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jow rie Paoste x “The campaign presented in the following section allows players to recreate the battles on Prospero through a series of {games of Warhammer 40900, with one side representing those who have defied the word ofthe Emperor and the other those dispatched to deliver His judgement on the recaleitant world. During the campaign, the two sides play through three phases, ‘which consist ofa numberof games and a final Conclusion mission representing a {important bane thar occurred during exch stage ofthe conflict. Irplayers wish, hey also have the option of playing a Legendary ‘mission after each Conclusion mission, which is designed to represent «pivotal ‘moment in the Prospero campaign the likes cof which will go down in history. Victory in teach phase will grant the player a bonus that carries across the rest ofthe campaign, while the overl victor of the campaign is decided bythe final mission ofthe third phase. The events ofthis campaign ae inspired by the chronicles in this book, which are themselves a development ofthe novels published as part of Black Libraty’s The Horus Heresy series. The campaign itself het been designed fora minimum of wo players. However, the phase length and missions can easily be adapted for larger gaming groups. or players looking to extend their campaign further, thissecton also contains selection ‘of optional rules. Despite the events of Prospero being 2 ‘Vial turning poinein che Horus Heresy and indeed the wider Warhammer 40.000 narrative they do not determine who is Designer's Note ear in mind when choosing your armies {or this campaign that the eventson Prosero take place before Istvan IL. As such none of the Legions are curently considered Titre (but whether they srl one aleady is Aferent matte). So il re tows your "rat forces as Loyalist if you so wish, you want play ‘an allemaive version where your Legion i= lead tatoos, by all mans go ahead or players of campaigns from other Forge World Horus Heresy publieations, there sre many features you will find similar, with the addition of special rules to recreate the turbulence ofthe Warp on Prospero Each phase is themed to represent each section ofeventsas they occurred, with theit Conclusion and Legendary missions being heavily themed or biased towards the side tha traditionally succeeds howeves, Campaign points will aways be available to the non-traditional vitor, its core,to play this campaign you need ‘so players with armies ake from the various Horus Heresy army ists produced by Forge Woeld bu there is no uporad limit asto how many players can take parti this campaign, The standard phase missions in this section ean easily be adapted for multiple players and there ae addtional missions presented better suited towards team games, s larg gaming groups can easly tuna ‘widespread campaign. Generally ou should aim for an equal numberof players on each side asie willbe easier to arrange games, but sf this cannot be achieved it simply means some players may have to play more games during the course ofthe campaign és worth noting that campaigns involving more players wil require a greater amount of terrain, gaming space and player dedication tobring the campaign toa satisfactory conclusion. Ifyou do havea large number of players it is worth having one person acta referee and organiser rather than player to impartially record results between sessions. Of course players should always support them by providing them with all the information they tequite for bookkeeping ‘promptly not to mention thank them for their hard work a the end ofthe campaign! Tat Auw ach player should daw these armies fom, the most recent versions of the Horus Heresy army lists. Ideally, these should reflect the forces present on Prospero during the atack, such asthe Thousand Sons, Space Wolves, Sisters of Silence, Legio Custodes, ete Before the campaign begins you should decide berween yourselves how strice you wish tobe in regards to taking armies other than the ones presented in this book, The only restriction to other armies in termsof the campaign system is that they should take the Allied Detachments, nits and wnique charactors appropriate to thar army You may decide you wish to play an alternative version of the events t Prospero, oreven decide to adapt them fora completely different seting while this may take more work, iewill ‘make the campaign unique to your gaming |roup and will ulmately be worth the extra celfore put in by those involved, ‘The missions inthe campaign will refer