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Chapter 1 Solutions

(a) w = 25  0.2  0.3 = 1.5kN/m (or 1.5N/mm)
(b) ULS load = 1.35 gk + 1.5 qk = 6.53kN/m
(c) M = wL2/8 = 6.53  62 /8 = 29.4kN.m
(d) V = wL/2 = 6.53  6/2 = 19.6kN

w = 1.35gk +1.5qk = 1.35  1+1.5  2 = 4.35kN/m2
M = wL2/8 = 4.35  82/8 = 34.8kN.m
V = wL /2 = 4.35  8/2 = 17.4kN
5wL4 5(1  2)  80004
   21.8mm
384EI 384 210,000 3500 104

(a) The weight of the r.c. deck imposed on each beam = 25  2.0  0.3 = 15kN/m
Total UDL = 15 + 1.2 + 2x5 = 26.2kN/m
(b) SLS deflection

5wL4 5  26.2  80004

   14.8mm
384EI 384  210000 45000 104
(c) w = 1.35 (15+1.2) + 1.5 x 5 x 2.0 = 36.9kN/m
wL2 36.9  8 2
M=   295.2kN.m
8 8
wL 36.9  8
V=   147.6kN
2 2

Chapter 2 Solutions
(a) ULS load, w = 1.35 gk + 1.5 qk = 435kN/m
(b) ULS Moment, MEd = WL2/8 = 1359kN.m
(c) The minimum plastic section modulus is
M el
Wpl 

1359 106
Wpl   103  4942cm3
(d) V = wL/2 = 1087.5kN
(e) The minimum shear area is

VEd 3 1087.5 103 3
Av    6849mm2
fy 275

(a) Since this is a Class 1 cross-section
M pl,Rd  f y Wpl  275171103 106  47.0kN.m

(b) Since this is a hot rolled cross-section, shear buckling can be safely ignored and the shear strength is
given by the yield value of shear stress multiplied by the shear area
A vf y 4.8  177.8  275
Vpl,Rd =   103  135.5kN
3 3
(c) The elastic critical shear stress is
2 2
t  4.8 
 cr  5.34 190000    5.34 190000    739N / mm

d  177.8 
The yield shear stress is
 y  f y / 3  158.8N / mm2

Since cr >> y, failure by shear buckling will not occur

(d) Since the applied shear force equals the full design shear capacity, the applied shear stress equals the
yield shear stress, i.e.
 xy 
Von-Mises yield criteria shows

2x  2z  x z  32xz  f y

This becomes
 fy 
2x  3   f y
 3
Therefore, x = 0. This means that the shear area cannot resist bending stresses, because it is fully utilised
resisting the shear stresses. The moment capacity is therefore determined for the cross-section minus the
shear area. The plastic section modulus of a rectangular block of width, t, and depth D is
t  D2
Wpl 
Therefore, the plastic section modulus of the beams shear area (shown in Error! Reference source not
found.a) is
4.8 177.82
Wpl   37935mm3
And the moment capacity of the shear area  275 37935106  10.4kN.m
Thus, the plastic moment capacity is
Mpl, Rd  47.0  10.4  36.6kN.m

(e) Since the applied shear stress equals ¾ of the yield shear stress, i.e.
3 fy
xy  
4 3
Von-Mises yield criteria becomes
 3 275 
 2x  3    275
4 3
Therefore, x = 182N/mm2. This means that the bending strength of the shear area has fallen from
275N/mm2 to 182N/mm2 due to the applied shear stress. The reduction in moment capacity of the shear
area is
 (275  182)  37935106  3.52kN.m
Thus, the plastic moment capacity is
Mpl, Rd  47.0  3.5  43.5kN.m

(a) Mpl,Rd = fy Wpl.y = 275x393x103x10-6 = 108kN.m
(b) Effective length = 5000mm (not destabilising)

 210000x 448x104  80770x8.55x104

(c) Mcr  x10 6  53.4kN.m
5000 1  448/ 4413
 1 1 
(d) M b,Rd     35.7kN.m
 108 53.4 

Chapter 3 Solutions
a) Lcr = 1.0L = 10,000mm (length between web members)
N pl,Rd  f y A  355  94.5 102  103  3354.75kN

2 EIz 2  210000 1.047  107

N cr ,z    103  217kN
L2cr 100002
1 1
 1 1   1 1 
N b,Rd       203.8kN
 N pl,Rd Ncr   217 3354.75
 
FoS =  1.02 >1.0 therefore this is OK
b) Lcr= 0.5L = 5,000mm (length between web members)
2 EIz 2  210000 1.047x107
N cr ,z    103  868.01kN
L2cr 50002
1 1
 1 1   1 1 
N b,Rd       689.59kN
 N pl,Rd Ncr   868.01 3354.75
 

FoS =  3.45 >> 1.0 therefore this is inefficient
c) Lcr = 0.5L = 5,000mm (distance between web members)
π 2EIy π 2  210000 3.267 108
Ncr, y    103  27085kN
L2cr 50002
1 1
 1 1   1 1 
N b,Rd       2985.02kN
 N pl,Rd Ncr   27085 3354.75
 
