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(SOLVED) Ramtreat Metal Technology provided for a

double your money back

Ramtreat Metal Technology provided for a “double your money back” remedy in its contracts
for the sale of its metal drilling assemblies. A buyer filed suit seeking consequential damages
and cost of replacement. Ramtreat said that its clause was a limitation of remedies. Could
Ramtreat limit its remedies to “double […]

Soon after Gast purchased a used auto from a Chevrolet dealer, he experienced a series of
mechanical problems with the car. Gast refused to make further payments on the bank note that
had financed the purchase. The bank took possession of the automobile and sold it. Gast then
brought an […]

Cornelia and Ed Kornfeld contracted to sell a signed Picasso print to David Tunick, Inc. The
print, entitled Le Minotauromachie, was signed “Pablo Picasso.” The signature on the print was
discovered to be a forgery, and the Kornfelds offered Tunick a substitute Picasso print. Tunick
refused the Kornfelds’ substituted performance […]

Economy Forms Corp. sold concrete-forming equipment to Kandy. After using the equipment for
more than six months, Kandy notified Economy that the equipment was inadequate. Economy
Forms alleged that Kandy had accepted the goods. Kandy denied liability. Was there an
acceptance? Why or why not? [Economy Forms Corp. v Kandy, […]


A computer manufacturer promoted the sale of a digital computer as a “revolutionary

breakthrough.” The manufacturer made a contract to deliver one of these computers to a buyer.
The seller failed to deliver the computer and explained that its failure was caused by
unanticipated technological difficulties. Was this an excuse […]

Spaulding & Kimball Co. ordered from Aetna Chemical Co. 75 cartons of window washers. The
buyer received them and sold about a third to its customers but later refused to pay for them,
claiming that the quality was poor. The seller sued for the price. Would the seller be entitled […]

Steel Industries, Inc., ordered steel from Interlink Metals & Chemicals. The steel was to be
delivered from a Russian mill. There were political and other issues in Russia, and the mill was
shut down. Interlink did not deliver the steel to Steel Industries, claiming that it was excused
from performance […]


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