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Brand tracking is the process of continuously evaluating the progress of a brand over the

time. Which is essential to measure the brand health metrics that is crucial for business, track and
analyze brand’s relevance over the time, and contextualize brand’s health strengths and
weaknesses to adjust brand strategy. Brand tracking allows marketers to analyze and set a
benchmark a variety of factors, such as how what customers think about the brand and what
aspect they can improve. It helps marketers pinpoint strengths and weaknesses and adjust their
brand strategy accordingly.

During their brand tracking, companies can use a number of tools, traditional and bulletin
board focus groups, social listening, digital ethnography, and platform analytics capture various
forms of customer behavior data that shows an overview of customer’s brand perception. In
order to identify brand perception, brand tracking survey deliver their own unique strengths.
Marketers can quickly target a wider audience, retain low prices, and reduce the bias of
respondents and administrators for more significant outcomes.

When creating a questionnaire, there are 6 crucial points that must be asked is the survey
in order to determine the current situation of your brand’s health. Those crucial points are
Awareness, Perception, Prior usage, Preference, Consideration, and Net promoter score. It
is vital to include survey questions that touches all the points of aspects of brand health, however
failure to do so will make it unclear of what kind of state your brand is going through. Some
questions can be in a form of multiple choice questions, for example, a brand ask what kind of
brand they are familiar with. Other than that, questions can be in form of rating, which is in a
quantitative result. The question is in a scale of 1 to 5 which for example can be, 1(“Very not
satisfied”) and 5 (“Very satisfied”).

The sample of Mothercare’s brand tracking survey is:


1. When thinking of buying a baby stroller, which brand come to your minds first?

o Mothercare
o Sweet Cherry
o Picardo
o Other brand: ______________

2. Which of these aspects led you to this choice?

 Availability
 Safety
 Quality
 Price
 Recommendation
 Others: __________________________

3. When it comes to buying a baby walker, are you the main decision maker in the house?

 I am the main buyer of this product

 I share the decision
 Not my decision

4. How strong would you recommend our brand to other people?

Never Considerable Strongly suggest

1 2 3 4 5
Please explain your rating

5. Have you seen Mothercare advertised in the last month?

 Yes
 No

6.Please rate the following from 1 (Strongly disagree to 5 (Strongly agree)

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

disagree 5
1 2 3 4
Mothercare is a
trustworthy brand
I am confident when I
buy Mothercare
I look for Mother care
before I look for other
When given a generic
brand and Mothercare, I
will pick Mothercare.
I would recommend
Mothercare to my
friends and family.
If Mothercare is not
available nearby, I will
find it somewhere else.
[ CITATION Han19 \l 1033 ]
Hanover Research. (2019, February 18). Everything You Wanted to Know About Brand Tracking Surveys.
Retrieved from Haniver Research :

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