FoS =  14.92 >> 1.0 therefore very inefficient

a) w uls = 1.35gk  1.5qk = 1.35 (25  2  0.3  0.8) + 1.5 6  2 = 39.3kN/m

wL2 39.3  102

M   491.6kN.m
8 8
Mel, Rd  f y Wel  355 1800 103  106  639kN.m  491.6  YES

b) wsls = gk  qk = (25 2  0.3)  (0.8 + 6  2) = 27.8kN/m

5wL4 5  27.8  100004

   36.3mm
384EI 384 210000 47500 104

w ulsL 39.3 10
c) V   196.5kN
2 2
500 9  355
Vpl, Rd  103  922.3kN  196.5kN YES
d) Effective width = 500/2 + 100 + 100 = 450mm
Npl,Rd = 355 450 9 10-3 = 1437.75kN

450  93
I  27337.5mm4
Lcr  0.5  500  250mm

π 2 EI π 2  210000 27337.5
N cr  2
 2
 10 3  906.6kN
Lcr 250
1 1
 1 1   1 1 
N b, Rd       556kN  196.5kN pass
 N pl, rd Ncr   1437.75 906.6 
 


a) Area  802  682  1776mm2

80  803 68  683
I   1.63 106 mm4
12 12
N pl,Rd  f y A leg  3551776103  630.5kN

For local buckling, the effective length, Lcr = 1.0L = 1100mm. Therefore, the elastic critical buckling
force and actual buckling force of each leg are:
π 2 EI π 2  210000 1.63 106
N cr    103  2792kN
L2cr 11002
1 1
 1 1   1 1 
N b,Rd       514kN
 N pl,rd N cr ,local   630.5 2792
 
Since there are 4 leg members, the force required to cause local buckling is:
Nlocal  4  N b,rd  4  514  2056kN

b) First calculate the second moment of area of the entire prop:

I  4  1.63106  1776 5502  2.16 109 mm4
The effective length of the global buckling model is 20,000mm.
π 2  210000 2.16109
N cr, global  103  11192kN
 1 1 
N Rd      1737kN
(c)  2056 11192

FoS   2.90
(d) Moment capacity
M  2  5141.1  1130.8kN.m
And the applied moment due to the accidental sideways force is:
PL 80  20
M Ed    400kN.m
4 4
The amplification of moment’s factor is:
y   1.057
1  600
And finally using the interaction equation, the degree of utilisation is:
600 1.057  400
  0  0.72
1737 1130.8
FoS = 0.72-1 =1.39.

Chapter 4 Solutions
a) Moment at the ¼ span point
q L2
ML 4  k

65  22.52
M1 4   514.2N.m

Axial force at the ¼ span point

2 2
g L2  2f  q L2  2f 
NL 4  k 1    k 1  
8f L 16f L

2 2
115 22.52  2  11  65  22.52  2  11 
N1/4  1    1    1187N
8  11  22.5  16  11  22.5 

Cross-sectional area  500 500  460 460  38400mm

Npl,Rd  f y  Area  345 38400 103  13248kN

500  5003  460  4603

c) I  1477 106 mm4

22.52  4  11 16  112  22.5

 16  112
S ln  1 1  33m
8  11  22.5 22.52  2 22.52
 

L cr  1.0  16.5m
π 2EI π 2  210000 1477 106
Ncr  2   103  11244kN
Lcr 165002

1 1
 1 1   1 1 
d) N b,Rd        6082kN
 N pl,Rd N cr   13248 11244
 

f yI 345 1477 106

M el, y    10 6  2038kN.m
y 250

1 1
α   1.12
1  N/Ncr 1  1187/11244

N1/ 4 M1/ 4
 1
N b,Rd M el

1187 1.12  514.2

  0.48
6082 2038

Since this is less than 1.0, the arch is unlikely to exhibit anti-symmetric buckling under ULS loads.

a) Moment at the ¼ span point

q k L2
ML 4 
25  352
M1 4   478.5kN.m

Axial force at the ¼ span point

2 2
g L2  2f  q L2  2f 
NL 4  k 1    k 1  
8f L 16f L

2 2
62  352  2  17  25  352  2  17 
N1/4  1    1    935.5kN
8  17  35  16  17  35 

b) Cross-sectional area  (5002  4502 )  37306mm 2
Npl,Rd  f y  Area  345 37306103  12871kN

c) I (2504  2254 )  1055 106 mm4

352  4  17 16  172  35
 16  172
S ln  1 1  51m
8  17  35 352  2 352
 

L cr  1.0  25.5m
π 2EI π 2  210000 1055 106
Ncr  2   103  3363kN
Lcr 255002

1 1
 1 1   1 1 
d) N b,Rd        2666kN
 N pl,Rd N cr   12871 3363
 

f yI 345 1055 106

M el, y    10 6  1456kN.m
y 250

1 1
α   1.39
1  N/Ncr 1  935.5/3363

N1/ 4 M1/ 4
 1
N b,Rd M el

935.5 1.39  478.5

  0.81
2666 1456

FoS  0.811  1.23

Chapter 5 Solutions
2 2
wL 1 wL 2 180x 202 180x 7 2
(a) Mid-span moment =     4590kN.m
8 2 8 2
Mid-span shear force = 0kN
wL2 180x 7 2
Support moment =    4410kN.m
2 2

