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Form No ICC/03/INT/BWR/2011

Form Title Internship Monthly Progress Report

Name : Muhammad Andhika Wiranata Pramadana

Company’s Name : PT. Putera Mandiri Lestari Abadi

Supervisor’s Name and Title : Mr. Marwan

Department : Internal General Affair

Working Hours : 8 Hour/Day

Report Period : 2020-11-08 - 2020-12-28

A. Describe your principal assignments, responsibilities, for the past One Month
Maintaining records off all logistics- related documents ( invoices, receipt ) to be submitted to the Finance Officer,
also do field survey.

B. Describe important aspects of the work where you learned significant knowledge, skills, or personal
Responsibilities, time management, patient, good communication, dedication.

C. Describe problems or challenges encountered during the One Month and how you resolved/minimized them
Doing a field survey, is not easy as I think before, I must come earlier before the meeting in the field to make sure
everyone is there. And i must communicate well with the other company to make the meeting schedule. Since i
must also maintaining all of the logistics related documents. So I do my best in my last month in this company with
a help from my supervisor to ensure what I do is running smoothly and no documents or meetings are left behind.

Submitted by Read and acknowledged by

Name of intern On Site Supervisor

Date: Duly Stamped

Internship Monthly Progress Report | ICC President University

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