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(SOLVED) Sabrina Runyan writes the following note on a

sheet of
Sabrina Runyan writes the following note on a sheet of paper: “I, the undersigned, do hereby
acknowledge that I owe Leo Woo one thousand dollars, with interest, payable out of the
proceeds of the sale of my horse, Lightning, next month. Payment is to be made on or before
six […]

Go to this text’s Web site at academic. cengage/com/blaw/clarkson and select “Chapter 23.”
Click on “Video Questions” and view the video titled Warranties. Then answer the following
questions.(a) Discuss whether the grocery store’s label of a “Party Platter for Twenty” creates
an express warranty under the Uniform Commercial Code that […]

Colt manufactures a new pistol. The firing of the pistol depends on an enclosed high pressure
device. The pistol has been thoroughly tested in two laboratories in the Midwest, and its design
and manufacture are in accord with current technology. Wayne purchases one of the new
pistols from Hardy’s Gun […]

Go to this text’s Web site at academic. and select “Chapter 22.”
Click on “Video Questions” and view the video titled International: Letter of Credit. Then answer
the following questions.(a) Do banks always require the same documents to be presented in
letter-of-credit transactions? If not, who dictates what documents […]


Lehor collects antique cars. He contracts to purchase spare parts for a 1938 engine from Beem.
These parts are not made any more and are scarce. To obtain the contract with Beem, Lehor
agrees to pay 50 percent of the purchase price in advance. On May 1, Lehor sends the […]

Topken has contracted to sell Lorwin five hundred washing machines of a certain model at list
price. Topken is to ship the goods on or before December 1. Topken produces one thousand
washing machines of this model but has not yet prepared Lorwin’s shipment. On November 1,
Lorwin repudiates the […]

Go to Case 21.3,Spray-Tek, Inc. v. Robbins Motor Transportation, Inc., 426 F.Supp.2d 875
(W.D. Wis. 2006), on pages 428–430. Read the excerpt and answer the following questions. (a)
Issue: What contract provision was at the heart of the dispute between the parties to this case,
and why?(b) Rule of Law: […]


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