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Chapter 6


6.1) Beeja & Kshetra consideration

. From several angles all 224 infertile charts have been astrologically studied and
scrutinized. This researcher feels that the prime factor is the disposition of Beeja/Kshetra
Sphuta in an infertile chart. The rule of infertility on Beeja/Kshetra Sphuta applied to
224 charts and found that it apply for 222 (99.11%) of total charts.

 Occupation of Beeja/Kshetra Sphuta in Odd/Even Rasis in Rasi & Navamsha

 Occupation of malefics in these two sensitive points or in its trines

The above two conditions of Beeja/Kshetra Sphuta were found to be valid in 222 charts
out of 224, and hence it has the competence to be applied astrologically to find out
infertility in charts. The two charts escaped the Beeja/Kshetra Sphuta scrutiny fail at the
primary stage of investigation of 5th house matters itself, leaving no scope for secondary
screening Beeja/Kshetra Sphuta.

Finally it is the duty of the Astrologer to seize infertility. When the charts are being
matched for marriage, he/she should evaluate filial bliss also. If he/she sees 5th house
matters in any of the chart in a less magnitude, he/she should work out at least Beeja and
Kshetra for the charts and see the results. It is job of just about 10 minutes to work out
these sensitive points. If the Astrologer is dedicated towards Jyotisha, he/she must opt to
this exercise. By applying parameters of these two sensitive points in both the charts,
he/she can evaluate the level of filial bliss (upto99%) the couple is likely to experience. If
both charts are also not satisfactory, the parents of the proposed couple should be made to
realize the situation, and even if necessary, the Astrologer should not give approval for
the marriage of them. This is the best way to arrest infertility to some extent
astrologically. If an Astrologer does this, he/ she will be doing yeomen service to
mankind to evade infertility to a great extent. The vision and Wisdom of Great

Mantreshwara and Harihara are to be acknowledged deeply with dedication, who has
conducted serious research on this aspect.

Though the fifth house may be strong and all indications for the birth or children are
present, there will be no issues, if there is no strength or vitality for Beeja/Kshetra
Sphuta. Beeja is the seed of the male and Kshetra is the field of women. In other words
Beeja and Kshetra represent not exactly sperm and ovum, but element that really makes
the male and female fluids fertile. The Husband and Wife may be physiologically
normal. Their sex relations may be happy. But still if the Beeja and the Kshetra in their
horoscopes are not strong, when judges according to astrological rules, they will not
bring forth any issues. When Beeja sphuta is weak and Kshetra is strong, the children
may be born late in life after under taking the necessary remedial measures.

6.2) Grahas the Sun & Venus in Male Charts

The Sun and Venus Grahas in Male charts controls filial matters. They should be free
from malefic association for perfect filial bliss. As per Jaimini Sutras 3.4.17 Sauk`x: rotaaO
means Venus represents Sperm. Venus represents the Spermatozoa that fertilize the egg
and, for all purpose becomes the Karaka of the foetus. Motility and impregnation
capacity and of sperm is indicated by the Sun. If both Grahas are strong, and occupy odd
Rasis, fertility is assured in a male chart.

The sexual functions will be apparently normal, but the semen contains either no sperms
or count is too low. Absence of Sperms in semen is scientifically known as
AZOOSPERMIA while insufficiency of sperms is called OLIGOSPERMIA. In males
these two are the main two reasons are there for infertility. Causes of Azoospermia are
hormonal imbalance, testicular failure or infection. In most of the cases of azoospermia
and oligospermia, the cause is supposed to lie in an earlier inflammation of the
epididimys of gonorrheal origin. Modern Science may not be able to explain real reason
for infertility.

Generally this kind of problem occurs due to less count and degeneration of sperm which
ideally required for pregnancy. In such cases, the sperm cannot reach inside the fallopian
tube; hence female partner is unable to get conceive in spite of countless attempts. The
present day’s sedentary life style is much contributing to the causes of male infertility. In
most instances the young boys start taking steroids and medicines in order to have good
physique. This may also lead to male infertility later on.

Social stigma of infertile couple is unexplainable in society. In our country, there is a

tendency to blame blatantly females for infertility. Males are also equally responsible for
this peril, as per this study.

Main reasons for infertility in females are

 Inflammation/blockage of fallopian tube

 Inflammation of ovaries
 Fibroid tumors
 PCOS (The Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is another leading reason why
women present to fertility clinics due to anovulatory infertility. PCOS is a
hormone imbalance problem which can interfere with normal ovulation.

 Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is another cause of ovulation problems. POI

occurs when a woman's ovaries stop working normally before she is 40.

