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Course Code: COMP3220

Principles of Artificial Intelligence

Instructions to Candidates
Candidates are reminded that the examiners shall take into account the proper use of the English
Language in determining the mark for each response.
o This is a Synchronous Online Examination.
o This Online Assessment consist of 2 questions.
o Students are to answer ALL questions.
o To do this exam, you are expected to write your responses on paper, and then scan them
into an electronic document. Please use plain white paper, and use a pen with dark coloured
ink. If you use a pencil for diagrams or any text, ensure that it has a high enough contrast to
show up in the scans.
o Ensure your id number is written on each page.
o When you have finished writing your exam, scan your response into a single PDF document.
If you have access to a scanner, you may use that. Otherwise, you can use a smartphone to
do so.
 iPhones can do this with a native program.
 Android phones can do this through a number of freely available Apps, including
Google Drive, Cam Scanner, and Adobe Scan, to name a few.
o After scanning your document, examine the PDF file you have created to ensure that:
 all marks that you have written are clearly visible
 all the text on each page has been included
 all of your written pages have been scanned.
 all the pages in your document are in the correct order
 each page has been scanned in the same orientation
o Once you have verified your PDF file, upload it to the submission slot setup to receive
your response.
Question 0

a) Please put your student ID number.

[0 marks]

Question 1

a) With so many different definitions of Artificial intelligence there is a consensus on certain

properties of intelligent systems. Discuss these characteristics in context of an example
intelligent system. Do you agree whether these are sufficient for a system to be considered
intelligent, explain why?
[6 marks]

b) Properties of task environments include;

 Deterministic or Stochastic
 Episodic or Sequential

Explain these properties by giving an example of each of the four.

[4 marks]

c) In Game-playing explain the difference between utility function and evaluation function.
Under what circumstances would you use one over the other? Give an example of an
evaluation function for a simple game.
[5 marks]

Question 2

a. In the given graph, S is the initial state, G is the goal state and the numbers on the edges
are costs to travel those paths and the heuristic costs to G are given in the table.
a) Draw the state space to search for a path between S and G. In the search space put the node
that comes alphabetically earlier on the left.
[3 marks]

b) Using Greedy search and A* search work out a route from S to G for each. In your answer
provide the order in which the nodes were expanded and state the route that will be taken.
If more than one path can be explored at a time in the graph then select the node with the
label that comes earlier in the alphabet (i.e. B will be selected before D).
[6 marks]

c) Compare and Contrast Search techniques with Local Search techniques. For each provide
a scenario where you would select one over the other.
[6 marks]


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