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under the provisions of the Contract at tlie times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 7. The Appendices listed in the attached List of Appendices shall be deemed to form ‘an integral part of this Contract Agreement. Reference in the Contract to any ‘Appendix shall mean the Appendices attached hereto, and the Contract shall be vead and construed accordingly. IN WITNESS whereof the Employer and the Contractor have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by their duly authorized representatives in accordance with the laws of Bangladesh on the day, month and year first written above, Signed by, for and on behalf of the Employer For the Employer: For the Contractor: Signature Print Name Title. In the presence of Name Address. APPENDICES [This appendixes shall be the part of the contract] Appendix 1 - Terms and Procedures of Payment Appendix 2 -Price Adjustment Appendix 3 -Insiarance Requirements Appendix 4 -Time Schedule Appendix 5 -List of Major Items of Plant and services and List of Approved Subcontractors Appendix 6 -Scope of Works and Supply by the Employer Appendix 7 -List of Documents for Approval or Review Appendix 8 -Functional Guarantees 179 6.1 Scope of Supply of Plant and Installation Services by the Contractor ‘The Scope of Work for the Contractor to be appointed, who shall be responsible for ‘performing the Detail Design & Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, Construction, Supply, Inspection, Transportation to Site, Installation, Pre- commissioning, Commissioning and Testing of the Pipeline, Cathodic Protection ‘System, Valve Stations, Civil and Electrical Works etc, desctibed in this document and it is deemed to be included in Price quoted by Contractor. The Scope of Work document, whilst being detailed is not intended to define each individual piece of equipment or material, but overview to the Contractor of the Scope of Work and the main components, This document shall be read in conjunction with specifications, drawings, reports and other documents meluded in the agreement. ‘The Contractor shall ensure that all works are completed as per Project Scope of Work. The responsibility to correct all omissions/conflicts and obtain clarifications for all ambiguities shall rest with the Contractor 4. THE PROJECT The has decided to build approx. 4.8 km long, upstream of the existing Multipurpose Bridge across the Jamuna River to improve the capacity and safety of rallway transportation. With a view to creating opportunity to transport additional natural gas to the western part of Gas Transmission Company , the Employer has planned to construct 36-inch OD pipeline along the proposed Railway Bridge including connecting pipelines on both sides of the Bridge up to the East and West Valve Stations. The total length of the pipeline will be approximately 10 km including bridge section. ‘The schematic for overall facility proposed under this project is in the Figure below: 184 dA ‘The intended component-wise construction and completion on Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis of the approx. 10-km of 36-inch pipeline, including approx. 4.8-km pipeline along the Railway Bridge, and two valve stations on a’single responsibility are given below: (@)__ Installation of New East Valve Station at East Bank of Multipurpose Bridge: ‘The existing East Station is located by the side of highway at the approach to the Multipurpose Bridge across Jamuna River. The station is located approx. 60m from adjoining Highway approaching the Multipurpose Bridge, which is currently a single carriage road. There are two existing pipelines 24-inch and 30-inch terthitiating in the station from the Elenga side. The existing 30-inch pipeline with Scraper Launcher facility originates from this valve station and runs towards the Bridge. There had been twa choices and finally selected choice shown in the Figure below. The area between the existing station and BBA Bridge Authority) perimeter fence is currently vacant and can be used for ‘the extension of East Station by installing a New East Valve Station, adjacent to the existing valve station on eastern side. The connection from the existing East Valve Station will be from an existing off-take and necessary pipe, valves, fittings, vent. stack, scraper trap, electrical installations, civil structure ete. will be installed. as per drawing. and specifications contain in the submitted package. Figure showing both existing & new stations and the tie-in Valve in existing East Bank Valve Station 185, () Construction of onshore Pipeline from the New East Valve Station up to the Railway Bridge: A 36-inch Pipeline originating from the new Scraper Trap at New East Valve Station