Me Lab 10

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A. Objectives:  To be able to;

1. The basic terms of Air conditioning system
2. The different types of Air Conditioning Units
3. The different standard ratings of an Air conditioning system
4.  The classifications of Air conditioning system
5. The Basic heat load and its calculations

B. Theory:

1.1 Introduction to Air Conditioning System:

Human comfort air-conditioning means to provide the inside conditions which are
comfortable to the occupants. Air-conditioning is necessary to provide a controlled
atmosphere in buildings where industrial process is to be carried out and in private and
public buildings such as offices and cinema halls for human comfort. The humidity of air
was to be responsible for human comfort and number of experiments were conducted
with variable humidity and temperature and it was found that a particular temperature
and humidity of air was comfortable for large percentage of people.

In tropical and subtropical countries cooling by means of air conditioning is

necessary features of modern development. Besides human comfort, air conditioning is
used in industries for efficient functioning of machines, in cold storage to preserve food
products, in textile industry for better product quality and pharmaceuticals. Air –
Conditioning is a process by which the temperature, humidity, flow and purity of the air
is controlled simultaneously to meet the requirements of the conditioned space.

Control of temperature means the maintaining of temperature for human comfort,

i.e, it needs increasing the temperature in winter whereas decreasing the temperature in
summer. Control of humidity means increasing or decreasing the moisture content in
the air. The moisture content in the air increases in winter and decreases in summer.
Cleanliness of air means improving the purity of air by removing dust and other
undesirable elements. Distribution of air means the circulation of pure air through the
controlled space or room.

Atmospheric air makes up the environment in almost every type of air

conditioning system. Hence a thorough understanding of the properties of atmospheric
air and the ability to analyze various processes involving air is fundamental to air
conditioning design.
Air conditioning is a process of simultaneous control of temperature, humidity,
cleanliness, and distribution of air to meet the requirements of the conditioned space.
Control of temperature means maintain the temperature for human comfort. It requires
heating in winter or cooling in summer. Control of humidity means increasing or
decreasing the moisture content in the air. It depends on weather conditions. Moisture
content in the air is increased in winter and decreased the moisture in summer. Control
of cleanliness means improving the purity of air by removing dust and other undesirable
elements. Cleanliness of air is ensured through the use of filter.
Distribution of air means the circulation of controlled air uniformly through the controlled
space or room. The quality of air depends on the temperature to be maintained and the
volume of enclosed space.

The choice of which air conditioner system to use depends upon a number of factors
including how large the area is to be cooled, the total heat generated inside the enclosed area,

An air conditioning system, or a standalone air conditioner, provides cooling,

heating, humidity control, filtering and ventilation (oxygen supply) for all or part of a
house or building. On the other hand, an air cooler only cools the air (may do some
filtering too). 

1.2 Types of Air Conditioning Systems

There are four types of Air Conditioning System. These are Window, Split, Packaged and
Central air conditioning units.
1. Window air conditioner is the most commonly used air conditioner for single
rooms. In this air conditioner all the components, namely the compressor,
condenser, expansion valve or coil, evaporator and cooling coil are enclosed in a
single box. This unit is fitted in a slot made in the wall of the room, or more
commonly a window sill.

Figure 1.1 Window type air-conditioning unit

2. Split air conditioner comprises of two parts: the outdoor unit and the indoor
unit. The outdoor unit, fitted outside the room, houses components like the
compressor, condenser and expansion valve. The indoor unit comprises the
evaporator or cooling coil and the cooling fan. For this unit you don’t have to
make any slot in the wall of the room. Further, present day split units have
aesthetic appeal and do not take up as much space as a window unit. A split air
conditioner can be used to cool one or two rooms.

