Purposal of 6th Sem RR

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Submitted by:-Ramendra kumar saphi Tiwari

Roll no:-37
Ramlalit Yadav
Roll no:-39
Background or context:
A survey is a research method used for collecting data from a predefined group
of respondents to gain information and insights into various topic of research.
IN this proposals, we are going to be discussed about the digital cadastral
survey. There is the use of DGPS, TS (Total station) As to record detail. DGPS,
differential positioning system enhancement to global positioning system that
provides improved location accuracy from the 15m nominal gps accuracy to
about 10cm in case of the best implementation DGPS uses one or several
(network)fixed ground based reference stations (is known as locations). Digital
cadaster database is a computerized map or spatial location showing property
boundaries normally in relation to adjoining and other close properties or
parcel land. Commonly used as a basic layer of data used in a map based
computer programs that gives an outline of the legal boundaries of a property.
Digital cadastral system defines as the establishment and re-establishment of
real property boundaries with the help of total station. Cadastral surveying is
the subfield of cadaster and surveying that specialize is the establishment and
re _establishment of real property boundaries.it is the important component
of the legal creation of properties.

Purpose of the project:

The purpose of the project is to make digital cadastral map. And also
comparing Dgps V/S total station. Establishment of control point with
instrument DGPS AND TS and also comparing it.
Objective of the project:
This is the independent project provided by the organization land management
training center. In case of building more skills, experience, manpower from this
organization. By taking prior to this in mind, some of the major objectives of
this project are listed below.
1. To gain the knowledge about digital cadastre.
2. To gain the knowledge about dgps which is used to establishment
control point.
3.To interact physically and technically.
4.It gives prior for brain wash again.
5.There is the utilization of skills again which are been discussed previous
by our subject teacher.
6.It makes more familiar with digital tools arc GIS 9.3.
7.Also, comparing among DGPS and TS control point establishment
check of accuracy, time, etc.
Scope of the project:
The scope of project are listed below:
1. To collect land revenue for the government by identifying the
landowners and its tenants.
Data/information required:
Data are acquired through field survey.
We plan to conduct the survey in 5 steps. All steps are maintained below with
Step1.establishment of control point with DGPS.
First, we reconnaissance the area to be surveyed and then we choose the
desired area for control point establishment from where our works begin with
quality. Making one point as a known point inside LMTC as a (base station) and
other a rover station. In this way we are provided the easting, northing, and
height of the known station and determined the location of other rover station
as a control point.
Step2: establishment of control point with the help of total station.
We set out our total station on one known station among two known station
and on another one prims. The known two points may be taken from gps or
from existing. Taking one point as a back sight we established other control
point. The point are most be coincide with DGPS point for compromising. In
this way we set mark control point with total station too.
Step3: digital cadastral survey (total station).
We have all known control point as principal of surveying (working from whole
to part.) then setting out of total station on one control point and giving back
sight we measured all the parcel corner and simultaneously from other control
point. And further processing are done in GIs environment.
Step4: comparing of DGPS control point and total station control point.
Project deliverables:
We deliver project in some hardcopy and softcopy.
Resource requirement:
The following resources are required for the project.
Particulars Set
DGPS with tripod 1 set
Total station with tripod 1 set

chainman 2(from beginning to last date of field)

We achieve the desire digital cadastral v/s total sation difference.

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