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(SOLVED) Prison inmates sentenced to die by lethal

injection sued the

Prison inmates sentenced to die by lethal injection sued the Food and Drug Administration for
refusing to take action against the makers and users of the drugs used for lethal injection. That
is, the prisoners claimed that the drugs violated FDA standards and thus should be subject to
an enforcement […]

Barber erected a sign on his property facing Interstate 20 in west Texas. The sign said “Just
Say NO to Searches” and gave a phone number. Callers received information about a citizen’s
constitutional rights regarding police searches of automobiles.The Texas Department of
Transportation sent Barber a letter telling him that […]

Clarence has been released from prison after a six-year term for armed robbery and assault.
Having “paid his debt to society” for his crimes, he is now looking for work. You are advertising
to hire workers for furniture-moving crews. Normally, two people work together all the time, so
you know […]

Vermeulen booked a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru through Worldwide Holidays travel agency in
Florida. Worldwide received a commission from the Peruvian tour agency Chasquitur, when in
Peru, the driver of a Chasquitur van rear-ended another vehicle and Vermeulen was injured. He
sued Worldwide on the theory of vicarious […]


While working for Lubrizol Corporation, Occhionero was injured by a fellow employee,
Edmundson, who assaulted Occhionero. Occhionero sued Lubrizol on the basis of respondeat
superior”-the legal theory that an employer is derivatively responsible for the torts of his
employee committed within the scope of employment.” The trial court dismissed the […]

Picard was a security guard for National Detective Agency. In violation of company rules, he
had his own trained German shepherd dog with him while on duty. Meyers, a passerby, stopped
to talk to Picard about the dog, which was in the back of a marked company car. Picard said […]

Two stockbrokers, in clear violation of the rules of their employer, sold worthless stocks to
unsuspecting customers. There was no question that the brokers did not have actual or implied
authority to sell the stock. The customers who lost money sued the brokerage firm, contending it
was liable for their […]


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