Bsbcmm401 Make A Presentation - Ammended Assessment2018v3b

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BSBCMM401 MAKE A PRESENTATION – Assessment (Part A, B and C)

Student name: Hilda Chepkogei

Assessor name: Jessica Colleran

Date of assessment / evidence: 3rd February 2018


Unit(s) of competency assessed: BSBCMM401 MAKE A PRESENTATION
Instructions to the student: To complete this unit’s assessment, you are required to answer all
questions in this booklet and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.

All work to be completed and submitted by January 28, 2018

Assessment DATE NOTE: Group and individual presentations will be occurring
before then on a weekly basis by arrangement with the trainer.
Part A □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed
Part B □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed
Part C (1 and 2) □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not Completed
Assessment tasks will be completed in the College, including the
Context of Assessment
computer lab, using provided software and documentation.
Assessment outcome:
 Competent  Not Yet Competent
(please tick to indicate)
Is re-assessment required?  Yes  No

Date of re-assessment
(if applicable)
Date declared competent:
(if different to date of assessment)
 The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student rights
and appeals were clearly explained.
 I have been provided with feedback on my assessment and agree/disagree (delete what is not
applicable) with the assessment result.

Student signature: Hilda Chepkogei

Date: 3rd February 2018

 The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student
rights and appeals were clearly explained.

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 The assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.
 I have provided the student with feedback on their assessment.
 I certify this assessment record is accurate.

Assessor signature:

*Please see Moodle for feedback on assessment(s)*

PART A: Individual Knowledge Activity (Q & A) (should take you 30-45 minutes to
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for
each one.

1. Identify information collection methods that will support review and feedback of
•Audience evaluation worksheets. These are designed and used to encourage participants to ‘rate’
particular aspects of the presentation ranging from poor to excellent levels.
•Self-evaluation report or reflections – The presenter notes down his or her thoughts immediately after
the session to find out their fresh reaction on the presentation.
•Video your performance. This is an extremely beneficial style to find out your ability because you can
objectively watch your performance and the reactions of your audience.
•Critical friends, peers, colleagues or family members whose input can be instrumental in building your
•One-on-one interviews with participants and personnel involved in the presentation to find out their
critical points on your work.
•Focus group interviews. This is an unstructured group interview technique where several people come
together, under the guidance of a trained interviewer, to focus on a specific concept, product, or

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2. What are the regulatory and organisational obligations and requirements that might be
relevant to presentations?

 Appropriate planning and presentation of documents to meet intended outcomes

 Developing presentation strategies, formats and delivery methods as appropriate to the target
audience, location, resources and the expected personnel.
 Deciding on appropriate presentation aids, materials and techniques that suit the format and
purpose of the presentation as well as enhance the ease of understanding key concepts by the
 Informing all participants of the presentation with their roles and responsibilities in time
 Select techniques to evaluate presentation effectiveness

3. Describe the principles of effective communication (what are the 6 Ps? Explain each)

➢ Prior – Have your mindset as well as the actual presentation planned for long before the time comes.
Prior preparation is important because one avoids missing out on various vital features along the way.
➢ Preparation – It is necessary to prepare for any type of communication. The bearer of the information
must never be ignorant of their presentation and this is only achieved through effective preparation.
➢ planning – Planning involves the organization of information and materials. Planning helps you to
identify what comes first and last in that order hence increase certainty and confidence in the actual
➢ Prevent – One has to master all the do’s and the don’ts of any presentation to avoid making small
➢ Poor- When the actual presentation or communication is being done, the presenter must stick to
respectful and kind of professional talk to avoid poor presentation.
➢ Performance - Evaluation and feedback is important for the improvement of your communication

4. Describe the range of presentation aids and materials available to support presentations.

➢ Visual aids- These are posters, graphs, pictures, charts and diagrams that are presented
in visual types to enhance communication of the subject matter.
➢ PowerPoint slides -
➢ Flip charts – A pad of large paper sheets used to present all types of content and enhance
➢ Handouts – Printed papers or booklets that have highlighted or detailed content to assist
during presentations
➢ Workbooks – These are paper back texts usually with more detailed information issued
during a presentation.
➢ Notes – Notes are hand written or typed points that summarize the communication
➢ DVDs – Digital optic storage format that keeps visual and audio information which can
then be communicated or presented in other forms
➢ Audio material – Recorded audio files

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➢ Actual samples of the material you are presenting – These may be handouts or notes
which have the main content of presentation

PART B: Reflection on Group Performance (Part C)

PART C: (COMPLETED IN CLASS) Group Performance Activity (Allow 1-2 hours of team work
to complete this PLUS up to 10 minutes for the actual presentation)
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for
this unit.
Activity: The participants should put together a 5-10 minute presentation for delivery in small groups of
3-4. Choose a topic you are interested in. For example, A guide to living in Sydney, How to make sushi,
How to get cheap tickets to events in Sydney, How to get the most out of the Sunday Funday ticket (i.e.
the $2.50 all day travel ticket).

You should show that you can prepare and deliver presentations which demonstrate the use of:
o effective presentation strategies and communication principles
o aids and materials to support the presentation
o Select and implement methods to review the effectiveness of own presentation and
document any changes which would improve future presentations.

In particular, you need to demonstrate:

Oral Communication
 Present information using words and non-verbal features appropriate to the audience and
 Use listening and questioning techniques to gather information required to develop or modify
 Interpret audience reactions and changes words or non-verbal features accordingly
Interpersonal skills (how you interact with others)
 Select and uses appropriate conventions and protocols to encourage interaction or to present
 Demonstrate sophisticated control over oral, visual and written formats, drawing on a range of
communication practices to achieve goals
 Recognise the need to alter personal communication style in response to the needs or
expectations of others
 Take responsibility for planning, sequencing and prioritising tasks and own workload to achieve
 Use feedback from others, analytical and lateral thinking to review current practices and
develop new ideas
 Use the main features and functions of digital tools to complete work tasks

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Refer to the slides from Monday
Keep open body language
Allow for question time/feedback

Additional Documents for Part B (if used)

Documents checklist
If you have additional handouts e.g. product description, recipe, feedback survey, request for contact
form (i.e. to show interest), commitment form (i.e. wants to buy your product/service).

Indicate in the table below the documents that have been provided. Please refer to your
trainer/assessor if clarification is required or if you have any further questions on what you are able to
provide or use.

Document name/description Document attached

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

PART C: Individual Performance Activity (Allow up to 1 hour complete this PLUS up to 4

minutes for the actual presentation)
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required preparation elements for
this unit.

 PART C1 The participant should put together a 3-4 minute presentation and document the
process. Choose a topic you are interested in (not the same as you did with the group!)
 PART C2 Present to the class (your trainer will let you know when you

This means you will prepare a short PowerPoint presentation and describe the actions/decisions you
must make before, during and after a presentation.

In particular, you will need to document:

 Who your target audience is (this is up to you, it can be the class or you can imagine you are
presenting to business colleagues, a sales target etc.)

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 What preparation must be made before a presentation.
 What your approach will be
 How you will evaluate your performance
 What handouts (if any) you will use

Please provide as much detail as you can.

Additional Documents for Part C (if used)

Documents checklist
Document name/description Document attached

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

Yes No (Please circle)

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