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(SOLVED) The Public Service Commission of State X

issued a regulation
The Public Service Commission of State X issued a regulation completely banning all
advertising that ‘‘promotes the use of electricity’’ by any electric utility company in State X.
The commission issued the order to conserve energy. Central Electric Corporation of State X
challenges the order in the State courts, arguing […]

The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 provides that ‘‘the United States of America is declared to
possess and exercise complete and exclusive national sovereignty in the airspace of the United
States.’’ The city of Orion adopted an ordinance that makes it unlawful for jet aircraft to take off
from its […]

The Supreme Court of State G decided that the United States Constitution requires professors
to warn students of their right to remain silent before questioning the students about cheating.
This ruling directly conflicts with a decision of the Federal Court of Appeals for the circuit that
includes State G.(a) Must […]

The Supreme Court of State A ruled that, under the law of State A, pit bull owners must either
keep their dogs fenced or pay damages to anyone bitten by the dogs. Assess the accuracy of
the following statements:(a) It is likely that the U.S. Supreme Court would issue a […]


State Senator Bowdler convinced the legislature of State Z to pass a law requiring all professors
to submit their class notes and transparencies to a board of censors to be sure that no ‘‘lewd’’
materials were presented to students at State universities. Professor Rabelais would like to
challenge this law […]

You and Joe Jones, your neighbor and friend, bought lottery tickets at the corner drugstore.
While watching the lottery drawing on television with you that night, Joe leaps from the couch,
waves his lottery ticket, and shouts, ‘‘I’ve got the winning number!’’ Suddenly, he clutches his
chest, keels over, and […]

You have just received a report suggesting that a chemical your company uses in its
manufacturing process is very dangerous. You have not read the report, but you are generally
aware of its contents. You believe that the chemical can be replaced fairly easily, but that if
word gets out, […]


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