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Comparative Assessment Of Mechanical Properties Of Thermal Sprayed

P. Dinkov, Institute of Metal Science, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 67, Shipchensky prohod-Str., BG-1574
Sofia; e-mail:

Abstract: The article presents investigations of the mechanical properties of thermal sprayed coatings with
application as thermal barrier -and wear-resistance shields. The applied 7 different thermal spraying powders
were based on: NiCrBSi, NiCr-WC, Al2O3/TiO2 , Cr3C2-NiCr , ZrO2/Y2O3 , WC-Co and NiMoAl. As spraying
methods were chosen the flame spraying with subsequent sintering and the atmospheric plasma spraying. The
produced composite coatings have been subject to specific tests to get knowledge about the complex loadability
and to mark tendencies to their application for thermomechanical protection. The tests included investigations of
the adhesion tensile strength, the bending behaviour, the wear resistance and rotating bar bending experiments.
To interprete the results received more meaningful, there were performed metallographical investigations and
pilot-tests for thermal fatigue resistance. The testing programme was completed by accompanying investigations
of the micro-hardness and the surface roughness of the coating layer composites. The experiments have been
subsequently assessed and discussed.
Key words: thermal spraying, composite coatings, mechanical properties, ceramic spraying powders

1. Introduction

In wide areas of the mechanical, chemical and metallurgical plant engineering occurs a variety of wear and
corrosion problems. Significant financial costs are arising due to repairing measures and plant outages. A great
part of these problems can be prevented applying diverse coatings on high loaded construction elements in
the way that even longer standing time than new parts do have are to be achieved. Technologies like the flame
spraying with thermal post-densification (TS+TN) and the atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) are spraying
(or semi-welding) methods, which are used where an economical coating protection of big construction parts is
required under high rates of deposition. The so produced coatings (and coating systems) can give new properties
to the construction parts [1], [2].

2. Experimental conditions

The materials description is given in the Table 1. The first two spraying powders were deposited on the substrate
surface by means of flame spraying with additional thermal post-densification (subsequently sintered) .The
rest powders have been processed by APS. The NiMoAl-powder (item Nr.7) was used additionally as bonding
intermediate layer in the ceramic grades – items 3, 4 and 5.

The base materials were non alloy quality steels St 37-2 (S235 JR – EN10025) and C 15 (EN10277-2). All of
the samples have been dried out and preheated for at least 24 hours in a drying chamber at 100–120ºC. Directly
before applying of spraying the surfaces of the substrate samples were sandblasted with corundum of grain size
[-500 + 1200 µm]. Thus it was ensured that the samples surfaces became an equal roughness of Rz 64 – 74.

3. Results

3.1 Metallography

On Figure 1 is shown a coating which has a dense and coherent strucuture, typical for the flame spraying

Comparative Assessment Of Mechanical Properties Of Thermal Sprayed Coatings

Table 1 Spraying materials

Nr. Description Description by Chemical composition Grain size

manufacturer [weight- %] [μm]
1 NiCrBSi 11.16.3 GTV C – 0,75; B – 3,5; Si – 4; Cr – 16; Fe – 3; Cu – -125 + 45
2,5; Mo – 2,5; Ni – 67,75
2 NiCr-WC Eutalloy RW12112, C – 0,45; Ni – 47; Cr – 11,5; Fe – 3,5; Synerg. No
Castolin elements ca. 2,5; WC – Rest (34 %) reference
3 Al2O3/ Amperit 742.069 (HCST – Al2O3 – 96 min.; SiO2 – 0,6 max.; TiO2 – 3,5 max.; - 40 + 10
TiO2-97/3 Hermann Starck) FeO – 0,05 max.
4 Cr3C2- Amperit 584.1 (HCST) Cr: 67 – 71; C: 9,5 – 10,3; Ni: 18 – 22; O: 0,8 - 45 + 22,5
NiCr-75/20/5 max.
5 ZrO2/Y2O3-93/7 Amperit 827.1 (HCST) Y2O3: 6-8; HfO2: 2,5 max. SiO2 : 1 max.;TiO2: 0,4 - 45 + 22,5
max.; Al2O3 : 0,2 max. FeO: 0,2 max.; ZrO2 – Rest
6 WC-Co – Amperit 515.400 (HCST) Co: 11-13; C: 3,6 – 4,2; Fe: 2 max.; W – Rest acc. AMS
88/12 7879
7 NiMoAl* – Amperit 271.2 (HCST) Ni: 85-90; Mo: 4-6; Al: 4-6; Fe: 1 max.; Mn: 1 - 90 + 45
90/5/5 max.; Si: 1 max.; C: 0,5 max.
*) Annotation: The powder Nr.7 (NiMoAl) was used in the coating qualities 3, 4, and 5 as adhesion bonding layer
[0.05 – 0.10 mm].

