Maersk Line Case 1

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The segmentation model allows
managers to prioritise segments
according to the same principles
whether in London, São Paolo
or any other harbour on the map

magine being in charge of a Maersk Line in order to ensure COMPANY FACTS
office in, say, Brazil, having to grow a coherent commercial Maersk Line is the world’s largest shipping
market position at rates in excess of 15% focus and prioritisa- company, operating in 130 countries, with a
per annum in order to cater to market devel- tion. All attempts work force of more than 25,000 employees, a
opments and central capacity investments. of making it oper- fleet of about 650 container ships and 15 million

Which customers and areas do you target in ational have failed, containers transported annually across the globe.

order to reach the target volumes? however.

But the management was determined to cut this seemingly Gordian

MANAGEMENT was determined: knot of developing a framework that was widely accepted, simple
enough to apply in a daily setting and yet able to encompass the
Either we take it to the point where complexity of market realities. In the autumn of 2011, after nine
we believe it WILL WORK, or we months of hard work, Maersk Line was finally able to untangle
the threads and start the global roll-out of a new segmentation
drop the project entirely framework. What had made it work this time around?

Tackle and Solve

Several times over the past 10 years, Maersk To answer this question, we need to look into what segmentation is
Line has tried to develop a segmentation all about. The misunderstandings regarding segmentation are many,
model that could be made operational at and the pitfalls on the way to success even more plentiful. Put very
Group level as well as in all 130 local offices simplistically, segmentation is about prioritisation. However, when

looking closer there is a need to agree on This is not done in a flash; however, when
precisely which problem the segmentation done right, it enables the organisation to rank
Where efforts should solve. Is it growth or cost and prioritise segments according to the same
to grow? cutting? Is it to regain lost market share? principles, whether in London, São Paolo or
To increase sales efficiency? The purpose any other harbour on the map.
of the segmentation efforts will determine One of the simple reasons why the previous
STRATEGIC which different segmentation models to apply segmentation efforts had failed was the fact
SEGMENTATION at the different levels.
Today, the manager in
Understand the overall
market landscape
in order to identify At STRATEGIC LEVEL , the key is to create
attractive market
opportunities and
an understanding of the overall market land-
scape in order to identify attractive market
ACCORDING to the same logic
prioritise segments.
opportunities and prioritise segments ac-
cordingly. The TACTICAL LEVEL determines
what to offer customers by examining the as the manager in London, or in any
needs, buying criteria and behaviour of the
prioritised segments. And at OPERATIONAL other MAERSK Line office
LEVEL , the segmentation is translated into How
concrete action plans to realise value where to sell? that Maersk Line had not aligned the purpose
the customer meets the business. The three of the model and dimensions or the priorities
levels are interconnected, and changes at one and focus with all stakeholders involved.
level impact the others. Companies should This time, months were spent discussing
define what they want and how to achieve SEGMENTATION
the dimensions. There were 16 to begin with
it for all three of them. Drive and manage and everyone needed to agree on just two.
operations and projects Nonetheless, management was determined:
in order to realise value
In the case of Maersk Line, the segmenta- where the customer Either we take it to the point where we believe
tion was to encompass all three levels, with meets the business. it will work, or we drop the project entirely.
distinct focus on defining and connecting
the strategic and operational levels as a So, what did it take to reach this point?
reshaping of the value proposition – i.e. the tactical level – had The project group included all commercial
recently been scrutinised with the Daily Maersk product. departments as well as the local sales organi-
sations and ensured an open and widespread
At strategic level, the first step was to de- dialogue with all major stakeholders. Five
velop a strategic market model. In such a pilot implementations were carried out on
What model, a segmentation grid is established on four continents, ensuring proof of concept,
to offer? the basis of just two dimensions. This is an local adaptability and adjusting supporting
oversimplification of reality that trades off business processes – admittedly a quite lengthy
complexity for operational efficiency – but process. But this meant that the segmentation
if made right, it still holds the potential to could be made operational and rolled out
SEGMENTATION embrace vast complexity. quickly. The regional clusters made their
Understand costumer own segmentation grid following the logic
needs, buying criteria
and behaviour for After multiple analysis loops, the two pri- of the overall model, determining how to
prioritised segments mary dimensions of the model chosen in prioritise resources, what types of cargo to
in order to develop
Maersk Line were cargo types and routes. focus on, and the model gave everyone the
attractive offerings.
The next exercise was to define groups of same frame of work. Today, the manager
cargo types with the same characteristics in São Paolo makes decisions according to
that represented different value to Maersk Line. An entanglement the same logic – the same understanding
of 600-800 cargo types and 250+ routes was transformed into a of segments and an aligned prioritisation
segmentation grid consisting of 144 prioritised fields. Each field between them – as the manager in London,
was broken down according to the same logic, allowing every part or in any other Maersk Line office.
of the organisation to find itself and to know which cargo types to
focus on in which routes and corridors.

Engage and Mobilise

This case story promised to reveal what made the segmentation
project work for Maersk Line this time around. The answer to this
question can be found in the process leading to the segmentation
model and its implementation.

To make the defined segments of the model operational at all levels,

not only must a logic model be defined with the right dimensions, but
it must also be populated with the right data – not just the available
data. And just as importantly, a common language to talk about
segmentation and to agree on the priorities must be established.

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