Shear at LHS of first support = -180x7 = -1260kN

Support reaction = 34x180/2 = 3060kN
Shear at RHS of first support = -1260+3060 = 1800kN

(b) I=

60012003  59011403  1.36 1010 mm4 
My 4590106  0.5 1200
applied    203N / mm2
I 1.36 1010

Calculate the buckling coefficient:

 300  5 
k  0.425 b/a   0.425    0.435

 3000 20 
Eπ 2 t
σ cr  k 2  
12(1 ν )  b 
 30 
σ cr  0.435 190 103    855N/mm

 300  5 
 1 1 
 Rd     290.5  203N / mm2  pass
 440 855 

My 4590 106  (600  30)

(c)  applied    192N / mm2
I 1.36  1010

k  23.9
 10 
cr  23.9 190103     349N / mm

 1140
 1 1 
 Rd     194.6  192N / mm2  pass
 440 349 
(d) k  5.34   4
 1140 
k  5.34   4  17.0
 750  20 
 10 
cr  17.0  190 103     249N / mm

 1200  60 

σy 440
τy    254N/mm2
3 3

Since Rd is taken as the lowest value of Rd and y, the design shear stress is 249N/mm2.
1800 103
applied   158N / mm2   Rd (249)  pass
10  1140

The maximum applied compression stress in the web is

My 4410 106  0.5  1140

 applied    184.8N / mm2
I 1.36  1010
2 2
  Ed    Ed   184.8   158 
2 2
           1.30  1.0  FAIL
  Rd    Rd   194.6   249 

P 3060103
(e) applied    255N / mm2
A 20  600

k  0.425 b/a   0.425 (300 5)/1140  0.492

2 2

 20 
σ cr  0.492 190 10   3
  430N/mm

 300  5 
 1 1 
σ Rd      217.5  255N/mm2  Fail
 440 430 


(a) The area of the stiffened plate is

Ast  4000 30  150 20  13  159000mm2
The distance to the centroid of the stiffened plate from the top of the main plate is
30  4000 15  13  20  150  (30  75)
y  37.1mm
Using the parallel axis theorem, the second moment of area of the stiffened plate is
4000 303 13 20  1503
I st  30  4000 (37.1 15)2  13 20  150 (30  75  37.1)2  
12 12

Ist = 320.5  10 6 mm4

(b) Buckling of the whole plate between the diaphragms:
The elastic critical buckling stress is
π 2 EI st π 2  210000 320.5 106
σ cr    261.1N/mm2
L2cr A st 4000  159000

And the design stress is

 1 1 
σ Rd     131.5N/mm2
 265 261.1
 30 
(c)  cr  4.0  190000   7600N / mm

 300 

 1 1 
 Rd      256N / mm

 265 7600
(d) k=1.247
 20 
 cr  1.247190000   4212N / mm

 150 
 1 1 
 Rd      249N / mm2
 265 4212
(e) Since a = b, the shear buckling coefficient is
2 3
b  Ist 
k st  9  4  3 
a t b
 320.5  106 
 9  1  
 303  4000   20.3
 
k  5.34   4  k st  5.34  4  20.3  29.6
The elastic critical shear stress is
2 2
π2E  t   30 
τ cr  k    29.6 190000    316.4N/mm

12(1 υ )  b 
 4000
y 265
(f) The yield shear stress is  y    153.0 N / mm2
3 3
The design shear stress is the lesser of cr and y, therefore Rd  153.0N / mm2 . This shows that shear
stresses will cause yielding before shear buckling.
Ed  Ed 
(g)    1.0
Rd  Rd 
100  τ Ed 
   1.0
131.5  153 

τ Ed  75N/mm2

Chapter 6 Solutions
Lesser of spacing (3.5m) or 2xL/8 = 2x12/8= 3.0m

a) Effective width is the beam spacing or 2x10000/8 = 2500mm, whichever is less
ULS load under the wet weight of the concrete
w  1.35(0.52 1.92 2.5)  1.5 0.75 2.5  10kN/m

wL2 10 102
M   125kN.m
8 8
M 
125106  203
   
 118N/mm2
I 2150810 4

Since the maximum stress (±118N/mm2) is less than y (275 N/mm2), beam remains elastic.
b eff E c 2500 13667
(b)   162.7mm
Es 210000
Taking moments of area about the top of the slab
162.7  80  80  406 
 7600130    x 162.7  80  7600
2  2 
x = 148.0mm from the top of the slab
The second moment of area of the composite section is
162.7 803
I comp   162.7 80  (148 40)2  21508104  7600(203 130  148)2  634106 mm4
(c) The construction load of 0.75kN/m2 is not acting on the beam in SLS. The load on the beam is
w  0.52  1.92 2.5  5.32kN/m
M 
66.5 106  203
   