Astrology can find out astrological reasons for these defects, from which the society will
be immensely benefited. Once the Astrological defects are analyzed, the remedial
measures are to be followed. Just like a Prashna Chart can reveal the reasons for
infertility, it can also reveal whether the defects are removed or not, adopting and after
going through remedial measures.

Once the defects are removed astrologically, with the medical help, the couple can go
either IVF/IUF process and see the result.

If chances of adoption are seen, the couple should be counseled and mentally prepared to
go for the same, without wasting time and money on treatment and remedial measures.
The present days living style also contribute much to the menace.

6.3) Effectiveness of Remedial measures:

To produce effects of remedial measures, some promises are very essential in

Horoscopes. Without any promises from the charts, the remedial side will not work at all.
With the discussion of analysis of two couple’s charts, let us conclude this study report

One couple (chart nos 33 &34 Mrs & Mr Sutrave) whose horoscopes are included for
under this theme of research blessed with a baby girl, after going through remedial
measures suggested to them as per the canons of Jyotisha. Both the charts are discussed

Chart no 33 (Male) 22-10-1973/05:46:00/78E57/20N04

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In the chart no 33 (Husband), Fifth house from the lagna is occupied by debilitated
Jupiter and the lord Saturn occupies 10th house with Ketu and Maandi. Fifth house from
the Moon is occupied by Rahu, while fifth lord is placed in 6th house from the Moon in
debilitated state. Fifth house from Jupiter is occupied by Gulika.

In Navamsha, Jupiter regains some promise, being in its own house. Saturn also regain
some strength being in own house with Venus. As Santana Karaka Jupiter and fifth lord
from Lagna and the Moon regained some strength, there are some astrological promises
for progeny in this chart.

Chart no 34 (Female) 07-11-1978/05:30:00/79E39/20N17
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In the chart no 34 (Wife of chart no 33), 5th lord from lagna occupies 11th house aspecting
the 5th house. Fifth house from the Moon is occupied by Gk/Md combination, while the
lord is retrograde & combust and placed in 10th from the Moon. Santana Karaka is
exalted and placed in 10th house. Fifth from Jupiter is empty and the lord is exalted.

In Navamsha Jupiter is in Scorpio and Saturn is with Md. Venus is positioned with the
Sun (Combust –within 2 degrees)

Primarily, there are some promises in the female chart as the Moon, Mars and Jupiter; the
main constituents of filial bliss are occupied in Jala Tatwa Rasis. Ninth house is
unoccupied and unaspected by any Grahas.

Married on 17-02-1998, when Jupiter was Combust, (the exact Muhurta is not known)
this couple ran from pillar to post for an offspring for 15 years after marriage.
Combustion of Jupiter during the marriage could also be a reason for not getting the
offspring. After considering all parameters of filial matters and after confirming that
there are more hopes in Female chart and feeble chances in male chart for progeny. This
was again confirmed by observation of Beeja sphuta in husband’s Horoscope and
Kshetra Sphuta in Wife’s Chart. They occupy opposite sex of Rasis in D/1 and D/9
Charts. Remedial measures were suggested to them to undergo for begetting progeny.

Table no: 36
Abstract of Two charts nos 33 & 34 Traits Husband Wife
1 Chart no 33 34
2 Janma Nakshatra Poorva Phalguni Shravana
3 Janma Vaara/Hora Sun/Mercury Mon/Guru
4 Horoscope matching score 25
5 Nadi aspects Madhya Anthya
6 Fifth house from 5th house Cp Aq
7 Fifth lord from Lagna Sat in 10th with Md/Ketu Sat in 11th
8 Fifth house from the Moon Sag Tau
9 Fifth lord from Moon Jup in Capri in 6th Venus in 10th
10 Santana Karaka Jupiter Debilitated in 5th Exalted in 10th
11 Fifth from Jupiter Gulika Mer-Mars yoga
12 Beeja/Kshetra Pis 5 20’(Fe) Sag 6040’(M)
13 BJ/KS in Navamsha Leo (M) Tau (F)
14 Trines from BJ/KS No malefics Md/Sat/Rahu
15 BJ/KS in Saptamansha Lib- Mars in trine Capri-Md/Ke
16 Saptamansha chart Rahu in Trine Sat in lagna
17 Santana Thithi SP-9(II) SP-4(II)
18 Santana Trisphuta(S Tr) Can 25035’ Tau 26040’
19 STr Nakshatra Asleshya(9) Mriga(5)
20 Navatara relation with
3rd 2nd
Janma Nakshatra
21 STr Position in Horoscope 11th 8th
22 AS-3/AS-9 Nothing harmful Mer in 8th from AS9

As prescribed in the classical texts of Jyotisha, the following remedial measures were

1) Propitiation of Jupiter and Saturn for Husband

2) Propitiation of Venus for Wife
3) To perform Vishu Pooja for the couple (As 4th and 9th Chidra Thithi has rose as
Santana Thithi in both the charts, suggested as per Prashnanushtana Padhati
4) Recitation of Santana Gopala Mantra for the Couple.
5) Thorough Medical checkup for Husband.

