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First Periodical Exam in MAPEH 11

Lyceum San Pablo

S.Y 2020 -2021
Name: ______________________ Date: __________________
Grade & Section ______________ Sir. Joseph Corales

Direction: Match column A to Column B. 

       Write the letter of your choice on the space provided.
A   B
___1. The ability of the heart and lungs to deliver    a. Muscular strength
oxygen to working muscles during physical     b. Flexibility
activity for a long period of time.                   c. Muscular Endurance
___2. The ability of your joints and muscles to move d. Body Composition
In full range of motion. e. Cardiovascular
___3. The body`s portion of fat, muscle and bone       f. Flexed-arm support
___4. The ability to use your muscles many g. 90 degrees Push-up
        times without tiring. h. Hamstring Test
___5. The amount of force your muscles can           i. 3 minute step test
            produce or exert.
___6. The purpose of this test is to measure           j.  Anthropometric Test
the Body Mass Index (BMI)                            k. Zipper Test
___7. A type of test that measures the flexibility of
Hamstring and hips
___8. A test for cardiovascular endurance on how quickly
your heart rate returns to normal after exercise.
___9. A test for flexibility of the shoulder joints
___10. A test to measure the muscular strength of the shoulder 
And upper arm. 

Direction:  Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement
is wrong.
_______11. A person who is physically fit can do a day`s work without undue fatigue.
_______12. A person is flexible if he can move his body beyond normal range motion
_______13. The meaning of body mass is the group of muscles.
_______14. In performing body mass test, the student should wear heavy shoes.
_______15. The unit of measure used in recording student`s mass is centimeter.
_______16. Meter is used for height and kilograms for weight.
_______17. The purpose of Zipper test is to test the flexibility of the muscles.
_______18. It is not important to fill up the health appraisal record.
_______19. Jogging enhances the work of your cardiovascular system.
_______20. An active lifestyle could decrease the degree of wellness among
_______21. Variety of foods is important element in a well-balanced diet.
_______22. Ice cream contains no fats.
_______23. You can find protein in milk and eggs.
_______24. Thirst   is a good indicator of dehydration.
_______25. Potato chips are a healthy way to eat potato. 
_______26. Adding salt to cooked food is a healthy habit.
_______27. Chocolate gives you lot of energy.
_______28. If I eat lots of fruit, I don’t need to eat any vegetables.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

29.The ability to make successive movements of the same kind in the shortest
period of time.
a. Endurance c. Agility
b. Speed d. Flexibility

30. The ability to control organic equipment neuro-muscularly; a state of equilibrium.

a. Organic Vigor c. Speed
b. Endurance d. Balance

31.A planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve physical

fitness with the purpose of increasing physical fitness level
a. Sports c. Exercise
b. Dance d. Jogging

32. The following physical activity programs were implemented by the Department of
Health (DOH) and World Health Organization (WHO) to promote an active lifestyle in
the past decade. Except for one;
a. Hataw c. Ready, Get Set, Go!
b. Mag HL Tayo d. Go4health

33. Involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contraction that result in the
expenditure of energy.
a. Zumba c. Sports
b. Physical Activity d. Exercise

34.The following are the Stages of Change (The transtheoritical model) except for;
a. Malignant Stage c. Preparation Stage
b. Contemplation Stage d. Action Stage

35.Aerobic activities is also known as;

a. Muscle- Strengthening c. Cardio
b. Power d. Endurance
36. Refers to the ability of the muscles to release maximum force in the shortest
period of time.
a. Flexibility c. Agility
b. Power d. Endurance

37.What is the recommended level or amount of physical activity to maintain good

a. 48 years c. At least 60 minutes every day
b. At least 15 minutes every day d. At least 10 minutes every day

38.Cephalocaudal means;
a. Up and up away c. From left to right
b. From top to bottom d. From north to south

39. The following are examples of Recreational Activities except for;

a. Fishing c. Dancing
b. Basketball d. Swimming

40. The ability to perform one’s daily tasks efficiently without undue fatigue but with
extra “reserve” in case of emergency.
a. Physical Aspect c. Physical Check Up
b. Physically Fit d. Physical Fitness

41. Healthy foods will make you___

a. Strong               b. sick                    c. green                       d. tasty

42. You should eat cookies. 

a. All the time   b. once in a while   c.  instead of oatmeal   d. to grow strong

43. Which of the following is true about the way we should eat to achieve
healthy diet.
a. Eat fruit and veggies because it has all the nutrients
b. Do the best we can but take supplements
c. Eat a wide variety of foods 
d. Eat only plant products because animal products are bad for our health.

44. A source of simple carbohydrates is 

a. Seeds               b. brown rice          c. fruits                          d. potatoes

45. The risk of obesity, cancer and heart disease is increased by a diet high in 
a. Fat                 b. saturated fat      c. cholesterol               d. all of the above

46. The only way to get all the nutrients you need is
a. Drink alcohol in moderation                        c. eat a combination of foods
b. Eat the same foods over and over again     d. vegetarian diet
47. Foods like pizza, burger and noodles are rich in
a. Carbohydrates      b. proteins         c. vitamins          d. minerals

48. Our body needs _____ water every day.

a. 2 to 3                     b. 7 to 8              c. 10 to 15         d. 1 to 2

49. Excessive body weight due to over nutrition leads to

a. Rickets                    b. marasmus    c. obesity             d. kwashiorkor

50.  A diet containing right amount of energy, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber,
vitamins, minerals and water to fulfill requirement of body is called
a. Nutrition                  b. Balanced diet       c. perfect diet    d. food pyramid

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