Possessive Adjectives

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They have got a car. my Lisa has got two friends.

his your
their its
our our
______ car is small. your ______ friends are funny. my

You have got an umbrella. my We have got a book. his

your her
his its
her our
______ umbrella is black. its ______ book is funny. their

The teacher has got a pencil. my I’ve got three bauuoons. my

her her
its your
our our
______ pencil is big. their ______ balloons are nice. their

You have got a present. his The bear has got a guitar. his
her her
our its
your our
______ present is big. their ______ guitar is small. their

I’ve got a ball. our He has got a dog. his

their her
my its
his our
______ ball is new. its ______ dog is happy. their

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