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(SOLVED) The Hercules decision was heavily criticized by

some members of
The Hercules decision was heavily criticized by some members of the business press but was
received with great relief by public accountants. Did the Supreme Court of Canada define the
purpose of the audit too narrowly? What is the appropriate balance between fairly compensating
those who suffer loss and discouraging […]

Zizel Utility has reason to believe that one of its long-term trusted employees has been
defrauding the company. Joe Plates, the supervisor of the accounts receivables department,
has worked for Zizel for 17 years and has an excellent work record. While Joe was on holidays,
his replacement discovered a fraud. […]

In Honda v. Keays, the Supreme Court of Canada stated that if an employee can prove the
manner of dismissal caused mental stress that was in the contemplation of the parties (mental
distress over and above the normal impact of termination), the damages should be awarded
through an award that […]

The Supreme Court of Canada has indicated that in some circumstances, it is necessary for a
dismissed employee to mitigate her damages by returning to work for the same employer. In
what circumstances do you think a terminated employee should be required to return to work for
her ex-employer? Do […]


Mandatory retirement has been abolished in almost all Canadian jurisdictions. This will result in
more people working past the traditional retirement ages of 60 to 65. When there was
mandatory retirement, employers often ignored performance issues with older employees
because they would soon retire. With the abolition of mandatory retirement, […]

Abigail Fletcher worked as a marketing analyst in the soft drinks division of Food Group
International. The vice president of sales and marketing for her division touched her
inappropriately and said, “Are you wearing shorter skirts yet, Abigail, because it would make
your job a whole lot easier.” Is the […]

a) Bill Reyno owns and operates a bottle recycling plant. He has recently experienced a rash of
thefts and break-ins and wants to hire a night watchman or security guard. Bill wants someone
large and feisty in case there are any problems. What steps should Bill take in hiring someone


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