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Biderman's Chart of Coercion


Amnesty International, Report on Torture (New York: Farra, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
Strauss, and Giroux), 1973.
Methods of power and
General Method Effects (Purposes) Variants control used in abusive
Denies participation in
leisure activities. Restricts
Deprives victim of
contact with family and
all social supports
Complete solitary friends. Excessive jealousy
and of his ability to
confinement. that reduces social
resist. Develops an
1. Isolation Complete isolation interaction or discredits the
intense concern with
Semi‐isolation. victim to friends and
self. Makes victim
Group isolation. family. Controls or restricts
dependent upon
use of transportation, phone
and/or finances. Confines
to the home.
Fixes attention upon
Blames victim for the
abuse, often reinforced by
predicament, fosters
Physical isolation. social and familial
Darkness or bright response. Victims become
Eliminates stimuli
2. Monopolization light. Barren focused on how they
competing with
of Perception environment. “caused” the abuse and
those controlled by
Restricted movement. their own weaknesses.
captor. Frustrates all
Monotonous food. Unpredictable behaviour.
actions not
Constant calling, texting or
consistent with
Assaults to body image.
Restricts finances for food
and other necessities.
Exploitation of
Withholds access to
wounds. Induced
3. Induced Weakens mental and medical care. Disrupts
illness. Sleep
debility and physical ability to meals and sleep patterns
exhaustion resist. with physical and verbal
assaults, e.g. “you’re going
interrogation. Forced
to stay up all night and
listen to me”. Rape and
assaults during pregnancy.
Threats of death.
Threats of non‐return. Threats to kill her or her
Threats of endless family. Threats to take
Cultivates anxiety interrogation and children away. Threats of
4. Threats 
and despair isolation. Threats suicide. Threats of
against family. Vague abandonment. Destruction
threats. Mysterious of property or pets.
changes of treatment.
5. Occasional Provides positive Occasional favours. Apologizes for the
battering, sends flowers
Fluctuations of and gifts. Promises to
indulgences motivation interrogation change or it “will never
attitudes. happen again”. Becomes
“Disneyland” parent.
complete control over
Physical assaults.
victim's fate.
6. Demonstrating Suggests futility of Manipulation of legal
"omnipotence" resistance. system. Using male
privilege. Stalking.
cooperation taken for
Makes cost of Personal hygiene Public humiliation. Forcing
resistance appear prevented. Filthy, participation in demeaning
more damaging to infested or degrading sexual acts.
self‐esteem than surroundings. Verbal abuse, "put downs"
7. Degradation
capitulation. Demeaning or name calling. Frequently
Reduces prisoner to punishments. Insults tells victim that they are
"animal level" and taunts. Denial of “stupid”, “worthless” and
concerns. privacy. unlovable.
Punishes for
noncompliance with "the
rules" which are rigid and
unrealistic. These rules
Forced writing.
8. Enforcing Develops habit of often govern the victim’s
Enforcement of
trivial demands compliance appearance, housekeeping,
minute rules.
parenting, timeliness, etc.
Frequently changes "the
rules". Plays “mind

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