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Mental accounting – set aside a certain amount and deduct from it

2. Correction is more important than setup
3. Pledging takes the temptation out and acts as a strong signal
4. Radical acceptance and black box thinking - identify mistakes (can ask others) and correct
5. Beware of counter productivity - if something doesn't add value, don't use i
6. Eliminate the downsides in life
7. Be grateful since success is largely down to good luck, give to those who are less fortunate
8. Take other people's emotions seriously but not your own
9. Don't buy into the authenticity hype
10. Say no to small favours most of the time
11. Don't fall for the focusing illusion, see the whole picture
12. We overestimate the impact of purchases and underestimate the impact of experiences
13. Save up a financial safety net but money contributes to little beyond that
14. Invest time in the circle of competence but don't waste time on things outside
15. Be persistent - preserverance, tenacity and long term thinking are underrated
16. Do what you can, not what you wish you could. Don't obsess over a calling and only care
about the results
17. Shift from external to internal validation
18. You can change yourself but not other people
19. Set achievable personal goals
20. Value the experiencing self as much as the remembering self
21. Make the most of your experiences now and don't worry about remembering it
22. It's easy to walk through life with a false image, ask someone who knows you well
23. Don't worry about your final moments, just live a good life
24. Don't wallow in the past, life isn't perfect
25. Meaning and enjoyment can compensate for each other
26. Defend your principles
27. Don't break in the outside or inside
28. Don't let financial incentives compromise your values
29. We are designed to worry but there are ways to overcome them - write them down, take
out insurance, engage in focused work
30. We don't have to have an opinion on everything
31. Invest in your mental process
32. Don't get envious of others, stay modest
33. Prevent problems rather than solve them
34. Best thing to do when it comes to global issues is to donate
35. Deliberately focus your attention to get more out of life
36. Read fewer books but more thoroughly
37. Think independently, give dogmas a wide berth, realise our ignorance
38. Mental subtraction - Imagine what it's like to lose things you have
39. Make a decision and take action after the point of maximum deliberation
40. Really try to reverse roles and see where other people are coming from
41. Don't idolise great men and try to be one yourself
42. Don't believe too much if your self importance - discoveries would be made regardless
43. There is no (just) plan for the world
44. Don't mimic the behaviour of successful people without understanding what made them
successful in the first place
45. Specialise, general knowledge is good as a hobby
46. Learn to recognise and avoid the arms race (eg education)
47. Make friends with outsiders to gain a fresh perspective
48. Explore then exploit
49. The less you expect, the happier you'll be
50. Sturgeons law - 90% of things is bullshit
51. Stay modest
52. Focus on inner success and don't worry about wealth or prestige

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