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Jazmine Ibarra

Sarah Thaller

Fire Cohort

31 January 2021

Week 2: The Importance of Humor

I wouldn’t say that laughter is a big part of my life, but it is definitely a part of my life. I feel like

I don’t laugh as much these days, but I laugh sometimes. Some things that make me laugh are my sister,

the random things she does, for example, the way she walks, her facial expressions, and the things she

says. Most times the things she says or does don’t make sense to me, but she does these things randomly

throughout the day. Other things that make me laugh, most recently, include Korean drama rom-coms and

videos of animals talking or making noises. I’m not sure why, but I find it funny. After a really good belly

laugh, I often feel like I burned a few calories. I didn’t think that it would turn out to be true though. After

having a good laugh, I usually say, “Oh my gosh, I think I just burned a couple calories just now.” I say

that as a joke though, but I guess it is not incorrect, as I thought it would be. After reading the article, I

am wondering if the kinds of laughs you have increase your mood more than others. I’m wondering if

there is actual research that shows how many calories you burn if you laugh for a certain amount of time.

I think it is so cool that laughing can increase overall happiness and health, decrease negative emotions,

health problems (both mental and physical in terms of blood pressure and depression), and actually burn

calories! After watching the TED Talk, ​The Art of Creativity​, by Taika Waititi, I realize that I smiled a

whole lot. His art was funny and his jokes didn’t quite make sense or make me laugh, but it was fun to

watch. It was interesting to see his journey through the arts and honestly it makes me wonder what it’s

like to go through the mind of an artist or what it means to be an artist. I’m wondering how people come

up with such absurd but fascinating ideas. I think that creating these things is awesome but also sharing it

with others is a beautiful thing. After watching the last video, ​The shared experience of absurdity​, by

Charlie Todd, I find it to be a bit genius just because it is a simple thing but it brings people happiness. I

love the creativity of the people in this world, especially when it brings people joy. I especially love the
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“LOOK UP” project as well as “Operation: Best Buy.” I think it really gives a great message for anyone

who creates anything. I love the last line he said which was, “I think that as adults, we need to learn that

there’s no right or wrong way to play.” I also want to add that I agree with what he said about internet

comments, growing thicker skin, and criticism on how people spend their time. The truth is that we don’t

have a lot of time. Every day people are born and every day people’s lives are taken away. Who is anyone

to criticize how we spend our time living? Everyone has a right to do what they want with their own time.

It doesn’t make their lives any less valuable than someone who is always being productive or doing what

they’re supposed to do. That’s boring! I truly enjoyed watching this video because Todd and all the

people that worked with him brought themselves and other people joy. I think that is a truly wonderful

thing to do. I think that I can make laughter mroe present in my life if I spend more time around others,

rather than spending my time alone, as well as doing the things that make me happy despite any criticisms

or judgments that I may receive, just like Todd and all artists around the world. Oh, and just like the first

video, ​The Art of Creativity​ mentioned, anyone can paint. It’s just picking up a brush, dipping it in paint,

and putting it somewhere else. (Clearly that is not what Waititi said, but I think I summed it up pretty


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