image of the bureau. I.
Petitioners Almonte and Perez moved to quash the subpoena and
the subpoena duces tecum. In his Order dated June 15,
In his comment 1 on the letter-complaint, petitioner Almonte There are several subsidiary issues raised by petitioners, but the
1990, 6 respondent Ombudsman granted the motion to quash the
denied that as a result of the separation of personnel, the EIIB had principal ones revolve on the question whether petitioners can be
subpoena in view of the fact that there were no affidavits filed
made some savings. He averred that the only funds released to his ordered to produce documents relating to personal services and
against petitioners. But he denied their motion to quash the
agency by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) salary vouchers of EIIB employees on the plea that such
subpoena duces tecum. He ruled that petitioners were not being
were those corresponding to 947 plantilla positions which were documents are classified. Disclosure of the documents in question
forced to produce evidence against themselves, since the
filled. He also denied that there were "ghost agents" in the EIIB is resisted on the ground that "knowledge of EIIB's documents
subpoena duces tecum was directed to the Chief Accountant,
and claimed that disbursements for "open" (i.e., "overt" relative to its Personal Services Funds and its plantilla . . . will
petitioner Nerio Rogado. In addition the Ombudsman ordered the
personnel) and "closed" (i.e., "covert" personnel) plantillas of the necessarily [lead to] knowledge of its operations, movements,
Chief of the Records a Section of the EIIB, petitioner Elisa Rivera,
agency had been cleared by the Commission on Audit (COA); that targets, strategies, and tactics and the whole of its being" and this
to produce before the investigator "all documents relating to
the case of the 30 Uzis had already been investigated by Congress, could "destroy the EIIB." 9
Personnel Service Funds, for the year 1988, and all documents,
where it was shown that it was not the EIIB but an agent who had
salary vouchers for the whole plantilla of the EIIB for 1988, within
spent for the firearms and they were only loaned to the EIIB
ten (10) days from receipt hereof." Petitioners do not question the power of the Ombudsman to issue
pending appropriation by Congress; that, contrary to the charge
a subpoena duces tecum nor the relevancy or materiality of the
that a Maxima car had been purchased for his use, he was using a
documents required to be produced, to the pending investigation
government issued car from the NICA; that it was his prerogative Petitioners Almonte and Perez moved for a reconsideration,
in the Ombudsman's office. Accordingly, the focus of discussion
as Commissioner to "ground" agents in the EIIB main office so that arguing that Rogado and Rivera were EIIB employees under their
should be on the Government's claim of privilege.
they could be given reorientation and retraining; that the supervision and that the Ombudsman was doing indirectly what
allegation that the EIIB operatives pilfered smuggled firearms was he could not do directly, i.e., compelling them (petitioners
without factual basis because the firearms were the subject of Almonte and Perez) to produce evidence against themselves. A.
seizure proceedings before the Collector of Customs, Port of
Manila; that the EIIB had been uncompromising toward At common law a governmental privilege against disclosure is
Petitioners' motion was denied in respondent Ombudsman's
employees found involved in anomalous activities; and that recognized with respect to state secrets bearing on military,
order dated August 6, 1990. Hence, this petition which questions
intelligence funds had not been used for media propaganda and if diplomatic and similar matters. This privilege is based upon public
the orders of June 15, 1990 and August 6, 1990 of respondent
media people went to the EIIB it was because of newsworthy interest of such paramount importance as in and of itself
stories. Petitioner asked that the complaint be dismissed and the transcending the individual interests of a private citizen, even
case considered closed. though, as a consequence thereof, the plaintiff cannot enforce his
To put this case in perspective it should be stated at the outset
legal rights. 10
that it does not concern a demand by a citizen for information
Similarly petitioner Perez, budget chief of the EIIB, denied in his
under the freedom of information guarantee of the
comment 2 dated April 3, 1990 that savings had been realized In addition, in the litigation over the Watergate tape subpoena in
Constitution. 7 Rather it concerns the power of the Office of the
from the implementation of E.O. No. 127, since the DBM provided 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized the right of the
Ombudsman to obtain evidence in connection with an
allocations for only the remaining 947 personnel. He said that the President to the confidentiality of his conversations and
investigation conducted by it vis-a-vis the claim of privilege of an
disbursement of funds for the plantilla positions for "overt" and correspondence, which it likened to "the claim of confidentiality
agency of the Government. Thus petitioners raise the following
"covert" personnel had been cleared by the COA and that the of judicial deliberations." Said the Court in United States v.
issues: 8
high-powered firearms had been issued for the protection of EIIB Nixon: 11
personnel attending court hearings and the Finance Officer in
withdrawing funds from the banks. I. WHETHER OR NOT A CASE BROUGHT ABOUT BY AN UNSIGNED
AND UNVERIFIED LETTER COMPLAINT IS AN "APPROPRIATE CASE" The expectation of a President to the confidentiality of his
WITHIN THE CONCEPT OF THE CONSTITUTION IN WHICH PUBLIC conversations and correspondence, like the claim of
The Graft Investigation Officer of the Ombudsman's office, Jose F. confidentiality of judicial deliberations, for example, has all the
Saño, found the comments unsatisfactory, being "unverified and values to which we accord deference for the privacy of all citizens
plying only on generalizations without meeting specifically the and, added to those values, is the necessity for protection of the
points raised by complainant as constitutive of the alleged public interest in candid, objective, and even blunt or harsh
anomalies." 3 He, therefore, asked for authority to conduct a opinions in Presidential decision-making. A President and those
preliminary investigation. Anticipating the grant of his request, he who assist him must be free to explore alternatives in the process
issued a subpoena 4 to petitioners Almonte and Perez, requiring of shaping policies and making decisions and to do so in a way

