Cross-Functional Process Map: © Rummler-Brache Group

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A Cross-Functional Process Map is a picture of the sequenced steps across functions that
depict how input(s) are converted to output(s). It shows the flow of inputs/outputs across a
process and the applicable functions in the organization.

When to Use

Use the map to:

 Document the “IS” Process for understanding and analysis.

 Document the “SHOULD” Process for Implementation and continuous improvement.

 Show cross-functional workflows.

How to Use

1. Lay out the horizontal bands on the chart that represent the Functions.

Cross-Functional Process Map Template

1. Place the Customers/Markets band on top and the Suppliers band on the bottom. Label
the other bands accordingly.

Cross-Functional Process Map Labeled

2. You may want to include a "Misc." band at the bottom where you can include such
items as: Remarks, Times, Costs, Quality Components, and Comments. If systems are
involved in the process, you may want to place a systems band near the middle.
3. Identify the sub-processes involved in the process.

© Rummler-Brache Group

Cross-Functional Process Map with Sub-Processes.

4. Place the first step in the process in the appropriate band. Indicate the step's activity with
a noun and a verb in the past tense. (e.g. Needs Evaluated, Quotes Requested, Product
Concept Tested).

Cross-Functional Process Map – Steps

5. Identify the output and where it goes. Place another step in the appropriate band and
label the step. Draw an arrow from the output side of the previous step to this step and label
the arrow with the output.

Cross-Functional Process Map – Output

6. Continue by asking yourself, "What is accomplished or completed in this step? What is

the output and where does it go?"

Cross-Functional Process Map – Output, cont.

7. Refer to the following mapping conventions.

© Rummler-Brache Group

Mapping Conventions

8. Revise the map as needed and number the boxes from top to bottom (left to right for
reference purposes only).
9. When creating the draft Cross-Functional “IS” Process Map, DO NOT label the
potential Disconnects perceived by the interviewees on the map at this point. You do not
want to pre-dispose potential Disconnects to the Design Team. Instead, you will walk
through the map, step-by-step, allowing them to identify and discuss the Disconnects. The
idea is to create ownership of the process by Design Team members so that they are vested
in the improvement.

Time Required

The time required to complete a Cross-Functional Process Map will vary based on the complexity of the
process. Plan to spend at least a few hours.

© Rummler-Brache Group

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