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School; Bangcud central school Grade level: IV

Teacher: Elma C. Taga Learning Area: Science
Teaching Dates Week Quarter: 2nd Day 2
and Time
A. Content Standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of plants have body part that make them adopt
to land and water.
B. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to conduct investigation n the specialized structures of
plants given varying environmental conditions: light, water, temperature, and soil type. S4LT-lle-f-10
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives(Write the LC code for each)
1. Compare the characteristics of different plant seeds.
2. Compare the growth process of monocot seeds to a dicot seeds.
2. CONTENT: Monocot and Dicot
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 250-154
2. Learner’s Materials pages 128-130
3. Strategies( 7’Es ), Cooperative Learning, Discovery
4. Additional Materials from learning resources (LR) portals.
4. PROCEDURES (MAY vary. It depends upon the teacher. This is a flexible part. Put time allotment in
each step)
(The ff. are just Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity
A. Reviewing Identify the parts of the seeds see TG p. 150 Possible answers
previous lesson
(Engagement) What are the different basic parts of a seeds?
They are seed coat,
cotyledon, and
Time allotment embryo

B. Establishing a Possible answer

purpose for the Observed the picture below.
Lesson Have you experienced eating the following fruit and vegetables? Yes ,ma’am

Possible Answers

Time allotment
2. When you slice or open the fruits. What did you notice inside each
fruit? There are seeds
Very good ,children

C. Presenting Today, we are going to study the seed and its part. And determine
examples/ which is monocot or dicot. Based on the above picture. Name each Possible Answer
instances of fruits and vegetables.
the new lesson Monocot Dicot
Very good!
Time allotment peanut

D. Discussing Exploration: Possible answer

new concepts and 1. Routine Activities Pupils watch the
practicing new To introduce the lesson the teacher show a Video presentation on video presentation
skills #1 the ; Growing Beans . of the growing seed.

Instruct the pupils to record their observation regarding the seedling

growth and changes every day.
Remind the pupils to keep their recorded observations which they
will be using in the later part of the activity. The learners fill the
Time allotment readymade data
table to answer their
Seed Description of Seed Coat Mon Observ Date Date finding. In titled
or ation plant growth/sprout
Dic after two days.

Text Sha Cove Color

ure pe ring
The learners report
their findings
The teacher provide a readymade data table (per group) to be use in (group reporting)
the activity.

The learners allow doing the work/task for 5-10 minutes.

reporting and discussion

E. Discussing new
concepts and Discuss further about the lessons(Explanation) Possible Answer
practicing new
skills #2 say:

Seeds vary in size, they maybe vary fine like the dust like seeds of
They maybe large seeds like coconut some seed are edible some
are not. Some are cover with shell. While some have a soft covering. 1. Mongo, beans
They vary on color and texture. papaya, atis seeds.
Time allotment The Teacher ;Ask the following question:
1. Which seeds have smooth textures? 2. ampalaya, rice,
2. How about the seeds with rough texture? mango seeds
3. Which seeds appear round? Oblong? 3. round: only
4. What is the color of each seed in the experiment? mongo and papaya
5. Describe the size of each kind of seed seeds
6. How would you define “Germination” based on your observation? Oblong; the rest
7. Which seeds germinated first? Germinated last? of the seeds
8. Do you think thickness of seed coat affects germination? How? 4. Results may vary
9. Aside from the thickness of the seed coat, what other seed but confirm if the
characteristics or traits affect germination? answers of your
pupils are true.
5. Results may vary
but confirm if the
answers of your
pupils are true
6. Germination is
the process of
young plants
coming out of
7. Basically the
fastest ones to
germinate have thin
seed coats for those
with thick seed
coats take some
time to germinate
8. Yes, as we have
observed in the
activity, the thin
coated seed
germinated faster
than the seed with
thick coats.
9. None, they have
no direct effect on
plant germination.

F. Developing Elaboration Possible Answer

mastery (Leads to
formative Recall our lesson about the parts of the seeds
Assessment) 1. What do you call that off white portion where we can find the
embryo of the seeds? 1.Cotyledon
2. Did you notice the presence of cotyledons in the seeds that sprout
Time allotment or undergo germination?
3. Does the number of cotyledons in young plants or seedlings help 2. yes, we did
you distinguish which is monocot and dicot? notice the cotyledon
4. After germination, which seeds are monocots? Dicot?
3. Yes, it did

4. Dicot seeds:
mongo, beans,
ampalaya, peanut,
mango, atis,
Monocot seeds:
papaya and rice

G. Finding Possible Answer

practical 1.Draw the stages of Monocot seeds Monocot stages
applications 2. Draw the stages of Dicot seeds
of concepts and
skills in daily living

Time allotment
Dicot stages

H. Making ASK;
generalization and This activity tells us
abstractions What does this activity tells us? that the growth of
about the lesson the seed does not
depend whether it is
monocot or dicot
Time allotment seed but it is
regardless of the
size, shape ,color
,texture of the
seed ,it is the
thickness of the
outer coat of the
When do we say that a seed or seedling is monocot or dicot? seed that
determines the
speed of their

After germination
I. Evaluating Refers to TG PP. 154 Possible Answer
learning Direction: write the word TRUE if the statement is true write the
correct answer if the statement is false. 1.true

1._____Plant life begins in a seed. 2.true

2.____Monocot seeds have one cotyledon
3._____color and shape affect seed germination. 3.thickness
4.____mongo,atis and avocado are dicots.
5.____seeds with thin coats germinate faster 4.true

J. Additional
activities for
application or

Time allotment
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional
for remediation
C. Did a remedial lessons work? No. learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
Principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
Use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

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