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Presented to the ​Marketing and Advertising Department

De La Salle University - Manila

2nd Term, A.Y. 2019-2020

An Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

For Wheyl Nutrition Co. in Australia

In partial fulfillment
of the course
In Global Communication for Marketing Majors (MADGCOM K31)

Alfonso, Manuela F.
Avelino, Viana Locia S.
Babasa, Angela Beatriz T.
Escasa, Gianina Maristella T.
Roxas, Bea Monique S.

Submitted to:
Mr. Joseph Emil Santos
I. Executive Summary
Wheyl Co.’s mission is to provide world-class supplementation at highly affordable
prices. Currently, Wheyl Co. is only available in the Philippines and the brand recognizes the
opportunity to expand their market and grow in other countries. The group has chosen Australia
as the target location for the expansion because of the opportunities and advantages it offers. The
global whey protein market was at the value of US$10,252.9 million in 2018 and is expected to
grow at 6.2% in the next nine years.
According to the Australian Government, young people aged 15-24 years old in
2017-2018 were more likely to be overweight or obese than those in 2007-2008, which led to
82% of the 26 million Australian population being more conscious of their health and eating
habits. The rise of health awareness and health-conscious customers resulted in the demand for
protein powder and supplements. Many of the leading international brands for protein
supplements come from Australia such as True Protein and Max’s among others, but it can be
observed that these brands have relatively the same approach and the same target market
consisting of fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and bodybuilders. Wheyl takes on a unique personality
– calm, friendly, and approachable versus the typical brand presenting a very hardcore and
intense take. Despite the saturation of competition in Australia, Wheyl is capable of shifting
environments to cater to the new market with its competitive pricing and unique flavors.

II. Introduction
Australia is the chosen location for the launch of Wheyl Co. in a foreign country.
Australia is very ​multiethnic and multicultural​. They highlight to neighboring countries that
they value both tolerance and diversity when it comes to not only their economy but to their
society as well. Although they do have some issues of under-representation, Australian
multiculturalism celebrates diversity, freedom, and open-mindedness – as can be seen in their
political, economic, cultural, and educational exchanges with Asian countries. (Ivanov, 2019)

One of the challenges brought about by the proposal of this campaign is the difference in
cultures. Wheyl Co. is a Filipino brand, led by Filipinos, and produced mainly for the Filipino
market. In transitioning to the Australian market, Wheyl will have to shift a bit to successfully
create ​contact between the cultures​. Nish Belford of Monash University, Australia conducted a
study on international students from Melbourne discussing the cross-cultural transition they
experience studying in Australia. The students that participated in this study were mainly from
Asian countries – Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea, China, and India – while others were from
Mexico, Columbia, and Italy. All of these students have been in Melbourne for a range of 2 to 5.5
years. The study showed that the students, especially those coming from Asian cultures that are
relatively more conservative, experience culture shock due to the outgoing and friendly nature of
Australians. In creating this new connection between cultures, with Wheyl as a Filipino brand
entering the Australian market, this may be more helpful than challenging for the company.
Because Wheyl takes on a very friendly and accommodating personality, they won’t have to
change their approach entirely to fit the culture of the Australian market. One of the main aspects
they might have to adjust is the use of slang words that might mean something else in Australia,
as they have a very unique set of Australian slang.

Transitioning from the Philippine Market to Australia, Wheyl will be challenged in terms
of ​key cultural differences in the workplace. Workplaces in the Philippines importantly observe
hierarchy. They aim to maintain a non-stressful environment with their bosses and other
executives. Authority is highly respected and orders are followed without objections. On the other
hand, Australian workplaces practice equality regardless of race, gender, and position. They
strongly believe that positions only disrupt the company’s productivity. Another factor that could
be considered a challenge in the new workspace would be in an Australian work-setting, time is
of the essence. Their full attention mostly leans on deadlines and results rather than long-lasting
relationships with their fellow employees. While on the flipside, Filipinos highly value a
harmonious working environment, thus making sure that engaging and communicating well with
their co-workers is possible.

III. Situation Analysis

A. The Brand
Company Historical Milestones

Back in 2017, Wheyl Co. was founded by fresh grads Jason and Vergil where they left
their jobs to start the business out of their homes. Jason and Vergil had empty pockets who
wanted to experience as much protein flavors as possible but couldn’t seem to find the perfect fit-
so they built it instead. The brand had it easy establishing their brand identity being ​“friendly,
fun, and for everyone.” ​As being in an industry dominated by gender-extreme brands
encouraging unhealthy body standards, Wheyl wanted to set themselves apart from everybody
else by establishing that absolutely anyone with any goal is able to find a place in the Wheyl
The process of creating a world-class product on the other hand was a different story for
Jason and Vergil. There weren’t many manufacturers and suppliers that trusted two fresh college
graduates who really had nothing to show and had empty pockets and countless rejections were
faced during the process until enough said yes. Wheyl then was able to create their very first
product- JUST Salted Chocolate whey protein where they were able to grow their community
starting from selling the product within their circle of friends and family, expanding to university
trade groups, to finally building their social media platforms. Early on after their product launch,
Wheyl focused on creating unique world-class products, building an excellent service-oriented
culture as well as developing strong business relationships. The brand started to grow
exponentially and was getting too big for Jason and Vergil.

By mid-2018, Patty- another partner joined in the company and it wasn’t long enough
before Vismen, Antonio, Lia, Czari, Chai and Gela joined in as well. This was also the year
where Wheyl transitioned from operating from their own homes to operating in a new office and
warehouse to be able to keep up with the growing support and orders for their brand.

It has been three years since Wheyl Co. was established and it remains to grow strong and
consistently, with the promise Wheyl has formed that consumer experience will keep getting

Current Marketing Strategies

Target Market
○ Filipino Male and Females, lower A, B, and upper C market residing in Metro Manila
○ Geographic
● currently resides in a condominium in Makati or other commercialized areas in
Metro Manila
○ Demographic
● aged 23-28 years old
● Fresh graduate from college, beginning their career, or in the early years of their
○ Psychographic
● is interested in fitness, is health conscious and wants to transition into a healthy
living lifestyle
○ Behavior
● is transitioning into a healthy lifestyle and in-control of their daily routine
The brand positions itself as a premium, world-class quality brand that is strongly
focused on product development which is backed by many regulatory experts that innovate daily
to further enhance and create great tasting products without compromise. Wheyl sources their
base ingredients from the United States while all their products are then blended, packed and
sealed in the Philippines with the use of modern technology to secure truly premium quality.