many would be unwilling to express except privately. These are dubious, a formal claim of privilege, made under the reasonable records in this case to substitute for the records
the considerations justifying a presumptive privilege for circumstances of this case, will have to prevail. 16 claimed to be confidential.
Presidential communications. The privilege is fundamental to the
operation of the government and inextricably rooted in the
On the other hand, where the claim of confidentiality does not The other statutes and regulations 21 invoked by petitioners in
separation of powers under the Constitution. . . .
rest on the need to protect military, diplomatic or other national support of their contention that the documents sought in the
security secrets but on a general public interest in the subpoena duces tecum of the Ombudsman are classified merely
Thus, the Court for the first time gave executive privilege a confidentiality of his conversations, courts have declined to find in indicate the confidential nature of the EIIB's functions, but they
constitutional status and a new name, although not necessarily a the Constitution an absolute privilege of the President against a do not exempt the EIIB from the duty to account for its funds to
new birth. 12 subpoena considered essential to the enforcement of criminal the proper authorities. Indeed by denying that there were savings
laws. 17 made from certain items in the agency and alleging that the DBM
had released to the EIIB only the allocations needed for the 947
"The confidentiality of judicial deliberations" mentioned in the
personnel retained after its reorganization, petitioners in effect
opinion of the Court referred to the fact that Justices of the U.S. B.
invited inquiry into the veracity of their claim. If, as petitioners
Supreme Court and judges of lower federal courts have
claim, the subpoenaed records have been examined by the COA
traditionally treated their working papers and judicial notes as
In the case at bar, there is no claim that military or diplomatic and found by it to be regular in all respects, there is no reason
private property. A 1977 proposal in the U.S. Congress that
secrets will be disclosed by the production of records pertaining why they cannot be shown to another agency of the government
Justices and judges of lower federal courts "should be encouraged
to the personnel of the EIIB. Indeed, EIIB's function is the which by constitutional mandate is required to look into any
to make such arrangements as will assure the preservation and
gathering and evaluation of intelligence reports and information complaint concerning public office.
eventual availability of their personal papers, especially the
regarding "illegal activities affecting the national economy, such
deposit of their papers in the same depository they select for
as, but not limited to, economic sabotage, smuggling, tax evasion,
[their] Public Papers" 13 was rebuffed by the Justices who, in a On the other hand, the Ombudsman is investigating a complaint
dollar salting." 18 Consequently, while in cases which involve state
letter to the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Regulation and that several items in the EIIB were filled by fictitious persons and
secrets it may be sufficient to determine from the circumstances
Government Information of the U.S. Senate, referred to "difficult that the allotments for these items in 1988 were used for illegal
of the case that there is reasonable danger that compulsion of the
concerns respecting the appropriate separation that must be purposes. The plantilla and other personnel records are relevant
evidence will expose military matters without compelling
maintained between the legislative branch and this Court." 14 to his investigation. He and his Deputies are designated by the
production, 19no similar excuse can be made for a privilege resting
Constitution "protectors of the people" and as such they are
on other considerations.
required by it "to act promptly on complaints in any form or
There are, in addition to such privileges, statutorily-created ones
manneragainst public officials or employees of the Government,
