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Course ID : CSE 104L
Section : 01
Course Instructor : Ajmiri Sabrina Khan

Name: Topu Rayhan Rabby Mamud

Student ID: 1930179
Semester: Spring 2020
Student’s Sign: Topu
Experiment Information:
Experiment No: 01
Experiment Name: Resistance measurement with color code and
Group No: 01
Name ID
MD. Shariar Hossain Omee 1930492
Syedur Roshid Emon 1930179
Syed Fazlay Rob Shabok 1921740

Working Date: 4th February 2020

Submission Date: 11th February 2020
Signature of Faculty:
Experiment No: 01
Experiment Name: Resistance measurement with color code and DMM.


1. To find out the resistance of a resistor using color code.

2. To determine the tolerance of the resistor.
3. To find the resistance of the resistor using DMM.
4. To calculate the deviation between the color code value and DMM value.


1. Few color-coded resistors.

2. DMM.
3. A breadboard.

Apparatus Information and Law:

0 Black 6 Blue
1 Brown 7 Violet
2 Red 8 Grey
3 Orange 9 White
4 Yellow ± 5% Gold
5 Green ± 10% Silver

Deviation = Theoretical
×100 %


To find the resistance of a color-coded resistor, we first identify the end where the
colored stripes are closer to its lead. Then we identity each color and move to the
farthest end. Each color has its own number by which we can differentiate them. The
first stripe of color represents the first digit of the resistor’s resistance. Similarly, the
second stripe represents the second digit. Whereas the third stripe is the power of 10,

Independent University Bangladesh

Topu Rayhan
which will be multiplied with the first two digits. The fourth stripe is the tolerance of
the four-band resistor. For DMM calculation, just hold the two leads of the DMM to
the resistor’s two ends and record the reading.


At first, we take a resistor and note down all the colors starting with the first stripe
and moving to the end. Then we can find the value of resistance using the diagram
above, where we will have to put the numbers corresponding of the colors. For the
maximum value, multiply the value of resistance to the tolerance percentage then add
that value with the original resistance. For the minimum value, follow the maximum
value step but just subtract instead to adding. Repeat the whole process for each
resistor and fill table 1.

To measure the resistance using DMM, place the resistor in the breadboard then set
the DMM to measure ohmic value and hold the two leads of it to each ends of the
resistor then record that value when the DMM is stable. Then use the color-coded
value and DMM value to find the deviation using the deviation formula. Repeat the
whole process for each resistor and fill table 2.

Observation and Measurements:

Table 1: Color Code

Independent University Bangladesh

Topu Rayhan
Color Value of Tolerance Maximum Minimum
Resistor R (Ω) resistance, resistance,
Rmax (Ω) Rmin (Ω)
Orange, 33×102 3300 × 5% 3465 3135
Orange, Red, = 3300 = 165 Ω
Brown, Black, 10×103 10000 × 5% 10500 9500
Orange, Gold = 10000 = 500 Ω
Brown, Black, 10×102 1000 × 5% 1050 950
Red, Gold = 1000 = 50 Ω
Brown, Green, 15×101 150 × 5% 157.5 142.5
Brown, Gold = 150 = 7.5 Ω

Table 2: Measured Value & Deviation

Value of Maximum Minimum Resistance Deviation (%)
Resistor, R (Ω) resistance, resistance, measured (Ω)
Rmax (Ω) Rmin (Ω)
3300 3465 3135 3218 2.5
10000 10500 9500 10050 0.5
1000 1050 950 968 3.2

150 157.5 142.5 146.1 2.6

For resistor 1, Deviation = 3300
× 100 %

= 2.5%
For resistor 2, Deviation = 10000
× 100 %

= 0.5%
For resistor 3, Deviation = 1000
×100 %

= 3.2%
For resistor 4, Deviation = 150
× 100 %

= 2.6%
Discussion and Analysis:

Independent University Bangladesh

Topu Rayhan
 Data Analysis: The resistance of all the resistors had a tolerance of 5%. The
value of the first resistor was found out to be 3300 Ω, the others were 10000
Ω, 1000 Ω and 150 Ω respectively. The second resistor had the highest
multiplier of them all, as the color was orange, which was 103.

 Result analysis: The experiment was a valid one, as the deviation of each
resistor was less than its tolerance. The tolerance is the percentage error of the
resistor’s resistance or the range between which the ohmic value of a resistor
should fall in. As all the measured values by DMM, were in between the
resistor’s tolerance therefore, the experiment was successful.

1) Be very careful about choosing the end by which you will start recording
2) The order of color is very important, so don’t scramble it.
3) Be precise about the number of the corresponding color.
4) Make sure the DMM is set to ohmic measurement.
5) Don’t touch the resistor’s leads while taking reading by a DMM.
6) Place the resistor on a breadboard, as human’s internal resistance might affect
the resistance of the resistor.
7) Adjust the DMM to get the desired significant figure values.

Independent University Bangladesh

Topu Rayhan

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