will be laid crossing the adjacent Highway, inside Petrol Roads and the existing Railway to be crossed through a Petrol Road build by BBA up to the Railway Bridge. The land is fairly levelled ground filled-up for many years. The Pipeline construction will be as shown on the route alignment sheets and Highway & Petrol Road crossings etc. would follow relevant crossing drawings and pipeline as per Specification for onshore Pipeline and Station Construction in the package. Pipeline Route from Pig Launcher Station at the New East Valve Station up to Railway Bridge is shown on the Figure below: [RAILWAY STATION Construction of Pipeline from the western side. of the Railway Bridge up to the New © ‘West Valve Station: The new 36-inch Pipeline coming from the landing at western side of the Railway Bridge will follow a route along the edge of Eco Park towards the existing 186 Multipurpose Bridge. Under the wide space of the said Bridge. the Pipeline will follow, crossing the existing 24-inch gas transmission pipeline and Petrol Road of —_up to the New West Valve Station. However, there are two Petrol Road crossings. The Pipeline construction has been shown on the route alignment sheets and pipeline to be constructed as per Specification for Onshore’ Pipeline and Station Construction in the package. Pipeline route from Railway Bridge to Pig Receiver station at the New West Valve Station (Project Location: \is shown on the Figure below: Bee EXISTING WEST fepgeggl PROPOSED a “ | VALVE STATION] ou ae (4) _ Installation of New West Valve Station: ‘The existing West Valve Station is located by the side of | - Highway at the approach to the Multipurpose Bridge, The station is located approx. 60m from Highway. There is a 30-inch existing pipeline from the Bridge terminating in this West Station. An existing 24-inch pipeline transports gas from this station to , A new 30-inch pipeline is under construction and the station work to install the pig launcher and interconnection with the existing pipeline system and provision for the new pipelineis in progress. As part of this new project, a 30-inch tie-in valve is also being installed for the connection to the new 36-inch pipeline. NeW ISAS Sa ato 187 (Gi; ‘The terminal point shall be at the scraper trap and necessary pipe, valves, fittings, scraper trap, electrical installations, civil structure ete. will be installed as per drawing and specifications contain in the submitted package. Figure below shows both existing and New West Station (©) Construction of Pipeline section along the Railway Bridge: The 36-inch OD Pipeline coming from the New East Valve Station up to the Eastern side of the Railway Bridge shall be laid along the Bridge with U-loop for thermal expansion/contraction, . Railway will provide structural facilities during construction. of Railway’ Bridge for installation & maintenance of the gas pipeline including U-loop for thermal expansion /construction. An expansion loop is located every 300m along the railway bridge, ie. at every movable pier of the bridge, except at the movable piers P1 and P50 (refer the bridge drawing from Bridge Consultant/Contractor) located at the west and east embankment area. Below is the overall schematic arrangement of pipeline supports and expansion loops on the bridge: 188 te ee ar Pree Pipeline shall be supported from cantilever provided by Bridge Consultant/Contractor along the Bridge Girder Pipeline Expansion loops to be supported form the pier of the bridge. 189 Following types of supports has been proposed for supporting he pipeline along the Bridge Girder and expansion loops: types of pipeline supports used along the girder of the bridge: © Type A: Bottom rollers with pipeline derailment protection beam PE — A BOTTOM ROLLER WITH SIDE PROTECTION + Type B: Bottom and lateral rollers with all-around beams: oe a | j 1 4 nat The ttl EG) | EEO) = —+— ig | PE - B LATERAL GUIDED ROLLER 190 + Type CzAnchor with saddle welded on the pipeline TYPE — WELDED SADDLE ANCHOR 2 i uy + Type D: Resting saddle welded on the pipe, with Teflon Slide Plate to permit free movement of pipe. 4990 191 12 ‘Type E: Saddle welded to the pipeline, Limited sliding movement by axial stopper and pipeline derailment protection, 59. TYPE = E SADDLE WaT) Axi” STOP. Note: Green Color Structure to be provided by Bridge Contractor Note: Red Color Structure to be provided by Pipeline Contractor Refer Stress Analysis Report (Doc. No. P832-ILF-PIL-OD-00121) for more details. East and West Valve Station and Tie-m to the existing Pipeline ‘The New 36-inch pipeline to be connected to the existing 30-inch pipeline on both Valve Stations and the pipeline including on the Bridge section shall look as follows: 192

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