Although Wheyl is a relatively new brand established in 2017, they have followed the
brand identity they have presented over the years by offering the best service for their consumers
as they also position themselves to be friendly, fun and for everyone.

Product Strategy
Wheyl offers several product types namely JUST whey protein, PRIME whey isolate,
FLUX BCAA’s and KREA creatine.

Product Function Ingredients/Nutrients

JUST whey ■ Beneficial for overall ■ Concentrate base

protein nutrition ■ Whey protein contains
■ Focuses on supplementing naturally-occurring sugar in the
protein consumption form of lactose
■ Calcium - 115 milligrams per
■ Potassium - 155 milligrams per
■ Mocha Java, Brown Boba, Mighty
Matcha flavors contain caffeine -
24-34 milligrams

PRIME whey ■ Isolate base

isolate ■ Whey protein contains
naturally-occurring sugar in the
form of lactose
■ Calcium - 115 milligrams per
■ Potassium - 155 milligrams per
■ Mocha Java, Brown Boba, Mighty
Matcha flavors contain caffeine -
24-34 milligrams
FLUX BCAAs ■ Affects recovery, both during ■ Naturally-sweetened, zero-calorie
and after workout 2:1:1 BCAA blend
■ Helps maintain endurance ■ Vitamin C
and decrease fatigue during
■ Improves muscle repair for
overall recovery

KREA creatine ■ Focuses on performance side ■ Creatine monohydrate - 5 grams

■ Helps increase strength,
■ Improve overall athletic

Pricing Strategy
In terms of pricing, the brand positions their products at an affordable price point which
are much lower than their imported counterparts. While Wheyl has affordable prices relative to
international brands, there are still more affordable options than theirs. With that in mind, Wheyl
is in an ideal position to target those who are in the middle class and upper class of society, who
are quite price-flexible as long as quality is apparent.

JUST Whey Protein

15 servings

2 pounds
30 servings

3 pounds
45 servings

4 pounds
60 servings
5 pounds
75 servings


165 grams
15 servings

330 grams
30 servings

494 grams
45 servings

660 grams
60 servings

825 grams
75 servings

Distribution Strategy
Wheyl Co. is available for purchase through online distribution available in their official
online website, as well as other e-commerce platforms and resellers as shown below:
​ heyl Co.’s Official Website
Figure 1.0 W

​ eauty MNL
Figure 1.2 B
​ azada
Figure 1.3 L

​ ittle Retail PH
Figure 1.4 L

Apart from online distribution, Wheyl has multiple partners nationwide who offer our
world-class products in their physical establishments – from traditional gyms, fitness studios,
supplement retailers, baking supply shops, etc. Due to the pandemic, most – if not all – have
closed down temporarily, as the physical fitness industry has been hit tremendously by the
quarantine. As of now, Wheyl’s physical presence is very low – possibly even nil.
Communication Strategy
One of Wheyl’s outstanding brand characteristics is their excellent customer service and
connections. One of Wheyl’s brand claims is “From your nutrition to your form, we will be there
every step of the way to inform and guide you, while being as transparent as possible. Think of us
as your wise gym buddy!” Hence, they are very open to brand communication and questions
about their products and the like.

Wheyl utilizes their online platforms in creating an approachable and responsive

atmosphere for their customers.

Figure 2.0 ​ Facebook Response Status

They also claim that they have super friendly community managers that are active from
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily.

​ fficial Website Claims

Figure 2.1 O
​ fficial Website Customer Assistance Feature
Figure 2.2 O

Figure 2.3​ Customer Support Example

The brand has a very strong brand image distinguishable from other competitors. Wheyl
claims that their brand built a beautiful visual identity inspired by minimalist design elements and
lively colors partnered with a fun verbal identity motivated by a people-centric approach while
electrifying positivity. The brand is active on their Social Media platforms by posting daily on
Facebook and Instagram Stories, and making use of an interactive approach towards their
consumers. Posts range from asking for customer feedback as shown below:
As well as just product marketing by promoting their products in line with their brand’s
image as seen below:

Sales Promotion
To increase brand sales, Wheyl also makes use of bundling their products while offering
sales once in a while. Recently, Wheyl has offered the opportunity for consumers to mix and
match their own PRIME whey isolate bundle in return for saving money ranging from Php99 up
to Php595.

​ iscount Bundles
Figure 2.4 D

Public Relations
In terms of endorsers, Wheyl does not make use of models or well known celebrities and
influencer figures in promoting their brand, rather makes use of their actual consumers and uses
the strategy of showcasing consumer feedback and results through their product promotions.
Wheyl instead of prioritizing and having a budget for big named people in the fitness industry,
focuses its public relation strategies by increasing its product credibility and effectiveness as their
very own customers post positive reviews and send them photos and feedback for no price, while
boosting Wheyl’s popularity and engagement at the same time. Wheyl’s budget for sponsorships
is quite marginal relative to other marketing expenses. Wheyl prefers to target micro influencers,
those who don't have many followers, but carry very strong influence in their small circles as they
find this to be a more brand-fit strategy, considering they have to be very careful in who they
partner up with and whatnot.
​ icro Influencers
Figure 3.0 M

B. Macro Environment Analysis: PESTLE

1. Economic Environment
Philippine - Australia Comprehensive Relationship
The Philippines is one of Australia’s longest standing bilateral relationships. Both
countries have much in common being geographically proximate and sharing
perspectives on many regional, economic, and security issues. In recognition of the
increasing complexity and closeness of their bilateral cooperation, Philippines and
Australia have decided to elevate their relationship to a Comprehensive Partnership. This
joint declaration committed both countries to deepen and broaden bilateral trade and
investment linkages and create the best possible conditions for businesses to flourish, as
well as strengthen engagement in untapped areas of economic cooperation, including
small and medium enterprises​. Mutual benefit is also taken into account together with the
common aspirations of inclusive growth and sustainable development. This allows the
Philippines to enter the market a lot easier considering their long history and enduring