Figure 1.2 Split-type air-conditioning unit

3. Package air conditioner is used when an HVAC designer will suggest this type
of air conditioner if you want to cool more than two rooms or a larger space at
your home or office. There are two possible arrangements with the package unit.
In the first one, all the components, namely the compressor, condenser (which
can be air cooled or water cooled), expansion valve and evaporator are housed
in a single box. The cooled air is thrown by the high capacity blower, and it flows
through the ducts laid through various rooms. In the second arrangement, the
compressor and condenser are housed in one casing. The compressed gas
passes through individual units, comprised of the expansion valve and cooling
coil, located in various rooms.
Figure 1.3 Package-type air-conditioning unit

4. Central air conditioning or Industrial air conditioning is used for cooling big
buildings, houses, offices, entire hotels, gyms, movie theaters, factories etc. If the
whole building is to be air conditioned, HVAC engineers find that putting
individual units in each of the rooms is very expensive making this a better
option. A central air conditioning system is comprised of a huge compressor that
has the capacity to produce hundreds of tons of air conditioning. Cooling big
halls, malls, huge spaces, galleries are usually only feasible with central
conditioning units. Industrial air-conditioning provides air at required temperature
and humidity to perform a specific industrial process successfully. Examples of
application in this category are research laboratories, control rooms in power
generating stations, operation theatres in hospitals, electronic industry etc.

Figure 1.4 Central-type air-conditioning unit

Chilled-water and Cooling-tower A/C Units (Central Air-conditioning System) 

Major Components: 
i. Chiller (a complete vapor compression or absorption refrigeration system), 
ii. Air Handling Unit (AHU), 
iii. Cooling Tower. 
In a chilled-water system, the entire air conditioner (chiller) lives on the roof or
behind the building. The chiller cools water to between 4 to 7 C. This chilled water is

then piped throughout the building and connected to air handling units (AHUs) as
needed. The AHU cools the air by using this chilled water and supply the cooled air
through ducts to the conditioned space. Central air conditioning units range in capacity
from about 15 to 3500 tons of refrigeration. 
Figure 1.5 Chilled Water Central Air Conditioning Plant

Inside a Basic Window-type Air Conditioning Unit

Figure 1.6 Air flow and parts of a Window-type Air Conditioning unit
Split-type Air Conditioning Unit Parts

Figure 1.7 Air flow and parts of a Split-type Air Conditioning Unit

1.3 Standard Rating of an Air Conditioning System

Minimum Performance Rating of Various Air Conditioning System
 shall be based on the total power input to the compressor(s) and fan(s),
plus controls and other items required as part of the system for operation
at Standard Rating Conditions. 
 related to Cooling or Heating Capacities shall be net values, including the
effects of circulating fan heat, but not including supplementary heat.
Standard Ratings shall be stated as total Cooling Capacity and total
Heating Capacity. 

Table 1.1 Standard Rated Conditions for Air Conditioning Systems

Water Cooled Air Cooled Water Water Cooled
Stream Water Chiller ( C)O
Chiller ( C) O
Package A/C Units,
( C) O

Chilled Water
Supply 7.0 7.0 --
Chilled Water
Return 12.0 12.0 --
Cooling Water
Supply 29.5 -- 29.5
Cooling Water
Return 35.0 -- 35.0
Condenser Air
Inlet -- 35.0 --
Evaporator 27.0 (*)
Return Air -- -- 19.0 (**)
* Dry Bulb Temperature, ** Wet Bulb Temperature
Table 1.2 Minimum Performance Rating of Various Air Conditioning System
Air Conditioning Equipment EE kWe/T
Unitary A/C units:
    Up to 20 kW, capacity 10.3 --
    21 to 60 kW, capacity 9.8 --
    61 to 120 kW, capacity 9.7 --
    Over 120 kW, capacity 9.5 --
Scroll chillers (up to 175 kW)
    Air cooled -- 1.0
    Water cooled -- 0.8
Screw chillers (above 245 kW)
    Air cooled -- 0.80
    Water cooled -- 0.65
Centrifugal chillers (up to 14
kW) -- 0.58
    Water cooled
Notes: EER = kJ/kWh
kWe/TR = kilowatt electricity per ton of refrigeration
1 TR = 3.51685 kW

Table 1.3 EER ranges for Room Air Conditioning units as of September 2019.

