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Where do you work ?


a. Listen and Practice !

David : Where do you work, Anisa?

Anisa : I work in a hospital in Jakarta
David : Oh, really? What do yo do there?
Anisa : I am a midwife
David : How Interesing
Anisa : Yes, It's a great job.
I love it and what do you do?
David : I am a student and I have a part time job, too.
Anisa : Oh, where do you work?
David : in a cafe
Anisa : Which cafe
David : Deli Burger and Ice Cream

b. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

1. What does Anisa do ?

2. Where does Anisa work ?
3. How does Anita like her job ?
4. What does David do ?
5. Does he have part time job ?
6. Where does he work ?

Simple present WH-questions and statements
What do you do? I am a student, and I have a part time job.
Where do you work? I work in a cafe
Where do you go to school? I go to the University of Whashington
What does Anisa do? She is a nurse
Where does Anisa work? She works in a hospital.
What does she do there? She is a midwife. She helps patients
How does she like it? She loves it.

a. Complete this conversation. Then practice with a parter !

1. A : What ........... you ........?

B : I am a student, and I major in midwifery.
A : And ....... do school?
B : I ....... to Wealth University.
A : Wow! ........ do you like your classes?
B : I ........ them a lot.

2. A : What ........................ Sandra do?

B : She's a teacher. She ........ Chemestry at a Pharmacy College.
A : And what about Jim? Where ......... he work?
B : He .......... for a big computer company in New York.
A : .................. does he do exactly?
B : He's a website designer. He .................. fantastic Websites.

b. Pair work. What do you know about these jobs. Complete the chart !
A Teacher A Doctor A Midwife
A. works for a school 1..................................... 1.....................................
b. teaches students 2..................................... 2.....................................

c. gives examinations 3..................................... 3.....................................


a. Read the text carefully !

Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative

Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFI) is a worldwide program of the WHO and UNICEF
launched in 1991. The initiative is a global effort for improving the role of matternity services
to enable nothers to breastfeed babies for the best start in life.

There are 10 steps as standards succes of BFI :

1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff.
2. Train all health care staff in skill necessary to implement the policy.
3. Infrom all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding.
4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within a half-hour of birth.
5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain loctation, even if they should be
seperated from their infant.
6. Give newborn infant no food or drink other than breastmilk, unless medically indicated.
7. Practice roaming in allow mothers and infants to remain together-24 hours a day.
8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
9. Give no artificial teats or pacifiers (also called dummies or soothers) to breastfeeding
10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to them on
charge from hospital or clinic.
Since the program's inceptions, approximately 15,000 facilities in more than 152 countries
have been inspected and accredited as “ Baby-Friendly”.

b. Answers the questions based on the text above!

1. What is BFI?
2. When was it launched?
3. What is the purpose of BFI?
4. Does a mother need to know about BFI?
5. Who gives the information about BFI?
6. Is this world-wide program?
7. How many countries participated in this program?
8. How many facilities have been accredited?


look up the words in the dictionary

1. effort : ....................
2. maternity : ....................
3. breastfeeding : ....................
4. policy : ....................
5. infants : ....................
6. roaming-in : ....................
7. demand : ....................
8. teat : ....................
9. pacifier : ....................
10. foster : ....................


Please write six (6) steps for the success of BFI that can be implemented in Indonesia.


Prepare some slides about 6 steps for the succes of BFI, then present it in front of class!

Tell me about your brother and sister !

a. Listen and Practice !

Luna : Tell me about your brother and sister, Tiara !

Tiara : Well, my sister works at the Hospital.
Luna : Oh, What does she do?
Tiara : She is a midwife. She is taking care of pregnant women.
Luna : Wow, and what about your brother?
Tiara : He is an actor.
Luna : What an interesting family! Can I meet them ?
Tiara : Uh, no. My sister's away. She is not working here this week.
Luna : And your brother ?
Tiara : He is traveling in Bali.

b. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

1. What are Luna and Tiara talking about ?

2. What does Tiara's sister do ?
3. What does Tiara's brother do ?
4. Can Luna meet Tiara's family ?
5. Where is Tiara's brother traveling?


Present Continuous
What are they doing ? They are looking for a medicine
Where are you working now ? I am working in a hospital
What is your brother doing these days? He is traveling in Bangkok

Are you looking for a medicine? Yes, I am. No, I am not.

Is your sister working at the hospital? Yes, she is. No, She is not.

a. Complete the sentences using the following verbs in present continous !

begin change get increase rise

1. The population of the world is increasing very fast

2. The world ....................... .Things never stay the same.
3. The situation is already bad and it ....................... worse.
4. The cost of living ....................... . every year things are more expensive
5. The weather ....................... to improve. The rain has stopped, and the wind isn't as

b. Put the verb into the correct form !

1. Please don't make so much noise. The patients .......................(try) to sleep.

2. Let's go home now. It ....................... (rain) anymore.
3. Tim....................... (work) this week. He's on holiday
4. Why are all these people here? What....................... ? (They/do)
5. What are you doing ? I ....................... a medicine (buy)


a. Read the text carefully !

What Is an Obstetrician?

An obstetrician is a doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's

reproductive system. Although other doctors can deliver babies, many women see an
obstetrician. Your obstetrician can take care of you throughout your pregnancy, and give you
follow-up care such as annual Pap tests for years to come.

What Your Obsterician Does

During your pregnancy:

J Monitor your health and your developing babies' health, including doing routine
ultrasounds, measurements, and tests
J Check for health conditions that could cause problems during your pregnancy or affect
your babies' health, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, infections, and genetic disorders
J Advise you about diet, exercise, medications, and staying healthy
J Help you cope with morning sickness, back and leg pain, heartburn, and other common
pregnancy complaints
J Answer your questions about pregnancy and your growing baby
J Explain what will happen during labor and delivery

b. Answer these questions based on the text above !