All suggestions were carried out religiously by the couple when transit Jupiter was in
Gemini and during the transit of Jupiter through Cancer Rasi, they were lucky to be
blessed with a Baby girl on 2-07-2015. In their charts Santana Karaka provided some
hopes and hence they were blessed with a baby.

Another (Mr & Mrs Ramesh chart nos 7 & 8) were also underwent several remedial
measures, but unlucky to be blessed with an offspring:

Chart no: 7 (Male) 12-12-1964/07:15:00/78E57/20N04

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

Santana Karaka Jupiter is retrograde in 5th house, while 5th lord is in placed in 9th House.
An aspect from Saturn (2nd cum 3rd Lord) worsens the matters. From the Moon, 5th house
is empty and 5th lord Mercury is placed with Maandi. From Jupiter Mars occupies 5th

In Navamsha, there is yoga of Mars with Saturn and Jupiter. Mercury is placed in Cancer

Beeja works out to Cancer 18034’ (F). Navamsha…Sagittarius (M). Sun/Ketu/Gulika
combination is there in 5th from Beeja. Santana thithi is Pournami with VISHTI Karana.
Santana Trisphuta is Aries 17o40’. Santana Trisphuta Nakshatra is Bharani Nakshatra and
the Janma Nakshatra is Poorva Bhadrapada, making Pratyari relation in Nava Tara
Chakra with Janma.

So the hopes are very limited on filial matters.

Chart no: 8 (Female) 19-12-1969/01:47:00/79E18/19N57

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart Saptamansha Chart

In wife’s chart, Fifth house from Lagna is empty and its lord is placed in 8th house,
aspected by Jupiter. From the Moon, 5th is occupied by Ketu and the lord is placed with
Mercury in 9th from the Moon. Santana Karaka Jupiter is placed in Second house with
Maandi in an enemy’s house; aspected by Saturn.5th from Jupiter is occupied by Rahu
and Mars. In Navamsha, Saturn is in Gemini and Jupiter is with Gk/Md and Mars
combination. The Sun is with Rahu. In Saptamansha, there are Gk and Ketu in trine to the
Moon, indicating serious flaws in the reproductory system of this lady.

All together 5th house analysis does not give a rosy picture on filial matters. Kshetra
Sphuta works out to Leo 23022’ which maps to Libra Rasi in Navamsha. In Rasi and
Navamsha Ketu pollutes the Kshetra Sphuta. There is Debilitated Saturn in 9th from
Kshetra Sphuta.

Santana Thithi is Krishna Paksha Dasami (Ist Karana- Vanija) and the Santana
Trisphuta is Aries 28030’. Santana Trisphuta Nakshatra is Kritika; whereas Janma
Nakshatra is Ashwini. Navatara Relation between is VIPAT.

From the analysis, it is very clear that, there are only remote chances of an offspring, as
all agents related with filial bliss are spoiled. Remedial measures could not be effective as
Saturn in its debilitated state occupies 8th house in Wife’s Horoscope. There are major
gynecological problems to wife and husband’s sperm count is also very less. To have
effectiveness of any remedial measures, there should be some promises in horoscopes. In
these two charts, there a little hopes for an offspring. Jupiter in the Wife’s chart assumes
the role of a Bhadakesh who is with Maandi, which aggravates the situation.

They went on remedial parts as well as medical treatment and even for IVF methods.
They could not get an offspring yet. Even after a married life of 25 years, this couple is
without an issue.

From the study of 77 couples with infertility, it is observed that in both the horoscopes,
5th house matters are with dismal portraits. If an apt Astrologer would have been there to
go through the 5th house matters, before marriage, this cannot happen. If one of the charts
is with filial lacuna, the other should very strong to sustain and produce children. This
could be an ideal matching.

Poorva Punya is the kernel of infertility, astrologically. And we have no control over
this, as this has been already written, before our birth. The accumulated balance of results
of Karmas of our previous birth is in the form of Poorva Punya.

So to make our Poorva Punya strong, at least to make it worthy for the coming births, let
us live a path of Dharma, to modify the quantum of accumulated Poorva Punya to get it
forward to the coming births to live without infertility. Let the almighty give us vision
and strength, vigor to a lead a life filled with Dharma and may GOD bless us with peace
and happiness and with a purposeful life. Let the GOD bless all justifying the sayings of


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