such as the Government's privilege to withhold the identity of
Nor has our attention been called to any law or regulation which or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including
persons who furnish information of violations of laws. 15
considers personnel records of the EIIB as classified information. government-owned or controlled corporation." 22
To the contrary, COA Circular No. 88-293, which petitioners
With respect to the privilege based on state secret, the rule was invoke to support their contention that there is adequate
His need for the documents thus outweighs the claim of
stated by the U.S. Supreme Court as follows: safeguard against misuse of public funds, provides that the
confidentiality of petitioners. What is more, while there might
"only item of expenditure which should be treated strictly
have been compelling reasons for the claim of privilege in 1988
confidential" is that which refers to the "purchase of information
Judicial control over the evidence in a case cannot be abdicated to when it was asserted by petitioners, now, seven years later, these
and payment of rewards." Thus, part V, No. 7 of the Circular
the caprice of executive officers. Yet we will not go so far as to say reasons may have been attenuated, if they have not in fact
that the court may automatically require a complete disclosure to ceased. The agents whose identities could not then be revealed
the judge before the claim of privilege will be accepted in any may have ceased from the service of the EIIB, while the covert
case. It may be possible to satisfy the court, from all the The only item of expenditure which should be treated as strictly missions to which they might have been deployed might either
circumstances of the case, that there is a reasonable danger that confidential because it falls under the category of classified have been accomplished or abandoned. On the other hand, the
compulsion of the evidence will expose military matters which, in information is that relating to purchase of information and Ombudsman's duty to investigate the complaint that there were
the interest of national security, should not be divulged. When payment of rewards. However, reasonable records should be in 1988 unfilled positions in the EIIB for which continued funding
this is the case, the occasion for the privilege is appropriate, and maintained and kept for inspection of the Chairman, Commission was received by its officials and put to illegal use, remains.
the court should not jeopardize the security which the privilege is on Audit or his duly authorized representative. All other
meant to protect by insisting upon an examination of the expenditures are to be considered unclassified supported by
Above all, even if the subpoenaed documents are treated as
evidence, even by the judge alone, in chambers. . . . In each case, invoices, receipts and other documents, and, therefore, subject to
presumptively privileged, this decision would only justify ordering
the showing of necessity which is made will determine how far reasonable inquiry by the Chairman or his duly authorized
their inspection in camera but not their nonproduction. However,
the court should probe in satisfying itself that the occasion for representative. 20
as concession to the nature of the functions of the EIIB and just to
invoking the privilege is appropriate. Where there is a strong
be sure no information of a confidential character is disclosed, the
showing of necessity, the claim of privilege should not be lightly
It should be noted that the regulation requires that "reasonable examination of records in this case should be made in strict
accepted, but even the most compelling necessity cannot
records" be kept justifying the confidential or privileged character confidence by the Ombudsman himself. Reference may be made
overcome the claim of privilege if the court is ultimately satisfied
of the information relating to informers. There are no such to the documents in any decision or order which the Ombudsman
that military secrets are at stake. A fortiori, where necessity is
may render or issue but only to the extent that it will not reveal