Types of Room Air Conditioning unit EER range, kJ/W-

1. Window-type with cooling capacity below 12,000 kJ/h 1. – 12.5
Local and Imported Models – 952
2. Window-type with cooling capacity 12,000 kJ/h and 8.7 – 12.5
Local and Imported Models – 671
3. Split-type with cooling capacity below 12,000 kJ/hr 2. – 13.6
Local and Imported Models – 248
4. Split-type with cooling capacity 12,000 kJ/hr and above 8.7 – 13.8
Local and Imported Models – 525
Source: Department of Energy (

EER (energy efficiency ratio) = BTU/watts or kJ/hr (Bigger EERs are better) 
  BTU = British Thermal Unit; 1 BTU = 1.055 kJ 
Old AC's EER= 6 – 8;  

Typical air conditioner: 8 < EER < 12 for which is 2.3 < COP< 3.5 
Another Performance Parameter for A/C= kW/ton; Usually 0.6 to 2.0
1.4 Classification of Air – Conditioning system

 The air-conditioning systems are classified as:

1. According to the purpose
(a) Comfort air-conditioning system
(b) Industrial air conditioning system

2. According to the season of the year

(a) Winter air conditioning system
(b) Summer air conditioning system
(c) Year round air conditioning system

3. According to the arrangement of equipment

(a) Unitary air conditioning system
(b) Central air conditioning system.

1.5 Basics of Heat Load and its Calculations

Heat load is the amount of heat energy that would need to be added to a space
to maintain the temperature in an acceptable range.
Heat Load Computations
For Window and Split type: 
Heat Load, Q = M * DH
where, Q = KJ/hr
M = mass of air, kg/hr
= flow of air, m3/hr * density of air, kg/m3
DH = Hra - Hsa
Hra = enthalpy of return air/fresh air, KJ/kg 
Hsa = enthalpy of supply air, KJ/kg
Cooling Load:  Thumb rule, 1 ton per 200 or 300 ft2 of standard floor space. 
Factors to be considered for calculating cooling load:
1. Sensible heat gains: solar heat, body heat of persons inside, heat electrical
fittings and electronic appliances such electric bulb, ceiling fan motor, television,
computer, heat from any other things inside the conditioned space. 
2. Latent heat gains: heat from sweat of human beings, steam or vapor from
things inside.
3. Heat gains from ventilating air: sensible heat gain due to temperature
difference of inside and outside air and latent heat gain due to air-humidity difference
between inside and outside air. 
Air Circulation: 
  CFM required = Number of person’s x Factor 
  CFM = Cubic feet per minute ventilating air Factor = 7.5 (if there is no smoker) up
to 40 (if there are smokers)

3.1 Introduction to Energy Audit in Air Conditioning System

Energy Audit (Air Conditioning)
- an assessment of the energy needs and efficiency of refrigeration and air
conditioning machinery for energy conservation in a building. An air conditioning is
responsible for more than 60% of electricity consumption in government and [1]

commercial buildings.

Energy Audit Equipment:

1. Power meter 2. Thermo-hygrometer 3. Anemometer

4. Sling psychrometer 5. Ultrasonic flowmeter           6. Flashlight &

tape meters

Conservation of Energy in Air Conditioning Systems

 Avoid oversized aircon. Choose the right air conditioning unit that suits your
room– match the connected load.
 Adjust the refrigerator settings to reasonable required temperature. 
 Consider change of refrigerant type if it will improve efficiency.
 Check for correct refrigerant charge level.
 Shade the windows that are directly exposed to the sun to help reduce heat load
to the room. 
 Set air conditioning unit’s timer to turn off your unit to reduce operating time.
 Clean or change filters regularly and clean the condenser and evaporator coils
 When using an air conditioner, set the temperature not lower than 25°C or 26 C

 Select the unit with the highest Energy Efficiency

 Ratio (EER) for greater savings. 
 Use fans to assist in moving the room air. 
 Use evaporative coolers whenever possible.  They are about one-fourth the
energy of conventional air conditioners. Evaporative coolers are effective only in
dry climates. Ventilation is recommended when using evaporative cooling. 
 The best way to conserve energy in air conditioning is: Turn off air conditioners
[When not necessary].

