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Arch Gynecol Obstet

DOI 10.1007/s00404-016-4067-0


Risk factors for brachial plexus injury in a large cohort

with shoulder dystocia
Katherine A. Volpe1 • Jonathan M. Snowden2 • Yvonne W. Cheng3,4 •

Aaron B. Caughey2

Received: 13 February 2016 / Accepted: 1 March 2016

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Conclusion Increasing birthweight increases the risk of

Objective To examine birthweight and other predictors of BPI among births with shoulder dystocia, independent of
brachial plexus injury (BPI) among births complicated by advanced maternal age, race, parity, gestational diabetes, or
shoulder dystocia. operative vaginal delivery.
Study design A retrospective cohort study of term births
complicated by shoulder dystocia in California between Keywords Birthweight  Brachial plexus injury 
1997 and 2006. Birthweight at time of delivery was strat- Shoulder dystocia
ified into 500-g intervals. Women were further stratified by
diabetes status, parity, and race/ethnicity. The perinatal
outcome of BPI was assessed. Introduction
Results This study included 62,762 deliveries complicated
by shoulder dystocia, of which 3168 (5 %) resulted in BPI. The Most cases of brachial plexus injury (BPI) resolve spon-
association between birthweight and BPI remained significant taneously within a year; however, the 5–8 % of injuries
regardless of confounders. Each increasing birthweight interval that persist are a leading cause of birth related litigation [1,
was associated with an increasing risk of BPI compared with 2]. The overall incidence of BPI in the United States is
3000–3499-g birthweight. Race/ethnicity, diabetes, and parity between 1 and 2 cases per 1000 deliveries [3]. Major risk
were also independently associated with BPI. factors for BPI include shoulder dystocia, operative vaginal
delivery, macrosomia, gestational diabetes, and breech
presentation [1].
This research was presented as a poster presentation at the 32nd Historically, BPI was thought to result solely from
Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, February excessive downward traction by the birth attendant after
11, 2012. delivery of the fetal head and was, thus, associated with the
& Katherine A. Volpe
force required to resolve shoulder dystocia. However, because of the incidence of BPI in births without shoulder
dystocia, it has been hypothesized that BPI may be caused
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of by two broad mechanisms of injury: (1) injury sustained in
New Mexico School of Medicine, MSC 10 5580,
1 University of New Mexico, 87131-0001 Albuquerque,
utero and during descent and (2) injury sustained at the
NM, Mexico time of expulsion [4]. The presence of BPI after cesarean
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Center for
delivery supports this hypothesis [5–7].
Women’s Health, Oregon Health and Science University, In the setting of shoulder dystocia, the most common
Portland, OR, USA complication of interest is BPI. In smaller studies of births
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, California Pacific complicated by shoulder dystocia, the rate of BPI has been
Medical Center, Davis, CA, USA reported between 3.8 and 19 % [8–10]. Macrosomia has
Department of Surgery, University of California, Davis, also been associated with both increased incidence and
CA, USA severity of BPI [11, 12]. However, to the best of our

Arch Gynecol Obstet

knowledge, no large studies have examined the association Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate
between increasing birthweight categories and BPI in the adjusted odds ratios (AORs) and respective 95 % confi-
setting of shoulder dystocia (Pubmed MEDLINE search dence intervals of BPI according to birthweight intervals,
keywords ‘‘birthweight,’’ ‘‘macrosomia,’’ ‘‘brachial plexus while adjusting for gestational age, diabetes status, race/
injury,’’ ‘‘shoulder dystocia’’). Our study examines risk ethnicity, parity, sex, maternal age, operative vaginal
factors for BPI in a population of births complicated by delivery, and induction of labor.
shoulder dystocia.