with subsequently thermal densification The hard tungsten carbide particles (microhardness HV0,1 = 1761) are
distributed in the NiCr – matrix (HV0,1 = 785) in form of clasters. Bigger pores in comparison with that of the
system 1 (NiCrBSi) are conspicuous. There can be noticed similar defects like in the transition zone coating-
substrate of the system 1.

Figure 1 Flame sprayed Eutalloy RW12112, Figure 2 Plasma sprayed (APS-method) Amperit 827.1
Castolin (NiCr-WC); without bond coat; x 200 (ZrO2/Y2O3-93/7); with bond coat NiMoAl; x 200

The structure on Figure 2 is representative for APS and looks similar to that of the coating system 3. It is fine
grained and strong infiltrated by pores. There are no evident pore concentrations directly at the transition zone bond
coat – topcoat. The existence however of separate pores in this area can be deemed as a reason (along with the
residual stress state – subject of additional investigations) for the fracture initiation during the subsequent adhesion
tensile strength tests.

3.2 Bending tests

The Figures 3 and 4 are examples showing the achieved grade of formability. The bending angle α has been
measured after load removal. The results are sumarized in Table 2. It can be observed that the APS sandvich
structures (bond coat + top coat) exhibit significantly bigger bending angles till the first cracks initiations occure.

There are two reasons for them:

1) The coating compounds of grades 3, 4 and 5 are thinner than the rest. The coating thickness varies between 0.34
and 0.47, while the rest coatings Nr. 1, 2, 6 and 7 were deposited up to 0.7 mm.

2) The sandvich structure (bond coat + top coat) of the APS coatings enables the establishment of a suitable residual
stress state in the manner, that the compression preliminary stresses of the coating compounds can receive higher
tensile loading during the bending deformation process.

Figure 3 Bent samples (150x20x5mm): coating Figure 4 Bent samples (150x20x5mm): Up: coating
system 2 (NiCr-WC). system 3 (Al2O3/TiO2-97/3); Down: coating system 5 (ZrO2/

Table 2 Bending tests

Coating Nr Series A Series B

Bending angle Coating thickness Bending angle Coating thickness
[grade] [ mm ] [grade] [ mm ]
1 8 0.55 1.5 0.60
2 6 0.46 12 0.38
3 20 0.36 23 0.41
4 22 0.43 9 0.47
5 27 0.34 18 0.47
6 7 0.55 4 0.48
7 8 0,70 12,5 0,54

3.3 Bonding strength (Adhesion tensile strength)

The measured high adhesion strength values of the flame sprayed specimens of the systems 1 and 2 give no
information about the coating adhesion, but about the strength of the adhesive as such, because the fracture occurred
always in the adhesive. The bonding strength of similar flame sprayed coatings with subsequent densification is
formed predominantly by intensive local metallurgical interchanges and local weld-fusings.

Table 3 Adhesion tensile strength of the investigated thermal sprayed coatings

Nr Material Adhesion tensile strength, RH, [N/mm2]

1 NiCrBSi – 67,5/16/3,5/4 67
2 NiCr-WC; (47/11,5/34) 64
3 Al2O3/TiO2-97/3 37
4 Cr3C2-NiCr-75/20/5 49
5 ZrO2/Y2O3-93/7 27
6 WC-Co – 88/12 58
7 NiMoAl – 90/5/5 60

In Table 3 are shown comparatively the evaluated bonding strengths of the APS-and flame sprayed coating
compounds. The WC/Co – 88/12 spraying material belongs to the series Amperit-515 of the company H.C. Starck. It
is a molten tungsten carbide – cobalt powder, which particles contain as mean part tungsten carbide, besides cobalt
and smaller parts of complex Co-W-C-compositions. This content determines the fine carbide layer morphology,

