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First Periodical Exam in MAPEH 12

Lyceum San Pablo

S.Y 2020 -2021
Name: ______________________ Date: __________________
Grade & Section ______________ Sir. Joseph Corales
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. There are three basic energy system, except one
A. Anerobic a-lactic system C. Aerobic system
B. Anaerobic lactic system D. Adrenaline System
2. It is an energy system that requires high amount of short duration
A. Anerobic a-lactic system C. Aerobic lactic system
B. Anaerobic lactic system D. Adrenaline system
3. The ATP-CP stands for
A. Adenosine Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
B. Adrenalin Trisphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
C. Aerobic Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
D. None of the Above
4. Glycolytic system is also known as:
A. ATP-CP C. Adrenaline System
B. Anaerobic lactic system D. Aerobic system
5. What kind of energy system is being used when doing a slow but powerful
movements in a dance?
A. ATP-CP C. Aerobic system
B. Anaerobic lactic system D. Adrenaline system
6. It is the energy system that uses oxygen.
A. Lactid Acid System C. ATP-CP
B. Aerobic System D. Glycolytic system
7. It is an energy system that is considered to be as the immediate system
A. ATP-CP C. Lactic acid system
B. Glycolytic System D. Aerobic system
8. Mostly, what kind of energy system is being used in dancing?
A. ATP-CP C. Aerobic system
B. Lactic Acid System D. Glycolytic system
9. It is the primary source of ATP during aerobic activities
A. Lactic Acid System C. Oxidative system
B. ATP-CP D. Glycolytic system
10. The body stores ATP in muscle in a form of _____________.
A. Oxygen C. Glycogen
B. Water D. None of the above
11. It plays a vital role for self-expression and has been part of rituals and
religious gatherings.
A. Aerobic activity C. Fitness
B. Dance D. Zumba
12. The following statements defines dancing as stress management except one:
A. Dance can be used in many ways and one function is to relieve stress.
B. Through dancing, we lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
C. To avoid chronic illness or disease, we opted to seek activities to have
a healthy living.
D. In dancing, it avoids stress and can make our life easy and much
more fun.
13. The following are the causes and effects of stress except one.
A. Anxiety C. Joy
B. Panic D. Misery
14. Dancing is enjoyable because___________?
A. It has physical and mental benefits.
B. Helps you connect to who you really are.
C. It plays a vital role for self-expression.
D. All of the above
15. ______________ are chemicals within the brain that helps communicate
messages throughout the body.
A. Endorphin C. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine D. Neurotransmitters
16. ______________ are the body’s natural pain killers to reduce stress and
improve the mind’s perception of the world.
A. Endorphin C. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine D. Neurotransmitters
17. The following are the physical benefits of dancing except one:
A. Improved condition of heart and lungs.
B. Increased muscular strength and endurance.
C. Improved physical confidence.
D. Improved general and psychological well-being.
18. Which of the following are the mental benefits of dancing?
A. Improved muscle tone and strength.
B. Greater self-confidence, and self-esteem.
C. Improved condition of your heart and lungs.
D. Stronger bones.
19. How dancing can improve your life and health?
A. Dancing will decrease your chances of developing heart disease.
B. Dancing improves positive feelings, behavior and communication.
C. Keeping you physically strong, isn’t the only benefit dancing provides,
but it can also provide social and emotional health.
D. All of the above.
20.Why is dancing good for the brain?
A. Dancing increases depression symptoms
B. Dancing supports motor emotional and intellectual brain functions.
C. Dancing never stimulates nerve growth factor.
D. Dancing declines memory.

ll. Fill in the blanks. Answer the following questions or complete the statements by
writing the appropriate words in the blanks.
21. An energy system that uses oxygen is called ________________
22. ATP-CP stands for ___________________________
23. There are three energy systems namely _____________, ___________,
24. Food serves as the ____________ to provide the energy that our body needs
25. ______________ occurs when our body is working hard.
26. Weightlifting and shot-put are examples of __________________energy system
27. Immediate energy system is also called as _________________
28. ________________ is the most complex energy system
29. __________________ is the source of ATP during aerobic activities
30.Mitochondria are referred as the __________________

31-36. What are the 3 ways Dancing Relieves Stress? (2 points each)
IV.ESSAY. For each of the questions listed below, please write an essay of not less
than 100 words.
1. What is the importance of dancing when it comes to relieving stress? (4)
2. What are the reasons why most of the people don’t have time for physical
activities such as exercise and dancing? (5)
3. At this time of pandemic, how can dancing help to relive stress? (5)

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