2. Socio-Cultural Environment
Prevalence of Active Lifestyles in Australia
To be competent in intercultural communication, a brand must understand the
social customs and social system of the host culture. One of the factors taken into account
to launch Wheyl in Australia is the existing ​Australian fitness culture​. About 15% adult
Australians are members of the gym and many are attracted to 24/7 unsupervised
facilities by their convenience and low fees. (Mercer, 2015) ​Cultural awareness ​is one of
the biggest factors that must be considered for a local brand to thrive internationally. A
brand must be able to relate with its target consumers and that is what Wheyl is trying to
aim for, by understanding how Australians think and behave in order to connect with
them. With this, the proposed plan thought it was best to launch in Australia. Australia
has been ranked 7th as one of the most health conscious countries in the world (Radu,
2020). Active lifestyles have long been extremely popular among the Australian
population and there remains a general focus in Australian society on remaining fit and
active into middle age, and in many cases, old age as well. The climate in Australia drives
a more active lifestyle for its people simply because they spend more time outdoors.
Australians also have access to fresh produce all year round, which makes it easier for
them to make better food choices. The demand for sports protein products continues to
increase as well in Australia and this is linked to the dieting craze, which involves
following a meal plan that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

3. Socio-Political Environment
Cowsourcing and Australian Livelihood
So many countries want to purchase protein powder produced in Australia and
New Zealand as opposed to whey protein powder made in the United States or anywhere
else and one of the reasons is due to FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New
Zealand) governing the standards of food manufactured in both Australia and New
Zealand. FSANZ is recognized worldwide by food technicians, nutritionists and food
gurus as the highest standard applicable to food across the globe (Tannourji, 2018). This
is also one of the top reasons why so many countries in Asia such as China, Malaysia and
Indonesia want to source Australian products. Another reason why both Australians and
foreigners are fond of Australian whey protein is because of Australian cattle. These
cows eat off Australian soil, drink water from Australian waterways and all this is from
an environment that is very lightly populated with an abundance of land to choose from.
A vast proportion of Australian dairy cattle are also grass fed, and hormone, chemical and
antibiotic free. These are two setbacks of entering a market that not only Australian
themselves trust and are loyal to, but other countries as well.

4. Technological Advancements
Quality Improvement
Protein shakes generally get a bad reputation because most of them taste as bad
as they smell. But there have been new technological advancements that inhibit and mask
the bitterness of whey protein, these processes are called ultra-filtration and
chromatography. Ultra filtration is an ideal way of preparing whey concentrate whilst
chromatography is a process undergone to purify whey protein isolate. Flavor plays a
crucial role in extensive use of whey protein ingredients and off flavors usually
negatively influence consumer acceptance. But considering how Wheyl values flavors as
much as possible, this wouldn’t be much of a problem.

5. Natural or Ecological Concerns

Environmental Impact of Whey Protein
A research team at Arizona State University conducted an evidence-based study
of the global warming potential of protein sources that also took into account the quality
of protein provided. The aim was to rank the foods based on their efficiency at offering
the most benefit from protein at the smallest environmental cost. Animal proteins,
especially whey, ranked better than plant proteins in terms of the amount and quality of
protein they provide for their greenhouse buck. The ranking showed that it is possible to
achieve a diet that includes selected animal products yet can still have a lower impact
than the fare of a committed vegan when the quality of protein is considered part of the
metrics used. The study points to protein powders as one of the more climate friendly
ways to get the nutrient in one’s diet. The reason for this is that animal protein is dense
and highly bio available, raising its ​Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score.​ (Berardy,
GWPRO (Global Warming Potential Ratio) is GWP in kg CO2-ep per serving
divided by PRO per serving to capture the protein content and quality in the
environmental comparison of protein sources. Standard devia not reported here as values
are the result of ration with PRO. Foods with higher GWPRO are less efficient at
delivering protein while having little environmental impact.

C. Industry Analysis
1. Industry Identification
Back in 2017, the Australian Bureau of Statistics’s National Health Survey
showed that the overweight or obesity rate of Australian adults increased to 67% from
63.4% in 2014 — that is around 12.5 million people. The survey also showed 24.9% of
Australian children aged 5-17 years old were overweight or obese. Being overweight or
obese can lead to many health problems in the future. In order to reduce and prevent
obesity, the Australian government took action by holding a National Obesity Summit in
2019. They also funded the National Health and Medical Research Council to review and
update related studies. They brought awareness to obesity and now, Australia is one of
fittest countries in the world with an average marathon time of four hours and ten
However, obesity rates still continue to grow by at least 0.9% annually.
According to IBISWorld (2018), the rise of obesity rates will make more consumers
consider weight loss options. Majority will be looking to special drinks, appetite reducers,
and other fat burning supplements which can aid in weight loss. This is expected to
benefit the country’s fitness and nutrition industry which is expected to reach $2.4 billion
AUD by 2022/2023. Furthermore, the number of businesses in this industry such as
fitness centers, gyms, supplements, meal plans/replacements, personal training, etc. are
expected to increase as well.

Nowadays, the majority of Australian women live healthy lifestyles and work
hard to stay in shape. This is considered a barrier to intercultural communication because
of how it shaped Australia’s standard of beauty compared to the standard of beauty
among other countries. Studies show that one out of 20 Australian women suffer from an
eating disorder. Even though they consider inner-beauty to be most important, the
constant idea of tall, skinny women being the representation of beauty showed negative

2. Industry Size and Growth for the past 5 years

According to the ​Industry Audit and Trends 2020: Healthy Growth b​ y
Complementary Medicines Australia, the health supplements and vitamins sector
generated AU$5.6 billion in 2019 compared to AU$ 5.2 billion in the previous year. The
vitamin and dietary supplements industry, which is the largest market segment, was
valued at AU$3.1 billion, an increase of 55 percent from 2014-2019. ​Sports nutrition
products came in second at AU$1.31 billion. ​Herbal or traditional products came in
third at AU$760 million and weight loss products at AU$430 million.