Comparative Assessment Of Mechanical Properties Of Thermal Sprayed Coatings

which is characterized by fine pores throughout the entire structure. The high values of WC/Co – 88/12 and
NiMoAl – 90/5/5 confirm some results from forerunner works [3] and from other sources [4], [5]. Their wear rates
in accompanying tests were also the lowest. A perfect thermal sprayed bonding between substrate and coating was

Figure 5 Cross-view of the surfaces of one coated test specimen and the counter solid after their breaking. Coating:
Cr3C2-NiCr-75/20/5 with NiMoAl as intermediate bonding layer – break in the transition zone between bond coat
and top coat (koaesive fracture)

The ZrO2-coatings are expressing the tendency to relatively low adhesion strength values (ca. 27 N/mm2) and the fracture appears
up to 90 % at the interface between bond coat (NiMoAl) and top coat (ZrO2/Y2O3).

At the duplex coatings (systems 3, 4 and 5) the fracture appears predominantly in the transition zone top coat – bond coat (Figure 5).

The NiMoAl – bond coat powder (Amperit 271.2) is a spherical, alloyed powder, whose high Ni-content of 85-90 weight %
(s. Table 1) secures a strong bond with the NiCr-matrix of the top-coat in the case of system 4 (Cr3C2-NiCr). The coherent
morphology of the coating compound explains the different fracture cross sections in the adhesion tensile tests. The so called
“cohesive fracture” could be observed especially (Figure 5).

3.4 Rotating bar fatigue tests

The results are given in Figures 6 and 7 using the achieved stress number curves (SN-curves). Fractures and
destroying of specimens are visualized by arrow shown in down direction while in case of intact specimen the arrow
is in upper direction.

After comparison between the zones of the fatigue endurance strength of the coated specimens and of the uncoated
base material S235-JR (Figure 7 – thick line) it gets obvious that the material compounds fitted with coatings ZrO2/
Y2O3, Al2O3/TiO2, WC-NiCr and WC-Co exhibit a higher positioned fatigue endurance limit zones.

Interesting results were obtained with the specimens fitted with Cr3C2-NiCr (and NiMoAl as bond coat). Inspite
of the fact that the fatigue endurance limit was in much lower position on the diagram than the endurance limit of
the base metal, the transition from the fatigue strength for finite life or the creep rupture strength (decreasing curve
zone) to the fatigue endurance limit zone (horizontal curve zone) occurs earlier (slightly before 105 cycles).

At the rotating symmetric specimens with coating compounds completely of NiCrBSi or with NiMoAl the
horizontal area of the curves begins earlier too, but with values remarkably lower than the “pure” steel substrate
S235-JR does (Figure 7). The fatigue strength for finite life or the creep rupture strength areas (decreasing curve
zones) of these coated specimens are situated closed to each other. The specimens coated with WC-Co exhibit a
decreasing curve zone, which is moved to the highest cycle numbers (to the right direction of the diagram).

Apart from the timely moved transition zones between the fatigue strength for finite life (decreasing curve zone) and
the fatigue endurance limit zone (horizontal curve zone), the specimens with ZrO2/Y2O3 (System 5), Al2O3 (System
3) and WC-NiCr (System 2 – Eutalloy) exhibit an increasing of the fatigue strength in comparison to the non coated
S235-JR specimens.

3.5 Thermal fatigue resistance tests

The test results of the thermal fatigue resistance

are presented in Figure 8, Tables 4 and 5. In the
cases of the coating qualities 1, 2, 3 and 5 there
could be find neither thermal induced cracks,
nor some changes of colour. However at the
coating system 4 (Cr3C2 – NiCr and NiMoAl
as bond coat) the first changes of colour
occurred after about 20 cycles. But after optical
observation with stereo lens there were not any
cracks noticed. The same result came out at
the NiMoAl – coatings (quality 7). The cracks
however, occured here after about 120 cycles
(Table 4).

Figure 6 SN-curves: rotating bar fatigue tests of thermal sprayed WC-Co – 88/12 – coatings (coating system
specimens Nr.6):

All the tested WC-Co coatings failed after the

40th cyclus. Mostly about 50 % of the coating
spalled complete. However the coating as in its
intimate structure remained intact and solid.