 62.8N/mm2
I 21508 10 4

Total load in SLS

w  2.5 6  15.0kN/m

wL2 15 102
M   187.5kN.m
8 8
E c My 13667 187.5 106  148
Stress at the top of the slab =    2.85N/mm2
E s I comp 210000 634 106

E c My 13667 187.5 106  (148 - 130)

Bottom of the slab =    0.35N/mm2
E s I comp 210000 634 106

187.5 106  (148 - 130)

Top of the steel section =  62.8   68.1N/mm2
634 106
187.5 106  (406  130  148)
Bottom of the steel section =  62.8   177.5N/mm2
634 10 6

5  5.32100004 5 15100004
d) Deflection =   30mm
384 210000 21508104 384 210000 634106

(a) Working load under the wet weight of the concrete
w  0.5  25  0.15 3.5  13.6kN/m

wL2 13.6 82
M   108.8kN.m
8 8
M 
108.8106  200
   
 145N/mm2
I 1500010 4

5wL4 5  13.6 80004

Deflection    23.0mm
384EI 384 210000 15000 104
(b) beff = 2x8000/8 = 2000mm
b eff E c 2000 25000
Width of top flange of the transformed section =   238mm
Es 210000
Taking moments of area about the top of the slab:
238 1502  400 
 6000150    x(238 150  6000)
2  2 
x = 114.6mm from the top of the slab
The second moment of area of the composite section (using the parallel axis theorem) is
 150  238 150 3
I comp  238 150 114.6  
 2  12
 400 
 6000150  114.6   1500010  60510 mm
4 6 4

 2 
(c) UDL = 3.5x4 = 14kN/m and point load = 20kN

wL2 wL 14  82 20  8
M     152kN.m
8 4 8 4
E c My 25000 152 106  ()114.6
Stress at the top of the slab =    3.4N/mm2
E s I comp 210000 605 106

E c My 25000 152 106  (150  114.6)

Bottom of the slab =    1.1N/mm2
E s I comp 210000 605 106

152 106  (150  114.6)

Top of the steel section =  145   -136N/mm2
605 10 6

152106  (150  400  114.6)

Bottom of the steel section = 145   254N/mm2
60510 6

(d) Full deflection under working loads = wet weight deflection + deflection under imposed load =
5 14  80004 20000 80003
23.0mm   30.6mm
384 210000 605106 48 210000 605106
(a) Working load under the wet weight of the concrete
w  4  2.05  8.2kN/m

wL2 8.2 9 2
M   83kN.m
8 8
M 
83106  203
   
 78N/mm2
I 2150810 4

5wL4 5  8.2  90004

   15.5mm
384EI 384 210000 21508 104
(b) beff = 2×9000/8 = 2250mm
b eff E c 2250 25000
Width of top flange =   267.8mm
Es 210000
Taking moments of area about the top of the slab:
267.8  802  406 
 7600130    x(267.8  80  7600)
2  2 
x = 116.7mm

267.8 803
Icomp   267.8 80  (116.7 40)2  21508104  7600(203 130  116.7)2  708106 mm4
(c) UDL = 6×4 = 24kN/m

wL2 24  9 2
M   243kN.m
8 8
E c My 25000 243 106  ()116.7
Stress at the top of the slab =    4.8N/mm2
E s I comp 210000 708 10 6

E c My 25000 243 106  (80  116.7)

Bottom of the slab =    1.5N/mm2
E s I comp 210000 708 106

My 243106  (130 116.7)

Top of the steel section =  78   78   73.4N/mm2
I comp 708106

243 106  (130  406  116.7)

Bottom of the steel section =  78   222N/mm2
708 106
(d) Full deflection under working loads = wet weight deflection + deflection under imposed load =
5  24  90004
15.5mm  15.5  13.8  29.3mm
384 210000 708 106

(e) beff = 2×9000/8 = 2250mm < beam spacing (4000mm) therefore OK

T  275 76  100 103  2090kN

2090103  X  0.567 40  2250

X  41mm
d steel x 406 41
z=  d slab    130   312.5mm
2 2 2 2
M  2090 312.5103  653.1kN.m

(a) Weight of the concrete and steel
w = 1.35× [0.52 + 1.92×2.5] = 7.2kN/m
wL2 7.2  102
M   90kN.m
8 8
M 
90 106  203
   
 85N/mm2
I 2150810 4

(b) Effective width of the composite beam, beff = 2x10000/8 = 2500mm

beff = 2500x13667/210000 = 162.7mm
Taking moments of area about the top of the slab:
162.7  80  80  406 
 7600130    x (167 80  7600)
2  2 
x = 146mm from the top of the slab