3. Industry Analysis using Analysis Frameworks

Due to the increasing obesity rate in Australia, the need for weight loss aids
increased as well. This causes Australians to rely heavily on nutritional information and
marketing ploys. An example of this is the use of labels such as ‘low-fat’ or ‘sugar-free’.
This influences consumers to think that certain products are healthier than others.
Porter’s 5 Forces Model

Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

There are several existing competitors in the industry due to the fact that
manufacturing in Australia is relatively accessible. Many companies from other countries
source their ingredients for protein supplements from Australia. With this, there is a
saturation of competition in the country. Several brands are not only established in
Australia alone, but have successfully become some of the top brands worldwide.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Because Wheyl sources their ingredients from different countries, the bargaining
power of suppliers is quite high. The nature of their products does not allow Wheyl to
easily or quickly switch between suppliers in the event that prices were to increase. Aside
from this, the brand already has an established formula and a standard of quality
promised to their consumers. Any changes in those aspects could impact their image and

Bargaining Power of Buyers

The bargaining power of buyers is low. Wheyl’s products are capped at Php 599
for 1lb of whey protein, which is already a low price compared to other brands. Also, the
price decreases as more bundles are created. With this, customers have little to no power
to dictate prices.

Threat of Substitutes
With reaching one’s daily protein intake being the most common use of whey
protein, there are many other sources of protein available for different consumers. This
makes the threat of substitutes high. People who are still skeptical of using whey protein
or any other fitness supplement turn to meat and dairy sources for their protein such as
chicken, beef, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk. For other diets such as vegan and paleo,
which stray away from meat or dairy, they take plant-based protein options. This gives
consumers a variety of options if their diet or lifestyle cannot sustain whey protein.

Threat of Entry of New Competitors

The fitness industry is one the most fad-driven markets in the world. Brands have
attempted to join the fitness industry with the use of ‘health labels’. However, for the
nutrition and supplement sector of the fitness industry, only a few brands are trying to
enter the market. This makes the threat of entry of new competitors low because there are
already international and local whey protein brands established in the country. Aside
from this, the necessary ingredients to produce supplements that can compete with
existing brands can be sourced mostly from international brands. This entails a higher
starting capital, as well as extensive research.

D. Market Situation
1. Market Population Size and Territory
Australia has a population of 26 million people as of 2020. With the company’s
target market of 18 to 28 year olds, there are currently nearly 4 million people under this
age range with a gender ratio of 990 males per 1000 females.

In addition, studies done by the Australian Government revealed that young

people aged 15-24 years old in 2017-2018 were more likely to be overweight or obese
than those in 2007-2008, which led to 82% of Australians being more conscious of their
health and eating habits than they were five years ago.

2. Demographic and Psychographic Profile Description

Since Wheyl sells fitness supplements, it does not limit its target audience to a
specific gender. This being that both male and female gym goers or health conscious
individuals are interested and involved in the use of fitness supplements to enhance
athletic performance. Targeting both genders will allow the company to appeal to a
bigger audience.

The target market consists of all genders with an age range of 18 to 28 years old.
At this age, individuals begin to find ways to improve their health and physique, which
push them into buying fitness-related products such as whey protein. In addition, this age
range is where most people peak in their strength and endurance.
Socio-Economic Class
The target market belongs to the socio-economic class Broad C. This
middle-income class makes enough money to be able to afford fitness supplements that
will be beneficial for them in the long run. Furthermore, they see spending on
health-related products as an investment for themselves.

3. Consumption and Spending Patterns

St. George Bank conducted a study that involved 1,000 male and female
Australians. The study showed that on average, Australians disburse up to $150 AUD a
month to the fitness industry. Most of them spend $100 AUD or less a month on fitness
products, but over 20% spend up to $250 AUD. which showed that 70% of the
participants splurge on vitamins and supplements, followed by 54% on activewear and
45% on gym memberships. Moreover, only 42% of the participants have a specific
budget set aside for these purchases, while 20% admitted to overspending on fitness

In addition to their spending patterns, the study also found that 34% of the
participants are influenced by social media platforms such as Instagram to make health
and fitness purchases.

Another study conducted by CommBank Australia revealed that Australians

overspend on health and fitness by $25 million AUD per month. It also showed that
young adults spend the most on their health and fitness activities with Generation X
spending $54.2 million AUD more per month than Generation Y. However, with all their
fitness spending, only 36% of Australians believe that they get good value out of their
health and fitness purchases.

4. Projected growth for succeeding 3 years

With the current situation of COVID-19, demographers reported that Australia
will have a 4% decrease in its expected population growth than if COVID-19 had not
happened. There are three scenarios for the future of the country; light impact, which
assumes Net Overseas Migration will recover quickly in late 2020, moderate impact,
which assumes NOM will fall substantially in 2020-2021, and severe impact, which
assumes NOM will plummet to zero in 2020-2021 which can take eight years to return to
the long-run average. Based on the given scenarios, COVID-19 is expected to have a
measurable and persistent impact on Australia’s population.

Under the light scenario, the pandemic will not have a big impact on Australia’s
population. However, for the moderate scenario, there will be significant change by the
thousands and lastly, under the severe scenario, Australia’s population will reach 26
million by 2023, which is 500,000 people lower than the “no pandemic” scenario.
Statistics have shown that the impact of COVID-19 will be felt most strongly in the
short-term. A decline in population growth as predicted under each of the scenarios will
inevitably impact many sectors of the economy. In the short-term, industries dependent
on population growth, such as consumer goods will have the hardest impact.
E. Competitive Situation

Brand Portfolio & Marketing Positioning

Brand Manufacturing Positioning

Wheyl Wheyl gets their whey protein “All-natural whey protein

concentrate base, the element powered with unique flavors.
that constitutes 95% of all their Super-refreshing amino acids
products, from a very established fueled with game-changing
dairy company in the US. quality. Revolutionary shaker
The other required products are technology developed alongside
taken from various countries – the best of the best.”
Korea, Singapore, Japan, Hong
Kong, etc. They manufacture Wheyl strongly focuses on their
everything in their facility in product development, they
Metro Manila, Philippines. “innovate daily to create
great-tasting products without
compromise on any angle.”

They source directly from

established international firms
and manufacture in their facility
using modern technologies.
Wheyl claims that every
ingredient and process is
“scrutinized endlessly to secure
truly premium quality”.

