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Recycling is a process to convert waste materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful
materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from
incineration) and water pollution (from land filling) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal
and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to plastic production. Recycling is a key component of
modern waste reduction and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" waste hierarchy.
Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles and electronics. The
composting or other reuse of biodegradable waste—such as food or garden waste—is also considered
recycling. Materials to be recycled are either brought to a collection center and picked up from the
curbside, then sorted, cleaned and reprocessed into new materials destined for manufacturing.
In the strictest sense, recycling of a material would produce a fresh supply of the same material—for
example; used office paper would be converted into new office paper, or used polystyrene foam into new
polystyrene. However, this is often difficult or too expensive (compared with producing the same product
from raw materials or other sources), so "recycling" of many products or materials involves their reuse in
producing different materials (for example, paperboard) instead. Another form of recycling is the salvage
of certain materials from complex products, either due to their intrinsic value (such as lead from car
batteries, or gold from circuit boards), or due to their hazardous nature (e.g., removal and reuse of
mercury from thermometers and thermostats).

Answer the question based on the passage!

1. What do you know about recycling before you read this passage?

2. What is the function of recycling?

3. What kind of things which are able to be recycled?

4. What is the step to recycle things?

5. How can the people solve their difficulty to get the materials to reduce?

1. What is the similar with "hazardous" in the last paragraph?


Simple Past Past Continuous

S + did + V1  S + V2 S + was/were + V-ing
I ate meatball yesterday. I was watching TV when my mom called me.
1. To indicate that an activity began and 1. To indicate an activity that interrupted
done in the past actions.
2. To indicate an activity that occurred over 2. To show a continuous state in the past
a period of time but was completed in the 3. To show an event planned in the past.
3. To show an activity that took place
regularly in the past


1. I …… movie at that time. 4. She ……… to continue her study but she
a. Was watching didn’t have a chance to do it.
b. Watched a. Plan
c. Is watching b. Planed
d. Watch c. Planning
d. Was planning
2. I ….. in USA last year.
a. Living 5. The teacher was explaining in front of the
b. Lives class when someone ……the door.
c. Live a. Knock
d. Lived b. Is knocked
c. Was knocking
3. My mother …….. in the office in 2004. d. Knocked
a. Worked
b. Working 6. My mother ……. me when I was watching TV
c. Works in my room.
d. Was working a. Called
b. Calling
c. Is calling
d. Calls
Change the verbs in the brackets to become right sentences!

1. Mom (cut) up vegetables in the kitchen when I (hear) music.

2. Why you (laugh) all through the history lesson yesterday?

3. We (listen) carefully all the time, they (explain) the plan to us.

4. Steve (drive) his car when a bird (fly) into his windscreen.

5. She (brush) into tears when she (recognize) her name as the winner.

Arrange these words into good sentences!

1. Did – not – borrow – Nia - pen - yesterday – my

2. To - were – get - running – your - quickly – you - ? -target

3. Father – bought – my – apples – in the – some – market.

4. Did – separate – why – last – he – night - ?

5. Gift - was - Desy – good – getting – her – from – boyfriend.

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