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MDWY 85- CRIMINAL LIABILITES or any of his ascendants or descendants or his

Felonies- Are acts of omissions punishable by law spouse

and may committed not only by means of deceit Infanticide- Is killing of a child less than 3 days old
(doto) but also by means of fault (culpa). . The penalty is the same as that for parricide or
Criminal Liabilities Euthanasia- Means painlessly putting an end to
 Crimes Against Person the life of a terminally ill patient or patient
 Crimes Against Liberty and Security suffering from incurable disease. In euthanasia,
 Crimes Against Property the patient does not want to die while in giving
 Crimes Against Civil Status assistance to suicide, the person wants to die
 Crimes Against Chastity Giving assistance to suicide- Is committed either
 Crimes Against Honor by assisting another to commit suicide (whether
 Criminal Negligence the suicide is consummated or not) and by
lending assistance to another to the extent of
Crimes Against Person doing the killing himself
Mutilation- Is the deliberate looping or clipping off
Homicide- Is the lawful killing of another person of some part of the body of another person with
which is neither parricide, murder nor infanticide the purpose of depriving the person of that part of
Abortion- Is the expulsion of the fetus from the his body. If the mutilation was committed without
womb before it is capable of sustaining life deliberate intent of depriving the person of that
(outside the womb) , which expulsion results in its part of his body, it will be considered as physical
death . injuries . Mutilation of the reproductive organs
Some of the kinds of abortion are as follows such as the penis and ovary is considered
 Intentional abortion castration.
 Unintentional abortion Rape- May classified into;
 Abortion practiced by the woman 1. Rape by a man of woman- this is the
upon herself or with consent felony committed by a man who has carnal
 Abortion practiced by the parents knowledge of a woman under any of the ff
of the woman with her consent circumstances;
 Abortion practiced by a physician  Through force , threat, or
or midwife intimidation
Dispensing of Abortive  When the offended party deprived of
-Is the unlawful dispensing of any abortive reason or otherwise unconscious
by any pharmacist without proper  By means of fraudulent machination
prescription from the physician or grave abuse authority
Murder- is committed by any person who kills  When the offended party is under 12
another person with any of the ff years of age or s demented even
circumstances; though none of the circumstances
1. With treachery, taking mentioned above
advantage of superior strength , 2. rape by any person of another person
with the aid of armed men, or - This felony is committed by any person
employing means to weaken the who commits an act of sexual assault either;
defense , or of means of persons By inserting his penis into another persons
to insure or afford impunity mouth or anal orifice, By inserting any
2. In consideration of price, reward instrument or object into the genital or
or promise anal orifice of another person
3. By means of inundation, fire,
poison, explosion, shipwreck, Crimes Against Liberty and Security
stranding of a vessel, derailment of
or assault upon a streetcar or Grave Coercions can be committed by a person
locomotive , fall of an airship, by either by;
means involving great waste and -Preventing another person by means of
ruin. violence from doing something not
4. With evident premeditation prohibited by law
5. With cruelty, by deliberately and - Compelling another by means of
inhumanely augmenting the violence to do something against his will
suffering of the victim or outraging whether it be right or wrong
or scoffing at his person or coarse.
Parricide- Is committed by a person who kills his Abandonment of Persons in Danger is the crime
father , mother , whether legitimate or illegitimate committed by anyone who fails to render
assistance to any person whom he finds in an CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY
uninhabited place wounded or in danger or dying,
when he can render assistance without detriment Robbery- is committed by any person who shall
to himself. It is also committed by anyone who, take the personal property belonging to
having found an abandoned child under seven another with the intent to gain by means of
years of age, shall fail to deliver said child to the force , intimidation of any person or using
authorities or to his family, or shall fail to take him force upon anything
to a safe place. Estafa or Swindling- is the crime committed by
any person who defrauds another.
Abandonment of One’s Victims is committed by Theft -is committed by any person who, with
anyone who shall fail to help or render intent to gain but without violence against ,
assistance to another whom he has intimidation of neither persons nor force upon
accidentally wounded or injured; things, shall take personal property without the
latter’s consent . A person who has found lost
Revelation of Secrets can be committed by an property and fails to deliver the same to the local
employee, manager or servant who learns authorities or its owner is also guilty of theft.
the secret of his principal or master in such Malicious Mischief - is the crime committed by
capacity and reveals such secrets. This any person who deliberately causes to the
crime may be committed by midwives who property of another damage ( falling within
reveal the secrets of their patients to other the terms of Arson and other crimes
persons. The midwife must always involving destruction)
remember that she is duly bound to keep all Destructive Arson- is the crime committed by any
secrets entrusted to her by patients even person who burns a building , train, ship,
after death of her patients. The midwife may airline etc..
reveal these secrets only with;
 The permission of the patient CRIMES AGAINST CHASITITY
 When its revelation is necessary
for the common good Concubinage - is committed by any married man
 When there is a court order that who either :
requires her to reveal them -Keeps a mistress in the conjugal