In order to define the operation zone of this

coating system regarding its thermal fatigue
resistance, tests were conducted at lower
temperature as follows (s. Table 5): coating
thickness: 0.6 mm; tact time: 15 seconds;
maximum heating temperature Theat = 440 ºC ;
cooling temperature Tcool = 235 ºC .

Under the quoted conditions were reached

cycle numbers up to 630 without any failure.

Figure 7 SN-curves: comparison of rotating bar fatigue tests on Comments to Table 4:

uncoated and coated steel St37-2 (S235 JR – DIN: EN10025) with
NiMoAl – 90/5/5 (Amperit 271.2 (HCST)). For Nr. 4: After the 20th cycle occured yellow-
brown colour changes; After the 40th cycle –
total blue-purple colour changes

For Nr. 6: After the 15th cycle – green-blue

colour changes; After the 40th cycle – spalling

For Nr.7: First cracks and local yellow colour

changes – after the 120th cycle;

For better illustration the results are given

compared in Table 6. The thermal fatigue
resistance and the wear resistance acc. [6] of
the coating compounds are presented with a
Figure 8 Thermal fatigue resistance tests: T2 = 620 [ºC]; T1 = RT qualitative assessment.
(room temperature); tact time: 5 minutes

Comparative Assessment Of Mechanical Properties Of Thermal Sprayed Coatings

Table 4 Testing of the thermal fatigue resistance: T2 = 620 [ºC]; T1 = RT (room temperature); tact time: 5 minutes

Coating system Coating thickness [mm] Temperature difference: ΔT [ºC]

NiCrBSi 0.6 55
NiCr-WC 0.7 65
Al2O3/TiO2-97/3 0.1 + 0.5 50
Cr3C2-NiCr-75/20/5 0.1 + 0.2 55
ZrO2/Y2O3-93/7 0.1 + 0.2 90
WC-Co – 88/12 0.6 60
NiMoAl* – 90/5/5 0.6 -

Table 5 Testing of the thermal fatigue resistance (Maximum heating temperature Theat = 440ºC; Cooling
temperature Tcool = 235ºC)

Nr Coating System BC TC Tact time Cycles TDS TS

Bond coat Top coat [s] number [°C] [°C]
[mm] [mm]
4 Cr3C2-NiCr 0,1 0,2 15 630 230 210
6 WC-Co - 0,6 15 630 440 235

Table 6 Overview of test results with qualitative assessment

Nr Material Manufacturer`s Method Structure Hardness Raughness Wear Thermal

description ( 3) [Rz] resist. *) fatigue
[620°C –
1 NiCrBSi – 11.16.3 (GTV) FS + 718 HV0,1 24 ◊◊ ◊◊◊
67,5/16/3,5/4 TN
(-125 + 45 µm)
2 NiCr-WC Eutalloy RW12112 FS + Matrix 785 HV0,1 31 ◊◊◊ ◊◊◊
47/11,5/34 (Castolin) TN Carbide 1761 HV0,1
3 Al2O3/ Amperit 742.069 APS BC 230 HV0,05 33 ◊◊ ◊◊◊
TiO2-97/3 (HCST – Hermann
(-40 + 10 µm) Starck) TC 1413 HV0,1
4 Cr3C2- Amperit 584.1 APS BC 276 HV0,05 47 ◊◊ ◊♦♦
NiCr-75/20/5 (HCST)
TC 1192 HV0,1
(-45 + 22,5 µm)

5 ZrO2/Y2O3-93/7 Amperit 827.1 APS BC 280 HV0,05 39 ◊ ◊◊◊

(-45 + 22,5 µm) (HCST)
TC 1192 HV0,1

6 WC-Co – 88/12 Amperit 515.400 APS 1390 HV0,1 32 ◊◊◊ ◊

Grain size (HCST)
according to
AMS 7879
7 NiMoAl – Amperit 271.2 APS 262 HV0,05 89 ◊◊ ◊◊♦
90/5/5 (HCST)
(-90 + 45 µm)


low medium high Changes of colour

*) Wear resistance ◊ ◊◊ ◊◊◊
**) Thermal fatigue resistance ◊ ◊◊ ◊◊◊ ♦
BC: Bond Coating; TC: Top Coating

3.6. Wear resisting behaviour

Variations of the running time and of the contact force had been undertaken during the test performing. The
volumetric wear rate was used as a criteria for the wear rate because in this way the various specific weight of
the coating materials might not be considered. The following dependancies for the volumetric wear rate V were

As function of the contact force at constant running time and quality of the abrasive counter solid (SiC – grade 120);
As function of the various running time at constant contact force and quality of the counter solid (SiC – grade 120).