to cone side as the Aggressors, snd the other the Persecuted. Ta historical terms, the forces ofthe Imperium would be the Aggressors, with the Thousand Sons, Legio Xestobiax and ZhaorArkhad forces the Persecuted However, this should not stop you playing otherwise if wish. Before the game begins you should decide which side your army will play forthe res ofthe game. Ifyou want change sides during a game you may, however this should only be dane once per player where possible to make the game fir forall partes involved. Unique Characters in Prospero “The events of Prospero take place in relatively shore period of time, and with batles raging across the entire city of Tizca, Primarchs and other Unique Characters should only be used once per phase ~ they cant he everywhere at once! Even iFyou've already used one of your characters ina Campsign phase) yout may use them for eldhershe phases Conclusion mission or Legendary ‘mission, so choose wisely! Hil Ann Each Campaign phase may last until an agreed numberof games has been played or an agreed amount of time has pased. Once celther ofthese conditions has been met, the ‘phase ends, the Campaign points ate totaled ‘upand the phase’ victor is determined, The following phase then begins. The numberof games, or the duration ofthe phase, must be agreed before the campaign begins and kept as constant as possible throughout. Ofcourse, i’ entirely possible play asingle geme and the phase’ Conclusion mission per phase,so the entite ‘campaign may be completed in the space ‘ofsix games, But you may set the maximum numberof games or duration a you wish Depending on your groups preferences, you ‘may sot the phase duration as high or slow ss you like ‘A good maximum duration to set for your campaign is roughly equal tothe time that you think ie wil take to play through the ‘numberof games ina phase you believe you ‘an comfortably manage. For instance, you have decided that each phase you want to play six games, and believe youcan play these six gamesin three weeks, set the time Jimic forthe phase as three weeks, Having time limit keeps the campaign moving forwardsand gives each phase a definite ‘end which can help keep players motivated nd intersted. or example A group of iv fiends want play through the Prosper campaign. Bese ther ‘the recon tat they ca play six games every ‘thre weeks Tey tthe length of ach phase as atleast sx games played or three weeks inlength. | At thie regular gaming weekend they lay eght games eros the pace of two day. This then { onsttes the whol ofthe ist phase as more than sx gumes have ben layed, In the cond pas, however he group ony manages to play tice amas, and the second phaseends cause i has lasted or thre weeks evn though omy the gameshave bee played, ‘nwt eis Forge Word ora Herny campoign cach tec the papa ‘cern mnber of Campaign ri ik Sepenlingontheoucome Thewcorot | tach phan determined y the mamberof Campaign pitty awe acd ring, | the pase nlading the Campaign pone came dringthe Connon mintnthe | phe. Campagnpoinscanabobewedio | Keeprackofancoerescansperomance | sgsnarthetropponentaso it worth Keeping slog ofl Campaign pai eaed dene capain For the majority of missions in this campaign, victory i determined by how ‘many Vietory points player has atthe end ofthe game Itis therefore worth keeping a record ofthe Victory points you earn across each phase, particularly if youre playing aspart of team, a this can be Surman Rear ‘Thesheer volume of psychic sorcery used during the Bal of Prospero caused the fabric of realty to warp and split leading 0 random events occurring across Tizca asthe primal energies ofthe Great Ocean leaked through, Acthe star of each game, roll a Ds and modify the result s follows Srousor War “Atte end ofthe Conclusion mission ‘ofevery phase, the victor of the phases ‘rewded with 2 Spoils of Wat bonus which applies to thet player forthe remainder of the campaign. The results ofthe bonus are lise inthe description ofeach phase. In the unlikely evenc of the phase being draw, and where both players agree another mission shouldbe used to determine the outcome ‘ofthe phase in this case the victor ofthe "game is considered the victor ofthe phase. _ Te Spoils of War bonus for cach phases ‘exclusive to that phase and so cannot be exied through playing the Conclaston ier pe CAMPAIGN SPECIAL RULES arrenen Reauy Taste Dé Effect 42 The Warp squie! or mou ball atuned fois tides now that a tom is coming. 