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Mathematics: Analysis and approaches HL/SL Exploration—initial Name: Joshua

planning Amos

This form should be completed and returned to your teacher by:

1. Title of exploration: Covid’s Spread and affect on the global population

2. Math topics involved

- Limits
- The Logistic Function and its applications

3. Aim:

To figure out and understand the risk or potential for people to get the disease as well as the
growth of the virus itself and measuring this in reference to the likelihood that people actually get
the disease.

4. Reason for this topic:

The topic is very interesting as well as very current so it's a very relatable and easy concept to
understand. And through this could potentially provide some understanding to what is actually
going on to the virus and why this pandemic is affecting the entirety of the world.
5. Statement of the task-?????

6. Plan outline

1. Discuss Disease
2. Explore what research I plan to do
3. What I hope the research will answer and show for me relating to this pandemic
4. Show the numbers and data I have found
5. What does this mean in reference to the pandemic
6. Possibly provide a conclusion or solution

7. How do you plan to collect your information/data

- Data of infected people

- Numbers on whos been affected and why
- Information on the disease itself and understanding how and why its spread
- Understanding who is most susceptible

Teacher comments:

Approved: _______________ Teacher: ______________________ Date: _________

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