Light Threats- means a threat to commit a wrong -Has sexual intercourse , under
not constituting a crime , and that there is a scandalous circumstances, with a woman
demand for money or that other condition is who is not his wife
imposed , even though that condition is not -Co habits with a woman not his wife in
unlawful. Thus a midwife who threatens a any other place
patient that he will suffer severely from his Act of Lasciviousness- refers to an act or conduct
disease if he will not take his medications or that is lewd or lascivious.
will not sign the consent for surgery may be “Lascivious “ means lustful, or tending to
liable for light threats. produce voluptuous or lewd emotions ; and
the term “lasciviousness” comprises all acts
Grave Threats- are committed by any person who of lasciviousness performed upon a person
shall threaten another with the infliction of either sex short of lying with a woman
upon reason, honor or property of the latter and anything leading up to it, independently
or of his family of any wrong . A midwife who of the intention of the wrong doer.
threatens a hospital director that she will Adultery - is the crime committed by any married
publish to a newspaper evidence of graft woman who has sexual intercourse with a
and corruption committed by the hospital man not her husband and by the man who
director if the latter does not accept her job has carnal knowledge of her
application may be charged of grave Abduction- is the kidnapping of a woman by
threats. removing her from her home , or from
whatever place she may be , to take her to
Illegal Detention- is the crime committed by a some other, with the intent to marry or
private individual who unlawfully deprives corrupt her (libidinis causa) . It may be
another person of liberty. This may be forcible or consented;
committed by hospital personnel who refuse Forcible Abduction - , as a felony , is the
to discharge patients and would not allow abduction of a virgin over twelve and under
them to leave the hospital because of eighteen years of age , carried out with her
nonpayment of hospital bill. consent and with lewd designs
Consented Abduction- , as a felony , is the the memory of the one who is dead. Libel is
abduction of a virgin over twelve and under committed by means of writing , printing ,
eighteen years of age , carried out with her lithography , engraving , radio, phonograph ,
consent and with lewd designs painting or theatrical or cinematographic
Seduction- means withdrawing a person from the exhibition, or any similar means.
path of rectitude . As a felony, it may be simple or
qualified ; Slander is oral defamation
 Simple Seduction refers to
seduction of (or the unlawful QUASI OFFENSES
carnal intercourse with) a woman It should be remembered that imprudence
who is single or a widow of good or negligence is not a crime in itself but
reputation, over twelve but under simply a way of committing a crime.
eighteen years of age , committed Simple Imprudence consists in the lack of
by means of deceit. precautions displayed in those cases in
 Qualified Seduction is the which the damage impending to be caused
seduction of a “doncella “ (or is not immediate nor the danger clearly
virgin) , over twelve years and manifested.
under eighteen years of age , Reckless Imprudence consists in voluntarily , but
committed by any of the ff; without malice , doing or failing to do an act
-Any person in public authority; Priest; from which material damage results by
Home servant ; domestic ;Guardian reason of inexcusable lack of precaution on
;Teacher the part of the person performing or failing
-Any person who , in any capacity , shall to perform such act , taking into
be entrusted with the education or consideration his employment and
custody of the woman seduced occupation , degree of intelligence , physical
Any person who seduces his sister or condition and other circumstances
descendant, whether or not she is a regardless of persons, time and place.
virgin or over eighteen years of age Imprudence indicates deficiency of action or skill ,
imprudence may be avoided by taking the
CRIME AGAINST CIVIL STATUS OF PERSONS necessary precaution once wrongful acts
are foreseen.
Concealing or Abandoning a Legitimate Child with Negligence is lack of foresight or deficiency of
the intent of causing such child to lose its perception. Negligence is avoided by paying
civil status proper attention and using due diligence in
foreseeing wrongful acts.
Substituting or Switching One Child for Another is
committed by a person who exchanges 3 Kinds of Negligence
babies without the knowledge of their 1. Contractual Negligence – negligence that
parents with the intention to cause the loss results from breach of contract , there is
of any trace of their filiations. preexisting contract and negligence
resulted from failure to carry out the
Simulation of Birth is committed by a woman who contract.
pretends that she is pregnant when in fact Ex. A midwife failed to observe proper care of the
she is not, and on the day of the supposed umbilicus of a newborn , as a result , the
delivery takes the child of another as her newborn suffered from infection . There
own . The woman who stimulates birth and exists a contract between the midwife and
one who furnishes the child are both the parent of the newborn.
responsible as principals. 2. Civil Negligence
-There is no pre existing contract except
CRIMES AGAINST HONOR that there is a duty to be careful in all
human actuations.
Defamation Ex. A midwife driving her car hit a person . There
a. Slander- Oral is no contract existing between the midwife
b. Libel- Written and the person but the failure of the midwife
Libel is a public and malicious imputation of a to drive carefully and safely resulting in
crime , or a vice or defect, real or harm to another person makes her
imaginary, or any act, omission , condition , negligent and liable.
status , or circumstance tending to cause 3. Criminal Negligence
the dishonor, discredit , or contempt of a -Negligence that results in the commission
natural or judicial person , or to be blacken of a crime
Ex. A midwife who performs abortion.

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