3 Only the mot powerful ane soe from the dread ae hich spreading hroughou! ther ranks ‘Allunits must re-ol the results of all Leadership tests regadles of whether they are successful unless they contain a Psyker of Mastery Level 2 or above, or Unique Character 4 Thevery ground begins to shudder and liquefy with many Lepionares alg prey tothe unstable tern Allterrain counts as dificult terrain dificult certain counts as dangerous tera, and dangerous erain becomes impassable 5 The Warp infects the minds of ayers driving all but the mos powerful sane Unless your Payer is Mastery Level 2 or above they must oll on the Peilsof dhe ‘Warp table if wo or more Warp Charge points are generated ona s+ {6 Many ofthe psykerson Prospero wer nol only attuned the Warp they were strengthen and reuvenaed by ts presence ‘Afer the player's Assault phase has ended, they may atemps to negate wounds taken by their sykers in this player turn, For every Payker that hs taken a wound inthe current tur, rolla D6. Ona st they regain asngle wound They ‘may not attemptto regenerate wounds again until their following player turn 7 Ambued with sige of wap energie all pyr ar extremely volatile ‘When attempting to generatea Blessing poweron friendly unit ifthe player rolls 6when attempcing to harness Warp Charge points for that power, the targeted unit takes D3 Str 7 AP 4 automatic wounds. If they ate attempting to harness Witchfire, Nova or Beam power, they may rel fled atemprs ro hhamess Warp Charge points, taking Perils ofthe Warp penalties as normal 8 Thefabricf rely tears asunder dchanging warp energy acs the unsof Tica ‘tthe Beginning of ech player urn, the players opponent must nominate one of the players units. This unit takes D3 Str 8 AP3 automatic wounds with no saves of ny kindallowed. Once nominated, this unit cannot be nominated again in the Bs followingraen. "If youre playing in a team, the bonus should 5 5 = only be given to one person. The person who tamsthishonusshoaldbe the memberof_ Mrsasous Teta Generally ts best to nominate pieces of ‘the winning team with the greatest number Any game played as part of the Prospero terrain thatare notable in some way for case : camprign cin ure Mysterious terrain Aer ofremembring which pieces ate considered seing up the verrain fr your game, you may tobe Mysterious, decide chat a particularly distinct piece of terrain is considered tobe Mysterious terrain Ifa pioce of Mysterious terrain is area tersin ‘ordecidethe number of Mysterious terrain or anopen plan building iis considered -pleces using the following chart explored when aunieentersit Ifthe building is closed or she terran is otherwise impassable, itis considered explored ifa unit ‘Misesous Texan Taste D6 Result x0 Mrstenious Testa Tr Tas Mysterious Terrain Type Cul Barricade: Upon sng the camageuneaked by he Pnshment fect he efi lian rected nuimentary barricades fom anything the cul find Thisterain confers a4 cover save on ts st use, followed by sr.then 6» Afieran attempt using 6, the buriade collapses nto dustand no longer provides cover Gidens of Tizca Theres and foliage which ined the once mage sre of Tce re now ut dust and cinder uring with ror and purple glow Allunits suffer-1 to their WS and BS forthe fst turn they are within 2 ofthis terrain piece unless they are a eyker. Ruined Library: ivwn acs he war sets den among lef hand ons all tha! remain of oof Ta rat rane Th erga bung ite on thom charred shi, ppd of all its owed ‘ The fst Persecuted force tat comes into contact with Ruined Library gains the Rage special rule for the frst turn they emain in contact with t Afterwards the special ule cannot be geined agnn by any unit. For both forces, the terrain provides standard cover save and this cover sve can be ased aginst the effects ofthe Shared Reality tbl. Destroyed Garrison: One ofthe Thawed Son gern stationed rund the brderof Tia as be Blown ope and adel hee ill remains asf sour hidden among he copes ‘The ist nit which discovers this piece of tera gins the Rending special rule forthe reminder ofthe game: If his unite completely desroyed during thefllowing game turn the opposing payer wll gun the Rending special ral forthe rest ofthe ame instead Psychie Tripwire: The forces ofthe Imperium were unaware thal many of Tz most tl strates were booby raped with psychic wards that wuld activate upon the psec of unrcgned indiiduas The fist Aggressor unio explore this piece of tera, egies of thei locaton within or around the terrain, sets of the Poychie TTpwite and takes a numberaf automate wounds eqtal tothe numberof models in the uni, resolved at Str 6 AP 4 with no amour saves allowed. After the Tripwire hasbeen triggered, will ot re aguin~ however, he psychic hum causes all units that move within ofthe tern piece to suffer their Leadership valu. Mysterious Tome: Eure amangthe rans ofan unkown ding his thik yelowed tome fant lows wth headed within IFthe Persecuted ae chef players to dacover tis tertan they may upgrade a Pyker within che uit hat discovered the era with +4 Mastery Level If theres no Psyke nthe orignal uni the entire unis weaponry automaticaly gins Fore for the game tur following ts discover: Ifthe Agaressors are the first players to discover this terrain they may add two additonal D6to thet. Deny the Witch pool while they ate within 2 ofthe tern. fthat unit moves outside ofthat tera, chey only add one additonal Déto their pool The addtional two die may only be guned by te nit tha discovered the Mysterious Tome ‘The following ils of rules you may wish ‘oinclade as part of your campaign to make it unique wo your gaming group. These rules are not compalsory so players should agree ‘on their use before the campaign begins. ‘Warlord and Famed Character Casualties “The fate of heroic warlords a well as famed and infamous charactors sa key part of the struggle and epic sale of the Horus Heresy, and sich influential figures cannot be simply expended as resources ~for no force ean expect to succeed in batele without their greatest warriors, fa players Warlord and/or any unique named characters*in play are removed asa casualty ducing a campaign game (including. falling back off the table, etc), the player must rolla D6 foreach character athe end ofthe game. The results as shown inthe Warlord sind Famed Characters Fatality table that follows apply to the remainder ofthe player's games nthe campaign. tf the controlling player was victorioas in the game in whieh the character was removed asa casualty, they may re-oll the result. “Thisalso refers to any Independent Character ‘that hasa unique rales profile in any ofthe Forge ‘World Hora Heresy army ls. ‘Wavoww axp Fuso Cuaactess Fara Tas Dé Result Caearcn Oprionat Rutes ‘wasteland Battles While the fighting was thickest in Tizca the Wastelands bordering the home ofthe ‘Thousand Sons saw batles on an apocalyptic scale between the forces ofthe Mechanicum resent on Prospero ‘Westeland Bates area brillant way of Involving your entice gaming club in massive team battles, or hosting apocalyptic size battles fora small team,allowing you torepresent the titanic battles thet starved both sides ofthe Ti2caconflice of thelr Mechanicum reinforcements, Neither side traly held the advantage in the Wastelands, and with the main objective being the utter destruction of the enemy, they make the perfect staging ground for teams o prove thei superiority! ‘Wasteland Battles are recommended for four cor more players. However thete is nothing stopping smaller groups of players using larger armies to make upan appropriately scaled ight Players are encouraged to decide how big they want their mes to bbe— remember these battles were fought with several Titans on each side, so chink big! “These batles award Campaign points, and the distribution isas follows: Mortally Wounded: This characte is critically wounded and may not be used ‘gain inthis phase of the campaign. However, they may be used again in later phases ofthe campaign unless agreed otherwise. The opposing side gains +1 CP ‘Shaken: Your characters shaken by thei ill fortune on the battlefield and, in their next game, your character (tepardless of who they are) suffers a1 e Bs duration of the phase. This penalty is not cumulative rit may be re-applied if they Betta arabes / Players Victory Draw 23 2 1 4s 3 1 67 3 z & ‘ 2 Lecaxane Missions Heroes were made and broken om the batlefields of Tacs, and the Legendary missions ofthis campaign tell thei stores “The scale oftheir batles was immense, spanning entire sectors ofthe ruined city, and the following missions ae designed to represent these within your campaign, “These battles call for resources not every player will ave, and as such are not required tecomplete the phase, but fr players who already own these elements, they can add an additional level of intrest into thelt campaign At the end of the Conclusion mission if players agree, the Legendary battle for the phase can be played, The Spoils of War bonus ‘won in the previous phase does not come Into effect in che batele asi forfeited by the player. However, the Legendary missions ‘of each phase grant the more powerful Legends of Vietory bonuses, which are listed Ineach phase’ description While cach phase’ description lists the Legendary missions