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SOL 104230-92-A-0012


Newspaper Columns and Radio Releases

SOL 104230-92-A-0012
Due: 12/9/97 4:00 pm

U.S. Postal Service

Office of Procurement, Room 4541
475 L’Enfant Plaza, SW
Washington, DC 20260-6237

Smith Jones Advertising Agency

123 Main Street
Omaha, NE 12345
SOL 104230-92-A-0012



Project Approach 3

Discussion 4

Subcontracting Relationships 5


Appendix A: Writing Samples

Appendix B: Relevant Experience

Appendix C: Samples of Placement Results

Appendix D: Qualifications of Key Personnel

Appendix E: Review of Statistical Reports

Appendix F: References
SOL 104230-92-A-0012


Smith Jones believes that there are two essential components to the success of the U.S. Postal
Service’s contract for the preparation of newspaper columns and radio releases.

One component is the quality of writing. Our years of experience in working with the media to
obtain coverage for our clients has taught us that top quality writing is essential to having
information utilized in both the print and broadcast media. Articles and releases must be well
written, appropriate, and interesting in order to obtain placement in the news media.

For this reason we have established an agreement with Jane O’Brien of Writing Specialists to
provide all writing and editing of the U.S. Postal Service columns and releases. Jane O’Brien is
experienced in writing and editing articles and releases. In addition, as a quality control
mechanism, O’Brien will route all materials through our offices for review and approval before
being forwarded to the Postal Service. We believe this two-step approach to the creation of the
materials will ensure higher quality writing; fewer revisions needed by the Postal Service, and
increased number of placements.

The second component vital to successful placement of the U.S. Postal Service’s columns and
releases is the nationwide media distribution channel. Access to newspaper and radio stations
across the country is critical.

To provide this access we will utilize the services of Medial USA, which has a production and
distribution system in place of efficiently distribute and track all news columns and radio
releases issued in behalf of the Postal Service. Media USA will work with Smith Jones to
provide accurate statistical reports and updates to the Postal Service as clips arrive.

Smith Jones believe that excellent writing skills and fresh approach to the column format
combined with a nationwide media distribution service will provide the U.S. Postal Service with
superior results in terms of placements and consumer feedback.

Our approach to this contract emphasizes preparing creative columns and releases that will
generate placements. While nationwide media distribution systems are an excellent means of
disseminating publicity materials, they often take a “cookie-cutter” approaching to writing
releases. We can produce higher quality, more dynamic columns and releases that will get picked
up by editors. We believe the superiority of our writing abilities will result in numbers of
clippings beyond the minimum quantity of 100.

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