covert activities of the agency. Above all, there must be a furnish the respondent public officer or employee with a summary the Ombudsman is different from the other investigatory and
scrupulous protection of the documents delivered. of the complaint and require him to submit a written answer prosecutory agencies of the government because those subject to
within seventy-two hours from receipt thereof. If the answer is its jurisdiction are public officials who, through official pressure
found satisfactory, it shall dismiss the case. (Emphasis added) and influence, can quash, delay or dismiss investigations held
With these safeguards outlined, it is believed that a satisfactory
against them. 31 On the other hand complainants are more often
resolution of the conflicting claims of the parties is achieved. It is
than not poor and simple folk who cannot afford to hire
not amiss to state that even matters of national security have Accordingly, in Diaz v. Sandiganbayan 27 the Court held that
lawyers. 32
been inquired into in appropriatein camera proceedings by the testimony given at a fact-finding investigation and charges made
courts. In Lansang v. Garcia 23 this Court held closed door in a pleading in a case in court constituted a sufficient basis for the
sessions, with only the immediate parties and their counsel Ombudsman to commence investigation, because a formal III.
present, to determine claims that because of subversion there complaint was really not necessary.
was imminent danger to public safety warranting the suspension
Finally, it is contended that the issuance of the subpoena duces
of the writ of habeas corpus in 1971. Again in Marcos
Rather than referring to the form of complaints, therefore, the tecum would violate petitioners' right against self-incrimination. It
v.Manglapus 24 the Court met behind closed doors to receive
phrase "in an appropriate case" in Art. XI, § 12 means any case is enough to state that the documents required to be produced in
military briefings on the threat posed to national security by the
concerning official act or omission which is alleged to be "illegal, this case are public records and those to whom the
return to the country of the former President and his family. In
unjust, improper, or inefficient."28 The phrase "subject to such subpoena duces tecum is directed are government officials in
the United States, a similar inquiry into the danger to national
limitations as may be provided by law" refers to such limitations whose possession or custody the documents are. Moreover, if, as
security as a result of the publication of classified documents on
as may be provided by Congress or, in the absence thereof, to petitioners claim the disbursement by the EIIB of funds for
the Vietnam war was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. 25 We see
such limitations as may be imposed by the courts. Such limitations personal service has already been cleared by the COA, there is no
no reason why similar safeguards cannot be made to enable an
may well include a requirement that the investigation be reason why they should object to the examination of the
agency of the Government, like the Office of the Ombudsman, to
concluded in camera, with the public excluded, as exception to documents by respondent Ombudsman.
carry out its constitutional duty to protect public interests 26 while
the general nature of the proceedings in the Office of the
insuring the confidentiality of classified documents.
Ombudsman. 29 A reconciliation is thereby made between the
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED, but it is directed that the
demands of national security and the requirement of
inspection of subpoenaed documents be made personally in
C. accountability enshrined in the Constitution. 30
camera by the Ombudsman, and with all the safeguards outlined
in this decision.
Petitioners contend that under Art. XI, § 13(4) the Ombudsman What has been said above disposes of petitioners' contention that
can act only "in any appropriate case, and subject to such the anonymous letter-complaint against them is nothing but a
limitations as may be provided by law" and that because the vexatious prosecution. It only remains to say that the general
complaint in this case is unsigned and unverified, the case is not investigation in the Ombudsman' s office is precisely for the
an appropriate one. This contention lacks merit. As already stated, purpose of protecting those against whom a complaint is filed Narvasa, C.J., Feliciano, Padilla, Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero,
the Constitution expressly enjoins the Ombudsman to act on any against hasty, malicious, and oppressive prosecution as much as Bellosillo, Melo, Quiason, Puno and Vitug, JJ., concur.
complaint filed "in any form or manner" concerning official acts or securing the State from useless and expensive trials. There may
omissions. Thus, Art. XI, § 12 provides: also be benefit resulting from such limited in camera inspection in Francisco, J., is on leave.
terms of increased public confidence that the privilege is not
being abused and increased likelihood that no abuse is in fact
The Ombudsman and his Deputies, as protectors of the people,  Separate Opinions
shall act promptly on complaints filed in any form or
manner against public officials or employees of the Government,
or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including II.  
government-owned or controlled corporations and shall
inappropriate cases, notify the complainants of the action taken KAPUNAN, J., dissenting:
Nor is there violation of petitioner's right to the equal protection
and the result thereof. (Emphasis added)
of the laws. Petitioners complain that "in all forum and
tribunals . . . the aggrieved parties . . . can only hale respondents The well-written ponencia of Mr. Justice Mendoza would
Similarly, the Ombudsman Act of 1989 (Rep. Act No. 6770) via their verified complaints or sworn statements with their postulate that the Economic Intelligence and Investigation Bureau
provides in § 26(2): identities fully disclosed," while in proceedings before the Office (EIIB) documents relating to the Personal Services Funds for the
of the Ombudsman anonymous letters suffice to start an year 1988 and all documentary evidence, including salary
investigation. In the first place, there can be no objection to this vouchers for the whole plantilla of the EIIB for 1988 be produced
The Office of the Ombudsman shall receive complaints from any
procedure because it is provided in the Constitution itself. In the before the Ombudsman over the objections of the EIIB
source in whatever form concerning an official act or omission. It
second place, it is apparent that in permitting the filing of Commissioner on the ground that the documents contain highly
shall act on the complaint immediately and if it finds the same
complaints "in any form and in a manner," the framers of the confidential matters, apart from the fact that the expenditures
entirely baseless, it shall dismiss the same and inform the
Constitution took into account the well-known reticence of the had been cleared in audit by the Commission on Audit (COA). The
complainant of such dismissal citing the reasons therefor. If it
people which keep them from complaining against official reasons relied upon in the ponencia are a) that the EIIB
finds a reasonable ground to investigate further, it shall first
wrongdoings. As this Court had occasion to point out, the Office of documents at issue are not classified under COA (Commission on