as having a Campaign points value, these do noccount fora particular phase. Rather, these values can be used to determine the final ranking of players atthe end of the campaign, which ina large game can help 0 establish the star players on each side of history. Liste idee gad iclte i ret ni Past Oxe = Fenocry Asthe Space Wolves made their landing inthe ruined city of aca after rata campaign of orbital bombardment, few were able to stand against them as they "ampaged acfoss the ity, Against the might ofthe Wolves the mortal defensive forces of Prospero were merely prey. In the first phase ofthe Battle of Prospero, the Space Wolves overran the city, destroying. in their path, “The Cempuign points earned during each battle are as fallow: + A Brother’ Blood, Calculated Slaughter — 3 CP for Aggressor victory, 2 CP for Persecuted vietory ot draw Missions using Ransack or Breok through eployment maps)~ 3 CP for vietory, 2 CP for draw ‘Age of Darkness Ciryfight missions (see “The Horus Heresy Book Four = Conqus!)— 2 CP for vietory (Our of Time Conclusion mission SCP for victory, 3 CP for draw + Spaceport Conttol Legendary mission — 2 CP for victory + Allother missions 1 CP for victory ‘Out of Time Conclusion Mission Alerall games have been played inthis ‘phases duration, players may play the Out ‘of Time Conclusion mission. Regardless of the number of players on each side, only one ‘Conclusion mission should be played per ‘phase, burit can very easily be adapted to suit large team game iso desited, Victory inthis Conclusion mission grants the appropriate Spoils of War bonus that follows: Aggressor Spoils of War Grim Duty: As the Emperor's executioners descended on Tic, all nw the extent ofthe ‘howd Sone transresion. ‘On the ist sum uit rom the Aggresor's Primary Detachment rll charge they say rollan additonal D6 and use the two bighest esl, | Persecuted Spoils of War _-_ychle Hae Een he mora Pp Fae td LG PET Legendary Mission (optional) players wish, the Spaceport Conteol Legendary mission can be played after the Conclusion mission of this phase. As before, only ane ofthese should be played per phase, as the bitte only happened once! However, this makes ita good opportunity to play lange team game with the chance for the victor to win the Legends of Vierory bonus, taining an advantage in the following phase Aggressor Legends of Victory ack Mind: Never sats the Wolves bay for the blo of ir prey Instead ofthe previous Spoils of War bonus avaiable to them, the Aggressor’ Primary Detachment guns the Feet special rule, Ifa ‘unit conteins models that already have this special rule, once per game they may rol an additional Dé when determining Run or Charge distances. Persecuted Legends of Victory ‘Smoke and Fire: sirange tng inthe air indicates to all thos attuned that something ‘schanging Inaddtion to the Spoils of War bons Paychic Haze, the player may force the ‘opposing player toresrll their Deny the Witch result This may only happen once per game and the second result must alieays be accepted Phase One~ Special Rules & War Zone Traits The first stage ofthe invasion of Prospero vwas marked by an incursion s barbaric, it destroyed the vast majority ofthe Posperine defensive forces. The obital bombardment not only wiped out the remainder of ts cities but toppled outlying defence outposts and ‘bunkers at Tia, leaving the city without hope of reinforcement o support. Alone and Outnumbered: Apuins! the forces ofthe Imperions the moral defers of Tia had Tite hop, but her faith the Thousand Son? integrity held them stalwart. “Te Persecuted gun the Fearless special ule. Sheer Ferocity: he Spiregand and other defensive frees were unaware ofthe destruc that was abut o bil heir ctyand the sight of ‘sl oer Meee “he Acts ebay nn ifthe Persecuted army contains aun character in ts Primary Detachment it can attempt to Seize the Initiative. Paase To ~ Pussin \With thé capruring ofthe spaceport came the remainder of the Emperor’ forces Asthe Space Wolves gained their reinforcements and presented an even greater threat against the continued existence of Prospero, the “Thousand Sons filly descended from their libraries and barracks 10 confront their brothers in order to halt what their Primarch ‘Magnus believed was their inevitable fate ‘The Campaign points earned per game for this phase areas follows + Feae Not The Witch, Brother's Blood ~ 3 CP for victory, 2 CP for Persecuted drasy, 1CP for Aggressor draw + Calculated Slaughter ~ 3 CP fora vietory, 2 CP for Rersecuted deat + Age of Darkness Ciyfight missions — 2 CP for victory 