True Protein ​True Protein outsources from “Clean, all natural protein
several different countries for the supplements developed by
various elements of their experts to give your
products. They source their performance the edge.”
ingredients from the US,
Mexico, Columbia, Belgium, True Protein focuses on their
Germany, Switzerland, Pakistan, great taste, producing all-natural
India, Indonesia, Japan, products low in lactose, low
Australia, and New Zealand. carb, easy to digest, good for
After getting all the ingredients, weight loss and muscle
they manufacture everything in recovery.
their facilities in Australia. The brand actively works with a
wide range of athletes, sports
teams, and industry

UPROTEIN Over the past 20 years, Their products focus on weight

UPROTEIN invested their loss and muscle recovery,
money in their own sports includes digestive enzymes and
nutrition facility. They are muscle-building BCAAs, and
regularly audited by Australian has great taste.
and International Organizations They listed the following as
to remain certified in the their main advantages:
industry. They have trusted 1. Better Whey Protein Formula
Australian suppliers for all the 2. Better Amino Structures
ingredients for their products. 3. Better Protein Utilisation
4. Better Digestive Performance

UPROTEIN’s brand philosophy

is quality, trust, efficiency, and
value. The brand aims to give
Australians an alternative to
expensive celebrity-endorsed
and overhyped supplements that
have been in the industry for too

Max’s Max’s is wholly Australian Max’s products focus on

owned and all their products are muscle recovery and lean
made in their facility in muscle gain, also contain
Melbourne, Australia. According essential vitamins and minerals,
to the owners, they have an all and added glutamine. Their
Australian staff and they do their products also include
best to source their ingredients hydrolysed whey peptides.
from Australian companies as
well. They did not specify from The brand’s vision is to make
where exactly, but some of their tasty and highly effective
ingredients are from other supplements to help Australian
international brands outside of trainers reach their goals.

Bulk Nutrients Bulk nutrients did not disclose “Excellent taste, low lactose,
where exactly they source their fast absorbing,
ingredients. They do state that immune-boosting, builds lean
they get their high quality muscle, and increases protein
ingredients from all over the synthesis”
world and manufacture in their
factory in Tasmania. Bulk Nutrients’ involvement in
local and international charities
that support the growing health
and fitness community says a lot
about the brand’s passion for
creating high quality
supplements. They have no
distributors, importers or
retailers. Instead, sales are
submitted via a website. The
brand also sells their products at
low prices so that consumers
could save money and at the
same time, get maximum value.
Product Strategy

Wheyl Powdered whey, whey isolate, creatine, FLUX BCAAs, blender

bottles, scoopers, stickers

True Protein Protein products: powdered whey, protein bars, vegan products,
hot chocolate

UPROTEIN Protein bars, Pre-workout, powdered whey, creatine

Max’s Powdered whey, lean/mass gainers, pre-workout, aminos, creatine,

protein bars, cookies, pancakes, etc.

Bulk Nutrients Powdered whey, BCAA recovery, green fusion, peptides,

glutamine, monohydrate, pre-workout, etc.

Price Strategy
The price of the Australian brands for around 1 kilogram of their basic powdered whey protein
ranges from AU$35 to AU$50, while Wheyl (converted from PHP to AUD) is priced at around
AU$30.36. Although Wheyl is clearly priced lower, the price does not take into account any shipping
costs or the difference in manufacturing costs in Australia versus in the Philippines. Presented below are
the prices and brief breakdown of the included supplements per brand.
Brand Price in AUD per 1kg

Wheyl AU$30.63

1lb pack:
23g protein, 2g
carbs, 1g fat,
112 calories


True Protein AU$50


2kg whey
protein hydro +

Max’s AU$50

1.82kg pack:
22g protein,
5.5g BCAAs,
4.5g glutamine
RRP AU$99.95

Bulk Nutrients AU$36

protein, fats,

Distribution Strategy
Wheyl does not have any physical stores – they sell through their website and social media, as
well as through some trusted reselling platforms such as Lazada and Little Retail PH. True Protein, like
Wheyl, focuses on selling through online platforms. They have an established website as well as official
social media accounts. Besides these, they are able to make their products available to consumers through
wholesalers and partnering with successful athletes and sports teams. UPROTEIN also distributes their
products mainly through their website and have complementary social media accounts. The brand also
makes use of brand ambassadors to help increase sales. Max’s also does not sell in physical stores and
relies on their website and social media to reach their customers. Much like the rest of the competitors,
Bulk Nutrients sells primarily through their official website, although some of their products are available
in selected Anytime Fitness branches around Australia.
Advertising Strategy

Wheyl Co Wheyl claims that their brand built a beautiful visual identity
inspired by minimalist design elements and lively colors partnered
with a fun verbal identity motivated by a people-centric approach
while electrifying positivity. The brand is active on their Social
Media platforms by posting daily on Facebook and Instagram
Stories, and making use of an interactive approach towards their

True Protein True Protein is also active on social media and they try to take a
genuine approach through user-generated content. They have also
branched out into new channels like ebay, to reach new customers
and grow their brand with minimal effort.

UPROTEIN They are very straightforward with their advertisements and are
not into elaborate marketing campaigns.

Max’s MAX’S always emphasizes how they are wholly Australian

owned and Australian made. This is one the brands key strategies
to relate with their target consumers.

Bulk Nutrients They have a system which employed locals and added value to the
Tasmanian economy particularly as Tasmania has some of the
highest unemployment rates in Australia. This is both their
product positioning and advertising tactic to get people to keep
with their brand.

Sales Promotion Strategy

Wheyl Co Wheyl makes use of bundling their products wherein their

customers can save money starting from Php 99 to Php595. They
also offer consumers to mix and match their own PRIME whey
isolate bundle. They offered a Php 150 to Php 1,051 discount
during the holiday season last December 2019. Throughout the
whole year, they randomly offer free shaker bottles and free
sticker packs per purchase.