Audit) Circular No. 88-293, Part V No. 7 which limits such matters Executive, as a separate and co-equal branch of government. By           On January 29, 1964, the Municipal Board of Ormoc City
exclusively to expenditures relating to the purchase of the same parity of reasoning, the disclosure of the EIIB documents passed 1 Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1964, imposing "on any and all
information and payment of rewards; and b) the documents required to be examined by the Ombudsman even in camera productions of centrifugal sugar milled at the Ormoc Sugar
relating to disbursement and expenditures of the EIIB for personal proceedings will under the pretext of ascertaining the proper Company, Inc., in Ormoc City a municipal tax equivalent to one
funds had already been previously examined by the Commission disbursements of the EIIB funds will unnecessarily impair the per centum (1%) per export sale to the United States of America
on Audit when such outlay had been passed upon in audit in the performance by the EIIB of its functions especially those affecting and other foreign countries." 2
said Office, such that there is no confidentiality privilege to national security.
          Payments for said tax were made, under protest, by Ormoc
The constitutional right allowing disclosure of governmental Sugar Company, Inc. on March 20, 1964 for P7,087.50 and on
With due respect, I beg to disagree. documents, i.e., the right to information on matters of public April 20, 1964 for P5,000, or a total of P12,087.50.
concern is not absolute. While access to official records may not
be prohibited, it may be regulated. 1Regulation includes
Disclosure of the documents as required by the Ombudsman           On June 1, 1964, Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. filed before
appropriate authority to determine what documents are of public
would necessarily defeat the legal mandate of the EIIB as the the Court of First Instance of Leyte, with service of a copy upon
concern, the manner of access to information contained in such
intelligence arm of the executive branch of government relating the Solicitor General, a complaint 3 against the City of Ormoc as
documents and to withhold information under certain
to matters affecting the economy of the nation. As such, EIIB's well as its Treasurer, Municipal Board and Mayor, alleging that the
circumstances, particularly, as in this case, those circumstances
functions are related to matters affecting national security. In the afore-stated ordinance is unconstitutional for being violative of
affecting the national security. 2
performance of its function in relation with the gathering of the equal protection clause (Sec. 1[1], Art. III, Constitution) and
intelligence information executive privilege could as well be the rule of uniformity of taxation (Sec. 22[1]), Art. VI,
invoked by the EIIB, especially in relation to its covert operations. Besides, as I emphasized earlier, the determination of the legality Constitution), aside from being an export tax forbidden under
of EIIB's disbursements of funds allocated to it are properly within Section 2287 of the Revised Administrative Code. It further
the competence of the Commission on Audit, which as alleged that the tax is neither a production nor a license tax which
The determination, by the executive branch, through its
the ponencia of Justice Mendoza finds, has been cleared in audit. Ormoc City under Section 15-kk of its charter and under Section 2
appropriate agencies, of a question as affecting the national
The Commission on Audit had adopted, as in the past, measures of Republic Act 2264, otherwise known as the Local Autonomy
security is a policy decision for which this Court has neither the
to protect "classified information" pertaining to examination of Act, is authorized to impose; and that the tax amounts to a
competence nor the mandate to infringe upon. In the absence of
