Results and Discussion

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Results and Discussion

Based on the reviewed results of the CLE in the past three years it depicts that the

performance of the Tomas Claudio Colleges was inconsistent. It also showed that examinees of

the TCC got the lowest passing percentage in Criminal Jurisprudence and procedure and

Correctional Administration.

In terms of the respondents’ profile, majority of the examinees are males, and majority of

the passers are also males. The data showed that majority of the examinee have undergone a 5 to

6 months review in preparation for the examination. The factors perceived by the examinees of

TCC, which are identified as success and limiting factors, include success indicators such as

study habits, specifically in (making strategies or memory aids to easily remember the subject

lessons, and listening and taking down notes of some lectures or lessons during lectures of the

professors). Its corresponding limiting factor is: not studying/not reviewing at home.

Some stated that if they had a good study habits during their college days, it would have

been easy for them to get a passing score in the CLE, and in the student’s interest they strongly

agree with (conducting advance research related to the course subjects.) as one of success

factors. Also, they addressed the (Not taking subject/course seriously, finding subject difficult

and boring, leaving classroom when feel bored and Lack of motivation to study) as the limiting

factors that have big impact to their performance in the examination.

Further, in terms of review preparation, they strongly agree that (Attending review sessions

since the beginning until end of lectures.) is one of the success factors that is very important

when they took examination because even when they don’t perform well during the college days,

they can easily understand the subjects for just a few months if they attended the review sessions.

According to the examinees who were enrolled in review centers, the (Sleeping during review
lectures) is one of the limiting factors during their review preparation that is why they cannot

relate on other questions of the examination because they were sleeping during the lectures of the

different subjects.

Based on the results of the study, the following are the recommendations offered by the

researcher for the improvement of the performance of the TCC in Criminologist Licensure


In order to achieve a one hundred percent passing rate for Tomas Claudio College in the

criminologist licensure examination every time as well as to produce topnotchers, the admission

and retention policies of the College of Criminology should be strictly implemented. It is also

being considered that the school always target for a one hundred percent (100 %) passing rate.

And to ascertain the progression trends among its graduates. It has to investigate the performance

of the first takers and repeaters.

Furthermore, to maintain good performance level for Tomas Claudio Colleges, there is a

need to strengthen and enrich those professional major subjects specifically those subjects where

the students are weak. Criminology Major Subjects and other areas of specialization should be

given the same amount of attention and importance in instruction of the undergraduate level.

Thus, enhancement program for graduates of BS Criminology course through review

should be formulated. This enhancement program include: Strict policy for attendance of the

reviewee, an overview to the scope of the examination in different subject areas. Lastly, other

similar studies should be conducted related to the factors that may affect the performance of the

examinee in the Criminologists Licensure Examination (CLE).

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