Materials and methods
During the 10-year period, there were 62,672 deliveries
We designed a retrospective cohort study of term singleton complicated by shoulder dystocia. Demographics and
births complicated by shoulder dystocia in California from characteristics of this population are shown in Table 1.
1997 to 2006. Birthweight at the time of delivery was Within this cohort of births complicated by shoulder dys-
stratified into 500-g intervals. Women were further strati- tocia, 3168 (5.0 %) resulted in BPI. The risk of BPI
fied by diabetes status, parity, and race/ethnicity. For the increased with each incremental increase in birthweight
stratification by diabetes status, women with either gesta- (Table 2, p \ 0.001). There was a significant difference in
tional diabetes or diabetes prior to pregnancy were grouped the prevalence of BPI among pregnancies complicated by
together and compared with women with no diabetes. For shoulder dystocia, between women with diabetes as com-
all groups, the perinatal outcome of BPI was assessed. pared with women without. Considering all birthweights,
The data source was the California Vital Statistics Birth 9.2 % of births in women with diabetes were further
Certificate Data linked with the California Patient Dis- complicated by BPI, while 4.7 % of births in women
charge Data as well as Vital Statistics Death Certificate without diabetes were complicated by BPI. Within each
Data and Vital Statistics Fetal Death File from 1997 to group, birthweight remained associated with the risk of BPI
2006. The California Office of Statewide Health Planning (p \ 0.001), and for each birthweight interval, women with
and Development (OSHPD) Healthcare Information diabetes had a significantly higher risk of BPI (Table 2;
Resource Center under the State of California Health Fig. 1).
Human Services (HHS) Agency performed the linkage of Births complicated by shoulder dystocia were more
data. Maternal antepartum and postpartum hospital records likely to be associated with BPI in nulliparous women.
for the 9 months prior to delivery and 1 year post delivery, Multiparous women had an average BPI incidence of
as well as, birth records and all infant admission and 4.9 %, while nulliparous women had an average of 5.4 %
readmissions occurring within the first year of life were (Table 2; Fig. 2). Again, within each group, birthweight
included in the resultant linked data sets. Linkage for the remained associated with the risk of BPI (p \ 0.001).
mother/baby pair was achieved using the ‘‘record linkage
number’’, a unique alphanumeric encrypted code unique to
the mother and the baby. Institutional Review Board (IRB) Table 1 Maternal, fetal, and delivery characteristics
approval was obtained from the Committee on Human N %
Research at the University of California, San Francisco, the
Maternal characteristics
IRB at Oregon Health & Science University, and the
Advanced maternal age 10,978 17.5
California OSHPD and the Committee for the Protection of
Nulliparous 20,130 32.1
Human Subjects (CPHS).
Diabetes 5419 8.7
Women with a diagnosis of shoulder dystocia were
White 26,425 42.2
identified using the International Statistical Classification
of Diseases and Related Health Problems, revision 9 (ICD- Hispanic 26,034 41.6
9) codes. ICD-9 codes used for the identification of women Asian 6158 9.8
with shoulder dystocia included 660.4. The ICD-9 code African–American 2976 4.8
767.6 was used for the identification of BPI. Exclusion Fetal characteristics
criteria were multiple gestations, births with congenital Male 34,317 54.8
anomalies, and small for gestational age neonates. Large for gestational age (C4500 g) 8045 12.8
Statistical calculations were performed with Stata (ver- Delivery characteristics
sion 12, StataCorp, College Station, TX). Dichotomous Operative vaginal delivery 10,498 16.8
outcomes were compared using the Chi-square test with This table shows maternal fetal and delivery characteristics of the
p \ 0.05 was used to indicate statistical significance. study cohort: women with births complicated by shoulder dystocia

Arch Gynecol Obstet

Table 2 Incidence of BPI in births complicated by shoulder dystocia


Birthweight (g)
2500–2999 662 14 2.1
3000–3499 7632 184 2.4
3500–3999 24,234 939 3.9
4000–4499 22,099 1214 5.5
4500–4999 6976 661 9.4
C5000 1069 156 14.6
White 26,425 1132 4.3
Fig. 2 Incidence of BPI stratified by parity. This figure graphically
Hispanic 26,034 1469 5.6 compares the incidence of BPI in the setting of shoulder dystocia in
African–American 2676 251 8.4 nulliparous women with multiparous women for each birthweight
Asiana 6158 260 4.2 interval
Nulliparous 20,130 1083 5.4
Multiparous 42,491 2083 4.9
Diabetes status
No diabetes 57,246 2671 4.7
Diabetes in pregnancyb 5426 497 9.2
Considering all birthweights, there was not a significant difference
in the incidence of BPI between Asian and white women
Includes gestational diabetes and diabetes diagnosed prior to

Fig. 3 Incidence of BPI stratified by race/ethnicity. This figure graph-

ically compares the incidence of BPI in the setting of shoulder
dystocia in Black, Hispanic, Asian, and white women for each
birthweight interval

When investigated with multivariable regression analy-

sis, the association between birthweight and BPI in women
with shoulder dystocia remained significant regardless
of advanced maternal age (p = 0.046), nulliparity
(p \ 0.001), and operative delivery (p \ 0.001). When
Fig. 1 Incidence of BPI stratified by diabetes status. This fig-
ure graphically compares the incidence of BPI in the setting of controlling for potential confounders, increasing birth-
shoulder dystocia in women with no diabetes to women with either weight was associated with an increasing risk of BPI in
diabetes preceding pregnancy or gestational diabetes for each women with shoulder dystocia when compared with
birthweight interval
3000–3499-g birthweight (Table 3).

