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We can talk about past habits, actions or states with Simple Past or “used to”.

 I went/used to go fishing with my dad every summer when I was young.

 I ate/used to eat a lot of sweets in the past but I’m on a diet now.
 She was/used to be a doctor before she got married and move to Australia.

We can also talk about past habits and actions with “would” too. We cannot use “would” to talk
about past states.

 I went/used to go/would go fishing with my dad every summer when I was young.
 I ate/used to eat/would eat a lot of sweets in the past but I’m on a diet now.
 BUT: She would be a doctor before she got married and move to Australia.

Choose the correct answer:

1. We __________ go for a walk every morning when we were little.

A. used to B. would C. both A and B

2. Dad ___________ a good student.

A. was B. used to was C. would be

3. I _______________ ice cream when I was a baby.

A. didn’t like B. didn’t used to like C. both A and B

4. My sister and I ____________ to the cinema on Saturdays and have an Ice- cream afterwards.

A. used to gone B. would always go C. did go

5. Before I moved to Paris, I _________________ in Scotland.

A. used to live B. would live C. both A and B

 We use used to when we describe a habit in the past

 We often use used to to contrast a past habit with what we do now US

 The past simple is also possible but used to is more common

Statements: I used to play tennis when I was a teenager

Negatives: I didn’t use to play basketball when i studied at
Question: Did you use to play football when you were little?

A. Rewrite each sentence with used to

a) I was in the school swimming team

b) Sophie had long hair when she was 7
c) Mary didn’t listen when her teachers were speaking
d) Ricardo got up at 6:00 when he was training for the Olympics
e) What did you usually do on Saturday evening?
f) My brother wore glasses when he was small
g) Becky was afraid of dogs when she was a little girl
h) We always gave our teacher presents at the end of the term
i) Paul has spoken Italian well but he has forgotten it
j) Did you live next door to Mrs Harrison?
Use Be supposed to and speak out sentences according to the pictures bellow:

e.g.: I was supposed to be presenting my project at this moment. / Aren’t you supposed to be in class
for your presentation? / As a sales manager you are supposed to present the key indicators for sales

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