Energy Conservation Measures in Air-conditioning

1. Comfort condition: 25 C, 55 % RH

2. Minimize heat load through glass windows

o Provide sun control film, Use double glass
2. Insulate roof top in A/C Building
o Provide under deck insulation of 50 mm, Provide lawns at roof top
3. Optimize fresh air supply into air conditioning room
o Conduct CO study to optimize fresh air quantity

o 10-15 cfm/person or 0.25 cfm/sq.ft as per ASHRAE.

o Use natural lighting, 3.5 kw lighting consumes 1.0 TR load
4. Provide controls
 install thermostat to control peak and base load
 Provide VSD for AHU with return air temp sensor set at 20-25°C
 VFD controller for retrofitting existing compressor is about 16-18% savings at
6. Air tight the building envelop
 prevent cold air leakage, Provide door closures
7. Avoid heat producing equipment inside the room
 keep away UPS Battery, ovens, other loads

3.2 Ventilation System

Ventilation – is the process of intentional introduction and removal of air to and
from a space by natural or mechanical means to control indoor air quality, thermal
comfort and dehumidification.
Excessive energy used in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
can result from many conditions, including:
(a) Over/under heating/cooling resulting from an incorrect set-point or inaccurate
temperature control, 
(b) Over ventilation,
(c) Simultaneous heating/cooling – often caused by incorrect controls operation 
or poor system design, 
(d) Inadequate controls for range of conditions experienced, 
(e) Increased heating or cooling requirements caused by poor building 
enclosures – window, door, wall, roof insulation and structural air leakage, 
(f) Stratification of air in plants with high ceilings, 
(g) Poor equipment maintenance – filters, ducts, pipes, dampers and lubrication 
Of moving parts. 
(h) Poor control of process effluents at source such heat, fumes, dust and 
humidity – which increase the HVAC system loads.  
(i) Incorrect system type or sizing Lack of coordination in central control. 

Often the inability of an HVAC system to meet the space conditioning needs of the
occupants and process is a clue to the existence of savings opportunities.  Start with an
evaluation of how well your system performs.

Energy Management Opportunities by Matching the Requirement:

  Does the system meet the needs in all building areas?  What are the deficiencies? 
  Are contaminants from other building areas properly contained? 
  What are the temperature requirements of the conditioned space? 
  What are the ventilation requirements of the conditioned space? 
  Was the existing system designed to meet these needs? 
  What is the accuracy of temperature and humidity control? 
  Are more accurate controls available? 
  Does the HVAC load vary daily and seasonally? 
  Does the system have capacity control to accommodate these swings?

Energy Management Opportunities by Maximizing the Efficiency 

 Is there a preventative maintenance program for the HVAC systems? 

 Are controls calibrated regularly? 
 Was the existing system designed for the present purpose or conditions?  
 Are there more efficient systems for our application? 
 The following is a checklist, by function, from end-use to delivery of savings
opportunities associated with HVAC:
Ventilation/Exhaust Systems 

  Shut down ventilation/exhaust systems when not required. Avoid unnecessary

cooling (or heating if required). 
  Maintain dampers to reduce outside air leakage when not required. Leaking
dampers will increase cooling (and heating) loads by introducing excessive outside air.
  Use correct ventilation/exhaust rates for application/occupancy. Control
ventilation based upon requirement - temperature, contaminant or possibly an ccupancy
  Balance air flows for appropriate zero, positive or negative pressure. This will
also help to avoid cross contamination of air between the various process areas. 
  Zone ventilated areas and sequence air flow based on contaminant levels. From
lowest to highest contaminant levels.  Conditioned air may be re-used. 
  Utilize direct air make-up with heat recovery for critical contaminant extraction. 
Control contaminants at source to reduce the cost of extraction. 
  Utilize systems to destratify ceiling air. In heated spaces hot air will tend to
accumulate at ceiling level.  If heating is required – energy costs may be reduced by
returning heat to floor level.  
  Minimize the Use of Local Exhaust. Many buildings have local exhaust hoods,
typically in food service areas and laboratories.  Large open hoods exhaust substantial
quantities of air to maintain a satisfactory capture velocity.  The air which is exhausted
must be made up by outside air which must be conditioned.  Unnecessary use of an 
exhaust hood may cause substantial waste.  Correcting the problem can provide
substantial savings.
Space Conditioning 