The second moment of area of the composite section (using the parallel axis theorem):
162.7 803
I comp   162.7 80  (146  40)2  21508 104  7600(203 130  146)2  634 106 mm4
(c) ULS imposed load =1.5×6×2.5 = 22.5kN/m
ULS Point load =1.5×30 = 45kN/m
PL wL2 4510 22.5102
M     112.5 281  393.5kN.m
4 8 4 8
E c My 13667 393.5 106  ()146
Stress at the top of the slab =    5.9N/mm2
E s I comp 210000 634 106

E c My 13667 393.5 106  (80  146)

Bottom of the slab =    2.7N/mm2
E s I comp 210000 634 106

393.5106  (130 146)

Top of the steel section =  85   95N/mm2
63410 6

393.5106  (130 406  146)

Bottom of the steel section =  85   327N/mm2
45 22.5  10
d) ULS design shear force =   22.5  112.5  135kN
2 2
At the ends of the beam,
VA' y 135 103  162.7 80  (146  80  0.5)
Shear flow, q =   294N/mm
I 634 106

Connection Strength 70  103

Spacing    238mm
Shear Flow 294

Chapter 7 Solutions
(a) Ultimate limit state UDL, w = 1.35×25×0.375×0.6+1.5×21 = 39.1kN/m

wL2 39.1 8.5 2

ULS moment, M    353kN.m
8 8
ULS shear force, F = wL/2 = 39.1×8.5/2 =166kN
(b) Effective depth, d = 600-25-8-40/2 = 547 mm
(c) Mu = 0.167fckbd2 = 0.167×35×375×5472×10-6 = 655.8 kN.m
Since M<Mu, design the beam as a singly reinforced beam

M 353 106
ko    0.0899
f ck bd 2 35  375 5472

   
z  d 0.5  0.25  3k o /3.4  547 0.5  0.25  3x0.0899/3.4  499mm

M 353 106
As    1626mm2
0.87f yk z 0.87  500 499

wa 2
(d) Moment at a distance a from the end of the beam, Ma = V.a 
If Ma = 50% of the mid-span moment = 176.5kN

39.1a 2
 166a  176.5  0
Roots = 7.24, 1.25
The 50% mid-span moment is located 1.25 m from the end of the beam.

(e) The point of curtailment = 1.25 m – anchorage length

Anchorage length = 33 × rebar diameters = 33×25 = 825 mm
Therefore, the point of curtailment for 25 mm bars = 1250 – 825 = 425mm

(a) d = 350 - 25 - 8 - 32/2 = 301mm
d '  25  8  20 / 2  43mm
As = 3217mm2
As'  1257mm2
A s f yk 3217x500
T  x103  1399kN
m 1.15

A s f yk 1257x500
Cs   x103  546.8kN
m 1.15
0.85f ck
Cc  b 0.8x

T = Cc + Cs  1399x103  400
0.85x 40
0.8x  546.5x103
x = 117.5mm, limiting value for x = 0.45d = 135.5mm therefore PASS
0.85x 40
Cc  400 0.8x117.5x103  852.3kN
Taking moments about the tension steel:
M = Cs (d  d ' )  Cc (d  0.4x)

 546.5(301 43) 103  852.3(301 0.4 117.5) 103  357.5kN.m

wL2 58  7 2
(b) M Ed    355.3kN.m
8 8
wL 58  7
VEd    203kN.m
2 2
wa 2
Ma = VEd .a 
If Ma = 50% of the mid-span moment:

wa 2 mid span moment

 V.a  0
2 2
58  a 2 355.3
 203a  0
2 2
29a 2  203a  177.65  0
The roots of this quadratic are, a = 1.025 and 5.975
(c) The 50% mid-span moment is located 1.025m from the end of the beam.
The point of curtailment = 1.025m – anchorage length
Anchorage length = 27 x rebar diameters = 30x32 = 960 mm
Therefore, the point of curtailment = 1025 – 960 = 65 mm from the centre of the support.

a) w = 1.35x25x0.375x0.5 + 1.5 x10 = 21.3kN/m
P = 1.35x30 +1.5x35 = 93kN

wL2 PL 21.3x9 2 93x9

MEd =     424.9 kN.m
8 4 8 4
P wL 93 21.3x9
VEd      142.35 kN
2 2 2 2

b) d = 500-25-8-40/2 = 447 mm

c) Mu = 0.167fckbd2 = 0.167x35x375x4472x10-6 = 437.9 kN.m

Since M<Mu, design the beam as a singly reinforced beam

M 424.9x106
ko    0.162
f ck bd 2 35x375x 4472

   
z  d 0.5  0.25  3k o / 3.4  447 0.5  0.25  3x0.162/ 3.4  369.8 mm

M 424.9x106
As    2641mm2
0.87f ykz 0.87x500x369.8
d) Area of a pair of 8mm rebars = Asv = 101mm2