The results are given graphically in Figure 9(a-d). The volumetric wear rate as a function of the contact force
is illustrated in Figure 9(a). It gets clear that 3 groups of coating qualities in relation to their wear rates can be

1st group: NiCr-WC and WC-Co :

The wear rates are the lowest. A slight increasing of the wear volume as function of the contact force Fn can be
noticed. The perfect thermal sprayed bonding between substrate and coating was evident.

2nd group: NiCrBSi, NiMoAl, Al2O3/TiO2 and Cr3C2-NiCr :

Here is remarkable the abrupt decreasing of the wear rates of the coating quality 4 (Cr3C2-NiCr) with the initial
increasing of the contact force from 60 N to 80 N. This can be brought in relation with the surface roughness of the
coating (s. Figure 9d) and so concluded that the Cr3C2-NiCr-coatings (Amperit 827.1) are very susceptible in the
initial test-phase. Similar behaviour in the initial test phase have the Al2O3/TiO2 – 97/3 –coatings.

However the relatively high roughness values measured of NiMoAl (Figure 9(d) are not leading to high wear
rates. In contrary – the NiMoAl-coatings have the same lamellar structure as the usually used in the maintenance
selffluxing NiCrBSi-based alloys. Still during the layers consolidation in the thermal spraying process occurs an
optimal mechanical clamping and wetting of the solidifying coating layers.

3rd group: – ZrO2/Y2O3-93/7 with NoMoAl-bond coat:

These specimens show the lowest wear resistance. In Figure 9b are given the rates of the volumetric wear as a
function of the time. The WC-containing coatings (system 2 and system 6) have the lowest wear rates. In the second
group is an other tendency obvious – the systems 3 and 4 (Al2O3-based and Cr3C2-based) wear identically. The same
is valid for the systems 7 und 1 (NiMoAl and NiCrBSi) in the same group. The following interpretations can be
made basing on Figure 9d:

The system 5 (ZrO2/Y2O3) has the highest wear rate (about 230 μm) under an average raughness value of Rz = 39

The system 7 (NiCrMoAl) occupies the second place with a wear rate of about 160 μm. The volumetric wear rate
[mm3] is comparable with those of the coating qualities 3 and 4 (Figure 9d). The obtained high wear rates of system
7 during the initial test phase (30 seconds) are to be related with the higher surface roughness value of (Rz 89 μm).

The noticed fluctuations in the residual coating thickness of the NiCrBSi-wear specimens were caused by the
unequal plane parallelity of the coating surface. The reason was the quasi-molten-liquified state of the coating
surface during the flame spraying process (becoming visible as the so called “wet appearance”).

In [5] was reported from adhesive wear resistance (Taber Abraser Tests) of similar materials. Different thermal
sprayed coatings had been examinated in respect of their behaviour under the “Stud – Disc” – wear test conditions
according another source – [4]. The APS – Al2O3/TiO2-97/3 showed the highest wear resistance and let to be
categorized along with the flame sprayed selffluxing NiCrBSi – alloys.

Comparative Assessment Of Mechanical Properties Of Thermal Sprayed Coatings

a) b)

c) d)
Figure 9 (a-d). Volumetric wear rates V30 [mm3] as a function of the contact force Fn [N], time, coating systems.
Countersolid surface with SiC-grain size 120 μm

4 Discussion

Due to the big majority of combinations of spraying parameters and the limited literature data regarding test
conditions as well, it is very difficult to make ultimate comparative analysis or if so – only with compromises.
Usually the materials related aspects of coating morphology are thoroughly discussed without assessment of
spraying conditions and parameters or vice versa. Here arises the need of using FEM-methods and electronic-optical
determination of the opened and closed porosity for modeling the morphology of the coating compounds. At the
same time thermal and mechanical generated strain-stress states can be simulated and further compared with the test
results ([1], [7], [8]).