 Control temperature and humidity according to comfort zone.  Only cool (or if
required heat) spaces to the level required for the activity of occupants and the season. 
 Minimize solar gains. Often large roof areas present significant cooling loads due to
solar gains.  Windows can have a similar effect.  Control of radiative heat gains with
films and reflective treatment may be advantageous. 
 Raise thermostats during unoccupied hours during the cooling season. Avoid
cooling spaces when unoccupied. Likewise, if heat is required – setback temperatures
when unoccupied to avoid unnecessary heating.
 Adjust space temperatures in unoccupied or storage areas. This can be done to
minimize cooling or heating required.   
 Ensure automatic controls are operating correctly and are calibrated regularly.
Errors of 1 to 2 C can make a significant difference to the cost of cooling 

 Use enthalpy control on HVAC systems. Enthalpy controls select between

mechanical air conditioning and outside air depending upon temperatures and humidity
to minimize cooling costs. 
 Use Filters to Remove Odors. Depending on the application involved and local
codes, use filters to remove odors if ventilation is currently being used for that purpose. 
Activated carbon power the ventilation fan. 

Heat Loss/Gain Calculations 

With ventilation, energy is required to raise the air mass from the outside temperature to
the space temperature inside the building.  The rate of energy required at any given
time depends upon the amount of air being introduced into the building, and the
difference between the outdoor and indoor temperatures. 
The equation for calculating this energy is given by the following equation: 
Q = 1.232 x F x (T – T )
A 2 1 Equation 3.1
 where: Q = heat loss rate (W) 
F = flow rate of ventilation air (L/s) 

T = temperature inside ( C)

T = temperature outside ( C)
1 o

1.232 = a constant which accounts for conversion to common units 

Note that this equation provides a rate of energy rather than the energy consumed over
a period of time. 
It is also noted that this equation gives only the energy required to raise (heating) or
lower (cooling) the air temperature.  It does not consider any energy required to
humidify or dehumidify the air, nor does it take into account the energy required to
power the ventilation fan.

1. Is the temperature of moist air reads by a wicked bulb thermometer with its wick is
thoroughly wetted by water . 
a. Wet bulb temperature c. Dew point temperature
b. Dry bulb temperature d. All of the above
2. Identify relative humidity of moist air at the state condition: the vapor pressure of
moist air at a state of Dry bulb temperature is 20 C, Wet bulb temperature is 15 C and
0 0

P = 95 kPa and the saturated pressure = 2.337 kPa.


a. 45.2% b. 56.8% c. 59.5% d. 65.2%

3. Determine the moisture content of moist air at the same state condition of Problem 2.
a. 0.00923 kg-water vapor/kg-dry air c. 0.00289 kg-water vapor/kg-dry air
b. 0.00578 kg-water vapor/kg-dry air d. 0.00445 kg-water vapor/kg-dry air
4. Determine the dew point of moist air at the same state condition of Problem 2.
a. 9.57 C
b. 11.57 C0
c. 14.57 C
d. 19.57 C 0