1 CP for draw + The Last Bastion Conclusion mission ~ ‘CP for victory, 2 CP for Persecuted draw + Canis Vertex Legendary mission ~ 7 CP for victory + Allother missions 1 CP for victory ‘The Last Bastion Conclusion Missfon Aer all games have been played inthis phases duration, players may play the Last Bastion Conclusion mission. Regardless of the numberof players on each side,enly one Conclusion mission should be phyed per pase bur itcan easily be adapted ro suit large team game. Victory in this Conclusion mission grants the following bonus: Aggressor Spoils of War “Loathing: Tse who we the wale poe of the Warp shall tbe fered ive and endanger the rowing Imperium “The Aggressor Primary Detachment gains the Hatred (0) rule, where Xs the faction of the Persecuted Primary Detachment Persecuted Spoils of War Aspect of the Searab: Like the arabsof old the armour ofthe Thousand Sonsisable to | thst pursing blows. draws near. The XV"can barely stand against che collective might of the iced reds = ane forthe coro Pk eect ent gincg further with each blow. Ashe cannot bear to Se phase: "Aggressor Legends of Victory see his sons destroyed in his name, Magnus “The Executioner's Wil: The Legonaisof descends from the Great Library to duel with his once rusted brother, Leman Russ the VI ew eter tha afer wth oi “The Cempaign point values for games inthis hase nes flows + Fear Not The Witch, Reality Burns~ 3 CP for victory.2 CP for Persecuted draw, 4 CP for Aggressor draw Calculated Slaughter, A Brother’ Blood— 3 CP for Aggressor victory, 2.CP for Fersecuted victory or draw Age of Darkness Cityfght missions ~ 2 CP for victory, x CP for Persecuted draw including Unique Characters and ‘Cleansing Inferno Conclusion mission ~ Independent Characters gain the Rampage 5 CP for viewory,3 CP for deaw | special ule they alrenirhave his speci + Apex Predstor Legendary miston~ rule, they may rolltwo D3 when determining 7 CP for Persecuted vietory, ae eierlgeneen 6 CP for Aggressor victory | thehighestdice rolled Allother missions ~ 1 CP for victory -_Inaddition tothe Spoils of War bonus “Loathing, the commanders ofeach unit in the Aggressor Primary Detachment, Persecuted Legends of Victory | Ethereal Protection: Primal energies bond rat o their il ocing hots to jerk and ‘hang oe a random, ‘Cleansing Inferno Conclusion Mission ‘Afterall games have been played in this phases duration, players may play the Cleansing Inferno mission. Regardless of the numberof players on each side, only ‘one Conelusion mission should be played per phase, but iecan easly be adapted co suit large team game, Unless your group is playing the Legendary mission of the phase, victory in tis mission determines the victor ‘of the entre cmpaign sit presents a good ‘opportunity to plays final, lange team game “The Spoils of War bonuses eared inthis mission areas follows: Inaddion wo the Spoils of War bonus Aspect ofthe Saab, once per rum uni frm she Tersecuted Primary Detachment may force their opponent to ezll To Wound rll ‘Phase Two Special Rules ‘& War Zone Traits ‘his stage of the campaign sees vast numbers of einforcements entering the batefiel ‘withthe Legio Custodes and Sisters of Silence reinforcing the rampaging Space ‘Wolves Legionaries and the Thousand Sons bolstering what remains of the Spireguard’s Aggressor Spoils of War In Ruse’ Image: All space Marines ofthe VIP Legion aspiet channel the frit, courage and grim dlerminatonof ther progenitor. “Fratricide: Even the most mortal of wounds “may not halt those 0 determined to survive. | When a Troops, Fast Attack or Bltes units Ht removed as casualty rolla Dé. On 5#,the ~unitenters Ongoing Reserves even ifthe ‘When a unit from the Agaressors Primary Detachment begins aturn within 13" of their Warlord they make an additional D3 -Hammer of Wrath atacke when assulting 2 Persecuted unit on that rumn only. “These attacks are resolved a the highest ‘unmodified Strength ofthe unieatAP- 3 Aggressor foree can reo this result Persecuted Spoils of War Paychic Overload: Ashe des the Warp ‘infected the minds ofthe pyr excess power Bled ‘tothe weapons ofthe Thousand Sons ntage of fighting on their home in as been affected by able, the Persecuted peed (Once per turma Payker from the Persecuted Primary Detachment may automatically cast (Force on their unit The same Psyker may not PR ee ee, sutomatically cast Force again in the seme game, however there are no restrictions on casting tas per the usual rules again. ‘Apex Predator Legendary Mission (optional) If players wish, the Apex Predator Legendary ‘mission