The accompanying metallographic investigations helped to give the evidence that the coating adhesion strength
was local impaired by impurities (rests of steel and grit particles). A coherent porosity in the lower areas of the
coating structures (however not a continuous porosity reaching to the coating surface) was ascertained additionally.
Therefore a longer “pure” blasting stage by compressed air without grit supply is highly recommended during the
substrate preparation in the grit blasting chamber.

Bending behaviour:

The coatings 3, 4 and 5 have an optimal thickness and are generally thinner than the coatings of the rest samples (to
be compared with the coating thickness of series A and B in Table 2). The thicknesses vary between 0.34 and 0.47
mm, while the rest coatings (1, 2, 6 and 7) had not any bond coat and the thicknesses were up to 0.7 mm. Because
of the sandvich structure of the APS-sprayed coatings a suitable inherent residual stress state has been established,
so that the compression preloaded coating compounds could receive higher tensile stress loadings during the
deformation process.

Adhesion tensile strength:

The ZrO2-based coatings showed the tendency to relatively low adhesion strength values (ca. 27 N/mm2). At the
duplex coatings (systems 3, 4 and 5) the fracture appears predominantly in the transition zone top coat – bond coat.
At the system 4 (Cr3C2-NiCr) were observed different fracture cross sections because of the strong bond between
the Ni-containing bond coat and the Ni-containing matrix of the top coat (coherent morphologies).The so called
“cohesive fracture” could been observed especially.

Rotating fatigue strength:

The compound with WC-Co exhibits a decreasing curve zone, which is moved to the highest cycle numbers (to the
right direction of the diagram).

Apart from the timely moved transition zones between the creep rupture area / fatigue strength for finite life
(decreasing curve zone) and the fatigue endurance limit zone (horizontal curve zone), the specimens with ZrO2/
Y2O3 (System 5), Al2O3 (System 3) and WC-NiCr (System 2 – Eutalloy) exhibit an increasing of the fatigue strength
in comparison to the non coated S235-JR specimens. The explaination of such behaviour can be searched (like
preliminary results of the 3-point bending tests have already shown – [9]), in a convenient compression residual
stress state, which is established in the periphery of the rotation symmetric specimens.

Thermal fatigue behaviour:

In the cases of the coating qualities 1, 2, 3 and 5 there could be find neither thermal induced cracks, nor some
changes of colour. However at the coating system 4 (Cr3C2 – NiCr and NiMoAl as bond coat) the first changes
of colour occurred after 20 cycles but without cracks. A limited thermal fatigue behaviour showed the NiMoAl –
coatings (quality 7). It was stated also that the WC-Co-88/12-coatings have a low resistance against thermal induced
loading. This susceptibility begins above 440°C. The latter is true without limitations only under the conservative
test conditions.

By means of dilatometer measurements there were determined linear expansion coefficients – α –of the thermal
sprayed WC-Co-coating with values of 6,58 (in the range: RT to 300 ºC) und 7,17 (RT – 600 ºC). The difference
between the measured value of α –of the WC-Co coating obtained and the α – value for St37-2 (14.10-6K-1) as
well the lack of interface bond layer between the steel substrate and the WC-Co thermally sprayed coatings are the
reasons, which can be regarded for the failing of this coating compound.

As another reason for the failure of the WC/Co – 88/12 can additionally be approached the allotrope transformation
of the Cobalt-matrix at 417 – 420ºC from the hexagonal (ε) in to the cubic plane centered (α) lattice structure. This
transformation can cause a distortion of the matrix assisted with cracks initiation. The partially coherent porosity
stated in the transition zone of the interface coating – substrate can also be deemed as a failure factor ([6], [9], [10]).

Wear resistance:

The coatings with NiCr-WC and with WC-Co (or those containing tungsten carbide) exhibited the highest wear
resistance against SiC (with 120 grain size). The changing of the wear rates is degressive. According to the
expectations the ZrO2/Y2O3 – specimens wear out rapidly. A progressive change of the wear rates is observed. The
rest of the coatings (Cr3C2-NiCr, Al2O3/TiO2, NiCrBSi and NiMoAl) has nearly a linear wear behaviour. The results
of the wear tests can be brought into relation with the adhesion tensile strength (Table 3) of the same coatings.

Comparative Assessment Of Mechanical Properties Of Thermal Sprayed Coatings


This work was performed with the technical support of Bayer AG Leverkusen, IN-ATU Werkstofftechnik. This
valuable support is gratefully acknowledged.


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