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Deepening the UCU SMART Skills


Course Code: SMART 2A

Course Title: Deepening the UCU SMART Skills
Course credit: 1 unit (18 weeks, 18 hours)
Prerequisite: None

Learning from Dr. Pedro T. Orata

Congratulations! This is your assignment in the SMART 2a course. In the previous modules last semester and those
you had taken up in this course, you were acquainted with the life, works, and philosophy of our founder Dr. Pedro T. Orata.
By this time, you were already immersed on his contributions to Philippine education. It is our hope that you have also
formed an appreciation of how we can draw inspiration and life lessons from him.

With that said, this assignment guide will help you to come up with a response that reflects his legacy and the core
values of our university. You will be asked to work with your classmates in this assignment, with each one of you bringing
your respective strengths and talents to the group. Read on, and let the collaborations begin!

In this final assignment, you are expected to:
a. Reflect on the life lessons on Dr. Pedro T. Orata’s life in relation to your own contexts as students;
b. Create a reflective response on the theme “Learning from Dr. Pedro T. Orata.”

Reflective Response
As a UCU student, you are tasked to make a reflective response for the university community on the theme “Learning
from Dr. Pedro T. Orata.” As such, you will team up with your classmates for a collaborative reflective response on the life,
works, and philosophy of Dr. Pedro T. Orata based on what you have learned about him in the previous modules.

Task Procedure and Assessment
You will team up with your classmates for a collaborative advocacy campaign that draws inspiration from the life,
works, and philosophy of Dr. Pedro T. Orata. You will also be asked to reflect on how UCU’s core values are manifested in
your output.

It addresses a pressing problem in society. As such, you will be asked to think critically on how you can shed light on
the issue and how this campaign can be translated into a task on volunteerism.

Urdaneta City University 1

I. Pre-task

A. Group concerns
1. Form a group with your classmates. Each group is composed of 5 to 7 students.
2. Submit the names of your group in our group chat.

B. Video watching
1. Review the video shown to you in the previous semester on the life of Dr. Pedro T. Orata. Check the link on
our course site.
2. After watching the link, answer the following processing questions with your groupmates:
a. “Grit” is a term that describes how a person perseveres and does not give up despite obstacles.
How did Dr. Orata show grit?
b. What other values and attributes did Dr. Orata exhibit that you can personally relate to?
3. View the sample video from the members of the Dr. Pedro T. Orata Nobility Program team so you will be
guided regarding your output. This is uploaded in our course site. Check the link on our course site.

C. The formats of the response

1. Research on the various formats that you can use as response. For instance, short films, infographics,
infomercials, photo montage, and others.
2. As a group, decide what format your group will use for your collaborative response.
3. Research on how to produce outputs using the format you have chosen. What language is used given the
format? What are the technical considerations? Is this format appropriate for your group?

D. Note on health and safety issues

1. Because of the limitations and safety protocols during the pandemic, you are reminded to choose a
collaborative response that will not compromise your safety and that of the general public. It is not
encouraged that you will meet each other in person to accomplish the activity. Follow health and safety
protocols at all times.

II. During Task

A. Developing the collaborative response

1. To help you develop your output, work with your classmates. Make a checklist of what needs to be
accomplished, the timeline, and who is in charge of specific tasks.
2. Review the rubrics to see how you will be graded.
3. In the collaborative response, you as students will reflect as an individual first then as members of a group
so that you can complete the statements below:
• From Dr. Pedro T. Orata, I learned that…
• Because of this, I will…
• As a future (insert your future profession), I will…

B. Reflective essay
Write a brief reflective collaborative essay with your groupmates (not more than one page of a short bond paper)
on the difficulties you encountered in completing the task, and the insights you gained from doing this requirement.
Post this in our discussion forum and comment on at least one submission. This essay will not be graded but will be
part of the course requirements.

C. Consulting on concerns about the assignment

Do not hesitate to raise concerns regarding your response during our official consultation hours.

III. Post Task

A. Developing the collaborative response

1. Submission. Submit the outputs on our submission bin in the iKonek or you can email it to me using the
address I put in the course guide. If these modes of submission are not possible, message me so that we can work
out an alternative means.

2. Output presentation. Your outputs will be presented during a designated event that celebrates the legacy
of Dr. Pedro T. Orata or featured on an online platform that showcases outputs for the course.

I. Rubric for grading the output

Rubric for Evaluating the Video Response

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor

(4 points) 3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
The video includes all The video includes all The video does not include The video lacks most responses
Content of responses asked in the task responses asked in the all responses asked in the asked in the task. These are
response stated in an organized fashion. task, but it is not well- task and these are stated in stated in an unorganized
organized. an unorganized fashion. fashion.

Work quality The work done exceeds The work was done with Work is done with fair Work is done with little effort,
and effort expectations and shows that good effort that shows effort, but the quality is quality is not what the students
the students are proud of their what the students are still not what the group is are capable of. It is evident that
work. Maximum effort was put capable of. It is evident that capable of. It is evident that the work was rushed and little
into the video presentation. the group put effort into the the work was rushed. time was spent on the final
presentation. product. Work is incomplete.

Presentation The students speak clearly and The students speak clearly There are several No preparation was done for the
the audience can tell that the and present the information confusing moments and presentation and the responses
group understands and knows expected. Video is the responses presented that are presented lack much of
the what is asked in the task. adequate. are not completely shared what is expected.
It is evident that the group during the presentation. It
practiced what would be said/ is obvious the group did
done. not rehearse much prior to

Style/Mechanics The presentation has great The presentation is clear The presentation lacks style The presentation lacks a clear
creativity and style, and is not and logical with very few and creativity; presents understanding of the subject
just a list of answers. Viewers mistakes. Good, clear adequate response but in a matter and has many errors or
were WOWed. presentation, but lacks way that does not WOW the leaves out vital information.
some creativity or clarity. viewer.

Valuing The video response highlights The video response The video response The video response does not
appreciation for life lessons on highlights appreciation for highlights appreciation for clearly highlight appreciation for
Dr. Pedro T. Orata’s, exceeding life lessons on Dr. Pedro life lessons on Dr. Pedro T. life lessons on Dr. Pedro T. Orata.
expectations. T. Orata’s, and meets Orata’s, stated in a limited
expectations. manner.

II. Rubric for peer assessment

Rubric for Peer Assessment
(Adapted from iRubric)

Criteria Needs improvement Acceptable Excellent

(1 point) (3 points) (5 points)

Involvement Minimally involved in the Involved in the work and contributed Extremely involved in the
work. Submitted own work to the output through comments work; took a leadership
but otherwise not actively and suggestions. role and made significant
involved. contributions to the output.
Respect Ignored or disrespected other Respected other member’s Actively sought the other
member’s opinions. opinions, accepted them and made member’s opinions and
modifications. ensured that input was
incorporated into the output.
Gave positive feedback and/
or encouragement.
Attitude Displayed a negative attitude Displayed a compliant attitude Displayed a positive attitude
about the assignment and about the assignment and working about the assignment and
working with a partner. with a partner. working with a partner.
Fostered communication
and staying on task.

Urdaneta City University 3

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