expenditures of intelligence agencies. In the present case, customs duty, fee or charge in violation of paragraph 1 of Section
a clear showing a grave abuse of discretion on the part of the
disclosure of information to any other agency would unnecessarily 2 of Republic Act 2264 because the tax is on both the sale and
Executive, acting through its (national security) agencies, I am of
expose the covert operations of EIIB, as a government agency export of sugar.
the opinion that we cannot interfere with a determination,
charged with national security functions.
properly made, on a question affecting economic security lest we
are prepared to ride roughshod over certain prerogatives of our           Answering, the defendants asserted that the tax ordinance
political branches. In an area obviously affecting the national I, therefore, vote to give due course to the petition. was within defendant city's power to enact under the Local
security, disclosure of confidential information on the promptings Autonomy Act and that the same did not violate the afore-cited
of some dissatisfied employees would potentially disturb a constitutional limitations. After pre-trial and submission of the
 Republic of the Philippines
number of carefully laid-out operations dependent on secrecy and case on memoranda, the Court of First Instance, on August 6,
I am not prepared to do this. The characterization of the 1964, rendered a decision that upheld the constitutionality of the
documents as classified information is not a shield for wrongdoing ordinance and declared the taxing power of defendant chartered
but a barrier against the burden some requests for information city broadened by the Local Autonomy Act to include all other
which necessarily interfere with the proper performance of their EN BANC forms of taxes, licenses or fees not excluded in its charter.
duties. To give in, at every turn, to such requests would be greatly
disruptive of governmental functions. More so in this case, since G.R. No. L-23794             February 17, 1968           Appeal therefrom was directly taken to Us by plaintiff Ormoc
expenditures of the EIIB for personal funds had already been
Sugar Company, Inc. Appellant alleges the same statutory and
previously examined and passed upon in audit by the Commission
ORMOC SUGAR COMPANY, INC., plaintiff-appellant,  constitutional violations in the aforesaid taxing ordinance
on Audit. There has been no allegation of any irregularity in the
vs. mentioned earlier.
COA's earlier examination, and in the absence of substantiated
allegations, the previous determination ought to be accorded our THE TREASURER OF ORMOC CITY, THE MUNICIPAL BOARD OF
respect unless we want to encourage unnecessary and tiresome ORMOC CITY, HON. ESTEBAN C. CONEJOS as Mayor of Ormoc           Section 1 of the ordinance states: "There shall be paid to the
forays and investigations into government activities which would City and ORMOC CITY, defendants-appellees. City Treasurer on any and all productions of centrifugal sugar
not only end up nowhere but which would also disrupt or derail milled at the Ormoc Sugar Company, Incorporated, in Ormoc City,
such activities. Ponce Enrile, Siguion Reyna, Montecillo & Belo and Teehankee, a municipal tax equivalent to one per centum (1%) per export sale
Carreon & Tañada for plaintiff-appellant.  to the United States of America and other foreign countries."
Ramon O. de Veyra for defendants-appellees. Though referred to as a tax on the export of centrifugal sugar
The confidentiality privilege invoked by petitioners attaches in the
produced at Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc. For production of sugar
exercise of the functions of the EIIB, as presidential immunity is
alone is not taxable; the only time the tax applies is when the
bestowed by reason of the political functions of the Chief BENGZON, J.P., J.: sugar produced is exported.