True Protein Unlike Wheyl, True Protein does not offer any discount. However,
they have a free shipping promotion for orders above $99. They
also give out free coffee cups and socks with orders over $150.
Despite not having any discounts, they offer installments if paid
with their partner Afterpay with no hidden interests and extra
UPROTEIN Uprotein offers several sales and discounts from free shipping
with orders above $150 to discounts on bulk orders.. They have a
permanent sale category on their website that shows consumers
the best deals they offer. Customers can sign up on their VIP
newsletter to avail their 5% discount and get exclusive offers and
Max’s Similar to Uprotein, Max’s offers a wide variety of sales and
discounts. Consumers can save $20 to $45 on their bundles and
$13 to $98.99 on their twin packs. They also partnered with
Afterpay that lets consumers pay in four installments. They have a
flat shipping rate of $9.95 and free shipping for orders above $99
only in Australia. Max’s has a Gold Club membership that gives
access to exclusive offers, discounts and rewards. Customers can
also get a $15 coupon for every referral they make.

Bulk Nutrients Bulk Nutrients has only one promo/discount compared to its
competitors. They offer up to an $8 discount when consumers buy
in bulk. Similar to Max’s, they also have a Bulk Nutrients club
where consumers can be a member in exchange for perks, whey
cool points that they can turn into rewards and coupons for every
referral they make. They also have a $7 flat shipping rate for
orders anywhere in Australia. Despite their lack of discount
promotions, they offer consumers free samples of their whey
protein isolates.

Public Relations Strategy

Wheyl Wheyl does not make use of influencers or celebrities in endorsing
their products. They prefer to market their products through
word-of-mouth. They do this by posting customer testimonials on
their social media accounts and website reviews. This ensures that
future customers can trust that the reviews posted come from
individuals who have experience with the brand.

True Protein In contrast to Wheyl’s public relations approach, True Protein

maximizes their social media by reposting pictures of influencers
who are using the brand which include them wearing merchandise
as well. Majority of the brand’s endorsers are Australian athletes
and dietitians.

UPROTEIN For UPROTEIN, in order to be recognized by customers, they rely

on exposure and trust. Based on the brand’s website, they have
been featured on multiple men’s magazines and competitions. This
allows the brand to make up for their lack of presence on social
media such as Instagram and Facebook.

Max’s To stand out against their competitors and develop customer

relationships, Max’s Protein set up a customer loyalty program
called the Max’s Gold Club, where consumers can redeem points
for rewards, discounts, freebies, and more. In addition to their
loyalty program, they also provide their customers with training
and nutrition programs.

Bulk Nutrients In addition to the use of influencers as Bulk Ambassadors and user
ratings, Bulk Nutrients takes pride in presenting high quality
protein recipes for their consumers. This gives customers an idea
on how to incorporate the brand’s different products to satisfy
their sweet tooth while maintaining their healthy lifestyle.
Personal Selling Strategy
Among Wheyl and its competitors, only Max’s is available to purchase in-store at the multiple
branches of Nutrition Warehouse Australia and Australian Sports Nutrition. The other brands such as
Wheyl, True Protein, UPROTEIN, and Bulk Nutrients all focus on enhancing their online platforms in
order to cater to their customers. Despite not having brick and mortar shops, they are still able to satisfy
their customers’ needs by providing same-day delivery services and excellent customer service.

F. SWOT Analysis

Wheyl Co already has a strong brand image that is very distinguishable from other
companies with their minimalist design elements and lively colors. The brand has plenty of
reviews, feedback, and a loyal customer following. The company is known to have excellent
customer service and friendly community managers that are active and accessible to talk to daily.
Wheyl Co makes use of their social media platforms with weekly content. They are actively being
promoted by different consumers every day by posting on their personal Instagram accounts.
They have established the brand with low pricing in the market and affordable pricing relative to
international brands. In addition, they offer discounts, bundles for lower prices, and the option to
mix and match their order. Lastly, Wheyl Co has multiple partners nationwide who offer Wheyl
products from traditional gyms, fitness studios, supplement retailers, and baking supply shops

Wheyl Co was only established in 2017 which may lead to consumers interpreting this as
the company with the least experience compared to its competitors. In addition, they have a small
range of products in comparison to other brands. The company also does not have its physical
store yet and its partners who sell Wheyl products in physical establishments closed down
temporarily because of the pandemic. Wheyl also does not make use of models, celebrities, or
influencer figures to promote their brand. They only rely on customers and their reviews and

Expanding in Australia is a chance for Wheyl Co. to expand its business and grow its
market. There is a 6.2% growth during the forecast period of 2020 to 2025 in Australia because of
the continuous demand for protein-rich sports nutrition. The majority of the competitors also
source out raw materials from different countries which allows Wheyl Co. to continue
manufacturing its products in the Philippines. The brand already positions their products at an
affordable price point which are lower than their imported counterparts. This allows the brand to
target the middle and upper class of society who are flexible with prices as long as the quality is
evident. The pandemic and because of the lockdown, a lot of people started working out and
training in the comfort of their own homes. Workout challenges and trends brought by fitness
enthusiasts and influencer figures became very popular and encouraged beginners and people
who aren’t physically active anymore to start their fitness journey again.

There are already several local whey brands in Australia. The majority of fitness
enthusiasts and athletes already have a preferred brand that they use. As a result, these big and
popular brands can intimidate first-time users and beginners. Wheyl’s product blend is 95%
imported from the US and other ingredients come from countries like Korea, Singapore, Japan,
and Hong Kong which are all imported to the Philippines and manufactured in Metro Manila.
Due to the pandemic, there might be complications importing ingredients and problems regarding
production that may slow down the process of opening in Australia. Changes in production and
their suppliers may affect the overall costing Wheyl Co. currently has. Lastly, after the lockdown,
consumers might also leave the trend of working out and training from home and

G. SWOT Strategy Matrix

Opportunities Threats
O1 ​The whey market has T1 ​There are several other
a 6.2% growth during the local brands that are
forecast period of 2020 to available in Australia
2025 in Australia. T2 ​Some consumers are
O2 ​In Australia, there is a intimidated by whey
continuous demand for proteins and do not know
protein rich sports the importance and use of it.
nutrition. T3 ​Due to the pandemic, it
O3 ​The brand is cheaper makes it harder for Wheyl
than most brands that are Co. to import raw materials
sold in Australia. or products to Australia
O4 ​Wheyl Co. can target T4 ​After the pandemic is
the middle and upper over, people who started
class of society. working out might stop and
O5 ​Due to the pandemic, forget their fitness journey.
workout challenges and
trends became popular.
O6 ​There are several
beginners who are new to

