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Form No ICC/03/INT/BWR/2011

Form Title Internship Monthly Progress Report

Name : Muhammad Andhika Wiranata Pramadana

Company’s Name : PT. Putera Mandiri Lestari Abadi

Supervisor’s Name and Title : Mr. Marwan

Department : Internal General Affair

Working Hours : 8 Hour/Day

Report Period : 2020-10-08 - 2020-11-08

A. Describe your principal assignments, responsibilities, for the past One Month
a. Maintaining records off all logistics- related documents ( invoices, receipt ) to be submitted to the Finance
b. Maintaining a proper filing system and ensuring that all staff have easy access to it.

B. Describe important aspects of the work where you learned significant knowledge, skills, or personal
a. I learned about how to manage payments that go in and out within the company, also learn about any waste
goods that can be recycled and managed properly.
b. I learned about managing and keeping the documents that important to this company, so if the staff need the
documents, they can ask directly to me and have easy access to it.

C. Describe problems or challenges encountered during the One Month and how you resolved/minimized them
In this month, I encountered a challenge about what else the things and goods that can be can be classified as
recyclable and reusable waste because it's my first time learning about this, But i have a very supportive Supervisor
that always help me to learn and understand about how to manage all of the goods and the payment also the
important documents from outside to the inside and otherwise of this company. He also give me a feedback that
encourages and makes me to love and learn a new things.

Submitted by Read and acknowledged by

Name of intern On Site Supervisor

Date: Duly Stamped

Internship Monthly Progress Report | ICC President University

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