can be played ater the Conclusion mission ofthis phase. As before, only one of these missions should be played per phase, as the atte only happened once! Given that this isthe last mission ofthe campaign, players may use their Spoils of War bonuses warded from the Canclsion mission, Remember, victory inthis mission will determine the victor of the entice campaign, sothis game is perfect for groups to play ass large team game to round off the camps. Phase Three Special Rules & War Zone Traits As teaity begins to collapse across the planet, both the forces ofthe Imperium and the defenders of Prospero are lef fighting for their duty and lives. The Primareh Mages descends to challenge Leman Russ ina batle that wil be remembered across ime, a8 round them their sons clash and fight to the bitter death Lupine Visions: As ely frays and eracs, the minds of those altuna tothe Great Cctan are filled with harrowing visions fangs and ur rence with Blood. Only te mos powerful ane able to shake themselues fie fom this hore nightmare sf Bersecuted nit comes within 6” of an Aggressor unit through any means take a Leadership test. If they pass they are able to shake themselves free ofthe hallucinations, fchey fail the uni takes-1 BS and 2 WS penalty, and must retake the Leadership test before the Movement phase of their next player cur. Ifthere is aPayker inthis uni, ‘modify the roll by-1 for every Mastery Level the Psyker has Desperation: The thousand Sons ae rapidly losing their grip om ther home world and they cannet fal hor Primarch in this how of need (Once per tur, Persecuted unit may fie (Overwatch at their fll BS, The same unit may not fire Overwatch at thie fll BS more than once per game. aati LE LE OE Pe I ee eed ribliap la Petirigh? Deployment Maps [ansack has two deployment zones which are positioned in opposite corners. IFyou use this deployment map, models must not be deployed within 12" ofan enemy model. ‘The shortes table edges bordering the player's deployment zane count a the controlled edge Hunters Never Falter “Hunters Never Falter ues two deployment zones. Deployment zone A must be 6” away from the ‘edge ofthe table. If youre using this deployment map, all models must be deployed more than 2" aay from the enemy Foreach player their tbl ede isthe shortest edge closer to their deployment zone. bgadras pile 0 A Venit| jaw Fa ee —————— 7 army ina way they see fi. If youre using this deployment map, models must not be deployed within 12 ofthe enemy. Ourflanking units may be deployed up to 12" aay from the table edge if they are ‘within an enemy deployment zone, provided they are not deployed within 6" of an enemy model i To the Last Man uses three deployment zones. The player using deployment zones A must split thelr Player A may use one ofthe short rable edges when rlling for Resorves,and player B may use one of, the long rable edges. Breakc-through | | “break-through uses rwo deployment zones. payers are using this deployment map, then models, must be deployed mote than 13" way from enemy models ‘Both players use the log table edge touching their deployment zone as their table edge = Piattendatiig Astin Viies ace bide. Mission 1 - FEAR NOT THE WITCH “To wild yower a man must have the knowledge of ts source, the wisdom init use andthe strength in is consequences. On thos fateful dys became apparent that the mest dangerous aspect ofthe Werp's power wus nt simply ts unpredicabiiy but fale ei that Mankind could understand and wilds poser forse? Tar ARM Choose your rmies as per the Battesin the ‘Age of Darkness rules. the Aggressor force ‘may not contain any Psykers. Sermsc ur me Ge + Sec up terrain forthe battlefield. + Determine the deployment map, + Determine any Warlord Traits and Psychic Powers. + Roll of The winner can decide to deploy firs or second, + The player who deploys frst chooses their deployment zone and deploys their entire army and any fortifications, minus any ‘units held in Reserve, + The player who deploys second takes the other deployment zone and deploys their entire army and any fortifications, minus any units held in Reserve + Rules for deploying into fortifications, Infltrators, Scouts and Transport vehicles, tae as found in the Warhammer 4.00 rulebook. ‘MaesusCorenus,Remenbrancer aboard the Vox Actemo Rast Tue The player who deploys first has the first turn, unless che second player can Seize the Inidlative as per the rues in the Warhammer 49000 ulebook. The second player modifies this rol by +1 for every Bayker they have

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