1. What is an Obstetrician?
2. What does the Obstetrician do?
3. What will Obstetrician do during labor ?
4. ".....................Give you follow-up care such as annual “Pap tests” for years to come.
(Line 4).
What is the other term of the underlined word?


Find some words related to the obstetrician !

a. morning sickness
b. pregnancy
c. childbirth
d. .................................................................
e. .................................................................
f. .................................................................
g. ..................................................................
h. ..................................................................
i. ..................................................................
j. ...................................................................


Group Work !

Write sentences using the words above!

a. Morning sickness is nausea in pregnancy, typically occurring in the first few months
b. Pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant or the period of time during which a female
is pregnant
c. Childbirth is ........................................................................................................
d. ...............................................................................................................................
e. ...............................................................................................................................
f. ...............................................................................................................................
g. ...............................................................................................................................


Group Work!

Prepare some slides about obstetrician job description and present it in front of the class !

How was your weekend ?


a. Listen and Practice!

Ana : Hi, Citra. How was your weekend ?

Citra : It was great. I went to Bandung with my parents. We had wonderful time.
Ana : Lucky you. How long were you there ?
Citra : About two days
Ana : Fantastic ! Was the weather ok ?
Citra : Not really. It was cloudy most of the time. But we went to floating market. It
was exciting. How was your weekend Ana ?
Ana : It was terrible. I didn't go anywhere. I worked over time on Saturday.
We helped a mother delivering the baby.

b. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

1. How was Citra's weekend ?

2. Where did she go on her weekend ?
3. How long was she in Bandung ?
4. How was Ana's weekend ?
5. What did Ana do on her weekend ?


Past with be, regular and irregular verb

Was your weekend ok ? Yes, it was
Was the weather ok ? No, it wasn't
Were your parents there ? Yes, they were
Were you and your parents there ? No, we weren't

How long were you there ? I was there for two days
How was your weekend ? It was great

Did you work on weekend ? Yes, I did. I worked all day.

No, I didn't. I didn't work on weekend.
What did you do on your weekend ? I stayed home. I didn't go anywhere.
We went to Bandung. We had a great time

Regular verbs Irregular Verbs

work - worked do - did

invite - invited forget - forgot
stop - stopped go - went

Use the simple past form to complete the sentences !

1. A : How long ............ you in Bandung ?
B : We ......... there for a week .
2. A : ............. they in hospital long ?
B : No, they ........ They ...... there only two days.
3. A : ......... were you last vacation?
B : We .... in Palembang.
A : Really ? How long there?
B : For almost a month. We .......there on business too.
4. A : home on Sunday?
B : No, I didn't .....(stay) .... . I .... (check) the patient .
5. A : How .....(spend) your last holiday ?
B : I .....(have).. a great time. We .....(go) to Medan.
6. A : ..... you ...(do)....anything special on your vacation ?
B : Yes, I ....... I ....(go) shopping with my classmate.


1. Female Reproductive System

2. Male Reproductive system


a. Read the text cefully !

Reproductive System
The reproductive system or genital system is a system of sex organs within an organism
which work together for the purpose of sexual reproduction. Many non-living substances
such as fluids, hormones, and pheromones are also important accessories to the reproductive
system. The system of organs involved with the reproduction of an organism, especially
sexual reproduction. It consists mainly of the ovaries, uterus, and vagina in females and the
testes and penis in males.
The major function of the reproductive system is to ensure survival of the species. Other
systems in the body, such as the endocrine and urinary systems, work continuously to maintain
homeostasis for survival of the individual. An individual may live a long, healthy, and happy life
without producing offspring, but if the species is to continue, at least some individuals must
produce offspring. Within the context of producing offspring, the reproductive system has four
functions: to produce egg and sperm cells; to transport and sustain these cells; to nurture the
developing offspring; to produce hormones.

b. Answer the following questions based on the text!

1. What is a reproductive system ?

2. Mention some important accessories to the reproductive system !
3. What does “ it refer to in sentence line 5 paragraph 1?
4. What is the major function of reproductive system ?
5. Mention the other four functions of reproductive system !

1. Complete the folowing group words based on the text above !

No. Female Reproductive System Parts Male Reproductive System Parts


2. Complete the paragraph with words provided !

a. glands b. cervix c. ovum d. scrotum e. sperm

How reproductive systems work

The male reproductive system consists of two major parts: the testes, where .........(1)... are
produced, and the penis, according to Merck Manuals. The penis and urethra belong to both the
urinary and reproductive systems in males. The testes are carried in an external pouch known as
the ..........(2)....., where they normally remain slightly cooler than body temperature to facilitate
sperm production.

The external structures of the female reproductive system include the clitoris, labia minora, labia
majora and Bartholin's ..........(3)...., according to the Cleveland Clinic. The major internal organs
of the female reproductive system include the vagina and uterus — which act as the receptacle
for semen — and the ovaries, which produce the female's ova. The vagina is attached to the
uterus through the .........(4)..., while the fallopian tubes connect the uterus to the ovaries. In
response to hormonal changes, one ........(5)...., or egg — or more in the case of multiple births —
is released and sent down the fallopian tube during ovulation. If not fertilized, this egg is
eliminated during menstruation.


Group work !

Write the function of these reproductive systems ?

1. Testes (male)

2. Vagina and uterus (female)


Group work !

Report in front of the class the function of the reproductive systems!

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