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For years, Manila Bay has been known for its unclean and polluted waters.

recently, the government has decided to do a makeover by filling the 500 meters Baywalk of
Roxas Boulevard, the naturally gray shoreline, with artificial white sand. The project is fronted
by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), with a 389 million peso
budget―P28 million allotted for the crushed dolomite. The white sand is made from dolomite
rock mined and transferred from Cebu which was later on revealed that the province did not
approve of it. Beyond this, there were numerous controversy about its hazard to people and
the Manila Bay itself. Also, the transparency of the government about this project was being

The “beautification” of the said bay is very irrelevant. Philippines, the whole word is
actually in the face of a pandemic. There are lots of significant matters that need urgent
attention and solution as of the moment―healthcare and continuous support for everyone
greatly affected by the pandemic, and the Philippines couldn’t afford the misplaced priorities
and incompetence of the government in this very crucial time. Many Filipinos lost their job due
to the nationwide lockdown and that P389 million could have been used to suffice them with
their basic needs including healthcare. What is more frustrating is that the artificial white sand
is actually being washed out even by slight rains but DENR keeps standing on its invalid defense
to prove that they have made the right decision.

Truly that when it comes to appointing people on any governmental position, we need
someone that is actually in the field. Let scientists lead science project and doctors handle this
pandemic. At the least, it is fortunate if the government really has pure intentions about the
environment and if this is not just another avenue for corruption. Let the Manila Bay be an
example. Solutions are irrelevant given that Manila Bay is still polluted.

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