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Name : I Gede Chakra Darma

NIM : 2020.02.03.002
Class : Culinary A
Campus Area : Denpasar
Report Period : Month I Week II
IP Program placement : Wyndham Garden Kuta Beach Bali
Video Conference date : 13 January 2021

1. Summary of the Activities
In this second week,I took part in the IP Program through a video conference through
zoom where I was explained more about the property of the Wyndham Hotel by Human
Resources Development,namely Mr.Adhi Wistawan,Mr.Adhi Wistawan explained about
Wyndham Destinations and Wyndham Vacation Club,the culture that was applied by
Wyndham Hotel such as CARE,the global leader at the Wyndham Hotel,three brands in the
Wyndham Hotel,several Worldmark apartments but not managed by the Wyndham Hotel,the
vision and misson of this hotel,the value that the Wyndham Hotel gives to guests staying at
the Wyndham,healty and safety,strategies in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and
related programs for employees.

2. Topics and Materials Learned

In this second week after i attended a video conference through zoom which was held
on January 13,2021,i was given new knowladge from Human Resources Development
itself,Mr.Adhi Wistawan who gave a very detailed presentation about Wyndham Hotel such
as Wyndham Destinations, a company from America.The union and the Wyndham Vacation
Club are products of the Wyndham Hotel itself,the meaning of CARE culture,namely
Communicate Appreciate Respect Educate,where the CARE culture has the goal of
establishing a relationship after which it was explained that the global leader of the
Wyndham Hotel,namely Barry Robinson (president and managing director) and Micheal
Brown (president and chief),three Wyndham Hotel brands such as
(property,travel,membership),vision and mission of the Wyndham Hotel with the aim of
making vacation dreams come true,enriching people’s lives with unforgettable experiences
and the values of integrity,leadership,innovation and growth,healty and safety such as
(home safe,holiday safe,work safe) and programs related to employees such as (be
well,wyndham green,wishes wyndham).

3. Challenges, Issue(s) and/or Constraints

The challages that I got in the second week of the video conference through zoom
explained by Human Ressources Development,namely Mr.Adhi Wistawan was that i had to
understand the material about the very long Wyndham Hotel property through zooming
where i had to really understand and pay attetion to the explaination at the hotel.So that i
can understand and understand.
The Issue that I got in the process of video conference activities through zoom on
January 13,2021,which was directly explained by Mr.Adhi Wistawan regarding the property
of my Wyndham Hotel,got an issue where when Mr.Adhi Wistawan explained i thought it
was fast so i could not understand so much and cannot write too many points about the
explainations given about the Wyndham Hotel property.
The obstacle in the second week on January 13,2021,video through zoom explained by
Human Resources Development by Mr.Adhi Wistawan,i think,is not optimal in understanding
the Wyndham Hotel property because i better understand the material done by directly
visiting the Wyndham Hotel where to maximize my knowladge regarding the properties and
existing programs at the Wyndham Hotel.
4. Feedback Summary
Feedback from me in the process of knowledge on properties at the Wyndham Hotel
through a video conference in zoom explained Human Resources Development by Mr.Adhi
Wistawan explained clearly and where i know the programs run by Wyndham Hotel such as
the culture of the Wyndham Hotel,healty and safety,startegies during the Covid-19
pandemic,the vision and mission in this hotel.

5. Documentation
Screenshot photo for conference video activity

In this second week,the evidence is that i participated in the IP Program activity

process on January 13,2021 in a video conference through zoom where Human Resources
Development Mr.adhi Wistawan explained the explanation of the Wyndham Hotel very well
and i really paid attention to what was explained and got new knowladge from what was
explained Mr.Adhi Wistawan.
This second week is proof that I participated in the video conference process through
zoom on January 13,2021,where Human Resources Development Mr.Adhi Wistawan
explained about the culture he has to build a relationship,namely CARE has
extension,namely (Communicate namely building connections,Appreciate namely the value
of everthing,Respect is showing each other you care and Educate which is about

This second week is proof that i participated in the video conference process through
zooming on January 13,2021 where Human Resources Development Mr.Adhi Wistawan
explained about the lifestyle adopted by Wyndham Hotel where this program has an all-
embracing goal to adopt a healty lifestyle called Be Well,Wyndham Green and Wishies

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