Strengths S2 O6 ​Wheyl Co. is S1 T1

S1 ​Wheyl Co. has a strong already Maximize the brand’s strong
and distinguishable brand known to have excellent image to stand out among
image. customer service that assists competitors.
S2 ​The brand is known to and helps their customers to S2 T2 T4
have excellent customer choose the right product. This Make the best use of their
service and a friendly will help and encourage excellent customer service to
atmosphere. beginners to choose the right encourage first time users of
S3 ​They have weekly product for them. The brand whey protein and create a loyal
content on their social media can target beginners and first following who will stick with the
accounts and make use of time whey users. brand even after the fitness trend
their online platforms really S3 O5 ​The brand can include this year.
well. fitness trends by posting S3 T2
S4 ​Low and affordable workout tips and easy Use their online platforms to
pricing workout programs consumers educate the uses and benefits of
S5 ​They brand has multiple can do at home. drinking whey protein that will
partners nationwide who help encourage beginners.
resell their products.
Weaknesses W2 W4 O3 O6 W2 T1
W1 ​Wheyl Co. was only Make use of the small range Get the most out of their small
recently established in 2017. of products and affordable range of products to lessen the
W2 ​The brand has a small pricing that the brand intimidation felt by first-time
range of products. currently has. Consumers can users and beginners.
W3 ​They do not have a rely on Wheyl’s genuine W4 T1
physical store. feedback by Majority of the local brands
W4 ​Wheyl does not make micro-influencers and already have big influencers and
use of celebrities or customers instead of celebrities paid to promote their
influencers to promote their sponsored posts by brand. Wheyl Co can still focus
brand but relies on micro celebrities. on micro influencers to promote
influencers instead. their brand which also saves
them the extra advertising

IV. IMC Recommendations

A. General Objectives
The general objectives are a follows
● To generate at least 50% of average monthly sales on the first 3 months of operation in
● That at least 30% of purchases are from first-time whey consumers
● To create brand awareness and form a following
B. Creative Strategies
Creative Objectives
The creative objectives are as follows:
● To create marketing strategies that will successfully introduce Wheyl products in
● To widen the brand’s global reach through relevant advertisements and campaigns
● To promote Wheyl products as a strong and reputable brand in the sports nutrition
industry in Australia

Target Person
○ Male and Females, B and upper C market residing in Australia
○ 18-28 years old
● She/He currently resides in Australia
● She/He is a 23 year old fresh college graduate
● She/He is interested in fitness, is health conscious and wants to transition into a
healthy living lifestyle and has concern for affordable alternatives regarding
● She/He is practicing healthy living and creating conscious efforts to step up
his/her fitness level
● She/He is constantly enrolls his/herself in workout classes, trying out different
areas and fitness activities
● She/He has interest for fitness and calorie tracking applications

Consumer Personification

Matthew Johnson is a 24 year old fresh graduate, working as a Business Operations

Associate in Ryde & Macquarie Park, Sydney Australia. With the COVID-19 pandemic, he is
working from home. He’s been wanting to incorporate a healthy lifestyle but without the gym, is
not quite sure how to start. He’s an avid Social Media user, and always on the lookout for new
gym and fitness equipment perfect for fitness starters.

Consumer Insight

“I’ve always paid attention to my health to experience a life without a lot of stress and
struggle. I’ve managed to maintain a balanced diet along with doing exercises regularly but even
so, I still want to up my game by transitioning into a more active lifestyle. I have been meaning to
try protein supplements for a while now but the idea somehow scares me. I want to be able to do
something that both my mind and body will thank me for. Aside from just eating healthily or
spending time working out, I want to get used to activities that will actually keep me going. I find
that many people share a passion for a better future through the use of proper nutrition, health,
and wellness. However, few people actually take this information to heart and beyond. That is
why I want a brand that I can trust and rely on to accompany me through my fitness journey
without having to worry about these things.”

Consumer Promise and Brand Substantiation

“Making fitness easy, because we’re with you all the way”,​ catering to those who want
to start their fitness journey but are afraid to do so due to the intimidating facade that the industry
brings. Wheyl, a brand that you can rely on to guide and accompany you to reach your fitness
goals. With all-natural and quality whey protein, Wheyl guarantees that you get the experience
you deserve.

Positioning Statement

For health enthusiasts that want to transition into an active lifestyle, Wheyl positions
itself as a friendlier and more approachable alternative compared to its competitors. Protein and
supplements may be intimidating especially if one hasn’t really delved into that kind of lifestyle.
But Wheyl tries to relate with its consumers by their unique value propositions of selling products
that make fitness easy and accessible for all. All-natural whey protein, fueled by amino acids and
powered by a wide variety of flavors, the brand is able to break the barrier that turns people away
from making a long term commitment to a healthier lifestyle. With a strong focus on developing
world-class quality products, Wheyl is a brand that its consumers can trust and rely on throughout
their fitness journey.

Brand Personality or Image

Wheyl personified:
● Fun, friendly, and approachable
● Calm, reliable, and trustworthy

The Big Idea

“We’re with you all the whey!”
Wheyl values their customers and the connections they can create with them. They are
always open to helping out – answering any questions that customers may have and even smiling
in the event that criticism or feedback is given. “With You All the Whey” is Wheyl’s campaign
to officially launch the company's first branch in Australia. This campaign will run for the first
three months of operations – introducing the brand with the goal of attracting mainly first-time
whey consumers. The idea of protein and supplements is often intimidating to those starting out
their fitness journey. There is an existing stereotype that the consumption of supplements is
strictly for men trying to bulk up, but Wheyl wants to break through this and make fitness easier
for all. They aim to bring forth that same hospitality and trustworthiness that they provide their
Filipino consumers to the market in Australia. “With You All the Whey” highlights not only
their ability to cater to their customers’ needs, but also the fun and friendly side they hope to
present to everyone.
The official taglines are “We’re with you all the whey!” for Wheyl’s main promotions
and shortened to “With You All the Whey” for the campaign title. The official campaign hashtag
is #WithYouAllTheWhey.