          Appellant questions the authority of the defendant As it is now, even if later a similar company is set up, it cannot be
Municipal Board to levy such an export tax, in view of Section subject to the tax because the ordinance expressly points only to
2287 of the Revised Administrative Code which denies from Ormoc City Sugar Company, Inc. as the entity to be levied upon.
municipal councils the power to impose an export tax. Section
2287 in part states: "It shall not be in the power of the municipal
          Appellant, however, is not entitled to interest; on the refund
council to impose a tax in any form whatever, upon goods and
because the taxes were not arbitrarily collected (Collector of
merchandise carried into the municipality, or out of the same, and
Internal Revenue v. Binalbagan).  6 At the time of collection, the
any attempt to impose an import or export tax upon such goods in
ordinance provided a sufficient basis to preclude arbitrariness, the
the guise of an unreasonable charge for wharfage use of bridges
same being then presumed constitutional until declared
or otherwise, shall be void."

          Subsequently, however, Section 2 of Republic Act 2264

          WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby reversed,
effective June 19, 1959, gave chartered cities, municipalities and
the challenged ordinance is declared unconstitutional and the
municipal districts authority to levy for public purposes just and
defendants-appellees are hereby ordered to refund the
uniform taxes, licenses or fees. Anent the inconsistency between
P12,087.50 plaintiff-appellant paid under protest. No costs. So
Section 2287 of the Revised Administrative Code and Section 2 of
Republic Act 2264, this Court, in Nin Bay Mining Co. v.
Municipality of Roxas  4 held the former to have been repealed by
the latter. And expressing Our awareness of the transcendental Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar,
effects that municipal export or import taxes or licenses will have Sanchez, Castro, Angeles and Fernando, JJ., concur.1äwphï1.ñët
on the national economy, due to Section 2 of Republic Act 2264,
We stated that there was no other alternative until Congress acts
to provide remedial measures to forestall any unfavorable results.

          The point remains to be determined, however, whether

constitutional limits on the power of taxation, specifically the
equal protection clause and rule of uniformity of taxation, were

          The Constitution in the bill of rights provides: ". . . nor shall

any person be denied the equal protection of the laws." (Sec. 1
[1], Art. III) In Felwa vs. Salas, 5 We ruled that the equal protection
clause applies only to persons or things identically situated and
does not bar a reasonable classification of the subject of
legislation, and a classification is reasonable where (1) it is based
on substantial distinctions which make real differences; (2) these
are germane to the purpose of the law; (3) the classification
applies not only to present conditions but also to future
conditions which are substantially identical to those of the
present; (4) the classification applies only to those who belong to
the same class.

          A perusal of the requisites instantly shows that the

questioned ordinance does not meet them, for it taxes only
centrifugal sugar produced and exported by the Ormoc Sugar
Company, Inc. and none other. At the time of the taxing
ordinance's enactment, Ormoc Sugar Company, Inc., it is true, was
the only sugar central in the city of Ormoc. Still, the classification,
to be reasonable, should be in terms applicable to future
conditions as well. The taxing ordinance should not be singular
and exclusive as to exclude any subsequently established sugar
central, of the same class as plaintiff, for the coverage of the tax.


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