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Form No ICC/19/INT/SPV/2014

Revision 03
Form Title Final Intern Performance
Evaluation Form

Internship and Career Center

Work Performance Appraisal and Development Plan
Please provide your candid evaluation of this student's performance or skill level in each of the following areas.
We encourage you to participate in a two-ways communication in discussing the student’s performance and
share your appraisal to the student for her or his professional development. Thank you.

PresUniv Student’s Name : Muhammad Andhika Wiranata Pramadana

Name of Institution : PT. Putera Mandiri Lestari Abadi
On-Site Supervisor Name : Mr. Marwan
On-Site Supervisor Title : Head of General Affair Department
Appraisal Period : September 08, 2020 to December 28, 2020

Rating Description

Rating In Points Definition

EX Exceptional (EX)-5 85-100 Points Outstanding Performance. Quality excellence is delivered in continuous basis

AA Above Average (AA)-4 70-84.99 Demonstrate work performance which exceeds the standard expectation and
Points requirement of the job.

A Average/Satisfactory (A)-3 60-69.99 Demonstrate work performance which meets the standard expectation and
Points requirement of the job.

NI Needs Improvement (NI)-2 50-59.99 Demonstrate poor work performance in most areas. Need intensive training
Points before entering to the job.

P Poor/Unsatisfactory (P)-1 0-49.99 Cannot demonstrate the expected work performance quality. Not ready for
Points work.

1. Please put X in the appropriate column indicating your assessment to the work performance being assessed.

Work Performance 1 2 3 4 5
A. Business/Organization Competency          
1. Consistency in submitting the assignment within the expected period of time (meeting
the deadline).          
2. Ability to produce reliable work quality as being thorough with minimum error.          
3.Ability to work under minimum supervision.        
4. Ability to be active and consistent in seeking for knowledge/information needed to
perform the job.          
5. Ability to analyze/identify the main issues/problems.          
6.Ability to offer relevant solution/recommendation to the problems  
Signed and stamped        
7.Level of discipline to maintain the agreed working hours On-site supervisor:

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Form No ICC/19/INT/SPV/2014
Revision 03
Form Title Final Intern Performance
Evaluation Form

Work Performance 1 2 3 4 5
8. Level of awareness of organizational code of conduct and culture.          
B. People Competency          
1. Ability to prioritize the team’s goal rather than individual goal          
2. Ability to accept constructive feedback from team members or supervisor in a mature
and professional manner.          
3 .Level of initiative to seek for information on team’s needs, and act on it.          
4. Level of awareness of customer’s needs expectation, problems, and circumstance
(both internal & external customers).          
5. Ability to build rapport and cooperation with customer (both internal & external).          
6. Level of engagement with team members (including attending discussion, being
helpful, and showing empathy).          
7. Ability to share important/relevant information (including ideas and recent updates)
with team members and supervisor.          
C. Self-Management (Behavioral)  
1. Ability to behave in a respectful and consistent manner.          
2 .Ability to share feelings to let other colleagues understand the current state of mind.          
3. Ability to manage confidential information.          
4. Ability to treat other people with respect.          
5. Ability to maintain constant performance and act rationally under a stressful situation.          
6. Ability to adjust to the emerging changes in the workplace.          
D. Technical Skill
1. Ability to listen and follow the instruction.          
2. Ability to inform clear message and information in good spoken language.          
3. Ability to write clearly and concisely.          
4. Ability to respond to questions, feedback, and instructions in a clear and correct
manner.          
5. Level of relevancy of the knowledge to the business needs.        
Please write down the necessary tool, knowledge, or skills needed to perform the job, and rate the subordinate's performance in
meeting the technology requirement   
1. Tools / Technology/Machine (e.g. Ms. Words, Adobe Photoshop) P NI A AA EX
1.1 Ms. Words          
1.2. Ms. Excel          
1.3. Ms. Power Point          

Signed and stamped

On-site supervisor:
2. Knowledge 1 2 3 4 5
2.1. Management 

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Form No ICC/19/INT/SPV/2014
Revision 03
Form Title Final Intern Performance
Evaluation Form
2.2. Communication

2.3. Administration 

2. Based on the overall contribution of the employee, how would you rate the contribution of the employee to the business

[] Very Valuable [ ] Somewhat [ ] Limited Value [ ] Not valuable/not ready to work in the
valuable institution

Please explain in what way the student has created impact to the organization or your work as on-site supervisor.

The student is very helpful and so responsible on his job. In the last 4 months, he always listened
and do my advice correctly, he also can easily adapt in this company envinronment with fast. He
has delivered and maintained a good performance to this company.

3. Please use the following section to identify the primary strengths, areas to be improved, and future training plan which
is recommended to enhance the employee’s work performance.

Primary Strengths (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes) Areas to Be Improved (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes)

1. Good communication skills It will be better if the students improve his management and
2. Management Skills administrative skills, since I see him work in here, I see that
3. Problem solving this student will have a good career if he build his own
4. Good presentation skill business and he can accepting and listening to other’s people
5. Administration opinion and keep growing on his own.

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Form No ICC/19/INT/SPV/2014
Revision 03
Form Title Final Intern Performance
Evaluation Form

Courses/Training/Workshop/Seminar Which the Employee Should Participate

Signed andto stamped
Enhance/Maintain the Quality of Work
Performance On-site supervisor:

1. General Affair Officer Development Program

2. General Affair Management
3. General Staff Training and Development

4. Please provide your feedback on the learning design/curriculum/seminars/training which President University must offer
to improve the quality and competitiveness of the graduates in the workplace.

The internship program of President University is good enough and match with the industry’s work pace. However,
campuses must have other easy solutions if they encounter problems such as the Covid 19 pandemic that is currently
being faced right now, so for other students it is not hard to find internships and also provide a curriculum that accordance
with technological advances, so that students are better prepared to face the working environment that can improve soft
and hard skills in students.

Courses/Training/Workshop/Seminar Which the Employee Should Participate to Enhance/Maintain the Quality of Work

1. General Affair Officer Development Program

2. General Affair Management

3. General Staff Training and Development

Assessed by,

Signed and stamped

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Form No ICC/19/INT/SPV/2014
Revision 03
Form Title Final Intern Performance
Evaluation Form
On-site supervisor name:
Evaluation Date:
Mr. Marwan

I, herewith, acknowledge that this performance review was conducted to evaluate my work performance during the specified period. My
signatory in this review indicates that I have understood and approved the outcome of the appraisal. I understand that I will secure a
copy of this appraisal, and agree that if after 15 working days I do not submit any objection to the appraisal result, I waive my right to
demand any changes in the evaluation.

PresUniv Student:

Muhammad Andhika Wiranata Pramadana

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