Tone and Mood of Messaging

Wheyl communicates to potential consumers through an encouraging, inviting, warm,

genuine and approachable tone.

Creative Executions
C. Media Strategy and Rationale

Media Itinerary

Weekdays (Monday-Friday)

Time Activity Media Exposure

5:30-6:00 AM Wake up Social Media and Internet

Checks Facebook and Instagram [Considering COVID-19]
Gets a pre-workout drink to start
the day

6:00-7:30 AM Eats pre-workout snack

Work out of the day

7:30-12:00 PM Shower and change to decent

Eats proper lunch

12:00 PM-6:00 PM Work from home

Occasional Social Media breaks

6:00-8:30 PM Cleans space

Eats healthy dinner
Winding down
Checks Social Media

10:00 PM Bedtime

Weekends (Saturday-Sunday)

Time Activity Media Exposure

7:30-12:00 PM Wake up Social Media and Internet

Checks Facebook & Instagram [Considering COVID-19]
Gets a pre-workout drink to start
the day
Eats pre-workout snack
Workout of the day

12:00 PM-1:00 PM Shower

Cleans space

1:00-6:00 PM Walks/plays with pets

Catch up with friends and family
Eats healthy snack
Goes on Social Media

6:00-9:30 PM Personal self-care routine

Eats healthy dinner

9:30-12:00 AM Bedtime

Media Mix and Rationale

a. Media Mix
Make use of social media channels to advertise Wheyl protein supplements to market and
potential and existing customers as well as Wheyl’s official website as an extension
from Philippine market availability to Australia.

b. Media Rationale
Based on statistics, 4.57 billion people are using the internet. ... In January 2020,
Australia had 18 million social media users. Between April 2019 and January 2020, social media
users increased in Australia by 735,000 (+4.3%) Social media penetration in Australia is currently
at 71%.

Website will remain as their main and official website and the main means for
purchasing their goods. Shipping choices will now range from Local (Philippines) to International

Compared to other social media platforms, it offers the most features which allows them
to post different mediums of content. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Population
Clock there are now approximately 25 million Australians. Facebook's recent data shows there
are now 15 million active Australians on Facebook. Therefore approximately 60% of the total
Australian population is an active Facebook user. Wheyl will be having a new facebook page
Wheyl Co. Australia to complement wheyl’s first page in the Philippines appropriately due to
time constraints and possible cultural reasons.
Instagram will be Wheyl’s secondary media channel due to their features such as ads
manager (a feature that allows users to manage content between instagram and facebook), visitor
insights (tracks post reach, interactions, etc.) and post promotions (allows users to blast their posts
courtesy by Facebook and Instagram). Just like Facebook, Wheyl will have an Instagram account
separately for Australia.

Media Plan and Schedule

1st Quarter

Platform Publicity Posts N
January February March
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
FACEBOOK Wheyl teaser of branding, packaging, products
Countdown for Website Launch
What is Wheyl?
Who are we? (as a company)
Why are we coming to Australia?
100 first customers promo discount

INSTAGRA Wheyl teaser of branding, packaging, products

M Countdown for Website Launch
What is Wheyl?
Who are we? (as a company)
Why are we coming to Australia?
100 first customers promo discount


2nd Quarter - Social Media Maintenance

Platform Publicity Posts N
April May June
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
FACEBOOK Expansion Based Ads
Facebook post boosting

INSTAGRA Instagram Feed Post

M Instagram User Generated Content

WEBSITE Newsletter and Updates

3rd Quarter - Social Media Maintenance

Platform Publicity Posts N
July August September
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
FACEBOOK Expansion Based Ads
Promo and Discount Offers
Wheyl Contest Content

INSTAGRA Instagram Feed Post

M Instagram User Generated Content

WEBSITE Newsletter and Updates

3rd Quarter - Seasonal Social Media Maintenance

Platform Publicity Posts N
October November December
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
FACEBOOK Expansion Based Ads
Promo and Discount Offers
Holiday Bundles

INSTAGRA Instagram Feed Post

M Instagram User Generated Content
Holiday Bundles

WEBSITE Holiday Website Bundles

Sales and Discounts
Promo Offers

Budget for 4 Quarters

Advertising Medium Cost(AUD)

Website Enhancement $21,186.28 - One Time
Instagram Boosting $2,800
- Cost Per Mile basis ($7 for 1,000 visitors)
Facebook Boosting $3,600
Search Engine Optimization $10,500
Allowance budget $1,000
Total Budget $39,086.28

Campaign Monitoring and Control

In order to measure efficiency and effectiveness of Wheyl’s Marketing Campaign, the ff. must be
1. Communicate with distributors to monitor product allocation, stock and quality checking for
2. Monitor Customer Feedback. Adjust your marketing plan according to the results of your
3. Target Market Sales. Actual sales in the target market are compared to the marketing plan
projections to see if any changes need to be made.
4. Budget and Monitoring Spending. All of these costs need to be closely monitored to minimize
spending and maximize profitability. By examining expenses, you are able maintain your budget
and see exactly where spending increases come from.
5. Market Share Milestones. A marketing plan outlines the product's market share before the plan is
in place, and then projects the changes to the marketplace when the plan ends.

Statement of Expectations
Wheyl Co. from when launched in the Philippines, has marketed their brand as a world-class
product in itself. Wheyl is branching out to Australia as we found that The whey protein market is
growing at 6.2% during the forecast period of 2020 to 2025 in Australia. There is a continuous demand
for protein rich sports nutrition especially from young adults. Increase of fitness enthusiasts and
influencers impacted the demand for whey protein powders, beverages and other products. This also
affected the majority of the people’s health awareness, knowledge and body images that they aim to have.
Overall there are several companies that can manufacture all kinds of whey, from powder, supplements
and to bars. These companies also source out from different countries and places all over the world. This
shows that manufacturing in the Philippines can still be an option. Product development and sourcing
suppliers can be done in another country if labor costs and raw materials are found cheaper.

Sample Advertisements/Creative Executions

Wheyl Teaser: Launching Soon in Australia

Wheyl Teaser: Teaser of branding/packaging/products

Wheyl: Official Website Launch
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