VRd  0.78f ykd
A sw 0.78x500x 447x101
s  0.78f ykd   123.7mm
VRd 142.35x103

Asw 101
e) VRd  0.78f ykd  0.78x500x 447x x103  88kN
s 200
Using similar triangles
142.35  88
x  2.55
The distance from the end of the beams is 2552mm.
(a) Point 1: Crushing
From Eq. (7.45)
Cc  0.567 40  340 250103  1927.8kN
And from Eq.’s (7.46) and (7.47)
N s1  N s 2  0.87  5001257/ 2 103  273.4kN
And from Error! Reference source not found.)
N Rd  2475kN
Coordinates: (0, 2475)
(b) Points 2: Balance
From Eq. Error! Reference source not found.7.52), the neutral axis depth
x  0.636d  189mm
From Eq. Error! Reference source not found.)
Cc  0.567f ck b  0.8x  0.567 40  250 0.8 189103  857kN
The strain in the compression steel is greater than the yield strain (0.002) when calculated using Eq.
(7.53), therefore from Eq. Error! Reference source not found.(7.46)
N s1  N s 2  273.4kN
From Eq. Error! Reference source not found.3)
N Rd  Cc  Ns1  Ns 2  857  273.4  273.4  857kN
From Eq.’s (7.48), Error! Reference source not found.) and Error! Reference source not found.)
z s1  h / 2  d'  0.340/ 2  0.043  0.127m

z s 2  (d  h / 2)  (0.297  0.340/ 2)  0.127m

z c  h / 2  0.4x  0.34 / 2  0.4  0.189  0.0944m

From Eq. Error! Reference source not found.)
M Rd  Cc z c  Ns1z s1  Ns 2 z s 2
M Rd  857 0.0944 273.4  0.127  (273.4)  (0.127)  150kN.m
(c) Point 3: Pure moment
From Eq. Error! Reference source not found.4)
MRd  Ns 2 (d  d' )  (273.4)  (0.297  0.043)  69kN.m

Chapter 8 Solutions
ZT = ZB = bd2/6 = 200×3002/6 = 3×106mm3
A = 200×300 = 60×103mm2
w = 25×0.3×0.2+9.7 = 11.2kN/m
M = 11.2×4.62/8 = 29.6kN.m

P Pe M 200 103 200 103  70 29.6  106

T       3.3  4.7  9.9  8.5N / mm2
A ZT ZT 60  103 3  106 3  106
P Pe M
B    3.3  4.7  9.9  1.9 N / mm2

+3.3 -4.7 +9.9 +8.5

- + +
+ + +
+ -
+3.3 +4.7 -9.9 -1.9

(a) Mdl = 25×0.5h×142/8 = 306.2h kN.m

Msls = 306.2h + (14×142)/8 = (306.2h + 343) kN.m

0.9(306.2h 343) 0.8 306.2h 30.6h  308.7 2.12h  21.4
ZT   
0.916 103 14.4103 103
0.9(306.2h 343) 0.8 306.2h 30.6h  308.7 1.91h  19.3
ZB   
0.8 20 103 16 103 103
For a rectangular section, ZB = ZT = bh2/6 = 0.5h2/6 = 0.083h2 m3
83h2 – 2.12h – 21.4 = 0
83h2 – 1.91h – 19.3 = 0
Which solves to h = 0.52m and 0.495m, therefore the minimum depth = 0.52m

(b) wdl = 25×0.6×0.5 = 7.5kN/m
Mdl = 7.5×142/8 = 183.75kN.m

wsls = 7.5+14 =21.5kN/m

Msls = 21.5×142/8 = 526.75kN.m

A = 0.5× 0.6 = 0.3 m 2

bh 2 0.5× 0.62
Z= = = 0.03m 3
6 6
  e   M 
P      min .t  dl 
 A ZT   ZT 

 0.9 0.9  0.150   183.75 

P    0  
 0.3 0.03   0.03 
 1.5P  6125
 6125
P P 4083kN
 1.5
  e   M 
P     max .t  dl 
 A ZB   ZB 

 0.9 0.9  0.150   183.75 

P     20000 
 0.3 0.03   0.03 
P P 3483kN
  e   M 
P      max .sls  sls 
 A ZT   ZT 

 0.8 0.8  0.150   526.75 

P    16000 
 0.3 0.03   0.03 
 1.333P  1558
 1558
P P 1169kN
 1.333
  e   M 
P     min .sls  sls 
 A ZB   ZB 

 0.8 0.8  0.15   526.75 

P    0  
 0.3 0.03   0.03 
P P 2632kN
2632kN P 3483kN

(a) Md = 25×0.50×0.70×182/8 = 354.37 kN.m

I = bh3/12 = 700×5003/12 = 7.29x109 mm4

A = 700x500 = 350x103 mm2
P 3500 103
c.end    10 N / mm2
A 350 103

P Pe2 Md e
c.midspan   
3500 103 3500 103  1702 354.37  106  170
    10  13.88  8.26 15.62N / mm2
350 103
7.29  109
7.29  109

10  15.62
(b) c   12.81N / mm2
E s  c.average 21000012.81
s    48.04N / mm2
2E c 2  28000