We also found that births complicated by shoulder

dystocia were more likely to be associated with BPI in non- Discussion
white women (Table 2; Fig. 3). Hispanic women had an
average BPI incidence of 5.6 %, and African American The association between birthweight and shoulder dystocia
women had and incidence of 8.4 %, while white women is well described [9]. Our study advances current under-
had an average of 4.3 %. Within each group, birthweight standing by describing the association between increasing
remained associated with the risk of BPI (p \ 0.001). birthweights starting in a normal range and neonatal injury

Arch Gynecol Obstet

Table 3 Multivariable logistic regression analysis differences arise from access issues, nutritional issues
Risk factors AOR 95 % CI
or regional practice variations remains in need of
further exploration.
BW 3000–3499 g Reference While we have assembled a large cohort of women
BW 3500–3999 g 1.84 1.55–2.18 who experienced shoulder dystocia, our study is limited
BW 4000–4499 g 2.95 2.48–3.50 by the inherent features of a retrospective cohort design
BW 4500–4999 g 5.35 4.45–6.43 and our data set. These include selection bias, and reli-
BW C5000 g 9.36 7.32–11.98 ance on data collected for purposes other than study
Asian 1.02 0.88–1.18 outcomes. Specifically, since our data rely on ICD-9
Hispanic 1.35 1.24–1.47 codes, we were only able to determine the presence or
African–American 2.39 2.05–2.78 absence of an outcome and not the severity. For example,
Operative vaginal delivery 1.67 1.52–1.84 we were unable to use common indicators for the severity
Nulliparous 1.31 1.20–1.43 of the shoulder dystocia such as how many maneuvers
Gestational diabetes 1.77 1.58–2.00 were required for resolution. Furthermore, we stratified
IOL 0.98 0.86–1.04 births at risk for BPI by birthweight as measured at the
Male fetus 0.72 0.66–0.77 time of delivery. Unfortunately, accurate prediction of
AMA 1.11 1.00–1.22 birthweight prior to delivery is currently inaccessible.
This limits the application of our findings to current
IOL induction of labor
practice. Finally, we used multivariable logistic regression
to control for potential bias due to confounding. However,
among women who experienced shoulder dystocia. It is there may be residual confounding from uncontrolled
possible that this association exists, because even in the factors. For example, we did not have information on
setting of shoulder dystocia, greater force may have been maternal prepregnancy weight/body mass index (BMI),
needed to resolve the shoulder dystocia with a larger labor dystocia, or malposition, which could have
neonate. Possible increase in force might result in more increased the likelihood of BPI.
stretch and trauma to the brachial plexus. Alternatively, By describing the maternal and neonatal characteristics
larger neonates with longer labors may be more likely to associated with BPI in the setting of shoulder dystocia, we
develop a brachial plexus injury related to abnormal des- set the stage for comparison with BPI in births without
cent or prolonged labor. delivery complications. Because of the limitations associ-
Even when controlling for birthweight, we found an ated with using ICD-9 data and the retrospective nature of
association between diabetes in pregnancy and BPI. the study, we did not feel that we could draw meaningful
Although the association between diabetes in pregnancy conclusions in this regard from our data set. Two smaller
and BPI has been described [7, 11, 13–15], the contribution studies have looked at this issue. In a study of 39 cases of
of shoulder dystocia to the relationship is not fully known. BPI stratified by shoulder dystocia, characteristics of the
It may be that some of the observed effect is due to the two groups differed in terms of birthweight, maternal age,
difference in weight distribution in neonates of pregnancies and parity [20]. A recent study of 329 cases of BPI strat-
complicated by diabetes. This difference in weight distri- ified by shoulder dystocia, found that BPI in women with
bution may influence the force required to resolve the shoulder dystocia as compared with those without was
shoulder dystocia. Alternatively, research into whether more likely to be associated with obesity and macrosomia
neurologic injury that occurs in the setting of hyper- and less likely to be associated with operative vaginal
glycemia is less likely to resolve deserves in vitro labora- delivery, cord pH \ 7.10 and involvement of the posterior
tory and in vivo animal studies. shoulder [21]. Larger studies in the future may be able to
We additionally found an association between BPI better analyze risk factors for BPI in the absence of
and race/ethnicity. For each birthweight category, shoulder dystocia.
Hispanic and African–American women had a higher
Acknowledgments Dr. Caughey and Dr. Cheng have full control of
risk of BPI (Fig. 3). However, an increased risk of all primary data, they will allow review if requested.
shoulder dystocia in Hispanic and African American
women has been reported [16, 17]. This is consistent Compliance with ethical standards
with poorer outcomes in these populations across a
Conflict of interest Author Volpe declares that she has no conflict
range of obstetric outcomes, including success of trial of interest. Author Cheng declares that she has no conflict of interest.
of labor after cesarean, postpartum hemorrhage, and Author Snowden declares that he has no conflict of interest. Author
peripartum infection [18, 19]. Whether these Caughey declares that he has no conflict of interest.

Arch Gynecol Obstet

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