5. Dry bulb temperature is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when

a. It is not affected by the moisture present in the air
b. The moisture present in it begins to condense
c. Its bulb is surrounded by a wet cloth exposed to the air
d. None of the above
6. During heating and dehumidification process, dry bulb temperature
a. Remains constant c. Increases
b. Decreases d. None of these
7. The wet bulb depression is zero when relative humidity is
a. Zero b. 0.5 c. 0.75 d. 1.0
8. During sensible cooling of air ________ decreases.
a. Wet bulb temperature c. Dry bulb temperature
b. Relative humidity d. Specific humidity
9. The curved lines on a psychrometric chart indicates
a. Dry bulb temperature c. Dew point temperature
b. Wet bulb temperature d. Relative humidity
10. Air conditioning means
a. Cooling b. Heating c. Dehumidifying d. All of these
11. The wet bulb temperature at 100% relative humidity is ________ dry bulb
a. Same as b. Lower than c. Higher than d. None of these
12. The vertical and uniformly spaced lines on a psychrometric chart indicates
a. Dry bulb temperature c. Wet bulb temperature
b. Dew point temperature d. Specific humidity
13. Wet bulb temperature is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when
a. It is not affected by the moisture present in the air
b. Its bulb is surrounded by a wet cloth exposed to the air
c. The moisture present in it begins to condense
d. None of the above
14. The difference between dry bulb temperature and dew point temperature, is called
a. Dry bulb depression c. Dew point depression
b. Wet bulb depression d.  Degree of saturation
15. In a psychrometric chart, specific humidity (moisture content) lines are
a. Vertical and uniformly spaced c. Horizontal and non-uniformly spaced
b. Horizontal and uniformly spaced d. Curved lines
16. The horizontal and non-uniformly spaced lines on a psychrometric chart indicates
a.  Dry bulb temperature c.  Dew point temperature
b.  Wet bulb temperature d.  Specific humidity
17. The ratio of the actual mass of water vapour in a unit mass of dry air to the mass of
water vapour in the same mass of dry air when it is saturated at the same temperature
and pressure, is called
a. Humidity ratio c. Absolute humidity
b. Relative humidity d. Degree of saturation
18. The comfort conditions in air conditioning are at (where DBT = Dry bulb
temperature, and RH = Relative humidity)
a. 25°C DBT and 100% RH c. 22°C DBT and 60% RH
b. 20°C DBT and 80% RH d. 25°C DBT and 40% RH
19. In a saturated air-water vapour mixture, the
a. Dry bulb temperature is higher than wet bulb temperature
b. Dew point temperature is lower than wet bulb temperature
c. Dry bulb, wet bulb and dew point temperature are same
d. Dry bulb temperature is higher than dew point temperature
20. The relative humidity is defined as
a. The mass of water vapour present in 1 m of dry air

b. The mass of water vapour present in 1 kg of dry air

c. The ratio of the actual mass of water vapour in a unit mass of dry air to
the mass of water vapour in the same mass of dry air when it is saturated at the
same temperature and pressure
d. The ratio of actual mass of water vapour in a given volume of moist air to the
mass of water vapour in the same volume of saturated air at the same temperature and
21. As relative humidity decreases, the dew point temperature will be ________ wet
bulb temperature.
a. Same as b. Lower than c. Higher than d. None of these
22. The temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when its bulb is surrounded by a
wet cloth exposed to the air, is called
a. Wet bulb temperature c. Dew point temperature
b. Dry bulb temperature d. None of these
23. The humidity ratio or specific humidity is the mass of water vapour present in
a. 1 m of wet air
b. 1 m of dry air
c. 1 kg of wet air d. 1 kg of dry air

24. The humidification process, on the psychrometric chart is shown by

a. Horizontal line b. Vertical line c. Inclined line c. Curved line
25. The temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when it is not affected by the
moisture present in the air, is called
a. Wet bulb temperature c. Dew point temperature
b. Dry bulb temperature d. None of these
Cagayan de Oro City




Plate No. 10

December 9, 2020 Criteria for Rating (100 pts.)

DATE DUE: Criteria Actual

December 12, 2020
 Promptness (20 pts.)
 Neatness (10 pts.)
Vincent Rey Olario
 Computations/Answers/
Data Analysis and Sketches
(40 pts.)
 Conclusion and
Dr. Rogelio C. Golez, Jr
n (30 pts.)

Remarks: Total Score



School Year: 2020 - 2021

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