(a) I = BD3/12 = 0.89×109mm4
Uplift due to tendon force:

5ααP(mid  0.5eend )L2 αPeend L2 5  0.9  550  1000 70  32.5  72502
δ  
48EI 16EI 48  35000 0.89 109
0.9  550  1000 65  72502
   8.9  3.4  5.5mm(upwards)
16  35000 0.89 109
Gravity load = 25×1.0×0.22= 5.5kN/m (= 5.5N/mm)
wL4 5.5  72504
   2.64mm(downwards )
185EI 185 35000 0.89  109
Total deflection = -5.5+2.64= -2.86mm (upwards)

(b) Uplift due to tendon force:

5ββP(mid  0.5eend )L2 βPeend L2 5  0.8 5501000 70  32.5 72502

δ  
48Ec I 16Ec I 4814000 0.89109
0.8 5501000 65  72502
   19.8 7.5  12.3mm(upwards)
16 14000 0.89109
Gravity load = 5.5+ 8= 13.5kN/m

wL4 13.5  72504

   16.2mm (downwards )
185E c,eff I 185 14000 0.89  109
Total deflection = -12.3+16.2 = 3.9mm (downwards)

(a) Dead weight of beam = 0.16  25 = 4kN/m
Moment = 4  162/8 = 128kN.m
Eccentricity = 900-600-110 = 190mm

ZT = 8.6  109/600 = 14.3x106mm3
ZB =8.6  109/300 = 28.7x106 mm3
P Pe M 1200 103 1200 103  190 128 106
T        0.55N / mm2
A ZT ZT 1.6  105 14.3 106 14.3 106
P Pe M
B     7.5  7.94  4.46  10.98N / mm2
(b) w = 25  (1.04  0.46 - 0.16) = 7.96kN/m
M = 7.96  162/8 = 254.72kN.m
M 254.72x106
T 0.55   0.55 6
 0.55  17.81  18.36N / mm2
ZT 14.3x10

 B  10.98  10.98  8.88  2.1N / mm2
(c) Moment = 8  162/8 = 256kN.m
I= BD3/12 = 460  10403/12 = 43.1  109mm4
My 256106 1040 0.5
Stress at top of bridge deck =   3.1N / mm2
I 43.1109

My 256106 (1040 0.5  140)

Stress at top of PSC section = σ T   18.36  20.6N/mm2
I 43.1109
My 256106 1040 0.5
Stress at bottom of bridge =  B   2.1   1.0 N / mm2
I 43.1109

As f yk 100.5  1600
T   103  139.8kN
s 1.15
Effective depth, d = 220-30 = 190mm
0.85f ck
Cc  b 0.8x
From horizontal equilibrium, C = T
T m 139.8  103  1.5
x    48.2mm < 0.45d therefore OK
0.85f ck 0.8b 0.85  40  0.8  160
Lever arm depth, z = d-0.4x = 190 – 0.4×48.2 = 170.7mm
Moment capacity is = T.z = 139.8×103×170.7×10-6= 23.9kN.m

Check rebar has yielded:

Strain in the steel when the concrete crushing strain is reached:
0.0035d  x  0.0035190  48.2
s    0.0103
x 48.2
 1200 0.8
Prestrain in steel =   0.00457
E 210000
Total strain = 0.015


 
4.0  2.13  2 1.7 4  1.69m 4

A = 4.0  2.1 - 2  1.72 = 2.62m2

Compression stress at the centroid of the section
P 13106
c    4.96N / mm2
A 2.62106
At the centroid of the section:
bo = 4.0 - 2  1.7 = 0.6m
A’ = A/2 = 1.31m2

0.5  0.6  1.052  (4.0  0.6)  0.2  (1.05  0.1)

y  0.746m

bo I
A' y
 2t   c  t 
600 1.69  1012
1.31 106  746
 103 (4.0) 2

 4.96  (4.0)  6212kN

Chapter 10 Solutions
(a) The 3 day tensile strength of the concrete is

f ct.3days  f ck / 20  2.0N / mm2

A c f ct.3days 200  1000 2.0

As    800mm2 / m width of slab
f yk 500

This equates to 400N/mm2/m top and bottom. Provide 10mm diameter rebar @ 175mm centres 
449mm2/m top and bottom in both directions.
(b) The effective reinforcement ratio is
As 2  449
 p,eff    4.49  103
A c 1000 200

0.34 10
S  3.4c  0.34φ.3 p,eff  3.4  25   842mm
4.49 103
The free shrinkage strain due to the change in temperature is
 free    T  12106  (20  10)  120106
The slab is prevented from shrinking by perimeter walls which surround the slab. Assuming these are
rigid, the restraint factor, R, is 1.0, therefore the restrained shrinkage strain is
r  0.75 free R  0.75120106  90 106
And the crack width due to early thermal cracking is
w  S   r  842  90  106  0.076mm

