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(SOLVED) The Caplans contract with Faithful Construction

Inc to build a
The Caplans contract with Faithful Construction, Inc., to build a house for them for $ 360,000.
The specifications state “all plumbing bowls and fixtures . . . to be Crane brand.” The Caplans
leave on vacation, and during their absence, Faithful is unable to buy and install Crane
plumbing fixtures. […]

David and Sandra Dess contracted with Sirva Relocation, LLC, to assist in selling their home. In
their contract, the Desses agreed to disclose all information about the property on which Sirva
“and other prospective buyers may rely in deciding whether and on what terms to purchase the
Property.” The Kincaids […]

Arnold Kazery was the owner of a hotel leased to George Wilkinson. The lease included
renewal options of ten years each. When Arnold transferred his interest in the property to his
son, Sam, no one notified Wilkinson. For the next twenty years, Wilkinson paid the rent to
Arnold and renewed […]

Bruce Albea contracting, Inc., was the general contractor on a state highway project. Albea
subcontracted the asphalt work to APAC-Southeast, Inc. Their contact prohibited any delegation
without Albea’s consent. In migproject, APAC delegated its duties to Mattews contracting co.
although albea allowed mattews to finish the work, albea did not […]


Senna Hills, Ltd., granted Southern Union Co. the right to distribute propane in a residential
subdivision developed by Senna in exchange for a fee. Under their agreement, Senna’s “ right
to receive a Fee shall continue for so long as the Propane System is owned by Southern
Union.” The agreement […]

Newmark & Co. Real Estate, Inc., contacted 2615 East 17 Street Realty, LLC, to lease certain
real property on behalf of a client. Newmark e-mailed the landlord a separate agreement for the
payment of Newmark’s commission. The landlord e- mailed it back with a separate demand to
pay the commission […]

On May 1, by telephone, Yu offers to hire Benson to perform personal services. On May 5,

Benson returns Yu’s call and accepts the offer. Discuss fully whether this contract falls under
the Statute of Frauds in the following circumstances: (a) The contract calls for Benson to be
employed for […]


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