(c) The summer winter change in temperature is 12oC. The free shrinkage strain due to the change in
temperature is
free  12 106 12  144106
The restrained shrinkage strain is
r  0.75 free R  0.75144106 1.0  108106

w  0.076  108106  842  0.167mm

(d) The free shrinkage strain due to shrinkage after 2 years is 120.
r  0.75 free R  0.75120106 1.0  90 106
Thus, the total crack width is
w  0.167  842 90  106  0.243mm

The total change in temperature between the top of the slab and the mid-point of the slab = 35/2 =
17.5oC. The induced strain at the outer edges of the slab is
  T  12 106 17.5  210106
The curvature induced is
1  210106
   1.4 10 6
R y 150
This curvature and the associate movements could be induced by equal end moments, therefore the end
slope and mid-span deflection are
1 M
Since curvature, 
L 1 12000
Therefore     1.4 10 6  8.4 10 3 radians
2 R 2

L2 1 120002
And     1.4 10 6  25.2mm
8 R 8
Assuming that the point of end-rotation occurs at the top corner of the slab, the support sideways
movement is

    h  8.4 103  300  2.52mm

Chapter 11 Solutions

(a) Second moment of area of the section:
I = (350  3003  300  2003 ) / 12  587.5  10 6 mm4

P wL 15 8  5
(b) V     27.5kN
2 2 2 2
shear connectorstrength 2  3000
q 
spacing spacing

VAy 27.5  103  300  50  (150  0.5  50)

q   87.8N / mm
I 587.5  106
2  3000
spacing   68mm
(c) 27.5  z  8 
z = 1.7m

200 3002
(a) M el, y  10.5   106  31.5kN.m
300 2002
M ed ,z  10.5  106  21kN.m

(b) w  m  g  A  400 9.81 103  0.3  0.2  0.235kN / m

wL2 1.35  0.235 4.52

My    0.80kN.m
8 8
300 2003
(c) Iz   200 106 mm4
2 EI 2 3000 200 106
N cr ,z  2
 2
 103  292.4kN
L cr 4500

N crush  10.5  200  300  103  630kN

 1 1   1 1 
N b,Rd          199.7kN
 N crush N cr   630 292.4 

200  3003
(d) Iy   450  106 mm4
2 EI 2 3000 450 106
N cr ,y    103  658kN
L2cr 45002

1 1
y    1.129
1  N / N cr ,y 1  75 / 658

N  yM y z Mz
   1.0
N b, Rd, y M el, y M el, z

75 1.129 0.80
  0  0.404
199.7 31.5

FoS  0.4041  2.48

1 1
(e) z    1.345
1  N / N cr ,z 1  75 / 292.4

75 1.129 0.80 1.345 M z

  1
199.7 31.5 21

M z  9.30kN.m

Mz 
4  9.30
P  8.3kN

PL wL2 2  1.5  6 (1.35  4  1.5  12)  62
(a) M     110kN.m
4 8 4 8
P wL 2  1.5 (1.35  4  1.5 12)  6
V     72kN
2 2 2 2
E timber 3000
(b) Width of timber (web)   timber width   300  4.29mm
E steel 210000

I = (300  4003  (300  4.29) (400  10)3 )/12  138 106 mm4

My 110106  200
(c) Stress on outside of steel plate    159N / mm2
I 138106
E timber My 3000 110106 (200 5)
Stress at top of timber     2.2N/mm2
E steel I 210000 138.810 6

(d) At the screwed joint:

y  400/ 2  5 / 2  197.5mm

A  300 5  1500mm2
shear connectorstrength 2  4500
Shear flow, q  
spacing spacing

VAy 72 103 1500197.5

In addition, q    155N / mm
I 138106
Rearranging gives the maximum permissible spacing = 58mm
(e) 72  z  23.4 

z = 1.54m


(a) The second moment of areas of the timber and steel are
140 4003
It  3   2.24  109 mm2
6  3803
Is  2   54.9  106 mm4
The stiffness (EI) of the timber and steel are

E t I t  8000 2.24  109  1.792  1013 N.mm2

E s I s  210000 54.9  106  1.153 1013 N.mm2

And the total stiffness of the compound section is

 EI  2.945 10 13

(b) The SLS load is

w sls  2.6  2.2  4.8kN / m

And the mid-span deflection is

5wL4 5  4.8  80004
   8.7mm
384EI 384 2.9451013
(c) The ULS load is
w uls  1.35  2.6  1.5  2.2  6.81kN / m
The mid-span moment is
wL2 6.81 82
M   54.5kN / m
8 8
(d) The moment is shared between the timber and steel sections. The proportion each section carries is
dependent on the relative stiffness, therefore the moment in the timber sections is
Et It 1.792
Mt  M   54.5  33.2kN.m
EI 2.945
And the moment in the steel is
E s Is 1.153
Ms  M   54.5  21.3kN.m
EI 2.945
The top and bottom stresses in the timber are
33.2  106 ()200
t   2.96N / mm 2
2.24  109
And the steel stresses are
21.3 106 ()190
s   73.7 N / mm 2
54.9 106


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